Level 4 Spell Tierlist & Guide for Baldur's Gate 3

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welcome to the level four spell tier list for Boulders Gate 3 as with all my previous and upcoming tier lists these are my own personal opinion my subjective opinion if you don't agree with me let me know why but please explain why don't just tell me I'm wrong because that's just going to get ignored before I start putting the Spells into tears I just want to quickly go over how i rate the Spells firstly what other the Spells are available to that class kind of sadly and interestingly for example only four of these 20 spells are on the cleric tier list they do get their domain spells so they get a few more than just four but whereas Wizards get 14 spells out of the 20 here secondly does it require concentration if it does it's going to be further down the list thirdly is it useful throughout the game we get the level four Spells at level seven for the full casters and in my own personal playthroughs I am usually in roson Monastery at this point so kind of the end of Act One essentially I will get these spells just just before at the beginning of act two at the very latest and am I still using these spells when it comes to act three when I'm level 12 and towards the end of the game I'm fighting bosses which of these are actually still going to be useful can the spell be upcast if yes that's better can it be used in interesting ways if yes it goes up higher if it's a spell that does damage what type of damage does it do with lightning and cold being higher also radiant higher and the cot and poison generally going further down in act two and three lots of enemies are either resistant or outright and immune to poison and necrotic damage and I do tend to try and avoid thinking about specific subclasses and items if I think a particular subclass item is worth really worth mentioning then I will the first spell is banishment going alphabetically which is available to cleric Sorcerers warlocks Wizards and Bs fire the magical Secrets during this video I will not be mentioning paladins Rangers eldrich Knights or Arcane tricksters because they cannot learn level four spells or higher at least not when the level cap is 12 so so you pick an enemy you can upcast it to pick more than one enemy witnessed assaulting someone assuming they failed there save they are now banished for two turns not very long it does require concentration now what's the point in this spell it's actually in this area this is my favorite testing area because it doesn't really give away any spoilers and there are no annoying spellcasters who will counter spell my spells anyway this isn't the best area for this because these are all pretty weak enemies as things go this is much more useful against more difficult enemies and one interesting thing to note this is one of the few spells that actually targets a Charisma saving through so enemies make have to make a Charisma save and not many enemies have a particularly High Charisma which is definitely a bonus while they're on that plane of existence you cannot Target them nothing you do will affect them so you essentially take them out the battle for two turns now what I don't like about the spell is what I've just mentioned is the fact that it's kind of only two turns there are other concentration spells in this spell level quite a few of them that are crowd control spells and last for longer for me it just about scrapes into a the reason I like it is assuming you use it on a correct Target like a stronger enemy then you've just made the battle so much easier for yourself what I don't like as I've already mentioned is only last two turns and that's just not long enough also it is concentration but we can upcast it so if you want to use a level five or six spell slot you can potentially get rid of more than just one enemy you start to be able to get rid of more enemies at once next up is blite this is available to DRS Sorcerers warlocks Wizards and Bs via the magical secrets you target a single enemy they make a constitution saving throw if they fail they take 8 the8 necrotic damage if they pass they'll take half that damage so let's just see that right it can Target any individual enemy the banished enemy still can't be targeted let's do the one with 90% chance shall we so yeah that's kind of cool I suppose but but but but but but if I cast Fireball at level four so using a same level spell slot that's 96 damage it's not as high as 88 but I could have affected all of them here you're not always going to want to send out a fireball when well maybe you are I don't know I usually do but perhaps there's some reason you don't want an error of effect and that's kind of cool I suppose at least it will always do damage it's a saving throw it's not an attack roll but it's necrotic damage maybe I could get scorching I don't have scorching Ray prepared oh it's kind of over here this is level three at level four this would be 10 D6 fire damage I do have to have an attack roll with all of them but I mean attack rolls are very easy to improve and they can crit and we can add damage modifiers to that as since we do get this at the beginning of act two there are some plants in act two that we can use this on but a lot of them are resistant or immune to necrotic damage anyway I'm just not impressed I'm not really using this at higher levels either for a level four spell slot I'd much rather upcast one of the lower level spells to do the same amount or more damage if it's an AOE and there just aren't that many plants in act three let me know if you know of any I can't think of any but I don't want to be like absolute in the words I'm using but yeah I mean this is almost a critical Miss I mean thankfully it does just enough damage but I think there're are much better Alternatives than using blight I mean blight can be upcast but it's only an extra 1d8 necrotic damage per spell level and that means we're going to be using a level five or six spell slot and there are some very very very good level five and six spell slots to use instead of blight next up is confusion which is available to BS Druids Sorcerers Wizards and knowledge domain cleric so it is an area of effect spell only affects enemies within the range which is very useful indeed it forces a wisdom saving throw doeses require concentration and so then on the enemy's turns well they're confused several things might happen they might do nothing they might just walk around or they might attack the nearest thing to them so we'll see what happens on their turn so acted [Music] normally but then running back and attacking someone else at attacking each other and it's so they kind of pick people at random this what this fist here these two fists did nothing so with the use of a single spell and concentration I took two attacks instead of eight and they did some damage to each other and so now I'm free to just go and attack them do what I want they do get to use their reactions normally though and this lasts for three turns we can upcast it to affect a larger area I would say though that the area oh I've only got level five spell slots left now the area even at level four is probably large enough but there's nothing wrong with having a larger area this is a great crowd control spell I'm hovering between A and S I'm going to leave it in a just because of the concentration requirement and there are some lovely concentration spells across all the spell levels not just talking about level four also it's not guaranteed to prevent all the damage that's going to be incoming to you but it's a great way to slow down the enemy turns take out their actions and I use a single action to do that on minor Elemental is next and that is available to wizards and Druids so it's kind of interesting we get three different options upcasting doesn't do anything so we can either produce an AER from the plane of fire let's just have a quick look at them all none of these conjuration spells actually require concentration which is great I quite like this option the most so this is an AER a I'm a class 20 that's very respectable considering it's just a summon 39 hit points it's okay they can be raised with Aid you can give them long stride you can give them Buffs we've got this overheat bonus action which is a small AOE but would affect allies we got some weapon attacks we've got searing smites for dealing fire damage and his normal weapon attack this is okay the other options what's got here we are summoning meths either ice or mud excellent score I've got some ice breath for doing a little bit of damage chromatic or probably more useful a ranged attack creates an ice surface or just dealing damage with their claws these are a bit weaker but obviously there are two of them which means you might prevent two actions or attacks hurting your actual party members and lastly we have the mud meths we have to be careful well this doesn't matter too much mud mephits mehits have an explosion when they die so here we are the mud mehits if you you fought the Woodwards in the swamp in act one you know exactly what these guys can do mod breath actually very useful because you can restrain enemies and restraining is actually is good so the movement speed goes down attack RS against them have have advantage and their dexterity serving throw of disadvantage and interestingly removes burning and they become resistant to fire damage and these stay with you until long rest there's no time limit to this anyway I'm going to put this in B tier I don't think any Conjuration Spell is probably ever for me ever going to be lower than b only real reason I'm going to leave it in B and not higher is there are better options for Druids well it's going to come up next conure Woodland being when we get it at level seven and level eight do you know what I'd probably put it at a but when we get to the higher levels that are just better summons to be having to be using and conj minor element are kind of fools to the Wayside but one good thing is we've got more level four spell slots then we do level five or six next up is the other Conjuration Spell conjure Woodland being this is available to Druids only and cannot be upcast for any additional benefits so you might find yourself in a jungle at some point and you're by yourself and what you want to do you want to conjure a woodland being and so you conjure a drad who innately has Nature's step and you can see there's kind of a little ring around her which provides a buff for you and your allies well the D and her allies so we can't be affected by difficult terrain and quite importantly can't be restrained or paralyzed and you get resistance to poison damage it's a lovely but now the most interesting and almost strongest thing we've got is we can have a fallen lover our summon can summon a summon we can get a Woodward just like you find in the swamp also we get strengthened shalele should she find herself in melee distance she can do a decent amount of damage she has Spike growth and also entangle both fairly decent spells and considering that your Druid doesn't have to actually cast them that's even better so let's get the dry oh no it's all started anyway right we here we got tangle and Spike growth now I know this dinosaur is going to jump so perhaps actually want to try and entangle it and then we're going to walk together the woodw itself has tangle also and in that vine surface it gets regeneration which is awesome so there we are the woodw has created even more Vines this time perhaps dryad can ca Spike growth and our Druid is just going to tag along the is immun PR pretty awesome we're in melee give him a bunk on the head that's a very respectable amount of damage the only real downside is the dard itself only has 22 hit points which can go down quite quickly and the armor class isn't particularly high so you don't really want to be getting her into melee too often against at least stronger enemies but she comes with a couple of good barriers to heal herself anyway this's go straight up to S tier this such an amazing Conjuration Spell and when I compare it to m Elemental I think it just beats it out right because we actually get two things we can summon and they're different to each other like this and variety which is really really good death Ward is our next spell available to clerics and bars fire the magical secrets so you can protect a single creature from Death just for one time in the long rest those the next time damage would reduce it to zero hit points remains conscious with a single hit point left it's not concentration which is awesome so I'm going to show you something interesting about the spell so what I want to do is use up my two bonus actions of my action all right time to okay so then we'll so they didn't die they're now conscious and very interestingly we're going to have our action and two bonus actions again if you'd set someone up with haste and an elixir of blood lust perhaps a thief perhaps you've got something like the helmet of grit which gives you an extra bonus action beneath 50% hit points you could use all of those up and then try and get yourself killed on your turn and then you get back up and use all of it again now also it's worth showing you just going to cast this again let's say I use four magic missiles 1 2 3 four it only prevents a single instance of damage so if you're facing enemies with death Ward which does happen towards the end of their life I suppose you do want to use Magic if you've got it upcasting doesn't do anything I'm going to leave this at B tier what you can do which we put it straight up to S I don't personally do this but what you can do is get two three hings from Withers get them to cast death Ward on your party members kick them out of your party and go and get your party members because it doesn't require concentration this buff will last until long rest or until it's used if you're doing it that way definite s TI because you're saving everyone from Death at least once in the long rest but for me it's a level four spell slot it's not the most expensive like spell slot to use but they're starting to get more valuable at this level where we can be upcasting lower level spells we can just be do dealing out damage or stopping enemies from hurting us I think there sometimes there are better uses and for clerics it's competing with banishment in terms of spell slot used and spell prepared and guardian of Faith which is well we'll get to it but I quite like guardian of Faith dimension door this is available to BS Sorcerers w Wizards and trickery domain clerics upcasting does nothing but what you get to do is teleport yourself and up to one it says adjacent but there is like a small range there Ally to a place you can see the Ally cannot be larger than medium so I could take Shadow heart you click on a Target and then pick somewhere far away the range is quite good but something I've noticed well I can't take Tavern with me so because of the item he is wearing unwavering ball this is the feature name he can't be restrained and very weirdly I guess it's just the way the coding works I can't take someone with me if they can't be restrained now bear in mind this costant action I'd say this is more useful inside combat one thing I know people who've played Dungeons and Dragons will be disappointed with is that we need to have line of sight to actually teleport away but in D and D we don't it's just anywhere within range so it can go a long way which is cool it does need to be an ally so if it comes here even it's someone that's a neutral NPC won't come with me so we can take Shadow heart away have the T of Our Lives now they can be very useful in a combat moving you to somewhere usually high it's a level four spell slot and an action if you're not taking someone with you it's just the worst version of misy Step cuz misy step is a level two spell slot and only requires a bonus action there are lots of ways to be Mobile in this game jumping being one of the big ones and I just don't find a great use in dimension door now it's not completely useless I have used it myself but the fact takes an action in combat it's just not very good because most of the time you either want to be hurting or killing an enemy or using something to control them if you can to stop more attacks coming your way now dimension door can get you to safety absolutely fine but for level four spell slot and an action it's just not for me okay we're going to go back to the jungle for dominates Beast which is available to Druids Sorcerers nature domain clerics Arch Fay warlocks creates all one warlocks and bars fire the magical Secrets this is a concentration spell that doesn't gain any benefit from upcasting and you try and well dominate I suppose a beast so here's a nice dinosaur there so now they're on my side and because I got on CR lost concentration can try one more time against this Beast there we are so on its turn instead of attacking me it will'll attack an enemy as long as it doesn't take damage then it will pretty much stay on my side or I don't lose concent conentration that's actually very important as well bear in mind it will turn to be my enemy once I've lost concentration or the spell duration runs out this is going between C and D tier for me the concentration requirement is understandable but annoying but the main problem is there just aren't that many beasts that we come across I mean yes I found this one this situation here where in fact in this area all the enemies are beasts so it's kind of good it's great but for the majority of the game there just aren't that many and the problem is unless you know ahead of time where to go you don't know when to prepare it now jira here has picked a circle of the land where basically she's got it as effectively like a domain spell so she's always got it and then in this case it's fine but I wouldn't want to pick this on a sorcerer or warlock or B really because this will be permanently in your spells known and you're not going to get much use out of it on the classes that always have it prepared it's probably better to have because you're not wasting a spell known or spell prepared it's a bit higher so when you need it you've got it but the opportunity cost of choosing dominate Beast for most of the classes is a bit too high if there were more beasts in the game I'd definitely put it higher to me they just aren't enough it's such a great effect but we use it so so rarely that I just don't ever feel the need to actually have it prepared evard black tentacles what was that EVS I'm going to say EVS this is available to wizards and great old one warlocks only so you have an area now just before this Shadow heart got off a glyph of wng sleep that actually sent all five of them to sleep it was amazing upcasting doesn't do anything it does require concentration so you creates an area it creates a surface lovely tentacles coming out hence the name of the spell and on the enemy turns they have to make a strength saving throw and if they fail they are restrained in place and take 3d6 bludgeoning damage and basically this is both damaging and crowd control all in one the damage isn't the most but it's nice consistent damage but one very useful thing is it does provide Advantage it will affect your allies so I don't really want will the Paladin here walking into the surface so he's going to use his not so good bow but it provides every one with Advantage which is pretty cool shouldn't lose concentration this time taking damage taking damage and once again we can just stand here shooting no problem they do have disadvantage on dexterity saving throws something like sacred flame or even warding is going do very well because it's a dexterity saving throw and I would imagine none of them pass their saving throw there fail fail fail fail ah this is an easy a but once again it's another concentration spell and again it's on the wizard spell list it's so hard to know which of these to use they're all good for different things this is good for multiple enemies that you want to just keep in place and deal some damage to confusion if you want to really mess up the action economy and get enemies to hurt each other and banishment if you've got a strong or if you want to upcast some stronger enemies you just want to get rid of for a few turns but this is a very very useful spell and I'm sure some people are going to give some good combinations we can use alongside evard's black tentacles here fire Shield is next available to wizards fiend warlocks and bars via the magical secrets so we have two variants either chill or warm they each do 2 d8 damage of their respective damage type when the Caster is hit the chill variant makes you take half fire damage if you receive any and then the warm variant makes you take half cold damage if you receive any let's uh put the chill one up upcasting doesn't do anything it's just I'm running out spell slots so if this guy hits me took three damage that's just unfortunate isn't it right three on 28 it doesn't require concentration but only lasts 10 turns on an abjuration wizard with the Arcane Ward and maybe a pack of the blade warlock we have to be warlock with pack to the blade could be up at a or S but for all the other types of wizards and warlock just don't think it's really worth casting ahead of combat maybe but you don't really want to be hit the amount of damage it does just isn't enough to justify a level Force spell slot unless you planning to get hit a lot and you're doing it on purpose I don't want to use an action in combat just to set up retaliation damage and it's not even a lot like 28 for level four spell slot I know it's could be multiple attacks I just don't rate it that well you could make enemies wet which would increase the cold Shield the chill shield and even upcasting it doesn't even do anything either the only reason it's not lower for me is the fact it is in concentration so you can kind of feel free to cast it if you know a combat's coming up fine but I just don't think most of the time if you're positioning your wizard well you won't find much use out of it if it was a lower level spell slot or lower level spell but yeah sure but at level four it's just a bit too expensive for me freedom of movement this is for bards clerics and Druids a bit like death Ward it's a buff that lasts until long rest up casting it doesn't do anything and you can't lose this once you've cast it and that should take a long rest so a single Target will if their stun will come out of the stem aren't slowed by difficult terrain can't be magically paralyzed or restrained sounds awesome kind of is and a bit like with death Ward you can get a highing get them to cast freedom of movement on everyone you want and then leave them in Camp now I've already cast it on to have not here all right we can see we've got the freedom of movement buff awesome stuff but for me a massive butt let's put down some grease which is difficult terrain not going to be slowed by it awesome but this freedom of movement this level four buff which is supposed to stop you from being restrained and paralyzed doesn't stop you from falling prone by slipping ice can make you fall over still immune to difficult terrain awesome now I get that the spell doesn't say it makes you immune to slipping or falling prone but my gosh I think it really really should it's a bit like with death Ward if you're getting a highing to cast this on your party every day or is there someone you don't take in your party stf brilliant good stuff if you're not doing that I'm going to leave it at B it's still a good buff to have but the fact it doesn't stop you from falling thr it's just like a kick in a teeth we've got all these awesome protections but not against something so simple as just falling over grasping Vine available to Druids and nature domain clerics this pretty much useless spell uses concentration and you summon a grasping Vine which has a total of six hit points with an armor class of 10 what can this grasping vine do it can pull targets potentially pull targets towards it I don't know if it's going to survive it's gone any AOE is going to get rid of it I pass it again so what can it do right I guess anyone who's held is 100% chance to be pulled but there are just so many better things to do with the level four spell slot and concentration it's just awful if any of these gets a single attack off it's going to kill it there we go we got Gail to finish off this fight greater invisibility is next available to BS Sorcerers Arch F warlocks wizard and circle of the land rids if they pick the underd dark option so this is a bit of a strange one it's a concentration spell upcasting doesn't do anything so it lasts 10 turns so I can cast it on tabut so it does explain in the spell description so the creature is invisible attacks against have disadvantage it attacks with Advantage great that's a nice buff for ourselves however invisibility breaks when you fail increasingly hard as stealth checks on attack in casting spells or interacting with items so let's say I've got tavau here and he's not seen if I let's say attack fist Keo stealth successful and it's so we start off with difficulty class 15 and if I do a second action okay we're doing well it goes up to 17 let's attack again stealth successful and each time I take an action the difficulty class goes up up by one let's try that again stealth successful it was difficulty class 19 and I'm starting to get to the point where I might not be able to actually maintain invisibility now the only reason this is doing okay I'm currently at plus 10 and with the graceful cloth which you can get from outside the rosmon monastery I've got advantage in all of these checks if I didn't have some sort of bonus to stealth I would have broken this almost immediately that DCF 15 is actually relatively high for anyone who's not expecting the stealth it's un finding this very difficult because on the one hand if you've got someone who's really good at stealth and you can get bonuses of like almost up to like plus 20 when you've got expertise a very high dexterity you've got some items that give you stealth it's basically a or S tier it does require concentration sadly but if I cast this on someone who doesn't have a good stealth stat you've just wasted your level four spell slot and action and concentration because you're going to fail very very quickly but with a high stealth it's almost abusable so this one's very polarizing for myself and as I've done with my other tier lists I am trying to take an average because I've only got one symbol here one icon for greater invisibility so I'm kind of unhappy with myself but I don't really know what else to put it apart from in the middle because you really have to have a build ready for it these other spells it doesn't particularly matter what build your character is as long as they've got a good casting stat you're going to do fine but here you have to have a character who is good at stealth if they're not is completely pointless so I'm going to leave it just in the mid middle next up is Guardian of Faith which is available to clerics and Bs via their magical Secrets upcasting doesn't do anything it does not require concentration so he pick somewhere within range to plunk it down and then if anything attacks the guardian it will strike back or if anyone tries to hit one of your allies within this area it' also attack them so will here is going to take an opportunity attack off it goes bam 20 radiant damage at the same time it takes 20 radiant damage or takes as much damage as was done so it's not a bad idea to stick everyone inside yeah so he [Music] attacks and he gets the attack and it can do it more than once per round now it's gone interestingly I'll show you on the next round interestingly you can actually shove it around so we can cast it again now it can be shoved around to move it bit but otherwise it's stationary Thunder Wave would also make it move around the way the attack works is the enemy makes a dexterity saving throw even though it looks like it's swinging a sword actually it's just forcing a dexterity saving throw and if they pass they still take half damage which is why you either do 20 or 10 damage when you first get this I actually think this is s tier very very good because it doesn't require concentration and it's a cleric spell and they've only got four Spells at level four guardian of Faith banishment death Ward and freedom of movement and of these options it is very good because in one turn you can cast guardian of faith and next turn banishment if you really want to as we get to the high levels and further into the game the damage it does just doesn't quite keep up so I'm going to leave it in a tier just because of the longevity and the use out of it but I still think it's a very good spell indeed ice storm is next available to Druids Sorcerers Wizards Tempest Main clerics and Bs via the magical secrets to have an area of effect and if we upcast it we will deal an extra 1d8 bludging d damage so it deals bludgeoning damage and 46 cold damage and for two turns the ice is created this will affect allies it is an evocation spell though I'm going to get the guardian of Faith no matter what I do if I want to get all of the enemies inside which I kind of do so there's all the ice and anything connected that can be frozen which is blood I think it's frozen ignoring coal the week yeah we're doing some damage and then on turn they might fall over if they're clever they will jump out now I will say if you just want to be dealing damage at least on a sorcerer and wizard even just a level three Fireball does more damage you could upcast it and do even more so the fact we've got some cold damage in ice storm is good the 46 can be doubled I'm going to leave it in BT now I have created a large ice surface but there are other ways of doing that it can take a bit longer but for fourth level spell slot I'm not quite so sure it's really worth the casting now here it was definitely was in this situation because I had a lot of enemies in the area and I knew that there's a quite a high chance they're going to try and walk out or jump out but if you don't have a lot of enemies around it's probably better just to cast one of the other crowd control spells we've got but it's not bad whatsoever that we can increase the damage which is good and the fact there is it does create ice is good but it will only last for two turns time the only way out well not even two turns really it that was just one really they were only in the ice for one turn bit disappointing it does at least leave water behind so if I really want to create more ice I can do yeah not the best not the worst solid pick Uke's resilient sphere is next and this is only available to wizards now I am about to show a boss fight in act three so if you don't want to see that please do look away now and just skip to fantasmal killer and just see where I've put it afterwards I will spend some time back on the tiermaker screen without showing the fight so I am here fighting sarok and so the spell is a concentration spell it doesn't gain any benefits from upcasting and you can cast it on yourself or an enemy and whoever it is cast upon they are enclosed their movement speed is reduced by half and it says blocking all incoming and outgoing damage in fact it's blocking anything incoming and outgoing just whatsoever pretty much so I'm going to try and cast it on sarok himself there it is so now if I try and go up to sarok I just can't do anything to him I can't hit him which might seem bad but actually he's quite dangerous this lasts for three turns it's not that bad so I can go and focus on the other characters I'm not saying this is necessarily the best thing to do in this particular fight just trying to point out you can cut off one enemy and I would make it someone who's particularly difficult while you focus on the rest of the fight and now in sok's turn he can just walk around that's it and now I can prepare myself to fight sarok alone though he is fully buffed up now annoyingly now aside from putting an enemy into the sphere you can put yourself into the sphere if I start combat you were witnessed assaulting someone we'll find that Gail cannot be hurt here the enemies can't Target him he also won't be able to Target enemies so we can walk around sure they can get an opportunity attack but nothing happens I've actually just used up their reaction which is pretty cool but I can't cast anything from inside the sphere I can drop concentration not a problem but I can't have the safety of the sphere and also be casting out of it now since I put banishment on up into a tier I think it's only fair I I put Uke's resilience sphere up here because it essentially has the same effect as banishment on an enemy except it lasts three turns the downside is it uses a dexterity saving throw to resist instead of charisma but also you can protect an ally or yourself what Gail can do is just like eat potions drink po drink potions it has a bit more utility than banishment but banishment can be upcast so there are positives and negatives between banishment and UK's resilient sphere fantasmal killer this is only available to wizards it is a concentration spell you can upcast it to deal an additional 1 d10 psychic damage per level you target a single enemy they make a wisdom saving throat witnessed assaulting someone this guy goes last but at the beginning of his turn he'll take 4 d10 psychic damage now it looks like calm emotions actually takes away fantasmal killer instead I'll try it on the person who's definitely going next and they are immune because of calm emotions I'm going to have to start this again this time they all surprised going to try and put it on the person who goes next there we are so they took 26 psychic damage and then at the beginning of the next turn oh 29 and then because of call the week they died that's a pretty strong spell and going to leave it in B tier it's only really good against enemies who have a lot of Health difficult to kill because it does require concentration and once the enemy is dead or they've lost the effect you can't recast it again now over one turn it does less damage than blight but over two turns it will do more damage than blight and again if you're lasting three turns it's going to do a decent amount of damage but while you're concentrating on this you can't concentrate on any of these ones above which could potentially be more useful but it's decent enough but the concentration requirement kind of stops it from going any higher polymorph is next which is available to BS Druids Sorcerers Wizards trickery domain clerics and warlocks if they pick the alrich invocation sculptor of Flesh it is a concentration spell upcasting it doesn't do anything sadly and you target a single creature which can be an ally or an enemy and if they fail a wisdom saving throw they are turned into a sheep same thing goes for your allies they also turned into sheep if they are polymorphed unfortunately if I deal three damage to the Sheep they revert back to the old form so if you're going to use this a bit like with UK's resilient sphere you want to use it on an enemy who's particularly difficult to beat I'm not going to show the boss that I was fighting earlier so no more spoilers but in one of my playthroughs I did cast polymorph on this boss and it lasts for five turns so you can deal with everyone else in the fight and then come back to them if you can maintain concentration kind of interestingly I don't have it prepared let's see ah interestingly you can then send that sheep to sleep no problem they've only got three hit points after Aller now sleep only lasts for two turns but if you cast that on the last turn that there a sheep that's an extra turn they're out of combat depending on the enemy that could be very useful okay so they shove the Sheep awake and as a sheep they're just going to walk around not really doing anything oh damn gravel right Shadow thank you very much I'm going to stick it at a again now this looks like there are a lot of spells at a but the thing is in my head banishment autu resilience sphere and polymorph especially pretty much all have the same purpose but they do it in slightly different ways slightly different benefits these three all remove a single character from a fight in fact banishment if upcast can remove more autolook can be used to protect someone instead and polymorph changes someone for the longest number of turns five turns looking at it like that it's to me it's almost one spell with three different variants now I know they are different confusion is a bit different because it's an area of effect but there's not much difference between banishment Auto resilience sphere and polymorph so it looks like there are a lots up here but yeah to me these three are really competing with each other just they've got slightly different benefits to them next up is Stone skin which is available to Druids Sorcerers Wizards and War domain clerics you target a creature it can by an ally it doesn't have to be yourself upcasting it doesn't do anything and whoever you cast it on they take only half damage from all non-magical bludgeoning piercing and slashing damage so let's cast on Gail himself so now he's got Stone skin looks kind of cool I will say now before even like showing this off that if you really really want to have that effect you would usually do better to have a cleric with either an item called the Reviving hands they come from a bit later in the game on zor and the druid's Grove it's a pair of gloves called Hell Riders Pride where when you heal someone you give the effect of Blade Ward for two turns it isn't until long rest as Stone skin is but so importantly it doesn't require concentration and if you're targeting a single person you just use a level one spell slot now I use Mass healing W to give it to the whole party I'm not suggesting you always use that either with an item or level three spell slot but for level one spell slot you can do the same now know this isn't on the clerics spell lists but it is on Druid and Druids get healing words they can do this instead so if I get into a fight is [Music] that it doesn't make you resistant to any other type of damage n this isn't the best use but it does help reduce the incoming damage but I would suggest if you really really wanted that just get the blade Ward C trip no no blade Ward does only last two turns it isn't quite a replacement but for a level four spell slot and concentration this just does not do it for me if it wasn't concentration sure then it's just a buffed up version of Blade Ward and that's fine it's level four spell slot but I would for Druids Sorcerers Wizards clerics I'd so much rather use my concentration for something else and lastly wall of fire this is available to Druids Sorcerers Wizards light demain clerics fiend warlocks and bars fire the magical Secrets it's a concentration spell that deals 58 fire damage to anyone who's inside the area upcasting it increases that damage and it's a bit different to most other spells there are a few spells like this you have to draw a template does have to be a straight line I'm just about missing will here thankfully I'm getting all the enemies inside a I'd say a very good amount of damage now 58 isn't quite the same as fireable let's say that's just from burning that's not from moving cuz she do get set on a light and she takes the 19 damage that's from burning that's from walking through the fire they do get to make a dexterity saving through and if they pass to take half damage he I probably won't go through the fire now what you can do it shove people through the fire oh that should have that should have done damage really or throw them into the fire be a bit more careful this time there we are took 17 damage it looks like they're already in the wall of fire then on their turn oh it can be used against you is an evocation spell the actual fire damage from the firewall itself is stopped if you take evocation School Wizard score but the burning actual burning doesn't get stopped because this is a burning surface I think for evocation Wizards i' probably put it at a so your allies aren't also subject to it but B is fine I it does depend a little bit on the map as in my previous video if I was up here and put the wall of fire through here and enemies have to come through it that's an easy AER maybe even s you can shove and throw people back behind it they have to walk through it again it's amazing so it's a little bit dependent on partially whether you're an evocation Wizard or not but also on the map where you are I'm going to leave it at B tier because of the concentration element and it is kind of damage overtime and honestly it's usually a bit better to burst someone down rather than do damage over time if you can because then you stop any action coming from them they stop hurting you anyway so that's my tier list and I must say for level four it's a little bit disappointing after coming from the level three spells it's kind of such a big high such a power jump when you get the level three spells and you got so many good ones whereas here most the Spells are solid enough they're not bad but there will be times but I'd probably rather just upcast something like Fireball or scorching Ray or hold person and I feel a bit bad for clerics only getting four in their spell list plus the main spells so let me know what you think have I completely misplace one of these if so let me know why and perhaps I'll change my mind and give the spell another go thank you for watching making this far and thank you to all the members of my channel and hopefully I'll catch you in the next one Shadow heart it can't be
Channel: Casual Veteran Gamer
Views: 17,670
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldur's gate 3, bg3, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldur's gate 3 tierlist, tierlist baldur's gate 3, tierlist baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 tierlist, bg3 level 4 spell tierlist, level 4 spell tierlist bg3, bg3 spell tierlist, spell tierlist bg3, baldurs gate 3 spell tierlist, spell tierlist baldurs gate 3
Id: qUVrivKamo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 0sec (2520 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 04 2023
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