The "Charismatic Slasher" - FUN Rogue/Bard Multiclass Build (Baldurs Gate 3)

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do you want to be the party's lock picker sneaker party face skill monkey and also be good in combat and be able to do between four and eight attacks in a single turn this is the build for you I like to call it this the charismatic slasher it's a rogue Bard multi-class and very fun to build you know I'll say up front the last multi-class like build video I did for builds gate 3. a lot of people were in the comments so you know saying oh you don't need to take this class you only play that class so you don't need to do this you could do this instead blah blah this is by no means a sort of min max optimized build oh this is just a fun thing to do um a theme build so to speak is I think what most people would call it in D the sort of role play Heavy sort of build um but that being said it is incredibly confident in combat incredibly confident out of combat and it's just a great build so it's kind of similar to the last build I did in the sense that this could also be a kind of main character-ish build enough ramble let's get into it ability scores we're going to go eight strength 17 dexterity 14 Constitution eight intelligence ten wisdom and 16 Charisma so yeah we're dumping two stats that's gonna be fine don't worry about it and usually I wouldn't recommend going to a 17 because you're kind of relying on um getting a plus one from somewhere there are some Feats that we're going to utilize that gives us a plus one along with something else so this is one of those few situations where one of those Feats is actually quite useful so yeah we'll get there but that's what it's going to be like for ability scores race I think you can pick your favorite here there's really not this game does a really good job of making it so that you can kind of pick whatever race you want having said that there are a few useful choices for this one I'm actually going to go with the kind of boring choice of human um you get extra carrying capacity with this one which is going to be super useful for this bill because we're dumping strength so super useful to sort of get something that bumps that up and we also get a nice little skill proficiency Choice here other good choices are teethlings the fire resistance the dragonborns for their various resistances um halflings get lucky stuff like that so there's really a lot of good choices here but I would go human for the extra carrying capacity for background I'm gonna pick charlatan here for deception and sleight of hand proficiencies they're super useful proficiencies to have um and it's just a couple of fishes to chop off the list here you can kind of honestly pick whatever background you like here for the most part um but you do want to pick something up with useful um either deck stereo or Charisma based skills because they're going to be the most use you know if you pick pick something preparation and that you already have a lot of attribute points or ability score points towards your bonus to it is going to be higher so if you're you know if we picked a strength based skill here we're going to get plus one maybe or um for our bonus that which is not really worth it it's kind of a waste of a pick whereas if you get a Proficiency in something that we're good at you we can go to like Plus five plus seven stuff like that so let's get started with the actual class choices so number one at level one we're gonna go Rogue one you pick get four skill proficiencies here obviously super useful that's kind of the main reason we picked this because there's not really a lot of difference between Rogue one and Bard one as far as what you get at base level a base class I also think that having more skill proficiencies is really useful earlier on in the game so the actual pick here is great and you also get expertise here um a level one Rogue which is also really useful and it can help you feel really confident going into skill checks so right off the rip we're going to be getting the scope fish we're going to get deception sleight of hand deception Insight survival persuasion intimidation and we're going to pick our expertise in sleight of hand and then the other expertise choice I would say any of the Charisma choices uh persuasion deception um what's the other one intimidation level two we're gonna go Bard one immediately gonna switch over uh we get Bard inspiration here as well some spells biotic inspiration is not really something that's too useful for us right now it's mostly going to be useful when we do skill checks and stuff just add an extra little bit on there a little bit of spice um but the Spells there's some good choices here so for can trips friends is a great choice you know if we really don't want to fail Charisma checks in conversation ever um I mean we're already really good at Charisma based skills so adding friends on top of that to get Advantage whenever you like is kind of just fantastic to have other candidric choices you can kind of pick your favorite here but some good choices are Mage handle vicious mockery vicious mockery is kind of there as like a ranged option for spell casting because the offensive spells that bars get aren't really there's not a lot of choice so getting the the one sort of good offensive can trip that bards get as good early on but like I said picky favorite any of the counter trips good as far as level one spells we get to pick four here I would go healing words speak with animals and probably the most important one here being fairy fire we'll get into that when we talk about what sort of things we're going to be doing in combat with this class and then for the fourth choice uh pick your favorite here perhaps say feather fall that's quite useful but really any of them are perfectly good choice you can go with cure wounds as another healing option if you wanted to add a little bit more uh healing options in your party or level three we're going barred two the force we get song of rest here we get Jack of all trades here which is a super useful thing to get plus one on all of our skills that we're not proficient in we also get an additional level one spell which again you just pick your favorite here part three now this is where things really start to heat up a little bit we get expertise in two more skills here um which is great we also get a level two spells here which is also fantastic detect thoughts is probably the most important thing you'd pick here for the expertise choices I would go for the Two Face skills that you didn't pick before so if you picked uh persuasion before go for deception intimidation just to cover like all of the bases here but more importantly a barred three we get our subclass uh if you hadn't figured out by now we're going College of Swords which gives us the ability to do sort of Battle Master style Maneuvers we don't get to pick a lot of them but we just get a set you know number of things we can do with our attacks and for fighting style we're going two weapon fighting the other option is dueling which is not really as good in this game in my opinion the best sort of melee Styles or probably great weapon and two weapon to be honest um but here two weapon fighting is just great um one of the things that really spurred me to make this build is how many attacks can we get a build like this to do and while it's still you know not being just entirely focused on that objective you know can we actually make it a viable build for other stuff in the game while getting it to do a lot of attacks so um this is a great way of doing that we also pick up medium armor efficiency here which is really nice because AC in this game is super important you know just avoid getting hit where you can is kind of an obvious thing but there's also there's some really good medium armor options in the game over level five we're going Bard four we get our first feat uh Slash ASI level here this is where we pick up athletes which is not the feat that a lot of people pick up in my opinion and um I don't see why they don't because you get to pick we get to increase our decks here to 18 um which is where we would have put it with our first feet Anyway by picking an air sign going from 16 to 18 and here we get it to 18 and we get increased jump distance which is really going to be helpful because jumping is super important in Boulder's Gate 3 and because our strength is so low we kind of suck at it so increasing our jumps to distance here kind of um takes away some one of the negatives of dumping strength we also get one more spell here as well I would say C invisibility is quite useful for a lot of story elements and there's some combat encounters where enemies there's actually a lot of combat encounters actually thinking about it where enemies like to turn invisible so quite useful but again you can kind of pick your fit whatever you want for level your level one spell here character level six we are going back to rogue rogue two we get cunning actions here everybody knows what cunning actions are but if you don't they are ways that you can do actions like hide and dash and disengage on your bonus action which is super useful especially because at character level seven we're picking up Rogue three for the thief subclass you get two bonus actions with this which is kind of the main reason you take it so at this point we are now making three attacks in a turn all of them are basically normal attacks because with two weapon flying you add your ability score to your offhand weapon attacks so there's basically three attacks which is just a lot of fun uh it might not be as much damage as a great weapon fire can put out but it's a lot of fun to go into battle and just kick click the attack button over and over and over and over and just stab the enemies a bunch so yeah great fun anyway let's carry on so at character level eight we're going Bard five here we get fond of inspiration to recharge our inspiration dice on a short rest which is super useful for this build because with how many attacks we can do in a turn and our ability to use our blade flourishes to do our sort of Battle Master maneuvery kind of things we're going to be burning through those a lot so getting more inspiration charges and being able to get them back on a short rest is super super useful we also get a level three spell lot here um you can kind of pick more stuff that you just like here I don't think the spell casting on this build is super the main focus you it's more so utility stuff and out of combat stuff like the friends can drip and stuff like that um out of the options at level three I would say maybe speak with dead is quite useful um because there's certain spells like detect thoughts or speak with animals speak with dead that kind of just opened up a lot of options out of combat for you with in respect to dialogue options and stuff like that pick your favorite again for the level three spell slot but speak with that is a good option character level nine we get Bard six now we have extra attack and we can make four attacks in a turn four attacks in a turn a lot of fun a lot of fun just getting to do four attacks in turn uh we get another three level three spell slot here again pick your favorite but I would still avoid the combat spells because melee is going to be our real Focus uh so I pick things like utility spells support spells and control options like blindness for example and finally level 10 we're going rogue four the this is get another feat uh I would go with just an ASI here to bump our decks up to 20. for the last two levels in this class take two levels in Fighter um what this will get you is you can pick the Defense Firing style uh fighter one for character level 11 for a plus one to AC which is kind of always useful but more importantly at five to two character level 12 we get action surge which will mean that we can do our two main hand you know weapon attacks or action attacks again um that'll bring us up to six attacks in a turn I think that's probably one of the more fun you know unoptimized choices you can pick just to just throw more attacks and turn which is a lot of fun the other option is two more levels in bard we can pick up a fourth level spell slots here and another feat Choice the fourth level spell options you get for Bard are a bit mere the only good one is freedom of movement I would say but the extra feat choice is very nice to have uh make a pick up something like Savage attacker to increase our maximum damage uh Sentinel so we can throw some more attacks in melee with our reactions or under the ASI to bump up Charisma or Constitution so there are some quite important items for this build I think really make this a lot more fun I don't really like including things that are too rare or super late in the game because you're really not gonna get them very much and there's not really a lot of post game content to do so I don't see the point in playing the game for so long and without knowing what items to be using while you're playing and then getting to basically the end of the game and finding a good weapon and being able to use it for like you know one tenth of the overall play time that you play in the character it doesn't make sense to me so all the items I'm going to pick up a talk about here are going to be stuff that you can find in act one or act two or very very early in act three probably the most important thing with this build I personally think is the dark fire short bow uh you can pick this up from Damon Damon however you say that it's spelled like Gammon but I think it's probably supposed to be Damon anyway you can pick up the dark fire short bow from him in act two and what it basically does is first of all it gives you fire and cold resistance which is obviously super useful getting two resistances off of one item slot is kind of not very common anyway so that's good even by itself but the thing that really makes this kind of the best thing for this build and the most fun is you get a free cast of haste every long rest no spell slot requirement nothing you just get to cast haste on yourself or somebody else but we're gonna be casting it on ourselves probably it's kind of really good to have in your back pocket and while it's not our main focus will also be a pretty competent range attacker thanks to our decks and haste is just so good everybody knows from playing DND that haste is kind of amazing so just having an option of casting haste on yourself once per long rest is kind of amazing so for context why haste is so good here what that's going to allow us to do we'll go from the four normal attacks we have uh haste for another two then action surge for another two so we're gonna get eight attacks in one turn yeah kind of amazing let's continue for melee weapons there are a few good options early on the render of mind and body gives an extra 1d8 psychic damage when you have Advantage um which one of the things we're going to get into with combat strategy is the use of fairy fire which will give us Advantage so we're gonna get that 1d8 most combats um you can pick this up from lantov in the base of moonrise Towers also from lantov and moon raised houses the slicing short sword which inflicts bleeding when we have Advantage which again verify other options now for the undermountain king is uh it seems like every dual wheel build uses this because it's so good you get it from the gift Yankee crash the salesman and getting out in the gate Yankee crash easier crits higher average damage on crits and advantage on obscured enemies so just really good also from Damon in Act 2 is the sword of live stealing perhaps easier to get than the knife of the undermountain king depending on if you can get to the crash but it's an excellent pairing with it because it basically Powers up your crits by doing the extra necrotic damage when you create and healing yourself when you get a so extra those two are really good pairing but the earlier two are probably easier to get just go for basically the best of medium armor you can get some of the later game medium armors let you add your dexterity modifier to your armor class as well particularly the Juan T scale male is quite easy to get early in Act 2 from um last Light so that's a good option for a head slop you know I think this game really suffers the sun slots some equipment slots that don't really have items that are too useful for your just an everyday build well you know there's some a lot of the really good ones are Super Hyper focused on something the Warped headband of intellect is probably our best choice here personally we dumped intelligence so being able to put this on and just put that all the way up to 17. it's going to really help um not only with skill checks and stuff like that but it's just nice to have you know knowing that you're at least good at most skill checks only skill checks will be bad at if we get that are our strength checks and our wisdom will be like kind of meh but getting intelligence up there is just super useful for all of those out combat stuff for our gloves slot this is kind of where we have a lot of choice actually but easily acquired stuff for that it's going to be really helpful the dark justicia gauntlets and the flawed heldusk gloves are probably the best choices here they add either 1d4 necrotic or 1d4 fire respectively to each weapon attack which when we're doing four to eight weapon attacks in a turn 1d4 adds up a lot right that's that's 44 or 84 extra damage in a given turn so that's gonna stack super quick and we get those super early in act two as well for the shoe slots either the evasive shoes for a plus one to AC or the disintegrating nightwalk is a great options here I'd probably go with the disintegrating nightwalkers because frankly having access to Misty step is really useful unless this app's a great thing to have so those those are both great options which can be found end of act one early act two evasive shoes from damn I think they're from Damon again and the disintegrating nightwalkers are from a boss at the end of act one that you kind of have to do so you're gonna get them probably anyway but the ring slot the core stick band can be found in act one from the mic inequality in the underdog to add an extra two acid damage to your weapon attacks which again doesn't sound like a lot but when we're doing a ton of attacks that adds up we also get the Strange conduit ring from the gift crash to get an additional 1d4 cycle kick damage on each attack if we are concentrating on a spell which we will be because of fairy fire so for a combat the main strategy is either going to be casting haste on yourself and if we do not have that because we've used it already or if we all wanted to save it or use later on we'll cast fairy fire instead um and just kind of get stuck in you know very file gives us advantage on attacks we can do four to six uh attacks a turn all with Advantage if we're using fairy fire correctly that that Advantage is going to increase our average damage output a lot and it's going to proc all of these extra damage types that we're going to get as well and obviously if we are going all out trying to kill the boss straight away aced up to eight tax return extra movement it's just great uh haste is great the other option is if you have Gail on your team you can cast verifier and he can cast haste on you and then you're just a machine eight attacks in a turn using action surge well six to eight attacks at that point and they all have Advantage you'll just be like a charismatic Beyblade at that point hey Blade Let It Rip yeah batteries not included assembly required and again you'll just be incredible at all of the out of combat sort of role-playing stuff um you'll be this you'll have great sleight of hand checks you'd be great in stealth all the Charisma stuff you'll be fantastic at there's not really a lot of stuff this build can't do to be honest it's a lot of fun like I said again another disclaimer because this was something that came up in the comments a lot and the last build I did these are not supposed to be a super optimized thing my the way I this is the same as when I play 5e as well is I'm very much a how can I make something fun and interesting for role play and um something that's just fun it oozes silliness and fun like doing as many attacks on a turn and just being the smooth talking gent is it's super fun this Min maxing optimizing stuff is fun sometimes but generally if I'm playing a game for 120 hours like Baldur's Gate 3 like I want fun is more important than optimization for me so that's that's my stance on it so if you come in the comments saying oh you could do this there you could do this bear I know that the storm sork is does loads of damage I know that the uh Rogue monk does like 400 damage in a turn like I don't need to be told it's just a fun build so if you want to give it a go highly recommend it this is also a good build for respecting a Starion because he's a rogue anyway the one thing that that not is not quite as useful for him is all the Charisma stuff because you're generally going to be the main character going in to go up to conversation scenarios but if you wanted to just lead with a Starion um as the face of the party that's it's also an option there so you could go with one of the super optimized builds for your main character and then a stereo and can be the sort of Pie Face with this build so there's the options and you'll see in the gameplay footage it was actually a Starion that I was respecting to do this build so hope you enjoyed the video leave a like click on it if you like it comment down below what other builders gate content you want me to make because I love this game I've been playing it a ton it's all I've been thinking about so I would love to make more content that you guys want to see on this game comment down below what you want to see I would love to say that other than that enjoy your day subscribe to the channel peace out everybody foreign [Music] [Music] thank you
Channel: AbsolutelyJaked
Views: 50,676
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming, stream, streamer, jaked, absolutelyjaked, gamer, game, live, baldurs gate 3, bg3, build, class, guide, fun, attacks, op, charisma, rogue, bard
Id: cI6HoUFJkis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 25sec (1285 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 01 2023
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