Baldur's Gate 3 Oathbreaker Assassin Multiclass build

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in my last oath breaker build I talked about how great it is to combine the Paladin with the Warlock because the pack blade stacked with Marshall weapons extra attack well yeah it's confirmed that that's a bug and it will be eventually patched out so this is my new earthbreaker build the oath breaker assassin I hope you enjoy okay guys so depending on when you want to break your oath keep in mind that later on in act 3 you will get gear that is going to allow you to respect and put your stats in better things depending on how you want to build your character as an oath breaker you will have to a renew your oath which costs a thousand gold and then you will have to break it once more years are special because they are a subclass that requires in-game mechanics you cannot simply respect it anytime you want so it is very important that when you do your stats you keep that in mind for this build particularly until act 3 when you can get gauntlets of the giant which gives you base 23 strength currently we're going to be going for decks and it's a really fun build that you can use all the way up until you get those gauntlets to respect with later on if you use the hag hair to increase your dexterity to 18 bass keep in mind that when you go to level up you can get the max dexterity right away I currently have it in constitution on this character which is why my Constitution is 15 so I'll have base 16 constitution of the hag hair so I can have a little bit more HP but if you're not using a hag hair keep in mind you will have one attribute point that is going to be a little bit less depending on how you build your character personally this is the way I like to go because as soon as you level up at level four you'll be able to get to 18 dexterity and 16 Charisma which is gonna be pretty nice for those ability modifiers when it comes to your skill proficiencies honestly pick whatever you want I like having a little bit in athletics just to be able to shove people but you can put whatever you want here it's going to be up to you at level 2 paladins don't actually gain the ability to have two weapon fighting which is okay because we have ways to mitigate that with gear so here you're going to want to choose defense it's the only one that's going to give you any value you are going to be dwielding as a spec technically you could go sword and shield if you really wanted to but the damage is gonna really fall off severely if you do that however I do have an item in case you do want to do sword and shield there is a shield later on we'll talk about you can use but if you do plan a dual build I would say go defense plus one AC is never a bad thing spell wise pick whatever spells you want at level two you're not going to really be blessing that much since you are going to be in the midst of combat so save that for someone else in your party some other spells that are really nice though I do like thunderous Smite because I like the ability to knock people back and knock them prune I'm not a big fan on searing Smite however this is decent because it does do damage every turn it is a concentration though so keep that in mind pick whatever you want here I'm going to drop cure wounds to add Thunder smite I don't like compel dual I don't think it's that great of a spell so I'm gonna drop that and you could do Shield of Faith which you don't need because of armor but it's nice to have in case you want to use this before you get the armor needed but pick whatever spells you want okay at level three oath breaker you get some more fun abilities a now gain Divine Health that all paladins gain so you can no longer be affected by diseases you gain Dreadful aspect which is pretty cool because it's a nice way this is pretty much frighten everyone near you when needed control Undead in act two there's a ton of Undead so this is actually gonna be really useful inflict wounds is okay I wish it didn't take a action to do however because you are duilding and you will have extra bonus actions to attack using this is more viable than ever before and hellish rebuke is just a way to do damage on a reaction keep in mind of the spec though you're not going to have Max spell slots so you do want to save your spell slots for when you know you need burst damage in my opinion okay so at level 4 youth breaker you are gonna gain some more lay on hand charges which is nice so you can heal yourself without using a spell and you gain your first speed here we're going ability Improvement we're going to get our dexterity to 18 and our Charisma to 16. all right level 5 oath breaker is when the build really starts to come together a little bit more this is when you gain extra attack which is nice because now when you use the attack action you can attack twice you gain some more spell slots level two spell slots to be specific and you get some upgraded spells which is nice uh we're gonna talk about the oath breaker spell specifically because darkness is gonna be huge for this build we'll talk about darkness in a little bit crown of Madness is nice but really you're going to use your concentration mainly for Darkness with this build okay at level 6 you have some choices here do you want to continue to go down the Paladin route at level six you do gain Aura of protection which is going to give you saving throws additional equal to your charisma bonus because our Charisma is 16 we'll have plus three to all saving throughs and this will affect allies as well within the radius of 10 feet which is really nice that way your allies can also gain that benefit or you can start going down the Rogue tree to try to unlock dual wielding as soon as possible because as soon as you get the thief that's when the wielding really gets strong because then you'll have two attacks so if you're offhand if if you wanted uh personally it's gonna be up to you I'd say if you really want to go for Max damage right away you do definitely want to unlock the extra bonus action having two bonus actions is really huge so at level six I would say start going to Rogue for at least three levels and then here at a level one Rogue you also get to have some additional skill proficiencies again pick whatever you like it's going to be up to you when it comes to your palette and stuff I mean you do have a lot of Charisma so having extra persuasion or intimidation and things like that probably wouldn't be a bad idea if you plan to have your Paladin be the row S Type character you know having the extra sleight of hand and stealth would also be really nice however I don't think the stealth is going to be all that useful stealth in his game is pretty weak in combat due to the way it works however some people might find it to be useful to have you already have plus six of this build anyway so I'm saying it's not going to be that needed I'd rather go with Athletics to get that up to plus four and then the second one is gonna be up to you pick whatever you want I'm gonna go ahead and go with deception to get the plus seven and then here you get to pick another one of these I'm gonna do acrobatics as well excuse me Rogue level two is nice because this is when you have bonus actions to hide Dash or to disengage which is really useful all right and we are picking Thief as our subclass I think having two bonus actions is just way too strong in this game if you didn't have the second bonus action more than likely I would say go with assassin but you do and that second bonus action is gonna be huge for dual wielding so now you have a couple more choices uh I'm going back to Paladin because I want to unlock Aura of hate the Showcase of this build is going to go up to level 10. so if you would rather have the extra feet right away to get your dexterity maxed out feel free to stay rude however I personally like Aura of hate it's gonna add a lot of additional damage to your attacks so I'm gonna try to get to level seven Paladin as soon as possible and again at level six Paladin you gain RL protection which is really nice and at Paladin level 7 you gain Aura of hate this is equal to your charisma modifier so you yourself the Paladin will gain an additional three damage to every melee attack that you do and because you are dual wielding you're gonna get four attacks every round assuming you don't use the bonus actions for anything else this will also affect additional Undead or fiends in your party so if you have a necromancer or if you have any other type of character that can spawn zombies uh Spore druge for example and fiends from warlocks when they summon their imps that this will also be affected to do additional three damage keep in mind this will also affect Undead enemies as well so that's one thing to keep in mind for Act 2 because there are a lot of Undead enemies but this will add a lot of damage to yourself which is why we mainly use it all right guys it is time to talk about gear there are some pieces of gear in here that in my opinion are going to be 100 required that we're going to talk about first and then there's the other pieces that aren't required but do make the build just run a little bit more efficiently to start the eversight ring in my opinion is going to be a must-have for this build not only does this ring make you immune to regular blindness it makes you immune to magical blindness as well as an oath breaker you gain the blindness spell as a concentration spell at level 5. you can use this offensively and defensively and because of your eversight ring it's amazing at my showcase that in a little bit to get this ring you do have to actually go all the way inside of the little town right here you see the house of healing well over here a little bit to the West is going to be the morgue you want to come into morgue right here in the map go through beat everyone there because there is a fight and in the back room there is going to be a chest that needs to be lock picked get it from there the other items in my opinion that are going to be 100 required is going to be the gloves you gain the gloves of balance hands here at last lights in this gives you two weapon fighting normally when you dual wield your offhand attack doesn't gain any benefit from your modifier because we have high decks it would use decks now so now because our Dex is 18 you gain plus four to your chance to hit n plus 4 damage well with our R of heat which is affected by your charisma modifier it adds another plus three damage on top of that so no matter what when you hit with your melee attacks you're going to have plus 4 chance to hit and plus seven damage when they actually do hit which is pretty nice [Music] these gloves right here are going to be sold by quartermaster tally she's over here on my screen for some reason but normally she would be right here on the map she also sells a cape she sells the kluka protection which just gives you plus one to AC and all saving throughs one of the best capes in the game is super good of course if you are the dark urge there is a cape that makes you go invisible which would make this ability even better this character is not a dark urge however so he does not have that cape some other items you can gain from last lights in if we come over here if you did say the tieflings in act one you'll see Mattis right here Mattis is great because he's gonna sell you two items that specifically for this build could be really useful a he's going to sell you the cloak of the cunning broom this is great because you have three points in the Rogue meaning you're a thief now so you have two bonus actions anytime you disengage it's going to give you the little like fall Cloud this counts as blinding enemies so anything that's affected by that counts for the disengage so because your spell slots are a little bit limited this is a great way to obscure yourself or obscure enemies without actually using a spell slot which is why I really like it and with having two bonus actions it's not that bad [Music] he also sells a pair of boots the evasive shoes give you plus one AC and plus one acrobatics so if you wanted more AC whip these boots and the other Cape we talked about you'd be at 21 AC which is pretty nice to have as a dual wielder some other items that you can get for this build uh the dark Jessica's helmet and the dark Jessica's half plate all come from the Temple of char I'm not going to showcase exactly where to get those because I do think that's a pretty big story spoiler however go throughout the gauntlet A Shard make sure you do everything there and you'll get these the helmet's great because a you get plus one bonus to saving throws against spells which is really huge you also gain covert critical so while obscured meaning anytime you're like in darkness you're sneaking uh if you're inside that little fall Cloud I talked about or your own Darkness bow you're gonna gain plus one chance to the crit so like normally you would need the crit with a Nat 20. now you can create whether you roll a 20 or a 19 which is really nice and this gives you plus one the Constitution saving throws which is cool because your Darkness spell is concentration so which uses your Constitution as a saving throw to make sure it doesn't break so this sounds really nice for that the chess piece gives you just advantage on stealth checks when you're obscured isn't that big of a deal but it is there it also gives you advantage on Constitution saving throw checks which is even better so your chance of having your concentration your Darkness being broken I mean it's gonna be really hard to break that with this chess piece on top of your Helm and everything else that we talked about earlier this is also inside Charles Gauntlet it also gives you Char's Aegis which is really nice because it's a bonus action you can use once per long rest it is a concentration spell so if you have Darkness up right here and you go to use this to increase the AC it is actually going to break your Darkness so keep that in mind but this is just another great way to give yourself to AC really nice if you do want the extra AC for this build and if you go with the way to stack AC I mean you're looking at 23 AC which is really really nice the items from act 1 that I think are really useful is the night Walkers here I talked about these boots in other videos but these boots are so good you're immune to entangled and webbed and snared and you can't slip on Grease or ice that alone make these boots really fantastic but you also gain the Missy step spell that you can use once per per short rest that's huge because normally you don't gain Misty step as an oathbreaker Paladin so now you can use it on short rest for even more Mobility really really fantastic you get these from True Soul Nair whether you do the quest or just let him die you can loot it off his body inside the Grim Forge really easy to get and in act one there is a ring the caustic band this just gives you plus two acidic damage all your weapon attacks whether it's your melee weapons or ranged weapons you get this from the little mushroom Colony there is a female dwarf inside the mushroom colony where like all the fungal people are that sells it it's really cheap only a couple hundred gold it's definitely worth using if you don't have any other better rings the neck piece pick whatever you want is going to be up to you I'm currently using the Amulet of The Branding which gives you brand of the week basically once per long rest you make the enemy vulnerable to your slashing damage and piercing damage or bludgeoning and because you're using two short swords this just adds even more damage uh the vendor inside the mountain pass that sells the knife of the undermountain king if you kill her you can get that necklace I don't remember if you can buy it or not if you can buy it from her though then feel free to buy it but that vendor also sells this offhand like sword that we're gonna use this is really nice because this thing is fantastic if you read normally when you need to crit you can roll a 19 and when you do roll damage for two or less the damage is actually re-rolled taking the highest result this thing is actually amazing because this Stacks so we talked about the helm earlier giving you one less chance to crit while your offhand can now crit if you roll an 18. 19 or 20 which is really nice because your all fans gonna have a 15 chance to crit now it also gives you Shadow blades if you have an advantage on attack rolls against lightly or heavily obscured targets when using this weapon well with all the ways we know how to obscure ourselves whether it's disengaging with the cloak whether it's casting Darkness with our spells we have advantage in your attack rolls so it the game's gonna roll two dice and take the higher dice so your chance to crit with this weapon is actually being really big the other weapon that we are going to use is the just a car's Scimitar this thing is actually amazing so if you read it gives you Shadow blinding if you attack with Advantage you have a chance to Blind your target that's fantastic I don't know the actual percentage of blinding someone with this but I have found throughout my playthroughs it does happen pretty often which is great because you're going to be in melee more than likely so but them being blind you're just not going to take melee damage [Music] if you take a look at your actual skills here you are part Rogue so you do want to do your sneak attack damage you can only do sneak attack when you have advantage on the Target and you'll do two D6 because they're only a level three Rogue right now so and this does require an action to actually use so I like having it straight up automatically apply that way I don't have to actually click it if you want to make it a reaction you can I just like having to sneak attack damage apply whenever I want it definitely make sure your Divine smites are on reaction so you can choose when to apply Your Divine Smite damage as well but this uses extra damage and this is going to be nice because now anytime you have the ability to actually do sneak attack damage you also have a chance to Blind a Target at the same time this weapon is also weapon enchantment plus two so even more chance to hit which is fantastic and it has a actually fantastic unique skill this thing is crazy Shadow soaked blow so a when you attack with this just Edge your proficiency bonus to the damage also if the attack hits you do additional one to six psychic damage and it doesn't break concealment which is just insane so if you did have the dark urge cloak and you were invisible you could use this at an invisibility and still be invisible which is it's this thing is really good does a lot of damage it recharges on a short rest and I really really like it if you prefer to go the sword and board route you can also use the just the cars great Shield which is going to be great because you can use your reaction to knock the enemy prone from Shield bash but it also gives you Darkness cloak so on a short rest you can create magical Darkness immediately and attempt to hide so another way to create Darkness if you go the sword and board route in order to actually get that shield and the just cigar Scimitar you do have to actually fight a specific fight in shark's Temple I am actually gonna show where to do that here on the map and in order to get the sword and shield we were talking about from Char's Temple you do want to come here on the map and you want to attack these rats after you attack these rats there will be an NPC that appears kill him and you can get the loot [Music] the other weapons I think are going to be useful the Hellfire hand crossbow is really nice because it's just a crossbow that has a chance to inflict burning whenever you're hiding or invisible so it just adds even more to like being obscured which is pretty nice and then I have a hand crossbow for my offhand so if I wanted to attack from range twice I can with the offhand attack you can get this hand crossbow plus one from pretty much any main vendor in act one uh Damon for example sells it you can reset his inventory by going to a long rest the Hellfire hand crossbow you need to defeat the demon inside Charles Temple don't know what I'm talking about because Raphael will approach you before you actually go into the temple and talks about that demon okay so I'm just going to Showcase a little bit of how this build Works while using it and we're going to attack Balthazar here to Showcase it oh that was a crit heck yeah I'm gonna use Divine Smite level 2 since it was a crit to do extra damage which is really fantastic and because I was hiding this keeps me hidden because of that so now I can attack him again he has no idea what's happening which is why I love the shattered blade [Music] all right now I don't want to actually use another Divine Smite level 2 because I actually only have one spell left for that so you want to be careful the reason it did that and didn't give me the action for divine Smite level one is because I didn't actually have it set up to do that so keep that in mind you want to make sure your reactions are set up properly before doing combat I would have killed him though if I actually would have used the divine Smite rank 1 which is nice I'm gonna use my rank one hellus rebuke to kill him so definitely make sure you have all your Divine smites worn reactions regardless and before we continue take a look at my damage here so you can see what I did to him in the opening so a this is insane so like [Music] all right so here we go from the very beginning you saw how I opened on him I did my opening which also did the plus 7 damage and the plus to acidic damage because of Shadow soaked blue this thing is huge and it kept me hidden because it says it doesn't break concealment which is really big because I got a crit on him I could also do my Divine Smite which did even more damage as well which is really big I mean he took a ton of damage because of that and because of that I was able to open on him again so I did damage of my main hand attack again and you can see how like the Charisma modifier from Aura hate and stuff like that is being applied the acidic damage again some more damage from the vine smite all that was on my opening like and because I am dual wielding you want to make sure you can toggle that on or off if not when you get to attack you'll attack with your bonus action automatically if you have it like this where it's showing only one sword it will only attack with your main hand and then you have to manually choose to attack with your offhand I like having it like this because then I have more control over my actions so right now it's my turn I have one more bonus action for things I could do and I have another attack that I can do with my main hand I have lay on hands that I can't do because I already use my main action I can't do any of my channel oops because they are all main actions so the options I have with my little bonus action is limited however I do have some things I can do first off I am going to use my bonus action to actually use Char's Aegis to give myself a little bit more AC it's just for this round and I still have one more action because I do have my extra attack from being a level 5 Paladin which I'm going to go ahead and use now so I'm going to go ahead and attack him foreign is pretty much done but I'm going to choose to go in a spot where I'm not going to get attacked by a lot of enemies so I'm gonna come up here and I'm going to end my turn these guys are all surprised though because I did end up opening on them which is really nice so now I'm going to showcase the power of darkness which is going to be really really big so I'm going to come down here and I'm going to use my level 2 spell slot it's the last one I have you can see I have Shield of Faith to give me plus two to AC so if I didn't want to use Darkness I would still have additional 2 AC at 21 AC right now but in this case I want to showcase the power of Darkness so I'm going to use this so now they're all going to be blinded but I'm not I still have my all-pin attacks I could do I could attack from ranged if I wanted because I have my two crossbows or I could attack with melee we're gonna go with melee and we're gonna try to finish him off so I could use Divine Smite but I'm not going to because I do have my second bonus action that I want to use here and he just dies anyway and I'm gonna end my turn in the Darkness [Music] and the chances of him hitting me is gonna be so low I'll probably never get hit inside my own Darkness if Balthazar was still alive he would not be able to cast any spells inside the darkness either because you can't actually use spells Into Darkness let's take a look at the tooltip it says creatures cannot make ranged attacks into or out of it which is really nice alright so there's some Undead around here so I do want to show the channel oof charge control Undead what happens when you use this you take control of them however I don't actually have control of what they do they will just automatically attack things so keep that in mind that was my action but I have two bonus actions here so I could choose to attack but I'd be at disadvantage or I could start using my offian attack here and start attacking some more which is what I'm going to do dang that did a lot of damage let's do it again [Music] and the reason that did a lot of damage if you take a look is that offheen attack I got a critical got the R I hate and I had the radiant damage now I talked about your reactions earlier I'm gonna make sure all your reactions are up I purposely left this one like that that way it would automatically do it and not ask me to show what happens because now I only have one spell slot left so you really want to make sure your reactions are on point if not you may accidentally waste spell slots I'm gonna end my turn so even though I am inside the darkness he did hit me but the chances of it are super low so do keep that in mind but it's not impossible to get hit so I'm not going to react I don't want to waste my last spell slot these guys aren't going to go inside the darkness though because they don't even see the enemy which is kind of funny because he's just kind of like chilling um so here I'm just going to lay on hands because I'm gonna heal myself and I'm going to do the greater healing pretty much get me back up the full not quite but close enough and I'm just gonna Auto attack him some more of my offian I have two bonus actions so I could use some oils if I wanted there's no need though I'm not gonna Divine Smite because I want to save it that was a crit so now I am gonna use it and it did a good amount of damage the whole reason I have this in my main hand though is to make sure I do get Shadow soaked blow which is really nice and because you're offhand with this being your all fan attack there's a good amount of like a good chance you're gonna attack more often if you're offhand twice so it's nice to get that extra crit if you're offhand [Music] all right so I'm at a spell slots here which is the downfall of this build is the spell slot usage so keep that in mind but because I am using the Hellfire hand crossbow I do have options to just use some spells and I'm going to do that wow I missed a lot that is unfortunate but that's okay because I can continue to attack [Music] wow I'm surprised they hit me I'm in the darkness he must have a really good chance to hit me even though he's blinded all right so he's almost dead so I have a couple options here what do I want to do I want to heal myself again do I want to just go straight up damage I'm just gonna do straight up damage because I know this turn I want to attack him with both my melee attacks I'm gonna put this on and we're gonna go to town so it's just from that alone you can see I also crit on him which is really nice so I can attack him again oh another crit my bonus action and he's dead I'm gluten all right so now I'm gonna actually lead the darkness and I'm going to end my turn I actually want this guy to attack me was there whatever reason he's not attacking this enemy normally they would he must be glitched at the moment [Music] take a look at my reactions you see how my sneak attacks off and I've had the option to sneak attack this whole time going back to your reactions always make sure your sneak attacks will automatically do it if you want it that way you don't have to melee choose it all those times I was attacking him in darkness I would have had the option for a sneak attack with my main hand but because I wasn't I didn't have that option all right so what I want to do now well I could just finish these guys I'm actually going to cancel my darkness there's no need to have it right now if I didn't want it because it does affect your allies as well so keep that in mind but you know we'll go up inside and we'll attack this guy here you can see the damage just from the offhand stuff like that and I'll attack him again and that's the fight [Music] and that's basically how you use the build you're kind of more like imagine a rogue that can use magic I guess is a good way to put it and this guy will be under my control until I take a long rest but that's how you use the build guys I hope this was useful I hope me purposely like turning things on and off kind of helped showcase why having your reaction set up properly is a good thing if you did learn a lot from this build like And subscribe and I will see you guys in the next one when it comes to end game builds and how this works once you get to act three right now you have seven points Paladin three points row if you did want to have animate dead to summon a little minion you would want to put two more points into Paladin if you would rather have two more points in a row to get the extra sneak attack damage and uncanny Dodge so you take even less damage you would do it that way or if you simply just wanted two more Feats put one point palette in one point Rogue and then you could do it that way as well there are some end game items that I will put up on screen now uh the gauntlets here these are going to give you 23 strength meaning you could redistribute all your points when you do that but do keep in mind once you do that you will need to renew your oath and then break it again there's also a really fantastic offhand sort sword you can get in act 3 that will literally allow you not to need the two weapon fighting style because you get it from the weapon itself
Channel: Blood Ronin
Views: 26,917
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldur's gate 3, Oathbreaker, warlock, paladin, multiclass, pact of the blade, great weapon master, fighting style, misty step, crown of madness, slow, aura of hate, inflict wounds, divine smite, control undead, spiteful suffering, darkness, dreadful aspect, ever sight ring, gloves of balanced hands, cloak of protection, cunning brume, dark justiciar helmet, half plate, justiciar's scimitar, Undermountain king, shadow soaked blow, hellfire handcrossbow, rogue, thief, sneak attack
Id: fdBYaP1155I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 38sec (2078 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 28 2023
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