Unstoppable Ranger Rogue Multiclass Build In Baldur's Gate 3 (Perfected & Min-Maxed 1-12 Build)

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do you want to be a powerful Ranger in Baldur's Gate 3 you know shoot things with your bow and just claim the entire battle for yourself who needs a party anyways right you just keep shooting till your enemy is dead turns in the stern based game are a thing of the past [Music] but at the same time also be a powerful Rogue and Ballers gate speed using elements of sneak to get bonuses to your damage shot put and deceive everyone out there also do you like killing people in their sleep like the crazy psycho that you are if you have answered yes to at least two out of those three questions then you have come to the right video today I will show you my multi-class build for a range Rogue or a rogue Ranger the idea of this archetype translates very well to Boulder skate 3. from say the Indie in my opinion it's potentially even better with how various mechanics function differently in bg3 now I like building my Ranger rope multi-class as following I will provide an entire progression path in this video so whether you want to start fresh or are halfway through your playthrough it covers it all so I want to approach this multi-class is as following we start off with five levels in Ranger then 4 levels in Rogue we respect at level 10 respecting is really easy in this game so don't even worry about it and now accordingly start off with two levels in fighter into five levels in Ranger into three levels in Rogue and then finish off with two more levels in fighter okay but why why do all of that and why do you want to respect and have exactly this order of leveling have I gone crazy no I'll show it off in combat in a second but from a conceptual point of view my reasoning for taking these levels in this order and building a ranger Rogue multi-class is as following Five Points in Ranger is fundamental absolutely fundamental for this build as it unlocks the extra attack future which as the name implies gives you an extra attack every single turn shooting more arrows is more damage every single turn and your enemies die faster it's as simple as that especially when you're only level 5 and uh still early game as well it is a lot of extra power you've essentially just doubled your damage output simplifies but it wholesome fruit for sure so we're going to prioritize getting our Ranger points first as we are leveling very important at level 3 range here we also get to choose a subclass that is essentially the first step in making us a powerful Ranger for this purpose we go with Gloom stalker which gives you bonus initiative and Dread ambusher at level 3 as well initiative helps out with getting our damage in as fast as possible it's sacking with dexterity which is going to be our main ability which also gives us initiative means a lot of the times it will be our turn before our enemies have ever done anything in combat and as you know the best CC out there is the one that kills your opponents threat ambusher is a great ability as well that also gives you another attack for free in addition to all the extra attacks you're going to get with this build then at level 4 for any class you get your first feat which is going to be sharpshooter in this case and it's going to enhance our damage output tremendously so what Sharpshooter does and why it's so good for this build is because it does two different things the first one is it removes disadventions from a difference in elevation so if you are below your target you don't have any disadvantage anymore very good because as you know environments in this game won't always be beneficial to us the second thing sharpster again does is give us 10 extra damage for -5 to our Attack rules and that is really good two reasons reason number one being 10 damage is a lot it will significantly boost our damage output and reason number two we will use various things like advantages and hide dexterity to somewhat offset that penalty if the description of this Future Sounds confusing to you by the way don't worry let me visualize to you how it exactly works now without Sharpshooter you aim for the body you have a higher chance to hit your target but it will result in lower damage with Sharpshooter however you are going to aim for the head you have a lower chance to hit your target now but it will result in higher damage when you do so as you're hitting a very critical part of the enemy but does she know the best Rangers out there are skilled and don't have a lot of problems with hitting their targets anyways no matter how big or small they are and that's exactly what I was trying to say earlier on so we take Sharpshooter as soon as possible back to the progression path as you see level 3 to level 5 you will have back to back huge bonuses to your build and it's going to be juicy at level 6 still 8 we're going to pump three points into Rogue as our second class so at level 6 we get our sneak attacks and then level 8 we go thief and get an extra bonus action every turn this is a huge addition to the build as well it needs more arrows but also just more utility as a row gets a lot of useful things as bonus actions for free essentially including Dash disengage and hide then at level 9 we get our Rogue to level 4 which will unlock our second feed and in addition to Sharpshooter we're now going to go with ability Improvement for our second feed and get the points into the dexterity our main ability now we will be level 9 and when we hit Level 10 it is time to respect like I already said at level 10 we now start trolling fighter into the mix yes a new class all together level 10 is however the earliest level you can get action search sharp shooter extra bonus action and extra attack these four elements make you reach maximum potential in terms of pro longing your turn and maximizing your damage output so the moment we can get these four in conjunction is exactly the moment we want to get them and the earliest possible to do so is at level 10. but now we're going to change the order around and start off with fighter reason being is that fighter gives us heavy armor proficiency concentration safe proficiency and bonus HP which are arguably the best bonuses that you get out of the three different classes for your starting class so father it is we get two points in fighter which unlocks action search for us and for those unfamiliar with action search action search is going to give us another extra attack one spare short rest really good then we add the five levels from Ranger to it and three levels to Rogue for all the mentioned benefits that I talked about earlier these eight levels are now familiar territory for you however there are also some of the more minor choices that you need to make while you level up so let's go quickly over them as well to have everything covered for example at level 1 Ranger you need to choose a favorite enemy I would would go with Bounty Hunter here as it gives us a benefit to using and snaring strike which is a pretty good ability that has some CC as well and for natural Explorer I would go with the one that gives you fire resistance as fire damage is probably one of the most common damage types in the game at level 2 Ranger you get to choose a fighting style absolutely go for archery our attacks our range attack so that bonus is really nice for spells I would pick Hunter's Mark which is really nice against very beefy boss type of targets and helps you out with your damage output and the earlier mentioned and staring strike for that Synergy with Bounty Hunter due to the Synergy we will ensnare our enemies much more often which in turn means they can't move will take damage every turn and have other disadvantages until they break free from The Vines at level 3 you get to choose another spell hell of thorns is a nice choice right here and then finally at level 5 you get another spell and I would really just go with utility for this one because you already have so much damage I have personally liked something like enhanced sleep which is a pretty nice spell it helps out with your movement alternatively if you do want something with a damage component and I recommend Spike growth it has damage and it has CC and depending on your party can be very useful especially early on when you're level 5 and need some extra CC and damage for the Rogue levels we have discussed everything there are no minor choices to be made there and when you're leveling through the first path or the second path your choices will all be the same it's just the order of where you pick these classes then at fighter level 1 you also get to choose another fighting style I would go with defense right here for some extra tankiness you also get second wind at level 1 Fighter for free which helps output sustain as well for the final levels we finish off with two more levels in Fighter 4 Fighter 3 Rogue gives us more HP than 403 fighter so we go with fighter for the ultimate min max at 3 levels in fighter at level 11 using my progression path as laid forward in this video means that we can choose a subclass as a fighter as well and we're going to go with Battle Master as a result of us being a Battle Master fighter we can then also Pick 3 useful Maneuvers as well at level 11. I personally like trip managing and pushing attack all three will make a [ __ ] harder as activating them will roll a 1da die that adds on to our damage but these Maneuvers also give a cc in the form of making the target prone making them frightened or pushing back the target respectively so you can pick accordingly which one you find the most suiting for the situation at hand depending on the state of the battle and how your enemies are positioned but nonetheless as you see we get a bunch of good stuff at level 11 at level 12 we then finish off with getting defeat we earlier got through our Rogue again at level 12 this time though ability Improvement in the form of extra dexterity you should be able to have the max of 20 dexterity at this point easily for example on the atoll's quest will give you a permanent plus to an ability of your choice like dexterity pretty early on in your adventure which with my starting recommendations for your abilities that we will go over in a second should at the very least put you to 18 dexterity early to get defeat for 20 dexterity but depending on your choices in your playthrough you might also have 9 in dexterity when you choose the feet so you did need two points anymore from ability Improvement in that case I would go for the athlete feat which gives you one Dexter you mix with some other useful effects my recommendations for your starting ability points is then as displayed 17 dexterity because it's absolutely our most important ability so we give it the plus two bonus its skills our damage gives us initiative gives us armor I'd say Constitution is the second most important ability helps out with Constitution saving throws and gives us more HP wisdom is our third most important stat due to the variety of relevant checks related to it as well as ranged spell casting being fueled by it so we park it at 14. then the rest of our buildings are either dump abilities or kept neutral at 10. so how does this build then play Let's get into the strategy and how you want to use your attacks preferably you want to start out with a sneak range attack that we get thanks to the rokinos yes that Rogue is still a part of our core eye identity the sneak mechanics in the game give you a really good bonus to your damage output but to be able to use these sneak attacks you need to have an advantage against your Target and how do you get an advantage as easily as possible in Ballers Gate 3 there are a few ways and easy ways for example if you're an ally like your tank or a melee fighter near the target you will have an advantage against them and thus can use your sneak attacks think about it like this the tank is distracting the enemy and while doing so you can sneakily shoot an arrow up their bum you also get advantages the target has some kind of effect the plight on them that makes them weak like when they're under a spell that makes them restrained for example but the easiest way and solely dependent on you as a rogue is just to be hidden or more generally speaking your target not being aware of you like this poor guard that is sleeping you'll instantly get an advantage and you can use your sneak range attack in any of those attacks if the target is aware of you however in turn based mode you essentially freeze time and you can reposition yourself to be hidden from your target you get the Hyatt effect as a bonus action as a rook which is really nice because you don't have to waste an action on it press shift to see what your enemies are looking at and any area that is not red means they do not see you and you can hide yourself there and use a powerful sneak attack but this also means you can use your hiding defensively as well like when you're low on HP and want to make sure your enemies don't hit you next turn and it will also waste their turn looking for you now what is really nice is that the game applies sneak attacks automatically if you go to your character press spell book and then go to the reactions make sure both sneak attacks are checked and if you want to see in game every time it activates or even control where the sneak attacks are used if you have multiple targets with Advantage you can also activate the ask prompt and while you're at it anyways and are pressing all these buttons make sure to press these buttons as well I think they're called a like And subscribe button might as well press some more buttons right now why Ranger and Rogue synergize well together is because you can only use one sneak attack per turn but you want to keep shooting off arrows and destroy your enemies completely this is where the ranger comes in very clutch with the extra attack you can just keep shooting off arrows and with your extra bonus action from a row you can also keep using other things that might enhance the outcome of your battle or just keep shooting off more arrows as well so a full Rogue Ranger fighter multi-class rotation just essentially means you can keep firing off all your arrows still you don't see anything light up on your Hotbar anymore make sure you also use red ambusher in every new turn of a new combat round and action surge which we needed to finish off a Target and you will maximize your damage output accordingly make sure you use your Maneuvers as well as they are stronger than a natural attack and have that CC and then that we already talked about but they are also tied to your superiority die so you can't just infinitely keep using them you'll need a short or long rest to reset these so make sure you keep that in mind as you see you can just kill off multiple Targets in one turn with this build back to back killing enemies which makes it really fun because one your damage output is high but two you have so many things to do every turn whether it's just going full out damage or doing something more utility based that also that means with so many different attacks that you can take out single Target enemies with a high HP as well relatively easy doing over 100 damage in one turn is pretty normal with this build and keep in mind you're doing it from a distance which obviously has benefits of its own and then accordingly you can utilize advantage and being hidden to amplify your damage output even more and if you thought that is the absolute maximum potential that you can get with build no it gets even better depending on your party because what would also enhance your damage output is having a sorcerer or a wizard or a multi-class variation in your team for haze as haste will give you another attack in addition to all your attacks that you already have and that can be for the entire combat depending on if the sorcerer wizard Etc maintains its concentration on espo for that purpose let's talk about our party the ideal team composition for the ranger Rogue would then be to get Gill as a team member to fill in that wizard slot for the haste and having another Blaster is just nice for your damage output obviously then I would recommend getting Shadow heart as a cleric for mostly utility purposes but you can dish out a lot of damage as well more importantly there are multiple synergies with Shadow heart and our Ranger Rogue for example a really good one being guiding bolt which she gets very early and is a level 1 spell guiding build applies advantage to whoever attacks Target after it's hit with the guiding bolt so that means we can then benefit from that as a ranger Rogue and get advantage in another easy way and guiding bolt also hits hard simultaneously especially for a level 1 spell that can be up leveled as well so overall it's just a win-win situation then we need a tank something for the melee space something that dishes out trade damage but also tanks hits and sticks onto beefy targets keeping them distracted to give us advantage and I'm just going to go with laser right there lazel is just a beast and from a opportunity cost perspective very good as you unlock her literally within five seconds of playing the game so yes our team is complete if you go with these four combined nobody can stop you anymore now there is still one aspect of the character creation that I haven't talked about and that is the race that you want to pick the best race options for this multi-class are either going to be a deep gnome or a light foot half link for that advantage on stealth checks which is really good obviously for a character that benefits from being sneaky both of them have this feature however so the choice would then be in where they want to have the advantage on intelligence wisdom and Charisma saving trumps from The Gnome versus the lucky future which makes you reroll anyone you ever roll which is really good if you think about it you will never have critical failures an advantage on saving Thrones against being frightened the superior dark vision of The Gnome is really relevant as you already get that from being a Gloom stalker Ranger which as you saw in my progression path is definitely something we want to get I personally would probably etch out the happening for this choice and give it the win just gives us more benefits overall now these choices are mostly to min max your choice for your race but if you want to role play as another race then it's also perfectly fine as most races will have useful benefits for your adventure and if you like the looks of a certain race then just pick it this build's already incredibly powerful a Race Choice isn't going to make or break it if you want to get a nice cloak you can even start out as the dark urge by the way I haven't played with the dark urge myself but you get a really good cloak if you start out as one that gives you invisibility whenever you kill something once per turn and it's not rocket science to see that that synergizes very well with our play style speaking of cloaks let's talk about gear since that's the last aspect of the build that we haven't yet talked about now the absolute most important thing for this build is to have two hand crossbows not one two one for each hand as you saw from the village we are shooting off two arrows when we're attacking our targets and that's because we're dual wielding hand crossbows and I'm specifically saying hand crossbows because light or heavy crossbows I OBC don't work you can't wheel two of those so the earlier you get two of these hand crossbows the better and I don't think there are ones with like special effects and passives in act one so you just want to fish for plus one hand crossbows in act one two of them make sure to check out all the vendors in the game as the vendors do sell these and sometimes also resupply their stock with them if they initially did not have them for Act 2 and higher however you get two really nice hand crossbows the first of two being near misser which has a plus one weapon enchantment and consists out of force damage as well I would put this one in your offhand it also gives you the magic missiles as a bonus spell which you can use one spare long rest which is a really good spell as it can never miss so you can finish off targets or kill off weaker enemies with it very reliably you get this hand crossbow from the trader at the moonrise Towers the other crossbow that you then want to use is the Hellfire hand crossbow it is really good and you can put it in your main hand it grants you plus two weapon enchantment potentially applies burning on targets and gives scorching Ray as a free spell as well no spoilers but you get it from killing a certain boss in Act 2 and I think he can't really miss this boss as it's tied to the main story for your melee weapons then I would recommend a shield in your offhand for a nice bonus to your armor class with any pass if you like for your main hand melee weapon I would however strongly recommend the knife of the under Mountain King which you can get in the guest crash relatively early on from the trader right there the knife has multiple useful effects but the ones that make it create easier as well as re-roll two or less damage rolls it's just really good highly recommend this knife in the same line of thinking I would recommend the dark justiker helmets or something with a similar effect these type of helmets will make quitting even easier and the effect stacks for your cloak I personally really like the cloak of the cunning broom this cloak is amazing for when enemies get into your melee range as you blind them when you disengage accordingly and can thus CC them but also get advantage on them for your next attack and keep in mind we have disengage as a bonus action thanks to the Rokinon so this cloak is absolutely amazing for your armor chest I would recommend armor chested at your dexterity modifier to your armor class there are a bunch of these in the game and the merchants usually sell them and they are really nice from a defensive aspect as naturally with this build our dexterity will be really high for your gloves I would strongly recommend the legacy of the Masters or gloves with a similar type of effect which is essentially a bonus to your damage rules and attacks and this one is a plus two bonus which is a really huge bonus and those are the biggest highlights of the gear you want to aim for thankfully this build comes online mostly due to having a good percussion fast class Futures feeds and multi-classing and isn't too gear dependent outside of obviously dual wielding hand crossbows and let's face it this is a badass way of building your character who doesn't want to have a crossbow in each head and accordingly just obliterate anything and everything out there foreign foreign [Music]
Channel: Nizar GG
Views: 302,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: b0LAu8hIMg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 30sec (1230 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 21 2023
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