Preparing For A Spiritual Audit - Kevin Zadai

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[Music] oh if you're my [Music] just catch the wind come and catch the wind catch the wind of my spirit coming upon you come and catch the wind catch the wind catch the wind of my spirit as it's coming upon you catch the wind catch the wind catch the wind of my spirits as it's falling upon you i'll catch the wind and catch the wind of my spirits [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] oh yes come and go [Music] we're gonna catch the wind of your spirits [Applause] [Music] to catch the wind of your spirit [Music] overtake everything that's hindered [Music] overtake [Music] and overthrow [Music] just watch me move everything that's hindered everything that's hindered [Music] oh i am your breakthrough i am your breakthrough just turn around and watch me come through come through for you cause i am your breakthrough yes i am your breakthrough it's my joy to come and break through breakthrough for you just watch and see oh can't you feel it i'm coming to your side and i'm breaking through for [Music] your side and i'm gonna break through cause i am your breakthrough i am your breakthrough everything you need everything you need is found in me [Music] nothing missing nothing lacking nothing broken everything you need is found in me can't you see can't you see it [Music] so let go and run to me run to my open arms cause i'm gonna break through fear i'm gonna break through and do the impossible things [Music] every giant must fall down every wall must come crashing down that's standing in front of you cause i am your breakthrough just watch me part the sea i'll make a highway for you watch me do it i'll always come through [Music] oh no matter how hard it looks just watch me do it with such ease with such [Music] you're the choice set before me [Music] you are everything to me you're the joy set before me [Music] you are everything to me and i haven't missed it just watch and see [Music] open our eyes to [Music] see open our ears to hear hear you clearly open our eyes to see [Music] open our ears [Music] so clear [Music] [Applause] [Music] the turnaround so you won't be afraid no we won't be afraid you are god of the turnaround you are god of the turnaround so we won't be [Music] of the afraid you are god of the turnaround we're gonna see you move we won't be afraid [Music] we won't be afraid no we won't be afraid [Music] is [Music] through your world [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] breaking through [Music] cause we're breaking through what we're breaking through what we're breaking through we're coming we're coming we're coming towards you cause we're breaking through oh we're breaking through yes we're breaking through and we're coming coming coming coming towards you [Music] coming towards you yes we're breaking through we'll break we're breaking through prophesy [Music] yes we're breaking through oh we're breaking through we're coming coming coming today [Music] yes coming towards you coming coming [Music] breaking through [Music] yes yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hmm [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] cause every chain is falling away and the shackles all off our feet oh we've broken through to the other side of victory over the chains have fallen away and the shackles have come off of it yes [Music] shackles [Music] the other side of victory the other side of victory the other side of victory free to dance free to be who you call me to be on the other side of victory on the other side of victory [Music] hey [Music] is [Music] victory [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] victory oh you are my victory yes you are my victory jesus is [Music] so [Music] uh [Music] undignified radical lovers of your presence it's who we are god it's who we are it's who we are forever and always and i will be undignified before you a radical lover of your presence it's who i am it's who i am for all you've done for me for all you've done for me and all you're still gonna do god i say thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you for what you've done and thank you for what you're doing and thank you for what's to come i can't thank you enough thank you for what you've done and thank you for what you're doing and thank you for what's to come i can't thank you enough [Music] so thank you for what you've done and thank you for what you're doing and thank you for what's to come i can't thank you enough god i can't thank you enough [Music] i can't thank you enough god [Music] we say thank you thank you thank you [Music] thank you [Music] thank you thank you father we say thank you [Music] thank you thank you for your presence lord we thank you for your love i lord truly words are not enough sometimes all we can do is stand in your presence and worship you just love you and you are the center of our attention lord we love you we just want to tell you we love you tonight we worship you and we thank you for all that you've done thank you lord we love you amen don't we love him yeah let's give the lord a hand amen praise god you may be seated we're so thankful that you're here that this is a beautiful area i've never been here before flying in it was just gorgeous i don't know where you live but where we flew over was gorgeous not where i live but uh uh thank you for being here thank you for being part of this we were in pennsylvania last night we had a powerful meeting there did you watch that powerful meeting in pennsylvania and then in concord the night before or be in orlando tomorrow i'm telling you thing things are happening the kingdom is advancing no matter what is going on out there amen [Applause] and so we just want to welcome you if you're a partner or a student just wave your hand out as a partner or student wow thank you thank you for being a part thank you all those who are watching online thank you for being a part if you want to partner with this ministry if you want to get to our app and where we have all the exclusive content of all the things that kevin has uh put out there that's on the warrior app you can become a partner you can be part of that and so we we're thankful for the partners and we're thankful for all the students and everybody's here and everybody that's watching all over the world and we want to take an offering amen all right so on your seat was a envelope and if you're watching online i know you can't get here quick to put your offering in the bucket but you can do text to give and right now andrew's back there putting it up on the screen the number that you can do text to give in fact you can do text to give in the room it's it's on the it's on the envelope here but if you want to make a check out you can make it out to warrior notes and let me tell you something i had i've had the privilege of uh working with kevin uh for uh almost uh five years now i think almost and i'm telling you i've seen god just propel him into the great things that this ministry is doing him and kathy i mean i was there i was there at the beginning and to see what god has done to see the lives that are changed and i i don't remember where we were the other day but somebody walked up to uh kevin and with tears you don't know what you've done immediately started crying you don't know what this ministry has done how it changed my life and and they are hearing that everywhere and it's changed my life and uh and so this is i know it goes without saying i'm gonna say it anyway but this is good soil and uh they they always kevin always encourages me to remind people listen we that you're not you don't have to give this is not a pressure thing this is just cheerfully giving into what god is doing amen ushers if you come i appreciate that all you volunteer ushers thank you so let's pray together father we thank you for the opportunity to just sow into your kingdom be a part of what you're doing be a part of advancing the work of the lord and lord we thank you that we can give lord it's just one of the ways that we can express our love to you is to freely give what you have given us already lord we love you we thank you in jesus name amen amen thank you ushers let me just share with you a few of the other programs that we're doing uh first of all uh it wasn't too long ago mike cowan there is our dean of the school it wasn't too long ago how long how long ago was it kevin that we started school now only two and a half years ago kevin had it and kathy had it on their heart to start a school of ministry we have 20 000 students all over the world i mean i'm telling you when kevin's not looking i go to the school and i start watching videos because i need the the uh the the videos are so good warrior justice which i believe is what we're sharing in dalton when we're there is i mean just you need to be free you need to be just in you know in this thing and uh the students are being radically changed we we get emails yeah there's one that's been radically changed but where they they get a certificate and you can take all these classes and now as as of right now mike right we are ready uh you can you can uh receive your associate's degree in ministry if you go through all the programs all the things that kevin's lined up you can get a degree in ministry and now we we are headed to you can get your bachelor's degree so yes i'm telling you you get a first-class education in ministry uh by kevin and kathy and then also we just started our music program with jason and brittany here and uh kevin and kathy have recently brought them on board and they're helping to oversee the whole music ministry so you're going to hear music theory britney is going to teach you how to play the keyboard jace is going to play teach you how to play the uh the guitar and we're going to have so many not just that but we're going to teach you how to write songs and i mean we're going to go so many different directions with a school we have a pastoral track an evangelism track amen because jesus is after souls so we want to be after souls so we have one of the biggest things that this ministry is doing because it's because literally uh kevin had a visitation from the lord about this is go after the kids reach the kids and i i love what the lord told him i love this i say it as much as i can when we have you know when i meet people who are pregnant uh people being women of course um they they say would you pray for my baby or whatever you know i'm doing a couple months and i re i tell them i uh the lord visited kevin said every child that comes out of the womb from here on out is a prophet of god and i i'm just telling you and so and so kevin says we have we're going to reach the children from the very youngest age all the way up as you just heard about graduating in our school but we have these programs now warrior kids we have a whole warrior kids program that we're working on where your kids can log on to the app and they can watch shows and you can watch captain kevin and he's in there and he's taking kids all over the world and i mean and he's training them up in the things of god he's teaching them how to fly airplanes he's teaching how to be flight attendants how to be mechanics and and at the spirit schools that you probably already saw we're now having programs where uh kevin and the team has built simulators where kids are coming you have to sign up for it kids are coming they're sitting in the simulator and then they they fly for a few minutes and then they graduate they get a little certificate a coin and they get wings and all this wonderful stuff those children are never forgotten forget what god did and kevin is doing that and kathy are doing that so we're we're touching these kids all the way as young as we possibly can all the way through they're just so many wonderful programs uh we we have uh orphanage that we're really connected with uh this ministry here is gonna be purchasing uh four vans uh for the orphanage we're building a house for the orphanage and lord willing we're going to puerto rico soon and we're sending pallets this kevin and kathy had in their heart to send pallets of food to puerto rico and just minister to them reach the lost you know pour into that uh beautiful place and so there are so many things that god is doing and you know i'm so glad that you're a part of this if you're like okay you know there's so many programs you got to get online you guys you got to look on there and say what are they doing what can i sink my teeth into and things that we don't talk about much because they're still in development but one of the biggest things maybe kevin will mention it on this trip or later is warrior health and uh we where we have a strong emphasis into warrior health and kevin has uh asked first responders police officers nurses the doctors to really speak the truth amen about what god's intentions hallelujah thank you lord jesus lord jesus you're the commander of our faith and we just thank you right now you're going to build us up tonight we just need to hear from you so holy spirit you've taken the place of jesus on the earth you you have been the one that was sent to show us to reveal to us jesus to remind us of what he said and to show us the future lead us into all truth so holy spirit right now open our eyes open our ears give us ears that here and isaac see and cause us to sit with him in the heavenly realms right now in jesus name amen okay you can be seated i was going to jump but well um let's let's talk about a couple things that the lord has on my heart you all you all came to hear from the holy spirit and i can i just say something because i'm a little bit frustrated i'm tired of people getting in the way of what god has for them and for others so the thing that is is if if you don't want what god wants for you which is nobody in this room i'm just talking to everyone else out there if you don't what god wants for you then you need to just pull off the side of the road and get out of the way because there's huge semi trucks coming through with people that have been trained and in the desert and have paid the price and we just got to keep on trucking and i feel like i feel like the lord's telling he's telling me push up the throttle and people are starting to pull back and i'm like you know and it just there's a frustration it's called righteous indignation it's not a sin it says be angry and sin not and there is a righteous indignation which means there's something wrong and like like jesse the plan is he he met a man one time he was a he was a minister and he he says he said to this man i don't he says why don't i like you i don't like you and the guy says well i've done some terrible things and he goes well you know you need to repent and jesse was frustrated and i've seen him frustrated in his spirit and um i feel that way now because for the thing and think about doing something and being in the desert for 30 years and then you come out of the desert and you're going into the promised land and it's just you and another guy named caleb that wants to go in and you know it's like you've been in the desert for 40 years now it's time for everybody come in can you imagine if that group of people would say you know what no can you imagine after 40 years of watching all their relatives die then then the new generation comes up and joshua and caleb are still alive and it's time to go in again can you imagine after all of that that people would be that stupid but that's the way some people are they don't ever get it they don't ever learn it's like well you got all these scars on you and you should you should like make them reminders not to do that again or don't get that close to a person and so i only have two rules two rules in my life one of them is well actually now there's three i'm not a test pilot somebody else does that somebody else tests it i just obey the manual somebody else tested everything so i don't have to go past the manual i don't have to go past the parameters okay that's that's just as recently now the other two things is i do not pet alligators so those are my three rules i'm not a test pilot someone else has already done that i don't pet alligators because they are made to eat you and that's the way some people are they decide they're not going to change so you don't pet them and number three is i don't play in the street i'm smart enough to know to stay in the yard god has caused boundaries to fall in pleasant places for me and you that's what david said you've caused the boundaries to fall in pleasant places favorable places so he is my boundary maker he is my boundaries okay so those three things i live by but be because because i live by that then because i feel as though there's so many of us that are called to the fivefold ministry that we're we're called to the ephesians 4 11 where we're called to build up the body to build us up what into unity of the faith and into maturity that's what the fivefold does it builds up according if you want to bring the bible into it the the fivefold ministry the apostle the prophet the pastor and the teacher an evangelist they all were set in the church by god not by man not by themselves they did not print out their certificate online from online god sets in the church some to be not all some okay it says for what the building up of the body in the unity of the faith bringing them into maturity so you have to be honest because this is how this is how you have to do things i i was i was taken to the future and now i'm reverse engineering it backwards to now i already know where we're going i already know what's going to happen and i already know that we can't pull back on the throttle now i know that so i got to get everybody to do that as far as like i i'm concerned i'm assigned to do certain things so i don't care if people respond or not i mean i care but i don't because i can't care so much that it's in the soul and it slows me down because i can't be compromised because then i'm no good but i watched think about the networks i watched for years and years and years i watched all the christian networks and for two years the lord had me you know all that the book the power words well there's another there's there has to be another book come out the power words too because there's so many of them but he gave me those power words in that book it became a bestseller and i put all those power words the lord gave me those words and i watched i can name the networks but they're probably watching me and they'd be upset with me if i because they they are they are good people but what happens is is that many many many ministries i've watched like new ministers come up and as soon as you get there on there the the network they're so powerful i mean you're speaking by the power of god but then within two years they're like little merely little mice you know me but when they were like this you know right well you he that's how i met ryan was in tv my first you know my when i first started and um anyway so what i did was i had the lord for two years i had a list of all these power words and he said i want you to just make a mark and watch all the programs so that's everybody that you can name and some you want to forget but i started marking each time one of the ministers would mention these things these power words you would be surprised you know what else i do i take manuscripts i shouldn't be telling people i take manuscripts that people ask me to review whatever i run i run certain words through them so i put keywords in there i put all the power words in there and see how many times they use those in a book and then that's how i review it so when you have a whole book 250 pages and jesus is only used three times that happened no mention of the blood the devil and hell was mentioned many times even words i can or can not cannot things like that i just ran all these words and this is what i found and then and then i put the word i in there 74 times verses three times jesus name so i have a i can't say that because somebody will go write that book so i'm not gonna say the title because i can't say anything anymore before you know it i'm serious i find people people anyway okay okay so alrighty then i preached a sermon in phoenix arizona two years ago called why is my world so small and the three by five summary of that on a card is it's because me myself and i live there that's why it's so small yeah so my frustration inside my spirit is a is a godly thing now how i deal with that is is whether i change history or i'm an honorable mention because if you let the war get into you you will be neutralized you can go into the war but you cannot let it get into you you are the solution so you have to go and stay potent the only way you're going to stay potent is do what i say you you don't pet alligators you stay away from people that are mean you stay away from people that you know an alligator's made i mean just look at the thing no wonder it hides under the water it's ugly and it's got a lot of teeth i'm serious so when we were looking for a house in new orleans the houses i wanted i would we were in seattle which is a little far away because where we wanted to live the houses go before they go on the market so the everybody talks among themselves so by the time you fly down there because southwest is really slow so you're going like under 400 miles an hour and you can you can't get there in time to where you can get the house before somebody's already grabbed it like a neighbor or something so we were frustrated for for several months so we finally we kind of like went to the other side of the tracks in the neighborhood and um we were looking at these houses and um there was this one that kathy liked but the only only reason that that she liked it was was because they had the guy was a um she was an interior designer and he was a i think uh he was like a plumber but not a plumber but he did he redid the whole bathrooms with all that tile and everything and kathy's like this is our house i'm like you know that's your bathroom but that's not this this house is not your house that's you like this bathroom because they need them a whole bunch of money into it because that's what he does he does all the tile and everything right he just like did up the house it was beautiful but um right right yeah so i went outside i'm praying in tongues no fresh paint of course but see we had old airplanes at southwest it was amazing just put a coat of paint on them and they look brand new again but they are a piece of crap [Laughter] i'm sorry but that's what we would say we're just like i think you know like can't you just put that in the museum it's like dear lord we're making plenty of money just buy us some new airplanes you know and they did but you could paint something up and make it look really good and and so they did this to this house so i was praying in tongues and kathy's like staring at the bathroom and i'm outside and the lord said um take his finger and put it right here into the wood right here it went right through the whole thing was like totally rotted out they just painted it okay so i walked back in and i'm like how do i break this and how do i get us to get away from the realtor or get the realtor and us out of here and i have to talk to kathy i have to get her on a sugar high first because no i'm just good no no we we prayed in tongues so i was in the backyard it's really nice too nice big grill remember that in the yes and we we went went to the back and the and there was an alligator there in the and he just looked at me and i looked at him and they told me and they said no if it starts coming towards you you better run because it has determined he can take you but if he backs up he has sized you up so that's like there's a first couple seconds where they there's a stare down and so you're saying you think you can take me you want a piece of me and he's looking at can i take him i really am hungry right now and he started backing up and so i backed up and went to the car you know because i'm like we're not going to buy this house but anyway we end up buying a house with two alligators on the golf course okay but i don't go out there and pet them i don't go around people that hurt people for a living and you shouldn't either you you have to be honest and say listen this is not right how i'm being treated is not right you have to make a decision that people if they're not right they're not right you do not have to change them but you don't have to be around them okay that's that's that's the first thing okay the other thing is if god has called you and you're part of the fivefold it is not your responsibility to change people it is your responsibility to be a standard and build people up so i completely repeat myself with people that don't listen why because they haven't heard it yet so you keep saying the same thing over and over again because you're reinforcing the truth and it is not going to change no matter if you airbrush it cover it with white out those people are not going to change just because you paint over it if somebody is not to be trusted then you can't airbrush them i don't care who they are in your life i don't care if they they give big offerings to your ministry or if they're your mom or your dad you gotta you gotta you gotta judge it in the spirit and the reason i'm saying this is because from now on you're going to be surprised when your friends start to turn you in start to report you to a 1-800 number now i was told this that i told my staff i told ryan i told him this couple years ago what i saw and some of the things i saw have already come to pass now this is not god's will what the what we're in right now is not god's will okay it's not god's will god's will is for justice to reign god's will is for people not to trip going up their their steps to their airplane it's a sign now listen to me god has established his truth we do not kill babies and like i say all the time i can't even touch shamu and i go to jail i certainly can't touch an eagle egg or kill an eagle or a baby eagle or a baby shamu but your tax dollars can pay to have a baby killed okay you get it okay so shamu has more rights than a human being fluffy has more rights than you do fluffy your dog your cat already thinks he owns everything so i won't even mention that's and i don't want to mention that cats are already think they own her they're like they're shocked they're shocked when you don't honor them listen i've learned one thing people and animals cats that are in pride the thing that they hate is to be ignored and your dog too your dog your dog his dog got mad at me i was prophesying to his kids one day in his house power god and i was petting lily and all of a sudden i'm like thus saith the lord i'm using this hand i can't pet lily well lily gets upset so she's like nudging like keep petting me i'm like you know what i don't work for you i'm serious right but everything is fine you know the relationship's doing good we're getting along and all of a sudden she didn't get her way she gets up she walks right to the middle of the room turns around and goes and walks off and we've never talked again she's done with me so in the middle of my prophecy i said i guess we just broke up okay see people will do that people when they don't get their their way when they don't get attention they will try to draw you out and blame you for it you see but the fivefold ministry of the church is not is not for anything but to bring unity bring us together build us up the correction they bring is not a rebuke like you think the correction has to do with doctrine it has to do with staying right with what apostle the apostle paul said and jesus and everybody else that made it in the bible which your name is not in there so you didn't make it in the bible to write doctrine so we judge each we judge each other what we say but we're judging really what this if it's a spirit or not so if you're going to stand up and take the mic from me and say jesus be a curse well we know from paul says that that's not of the spirit of god and you can sit down we're not going to have that because jesus came in the flesh but a demon won't acknowledge that because a demon knows that that's how jesus defeated him he came in the flesh that's how he defeated him the demons know that jesus came in the flesh and that's how he defeated him so they won't acknowledge that because then they have to acknowledge their defeat the transaction happened when jesus came in the flesh became sin for us and then was sacrificed and took our our punishment that's how he won he made a show of them openly triumphina over them through the cross so now a demon won't recognize that that is why the devil took jesus into the desert and said if you are the son of god do this and jesus wouldn't do it that was the temptation he couldn't do it as the son of god he had to do it as a son of man so the temptation was if you look at what was being done there and said is that he submit he goes no no he says god god i live off of every word that comes from the mouth of god he was in submission he was god he could talk to himself he could command himself but he came and he considered equality with god as nothing but became a servant he did that so that he can say you're going to do the works i do and greater works than these will you do he could he could say that if he stayed within the realm of being the son of man god in the flesh operating in the submission to the father never saying anything or doing anything except if the father told him to and then he said the spirit when he comes he's going to be the same way he will not speak on his own he will only say what the father say so that is to keep it with all righteousness it was that's why he got baptized he told john you've got to do this for uh for righteousness sake to fulfill all righteousness it had to do with right standing with to make us right so he had to stay within that realm so that is pretty but we don't need it um the process of the frustration you feel right now is that god god's will is not being done but congratulations on your recognizing what's happening in this nation but just think about what's been happening since the beginning and the frustration that god feels anyway anyway but he always finds a remnant unfortunately out of five and a half million people in the desert he only found two now you got to remember that okay so i i'm no longer concerned about goats because goats are not sheep and the sheep and the goats will be separated so the goats have to do with the pharisees they have to do with religion they have to do with a form of godliness but denying the power of so anybody that denies the power of the holy spirit or the power of the name of jesus they have a form of godliness but they deny the power of and i found out the way the real test of this life is determining if a person believes in the power of god now you you think it's the power for far tunnels the laying on of hands and all this other stuff it's like a carnival act after a while but it's not it's it's legitimately the lord but it's not the only way love is actually the better way so if you would love somebody you might not need a fire tunnel or hands later on you won't even need bethel music but it's it's it's god but it's not the only way okay so the power of god in the bible is talking about the resurrection it is our hope the resurrection is the hope that we have we have a deposit the holy spirit is a deposit within us guaranteeing the full payment so it's like we get an engagement ring we have an engagement ring and jesus will come back unannounced at a certain time when he's told to come back and he will take us as his bride to be with him but we're betrothed now where he's promised he's given us a ring and then he left okay so if i'm already betrothed then the world doesn't own me and neither does anyone who adheres to the world paul said to have nothing to do with these people have a form of godliness but deny the power of it these people that claim to be christians but don't live like it he said he said don't even eat with them okay now then you say well what about jesus he went yeah but he went where sinners were a christian isn't a sinner sin is a condition you don't go to hell for smoking or any isolated sin because there's forgiveness for every sin except if you listen to me because i'm you you can see where i'm going with this if you speak against the holy spirit it says that you will not be forgiven in this life or the next it's the unpardonable sin so if you attribute what is of god to the works of the devil jesus said it so don't get mad at me jesus said listen you can offend the father you're gonna offend me but do not speak against the holy spirit okay so you can repent and get it right now but people that continue in a condition of sin they're goats if they've been told the truth that they know the truth and they're not set free if they don't repent then there will be this division which has already happened it's becoming apparent now what happens though you just have a smaller group like joshua and caleb you have 300 of gideon's you have the 400 in the cave of adalam that joined david you don't have this huge army you have people that have chosen to serve god in the supernatural the resurrection power it's the hope of the resurrection that we that we live by so the power of god has to do with resurrection it says the same spirit paul said the same spirit that rose jesus from the dead is dwelling in you this says in romans 8 and it will quicken your mortal body it'll quicken you so so no matter what whether i live or die i have resurrection power my body deteriorates but my spirit is being renewed daily is what paul said okay okay so this is the introduction for tonight i wanted to show you a status that we have and that that level that is in us is going to cause frustration because we are the standard you it would be wrong if you weren't frustrated it'd be wrong if you didn't feel like something's not right people defying gravity by falling upstairs so i can't say i have to say everything in code or they'll i've never i've never been digged once on any of the social media if you notice i'm still on all of them all my friends are disappearing because you don't say certain things it's algorithms so everything has to be mystical and abbreviated because i am going to last i am going to stay here and be effective right so are you okay so all the different departments of warrior knows that god uh revealed to to me before all this happened that we were supposed to start has to do with getting us ready for the next step which we've already gone through we've gone through that step but it's getting there's gonna be other things happen and we're getting ready for that okay so we have to stay together and we have to let the lord lead us but it's going to be goshen it's not going to be egypt it's going to be the little area where they put the slaves the egyptian the egyptians put israelis that were slaves that really were the ones that came down and joseph fed his family so when joseph was there he had favor and so god kept his covenant because there was a famine and so when joseph's family came down they didn't know they thought he was dead but he was hidden and that's why joseph said his family you know i said what you meant for evil god meant for good but it says no and i want you to write this down if you can it says the word of god tested joseph until it came to pass so joseph was tested severely but he was a deliverer jesus was tested severely but he was a deliverer moses was tested severely but he was a deliverer noah was tested severely but he was a deliverer you get it okay so in a generation there's always a test and there's always an antichrist spirit there's always an antichrist in the womb there's always one being groomed and you know they probably don't live far from here maybe up a little bit north in you know getting ready to be seated but the church is still here and paul said to the thessalonians he said that the the appearance of the antichrist will the son of perdition which is the exact same phrase that judas was called when he appears he says it won't be until these things happen and he says and because the one who is holding him back is still here and you know who that is yeah so every generation has someone come out with a 12 dvd set on the antichrist and the dragon and the bowls of wrath and how to build a bomb shelter and so we have this thing going on all the time so we if you look every generation had the antichrist being groomed because satan doesn't know when his time is so he just has somebody on standby ready and waiting i've seen i've seen this my friends they used to be on carriers sitting in in f-14s f-18s ready five ready 15 sitting there reading books on the cat launch with their canopy up ready to launch within five minutes i've been to minot i've been to both minot and ellsworth up there in the dakotas where there's b-1 bombers with with nuclear weapons to take out cities in other countries they're sitting up there reading ready to take off within 15 minutes with nuclear weapons on them we went up there to get the troops to take them to red flag there and at nellis air force and the station everywhere on that base are all of these bombers ready to go at anyone's nose with coordinates already in their database for their cities and they're everywhere they're sitting there lit up you can see the pilots and they're reading and then when when their shifts over the other some more pilots come and they go this is happening all the time it's it happens in in germany ramstein you i can just name i don't want to get in trouble i have men in black come it was just a short flight for them to come here so in you know i'm making you laugh but what i'm really doing is i'm trying to show you some things so that you get your awareness up this is not a game and this is not an exercise this is the real thing we're we're in it okay but we're holding back the antichrist we're literally still here when every day that we wake up it's it's just uh those individuals up north are going to go get a day older and then they're going to die at one point they're just going to pass away just like hitler did just like everybody else did everywhere you go in history there was someone who was groomed to take over the and and rule in in there and it might be it might be in rome it might i don't know it that doesn't concern me what concerns me is your spiritual condition because i'm called to the fivefold ministry of the church so i'm called to minister to you i'm not called to minister to goats that's my point i'm not i'm not even called to minister to the unwise virgins so half of the virgins they were all virgins which means they were all saving themselves for marriage that's a point that jesus made when he told that parable that they were all doing the right thing keeping themselves pure but five of them fell asl well they all fell asleep scary they all fell asleep but five of them read their bible and prayed and studied and used their gifts used their talents was was ready for an event they were ready just in case they were ready did i mention they were ready so you have to always be ready every morning when i wake up i'm i'm actually pleasantly surprised that i'm still here because god's given me another opportunity to mess up the devil's plans and that's all i see it as because i'm doing god's will i'm already doing god's will but can i mess him up because he messed with me he messed with you and it's payback time and you're thinking oh this guy is crazy what's what's he saying all this you have to understand this is a way when you meet jesus this is the way he is he will tell you he made a show of him openly he said i destroyed the works of the devil that you know if you hang around him you're going to start being like him but what i'm saying is you're not going to have as many friends as you did because you become a standard because of who you're hanging around you start talking like him you start walking like him and then the demons know you've been with jesus so they treat you as though you're him and the people will take note that you had been with jesus because that's what they said they took note that these had been with jesus it says the ones who turned the world upside down have come to us now where now oh my gosh those christians are coming to our town that's what they were saying so instead of being afraid instead of being afraid to be ridiculed and persecuted or even dying for what you believe in you ought to just go ahead and turn yourself in and resolve the fact that you really are all are dead already you're dead to yourself me myself and i don't live here anymore right you get it okay so your temple is not your own now you've been bought with a price so glorify god in your body the temple is your body the body is the temple of the holy spirit it's not your temple that you worship yourself with and you don't let other people worship you and that's just your body we haven't even got to your soul or your spirit yet but if that is if your body is that important then let's just go go into the soul the soul is your mind will and emotions if god has your will he's got you and that's a huge war to win then he has one more person on the earth that will do his will and then his will will be done but yet you cannot change a nation by yourself but god god can overturn and he can give you the nations as your inheritance he says ask me and he can raise up a city in a day i guess i guess it just has to get to the point when when you take a stone you put it in a sling and you let it go you know it's going to hit the reason you know is because you've been practicing david said i took out the bear in the line i can take out this guy he's uncircumcised which means he doesn't have a covenant with our god so he's toast he's he's going to be bird feed today and that's what he said i'm going to feed you to the birds today that's what he said to him okay so if you meet david i'm telling you some of you might not like him because he's got an edge about him but see you don't like david wait do you meet jesus but see these people change history and we all learned about them since we were little kids in sunday school but would we really get along with them if we're little mealy little mealy-mouthed little mice like you know i don't want to offend anybody but you know you might want to quit doing that you might want to stop doing that it's like you call yourself a prophet like is it like the prophetic evidence is now or like suggestions no no prophet just speaks for god god has certain things he likes but think about all the prophets have spoken and it didn't come to pass but think about that they were speaking what god wanted think about jeremiah he told israel in jeremiah 29 11 which daniel was alive reading jeremiah when he had the angel visitation and he saw that what jeremiah had written in in the whole chapter 29 was was was his people they were in exile in in babylon and it it was 70 years of captivity and it had it was the 70th year when he read it and he goes this is us and then he's reading and says you in your captivity will call unto me and i will hear you and i will deliver you back into the land into israel because what i have a good and expected end for you plans for you to prosper okay that's god's intention god is allowed to speak what he desires that's his perfect will but what happened in 70 a.d it was destroyed what happened to god's word what happened to jeremiah's prophecy well jesus tried to change it because not that long after that jesus came on the scene and he stood above jerusalem looking out over jerusalem on the mount of olives and he said o jerusalem how i long to gather you together like a hen gathers her chicks but you would not have it you did not discern your dead visitation he was he was hung on a cross shortly after that and the city was destroyed but jesus said not one stone will be left on top of another well why that's a that's completely against what jeremiah said free will free will what happened last year free will why is the church of the lord jesus christ seemingly ineffective like last year okay when it says that the gates of hell shall not prevail against the church see no one no one will even address this stuff why because everybody's become compromised except there are people that are speaking the truth and they're doing it in love love is it is purest form is discipline because a father disciplines his children when he loves them so hebrews says that god is just treating you as sons when he disciplines you and even though the book of hebrews says it it's hard at the time to endure but that the fruit of that is yet to mature and so if we don't have boundaries we don't mature we don't grow it's just because of the fallen state this world is in and even us as christians if we don't yield to the spirit we're going to yield to the flesh and paul said listen if we're sons of god we walk in the spirit we yield to the spirit we don't yield to the flesh in romans 8 1 and 2 verses 1 2 3 and 4. if you read that paul is saying listen this is your status it's not romans 7 romans 7 was written before he got born again even though he wrote it after he was describing himself under the law where there was no power to do what he what he was supposed to do everything he wanted to do he couldn't do that everybody identifies with that in the body of christ a lot of people identify with that romans 7 right now that is not why paul wrote romans 7 you are in romans 8. there is therefore now no condemnation for those in christ jesus and it says in it we have a spirit of adoption well in in verse 15 by the end of the chapter we're more than conquerors and in between there is my favorite verse one of them 8 26 it says in our weakness the spirit comes in and lifts us up and super intercedes through us that we can pray out the perfect will of god in the spirit so all the emphasis this is weird because i just said this in pittsburgh last night all the emphasis is on the soul and on the body but you get a little cold snack once a week spiritually so why would you want to go there but people still go but see god's will is to to be in church but god's will and more more powerfully is to be the church just not to be in church to be church to be the church believers in the marketplace owning everything do you realize the risk if i didn't own what god told me to own he says this is what's going to happen i'm like really do you realize i'd still be waiting for that yellow airplane in miami to take me here this week people spent more time in an airport in the last couple days than they do at home okay so if you don't listen to what the lord's telling you you you won't you won't you it'll appear that he let you in harm's way but he wanted to get you into goshen where there weren't plagues see paul said if you judge yourself you won't be judged you won't be judged like the world so goshen is the old testament type of what he just said you stand out and be separate paul said from among them he said this in corinthians so we stand out and we're separate i better pretend like i'm using my notes here i i memorized everything and i you guys will get nervous like is he just making this stuff up no i know you don't think i love the word of god but i let what what i let what has planned itself in me come out that's more effective than trying to memorize stuff and then faking it it'll get you on tv but will make you effective get the car get the car running we got to get out of here no watching programs for those two years very little was said about the power words very little was said about the blood of jesus the word repentance not mentioned i i checked them off all them and i can name you the people that talked about it andrew womack and a couple others that aren't that are really aren't in the ministry anymore but you know the devil hates those kind of people but don't you think that if the holy spirit took jesus's place which he did he came he came here it was a tag team thing jesus i'm going to the father he said i'm going to when i get there i'm going to send you another one like me and he's just like me he and he is going to remind you of what i've said he is going to reveal truth to you lead you in all truth and then he's going to even tell you the future okay so he is here now what did jesus do i was here acts 10 38 students he went around doing good so he's a good god healing everyone that was oppressed of the devil he went around doing good and healing everyone everyone not just some everyone okay so jesus wanted to heal everyone but not everyone was healed okay but when they weren't he said why did you doubt he healed everyone that came to him but the people that weren't healed they either didn't come to him or they doubted people that needed deliverance everyone that came to him got delivered except if they didn't get delivered he would say you perverse generation why did you doubt you unbelieving perverse generation he said it to his nine disciples the three were hiding behind him that were up on the transfiguration this is chapter nine of mark so the three were hiding because they they're going to get on sid roth so they don't want to get involved with this because they just saw moses and elijah but what about the nine that were down there they were arguing with the guy because they could he these these guys couldn't your students couldn't cast them out he said how long will i be with you you perverse unbelieving generation and he casts the devil out and then they're like okay what page did we miss why couldn't we cast them out he said this kind of only comes out by prayer and fasting you see prayer and fasting gives you an edge that they didn't have they had been compromised that is very nice so they can get on tv but see how about being on tv and being effective that is an edge that is hard that's a narrow way see because everything wants to compromise you so you don't pet alligators you don't play in the street and you're not a test pilot everything is established your boundaries are already set so if god says the limits have been taken off then the limits have been taken off however he is a righteous holy god and he calls the shots so he makes my boundaries but what he's saying is is forward-looking so he's telling you to do something that you might not think you need right now but then all of a sudden how i got here today was something that he told me years ago but i didn't need it at the time now i need it because i'd still be in an airport waiting for them to decide to take the jab or not the jab because they're all walking off now all my friends are walking off because they're being mandated okay so they can't find enough employees so you think it's just at your restaurant but it's spreading everywhere okay so don't you think the holy spirit knew this two years ago don't don't you think that even though it was god's will for this not to happen it's happened okay but don't you think that in goshen in favor that god could tell you a couple years in advance and get you ready for it so that there is a way of escape because there is according to the corinthians paul said he always provides a way of escape so that you can bear up under it okay so all i'm doing is quoting scriptures but see i'm putting it together to show you that we are being audited right now our spiritual life has been audited now an audit to me is i bring in the standard it's like my my other pilot's not here because he's up in his room taking care of some stuff but he's the standard for me because he's also my instructor right now so if lou was here he'd be sitting right here and he is my standard so everything's fine until he shows up because i think everything's fine and then when he flies with me i have to clean it up a little bit but see the reason i have to clean it up is because he's the standard and he's where i should be but i'm not there but i'm going to be and it's the same way with you every morning when you wake up you're not there yet but you're going to be closer today than you were yesterday okay that is an audit to me an audit is let's be honest i'm going to own it i'm going to own where i'm at because if i can locate where i'm at i know where i then i can go somewhere but if i don't know where i'm at if i don't own it then i'm never going to change you will never change and unless you be accountable you have to own it if you're not where you need to be then you've got to own that and just say i'm not where am i you know there's nobody here going to throw there's no eggs in here to throw so you're not going to get anything thrown there is no tomatoes no heirloom tomatoes there's nothing there's no drive-by fruiting that's going to happen here we're all body the body but see each of us has a standard within us if we yield to that standard we're all going to feel a rise in our life because it's a corporate anointing which is why we do what we're doing here and this is just a one night drive-by to beat the living daylights of the devil and just give him this is the this is the tracer round over his head we do a one-night wonder for the partners to let them know that we will be back and this time it's personal we will be back and we will get a place that holds 2000 because that's exactly what happens in other places that we've already done this we've done what we did here we started out i can remember when we started out i can name the cities we go to where we have between 1500 and almost 2 000 people we started out with this many people in a hotel room just like this and the next year it was 1500. it happened it's it's there but see this i'm doing this for the body because we need to just be in agreement and meet people and get together forget about the goats forget about the unwise virgins forget about the tares that look like wheat but they never come to fruition they never come to the head they don't have any fruit i'm not called to tears i'm not called to the goats and i'm not called to the five unwise virgins they've already been labeled that's not predestination it's just good business jesus said to his parents when they couldn't find him for three days but you know mary lost god i mean he lost she lost jesus for three days [Applause] i notice if my wife isn't with me got two phones i just call one of them right we can contact each other he said don't you know that i have to be about my father's business this is at 11 years old i believe so here we are you came tonight because you want to be about your father's business well no one else is going to do that no one else is going to do that if that's what you're supposed to do then that's what you need to do however what i found is and i'm trying to save you a bunch of years is there is no one else going to encourage you and there is no one else is going to do it for you you are going to do it and how you do it is you start to be accountable and say listen i am not there and i don't have the resources i don't have what it takes to go where god wants me to go and at that very moment romans 8 26 kicks in in your weakness it says the spirit comes in not in your strength in your weakness he comes in and he super intercedes he helps you intercede according to god's perfect will and that's why paul said i glory in my weakness that's why i have that saying weakness is my friend it's a balance on that wave that i ride where i know where i end and god begins and i ride that wave all the time i'm right there i'm always feeling the weakness and the strength at the same time and i've learned to balance that in my life and it looks like it looks like you get propelled way ahead of everyone else but it's just that you found the sweet spot and everybody that practices all the time they're going to make it look easy but it's not but you watch the olympics but there's people who are doing that all the time and if you would do something all the time you'd be good at too i mean you did that with sin you practiced it all the time and you got good at it so why can't you just flip it now well in closing wow okay can i read can i read paul to you okay and um in ephesians chapter chapter one of ephesians i'm just going to read with verse three i'm gonna i'm gonna it's gonna break this down for you and we're going to have a good time tonight paul says in verse 3 of chapter 1 i believe this is correct let me make sure here let me look down here my reference here yes every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm not in the earthly realm and the heavenly realm has been already lavished upon us as a love gift from our wonderful heavenly father the father of our lord jesus christ all because he sees us wrapped up in christ that was a steak dinner right there and that's not even the whole third verse yet not even one verse this is in your in your house like six different places on tables and on bookshelves and even the nearly inspired version it's not too bad you know the niv yeah the niv nearly inspired version it's like nothing in there is permanent like you every time you open it they've taken stuff out it's amazing it's like a flannel graph or a chalkboard or something it's like what is wrong with me today okay this is why we celebrate him with all our hearts okay verse four and in love he this would be a good time for some more music if you guys have a cell phone and in love he chose us before he laid okay this is see this is the god that i met in heaven and this is why i didn't want to come back this is why i there's a part of me doesn't want to do any of this the reason why is i know the discrepancy that's here i know how hard it is to deal with the spirit of this world because it's thick and the demonic activity you know when i was there i remember someone telling me you know there's not a demon behind every tree and i'm like what because when i was there i go i saw that there were at least five demons behind every tree and i saw that it was easier just to take out the tree in other words take out the thing they were hiding behind instead of just naming it and dealing with demons because they're liars anyway all you have to i'm just telling you this i saw that if you knew who you were and that you were made in the image of god and i didn't want to come back but i knew if i just went like this i just did it and you should see the demons in the spirit right now just by stomping my foot when they know that you know they just vacate you could stomp your foot you could go you could show up in a country and just we've done it you won't believe this stuff we've seen in other countries they knew that i knew and they hadn't encountered anybody like me but see they haven't encountered anybody like you you could do the same thing but see people that live in a territory are compromised by the evil spirits that are assigned there they don't why do you think they ask jesus please do not send us out of the area because they are that's where they were before the flood and that's where they want to stay because they they've worked their people into nothing in the jello hello the churches are just beautiful but they got like three people in them see they've succeeded at neutralizing the church oh if you think i'm gonna back off it's gonna get stronger demons when you come from another territory that's why that you have to be sent you're sent ones that's why that whole apostle thing works you go to another territory those demons they had never encountered you and you come from another territory they haven't had time to work on you and so they figure it out we're not going to get anywhere with them but we're in trouble that's what they're going to say we're not going to get anyway with it we got to get rid of the we got to get rid of them we got to get people wearing masks get them out of this country keep them out of this country mask everybody no singing in california six feet buddy he is scared every time i see a bat i just want to slap him moving on verse 4 he said and in love he chose us he chose us oh here we go before the foundation of the world in love he chose us before the foundation of the world that's a long time ago before you were even invited to the meeting they made decisions about you come on now whatever you've been smoking you're gonna either have to double up on it or quit it oh i i've seen people it's like i don't want medication on but you need to double it you got to be kidding me you got to be kidding me this happens in every generation if you read history you can learn from it this happens all the time these things happen every generation it's it's the same devils in the same territories that have never been addressed jesus got in a boat went across got out addressed the devil if you read it he gets right back into the boat doesn't go to starbucks doesn't go eat doesn't go shopping he just traveled three hours well it was seven because of the storm but you know it's almost like the airlines you know and he gets out and he rebukes the devil casts them out gets back in the boat goes back over he was just doing spiritual warfare just took the devil out but the devil tried to take him out on the way over there that territorial spirit tried to take him out so i want to build you up you're not all from this area but those who are i'm building you up which is what we're doing in every city because i want to own all these cities but you've got to own them in the spirit so every spiritual blessing has been given to us from the heavenly realm he's lavished upon us as a love gift that says here okay so in love he chose us in this love gift in in this heavenly realm in all these supernatural things he did this before he laid the foundation of the universe so he had already paul said he had already predestined it's not predestined that you either go to hell or heaven he predestined his perfect will for those who would choose so adam and eve didn't partake of what he chose for them and we are all suffering for it joshua and caleb suffered for the five and a half million people that made the wrong decision now you're suffering for what somebody else did for this country made decisions for you it might have been a machine i don't know maybe i don't know yeah we got a hot one yeah double tree hotel because of his great love he ordained us ordination now he in his great love he ordained us this is verse 4 of the bible just take one of the six in your house he ordained us so that we would be seen he ordained us so that we would be seen seen as holy in his eyes with an unstained innocence that is past tense so why are you still thinking about your past i'm telling you what i saw was and i didn't want to come back now listen to me i hope you're listening is in order to control human beings if things are going their way because they're blessed because they're favored because they live under the reign of god if the if you do that you are going to live a long and i'm going to say the word prosperous life because abraham chose to do that and the next chapter after he did that which is chapter 13 it says abraham was very rich he promised in deuteronomy 15 4 he said because i am your god there shall be no poor among you for i the lord your god have called you and will take you into the land i've promised you okay and it you choose this day it's even better than the two than a three item menu at in-n-out burger it's a two-item anyway choose this day who you're gonna serve either obey or disobey do you want to be the head or the tail do you want to borrow or or lend do you want how would you like it if your enemy comes at you and he flees in seven ways okay these i think it's a whole chapter 28 it's a whole chat it's a two-item menu okay so because of his great love he ordained us and he sees us as holy this was his perfect plan from the beginning oh it actually says that verses 5 and 6 says for it was always his perfect plan to adopt us as his delightful children this is the bible through our union with jesus okay so it's all because of jesus the anointed one so that so that oh this is this is amazing so that his tremendous love would cascade over us and it would glorify his grace for the same love that he has for jesus he has for us this is paul and this unfolding plan that means it's opening up brings him great pleasure so right now as i'm preaching the gospel i have no bad news jesus said to preach the gospel that's good news i'm going to preach good news i don't have a 12 dvd set of the end times i have a book full of the end times that in the last days those who are wise shall shine like the noonday sun in those last days seal it up daniel for it is for a time not yet come but i believe it has come now i believe we are those people so as we get wiser our faces are going to shine like the noonday sun daniel got got taken to the future and saw this the psalmist talks about this okay well what happened with moses on the mountain two 40-day seminars and at the end of those people told him to cover his their face his face he didn't know it says he didn't know why because it became his normal but he was a standard oh the lights oh your spirits are just lighting up i just all your spirits just started hitting me it was the holy spirit just hit your spirit and you got it and i could feel it now i can go on your spirits just lit up did you fill the room okay there is not one demon in here there's no one demon in here the demons don't have a hold of a person that's walking in revelation you'll feel the freedom and the joy will bubble up it's not it's not um there's a difference between happiness you know there's there's earthly words we have happiness we have fun we have these words but they're in the soul realm but i i have i'm always full of joy but i'm not always having fun i have joy all the time but i'm not always happy sometimes i'm intense to where i can't be around anybody because the lord is filling me up into a standard where i'm like he's filling me up because he wants me to speak from that place and it's it's to trim your limbs it's to trim the your tree prune you but see he has to prune me first so there are times where i'm like i don't want to talk to anybody i don't want to hear anybody's voice i don't want to be around anyone that's because i'm caught up in the counsel of god and i'm going to the next level and sometimes he'll take you there first and that's where the separation happens because if people don't go with you then you're alone and then you hurt what did you do wrong you did nothing wrong you yielded does everybody follow me can i keep going okay so you understand what's going on with you is you have been chosen and i'm not looking for the whole nation to come in i am part of the fivefold ministry of the church i'm called to the body i'm called to build up the body until i see maturity and unity well there i don't see a lot of either one not with you know of course you all the students you all are invited here because you're my partner or your student this is just mostly partners so i'm not really speaking to you i'm telling you so that you can transfer it out because every one of you touches seven people you change seven people so every person that i minister to it's really seven times that and then they all of you after that process then that's seven more before you know it we have to go to a stadium because it's a move but it's a corporate move it's not like who's going to be the all-star that's going to preach it's a corporate anointing where everyone gathers together and we change history because we agree that anything we agree upon is ours that is the jesus i met that's why i didn't want to come back because how i saw that everything in the bible is true the red letters are absolutely jesus and i saw the discrepancy and i thought we got a problem and i and in my mind i thought well i'm glad i'm not going back i i did and i did i was i did not miss earth it didn't it didn't even occur to me i'm not going to be married i'm not going to experience all those things that you wait to experience in life not going to didn't could care less all i cared about is there were so many rooms in the throne room that were off to the side i only went through one of the doors i wanted to go and visit all of them i wanted to know god i wanted to sit and watch the father just sit there i want to be able to look at his face i was allowed to look at his face i wanted to experience something supernatural all the time and and i i knew that on the earth i was going to have to it was it was going to be work to stay in my game on my game to stay sharp because everything was working to dull you everything and if you're not swimming you're going downstream if you're not rowing you're going down straight you cannot go neutral you're going down fast i'm serious it's just this pull of the antichrist in this in this realm you feel it all the time i mean think about it you can tell i mean at work at work i would tell somebody to do something i would tell them three times and then still i had to do it myself it's just three feet how can this happen in three feet okay how could how i'm looking at a person like how could you get that out of what i said okay so they do it but it's not even what i said well that's what you said i'm like do i have to cut do i have to carry a recorder everywhere i go i it's like you you can't believe it no and it's like how did this happen out of this how did it get to this from this and what i saw was is that we can't do this alone we have to do this together so i saw that everything is against what i'm reading here in order to keep us apart and in order to keep us in competition with each other and where you're successful because you have sales and you have large numbers in your meetings and your book table does good what if god doesn't have you write a book or be on tv what if you're ministering to seven people that's what god called you to do then why should it be that standard that you're successful because i've had children say more under the power of god than i've had adults sometimes i've had more children not in a church on an airplane i've had i've had children minister to me that i had a sign for to transport them they're sitting there drawing with their crayons and they ring their call button i'm like i think they want another sippy cup of apple juice you know i go you go you know i'm ready to tell them don't please don't keep bringing the call button do you see there's like 50 other people in my section and i don't say any of that i look at him and she goes i drew something for you she hands me and it was a stick person of me and it says that i was kind to people so i had to go in the i had to go in the restroom and pray in tongues but i could tell you stories like that where the kids like you know they were ministering to me when the adults should have been but they were mad at me because we were late and i go i had nothing to do with the plane being laid do you think if i had that power i'd be a flight attendant i'd be sitting on a throne somewhere if i had to control the weather i didn't break the airplane you kidding me i don't get paid if i don't take off why would i want to break the airplane don't get mad at me well you checked my bag well it looks like you had your husband in there is that too big you know i mean it's only 68 bucks you can pay to have them sit in a seat you know no you know like there's all these people are like mad at stuff just like what happens with you and the whole time i'm thinking why would i want to come back to drama and what i saw was it's all being instigated by demonic activity because christians and i know i'm going to offend somebody please don't even write me don't waste digital ink but i saw that a christian it's not in them it's not in their spirit their heart to be these things at all like you you have no idea what a what what a huge sin it is to the lord for a christian to conspire against another christian you have no idea you have no idea it you know and like like with judas it'd be better that you had a millstone turn around tied around your neck than to work against another christian work against uh someone who is redeemed by god and is working for god and you're working against them you have no idea it's it's it's not even a tightrope it's a thread you're walking on you have no idea so it's instigated by evil spirits and i want to tell you if all the evil spirits were gone you wouldn't believe what this this world would be like because even though people have that are not redeemed they have inherently uh evil we're going to read about this if we ever get to it i'm working there but if you understood the the the influence of devils and you took that away you would be shocked at the behavior change okay however however we're still responsible to yield to the spirit okay but that's why paul was talking about warfare the weapons of our warfare are not carnal they're mighty through god to pulling down strongholds and it says bringing in captivity every thought not not every demon every thought to the obedience of christ and everybody thinks he's talking about spiritual warfare and he is but he slips into the psychological realm he slips into the soul realm that's what happened with eve eve couldn't be beat in the spirit she was beaten in her head because if you read what was being said to her after a while she started to be confused and she should have stopped talking and walked away and you know like jesus said where's your husband to the woman at the well i don't have one well she had one eve had one just the proper order now since i've almost offended 85 percent i got to get that last 15. okay let's be honest why didn't god take dirt and form woman that's what he did with man he made man out of the dust of the earth called them adama dam is this word hebrew word for blood the ah the a is the aleph which is the short name of god god blood god man but he didn't make woman the same way he took woman out of the man that's the way he chose to do it that's all i'm going to say so i keep all my friends that's the way he did it that's just the way he did it why do you think the curse was so hard when god came and said okay adam he went down the line you know and everybody got the stick well can you imagine ruling and reigning in unity being separate people and not having any struggle with authority and all of a sudden god says your desire shall be for your husband now he announces that see start thinking why did god say that and why was that a curse it was a curse right childbirth pain now adam you're gonna you're gonna have to labor by the sweat of your brow no more air conditioning no it's gonna have to work now thorns appeared the roses were really nice before this are you following me okay why did he say that to her i'm telling you they did it to themselves you think he is just like okay now you've made me mad no all he's god so he has to announce the things that are not as though they were because they're coming they had made a decision and this is what's going to happen now because the domino effect you blew it and now there's going to be a struggle between a man or a woman there's going to be pain there's it's going to it's going to be hard and now you're going to die they didn't they weren't going to die before they didn't have to labor they they had no struggle with authority or between themselves the serpent went on his belly he eats dust now now he gets treaded upon by us but see this was promised in psalms 91 jesus was literally quoting psalms 91 when he told his disciples that i give you power from on high and you're gonna you're gonna you're gonna trample on serpents and scores i give you authority over all the enemy if you read it it's exactly in the hebrew what's in in psalms 91 which was written by moses when god walked by him jesus walked by him in the cleft of the rock so jesus literally restored us back however there are certain things that we still see that we we have not accomplished we we haven't um the last paul said the last enemy is death but there's no reason why we can't live to be 120. okay so what's happening the antichrist spirit knows that christians who walk with god are going to be under the covenant it has to be a better covenant because it says that the new testament is is based on better promises it's a better covenant because of the blood of jesus is more effective well if you look at the old testament covenant to most people that's better than what they're encountering in the new covenant that should not be someone's got to tell you this stuff because it's in the bible okay so what has to happen is is getting way back to 45 minutes ago is in order to control human beings you have to create a need and then provide for it because christians needs are met according to his riches in glory and then the lord is my shepherd i shall not want so then your wants and your needs are covered because jesus said in john 14 and 15 he said ask whatever you desire the word there is not need the word there is whatever you want whatever you desire and it shall be given to you two reasons why it will be given to you to glorify my father and to make your joy full it's the bible it's in red okay this is new covenant okay so if people that walk with god live too long and they live to be 300 years and they walk with god 300 years they're going to please god so much that they're just going to disappear but before they do that they're going to be an awesome prophet like enoch so the devil does not want christians to walk on the earth too long because they might actually get right and walk in synchronization with heaven and then he cannot do a thing about it he cannot control those people so he has to create a problem and then solve it so why does a major disease you can look it up every four years look it up why why is psalms 91 still in the bible it's because it's still true but it might not be happening in your life but it does not mean that you have the right to take it out if you're not partaking of a certain thing then i would please do me a favor do not blame god okay there are plenty of people that are suffering right now there are people including me that are coming down with the healing but i'm not completely healed but i was healed a long time ago because jesus was slain from the foundation of the world it says in book of revelation and peter said we were healed according to the psalms 53 when you read all that he's quoting from the old testament isaiah where we were healed and you know in ii peter he's quoting that the jewish people don't even read the scroll when it comes to that scripture for that day because it it shows clearly that jesus is the messiah they sk do you know that they skip over that well it's just like having the holy of holies covered at the time of jesus and it was ichabod that the glory had departed they were hiding from the people there was no glory in the holy of holies so jesus when he said it's finished paid in full telesty it split it split it open he became the new and living way okay so what you're encountering is problem creation and then a solution that if you look the filing dates for the solution and the problem in the patent office are the same all right some of you are studying right okay no men in black yet we're still good okay man you can tell them intense and i apologize but i don't i just want you to bring it up a couple notches because we we need to fulfill god's desire in this generation people need to know that there is a god seated on a throne that is a problem solver but it's jubilee jesus preached jubilee debt cancellation he preached he preached resurrection to the dead he preached healing to the sick he preached deliverance to the bond that once are in bondage he had good news and it was all free and what it is is is you can't go to the christian bookstore and just take a bible you'll end up in jail but the word of god is free but people sat all night making those bibles and sold them to the company and put them in the bookstore for 110 dollars but the bible the word of god's not bound it's free yeah but it costs something to get it to you so while we're saying well you know i'm not into that prosperity stuff well then what you're saying is i'm not into god using me in the marketplace i'm not i'm not i don't believe that god wants to enforce his covenant in my life so you're going to borrow so what happens is is the devil comes at you in one way and you flee in seven ways see everything flips so what what you do what you do is when you do that you negate the word of god then what happens is we have a generation that does not fulfill god's desires because this costs something this costs something what you're wearing thank god you have something on that cost something that wasn't given to you unless you went to goodwill and even then it's like 68 cents or whatever you know even big lots you know the dollar store everything's five dollars it's like just change the name okay no nothing's free i'm telling you what i saw when i was in heaven i saw we're supposed to own everything as children of god i saw that we're supposed to take authority and we're supposed to do something about it which means that you cannot fight against the powers that be unless it's a spiritual battle that that you're doing it with the spirit you can't win in the flesh you have to hear from god and it's a chess game so you have to have the money to buy things when there is no demand so that you have them when the demand comes and all of a sudden it's well it's going to be for you would be ten dolla for me one dollar for you ten dollar why that's the way it works it's supply and demand but see israel that land had the big grapes it had everything and how did the nephilim how did the the descendants of the nephilim how did they know to station themselves in the promised land it's because they're devils why were all the giant races in israel it was preemptive they knew god's plan they preemptively stationed themselves there and those areas now when you look at the golan heights and you look at the palestinians when you look at all this stuff it's those spirits that haven't left the area they're manipulating people and next generation will just be different faces same spirit the same with your family line if you don't do anything about it man [Applause] didn't see this day coming okay verse 7 says we since we now are joined to christ we have been given the treasures of redemption we've been given treasures of redemption so there's treasures in our redemption it comes through his blood it says the cancellation of our sins all because of the cascading oh riches of his grace so the riches of his grace is not money the riches of his grace is everything amen it translates into whatever you need i don't limit god i let him tell me what i need and what i want because he is more i it has never entered my mind it's immeasurable what god has for me it has never entered my mind what god has for me it's beyond i'll get that later it's beyond it's according to his riches in glory it's beyond it's more than i could ask or think right okay so why would you want to shoot low why don't you just pray and meditate on the word and let it come up and then ask in faith instead of doing the shotgun thing hoping you hit something just aiming into the air hoping you hit something david was strategic and even as king with many battles many fighting men he still put the e foot on and said lord shall we go up or shall we not and so the the super abundant grace it says here in verse 8 is already powerfully look working in us this is in verse 8 the super abundant grace is already working in us releasing us releasing all forms of wisdom and practical understanding and through the revelation of the anointed one he unveiled his secret desires to us his secret desires to us okay so that means that what was hidden it was it says here a hidden mystery of a long-range plan which he has delighted to implement from the beginning of time okay so it's obviously that it's not perfect so his perfect plan has not been implemented but he has it says here that he's unveiled it to us but see this was written um ephesians was written in like 60 or 70 a.d so that's at least a couple elections ago but you look at what happens see we're looking at all this and we're saying okay this you're trying to fit in current events with what god's saying are doing has nothing to do with that to be honest with you what i was shown was is what you see in current events is a result of the church either doing what they're supposed to do or not because it says that he's given us authority if we'll agree is touching anything it'll be done for us he gave us it says in john 1 12 it says he gave those who embraced him who loved him he gave them the power which is the word authority not the word for dunamis it's not dunamis it's a word he gave us the authority to be sons of god those who embraced him and trusted him he gave those ones the power to become sons of god all right so if we're supposed to trample on serpents and scorpions then why don't i hear more crunching why does it end up being a remnant it's because it's people's will that gets in the way and it has to do with a lack of understanding not just knowledge but understanding in other words can you hear something and implement it when you implement it you're wise you're you have wisdom it's not just knowledge so a parrot can repeat what you say but he does he know what he's saying does he understand it can he be the person he's mimicking and the answer is he has no idea he's just thinking about a snack and he's thinking if he can talk to you whatever he's saying he doesn't know he just knows that there's a snack coming so you can train an animal to do something but they're not participating in the understanding of it okay so we become parrots if we're not careful okay now go into the next step in this service because we already are man these clocks are really fast here in this area i wanted to get into i have to skip through a lot this is this is very very disappointing um verse 11 though before we we skip down verse 11 says through our union with christ we have been claimed by god as his own inheritance so god says you know we think we have an inheritance with him and we do but he calls us his inheritance here and he said before we were even born he gave us our destiny it says it right here we're i'm reading from verse 11 of chapter one before we were born to give us our destiny that we would fulfill the plan of god who always accomplishes who always who always accomplishes every purpose and plan in his heart you're kidding even after what we just went through well that wasn't his plan i'm trying to show you something here this is the blind spot this is the audit i'm giving you your audit the very fact that right before you always through all this trouble god has stated the truth he has stated his plan he has stated only the solution he does not state the problem he came to resolve the issue between god and man he resolved it through jesus christ what you saw jesus go through was so that we wouldn't have to so the devil knows that positionally we got it but relationally he knows that if we are in relationship with uh with each other and with him that we walk in the light and there is no darkness which means there is no devil well he's not the devil's not that's that's one thing he's not going to let happen he's not going to want unity he's not going to want us to have fellowship a relationship get along with us agree on anything but god's plan is always stated he doesn't do anything unless he reveals it to his prophets first but what he speaks is his intention his plan but jesus went around doing good and healing everyone that was oppressed of the devil but what happened in nazareth his own hometown he couldn't do the son of god the son of man was stopped why unbelief he passed your audit see you're getting it it's unbelief why is there a hesitation when you've been trained to react a certain way why is there still hesitation because you don't discern your value you don't discern who you really are because if you did you'd be like doing it in z formation and you're like oh no you're not going to talk to me like that and you look behind you like oh you're not talking to me are you in other words you treat the devil as though he is under your feet you you you don't listen you ignore him because you diminish his effectiveness that way but you don't you don't like say he doesn't exist and you certainly know he's going around seeking whom he may devour he's just looking for the weak one in the crowd if you watch the lions they just look for the the straggler they don't want the fastest gazelle they just want the slowest they're not going after the fastest one i worked with a guy at work he didn't he didn't do anything except keep his job that's that was his goal just to keep this job and i asked him i asked him i said are you gonna help me or he goes kevin you know i was just a few years younger than him but you know i don't look old so he was like thinking he was old way older he goes you know what you're just young he says kevin you're going to get to the place where you don't he says your goal is to be the next to the slowest gazelle that's what he told me he said my goal is is that my buddy beside me will get eaten but i will not so he says i just do enough that's what he said i i hope he's watching we used to have to fold the blankets put him in the bin nice and neat we were the cleaning crew southwest made millions off of just just getting us to do do all that but we owned the company you know and so that was that was part of it but this one guy he'd been there forever and i'd be like going through his section i'm like looking up there and he went like this and he looked like cinnabons he's like went like this and put him up i'm like that's not folded he goes well they're going to get used again anyway like what so he turns to the other the other flight and she goes yeah you know you just need you you need to just do your job and do it nice and do it neat he goes this is what he said he goes okay this morning when you got up did you make your bed was i was in a hotel she goes well when you're home do you make your bed she goes yeah he goes why you're going to get in again tonight anyway and see this is the mentality we just do enough and the devil just has a he's like picking people off i have no idea why i just got into that anyway okay let's get into this paul then prays from verse 17 through 21 he pray prays a prayer 23 uh he prays a prayer for revelation that the eyes of your heart would be opened and enlightened in other words what he just spoke he wants you to now have the holy spirit ignite your spirit it says flood your spirit with light is what it says in greek and your eyes would be open to see okay all right so then he goes into chapter two which is the beginning of my sermon tonight i got to get back on the plane and go to the next city orlando tomorrow um trying to skip through so i just give me a second here i gotta do this right so i don't surgically remove okay here it is scooching listen paul prays his prayer for revelation he just said these amazing things we just heard and then in chapter 2 in verse 1 he says this and this is the audit this is how you compare and this is how you finish out tonight verse verse one says in chapter two says his fullness fills you even though you were once like corpses dead in your sins and offenses verse two it wasn't that long ago that you lived in the religion customs and values of this world obey no listeners he said obeying the dark ruler of the earthly realm who still fills the atmosphere with his authority and works diligently in the hearts of those who are disobedient to the truth of god wow verse three the the corruption that was in us from birth was expressed through deeds and desires okay that's how that manifests deeds and desires of our self life me myself and i we live by whatever natural cravings and thoughts cravings and thoughts flesh and soul flesh and soul why do you think the world feeds the flesh and the soul to keep people bound it's the spirit of this world he says the dark ruler that is filling the atmosphere with his authority that's what is word for word okay the corruption that was in us from birth was expressed through these deeds and these desires okay and we live by whatever natural cravings and thoughts our mind dictated our mind so we were we're actually motivated by our mind previously but yet how many of us still have to keep that in check all of us because we're in this realm and that authority is still there it doesn't disappear but you now have one who is greater in you than he that's in the world okay so you have to constantly be flipping it on the devil like this constantly say no i'm your boss i don't work for you you have to keep saying that because you're in authority see i don't know if you get it but the devil took this away from adam and eve thus taking away from the human race so the only way the only way now is conquest so jesus through conquest destroyed the works of the devil now we as the church have the keys we're to enforce that so these cravings and and it's the thoughts that our minds dictated living a rebellious rebellious children subject to god's wrath subject to god's wrath you don't hear about that anymore but if you were in the world you were subject to god's wrath because you were obedient and some translations say that you had no power to say no to this spirit but god still loved us with such great love he is so rich in compassion and mercy that when we were dead and doomed in our many sins he united us with the very life of christ and he saved us by his powerful grace he raised us up with christ so we actually were raised with him when he rose from the dead and he is the exalted one and then he ascended on high and this glorious perfection authority in the heavenly realm he co-seated us with him amen so the honest-to-god truth about this not that i've lied previously about this is that we are united with perfection we're united with power we're united with authority we're in relationship we're tied to him where we were tied to the world that's why it is hard for the devil to get his way with you is because you're tied to everything that he is not and you're favored so the only thing he can do is he's got to hijack you he's got to convince you perhaps god knows that if you eat of this fruit you'll be like him the truth was they were like him they didn't have to eat of that fruit they were made in the image of god he was selling them something they already had well what do you think that just sums up your day-to-day you're being sold something you already have problems are being created that you never asked for and then you're being offered solutions that you don't need because it's really not a solution it's just entrance to another problem so if god created your body to heal itself and you have an immune system then maybe you ought to help your t cells and maybe you ought to start helping your body to have the right necessary nutrients within it to fight disease what if like my doctor says that your body wants to heal itself we're just helping it we're helping it get to a place where god can do what has already been put into our body my doctor told me that my doctor says the body once they'll self it doesn't have the proper nutrition because of the fallen state of our bodies what is in there the hgh levels all the different things we need a human growth hormone all the things it needs to literally grow your limb back to re to correct anything it wants to heal itself with assistance doctors and professionals can assist the body and get you healthy but what happens is if you create a substance that's not natural you can sell it but if it's natural it has no money you can't you can't patent it there's no money in it because you don't own it god owns it because he made it okay so if you make something synthetic which is what you have to do then it has side effects because it looks like the real thing but it's not in your body really rejects it and the side effects are worse than what you have okay wow i just said a lot i'm not even a doctor but anyway anyway anyway why would you want to take something that masks the problem but doesn't resolve it stepping out get the car ready no think about it i mean do you think if god did that to us with our salvation just kind of gave you a band-aid and kissed it you see my my doctors say we're just we're just assisting god does the healing that's what i used to hear so the lord provided everything we need for life and godliness i mean if you want to believe peter everything we need for life and godliness is already within us it says in second peter chapter one everything we need is for life and god it says that through these precious promises that we've been given that we can be partakers partners with a divine nature well you can get kicked out of church for saying that from the pulpit but all i did was word for word quote ii peter okay if this is the case if we have everything we need you know please please if you don't believe me just open your bible right now that chapter 1 of of second peter no i never heard that in church ever that's why i preach it i say that verse in every service because i never heard it in fact i went to church twice a week until i was 19 and never heard that i needed to be born again i tithed i tithed and i went to church twice a week my dad was a board member my mom was a gender i helped her clean toilets for free as a child i tithed and i was going to hell i can't just go back to heaven and enjoy myself knowing what i know i have to tell everyone that everything we need for life and godly has been given to us and it's through these promises what are the promises it's good news it's it's solutions i don't create problems i offer a solution it's it's the gospel it's it's not it's not end time dvds it's not like studying the dragon or how to build a bomb shelter what i have inside of me is the resurrection power i mean we just came from houston i'm standing just about here and i'm preaching the gospel and i said the lord says whatever you couldn't do before you need to do it now and a man got out of his wheelchair and started dancing and i found out later from people that are there that was my pastor he can't walk well he's doing pretty good now her children came up and gave their life to the lord in the same service well not maybe the same service but the same it was like two services but it just is a domino effect it's like no there's a witch in here if they would come up and just repent and give their life the lord and the demons would leave then it would start something in here it happens it used to happen all the time but i guess they don't want to come anymore but it used to happen in every service they come with their with the demon spirits to traffic them in the service to try to disrupt the service and then at the end when it doesn't work i give the older call for witches i got good witches and bad witches and even if you're a sandwich come on up and you and every time we would have we'd have witches because i would tell them my god is bigger and more powerful and and he can be your god if you want power get up here and the demons just come out well this is the gospel okay so i'm called to build you up i'm called to unite you the corporate anointing that's in here you can get ready the corporate anointing that's in here is so powerful there it goes [Music] hallelujah she's she's receiving [Applause] there's enough power in this room to take us into the millennial reign of christ right now each one of us if we would fully yield there would be no way that any one of you could sit in your seat and i'm not talking about running around the room i'm talking about getting face flat in the glory of the lord because the glory is here and see the thing that is it's taken a couple of years for people to get used to the mode that i saw in heaven it wasn't the fire tunnels on the lane on hands or even the music what it was it was all of us getting into belief getting to be believers in other words no hesitation we know what we believe because we know who we believe in and that person is the one who dictates your desires and your prayer life and your requests everything about you comes forth from within i saw that the same river of life that i stood beside in heaven it came from the throne of god it flowed out there were children that had passed away early they either died in the mother's womb or they died shortly after up until about the age of nine or ten they went straight to heaven and they were waiting for their parents and jesus would come and sit with them and play games with them and i watched that water flow past me it was liquid diamonds you could see it was forever i you could see it and it was life and i knew if i drank it i would live a thousand years and i watched it it went it it it went over it came down onto the earth and came up through believers was eternal life it was what jesus said rivers of living water will come forth out of your innermost being that will that will gush up into eternal life i saw that and i could feel it inside of me but yet i still want chick-fil-a right now i still i still rather i'd rather just get on my jet and fly right now to orlando but i'm gonna wait till tomorrow morning but see in there's things i want to do but i got to do it right i want to close now because it's it's a work night and you i want to get you home but the spirit says no you you let them go when it's time and i don't have a clock when i'm in the spirit but i'm telling you if you want to be changed and transformed you don't have to give an offering you don't have to come up here and have me lay hands on you all you have to do is yield to who is in the room and it's definitely not me it's him he's here by his spirit all of us have the same power of the rose jesus from the dead and that power that rose jesus from the dead is quickening your mortal that means your dying body right now and i'm telling you [Music] you know all my friends at work i i don't fly southwest anymore for the obvious reason because i actually passed them in the air now because they're really slow but when i used to fly them because i fly for free for the rest of my life [Music] my friends are still there all my friends thousands of people that were friends i sit there they don't even recognize me they don't never look up so i go back i go hey do you remember me you're on this flight i go yeah you just gave me my snack and my drink and you never once even looked up well it's different now okay everyone there has aged [Music] but i have my id i look the same that i did and i'm thinking what is that it's moses it's the glory of god that is on us it preserves us even job he said he said it's your visitation that preserves my spirit your visitation well we got habitation now that's the whole happy meal not just a one item [Music] if some of you are saying can this even be true i mean you're like i want this to be true it is the truth i have told you the truth i have quoted you the scriptures i've connected them and shown you in a very surgical proper way that god is for you he's not against you and if that's the case and then who can be against you nothing's going to separate you from his love what is his love it's who he is as a person it's it's really undefinable what you're gonna find out about god is you'll never fully know him because there's always more he hides things he hides himself he wants you to seek him he wants the pursuit he rewards those who diligently seek him you are tied you are tied to him you are the standard don't wait for someone else to lead [Music] i know what i'm saying right now [Music] i'm going to share something i've never shared before every time i speak i literally am taken to the future and i'm standing watching my life i'm watching myself do this as though i've already done it it just happened again right now and if you look at sometimes i look over here real quick or over here it's because i can see someone standing there standing with me out of the corner of my eye i i i have heavenly help just like you do but i'm in the future talking to you as though it's already happened i already know this thing is rigged i know that this scenario is the setup is because you have the red sea before you and you have pharaoh's army behind you [Music] it's a setup because god wants to glorify himself he wants it to be impossible because he loves pursuit he wants you to pursue him i want him more than anything you know i i just went i i looked into his eyes i've seen his eyes he captured me he won me over by his eyes you want to know why because i saw myself inside of him i saw myself i looked in his eyes and i saw the day that he thought of me and breathed me into my mother's room you can't take that away from me i don't care what you do or say to me you will never take that gaze away i am captured hallelujah i'm captured i'm captured by his love because his love is what created me [Music] your body's being healed your body's being healed right now i'm telling you i'm feeling it listen how many have known me for for the four years that i've been in existence to you four years right it went from nobody to somebody right okay what did i tell you when i first started i gave everything up to follow christ i gave up flying airplanes everything to follow him and i served people for 30 years has anybody noticed what has just happened isn't that enough testimony you know i'm not this good you know that this is a testimony telling you if he did it for kevin he'll do it for me right you watched it have you heard me and i was willing to never fly again but you watch what happened [Music] the controllers tell me to slow down because i'm going too fast that never happened before can you slow down for southwest they're they're ahead of you can you okay we'll slow down for southwest i think it's just god did you ever think that maybe i'm not an anomaly maybe it's just god just trying to show that a flight attendant and a hairdresser are important that's why he chose us we didn't qualify but we're perfect for it because then you can relate this and this is what jesse duplantis told me he tells me this all the time he said never stop being you he said you're always a flight attendant praise and tongues you're always a flight attendant to praise in tongues well now i'm a pilot that prays in tongues but you see he said this is your calling people relate to you because you're you're like them you'll put yourself above he says stay this way i've had people that i could name way above me in tears say please never change but i can't i saw his gaze i can't stop being kevin because i'm pleasing god by being kevin and who you are whatever your name is that is what's pleasing to him don't stop being yourself just let the dna of jesus christ start to get spliced within you and with that blood and into your dna and you just start you just start having a command about you so let's let's do this we're going to worship it let's do this i have a command about me [Music] i remember i remember getting getting in a starting box and i was going to break a record and the coach kept saying you know just just run this pace he said i'll yell it out to you every lap he said just stay under this and he said the end result will be you'll get that record and all i'm thinking about is a pain and i'm going to have to go through it's just unbearable and i just and i remember i just i just on that last step i feel like i can't go on and i thought this is what i heard i heard it's going to be over in under 60 seconds he said run this lap with everything you've got i wasn't even a christian but god was talking to me and i gave it everything i don't even remember the lap and i broke that record but i knew that i was going to have to go through some pain but i knew that it was going to be short-lived and that the reward that record stood for a long time before somebody beat it [Music] [Music] [Music] free at last free at last free at last free at last free at last you're free free i give you dominion over everything over the birds of the air the fish of the sea over every creeping thing i give you dominion go forth and multiply that's what he told adam and eve that's what he told noah i give you dominion [Music] up and over up and over up and over you go the overthrow hallelujah there's dominion in this room there's authority in this room [Music] we break the power of the enemy in this region we come against every evil spirit and we drive you out we break the powers we take authority in jesus name by the blood of jesus go go in jesus name let go of god's people in jesus name in jesus name the angel of the lord is here the angel of the lord is here hallelujah overthrow overthrow overthrow come on stand up raise your hands worship [Music] [Music] [Music] here we go we go [Music] okay take your cup take your cup take your cup let's do this we are one we are one we're gonna do the covenant right now and i'm gonna covenant with you for this city and for this nation i'm gonna covenant with you that god's purpose in his plan it's gonna be done through us we're not waiting for anybody else to do it it's obvious it's not going to happen unless we do something about it so jesus explain that paul explained it this is christ's body and we honor that and what he did for us this was this was his body that was broken for us and we have forgiveness of sins but tonight paul said many of you pass away early because you don't discern the body so we're going to discern the body we're going to take this and christ's body was broken for us and so we receive healing right now so take that [Music] jesus thank you we receive healing in our bodies right now we receive it in jesus name we're healed a miracle you are the healer we're the believer we believe you heal hallelujah i got set free just saying that [Music] [Applause] we're going to take we're going to take this juice it represents his blood but i'm going to forgive everyone i am no longer offended i forgive everyone i let offense drop to the ground and i kick it i kick it to the curb jesus thank you for your blood because you are forgiven i forgive because i forgive you forgiven i let it drop father offenses dropped and i thank you for the blood i am forgiven and my file has been expunged it no longer exists [Music] there's no accusing voice [Music] the case against me is closed i am forgiven i'm free and now we agree is touching this this [Music] this city this place is the lord's it's a good land and it's ours we are well able we are well able to take it it's ours in the name of jesus we all agree that our lives will display the your glory father and that the angels are allowed to work to bring in the needed finances to bring in the needed people for each individual every person here the needed finances they must come in because it's earmarked for the work of the lord hallelujah [Music] it's your money it's just in the wrong hands you're going to use it for god's kingdom you passed your money test you passed your money test god can trust you he wants to make you a distribution center he wants you to be able to help everybody that's in need around you [Music] you're free you're free your body is healing now in jesus name we believe it we all agree healing has come thank you father that the doctors are going to be amazed [Music] hallelujah as we enter worship now just stay in this place where you see yourself in him just right now close your eyes and see yourself in him see yourself in him [Music] thank you father we see ourselves in you and now see him in you see jesus in you see him in you see you in him and see him in you jesus christ in us our hope of glory we thank you father chateau endesho push day thank you father for your glory you are our hope of glory jesus christ in us and just tell him right now say [Music] say you are everything to me lord you are everything to me and just see how happy his face is to hear you say that lord you're everything to me lord you are everything to me lord we love you you are everything you are everything to me you are everything to me you are everything to me everything everything thank you father [Music] everything to me yes you are everything to me you are everything me [Music] everything [Music] my everything [Music] my [Music] you are everything everything how could we not give our very best to you how could we not lay our lives down before [Music] you are everything to me [Music] savior here's my life here's my life [Music] [Applause] [Music] i am [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you are everything to me [Music] [Applause] you sing it right back over me oh you're me you're everything to me [Music] when i see me i see you we are forever endlessly when i see me i see you cause we are one forever in the sleep when i see me i see you cause we are in this no separation there's no separation [Music] i hear him say no matter how hard you try oh there's no separation there's no separation between you and i it doesn't matter how hard you've tried you can't get away from me cause there's no separation there's no separation when i see me oh i see you cause we are one and there's no separation [Music] there's no separation no separation no separation [Music] oh you and i are what you can't get away from this love you can't [Music] i always see you i know every hair on your head i know every detail about you there's no separation there's no separation so just surrender just heal to me cause there's no separation here and healing is your portion [Music] healing is your portion put out for [Music] healing is your portion feel the healing rain falling down i'll receive the healing [Music] oh the rain oil of his healing flowing now flowing now coming down oh we receive your healing oh your healing is our portion oh from the top of my head to the soles of my feet i say yes to your healing curing me every part every part of who i am from the top of my head to the soles of my feet oh i receive your healing oil over me cause this is my portion this is what you pay for [Music] this is what you paid [Music] so thank you for your body thank you for your blood healing is my portion oh you've always been enough so thank you for your body thank you for your blood healing is my portion you've always been enough so thank you for your body thank you for your blood healing is my portion oh you've always been enough and thank you for your body and thank you for your blood and healing is my portion oh you've always been enough and thank you for your body thank you for your blood healing is my portion oh you've always been enough and thank you for your body thank you for your blood healing is my fortune oh you've always been enough or you've always been enough [Music] you'll always be enough [Music] you'll always be enough enough for me enough for my family you've always been enough you always will be my heart can always count on you to come through cause you've always been enough [Music] cause there hasn't been a moment that you've left me all alone you've always surrounded me there hasn't been a moment that you've left me alone you've always surrounded me there hasn't been a moment that you left me on my own you've always surrounded me you're my defender you're my defender you're my protector always and forever you're my protector [Music] my heart is safe with you [Music] my heart is safe with you [Music] my heart is safe with you my heart is safe with you cause you love me before i even love myself you've always seen me with pure love and you knew me before i knew myself my heart is safe with you [Music] you're my closest friend my closest friend the one i can cling to the one i can trust you're my closest friend closest friend the one i can cling to the one i can trust is you you're my closest friend you're my closest friend you're the one i can cling to [Music] oh my i trust you oh my heart trusts you oh forever [Music] my closest friend [Music] you won't lead me astray cause you're a good shepherd you're a good shepherd oh i know your voice [Music] you won't lead me astray you're a good shepherd you're a good shepherd and i know your voice i hear your voice i hear your voice and you're a good shepherd [Music] so [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] piece [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] man [Music] there is [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Kevin Zadai
Views: 70,926
Rating: 4.9227905 out of 5
Keywords: #kevinzadai, #theagendaofangels, #warriornotes, #nonproft, #spiritschool, #conference, #schoolofthespirit,, warrior notes tv, kevin zadai
Id: fK9jUjNiPBU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 206min 5sec (12365 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 10 2021
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