Baldurs Gate 3 Tactician: The Main Character build you always wanted! Talking/Skills/Blasting/Tank

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hey you folks this is shanton here and today we're going to be taking a look at well chanton might have this is a skill monkey face built is going to be relatively decent in combat we're going to discussion so he needs to be placed the Dual role of ranked Blaster and up close tank depending on what we need for the situation and he's probably my weakest member in combat but he does all of the other stuff the way we're going to go about that is like this hey with us nice to talk with you once again let's take a look we're going bad because Bart of course we are or Cam trips May chant this is a nice pickup allowing you to do a lot of silly stuff and also access one of those borrowing holes around the place bladewater to get the option to half blotching piercing and slashing attacks when you are stuck in this silly situation this can be a great one to have access to all spells we are going to pick up the talking Togo once but disguise self and speak with animals we also get healing word so we can bonus action pick up our comrades if they happen to go down and Thunder Wave to push back enemies and deal a little bit of damage once in a while mostly the first part ability scores strength doesn't matter so eight dexterity 14 this is to maximize the effect of our meteor Constitution we need some amount of survivability let's get it to 12. intelligence 14 we could switch around these stuff to get a little more effective in combat but that would mean losing out of more bonuses to our skills and skills is sort of the name of the game here wisdom 10 don't need it that much anyway so let's just let it leave it there and Charisma 17 so we can get it to 18 with Auntie Ethel's hair Fork skills sleight of hand this is um the guy that's going to be doing all of the pickpocketing and locked and traps and stuff like that investigation okay9 history as you can see I have inherited the background here I'm the sage at stealth from being a Wood Elf we also pick up performance here we do not take deception persuasional intimidation because I don't want intimidation and we're going to get the other two later if you want intimidation just pick it up here instead of performance probably well level two instead of going a second level of Bart we are going to change it up a bit and pick you might have guessed it but warlock is going to be what we're going for here for the countries we take ultrage blast this is going to be how we blast at a distance we take poison spray as the other one if we need to deal damage immediately this is one version of doing it especially if we have disadvantage for some reason but the soft class we're going with Archway we could say great old one it might technically be better but this fits the theme so much better I'm aware of what half elf the idea is a Latin but that's not an option so having a deal with an arch fade just makes more sense the Fey presence ability is also quite nice frightening nearby foes especially when you have them caught in a doorway or something like that can be quite strong save is going to be okay on this one since it's based off of Charisma and that's a nice pickup for spells we don't want these ones we want armor of agathis and hex very standard warlock stuff is fine ish in a sticky situation later it's not something that I like to use a lot it's a good one to have access to four or spells level two warlock we're going for the second level of warlock here we want to pick up expeditious Retreat having the option to bonus action Dash is great you don't use it that much but having the option to do it I'm not keeping concentration in this one all the time through but it's nice alternation agonizing blast integral to actually dealing some amount of damage on this build we do not have extra attack at this point or we won't get it at level five at least we will get it later and become a bit more gishy but for now agonizing blast is the way we deal damage double bolts at level five all the countries nice and the second one we're picking up is beguarding influence this is where we get our deception and persuasion that we want we're not going to be replacing any spots we have the ones we want and instead of picking up level 3 warlock here we are going back to Bart or the Spells I'll take this and Whispers this might be changed out later depending on your preferences so it might not be too relevant it's a nice way to get frightened on an opponent if there's someone out there that you really want to deal with so first up let's just start by thinking out the skills it's set to Performance there's no reason to have extra good performance persuasion and deception however yes please you could also add it up to sleight of hand if you really want to to be better at this but with some of the items you can get access to that's not too necessary I think this is a bit Overkill as well but it fits very much with my talking nature and for spells we are picking up cloud of daggers the power thing of enemies in this game is not insanely good so they will often run through these clouds of daggers if you place them correctly you can also shelf people into them Thunder Wave into them Shadow heart in this way ocean has a an option where you can pull stuff in terms she's using the glaive you can steal from The Druids subclass College of Law is nice but I have set as my background and I don't get Arcana then from this one also intimidation is not something I really want and slaughterhand I picked up already because I knew I wasn't going to take this instead I'm going with College of sorts this gives us medium armor that also gives us scimitars we don't care that much it gives us some decent flourishes here we're not going to be attacking a lot of media at this point but extra four Armor class and he can be really great if you've locked up a couple of people in in immediately with with this guy also there are some some decent other ones for later but the fighting style we're going to be using a shield so dueling for the extra damage doesn't matter that much at the moment or late and for spells we are what are we at here going to change out doesn't it Whispers and if you want this is an option I'd say you can pick up detect thoughts this allows you all of the options to talk with people basically that that you could that you could want you already have this from the illicit tadpole sort of but if you're playing the really good playthrough you probably don't want to rely too much in the lifted power so at least not through the first part of the game so this is one version to to detect thoughts if you don't want to be doing that you can take whatever else second level spell you you please hear or you can really just keep the the dissonant whisp which you already have Shadow is one option this is great for a bit of um up close area of effect damage and I think that is what I'm going to be picking up here I don't want the tech thoughts because we are the good guys and people don't like when you're trying to take their thoughts so let's not do that we'll just lie to them instead no one no one really bothers when you're good at lying so that's great thank you this is the builds I'm using level 5 for my tab we've got a couple of items that are sort of relevant we don't care that much about our melee attacks at this point because we only have the one so ritual dagger is great because it gives us a bonus action option to get an extra plus 1 D4 bonus to attack rules and saving throws same throws yes please and the extra attack can be good if you can set it up so that you can Ultras blast I I like using this from the beginning just um blood sacrificing the nail switch blast this is a decent opener gloves of missile snaring show that he takes less damage when getting shot at and the best armor we can put him in that is medium so change her plus two at level five just buy it from the dudes and then I have smackless ring for an extra plus two both the stealth and sleight of hand I put this on an office uh also please and I have a set of gloves gloves of thievery to change that for Advantage it means you still don't really miss any of those those checks that should be it for Champion I'll see you back in a short while but one of the other builds thank you for joining if your husband I've been Champion you've been awesome don't forget to do the YouTube stuff and bye bye
Channel: Shandrens Corner
Views: 8,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldurs Gate 3, BG3, Baldur's Gate 3, Bard, Tactician, Baldurs gate 3 build, Skillmonkey, skill-monkey, BG3 skill-monkey build, BG3 Face build, Bardlock, BG3 Tav build, Baldurs Gate 3 Bard Build, Baldurs Gate 3 Bardlock Build, Baldurs gate 3 Warlock Build, Bg3 Main Character build, BG3 Bardlock build, BG3 Main build, bg3 skills build bardlock, BG3 tactician face build, BG3 tactician Skillmonkey, BG3 tactician best face build, Bg3 talker and skills build, BG3 best face bard build
Id: F0pGIgsPdL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 23 2023
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