Arin's Biggest Freakouts Compilation!

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Haven't even watched this yet and already I'm sad that Arin's "What is this!?!" rant is probably not in it...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 23 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/YKMR3000 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 24 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Mouse hover thumbnail shows the famous Super Mario Sunshine moment.

This is gonna be fun.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Jeskid14 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 24 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Is his inability to solve the letter R rant in there? That was like the only great moment through those riddle episodes

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/zidolos πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 24 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is bittersweet, it’s perpetrating Arins β€œ I have to be angry” mindset

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Nolar2015 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 24 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Why are they making this type of comp? The fans have done it to death

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/nathanhills πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 24 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Idk if some of these are bits or not, but I don't enjoy hearing Arin cry :(

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/i_c_punny_people πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 24 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
I don't really don't know what's the game I've no idea I have no idea I'm walking up to the duck nothing's happening there's a drumroll it disappears wait for it it's it's it's it's it's my IQ is 20 degrees lower yeah what is the opposite of not oh you are in hell [Applause] [Music] [Music] no you know what next time I is getting weird Aaron Aaron come on quit joking around I'm making the cloud nicko wait where does everyone is in the center oh go [ __ ] yourself okay do this you can do this [ __ ] don't even tell me thank you that's legit anger what happened oh my god that was a lot of property damage there Oh Aaron Aaron what do I just maybe go back to gelato Beach we could just hang out and have some fun have some fun times let's go back to fast forwarding maybe I don't understand oh this world is hard definitely come on man I shot a book you saw me shoot the green thing up at the guy you saw it flew into another dimension or wherever the [ __ ] he goes when he dies I don't give a [ __ ] he can go [ __ ] back to his mom's house for all I care go back to his room and he's all like Oh why'd you change my room you knew I was coming back and she's like snuggles and then he's like you love them more than you love me hey Barry let's fast-forward uh how about Barry how about this you go about your [ __ ] happy old day you're gay all day as they said in the gay old times he's already fast forwarded that's up for Barry to decide what do you think Barry jewy fast forward give you a little extra work that's wording that okay come on Helen oh my god come on he's hosted this has a moment sure if this has to be a dude oh she's happy she's in a good mood yeah let's see oh my god I gave you Elyse better song she is jaunty sad not that into your a bracelet take that hand bro I am in love with you gotta let it go I want to put my face between your boat did well I mean yeah obviously goes without saying yeah no I hear come on man bring it in bring it in bring it bring it in come on bring it in come on yeah there you go Biggers my special girl okay okay big cat okay okay let's go to drop the bass Island okay okay it's gonna be alright it's gonna be right go go go yeah you have to anticipate it summarize [ __ ] sucks [Music] come on [ __ ] kidding me ah this is the worst this is some genuine rage go big a waste only six more like that and he was like [ __ ] 20 e tanks in this [ __ ] god damn it with the [ __ ] the lowering of the head and throwing of the pellets oh man alright I'm going okay it's gonna be [ __ ] rich no I reached he's hurt it's hurting him no it did it did it did that one time there you go [ __ ] [ __ ] don't don't don't don't just okay it's a pattern come on man Wow Oh [ __ ] fight you want to go you want to throw down I'm fine with that [ __ ] you get a blue coin blue quartz Moines okay pennies will coin when you got [ __ ] mental breakdown the blue coin is giving me shines and [ __ ] Sandifer [ __ ] care can't buy crack cocaine with shines you gotta use real money so I can make money go on black markets everybody knows the [ __ ] people I'm scared they're like pretty boy mysticum penis in that butthole but you know satisfy you when you have the coke is just makes you want more clock so you go you [ __ ] in the ass a little bit more y'all right miss no I go up here and I press the button and I go through here I kill the guys up here they are dad okay I go back down yes I go around yes I kill these guys Danny please I'm sorry the laughs you call me Danny so really like you really must be in a state right now oh good angry mother they're dead go to your room it's just just [ __ ] go to your rooster shop don't talk go here rooms oh don't patronize me man I'm sick there's five there's five now yeah nothing's gonna change I just have to die and start over it's a hope that maybe this time when I tossed the dice they'll [ __ ] die I jumped over the thing and now I kill that brain and kill this guy and I kill that guy and he's dead and he comes back to life because he shot the fire and there's four brains and one of them's gonna come back to life oh my goodness gracious and doing my [ __ ] best oh this is probably like the best I've ever done in any game is that right because just the level of hardness three times three [ __ ] times and I wasn't dying I think like garbage II sent myself let this episode I don't know what number this is peroneus go down in history as the game a quintessential game grumps episode where you got so grumpy you know what that makes me happy cuz it makes me feel like you and I have a connection doing that we both love I'm kind of getting into it ever made wait huh yeah dude I cleared it with zero seconds all right all right oh dude we've only got 30 or 40 more levels why the [ __ ] is wrong with me I should have I should have seen the signs I should have seen the warning signs I don't know oh okay it's amazing oh yeah it's been amazing he can't do it no one could do it oh we got the Ross believes in me yeah Russ please and you've got one more shot oh okay with our losses magic this is the Ross shot this is the one are there any girls named Iran probably Roslin yeah oh I'm sure is that a real name did I just make that up Roslin yeah uh there's like Jocelyn yeah it's true no I've heard Rosalind before really yeah and Rosina are you [ __ ] am I an idiot I am and don't don't answer me that it's a rhetorical question a rhetorical question my guy you are rhetorical I want I want my life to be over my life back I just want to play blood-borne I want his face which is weirdly it is it ironic no it's not ironic its coincidental [ __ ] this [ __ ] my ass [ __ ] it I can't get up this [ __ ] stupid [ __ ] platfor so sick of this garbage how do you grab this side of a batch so tired inside we're getting oh Mario oh mario monti moles they're just they're just moles throwing rocks at you dude at some point today I'm gonna try to drift off to sleep and right at that moment in the twilight between waking and sleeping I'm gonna hear your voice car yes get your [ __ ] together Hansen [Music] yeah that hit him oh my god if one hit me is three no no not the statues Oh is there another boss oh my god if there's no don't even [ __ ] lie to me about this [ __ ] that's amazing you got it you can't be [ __ ] serious okay we're just gonna pause and take a quick little peek at how to beat this guy three hits three hits three hits four hits five hits six hits seven hits combo combo today [ __ ] up then I [ __ ] up did I [ __ ] up eight hits nine it's 10:00 at night come on [ __ ] suck my [ __ ] dick right off on my penis shaft holder might as well start over dude fine we tried jump you stupid [ __ ] you stupid Hedgehog you gotta go fast ah [ __ ] dick okay one go go oh look [ __ ] arm is tired no wait died skims [ __ ] horseshit okay skims [ __ ] piece of Dukey dog [ __ ] all right hang in there oh no [ __ ] it [ __ ] this stupid stage it's dumb and my arm hurts you know it's a wonder why I don't read any these [ __ ] people I don't need your rupees yeah tell them I said hello I don't need your [ __ ] rupees you piece of [ __ ] god you do have to okay well it's not quite enough if you click twenty of them oh come the [ __ ] on I just gave you one I just literally gave it one I can't believe you you're wearing it she's like that's it this is from this one doesn't count this is your teacher one plus nineteen twenty I cannot believe you out yes that is that isn't [ __ ] I will I will say that I was like having a party in my heart yeah when I was like I have 20 now this is [ __ ] awesome great not [ __ ] it up you suck oh my god green guy from xcalibur 2097 yeah come on dude this is [ __ ] [ __ ] man then 2097 the number of deaths it takes to beat the first boss stop just stop it man I don't have a rose bush attack come on [ __ ] insanity dude so torture the guy that's like all you minute congratulations you so good the only enemies before this we're like dude that run up to you and you're chop them in half and that's it and one red guy I know it's great none of god damn it dude he blocks everything it's arts garbage it's garbage straight a hundred percent real garbage [Music] I'm like I'm right now live it is I could ever be I know you are irate I can feel the heat coming off of you I'm a straight irate gamer no excellent oh I was I meant to say excellent and I'm ecstatic an excellent came out it's dead froggy froggy where did you go did you do a lot of casting where like the Frog just never comes into this free yeah I cants right in front of his face and I never shoot just the cameras the worst you can't control the camera while you're casting it's so stupid it's the only time that you would ever need the camera it's [ __ ] garbage it's going the wrong way where is it it's over here [ __ ] you froggy froggy he's coming in he's coming in yet so oh no the fish is coming in first races going man you just got [ __ ] fish bought you you just got Cod blocked that God blah that's what it is all right froggy [ __ ] just cast the [ __ ] Lord you piece of garbage to it - it did get it get it if it liked it want it have it need it why why it's right here it's right frog it's right here it's right here you can see it you can smell you can taste it it's real it's in front of your face you Oh grab it grab it [Laughter] [Music] [Music] I'm you know is there another lore upgrade you could have gotten it's just random dude it's just it's when you're just drifting off to sleep today I would have come into your room and sing the music from this that's right here Froggy's right here come on come on froggy yeah you want it no on it he does not want it he wants he wants it he wants it he's into it second bite he's going in for a second the best part about this is knowing that this is gonna be a thousand comments not of sympathy but telling you why your [ __ ] [ __ ] screw up at this game [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] this is where I am right now in life I'm gonna throw everything that I've ever accomplished in life has led to this exact moment it has everything to do with all of the accomplishments that have ever happened in my life you know and I'm gonna say I got a good feeling about this dude froggy [Music] [Laughter] [Music] I'm gonna see you also okay wait just wait for beautiful yeah otherwise it speaks to my soul Hey I mean it's where I'm at - I'm you act like I'm not even here experience please please bring him in I hope you looked him through its [ __ ] eyeball oh my god he feels this froggy a little son of a [ __ ] I can't breathe please please just just reel them in oh my god among the top villains of video game like by a long chase in space oh my god he is really fighting you come on dude you didn't do anything differently to catch him then it's completely random sorry I didn't mean to upset you oh you're right there Oh cutscene is this frog leg power diamond fuel or some [ __ ] oh my god welcome back to Aaron has a creeping nervous breakdown I yeah accurate okay I'm playing [ __ ] Mario shits t4 dude it's that our fastest Ridge ever you are so done with this game amazing what was I gonna say I can't remember I my overarching thought on all this is that like I have never seen it's gonna be interesting for people who marathon this playthrough because I've never seen such a complete turnaround with you towards any game during the course of playing it like Wind Waker like had its moments where you're like this is a little grindy there's a little boring but like nothing like this it's cuz this game is garbage Wow say it again Aaron I'm sure people love to hear it I just want ok that's my opinion mmm ok that's just like my opinion man [Laughter] but it's garbage yeah little girl gave me the flute the girl who wanted the ARP ago say yeah oh that man just [ __ ] got our Pig OSes to come chill out with her and ARP and go [ __ ] you not enough you get cost rupees to play a [ __ ] [ __ ] game that doesn't make any sense it does not make any sense now I'm [ __ ] I thought I had a solution but now I don't have a solution [ __ ] hate this I hate this more than anything it's more than Sonic oh six eight more than Sonic Adventure really I hate this more than [ __ ] I like to battle kid thought it was good I hate this more than battle kid actually had a very similar like shooty thing are you really likening this game if no just your rage I also don't think I can mentally handle much more of this level what sort what because the the sound of it is nightmarish I don't really care well there's that and I'd honestly I didn't even consider that you might say that I mean it sounds like you're doing pretty well he's probably on this oh no oh no all right five more tries and then for your own mental health oh my god I don't think I'm gonna do it I think you're gonna do it Jesus Christ it's just so [ __ ] stupid this is so [ __ ] stupid I can't I can't hit the pause button it's so [ __ ] dumb it's [ __ ] you gotta go through this whole thing again it's already [ __ ] garbage you gotta fight every [ __ ] foot you can't avoid this stupid fire it's funny that you probably can but I can't figure it out and I'm a [ __ ] smarty pants dude I graduated never from Juilliard ensoniq the Juilliard of sonic Juilliard School of Sonic the Hedgehog ledge hack the Sonic the pledge hog that's it a bad deed it's not interesting it's like the 50th time you've done it you [ __ ] idiot stupid Hedgehog you dumbass edge Lord it's funny looking Hot Topic shopping piece-of-shit Lord what the [ __ ] how are you supposed to avoid that third one this is [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] it's cool [ __ ] this stupid yes this might be our last Sonic and the Black Knight episode I hate I hate it this is so slow sometimes why lose your composure you're doing great I'm trying I'm trying I'm trying I'm trying why is he going so slow supposed to be Sonic the Hedgehog not [ __ ] he's slow ass [ __ ] the Hedgehog hey shadow doing it oh my god please please please please please don't let them come on don't even this is the worst what what what no not back to square one not back to square one oh no I don't approve I don't approve your eyes your [ __ ] horn you're getting outstanding at this take my [ __ ] dick in your mouth swish it around like you're [ __ ] trying to clear out your teeth of gingivitis get that come flowing down your throat baby musicians getting real my dicks a [ __ ] Twinkie you can suck the [ __ ] juice out of [ __ ] oh oh oh you think you can smack your chin on the floor and act all cool and [ __ ] well you know what you know what back to square one why didn't eat it that's stupid it's okay it's okay you're fine I can't jump use the [ __ ] socks I just use the columns no no no no no no oh yeah use your [ __ ] dumbass what okay what don't check my advance don't check it Joe Jack okay redeposit we're gonna pause one more time just kind of don't don't don't these gives you the [ __ ] chin thing unavoidable chin thing unavoidable you're in great shape you're and then when I fly backwards I'm gonna get hit it's [ __ ] stupid alright chill chill it's ridiculous and now the Rings the Rings going on what was that what was that what is this what was that I don't know I'm trying I think I think this might be the end of our black blazer
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 3,152,870
Rating: 4.9639692 out of 5
Keywords: lets play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game grumps, gamegrumps, funny, arin, letsplay, gaming
Id: 7fBowjV2nbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 17sec (2057 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 24 2019
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