Baldur's Gate 3 Evil Tactician Gameplay Pt. 3 (Minthara is mine..)

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] hello happy Saturday [Music] I think I'm just about ready to get things started here foreign body here [Music] hello anonymous zephiel where's wolf in this playthrough I'm actually just about to go to the goblin Fortress I tried helping saza Escape The Druids Grove but she got roasted by a fireball unexpectedly it's actually a pretty classic moment on stir one of you guys there when saza got roasted by the Firebolt trap that was hilarious I gotta go back and clip that the timing of that was just perfect okay well let's get things started here I woke up this morning I played Baldur's Gate 3 for about five hours offline on my let's play series [Music] then I went right to work on script work for a beginner's combat guide video and now we're here doing the live stream so life is Baldur's Gate three life is good yeah so the g-force now thing some people think that I like uh I'm sponsored by GeForce now I'm not I just think it's a really cool alternative for people that can't play the game right now GeForce now is basically like Netflix but for video games so e-force now you stream a game from GeForce now and then you can play it so you don't have to have a good PC so if you have a crappy PC and you feel like you can't play Ballers Gate 3 you may be able to play Ballers Gate 3 with GeForce now they also have a free edition too where you can only play for like an hour at a time then you have to exit out and then go back in there's like an hour session limit or something like that but it's definitely an alternative and a lot of good reviews on it too so I want as many people as possible to be playing Ballers game three and Mac players like you rob you could play GeForce now right now you could do the free version or you could do the 10 a month version and then when it comes out on Mac just continue your character on back because there's cross cross save progression anybody that's waiting right now for Mac you don't you technically don't have to wait and you don't have to buy the game twice too because if you buy it on Steam on Mac you also have it on GeForce now on Mac so I know I think it was more than 520k concurrent players playing bg3 this makes me so happy like the genre of RPGs specifically crpgs this is changing like the next 10 years is going to be crazy for this genre over 700k damn nice Arden good luck in grimforge well Mega thanks for the Canadian two dollar Super Chat really appreciate that thanks for the luck is there a way to free helson without setting off the Goblins yeah I believe there is um the question Oh you mean like not setting them off to where they attack The Grove not sure I know you don't have to attack the Goblins you can sneak out I'm not sure what helson does in that situation it's been a long time since I tested that many years ago in Early Access hey slicer Nicholas what's up cracking a beer okay cool let's go to the tavern let's Jump Right In for part three of the live stream series don't get this run mixed up with my offline let's play series which are available as videos on the channel two very different runs uh the live stream run we are doing an evil playthrough it's not the dark urge it's an evil Dragonborn if you want to hear more about my character's backstory just go back to the live stream number one which was two days ago and listen to the character creation backstory in my let's play series which is different from what we're doing right now is on balanced and it's also a neutral good run mostly good run so very different runs some people are getting both mixed up and then they come onto this stream and they're like why is like what's going on but or I think of the two dollar Super Chat you kidding me right now you know I took the mountain pass Maddie on my other run so I haven't actually been to the underdark really since the full since early access [Music] hey Jessica [Music] all right oh don't look don't look spoilers that's my other run all right this is where we left on I'm surprised I still have a voice what level is recommended for mountain pass if you're playing on balance I would say you probably want to be I would say level five minimum just like the underdark if you can get to level five before you do the underdark you're going to be in a much better position than if you're at level four but you can also do it at level four I mean you can technically do it at level three and two if you know what you're doing but I would recommend five for the mountain pass and underdark if you're able to achieve that XP which you should be able to all right is there a trait that increases Spell accuracy for shadow heart um no but you can use spells to make her more accurate as well as other people in your group there's no like particular Spell accuracy for shadow specifically it's just spell casters and attack rolls and saving throws if you use a spell like bless on your party when combat starts you'll have more accuracy when you cast spells such as guiding bolt because it boosts your attack rolls for your um or a booster yeah boost your attack Rolls by 1d4 all right let's see what we're left off we met some cultists who worship a deity excuse me I'm gonna start saying deity called the absolute one of them could telepathically communicate with us which means they were infected too so my Dragonborn has heard about these absolutist cultists and he sense great power he wants to go explore and see what that power is all about because the tree huggers back at The Druids Grove they ain't cutting it for him they ain't cutting it all right tactician's actually pretty difficult with the not having the camp supplies so let's look for a little bit of food and then we're gonna go to the goblin camp and it should be a fun hey that oh shit we should help dude I thought it was next to the fool I thought your mouth I'll keep your head down the bottle's next to the toll house to them that don't value their own skin oh crap all right well I guess we gotta do it Christian thanks so much for the 4.99 Super Chat appreciate that thanks for watching yeah this is bad uh unexpected combat encounters and tactician are not uh not good so do we have okay the good thing is I do have a few I have no spell slots and I'm wielding a two-handed sword on my sorcerer what the hell is going on right now oh damn it's not my turn costs an action to switch it all right um oh man okay this is gonna be this is gonna be a little bit tricky let's see here I'm thinking about doing it the same way I would if I was on balance we're just gonna go up and try to take The High Ground here um I feel like flind is going to be an absolute Beast where's the boss he's around here somewhere where is that bastard oh shit he's coming around the back side okay that's actually good because he might be able to use our okay hold on this is actually pretty good so let me try to get away from the combat let's take a Starion actually what do we got no Hunter take a take him over here and we're gonna Dash on my way and then we're gonna hide that didn't work right I know I that was totally unexpected I was literally just talking to you guys like walking around like enjoying it looking for food and then I ran right into the Knolls I didn't realize where I was where I left off hey Mike oh absolutely two-handed Paladin one of the best frontliners in the game best defense is a strong offense paladins are so good at single Target damage it's ridiculous okay I do have spell slots with my fire lean here who is a Spore druid foreign just getting used to the sport Druid now yeah my sorcerer is not looking good right there this is not good shit man okay hold on do I gotta hold I don't even have the Spells prepared that I need prepared this is bad [Music] thank you hey whoever was asking about shadowheart Spell accuracy see right here look at the spell it's called bless you cast this at the start of every common encounter or before it right before it if you're if if you're good with the timing this will increase your accuracy when you cast spells but would anybody in your party basically [Music] gotta hold concentration on it I'm gonna have a beginner's guide to combat coming out probably tomorrow or on Monday we got to do a little Beginner's Guide Series and then we'll move into like the advanced builds and things of that nature all right so I still have a bonus action by sheleighly I like Druids with sheleighly I don't get why people can't just experiment and find out what they like I also understand that people want to be powerful you know this game can be to a beginner this can be really challenging so if you gimp yourself if you're doing really bad you start questioning like did I make the wrong decision did I mess up my ability scores if you're not really that knowledgeable but yeah definitely uh it's definitely good to experiment and have fun that way but everybody not everybody cares about it that much though Advanced Shadow heart story today with no spoilers Shadow art story is pretty cool you guys want me to look at my sorcerer with a two-handed sword right now I'm not even proficient I'm not even proficient with 200 swords I have a 40 chance see the good thing is if you're you can use a weapon you're not proficient with you're just gonna have low accuracy armor on the other hand will mess up your spell casting so what we're going to do here is we're going to use shocking grass because this is a really good can trip to get out of a sticky situation like this [Music] but if you mess it doesn't help you okay so that's not good I might be in big trouble here might be in big big trouble they fixed the Helsing bug uh what else and bug you talking about Joe on my other run being able to recruit helson when I was talking about it yeah still he still won't join my party so I'm actually gonna bring a Starion back this way changed my mind I want him to come and talk to a character that also has guidance so you gotta be kidding me game like you got to throw me a couple bones here Hey kid what's up this is my first time playing the game yes I heard about it online say hello check it out you know all right so we got hyena Hina these are actually kind of low HP so I'm actually going to do a yeah let's do that that'll be great it kind of block off that area a little bit and then I do want to move up and try to use one of my halo spores because it's a reaction [Music] s Halo spores is actually really can actually be really good to finish off an enemy that has like two HP all right still doing okay right now my dragonborn's really messed up though give them a little healing word if I give him another healing word too I don't have many spell slots left though Mirror Image I might need that for let's see here let's see let's see okay I'm Gonna Save My spell slots we're gonna start working on this guy where the hell is the zentrum did they die we got four casters you don't use glass spell do you use Spirit Guardians [Music] damn dude my sorcerer just can't get out of the freaking front line here okay there we go now we can back up but actually I think I want my sorcerer to talk to this to this guy but I don't know when that scene procs so I'm a little bit nervous you have a bunch of sorcery points right now though can I reload in this run uh generally speaking I probably won't be reloading on this run that much because this is my first evil run so I prefer not to reload when things don't go my way but with that said I do want to ensure that this run is different than my other run so if I have to I might reload we'll see generally speaking no not considered cheating though it's considered whatever you want to personally consider it I feel like I cheat myself when I reload so I try not to do it only bad thing about this spiritual weapon is it doesn't move that far yeah larion has a lot [Music] laughs foreign guys even use Q-tips ridiculous oh great now I gotta look up at the chat and just see everybody's freaking everybody that's delayed foreign yeah I wasn't muted so I don't know what you guys were talking about you guys got to go to the doctor or something get checked on yeah you see how I got blessed underneath underneath the null's name under his HP says bless right there if I didn't have bless it would probably be like 55 percent we do a blessed level too just fry the dude totally worth it or wasn't still alive wolf speaks out of human wavelength thank you thank you oh I just looked did I just lose somebody looking at the chat right now yeah you can do quests in wacky orders if you want I mean some of them you have to progress things but Starion went down am I even worried about it why is my webcam look weird tonight is there like some strange lighting or something the hell out of my face this is the guy I'm scared of right now okay is this guy using a bow or is he gonna come through here I'm not sure hey Amber thanks for three bucks a channel membership yes I have made it to newer content not on this run though pretty exciting okay is this guy not gonna talk to me shit I meant to save that spell slot so I had mirror image now I don't have Mirror Image oh we're in big trouble here we are in big big trouble okay we're out of spell slots let everybody accept the druid all right oh shit I forgot those guys were up there oh my God no oh my God oh no no this the first tpk this is bullshit dude I didn't mean I didn't mean to walk into this combat encounter this is bullshit doesn't count it absolutely doesn't count okay and any of you guys that count it instant ban perma-ban the hell man you guys want to get Perma bands hey Brian thank you for the 1999 the million of them that you've done including on the videos love the Dual playthroughs wolf live streaming let's play vids and in-depth vids when do you sleep skull all right we're not out of this yet thanks Brian thank you wow that was intense hey Rick what's up man yeah could you shoot if you could shoot me an email that would be awesome thanks a lot this does does this really count as my first tpk this doesn't count does it guys I started up The Stream and I was I was talking to you guys and walking around and just trying to enjoy the atmosphere and collect some food does this really count as does a tpk yes this is going to be a rough night you got to be kidding me this is bullshit I'm about to end the stream right now let's go to the tavern everybody take a quick breather you guys are being mean to me right now permadeath restart 8 hp all right the first actually the first tpk that I've had period in this game since the full game came out has just occurred you know what I respect it skull okay the Risen Road let me show you guys what I meant to do okay yeah Rick shoot me an email if you don't mind we'll definitely do uh give away some codes okay so this is what I meant to do at the start of the stream okay I meant to walk around and gather food not walk into the null encounter so let's go ahead and walk back this way Midori thanks for the two dollar Super Chat I'm not even reading your super chats anymore you're just gonna give me money and I'm not gonna read it at all or acknowledge it at least things have stated and you're just going to keep doing it gotta be kidding me Rob I'm thank you for the 100 Super Chat to be fair this is a tough fight at level respect all right Rob I appreciate that you got my back at least somebody in this chat has a little common sense thanks Rob massive man this vessel damn it drude I'm not looking to talk to you we're gonna come back and I'm gonna show you guys revenge on those nulls when I actually have my spell slots show you guys something you've never seen before in your entire life okay right through these people pumpkins are worth a lot of camp supplies you guys make sure to collect your uh your cabbages and your pumpkins and your carrots the great thing is they go right into your camp supply pack now great qol update from there's a lot of qol improvements in bg3 since early access thanks again Rob all right I'm gonna go ahead and kill these ones though without without resting because I don't think this is as hard of a fight um with that said maybe I should go up this way I'll catch a break let's set up tactically on my way I remember my first time encountering these nulls in Early Access in learning what multi-attack is these things were deadly if you just fought them straight up it dropped your character so fast no there's no Auto collect at least I haven't discovered it yet alright so we got zero spell slots with the sorcerer which is fine I pretty much have nobody that's front line right now excuse me but I do have a plan we can create a spell slot and I'm gonna do this damn it come on I'm just Starion oh my God that was dude that was crazy right there I was moving in real time with a Starion and the Knolls were in turn based I thought I was going to get through it right there all right let's kick some ass now we're coming around the back side I think I'm worried about that not one bit watch this onward shall we cut and run I won't give in we got this see ya [Music] let's go foreign smidgen himself has entered the chat hey shy what's up no need to sacrifice the social life when there's Co-op get those Archers first oh Tate's in here what's up Tate change weapons are you guys giving me orders right now I don't see you playing on tactician you guys are gonna piss me off tonight you know that all right let's go ahead and do inflict wounds now we can get a little sneak attack you know what I'm saying and ladies and gentlemen that's a that's a wrap you can do it okay now let's go ahead and kill those other Knolls and then I'll take a long rest oh there's one still alive what the hell you gotta be shitting me sport Druid for the win use the closet why Shadow heart's main hand a shovel what are you talking about that's a mace thank you foreign I haven't even used one spell slot with this Druid yet sure beginners vid for bg3 I learned more from your 20 minute vid than I did in two weeks of Early Access good man I'm glad to hear that a lot of people seem to enjoy that video when I was making it like I didn't think it was that good I was like do people really need these tips I had to put myself like back in the mindset of when I played Early Access for the first time and it seemed like a lot of people helped a lot of people so I love to hear that okay let's kill the other hyenas thank you then almost level four pretty big power boost oh I gotta be careful here that I don't aggro them by accident can't you speak with that on that guy have a look hey bros you share your your guide on the Discord browse I was reading it over it's a good good guide grabbing this on PS5 Leon nice love how you make every playthrough seem to us as your first playthrough without it feeling forced or fake okay all right let's take on these jabronis down here and then what do you say we take a long rest after that a little bit worried having zero spell slots on my most powerful Caster in the group but you know what we do have some Scrolls here so let's go for it a lot of daggers would be so nice right now I got a void bulb do we have any Alchemist fire look I'm slacking picking up items on this run which is not what you're supposed to do in case Tom with the start of combat the Warrior Games momentum for three turns might as well put on the magical gear right even if we're not necessarily always using the passive benefit guys I found a mace on my other run oh my God it's so good let me just tell you if you guys take the mountain pass route just make sure to solve every puzzle because I have one of the best maces in the game before I even got it and before I even made it into Act 2. can't really talk about that stuff too much though because of spoilers all right I say we just go for this I would like to group them all up and then drop like a cloud of daggers or something like that but I don't have any spell slots so we can only do what we can do right I'm ready [Music] [Music] here we go oh nice straight up assassinated him oh shit there we go the Anton is one of my higher liens that you can get from Withers they're gonna check out the hell shit this isn't good this isn't good at all with baited breath aha see I put on medium armor boots and that prevents me from spell casting so you got to be careful when you put certain gear pieces on you gotta look to see what type of armor it is see ya I'm telling you guys right now after playing the full game for I don't know 40 hours or 50 hours whatever spiritual weapon is hands down one of the best spells in the game not even for its damage but for the fact that it aggroes enemies onto it hey Hugo what's up killing karlak was an act of true evil wish you tpk well the tpk already happened so can you be nice to me now it will back up a little bit what I recommend for first playthrough as a beginner class wise I mean any of the Marshall classes are going to be easier to understand but it doesn't really matter because you're going to have a party of four but if you play Ranger fighter Barbarian um I'd say Ranger fighter but Barbarian maybe even Paladin you have a lot less options to choose from when you're leveling up so it's a little bit less stressful and there's still really really good classes but then again you have a full party of four so all right here's what we're gonna do we're gonna go ahead and drop a moon beam I like it the young Colin Farrell I tpk at the start of the stream I hate to admit it it was I I deserve it because I wasn't paying attention but I really wish I didn't tpk I didn't mean to get into that combat encounter I didn't realize where my party was on the ground what are you gonna do you know cry about it you guys will just make fun of me it's as simple as that I'm already used to that [Music] Jafar thank you so much for the one gifted membership and doodle welcome to the channel membership club the coolest Club on the tube thank you damn it I kind of moved that in a way that I didn't want to look at this bastard doodle says thanks for the membership can't sleep because I want to play so bad nice isn't that a good feeling to have though I feel the same way there's not a lot of games that will make me not want to sleep anymore but Baldur's Gate 3 is one of them makes me it reminds me of like the high school days when like a a new game would come out and we'd all go to GameStop for the midnight release [Music] I miss those days 17 damage nice sweet I don't get why does anybody know why it doesn't level up your entire party it's like there's always one companion that's like just like a few points behind everybody else that doesn't get the level up at the same time and this game isn't like the original Ballers gate game is where class is level differently require a different XP to level up I wonder why it does that time inspiration offsets it oh inspiration offsets it gotta make sure to end this concentration here so let me get my character leveled up before I level everybody else up so I can make one save point for level four and I can do that simply by walking into a new area I should get the XP required here is all level at the same time Wizard's Bane oil coat your weapon in oil its targets receive a minus three penalty to spell attack rolls and spell save DC pretty good it's the Wizard's Bane there's that Alchemist fire I didn't even realize that the fire wine barrel was right there why can't I use speaker on any of these peoples put you up and receive plus two bonus to attack rolls so I gotta start using that on my martial classes all right let's see if we can go get this XP by walking in a certain direction and then we're gonna go to the goblin camp but maybe we'll take an interesting path to the goblin Camp not that it really matters because I don't plan on killing the Goblins I mean you never know how things are going to go though right I'm having a real hard time not confusing both of my runs with each other in terms of morality and decisions and what spells and have and what characters I have all right I think we'll level up once we just walk up to joaquin's rest right here possibly not entirely sure I don't want to go in there yet because I don't want to trigger the consularfloric scene welcome to joaquin's rest Baldur's Gate East El Toro seems almost too big to take flight I think the game oh there it is dragons flying around look at the shadow that's badass dude that is frightening it comes no closer I don't know about doing the get Yankee fight right now at level three I mean I'm gonna level up here shortly but I don't know what I want to do with the get the Yankee yet oh shit I triggered it I'll feed you lost shot no look up that was your last chance is stick now burn can't go wrong with the wizard true nice Michael enjoy your run that scene is so much better now you're not here to play with the locals of course we merely sought to no excuses question kill then move on find the weapon Our Queen watches us fail her at your peril man I know so much about these characters but those gifts will carve you up like a goose I know so much about some of those characters just because I've been playing so long as I just want to talk about it but I can't right now but yeah I'm gonna trust the starting on That We're Not Gonna Let the gift carve me up right now especially with one of my characters not at level four yet anybody strong enough in my group to hop this ledge nobody is maybe a hill giant strength let's see if I have we gotta start using potions more often let me see if I have a potion for jumping glorious vaulting yeah so I have two of these let's go ahead and drink one of them with a star yeah see how long that lasts last for 10 turns so one minute but we gotta go quickly here if I want to use it to get back that's curious that thing is Tiny I still don't know what to do with these tiny holes right here I never have like a familiar with me or anything to try it out does anybody use those holes yet oh this is new oh my gosh I know what we're getting we're getting that cut scene really important story cut scene resistible you recognize the overwhelming Authority that you've used on others than the infinitely stronger Vision clouds leaving you in a dark featureless shadow Escape nothingness in every direction then there are three figures before you an armored male elf exuding power and command handsome younger man with a quick easy smile and a pale young woman with even paler eyes can't wait to meet her search for the weapon and you will be worthy to stand beside them in my presence yes absolutely the Visions fade and the voice falters as a straight energy swells around you the many sided artifact and how you understand it's repelling the presence dude my guy looks like a badass hey Mitch my Force and why not that I'm complaining examine the artifacts the power of the artifact possesses it shows no sign of it now yes I want that power I want to stand in the presence of the absolute absolutely get it there pretty funny I didn't fight the gift yet Mitch and I already have a shovel so that whoever said in the comments before use your shovel that's not what the shovel is used for the shovel is used for big big pits like that but I don't think you can use your shovel on this little thing right here this is like a little small hole so there must be some use for it basically the game is hinting that we should be able to get inside that hole somehow and I'm wondering if you can take like a familiar like a little rat or something try gaseous form I don't have any spell slots right now and this is the top of the goblin Fortress just so you all know this is probably an angle that a lot of people never have seen before and you can work your way down you can jump down or feather fall down all right let's go back nice to get back I didn't even notice larion added this rock here I'm not sure if that was there before I still don't have enough strength to get back yeah I'm gonna Starion you gotta be shitting me seriously all right tell you what we're gonna do we're gonna group everybody together and then we're gonna go take our long rest enlarge reduced spell worth a try try like reduce sound like a gnome or something like that that'll be pretty funny look at that freaking green g string right there moisture drips down your forehead pain shoots through your fingers blink away the discomfort the world swims as you close then reopen your eyes long have you been waiting here a moment a night a 10 day oh man you gotta be kidding me Can you feel it crawling through you tendril squirming in your chest gripping your heart piercing your belly your bones popping your flesh swelling I can I see it in you I feel it in me we are lost I will be quick with my blade first you then the others then I myself your mind's intertwine you sense a touch of uncertainty Touch of disgust sound effects in this game are top-notch all right we're gonna do an enlisted wisdom check and explore lizelle's mind embrace the power don't swim your vision and a familiar voice tells you to be calm you are loved they sell spear grips you not fear of death but fear of in significance the great warrior lazel a failure to her kind she will wield no silver sword ride no red dragon forever unknown to the great Lich Queen lacketh foreign we're just exhausted lower the blade before you do something foolish I cannot trust my own mind so it seems I must trust yours I will wait but know this I am watching if the sickness does not pass come Dawn I will end us all I respect it man look at that right there incredible the naked Dragonborn this is one of the coolest scenes pay attention [Music] nothing like a MILF gnome Who the hell's are you salvation for the first time I saved you before I almost cried when I saw the scene for the first time how long I've been waiting to figure out who saved us again don't worry you'll not become a mind flayer not while I'm around I'll protect you okay [Music] hmm hmm we're gonna get up on our own independent good watch time so listen closely there is great potential within you it comes from that parasite your instinct is to resist the power it gives but you must accept it nurture it I will keep it from consuming you for the sake of both of us you must learn to wield it this is like one of the most confusing scenes I've ever seen and I have no idea what the hell is going on I mean I have a little bit of an idea because I'm further than most of you guys but on my other run [Music] the fight for the fate of faerun a fight we are losing for now you can change that but only if you embrace your potential foreign the enemy is closing in I will be back like what the hell is that what is going on what are those colors why is there a skull you'll feel better I am confusion mistra I don't think so we were visited in our dreams by a mysterious figure who told us that our lipid parasites are special and the source of great potential let's try something now what do you guys say let's try a little something still haven't seen Gail yet this one is a true Soul parasite that can enhance you you can absorb its potential yes open your mind to it yes you already know how open your mind to the devil everything the tactful has to offer everything it was and everything it was destined to be okay you have grown your power and improved your chances of survival ladies and gentlemen we have now unlocked the secret hidden the lipid power skill tree a skill tree I've been trying to avoid on my other character but on this character we shall absorb the power to take as many tadpoles up the butt as we have to oh man dude this is this this actually like frightening to use these Powers because you just don't know what it's taking from your character like what is the penalty going to be the more that we Embrace this in a land think of the five-year-old Super Chat first of all amazing channel do you know you could use speak with Dad on someone you killed if you use shapeshift and they'll answer you I did know that that's a great tip thanks I actually forgot about it though thanks for the five man and now that you mention it we do have the mask of the shapeshifter so all right so here we go choose an area of your mind to evolve a lifted potential available Force tunnel charge forward pushing all objects and creatures in your path 13 feet away from you if you're fighting on The High Ground or something like that concentrated blast you must be concentrating on another spell to cast this if the target was concentrating you heal as much as the damage that was dealt to it so a couple people brought up the idea that you could use guidance if you're a character that had guidance and then that would take care of you having to concentrate on the spell before you're able to use concentrating blast transfuse health sacrifice half your remaining hit points to heal a target for the same amount sciatic overload your attacks deal an additional one to four psychic damage but you take one to four psychic damage every turn her favorable Beginnings the first attack roll or ability check you make against any Target gains equal to your proficiency bonus so right now I would have a plus two on the first attack roll or ability check that I make against any Target that just sounds overpowered like any Target it's not even the first attack on like of a combat encounter it's literally the first attack you make against any Target all right we're gonna take that damn man this is cool and there it is right there oh no that's a different one there it is first attack roller ability check you make against any Target games a bonus equal to your proficiency bonus it's legit like that's crazy there has to be a major sacrifice for using these powers and I'm ready to see what that is all right let's take a long rest I'm still waiting to level up here because I want to level up my sorcerer we'll have a chat with all the companions because they all probably have something to say about that change no good we'll be firing a gate one no matter what you might think yeah it does look like the brain is deteriorating the more that you do that or it's corrupting the brain or something like that have you thought about making use of the tadpole's power mock my words this power would be no blessing but a curse you might as well ask me to gouge out my eyes for the promise of sight or slice off my tongue for the promise of taste consume all the gate tadpoles you wish I'm not so Craven I respect lizelle oh my God we can no way we can persuade Lazelle if we must bear the tadpole's burdens we should also Avail ourselves of their power this would be crazy to persuade it's a 20 of course it's a 20. I ran into a DC 30 at one point in act two holy crap I got it oh my God you think we've become a mind flare eventually that'd be pretty badass the only bad thing about becoming a mind flare is according to the lore when the Mind player transformation takes place the Mind flare does absorb the memories of the previous person of their host but it's not the actual character anymore so you would literally just be a mind player and your other character would be gone it would be cool to be able to transform into a mind player but still be like yourself yeah that'd be cool no that's absurd when the tadpole has stretched to every pore and slithered through every vein what am I to do then it won't hear my screen it won't care if I beg I will be remade in its image my faith in blacketh will guide me and my own might will sustain me I have no need of this depraved power seriously oh we're gonna try it again man double persuasion check against Lazelle with DC 20s yeah exactly you're playing like a different character at that point because your character is dead yeah okay depraved or not you're no good to your queen dead lizelle you need these talents nice I got it easier holy crap good thing I'm playing uh Charisma character right now you might be right the safest itself was devised from such knowledge the tadpole is perhaps not just a curse no way that's a weapon I can twist and mold to my advantage very well I will swallow my disgust and Avail myself of the parasites powers this is incredible it's so cool that you have to pass like a double persuasion check to get Lazelle to do something like that it's like only a small percentage of people are ever going to get that unless they must say save scum of course but I wonder if we actually get to choose her tadpole well no tentacles yet I suppose we can consider that a success you think it should have been harder well the first check was a dc-20 so maybe I guess like once you get the first persuasion out of the way it's a little bit easier to convince somebody after that that's the way I look at it you guys want me to go into a starion's history a little bit we'll go into it I'm not sure who have you have seen this tell me about your history why do you insist on exhuming the past I was a slave a vampire spawn kept by the Tsar family perhaps I still am I was never able to resist their commands but now they won't ever control me again I'm so excited to pursue a starion's quest on this run check out this Cazador Czar in Baldur's Gate how does someone become a vampire exactly it's simple let's find a vampire that will drink your blood and turn you into a vampire sport their obedient in theory the next step is to drink their blood once you've done that you're free and the true vampire interesting I wonder if if we confront Cazador if a Starion would end up drinking his blood to become a true vampire so they bite you and you bite them yes and no the problem is once you're a vampire spawn they completely control you they have to allow you to bite them and why would they do that umpires are power hungry creatures they won't lose a servant to create a competitor trust me it doesn't happen hey martians thanks a lot appreciate that anyone with a high Charisma will you stop to pass a DC 20 my friend that's not an easy check even with a high charisma I barely passed that foreign it was bad enough having just one of those tadpoles forced upon us scarcely believe you actually inflicted another on yourself these are lipid Powers were developing what do you make of them on one hand they seem useful but on the other hand oh perhaps tentacle before long we know where they're coming from and what lies at the end of that path mind flare I never expected Sarah morphosis to be tempting I think we should resist these powers too many unknowns for us to risk it okay here we go again and luckily I have persuasion proficiency so that helps too and favorable Beginnings so the illicit powers that I just got I get to use on this check right here I'm sure it was like that for Lazelle I just didn't notice it that's super cool the first attack role or ability check that you make on any creature get favorable Beginnings that's insane there's got to be some serious penalties for going down this route have disadvantage though shit I see it as more case of wisely avoiding a Potential Threat my mind is set all right please l no problem I'll just decapitate you later let's see if the hire lean wants to have a conversation this vessel is act thine disposal do what thou wilt why are you talking like that a soul remembers it's invective but remembers not its tongue spoken with a different voice you recognize the eloquent drawl of Withers The Wraith that summoned the hireling they are but Echoes they recall not a manner of speech thus I lent them my rhetoric I'm surprised you've nothing better to do Withers thusly takes little of my effort besides what better use is there of time that's hilarious it's literally Withers why do the hire leans need to speak to speak correct fitting hey Wiz this Soul oh wait not another Withers man you gotta be kidding me okay I need to find a way to get a little bit of XP so I can level up the reason why I'm waiting to level up these companions because I want one save point for everybody's level four it makes it easier for me when I have to come back and test out content and things of that nature okay if I have enough food is the question to take a long rest oh I already did never mind okay all right we're gonna stay away from the get the Yankee at least until I level up to four probably not until level five and we're gonna go to the goblin camp and actually it might be quicker to teleport to the blighted Village so we already did the necromancy of fey book we already killed the Spider Queen we saved Marcus we already saw the the bug bear and the in Big Bertha banging in the shed I haven't done anything in the swamp yet but I think I feel like going to the goblin Camp I'm ready to kill some Druids not a big fan of Druids in fact if you play as a druid you could just quietly leave this stream right now and appreciate that Dave what's up it's fantastic so far would you recommend getting this game on Console I would say most likely yes because larion seems to have it down with the controller game I think their experience with divinity original sin 2 made them masters of making crpgs on consoles I have a druid on my team it's a higher Lane doesn't count he's a sports Road sportroots are different hey Alan I did yes I did okay there we go perfect now we can make a save we can call this level four go ahead and level up the companions unfortunately unless you respect them you're kind of at the whim of how lyrion set them up in character creation so taking a feat isn't as appealing right here [Music] all right let's go ahead and take light blade Ward produce Flame I'm actually gonna take a light and then for prepared spells not that we have to do this right now but I'm going to go ahead and prepare eight I want to get into the habit of using that spiritual weapon of course guiding bolt as always get rid of cure wounds [Music] we'll grab inflict wounds then command yeah I might start using command a little bit more Lazelle set up 13 13 14 10 17 8. if we do ability improvements we can get our wisdom to 18. that plus three modifier we can also get our dexterity to 14 which will boost our armor class by one the really the way that larion set up Shadow heart right here there's really no other way to do it in my opinion on tactician at least maybe we could take a feat at the next level I don't know May Brar what's up man long time no see thank you so much for the 100 Super Chat that's ridiculous don't want spoilers for my run so I just wanted to stop in and say thanks for your years of videos so happy we're finally here go wolf pack thank you so much first of all and also enjoy your run I'm so excited that we're all experiencing this together thanks man yeah I do have a separate offline series um that you guys can watch too it's just under the videos on the channel it does have its own playlist as well and on that on that run I'm doing a neutral to good play through and I'm playing as a ranger Beastmaster very different from how this run is playing out so yeah I think I'm gonna go with the ability score Improvement I don't think now is the time to mess around with Feats too much especially on tactician I think this is the right call getting that Armor class boost and also more powerful spells if you're wearing medium armor you probably want a 14 in dexterity minimum if you're wearing light armor probably minimum 14 if you're wearing no armor probably minimum 14. really the only really the only like class or build that would dump dexterity and to not be that that big of a deal would probably be someone that's using heavy armor all right let's see what Danton wants to do here Spore druid thanks maybro CW thanks for the five after playing both modes which one do you like more tactician or normal what do you advise or what advice would you give to survive tactician mode um I guess the main advice for surviving tactician mode would be to set up your combat encounters before the combat begins and don't get caught off guard and then you should be fine I like tactician more um I'm balanced so far I'm probably half I don't know more than halfway through the game on my other run and I haven't wiped even one time yet so I like when games challenge me a lot so I'm I'm enjoying tactician more but I've also played this game quite a lot so I'd probably recommend balance for the vast majority of people okay so we get the Deep Rothe and larian has given us 17 in wisdom and no other odd score damn it Larry and can't you just set us up with some even numbers or at least two odd numbers all right let's go we got whole person gusts the wind all right let me see is there any feet that's a half feet that also gives you a plus one to wisdom there actually is and it's called resilient let me take a look at that does my character have ritual Caster you learned true ritual spells of your choice so resilience you increase an ability score by one to a maximum of 20 in game Proficiency in that abilities saving throw so we gotta see what proficiencies I have with this character in terms of saving throws and then perhaps I would actually take that feat then I don't have to do the ability score increase because it would be an odd number if I did that so let me take a look real fast okay so we already have yeah we already have wisdom saving throughout proficiency damn it these hire liens are just made so weird okay wisdom is aft on half feats yeah you know it wouldn't be bad to take that resilient feat if I didn't have wisdom saving throat proficiency I think all wisdom are all Druids probably get that then it wouldn't be too bad because wisdom saving throat proficiency is pretty important wisdom saving throws are one of the more common saving throws that you do in combat alongside dexterity so in that case I guess we're just kind of screwed here um we're gonna hmm really don't like this ability score setup that we have should I take magic initiate Constitution increased by one that's not going to do me anything I could get a heavy armor proficiency oh no I can't because you need to have media my efficiency all right I'm going to take ability score Improvement I guess and some duelist would War Caster be worth it right now getting advantage on saving throws to maintain concentration on a spell definitely a great feat to have but I'm gonna boost my wisdom to I want to boost my wisdom to 18. and then we're going to leave an odd number on a half feet so strength or dexterity we're gonna go dexterity to 15 and then at level eight if I need to I can take a half feet but something tells me I'm not going to have this character with me because he's a higher Lane so I'll probably swap him out ASA now and then eighth then a half at 12 that's what I'm thinking right now and we'll take a half dexterity one unless I want to do a half strength one that's good enough we can always respect gain Feats at levels 4 8 and 12. and the ability score Improvement the one where you take two points into an ability score is also considered a feat choice now but Fighters get to get it at 4 6 10 and 12 for some four six eight and twelve I think and then Rogues get it at four four eight ten and twelve or something like that the Rogues and the Rogues and Fighters get it a little bit more than the other classes something like that all right let's go ahead and dexterity 18 okay this one's easy we're gonna go build the Improvement dexterity 18 and then do wisdom 14. and now it's time for my sorcerer we're not ready to multi-class just yet I'm getting to level five and then we're gonna multi-class into the Warlock all right for can trips let's see magehand bone chill true strike friends poison spray poison spray is one of the highest damage can trips especially if you can get the full 12 but acid Splash blade Ward bone chill prevent the target from healing until your next turn has a 60 foot you know I think I'll take that Undead targets receive disadvantage on attack rolls I like that now the very important sorcerer spell choice but not as important yet important at level five what do we need here blur gusts of wind scorching Ray I'm very tempted to take scorching Ray I'm taking scorching right you know why because it's going to work amazingly when we multi-class into Warlock and then I got 17 15 so we're gonna go 16 18. champion and Arcane Subs picked up spell sniper nice that's a cool feat hey Daniel what's up VM gives you both ASI and defeat characters are nutty foreign let's go try to recruit menthara into our group how about that any of you guys done that yet that is my main goal of going to the goblin Fortress Is I want minthara to become one of my permanent party members and I want to slaughter The Druids Grove with her by my side then I want to make sweet sweet love sweet sweet love to her at night in front of you guys with the nudity filter turned off silky Babe's voice unless you've got another reason to be here fake shite while she's raging power courses through you Authority all right let's uh embrace our Tad we're just we're just really enjoying the tadpole with the powers so stand aside no that's too easy though let's have a little fun here let's read his mind this could go this could go wrong hey Greg thanks for the two dollar Super Chat thank you appreciate that you love The Druids Grove fight fighting for The Druids or for the goblins boss fights out I'll gave him our time this mate done I'm a messenger here to see menthara all right big Tarzan God give all the visit is you know go on in and have a trick for me eh okay here's my question to you guys would you guys like to see a little preview of an area that we didn't get to go to in Early Access not really a spoiler but it's an area that we didn't see in Early Access it's still part of act one it's basically the alternate route that you can go if you don't take the underdark and it is absolutely jaw-droppingly beautiful yes okay all right let's do it so do you guys remember in Early Access when you clicked on this right here it would bring you to the map and you couldn't go any further you know what's interesting though is I wonder why it says this maybe this is actually considered Act 2. make sure to tie up any Loose Ends before advancing the area you're about to enter will be bitterly difficult for a party of your level so the reason why I'm hesitant right now is because on my other run I peek to this area because I couldn't help it and what it did was it forced like a certain outcome on a quest later on in the game and it basically assumes that you choose the mountain class over the underdark but you can still do the underdark this is what we're gonna do I'm gonna hit no we're gonna do a save I'm gonna go in and then we're gonna come back to the save point karmic dice should be off Daniel yes and it makes you go to your Camp too so I think we're actually going to get we're jumping a little bit what is Raphael what the hell you doing here all right hold on hold on we're still playing I'm mutant you get what we're hold on this doesn't matter none of this matters damn it [Music] [Music] okay we're back I kind of skipped through that because we're not actually at that part because I'm not actually doing this on my run I just want to peek this new area with you guys because it is just so amazing okay welcome welcome welcome to the mountain pass area of Baldur's Gate 3 an area that was not in Early Access so sit back relax listen to the music take in the ambience and enjoy chip makes me smile man it's freaking amazing dude this is what crpgs are now because Valerian Studios so that's a symbol of lafander the morning Lord the god of birth renewal Dawn fertilization and that's clearly a temple of lithander over there and then we're in the mountain pass right now so let me peek one more little area We're not gonna go too far because I don't want to do anything story or anything like that actually should I just go for it let's just try to make our way to Baldur's Gate it is beautiful until you look up here [Music] the death Shepherds these boots have seen everything yes all right y'all that's all we're gonna do I don't want to give away any more because we'll save this for when we actually come here welcome to the mountain pass a beautiful beautiful area a little little segment of the game before you make it to the shadow cursed lands this brings you out to the Geth Yankee but let's go back to our load point you'll probably delete this load point right here auto save such a tease I know it's so good man so good Lich wasn't that Temple a starting screen I'm not sure we've seen pictures of the temple though in larion's marketing which race will be the best to start with human anybody that you want Mr Greenwood don't worry about your racial choice especially now that the ability scores are no longer tied to specific races whatever race looks cool to you I mean you can look at what racial features come with each race but it's not that not that important of a decision in terms of like worrying worrying about being a new player it will affect your it will affect the the way the world reacts to you though so it is important in that way if you play as like a gift Yankee for example they're an alien race from the astral plane and when you walk sword Coast people are going to view you as an alley as an alien or if you play as a drow who are native to the underdark of faerun the world's going to react to you because drow don't typically come to the surface world and when they do come to the surface World they tend to uh they tend to raid Villages same with the Geth Yankee always check behind a waterfall always check behind a waterfall foreign [Music] ERS gate three hell yeah Ross is playing GIF in the story is a fun choice Dragon sorcerer yummy all hail larion Studios my mind and then well it is sues Father John it's so weird to me having a rogue in my group because in my other run I don't have anybody that can lock pick for Jack squat Shadow heart's like my main Rogue character and she's a cleric kill Dwarf Monk oh my God are you serious sounds pretty good to me I can't remember what the racial features are for the hildewarf off the top of my head but that will absolutely work can't decide on class I started like 10 times you would think us mad for one okay we got a great ax plus one pretty good find this early on in the game especially if you have a someone who's wielding two-handed weapons I would give that to lizelle all right everybody get the hell out of here it's crazy how good this game looks it's crazy how far it's come since the start of early access to but this should be interesting camera you put his pee pee back into his pants all right y'all I gotta run to the bathroom real fast though before we get into uh possibly hiring a very very interesting companion to the group so I'm gonna let you guys just stare at my Dragonborn and I'll be right I'll let you guys watch the pissing Goblin over here oh my God all right be right back what do you call a dread knickers big old boy I'm talented okay oh puke sting hello Shannon hello okay here we go thanks for waiting for me you look like you think you're wrong this with us and you'll end up on this Blazer sorry I don't I don't want any trouble yeah [Music] I love that Goblin she'll be a great adventure one day this is a little risky to do right now fresh diesel we make berries we could impict these humans oh you got him good how do you not for press everyone just barges in the air thinking they ruled the world ah as the symbol glows power courses through you Authority I don't just think so it's a fact you're nothing but dearth beneath my feet well Knox things are changing we've got the absolute on our side now you better learn your place go on kiss more foot the piss did you just say to me or I want that nasty look right off your face well gone give him a nibble how about you kiss my feet instead foreign you will obey me Al I'm sorry true soul sir I didn't realize your blood runs quicker feeding the gnawing absence at the center of your mind on your foot absolutely while you're down I mean there you go it's good hey hey case [Laughter] foreign how's this guy doing fragile crown and with scepter a braid draw ragslin short work of The Innkeeper made in burnt to us the captives were many goblet kind had reduced them to cowering Phil penny so raise it your goblets and drain them with pride draw Raglan the true Soul had led you collide what level for the goblin Camp uh I would say three or four Richard says level five makes yeah level five makes a lot of Act One easier but it takes a while to get to level five and the Goblin Camp is usually part of that journey to getting to level five and then you're level five before you go into the mountain pass or the underdarks I would say level three or four you should be fine if you want to be safe maybe four like I'm level four right now Boo get off the stage I'm never now where was I who I take a friend of yours suddenly not what are you doing I'm busy here you lying to you never come let's continue our palette draw ragslyn it's all rights um you broke him wait draw an excellent we pray we come on pigeon back to your cage ah look what you've done hey Michael what's up so this is a very famous character in Forgotten Realms lore for those of you guys are unaware also in the original Baldur's Gate games as well but we don't care much about them right now we don't got time for bards and they're nonsense I just push them out that's hilarious we're here to figure out what this absolute stuff is Rocky you guys want me to do the chicken race I don't feel like doing that right now boy ain't no part in here we're doing the absolutes work start your business now glows but you feel nothing in response you were a lithid power is beyond reach until you rest oh yeah you only get to use it once prolonged rest what level for the hag I would say probably level four too if you're a beginner hey Bill thanks a lot appreciate the four months of Channel membership still able to play a full custom character are you still able to play a full custom character game oh no no no you can't oh you're gonna have to do the work around I did make a video on that in Early Access so if you guys just search wolfheart FPS custom party while there's gate three it should pop up on YouTube I think you gotta do the work around all right let's go ahead and be deceitful I've got an audience with a one in charge you bastard likes of you please only boss you need concern yourself with is me out now damn it man that actually does change things okay I know what we're gonna do singing I don't want to set the camp on me so we're gonna go in a different way the Goblins voices are so funny imagine being a voice actor for the goblins yeah I feel sorcerer just because there's no sorcerer companion that's the main reason and I'm already playing as Gail and my other or I have Gail in my group and my other run so Sorcerers can also be super super powerful that meta magic you know what I'm saying looks like the booze got the better of them because that's practically unconscious oh yeah I also chose sorcerer because I want to multi-class into warlock that I forgot about that that's one of the big reasons laughs don't want to wake these guys they're sleeping hurts oh God oh look I forgot about shovel I have shovel in my group what I literally have just know oh my God nobody's nobody none of you guys have said anything either I literally didn't even notice his portrait next to my characters he's my official hat right now Double's just been chilling at the moonhaven village this is too funny I'm not sure if you can fast travel with him or not but let's just run him in it's kind of funny watching this people coming in will think I'm running a mod so I like to start with fighter for two levels to get action surge damn then you're gonna do Sorcerer And warlock that's awesome excuse me imp coming through but just in case [Music] bloody walls oh yeah good thinking Shannon we should try the Calvin's taking a piss I should try to get in that hole um I'd have to go all the way around though maybe if you guys can remind me after this all the way on top I don't know how to get up there I'd have to fast travel you know I could do that how about we test it out screw it let's do it I forgot about the goblin Trader problem is I gotta get Shovel over that Gap though too we'll do it another time there's other holes too actually there's a hole behind the toll house where the paladins of tier are trouble can be my herb gather I guess you can't pick up things never mind oh I forgot to get the stuff over here I need to find more magic items I wonder if I have the silent spell this is a this will be a great demonstration for the silent spell foreign yeah go back to sleep Boog bear you know what I only need the Dragonborn what do you oh that's a story on okay I should have used uh Starion for this but it's too late takes too long to get him up that ledge foreign video I won't be doing mods for a little while so that video is not going to be for a little bit I gotta complete the game first and start working on my builds in class guides the glowing Shield plus two Armor class once per short rest if you're below 50 hit points and take damage you gain eight temporary hit points that's actually a nice little nice little upgrade for shadow heart right here every upgrade makes a difference I like this more than Diablo absolutely very much I had a good time playing Diablo don't get me wrong but this is just uh there's so much more to this this is Dungeons and Dragons in video game form is this guy's sleeping standing up he is foreign I love holding the camera steady and just sending your party off to do things it's such a cool I love the little tiptoe that she does too Okay so Oh we must have already done the perception check but I already tried getting into this before no I didn't all right so it's vulnerable the force damage what you gotta do only a hit that deals at least 10 damage can damage this the problem is if we break the wall it's going to make quite a lot of sound so I'm trying to find a way to cast The Silent spell don't think I have it on my spell list with any of my characters does the Druid get silence I gotta prepare another spell let's prepare got a bunch of level two spells let's grab long Strider and I don't need long straighter let's grab speak with animals oh it is a cleric spell I'm really bad at finding things okay hold on okay oh there it is right there hey thanks thanks for pointing that out okay so here we go let's see if we can do this quietly because we got a lot of sleeping goblins up here we're trying to get in trying to break down a wall to get into their Fortress because the Goblins at the front won't let us in so let's give this a try freaking awesome isn't it listen you can't hear anything either listen she had a heart swinging at the wall and you just hear it in like the distance okay now the problem is though within the silent spell I can't cast the spells that I wanted to clasp so that actually complicates things so hold on let me back up a little bit I wonder if this would still work if I broke down the wall from back here what we're gonna find out I think I have to use this thunder spell because magic Missile doesn't do enough damage with each individual missile um and I don't have a character that can wheel the two-handed bludgeoning weapon I think we're gonna have to try this all right probably press F5 right oh it's immune to thunder you've got to be kidding me how is a wall immune to thunder damage magic Missile I don't think works I can't weigh spell slots on this either because each individual missile needs to be more than 10. I can't believe a freaking cracked wall is immune to thunder damage and oh oh the silence bubble changes the wall oh I see it at the top okay all right I see what you guys are saying so let's go ahead and break that but then I got an idea how about that oh shit it didn't work okay that's bad you crash about like a drunken ogre shot arrows at it in Early Access you probably did right break your legs make you quiet I guess this guy heard me cast The Sleep spell sleep is for the weak I could have killed you where you lay oh shit dude this is all going this is not going good makes sense silence beats Thunder Larry and her geniuses I know I can stealth kill these guys but I'm just trying to do things in a way that's different and entertaining for you guys I've already stealth killed these guys a million times in the past um we could just get into combat I think as long as they don't activate the drums we should be okay to still not be hostile in the camp too much talking let's find out so much noise die now I don't have Fireball I'm only level four Fireball comes at level five all right I think we're okay um let me see if there's any it's unfortunate but that was actually cool that was nice to learn that I didn't realize that the silence bubble over the actual wall would prevent me from using spells on it now in Early Access walls were much easier to take down larion has changed that you have sturdy walls you have medium walls you have like extra sturdy walls and you have to do like a minimum amount of damage in order to take it out um so something like shooting an arrow just doesn't work anymore it wouldn't do enough damage and a single arrow is not going to do more than 10. especially when the wall is resistant to that too so it's a little bit different all right who's actually in combat right now it's just the empty it's the freaking closet that's in combat oh man okay balance specifically blocks Thunder I think you're uh delayed a little bit as I feel all right let's go ahead and unless you're talking to somebody else you're probably talking to somebody else all right let's go ahead and we could just let the imps die Shadow Hearts also in this and my Dragonborn let's go invisible I don't see a drum up here anywhere so it might be good just wiping these goblins I don't have shatter I'm a sorcerer I'm not a wizard so I can't swap spells in and out I don't think I have shatter help to double check that maybe I do have shatter I don't think I took it though did I getting all my characters mixed up I have eight characters right now I actually have like 12 characters in total if you include all my companions okay let's go ahead and just murder these guys now back up with a Starion good again just like old time trying to save spell slots here you know this guy's got 35 HP though yeah I don't have shatter as you guys can see with the sorcerer you can't change spells in and out stuck with what you got [Music] light on my feet well or Warhammer it's got to be more than 10 damage they don't have a character that can wield one well I just won't have my proficiency bonus maybe I can put a two-handed I don't know we'll see after I kill these guys 16-16 you're gonna focus on this guy back up a little bit actually move up a little bit symbiotic entity I feel like I should be casting that when I'm not in combat just not in the habit of doing it yet can't believe I don't have a fire I can't get fireball it's a level three spell damn it of course that would have it if I could get it it's trying to think how many spell slots I want to use right now if it's even necessary 35 35 25 this guy in one attack right here gotta be shitting me all right screw it we're using spell slots except the Druid as a hireling yep yeah can trips most can trips are not going to do enough damage you have to get a perfect roll of 10 with Firebolt but this is resistant to fire so that's not gonna work but there's also poison resistant to necrotic poison resistance yeah it doesn't look like any of the canned trips are gonna work to take that down I mean if you just had like a 2d6 mall or something you could um I don't think I have any of those weapons though that would be the easiest way to do it right now but my party composition is a little bit a little bit weird right now slashing resistance too completely complete slashing resistance foreign used to use will on that wall keep going that would have been enough to break the wall if the wall didn't have fire resistance good no I'm saying I wonder if I can use symbiotic I wonder if I can use Halo spores within the silence let's try it I can nice I should probably just end that hey Destiny what's up yeah release you found and the wall damage thing yeah there's a yeah if you just pull the stream back like 10 minutes we were talking about it for quite a while the walls have like different effects now you have to deal a minimum amount of damage in order to uh be able to deal any damage to it so a lot of attacks don't work on the walls anymore [Music] your magical weapons break the resistances of walls not sure we'd have to test that out sometime I guess it depends on what type of Magic the weapon is because could summon a magic weapon that deals a certain type of damage that the wall still nullifies for example uh spiritual weapon oh wait hold on hold on wait what type of damage is spiritual weapon find out here in a second that won't work spiritual weapon is force damage so actually that might actually work it depends it depends on if it adds proficiency or if it's the damage of just the base weapon I'm not sure how that works with the walls but we can try it because the wall is vulnerable to force so that actually might work oh shit what I just do damn it barrel of alcohol any tips for the tank build um heavily armored mastered feet is pretty good if you have a strength um if you want to do a tank give your character 17 strength and character creation then leave the rest of your numbers odd if you can and then take the heavily heavy heavily armored master heavy armor heavily armored mastered heavy armored Master feet it's called something like that because that will get you to an even number with your strength and it will also boost up or maybe it's Constitution one of the two and also give you a bunch of damage reduction on physical attacks I like that feat I took it with my Ranger I think it's pretty good chest Aryan come on dude are you fucking serious no excuse me let me just swear you serious right now brother let's start moving the weapon over this way [Music] okay we're actually okay right now okay let's take the spiritual weapon let's see if we can actually get through the wall with that because the wall is vulnerable to force damage and spiritual weapon is force damage so let's give that a try there we go awesome so it depends on what type of magical weapon you have and what type of damage it deals but in this case yeah Force damage is vulnerable the walls so good thinking skull I've been watching a lot of bg3 streams almost none of them seem aware of the streamer friendly option what are you talking about like the nudity filter you're talking about like the extensions where the chat can answer for you and all that stuff hey catharak what's up see I'd be curious to try something like this because the Morning Star well on my character in another character's hands it could deal more than 10 damage the character that had a plus two and strength modifier that probably would work actually it wouldn't work in the hands of any of my characters though hey gock what's up nice man let me know how it is genuinely curious you mean the obvious one actually I really have no idea what you're talking about okay so we made it past those goblins in the beginning and the rest of the camp is not going to be hostile towards us because they have no idea that We snuck in [Music] your own those of you guys that haven't seen this yet just take note of the game's verticality if you end up like wanting to not be evil and you attack the goblins placing your party up on the Rafters up in these high ground areas can be huge advantage to your combat encounters how can I get my spiritual weapon for my what's an sh spiritual weapon comes on the clerics spellless so you don't have to do anything but prepare it for the day it looks like that a level two spell okay so we got uh we got some true souls in here let's go ahead and have a little conversation here this absolutist cultist stuff is all about oh shit all right hold out your arms so I can mark your flesh why should I let you brand me that's the faithful recognize one another quick show that was a nobody deal mess with you and it's charged with magic the absolute you ready brace yourself this will sting yeah sure I don't see why not right I'll take the mark of the absolute if it helps me get closer to the absolute and reach ultimate power Starion disapproved Shadow heart disapproves Party Poopers why don't you brand my left butt cheek while you're at it bubbles your thoughts your minds become entangled a familiar sensation yes she too carries a parasite Darkness seems to swallow the temple leaving you with a vision receiving instruction from a handsome young man one of the chosen the vision dissolves away you stand before the goblin Priestess in the temple once again so she's taking orders from one of those three figures that we saw earlier with the vision that we have if you guys have been keeping up with the larian marketing for Ballers gate three many of you guys will probably know who that handsome young man is okay let's um let's push deeper have blood thinned to you a tide of shuddering ecstasy ecstasy a tadpole Nestles within that Mania secure hidden I feel you in there digging around works both ways and I saw some weird shadows swimming around in your head just now maybe I could help with that us true Souls gotta look out for one another no true souls are infected how do we get closer to her songs come on we met a man named Volo who was performing for the Goblins underdressed he was led into their camps interior by a guard he clearly needs help but then Astorian was a slave to the Tsar family couldn't refuse orders from them and believes that might still be the case what we got going on up here peace you know but no you gotta keep silent don't you where do they flee to you're stubborn rats please get to see your friend have ya come enjoy them if you like say we'll take over his work is sloppy he'll kill the prisoner too quickly the mark glows but if you feel nothing in response your leopard power is beyond reach until you rest I'm taking over your sloppy handiwork is going to kill the prisoner too quickly see now that we're inside the absolutist base right here or one of the bases the goblin Fortress now we're really trying to impress everybody around us we can really rise to power so I think this is a good way prove it I have seen shadowheart scene yeah the prisoner consider the implements provided then I would never smash the butt of a spear into his groin that is that's just way too far but I'll press a red hot poker against his thigh absolutely us men we got to take care of each other that's a limit we don't understand charred flesh you guys get what I'm saying [Music] look at the goblin he's just so happy to torture oh my God oh man rip off a toenail crank the rack and oh man I'm gonna do it I'm cranking the rack yes for the absolute the bridge they covered the gate with Ivy you came good yes I did Mr what we need is you ran off bad travel be happy when she is it you weren't half bad slack from his chains barely breathing it because if you're drinking job must be done yeah that's a fact greetings child I've met few aside from goblins here you recognize the scourge this man is a follower of La vieta goddess of pain ah are you also here to assist with the prisoner you mean the one there torturing please as they do I was invited to teach them I live for pain and its intricacies you see but alas pain without purpose is a terrible thing wouldn't you agree I thought a follower of loviatar would approve of pain you know the maiden of pain how refreshing but there is more to us than that yes we worship her through pain often our own but it is an intimate and loving thing one we offer up few would permit it show you first hand that's a cool character I must see this don't you dare say no hahaha sorry I'm just freaking hilarious man I am curious perhaps this goddess of pain can bring me power oh I have something Exquisite in mind and I are interested in how you handle pain dear one the kind of guy who eats ghost peppers surely receive her most gracious blessing trust me simply face the wall and we can begin I mean I should probably get naked for this right leave my braces on yes look at the end with me nicely okay what are you gonna do buddy cleanse you do not fight it come on actually let's Yelp loudly and dramatically and beg for mercy does it got cake don't forget the flip-flops Your Voice Sounds sweet too look at his face I mean I had my hopes like a starion's watching PornHub right now but we live Revel in it right an exaggerated Agony and cry out that's this [Music] that was a class a psychopath who knew our friend had so much blood in them try not to that party no he's a vampire they do right you are doing so well do not give in now ah Mercy I can't take it it's too much foreign yes you can child take the pain and offer it up to loviator offer it all Sweet Child you bore the pain like a True Believer I am proud to have served you this penance that was an interesting experience interesting is an understatement dear one noviator herself found your performance inspiring she has deemed you worthy of her blessing whoa that didn't look like that before did it I think that's new and on a personal note that was positively divine well whatever you're into vitar's love pain is the path to Clarity when you have 30 hit points or less you gain a plus two bonus to attack roles and wisdom saving throws for three turns pretty badass times you just gotta take some pain I'll feel that one later my beautiful penitent child you have already enjoyed my administrations do not be greedy hey Dan what's up thanks for leaving a like appreciate it take a look over here best not to do anything suspicious while it's watching larion said something in the past about these crying eyes like having an effect on the entirety of the game like they see you do something and that will actually change something like an act three question me oh yeah and I didn't mean nothing by it yeah lady Chef honest I didn't your life much like your words is meaningless wealth end the latter to save the former I have been expecting you the Goblins tell me that you've forced a confession from our prisoner without your help they would have extracted nothing but screams and blood her thoughts mingle with yours and caressing your brain you are a true soul Little Wonder that you served me so well it is time for the raid to begin the Grove and those who are hiding there will fall there is a weapon the absolute seeks I'm sure those wretches have it hidden away there we will find it amongst the dead and the ashes her excitement is palpable she lingers on thoughts of victory of unbelievers blood spilled and of the weapon she will seize it in the absolute's name you feel Shadow Hearts anxiety the weapon the absolute seeks it's the artifact that she carries the same one that protected you as you entered the goblin Camp her mind focuses cultists cannot discover that the weapon they seek is within their grasp bam go to their refuge and make your way inside oh we got Dragonborn options here oh this is such a great Dragonborn answer right here battle must be conducted With Honor how can you prefer deception oh Noble I prefer to win I will gather a reading party and move into position you will open the gates from the inside when the time is right to strike we will cleanse the place of infidels and Burn It To The Ground in the absolute name and then we we will be the first among our favorites yes I freaking love mintara it shall be so to attack by next light you must make your way inside once I am in position on your signal we break them and when they are dead the absolute will reward your faith as will I oh shit I know what that means I mean they order a couple jars of coconut oil mentara just tell me right now our lack will be your queen Keep Your Eye Off My Ass he just said dude the freaking dialogue in this game is great that is just great thanks for watching tonight everyone I appreciate it appreciate the thumbs up on the Stream I've only eaten one tadpole power so far Gomer I just got access to the lifted tadpole tree and this power that I picked up is like just already like kind of op I mean it is op this is like this is like such a big I don't know man this is crazy there's got to be some serious consequences you're going down this tree too much and I plan on going pretty damn far the next one is luck of the far Realms when you make a successful attack roll against the foe you can change that hit into a critical hit that has to be like a once per short rest or long rest right when you make a successful attack roll against the foe you can change that into a critical hit yeah that's gotta be it's got to be like a once once prolonged rest then larian is tempting us with great power and there's a reason they're doing that the blue tiefling is a hire lean kit that I hired but not like an official companion they're called hirelings got a Heart lasallementara Carla let's put it pops [Music] dead A3 [Music] squeal again sharper Stones might cut through all that fur that's evil man laughs [Music] throw a rock at the bear a Starion approves oh shit oh [Music] shite we'll see how helson is on tactician okay his first Target went down and won animal cruelty I mean a Starion approved so all right come here you stupid bear hey doesn't look that tough I think I could take him what do you all think what should we do to him yes yes it's a man it's an elf it's helson everybody's wet dream it's an unusually jacked wood elf I think he's Gotta Die I don't like that he's gonna take all my ladies my Dragonborn just saw helson and how jacked and beautiful he is and he decided yeah this man can't live when I'm alive nobody can have bigger biceps than me nobody makes me bleed my own blood setting the closet up front line I do have fire resistance so so now what you got to do when you're fighting a druid is you got to get them to not shape change so let me try a whole person 35 chance I'm gonna try it screw it you bastard he's gonna shape change again the roads are lame anyways hey take your time in Act One G2 because all your actions matter now characters that you kill characters that you interact with all that's going to affect the end of the game and the characters that you see in act three you know it's so hard though when you're playing you're just like you you want to see the new content so bad but at the same time I just kept reminding myself every action that I take right now has a Rippling effect on the game in its entirety and that really just immerses you back into the game all right come here you stupid elf your biceps aren't even that big anyways and and you're ugly regardless of what 99.9 of people say you're Ugly dude take a guiding bolt right to the Dome loser [Music] legendary what's up man thanks for stopping in how you doing great to finally have the whole game to play have a food stream I know what you mean thanks man thanks for stopping in fellow content creator in the chat y'all Legendary Drops make sure to go check out his channel Samantha thanks for the dollar 99 Super Chat how could you not helson I think I think tonight's the night where a lot of you all realize you're watching the wrong streamer there ain't gonna be no coconut oil bicep massages on this channel with Daddy Helsing okay Daddy Helsing will bleed and estarium will suck on that blood probably other things while he's doing it too you know and we'll drag his body throw it into the chanthar river completely bloodless and I might even shave off his biceps while I'm at it too so when he goes to the afterlife he doesn't look so jacked and handsome is no longer that of a bear but an elf albeit is a large one curious yes helson's dead May the ladies of faerun flock to me now because I have the biggest biceps in the land a Dragonborn is pretty jacked I want you guys to soak this in right now this is just the beginning of this playthrough right here I want you to soak that in right there Daddy helson Daddy helson is dead [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] got the ready luckily it's only the the words that went hostile the Goblins are on my side which is which is nice the words must be these wild beasts or something like that foreign what do you think I'm an amateur YouTuber over here you think this is my first beer come on thank you I should have moved the Moonbeam stupid me amateur hey Sal what's up how you doing LG just on your channel have been binge watching your bg3 content for the past couple days well thanks a lot for that I appreciate it got about four years of balder's Gate 3 content on this channel I don't have much content for the full game though I'm having a hard time managing my time between doing these streams playing offline trying to get far in the game and then also working on videos and I edit all my own videos and I do my own thumbnails and everything I wish I had more full game content but I was only so many hours in a day unfortunately [Music] kidding me it's been four years no what the hell oh shit this is actually a problem no this will throw my entire this will throw my entire menthara romance oh no oh no wait no we gotta make sure these goblins don't get out of here now holy crap that's a problem that's a problem did they change the name of the oh there it is oh you can't do sneak attack again worth it totally worth it I'm afraid one of these guys are gonna try to run into alert the camp I think a Reload should happen and we'll can we'll consider it if I don't kill these goblins I mean it was my my bad you know I wanted to mess with helson's body that's what she said and I paid the price you know Spore Druid for the win Sparta is badass starting to like my sport Druid now [Music] starting to like my spory druid if I killed don't gotta kill the spiders gotta kill the one who conjured The Spider and that must be this jabroni right here let's go ahead and shoot him with a crossbow anybody else trying to escape here it doesn't look like it get a little high ground is that going to be an opportunity attack nope it actually doesn't oh it does count as High Ground nice didn't help didn't help one bit [Music] okay now you pissed me off Spidey time for the yeah this is when it turns into murder hobo right the whole world pisses me off we just kill everybody yeah you can't drop the braziers it's all right damage it depends can be pretty good some situations it can be pretty nice no sense of even killing that guy oh see ya hell yeah I'm really starting to like the Spore Druid I'm not gonna lie having that reaction that I can use is very cool dude how much HP does this guy have oh shit did I shoot the wrong part of it interesting I wonder if that bugged out I think that bugged out you got the wooden hinge right here a fire bolt should definitely break that let's swing at this let's yeah let's swing at this guy with my sword even though I'm not proficient in swords I don't have an action never mind just kidding [Music] it's no longer that of a bear but an elf Orbee is a large one curious oh trust me I know game you don't got to tell me you don't gotta tell me you know we should try here you guys want me to try something let's try it since somebody brought it up earlier and I forgot about it God bless oh yeah helson oh my God yes I'll take all of this you're gonna be butt naked laying there oh my God look at those butt cheeks all right we're gonna try something real fast okay so let's go ahead and can't afford to stay idle let's try disguise self move the rest of the party up here everybody get away from Shadow heart oh that's great oh I moved Shadow heart nice great chain link system larion then you know what the bottles of water are for well that's one use you saw me chucking at the oil right there you can also like put water on the ground and then combine that with like lightning spells and things of that nature okay everybody go up here see if they slip on the grease nice everybody step away come on leave Shadow Heart Alone she's gonna do her thing right now go ahead and put on the speak with that amulet let's use this guy itself I'll let you guys look at that right now let's turn into a a dwarf oh it's still not gonna work or is it the corpse Jacks and gasps lifelessly it's working what happened to you coffins drown killed who are you and what can you tell me about Sarah morphosis unnatural magic he's Helsing your freaking pectorals are taking out three quarters of the screen magic what magic someone controls the parasites what romance choices did I make on my first run I mean I'll just say that it came natural with whoever I chose okay we'll just leave it at that you guys agree with that right who controls the parasites powerful Magic moonrise Towers the Spells power waves you can ask no more questions [Applause] I mean they're in a creature there ain't a walking creature in this game that hasn't seen the old wolfhard FPS coconut oil massage you know what I'm saying line breaker boots once per turn when you dash you gain Wrath plus one bonus damage to melee weapons These are nice they don't even have any they're not like medium arm or anything foreign [Music] get the hell out of here I think the Goblins are still on our side making a goblins attacking The Druids growth but that's okay aha oh there's no more door bear took it out 700k concurrent players man I'm so happy that's amazing to have a game in this genre that become that like hype that's something else like that's huge 700k playing a crpg decaying legs protrude from the hole a failed Escape it seems pull the body free the body comes loose revealing a tunnel so you can escape where he failed I don't think it does Bernardi larian seems to really encourage us to be able to respect if we want to now if you change the class with some of the companions that might be a different story your custom character should be easy enough to clear I don't think that this hole had any resistances last time hey guys what's up still alive how are you congrats okay the whole Camp's not on us we're doing pretty good we make the same point we'll call it Daddy helson no more LOL we could talk to draw Rags on real fast but honestly I don't even know if I want to I'm afraid I'm gonna screw this all up we got something good going here with mynthara you know what I'm saying I don't know if I want I don't know if I want drawer getting involved in this I mean what kind of name is that you know what I mean so let's go back this way let's go towards uh let's let's complete our mission actually let me go talk to vola real fast where is he again shit I forgot where he's at where the hell is my camera right now there he is you plan to explore a difficulty cross-classing is not allowed somebody said something about that the other day too I don't know why that would be the case is that confirmed larion doesn't that must be a bug I can't see any reason why on Explorer difficulty larion would put any restrictions on what the players do like the whole point of Explorer is to make it easier not to place more restrictions to make the game harder maybe there's a reason I don't know I'd have to confirm that though you know if health and mansara's romances expand to the rest of the game no idea he's my do you have plans for this pigeon keep him safe listen to him cool some such we'll stick to you I was admiring him I'd like one of my own then catch one catch a bird you feel nothing in response we're gonna leave I want to know what happens to bolo I'm genuinely curious I mean my character doesn't care about a bird that's enslaved my goblins anyways but genuinely curious like is Volvo going to turn up at some other point in the game or how is that going to work all right gobbos see you on the flip side losers I'm a little bit worried about going out the front door considering those goblins are the ones that didn't want me to okay we're gonna go out a different way just to be safe let me see if this half Lane's got anything good though that the jingle of coin I hit already turned you recognize the crust she Bears the winged Serpent of the center room this is where you can get decent heavy armor for the start of the game if you're playing like a paladin 17 armor-class heavy armor and we got a bunch of plus one weapons which are not bad to pick up early on just pickpocket here scroll a fireball we'll have Fireball soon enough my friends slow is a new spell alter time around up to six enemies to slow them they won't get far they can't do much and they're easier to hit like the entity's movement speed is have it's Armor class and dexterity are reduced by two foreign area exit maybe an order my humble apologies I shall remove myself immediately thinking about pickpocking her trying to pickpocket her I don't have minor illusion right now do you have invoke duplicity I don't know if that's going to work though let's not let's not do anything stupid right now what am I kidding right now we're trying to we're trying to attack the damn Grove not that I approve of God I'm gonna end up doing something stupid and set the entire Grove on my character and then I'm not going to save scum oh shit we're going this way and then the whole playthrough that I have planned out is not going to happen let's just play Let's play it smart yeah there's that oh you know what we should do actually though um hold on let me come over here I'll tell you what we're gonna do let me see if I can get there I'm actually pretty excited for Starfield I don't have high hopes for it but if it turns out good that'll be awesome the main thing I want to get out of star field is I just want to explore I just want to be in space in a beautiful environment with some Jeremy Soul soundtrack even though Jeremy soul is not doing it I can get that for a good 30 hours and I'll be happy if it turns into a game that's hundreds of hours I'll be even happier moving scene you can be in space in other games yeah but you know what as crappy as Bethesda can be at times they also make games that no other companies are able to make themselves like the Elder Scrolls series is special it's a freaking great series I mean of course it's not like it's got its problems it's got its weak areas but bethesda's got their own style and other companies aren't seemingly able to replicate it why can't I get up there oh this path is that do I really don't have the jump for that too high I have such a low strength party it's actually really pathetic Skyrim is amazing I love Skyrim Oblivion the Morrowind is is a special game I mean that's old Bethesda but I mean who knows maybe this will be the game that Bethesda redeems themselves a little bit or maybe it won't be I still find myself excited for it foreign YouTube equals greater than on Twitch hell yeah thanks John appreciate that all games have a weak area we do those weak areas really hurt the game is the question the problem is I have to get out I know how I can get out I know exactly how I can get out hold on even without a spell I know how I can get out of here God I hope this doesn't make noise F5 this is stupid shit shit shit shit my body's probably gonna be pretty crazy okay Dragon you can just stay up there I can't remember it's one of these wrapped hold on perception failed that makes me really scary okay you know what I'm bringing the entire party down if we're gonna blow up and die I want everybody to die together everybody except Anton he's not included in this he's not part of the group he hasn't earned his place in this adventuring party yet so you can sit over there and cry Danton stand on the rafters and right there in the rafters okay and wild shape into a freaking donkey into a cat oh wait I might I might need Danton hold on a frame thank you so much for the ten dollar Super Chat played BG one and two all the time growing up into adulthood over bgd content now I'm a plane is my favorite in-person PC I ever made half orc monk back from 3.5 when it wasn't very viable that's awesome the Monk Is So badass now thanks for the donut man appreciate it hell yeah shout out to the classic what's that happen ham hock how are you can't wait for the next Witcher me too man that's like our next hope for the next like really big RPG unless Bethesda shows us something different with Starfield yeah The Witcher I'm excited for that too The Witcher and then larian Studios next game I don't think you climb walls in this game I don't think larion implemented the climb mechanic I haven't seen it in the full game yet but it's possible you guys ready we're trying out some stuff here man I knew I could use Danton for something useful is this gonna work oh my God it's a oh shit no way that is so cool we're in the defiled Temple so basically like you can skip like a whole chunk of like frustration of trying to get down here problem is how do you get the rest of your party I'll tell you how you get the rest of your party you complete this thing down here and then you unlock the Waypoint in the undergarment I just man playing it druid's gonna be an awesome class in this game now you have to pass a perception check here if you want unless you want to get stuck doing the puzzle right here this thing confuses me sometimes like you get you get it all mixed up but if you bring down your party and you cast guidance on somebody and walk up near that that's the lever to get in through this door which brings you into the underdark the coolest area of all of Baldur's Gate 3. but yeah that was pretty cool I wonder if we can run right past let me test something out here look I'm playing stray right now [Music] puzzle's not that hard I know the answer to the puzzle oh yeah like he doesn't even attack us sometimes it just you just get mixed up with the things and then you get confused I think it's hard for the vast majority of people Samantha maybe not you but most people it's pretty hard I did get on my first try in Early Access though but I think I got lucky if there's a YouTube guide on it that means that it's hard enough I like the underdark more than the city I I don't know I can't answer that right now I'm just arriving at the city on my other character that's that was really cool that was awesome yeah these tiny hole passages didn't work in Early Access I should probably be quiet in here but stealth everybody foreign must be a natural at those types of puzzles okay we need an 18 here with all these bonuses I think we can do it did you just say half moon it took oh they took out the half Moons oh that's why they made it easier for the full game so I guess maybe it is easy now they took out the half Moons they changed it is it really changed I didn't even notice that when I was there no they didn't take out the half Moons it's the same right or do they change the the form I don't know whatever maybe it's the same maybe it's not I don't really care to be honest with you 250 gold okay so now I need to get out of here but I need to make sure it is different okay I need to make sure that I don't set this camp on me and they don't see me as a thief I don't have any way to get up here I don't have the highest strength to get up here so we have to use the environment so let's see what we can do here let's take dwarf Shadow heart stack a few boxes this is what bg3 is all about and there we go so cool you're loving monks so far I just love that you can do things like this it's so cool all right let's see do I have another wild shape form no I mean I do I could try spider right now watch my druid ends up getting caught down here if he gets caught I'm leaving him I don't care about Danton fairly certain that the spider is still yeah the spiders still jump there's no climb but you know what there's probably some of you that don't like spiders so let me get out of the spider okay beautiful we could also loot this room too down below us but I don't think there's anything that great in it oh hopefully I can get back oh shit I didn't think about that oh no oh I didn't think that far ahead okay we can go down here I know what I can do too and take Shadow heart who's the only one that has good strength and jump her over in dwarf form actually you can just you can just straight up go like this I guess you could do that from most places like the whole box thing was unnecessary you could just fast travel out of the camp all right goblins oh let me talk to this chicken do I have to speak with animals I do I don't have any wild shape charges so we're gonna use stupid animals where'd that chicken go or the goose I hear it oh there it is disheveled chicken oh that's it okay chicken caesar oh I'm oh dude don't talk about food right now y'all don't talk about food let's ban the chat right now is it possible to play through the game with one character yes I would say yes to that not designed that way gonna be a lot harder now too that uh that larion has nerfed the height action but with that said you could also play on Explorer mode too also believe that the parasites are coming from murad's Towers helson believed that the parasites are coming from moonrise towers and thara the drow Commander spoke of the artifact we carry she is looking for it on behalf of the absolute and believes it to be the emerald Grove we should find out more about it now we have the artifact on us we can't tell menthara that yet though evil doesn't trust evil we saw Shadow heart tinkering with a strange artifact in the night we should find more out about it okay bolo's locked into cage there must be a way to get him out don't care very well I think I care about Bowl yeah dos two had the Lone Wolf feet yep hey midnight high damage tanky Paladin don't have Albury yet I think that's probably a forum that you get at a higher level oh we haven't even really explored the Grove yet on this run because I found myself wanting to side with the goblins I wonder if the Arabella scene and everything's this hold on I'm actually kind of curious how the Grove is right now I love larion don't you guys love larion's map now I think this is perfect this is a great map in my opinion it's still a little bit termite but I really like this a lot they made it so much clearer but the grid system and the colors that they use hey you know what's up nice I was there not too long ago myself Ina amazing isn't it I feel like there's a lot of permutations in that area you love the map scurvy nice oh so the whole entire so I did the goblin Camp first and we still have the whole Arabella kaga scene let my daughter go right now she's a thief hell spawn and you will wait for corgis judgment now get back oh let me through Miracle chaper I'll rip your damn throat out hell yeah oh shit another bear maybe we should throw rocks at it Albert six it's Quarter Staff hit count is unarmed so you still get like similar benefits oh God freaking knee come on ignore them and proceed brother I just killed daddy Nelson and bear form you think I'm scared of you oh yeah they're not supposed to know that yeah they have no idea that I killed their master if it weren't for me you'd be overrun by goblins now I'll go where I please back I understand apparently Corker wants to see yeah that's what I thought go ahead shut the hell up druid stupid tree hugger it's at this point in time the three of my party members decided to take a nap while Danton mischievously snuck away from the camp he heard a distant song I was calling him closer and closer you didn't know what to make of this song but he didn't like it not one bit he wanted the music to cease he wanted the terrible voice to shut up forever [Music] damn it and I'll catch you all on the next one have a wonderful night Carter says I have no words to describe how I agree man it's freaking crazy dude Larry and put in the work for this game foreign [Music] I gotta go get some food everyone and uh I got a lot of video work I gotta do and I got to keep playing my other character so I got to make sure I limit my streams and don't stream too long uh with that said I will not be safe scumming that happened and that's real and that's part of my run right there gar four one two thanks so much for becoming a channel member I appreciate that yeah and I'll catch you all I think I probably will do a stream tomorrow I'm thinking Sunday afternoon I might do like a little two to three hour one and then probably be back to 7 pm right now I'm finding that streaming at 7 pm works the best for me because I can release videos in the daytime and releasing videos at night is usually not a good idea but a lot of you guys are European folk on my channel in the future once we get through like this little busy phase of bg3 I'll try to work in a day or two where we do like the afternoon streams that I used to do artists enjoy thanks scarf just like that Marcus all right as you showed up at the right time I think I'm using the new purple one aren't I in terms of the dice and thank you guys for hanging out as always if you guys want to watch some more gameplay I do have a let's play series under the videos tab on the channel or the playlist tab where I'm doing a neutral good run on the balance difficulty and that is currently running side by side with this series Australian nice hey Jeremy oh nice enjoy the underdark you work nights okay all right well we'll figure it out we'll figure it out just at the moment right now where I'm super super busy after we get through the bg3 rush though I'll figure out a better schedule and we'll go back to uh maybe what I was doing before where two days a week or 12 p.m Eastern and two days a week or seven PM Eastern hey Suzanne how do you move the map move the map how do you move the map um what do you mean like when you're in the map like if I press M and I'm looking at the map like how do you look around the map thanks doodle how do you move the map around hold on let's figure out what Suzanne's talking about she looks like she's all right um how do you move the map Okay so how do you move the map what are you talking about Suzanne click M okay all right click m how do you and then then you you left click and you hold down you just left click and drag around is that what you're asking Lily just left click hold and then and then and then drag or use the mouse wheel to scroll in and out thanks Apollo all right I'll catch you guys on the next one oh yeah don't let anyone tell you that I'm not the one who created the Thunder Wave on elphira okay I've seen a ton of streamers doing the Thunder Wave you know going down you know the lfg threat or the uh live stream fail thread all right I'm the one that started the elfira thunderwave okay and there's people on this channel that will vouch for me on that don't let anyone else kid you all right I invented the elphira thunderwave tell you what there's a reason why lyrion put her on a cliff though and made her so innocent and cute thanks Suzanne controller is far better than Mouse and click removable I'd have to say that's probably subjective you can hold down you don't have to point and click in this game with mouse and keyboard too you can just uh hold you can hold down the left Mouse button and run I just not in the habit of doing that I think I would like controller um I'll give controller a try at some time especially because you can go down into the third person view but I think there's a lot of people that are that like the mouse and like the crpg point-and-click light growth just got here let's start the Stream good thing man just do another four hours how about that if you donate three dag of delegatherer if you donate four thousand dollars you know what I'll be reasonable if you donate one thousand dollars I'll do another two hour stream I'm just kidding because knowing some of you guys some of you guys would actually do that and then I would feel really bad so all right you guys have a good night I am officially ending this stream goodbye thank you [Music]
Channel: WolfheartFPS
Views: 73,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs, gate, bg3, baldurs gate 3 live, baldurs gate 3 livestream, livestream, baldurs gate 3 full game, baldurs gate 3 lets play, baldurs gate 3 classes, beginners guide, bg3 live, baldurs gate 3 rpg, rpg 2023, crpg, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, gameplay, tactician mode baldurs gate 3, wolfheartfps, wolfheart fps, larian studios
Id: jQ6fO-d3W5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 207min 4sec (12424 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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