What Demons Don't Want You To Know: Part 2 - Kevin Zadai @ The River

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[Music] [Music] so [Music] i am [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] peace [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] [Music] i am [Music] [Music] [Music] there is [Music] jesus [Music] you ready hello everyone dr kevin zadai with warrior notes welcome to our next session of warrior justice just tell your friends to log on we're going to talk about what the devil doesn't want you to know amen god bless you okay here we are just another day at the park all right so we we were discussing um chapter two and the privilege of standing in justice and we're gonna get into romans now romans chapter five and we were talking about how we've been made right in his sight by faith and that's on page 28 of your of your uh study guide it says that we have peace with god because of what jesus christ our lord has done for us peace which is the word shalom which is really seven different things and essentially it's summed up by nothing missing nothing broken everything's fine that means that in every area of your life when someone says shalom shalom they're they're wishing you prosperity in every area of your life but see the jews believe in prosperity so they're fine with prosperity but i can't mention prosperity so i didn't mention prosperity in the gentile church because it's it's not allowed but i'm just kidding but see the the thing of it is is that god wants us to prosper in every area of our life even as our soul prospers he wants us to prosper so god once is a good god now that the only way that i can tell you in this chapter that the only way that i can take you the whole way from this to the end is for you to remember that when god talked to moses on the mountain he talked to him face to face as a friend but but there are different ways that god reveals himself one of them is in his presence he can speak his word he can he can he can um do a miracle he can speak to us in dreams and visions but when the presence comes then it starts to change our environment but there is one step beyond the presence that only moses sensed that god was holding back from him so he said in response to what god said to him he said you know what we're okay remember i said that this morning we're me and you are okay it's those people i'm done with them okay he said me and you it's going to go well with you and i will go with you and this is exactly what moses said after he said that it's going to go well with you moses he said no if you don't go with us we're not going okay why because he was bound he was bound to what god had already said through abraham isaac jacob and joseph and now he's he's fulfilling that 400 and some years later 430 years later fulfilling the word and taking them out this is to fulfill what god said was that he would take them into the promised land well the desert is not the promised land and god is done now and so moses says no he said my presence god says my presence will go with you okay he says that well they're really in hebrew if you talk to a hebrew person they'll tell you there is no word for presence the word the word for presence is the word penile plural i am is plural so when you see something like nephall is fallen ones fallen one nephilim is fallen ones so you have plural you have panayim well really it should be panai your face face but it's panayim my panayim will go with you my faces will go with you the table of show bread it does if you look it up it's not show bread it's not bread the word is the table of paname the table of faces so you can understand this was all happening when you didn't know me when i was like i was just a flight attendant i'm doing all this research at night i'm doing i'm researching all these years i'm teaching a sunday school class in phoenix arizona nobody knows i went to heaven except my wife but i'm doing all this research because the lord showed me that there was clues in the scripture things that were said that either it was said and not addressed but as clues why would god say everything's fine with you moses my faces shall go with you plural and right away moses says oh no show me your kabode show me your glory so obviously the face face thing was not enough for moses the presence you know he just spent all those days with him on the mountain so you catch my drift here okay so i'm building this up to to talk about deliverance because if you get this you're delivered and no devil will even engage you because you you're not you're not seducible you're not even on the list and i'm see you know everybody says i i know how you're thinking because i was sitting in your shoes i know i know exactly what you're thinking that's why this is so hard for me see doing this is not hard what is hard is getting you to do it it's getting you to believe it because i know how you think and i i was just i was just in the same position you were and i was done with ministry and i hadn't even gone into ministry i was just done i was done with ministers i was done with offerings i was done with everything you know i'm going off the air if you don't give well just go off the air i'll pull the plug for you you know if either god god's going to put you over or he's not you know did he send you or did he not you know i'm thinking this you know hey i work for a living buddy why don't you you know i was like the same thing you know so i know how you all think you know because i have to eat my i have to eat my own medicine now you know but this is what this is the conversation and you got to look at the linguistics why in hebrew does it say these things why is lucifer's name not in the hebrew why is it hillel why did the scholars all say oh how thou have fallen o lucifer when it doesn't say lucifer in there the hebrew word is hallel which means bright and shining one of god so the same thing why why is a table a show bread why is it show bread why is it not what it says table of faces because that's what really it is you got you're sitting there face to face with god with the with the bread it's 12 loaves of bread on that table jesus is the bread of life communion why do you think satan was able to enter judas after he took of that bread unworthily because paul said you die early if you don't judge yourself at the table judas as soon he said the one that i give you the bread to he told john i'm going to give the one who's going to betray you but give it to the one right now he watched john watched him give it to judas it says as soon as he ate it satan entered him don't you get it he ate of the table of the lord unworthily he didn't discern the body he just brought judgment on the whole crowd that's why paul said when you go and take communion he says examine yourself because some of you die early yeah it's in the bible yeah fall asleep means die when it says fall asleep the dead in christ who are asleep will rise they were dead okay they weren't asleep they might have been spiritually whatever i'm not going to get into that so moses said no i want to see your glory your kabod and god's like you want to die it was a hard thing so they worked it out here's what i wanted to show you that god has different different aspects of him and some of them are cloaked but the glory if it comes from him you cannot look at his face and live you cannot see him in the flesh and live because the flesh has fallen so those who go to heaven they're not allowed to see the face of the father i don't care who's your favorite preacher you cannot see the face of your father and return to your body because you will die in your body because your body's fallen it cannot handle what you just saw your spirit can your spirit doesn't die you're going to live in hell or you're going to live in heaven but you're going to live you're going to be alive and you're going to feel it you're going to feel hot or you're going to feel nice and cool if you were lukewarm here you might be hot down there i don't know it's not my problem i'm going to preach the gospel i'm not the judge but what i'm saying is is that you live forever so if you see the face of your father and it says you cannot live and see god then it has to be the flesh which is fallen so if the beams of glory come out of god's face your body can't handle your spirit coming back to it if you get hit by that and you see the image of god it transforms you you can't come back everybody's looking at me you just you can't see that i wasn't allowed to see the face of the father i don't know what he looks like i think he looks like jesus they're related you know so i i figured the spirit looks like jesus too it seemed that he was just like jesus it was a person so your body has fallen so it can't handle some things that your spirit might be able to everybody clear with that that's why when angels show up you know i have a problem with some people that say they've seen angels because it didn't change them because it changes me every time that it happens and i don't don't really wish for it ever again i've got one standing behind me now he's on fire and he he's at least five or six feet away from me and he's burning me up he seems to enjoy it but i get cooked like a baked potato okay but this is the you might think this is fun but it's it's not fun because if you are behind the curve in your walk with god you're going to feel the heat well it's the same thing if you see the face of your father in heaven then you know you've just looked at your creator and you're going to see that you're like him you know what is hidden will be revealed and i'm telling you you can't come back to your body your body won't be able to handle you because it's your suit it's not really you it's all your genetics from all your past genealogies it's everything mixed up and that's what you look like is a sum total of the genetic code of everyone in your lineage is what you look like physically but spiritually you're a new creature and you if you're reveal like i was i saw myself in my resurrected body which very few people get to see and come back i got to see that i had to look away from myself does everybody hear me can you hear me back there am i talking loud enough when i saw my glorified resurrection body not not the with i had a robe of righteousness on my body is on the operating table i'm kevin i look down i'm robed i saw my body on the table transform into my resurrection body and i looked away i could not look at myself because i was perfect when i see the angels i have to look away because they're perfect but i was beyond the angels now i'm not going to say this because i'll get in trouble but i look like god but i didn't say that i looked like i looked like my father god but so do you but i didn't say that because you're just gonna have to wait and see for yourself and then you're like oh man i got ripped off while i was down on the earth because i could have walked as a son we were made in the image of god i'm not saying anything outside the the realm of the of the scriptures genesis 1 26 clearly said we were made in the image of god now the only thing that we restored to the image of god was our spirit your body is worth about five bucks it's a costume except if you go to foreign country they can buy all your organs for thousands but you know that that's that's that's that's wrong okay but as far as you and your your real self it's your spirit and you have been born again you are renewed you are a new creature there's no one else like you there is no one in any place anywhere that is like you there is no one else in any other galaxy that looks like you because you're the only one that looks like god because you were made in the image of god jesus will never go to another planet and die for an alien there is no one else if if there is it's a creature it's a it's rogue they they have to hide in flying saucers they're so ugly but they're not made in the image of god just just do the math let your five-year-old do it that they're going to look at those things they say that is not good that is not god they look like reptilian creatures just walking on their feet like like the snake used to do before he was cursed which brings me to barney same thing they weren't on the ark they were destroyed it was a genetic experiment it's the way it is right so the glory the glory of god is god's perfection his it's his personality and when it touches you something's going to give and it's not going to be him it's going to be you you're going to change or you're going to die so he told moses you can't see my face and live you will die so they worked it out the way they did because the key to the all of this is the presence is the table of faces presence is faces it's the key to all this presence is the face of god but when the glory comes out of his face there's beams if you read about what the people said about moses it says that there were beams if you read the hebrew there were beams coming from moses's face and they told him to cover his face so the glory that came out even from the behind parts of god it transformed moses's face it didn't kill him but it got pretty close to where he was transformed to the original stock of adam and when he went down he did not know that he had been transformed back to perfection and if you don't believe me look at what happened when he reached 120 which was what was was the limit put on man in the genesis chapter 6. god had to tell him to die it's all because of the glory that went into moses okay so kabode is different than presence and moses knew that god was holding back from him they were friends and he knew there was more so he asked for something that would have killed him but god let him have a dose and it changed his appearance and it changed his relationship with the people they couldn't take him anymore but see if you remember all of israel was supposed to be up there on the mountain now listen to me carefully i'm talking about deliverance here moses experienced what all of israel should have jesus experience what his body should experience the same glory that me and you share father they will share the same unity that me and i share you and i share they will share the same love you love them just as much as you love me this is all quote from john 17. you see the whole body of christ is supposed to be experiencing the kabod but because we're experiencing the presence a lot of things are tolerated we have presence and we come for an extra dose to a spirit school but what happens if you have the glory in your house you won't go out of your house to go to a meeting that has the presence okay so here is the secret to deliverance the secret to deliverance is the fact that moses wrote psalms ask any hebrew scholar moses wrote that after his experience in the cleft of the rock encountering kabode now so many people people that that work for me people that i'm allowed to talk to spend time with i actually watch their faces transform they don't know it but they look different i can show you photos of someone who just i just encounter for the first time i could show you photos through a whole week and they look each photo looks like a different person i mean they transformed several times i watched this happen in every single city every single meeting i'm watching it happen here i'm looking at your faces in every session to see if it's time if it has occurred if we've gone from presence to kabode because i can tell by your face but see you don't know it but the glory of the lord starts coming out of your face and you look like you've never been through anything you don't have you don't have treadmarks on your back where somebody ran over you you have no scars you have no you have no in inhibitions you have no no no nothing you have no smell of smoke from the furnace i'm watching i'm waiting i'm watching there's several several you've already transformed in just the the couple sessions we've done so watch this happen in other countries watch the people that don't know how americans act i watch the spirit do the same thing with people in other countries without them being told i've watched the spirit do the same things without any coaching i've watched other countries where the people are much more responsive than here where i get up and the whole second row falls out and i never get to preach the whole place just starts falling out demons start flying out of people didn't say anything wasn't a deliverance meeting so i saw that in heaven the standard that's there is supposed to be what's in the body of christ down here and so i have to work backwards i call it there's there's um you can extrapolate or you can interpolate so you're standing here what i can do is i can take data previously and i can start to to develop a trend based on data at certain points and then i can interpolate back and i can tell you the trend back to abraham you can take data you can take the magnetic field of the earth you can start to take readings you can work it back and you can tell we had four atmospheres to our one atmosphere at the time of abraham on this earth that the magnetic field the earth was way stronger where you could lift a lot more so you can extrapolate out based on data you can take few days few weeks and then you can start to draw a line on the trend and you can tell where things are going and when i look at heaven and then i start to work backwards from heaven and i realize that at one point on the earth it was like this because the earth was made for man and this is the thing that that i can't tell you that i'm going to tell you is i saw that the trinity met and decided to make man in their image first so that they could have fellowship so they decided to make man in their image the only thing was the liability of doing that was that they had to give them free will which which if they gave them free will it meant that they wouldn't be they weren't god they were an image so they were a copy so they're not the real they're not they're not the original so that means that the copy can never ever be the original well that's a problem because if you are living forever everything you say happens and you got yourself a garden you start thinking you're god yeah i mean you're you're trying to think because you're trying to but think about it if if there's no limitations and whatever you say happens how long will it take you before you think you're god i'm just saying that so god had to to put a tithe something that was his only was never the man's he had to put something in the garden that was never going to be man's it could never be eaten from that would differentiate see this is not taught why would god put something to tempt man in a garden and say don't even though he knows he's going to do it he didn't do it on purpose to make man fall he did it as a barrier a failsafe to remind them that he's god and they're not but see you don't understand that because you have to deal with yourself every day and you know you're not god but what if everything you said happened what if you thought something and you were there what if there were what if there was there was no temptation until the snake came i don't know if you're catching this could can i just should i stay on a little bit longer so god put placed a tithe something that's his in the garden he put it there for man but it's not hit theirs it's the tithe see the tithe is never yours it's a test the tithe is supposed to come back to god this is not my idea and please do not even you don't i'm not gonna even ask for an offering so this is not why i'm saying this i'm saying this to save your life there is nowhere else in the bible where it says that test me in this and see if i won't open the floodgates of heaven and pour out you a blessing you can't contain and and i will rebuke the devourer for your sake i mean that means you don't have to rebuke the devourer he's going to do it well that's that's the best insurance policy you can get 10 that's less than what the government requires what a return okay but this is the whole idea is that god says this tithe was man wasn't made for the tithe the tithe was made for man the sabbath wasn't was it was something that god made to make man obey see he wants to help man he knows that we're going to work all the time if we don't have one day of rest he knows that we're going to keep all the money and depend upon the money and want more unless there's a portion that we give back to the one who gave it to us okay so the tithe is never yours it's a test if you visit the willy wonka factory and you're given that certificate and it says you know with the gum you can't take that out of here the guy that one that got the inheritance and ran willy wonka he took his gum and returned it because he knew what the rules were and that was the test he passed the test he gave the tithe back you're all looking at me like you never saw that movie okay so when god does something for us sometimes it's a test okay so the real test here on this earth right now is if god has all of you that means the devil has none of you right the spirits the evil spirits are here to present an option for you it's just an option for people in the world they have no power to withstand those demon spirits like i told you and that's why anybody that's not saved is really a liability and so it's amazing how my father said if you want something done right just do it yourself but then you you start running a ministry and you're worldwide and it's like you can't write the books pack the books sell the books pack the books take them back home and write more books you can't just do it all yourself you can't you can't um you can't speak and play the piano you can't fly yourself here then speak then play the piano and then fly yourself back you know and all of a sudden it just turns in this thing but every time you add someone else to it you've got to be careful that they're not a liability because every time you tell some three feet and you repeat it three times and they still don't get it and it still doesn't get done and you said it three times there's only three feet okay this is the warfare we're in and then you have people that you say something and they want to question you about it well it's like no if you either you're going to do it or not well every time you add someone to that if they are not with you then they become part of the problem instead of part of the answer so you've got to be careful when you add things out okay so with the body of christ every time you add a person to the congregation or to a group you you you you want to get a core that's very strong and then that core will will influence everyone else so then you keep adding to it and grow but what if in four years you went worldwide and you got all these people that's why i have to speak for two hours every session is because in the last four years that's what i've done the reason why is is because of this now i've got a whole room of people there on the same page with god and all of you agree is touching any one thing that can be done okay that that will ruin a spiritual darkness in a city as as it's doing right here right now okay so you you receive your deliverance in a corporate scenario and then you're taught how to keep it so that when you are not around people you still make conscious choices knowing that your brothers and sisters are depending upon you to to keep yours your st your post and stay in there and if you feel weak you just make a call and you you have someone who can pray with you you confide with the body so what satan tries to do is divide the body everybody's got their own interpretation of what god's doing and saying it's hilarious you got 29 churches in this town 10 000 people and almost half of them are incarcerated you still have 29 interpretations of jesus 29 interpretations of jesus okay why it's it has to do with knowledge then the presence comes and then the kabode comes there's all these these stages and determining how people follow the spirit and the word determines who you hang around with so if you get into the kabode then you are not needy anymore and it happened to me i didn't become i wasn't a victim anymore and i remember i remember i remember grabbing a ten dollar bill which is a lot of money at the time every sunday and i would pray in my house me and my wife and i would get a word and a face and then i would get a person that was going to give that ten dollar bill so i had before i would go to church i wasn't going because i i got beat up by the devil and i need my pastor my pastor slash prophet to give me a word so i can make it another week i went because i want to give ten dollars to someone else that i don't know and i wanted to give a word to someone else i didn't know and that's what i did every sunday i'd pace until i got a word from god and then i would we would get in our car with my ten dollar bill and i would find that person and give them their word and then i would give somebody ten dollars and i'd walk out and i didn't even care if i got a word or not and so i would hear my name being yelled by pastor mike he said kevin thus saith the lord and would read my mail he said this is 23 years ago he said there's books inside of you you're going to write many many books i'm like i can't even spell thank god for grammarly it flipped i was no longer a victim i was no longer in need because i believed that i went from the presence into the glory and in the glory there is no need because the father himself wraps you in himself and moses experienced this and it changed his face it changed his countenance which i believe was like cain before so cain had his face downcast and god said why are you down guest and cain's thinking yo you just kicked us out of the garden and now we're dying we're cursed no god still wanted to talk to cain even outside the garden face to face that's how glorious even in a fallen state adam and eve's sons and daughters for for generations they were still living 900 years i mean we forget that that adam's sons were still alive all the way up almost to the flood and they weren't allowed to interbreed with the daughters of men ish not adama adama sons of god ish common man a little hint there not getting into it because i get lots of emails there's a point where you can't mix someone who's walked with god and his godly line and all this other stuff is going on down here genetic experiments i mean we all are in a way now we're all product of just interbreeding so god took care of our spirit so i don't judge people by the flesh so our staff is used to this everywhere we go but this is the this is this is so special what's what's in this room he's in this room so the the uh the glory changes you because the glory supersedes any other law okay so your limitations disappear in the glory but also the ability of satan to even come near you is gone his ability to do that is gone because of what it says in psalms 91 in that secret place no evil shall befall you nothing evil shall come near you see it's still in the bible no matter who's in office and the lord told me you know the lord told me because i mean i've gone through this so many times with clinton and obama and you know the lord said i still heal people in your meetings when you would pray for peoples people still got healed under obama i'm like okay i know where you're going with this yeah he still does his thing no matter no matter who's i can say a thousand things but i'm gonna stay away from the men in black six feet buddy listen people people people don't know god the people that know god you can tell by their face now you you you might know about god and you might have encountered god he might have done a drive-by he might have walked by he might have you know something might have happened you you were healed god is gracious you're going to go to heaven but i saw places in heaven that jesus told me were were only known by those who feared god who walked humbly before them in fear of the lord and so i realized a lot of things i was told in heaven that were conditional and that people that walked with god like enoch did saw certain things where it had access to certain things it just went against everything i was taught but it was interesting was the qualifications can i come down i'm not afraid of you all but the the qualifications for these certain rooms and these certain access places in heaven they had to do with with terms interestingly that are being spoken against these days like the fear of the lord and repentance and it's interesting that the key words that's why i wrote the power words is because i saw that satan was trying to take out of our vocabulary these very powerful words that were causing us to have entrance so he was taking them out of our minds out of our vocabulary and it's interesting we can use the name of god on tv but we can't they use the name of jesus because he that name is a is above all names it actually paralyzes the devils so in that studio and over the airwaves when you mention the name of jesus it literally paralyzes demons so that's why on oprah oprah or anywhere you are not allowed to use the name of jesus and they will bleep it out because it's so powerful so when i when i see what happened with the high priest in the holy of holies and i see what happened with moses in the secret place in the cleft of the rock when i look at the the verbiage the the vocabulary of the words that are changed there show me your glory i don't want to you know i've seen your face but he saw the face of jesus so the high priest when he went in the holy of holies he the name above all names is yahushua which is yahweh but you know i can't say that because it offends people so i'm not i didn't say that but the highest name that can be invoked would be the name of jesus which is joshua or yahushua and so the word that we call yahweh you don't know that's what it says that's a tetragrammaton mr period how do you know what that says it's an abbreviation right for mister but if you weren't told that if you if some if somebody an archaeologist found a a plate thousands of years from now and an mr period on it they would they would spend years trying to decipher that but if you were there you say hello that that means mister. but see you only know that because the vows are missing out all that all the all the stuff in between is missing but you know it right that's what a tetragrammaton is so they took four letters because no one's supposed to be able to pronounce that name except the high priest you don't know what there could be a paragraph in between each of those letters which i suspect according to my hebrew teacher who grew up in jerusalem he says the long name of god is when god walked by moses and announced his name he said he would it's this big long paragraph talking about his mercy and his goodness that's his long name to hebrews did you know that it's a paragraph because you can't explain god in one word okay so you don't know you don't know what mr period means unless someone tells you and fills in all those letters m-i-s-t-e-r okay so that's the way scripture is you have enough there to make it into the millennial reign you could just have john you could have john 15 and survive you have john 17 and survive you could the book of john but see paul gives us the in christ perspective the things that jesus did behind the scenes for us positionally that we would know about by the gospels so when the high priest went in he announced the name of god with blood he had to have blood and he had to be right himself or he became a casualty he became the sacrifice that year but see now jesus goes in there he opens it up it's now the veil is rent and now we have access to the holy of holies it says by by it's a new jesus is the new and living way into the holy of holies okay so he when we invoke his name we essentially our priests and kings of the most high god we invoke his name we can enter in by the blood that's already been shed okay so how can a devil be involved in any of this and trust me why would they want to be okay so if the presence is increased into glory you you lose the invisible friends that are that are harassing you if you notice the shift the harassment stops at a certain point i keep talking from the other glory it fills the room i'm telling you all my secrets that's all i'm doing any one of you could do this if you would if you would pay the price and yield you could you could speak from the other realm and that's all i'm doing i'm just filling the place up and then it's recorded for the next 30 years it will play in other nations for 30 years and people will have the same thing happen to them that happen right now for 30 years it will continue to happen because it is transferable onto digital it's the whole thing is is captured that's why we do live albums we capture the anointing we capture the experience of people creating music from the spirit with without the involvement in the human factor and we try to eliminate we look for people that don't want to be recognized but are yielded okay so the holy spirit was in the holy of holies because he is the holiest so now we're invited in there it can't be listen the holy of holies can't be something else it can't be where the secret place is different than the holy place or the place where we dwell at the right hand of the father with jesus seated according to ephesians chapter 2 6 and colossians 3 and also revelation where he talked to the churches about those who overcome will sit with me on a throne paul and john had this revelation of where we really are positionally okay if it cannot be a different place in holiness because it's the same spirit and what the high priest encountered is now what we encounter which is what was in the secret place how can moses encounter something greater than what the new testament church would encounter because he was operating under the law so why would what happened to him be greater than what would happen in the new testament church i'm just asking you it's rhetorical but it that the problem that i have with this is the tr the there has to be some sort of transference to you to where you get it and then you walk in it and it's permanent because jesus promised me if i go back and do this and i would fruit that lasts that means that it's permanent so with deliverance it was one of those final frontiers for a lot of ministries where there was all this recurring stuff well what i found is is that most christians are still victims they're still in rejection including me and i couldn't understand it except that i was brought up in rejection and i was not rejected by god but my circumstances and my parents i can't blame them they were just doing what they they saw their parents doing and they were my dad in tears before he died he repented he said i didn't know how to be a father and i am sorry if i failed you see they didn't they didn't want to do wrong but see the church is supposed to be instructing the church is supposed to be the place where we go and we learn and we're safe we're around people that don't cut you and stab you in the back you know you should be able to be you know be safe in church but you're not you're you're being sliced and diced behind the scenes you know you wonder like like i know and i tell people you know because i know when somebody's talking about me i know exactly where the arrow came from now i can't explain that i don't i don't think it's a gift to the spirit but you know i literally can tell when somebody talks about me i know exactly who it came from i can feel it hit me because our words are very powerful that's why we cannot speak against the body we're supposed to build them up now i don't tolerate junk doctrine you know i don't tolerate anything that's not in the bible now i tell you if i tell you something that's not in the bible that i saw in heaven i'll tell you sometimes i won't but you can't take it as doctrine because it's not it's not in the bible but you can see that the the the fruit the tree in the garden was a tithe that was god's it was not yours this is never ours and you can see that lucifer or hallel he had no one to tempt him so he what he did he did on his own because he wanted to he wanted to be like god so he knew what he was doing to get her to eat that he had to eliminate them so he could take the position my problem is is that the stuff if you knew if you knew everything that was going on behind the scenes you would be asking jesus to come back tonight if you would know the stuff that's not being told to you and that is what keeps me preaching the gospel is because i know that god only has good news every time i call jesse i said i have no bad news i have all good news i have nothing bad to say every friend i just called somebody i hadn't talked to in years they're like dude i go i have no bad news i go man you're like the only one that's kept on going i go it's all good news i just keep preaching the gospel he goes man you got a jet i go yeah but to him he's like you kept on going but see to me what else do i have to do but preach the good news in other words god has nothing bad to say about you eliminate the enemy by being in the glory you eliminate the enemy be in the secret place he who makes the most high his dwelling place not his drive-through window we're not visiting these things will not happen to you and he lists them and i noticed in heaven that disease couldn't ever survive that devils wouldn't dare go to the throne and i know the whole scripture verse in job but you don't know what that means either you have no idea what that really means you don't know when that was written under what covenant nobody wants to admit when job lived everybody has their opinion but if you talk to job what job would say was did you get what happened at the end god is good and i got double that's what he would tell you in heaven jesse duplantis was told by joan he goes dude what was it like to be in the belly of that fish he goes that's not what you should focus on you should focus on the fact that i was disobedient and wouldn't talk about it so on the way out abraham's yelling at him paul's yelling at him preach my gospel jonah goes be obedient they were all like telling him things as he left heaven what they had learned and what i have learned from being there and coming back is this is that god has never changed never intends to change but that he made man after he thought of fellowship then he made the earth for man he didn't need it he already had heaven let it sink in the earth was made for man he put man in the garden not an alien not barney not a caveman those all those remnants of those bones are part of of the inner breeding that happened in genesis 6. this is what satan is doing with the smithsonian they're flipping it making us look like we came from monkeys but it was the inner breeding that caused those bones to be in existence so anybody here do you all think about this stuff or not you got to be kidding me god made man in his image he didn't look like a chimpanzee i eat more than bananas incidentally when i worked for southwest um one of the captains i played a joke on him and um he was going to get me back i just didn't know when that's a good thing about these intelligent people like pilots and astronauts and things like that they're very intelligent they wait and make you suffer [Laughter] so they they they love the chase you know they love so i had played a trick on him i said i need you know i went up to a cockpit and i said hey i just got to talk to you for a minute i got a problem he goes he's like real serious like okay what is it and i go well i he said i have secretly been disappearing every three weeks every now and then because i'm actually part of the space program and i don't i can't tell my wife i said i think she's catching on he goes what i go what do i tell her he goes get out of here so so he was a test pilot so he'd phone stuff that was secret so anyway i'm back there serving and we went over edwards air force base where sometimes the space shuttle will land in there in california if there's an emergency or if they miss their window in their entry or because of weather so this is a big long you know facility and you can land from any direction and live from space you know it's big long mile to miles so we're flying over that and so i'm serving the the customers and he's making an announcement i'm kind of paying attention to him and not and he's talking about uh edwards air force base and we'll be in phoenix in just you know 30 minutes and uh incidentally he said kevin our flight attendant our head flight tony he uh he used to work out there he said he was in the space program he said until they found a monkey they could do the same thing and so they fired him and now he's a flight attendant for us so anyway the lord the lord has made us in his image there's no one else like us on anywhere and he chose the earth because he put us here and he did that for us so he could come down and visit and walk with us we didn't have any limitations there was no needs it was it was perfect but the test like i said was is that he had to give us free will which meant he had to do something in a fail-safe way that required trust that would distinguish us from him because we were so close to being like him that it was easy for us to think that we could rule and be better at some point you start to think that you can do this better than the one that you're under and at that point a lot of things have to have to happen and you have to determine if you're if it's time for you to leave from being out from under someone that you think you can do better with because if you can then you need to go and that's fine if you were being mentored but if you're going to stay you don't want to become judas or you know the problem they had in the garden so when you transfer from presence to glory god trusts you because it becomes intimate and the deception is is that when you're in the glory you cannot fail you you know that you are one with god and you know that he has your back he has your future and everything on the side and that he's from that point on going to work you into a debt-free life into a healthy body he's going to work you out of it in different ways he's going to give you wisdom and he's going to walk you out of debt he's going to walk you out of sickness he's going to walk you out of demonic activity it's going to be a setup that's a synchronized it'll look like a schedule of events of things that you need to do and it implements it and before you know it you are trusted and god will tell you whatever you decide i will back it he trusts you he already knows that he's put everything about himself into you so he knows how you're going to think through it and how you're going to choose you're going to choose wisely according to your spirit the holy spirit is inside of you this is where we should be right now we should be making decisions for eternity for history for where we live that affects history we should be affecting history we should not just be thinking about what we are doing for ourselves here but what precedent and what do we give to the next generation can we delay the antichrist because it is possible to delay him i have been working as hard as i can to get the body of christ to the point where they will stop him from coming forth but everybody keeps coming out with dvds on the bowls of wrath and all the end time events and we're at the end and they've been doing this for years it started with paul and he wrote to the thessalonians and said you all here is when the end's going to come this was in 65 a.d thessalonians they had quit their jobs because jesus come back in a couple weeks so he said if you don't work you don't eat he said the son of perdition will not be revealed until these things happen he said and you know who it is that's holding him back right now 65 a.d so every every generation has ministries within those ministries we have prophecy ministries is prophecy listed in what jesus was anointed to teach on or preach on because isaiah that he quotes about the spirit of the lord is upon me and he has anointed me the list that he gives there does not include teaching on the antichrist or the bulls of wrath it teaches on preaching good news which means good news to the poor good news to the sick good news to the oppressed preaching jubilee the year of jubilee which is debt cancellation telesty paid in full this is the gospel it spelled out what the good news is it's good news because god is good so he only has good news so he doesn't have sickness to give anybody he doesn't have poverty to give anybody he doesn't have demons to give anybody so when he gives he's a giver of life so it's abundant life so i want you to realize that in every generation people start to focus on certain things but jesus said preach the gospel and then the end shall come when we preach it in all the nations it says in matthew 24 clearly by my commander-in-chief he said when i preach the gospel into all the nations then the end shall come now i have so many invites to different countries and i can't go because of a mask okay so the end is not yet because i am not going i'm not i'm going to tell the lord oh no oh no oh no not yet all these people have to come in jesus died for all of them no no we can't seal it up now just for the few that are like tired down here they can't stand another election i'm just saying i'm with you i want to go right now i wanted to go this morning when i woke up i wanted to go when i i fell asleep last night i just want to be with him but when i think about what jesus did and how much he loves people i cannot accept the fact that millions of people are going to go to hell if jesus comes back right now i cannot accept that god would do that after he worked his salvation so mightily through the son of god okay so here's how we end it oh i got plenty of time here's how i start to end it if you are all if you all consider me a friend okay if we're all friends maybe you don't quite like me but you're you're still here but think about this if we all just accepted the fact that we woke up this morning and we're breathing and it's not pretty but you know a little makeup and everything's fine you know think about it think about it if we're still alive and we have each other and god has not chosen to take to take us or to do his bowls of wrath and all that yet okay then i really personally think it's wrong to sit and wait for a white horse that might be waiting for us i know that's true i know it's true that he's waiting on us but it appears that we're waiting on him and yet we're supposed to pray that laborers would go into the harbor harvest we're supposed to pray that the angels are sent to minister for those who are going to inherit salvation which means they might not have yet angels are sent to every individual because every individual was redeemed but not every individual partakes of that but angels are still sent all the books are written as though the people are coming to heaven now i know what i saw in heaven and i know what all the scriptures say so please don't even try to argue with me about it it's clear that god's intention was that everyone be saved that there is no election the election is that god knows everything but what he knows is none of your business unless he includes you in on that conversation and you might not be on that list of need to know you you might be not on the list but i want to be as close as i can because jesus said listen if you're servants in a household you do not partake of your master's affairs but the children do he said you are my children you are my friends i've included you in what i feel and i sense in the spirit is that the body of christ needs to go from the presence to the glory and stop trying stop trying to make something supernatural happen because the very fact that you're still here is supernatural and even walking in love these days is a supernatural event just tolerating people and everything that's behind people yeah you it's a miracle you've got to pray in tongues just so you can live among some people to stay in the love of god that's what praying in tongues you build yourself up the most holy faith remaining in the love of god okay so i'm asking you for transformation i've asked the lord on for you on behalf i've i've went to the lord on behalf of you i've asked the lord for this but he wants me to speak to you and he wants me to speak you into the next transition period which means that you have to somehow this weekend resolve that you're forgiven and that there is no there is no case against you in heaven i don't want you to go to heaven and find this out because you will and you'll kick yourself and then you want to find me and say why didn't you push a little harder and speak another hour because i'm serious you will find that i it was the thing that hurt me the most i didn't know that i was going to get to come back at first so i was thinking man it was on every table in every room in my house the bible it was there i didn't treat it as a treasure chest i didn't search the scriptures for the hidden keys i didn't discern that the greatest of these is love not faith something else sometimes the lord tells you to do something and he's all the reason he asks you to do that is to see if you would just do it and not question it and it it's it's silly but talk to the prophets they had they had to walk naked through cities and lay on their right side for 30 days and then another on their left side eating bird poop have you read this is this still in the bible or they take it out no one wants to talk about this stuff well that can't be god well it's too late it's it's canon it's holy cannon it's in the bible well why did god do that don't ask me my point is is you know how i got translated my first translation where i got translated i was told to fast okay done that how many days 20 now don't go and do this i want you to read the book of isaiah out loud every day while you're fasting so after about a week i'm like okay you know what and then all of a sudden i was taken to the future translated miles away and then brought back and then i watched the whole thing happen again in real life over something that seemed really to me silly and all it had to do with was the destruction of my flesh all it had to do was the breaking of my will would i obey my commanding officer thank god i wasn't married or you know have any relationship with anybody i was a student the lord told me to separate myself so i had i had nobody you know to apologize to at the end of that fast i could not speak in english i could read the whole bible in another language i could not speak english i could open my bible and read it to you but it was in another language i could not get back into english have i mentioned that yet what happened the lord got my tongue and when he got my tongue he took my whole being to the future he broke he broke my will because it was intentionally made to be stupid it wasn't stupid it was a command and before i met my wife i had to do all kinds of things like that i would be offered positions that i've been believing for for years i would walk away from them lord say no no no no and at a certain point it got fun because i knew that there was so much in the treasure that i had sown that i know it's going to come back to me because i know god he's not taking me down this path and not keeping track tab so a demon a demon cannot keep up with a spirit-led person the pace is too set too high they think well you know we must have done our job because he's he's quoting isaiah every day and not eating so he's gone crazy we've succeeded amen okay romans 4 3 says this it's very key it says for what does scripture say abraham believed god and it was accounted to him as righteousness this is in page 29 at the top okay so if he believed god why was it accredited to him as righteousness okay so this is old testament so relationally relational not positional relational there were certain people who had obeyed god and believed god and they got a credit on their account of righteousness because of their relationship not because of what of what they did positionally there was no position there was no law yet there was no law to obey to say i obeyed it so that's why abraham he was at a higher level so he knew when he met melchizedek to tithe to him before the law even came are you catching this or not okay so relationally it does not give any room for a demon to work if your relationship with god is greater than any relationship through addiction or anything that the demonic would want to offer that you would depend upon there's there's nothing that can really hold you if you have something greater so i hide behind jesus i don't want to be the head honcho i always want to be the assistant see you always want to be the first officer so you can blame the captain you always want to be the assistant pastor you want to be the vice president because then you can say oh no it's the president's fault next thing you know you're the president you see i'm saying you want you want you want to hide behind the lord okay so it's relational so righteousness was credited to abraham because he believed he had faith and it was accounted to him okay this is very important for justice because righteousness and justice are the same word so justice comes that means it's made right so anything that's wrong in your life right now it's about to be corrected and i mean that i'm not just saying that i i'm already we are already proof we're already proof of this it's already happened in every area okay so payday is coming and recompense is coming but it has to do with god's justice which is his righteousness which was accredited to abraham by his faith which in the hebrew is the word trust so abraham believed god he trusted god because he knew that god had said it and the key to abram is abraham he changed his name there were name changes which was a prophecy abraham made him plural from nation to nations father of nations he was prophesying he changed the name because that was the sign that he was going to get a son the name change came before the son came i don't know if you're getting this the lord always speaks first he does nothing except he tell his prophets first he gives his intention out he calls the things that are not as though they were okay so he has called you delivered today completely delivered so i announce that to you i announce that to you because the church the new testament church is supposed to have a relationship we always have these penance with the cross on which is really nice and even some religions still have jesus hanging on the cross but how many how many churches have a pennant on their neck that is an open tomb or what about the throne where he's seated now because he's seated now he's not on the cross he's not in the tomb he's seated and you know honestly we're seated with him this is literally reality now like if if you would ask if siri was saved you would ask her what is my position now she'll say you are at the right hand of the most high god [Music] according to ephesians chapter 2 verse 6 and colossians chapter 3 verse 2 and revelation chapter 2. but now if you ask her she says i cannot discuss jesus really well what about buddha oh three pages worth muhammad 14 pages okay so the church if we were to have a location service i mean most people when you interview people they don't know who they are and they don't know what they're supposed to do they don't know anything and yet everything in the scripture talks specifically about that we're known in heaven that we're known on the earth that books are written about us that the spirit that jesus said he said he will remind you of things i've said he will tell you of the future things to come he will lead you only into the truth which is the word greek word for reality the spirit of reality will lead you into all reality which is greater than facts because facts can change but truth never changes absolute truth is in heaven okay the absolute truth is is that the gavel has come down and you are delivered which means now that anything anything that you encounter other than that is a demon trying to sell you something paul explains it this way in romans chapter five verse one in a passion translation he says our faith in jesus transfers god's righteousness it transfers it over to us and he now declares us flawless in his eyes this is the absolute truth about our condition right now i mean that this means we can now enjoy hello we can now enjoy joy true and lasting peace shalom with god all because of what our jesus the anointed one has done for us okay so this is our status if you ask anybody in heaven are going to tell you this and you're going to say yeah but and they're going to say there is no butts up here your butt is your your problem okay so the summary down in page 30 down the bottom it says i put down here remember the three characteristics of the people that came to david in the cave of god's justice adolum they were discontented in debt and distressed but being under david they had peace god established a very very mighty kingdom through david and it is still in existence today because jesus sat on his throne and continues to sit on his throne forever according to psalms 89. okay so jesus comes now in the new testament and he goes around imitating the father and this is what he does in acts 10 38 at the top of page 31 he says god was anoint god anointed jesus of nazareth with the holy spirit and with power who went around doing good and healing all that were oppressed by the devil for god was with him jesus never made anybody sick so that is where i part with a lot of people because god told jesus what to do he didn't do anything unless his father told him to do it he said i don't do my own i only do what my father is doing well if the father was making people sick then jesus would have been making people sick but jesus had compassion on people because he saw fallen man and how they had fallen apart and fallen away from god so he reached out to correct and make it back to the original plan he healed them he had compassion that's what that's why he healed and that's why he could heal was the compassion he had compassion on the crowds colossians 2 15 says having disarmed principalities and powers he made a public spectacle of them triumphing over them in it so jesus at the end defeated the devil and all the evil spirits and then handed the keys to the church and sent the holy spirit to continue his ministry so that we would go into the greater works for this purpose the son of god was manifested he might destroy the works of the devil first john 3 and 8. okay the book of revelation chapter 13 verse 8 says at the top of page 33 the lamb slain from the foundation of the world uh oh wait a minute hold it right there wait a minute you know we know that jesus was slain at 33 a.d or you know give or take what did i tell you the lord made man in his image knowing that that was going to be a liability because we were going to have to give him they said we're going to give them a free will so they give man a free will the only thing they could do is put the tree of the knowledge of good and evil which god could handle if he knew evil he could still be good but we can't because we're a copy so we can't handle eating from that tree we cannot handle knowing the difference between good and evil if we do know it because we're not god we don't have the power to resist that knowledge and will be tempted and seduced because we're an image not the original that is why we couldn't touch that tree we couldn't eat from the tree we couldn't partake of it it was never ours it was god's and i guarantee you god came down and ate from it every day it's his tree as a reminder that he's god and you're not so finishing up here for this session think about the fact that now that you're born again you feel the power of god you feel the power of the coming age in this room you feel free okay don't you see that the temptation is to just ride off of this and not continue to push through for more and to realize that this is permanent and not just an experience you see we're built to get in an experience and live from experience to experience and we want memories and we want all these different things we want everything to be right but you know it's not going to be right because your family's messed up so you can be right and then you know it it all gets ruined the minute you know aunt so-and-so shows up so it's not going to be perfect while you're here but yet you know that you prayed and you know that god heard you you know that he's going to answer you because you've asked according to his will but it doesn't happen okay immediately i'm telling you this is why the devil's keeps getting into your life you immediately feel like it's your fault you feel rejected but you're in a war it has nothing to do with you you're in a broken world there are angels fighting the moment you prayed daniel found this out daniel found out that the day that he prayed we were sent but we've been fighting for 21 days well you know in 21 days that's a long time to fight rejection and blaming yourself because you want to be a good christian and live for god but he doesn't answer my prayers well see when you say that you're doing exactly what they did in malachi when god said your words have been stout against me how have we been stout against you you say it doesn't pay to serve god but those people that day who spoke well of the lord whose words weren't styled against him he says a book of remembrance was written about them and it says that i will remember them on the day and they will be jewels in my crown because they chose to speak well of the lord and they stayed in there during the warfare so this is the thing this is the entrance of most christians with demons is the rejection thing so let me finish with this and then we'll come back after dinner rejection is really inherent you can see it and i got to be careful here because i can't tell you everything the reason why is is that you might not be in the frame of mind yet and and it it'll cause a rift but i can see why people are the way they are because when you're in heaven and you find out what the what happened in the garden you find out that they had it perfect and and and eve was deceived you find out what happened with eve and you see the pronouncement on her then you see what adam how he reacted it was the woman you gave me okay and if you look at what happened it was the fact that satan knew to isolate eve i mean you know i i can't say some things but you know adam adam wore the pants in the family and i believe that satan knew he couldn't get to adam but he did isolate eve and get to her to talk with him and reason it out i'm not i'm not i'm not blaming anybody i'm saying there was an isolation why weren't they together she went to him and got him the and you know he might have figured it out he might have figured out well nothing happened to her or he might have thought she's toast so i must go with her he might have taken the fall and fell on in his sword because he was he wanted to be with her that would be a nice romantic story but we don't know what happened with that but if you read paul if you read paul honestly he said the head of woman is man okay he says that now you know he had he had a problem with women because he didn't want to get married again you know he had some issues but he also was talking a lot of cultural things in corinth okay paul said i wish you were like me and didn't marry oh paul do you need healing no i'm sure you don't say it but he he says some stuff that shows the way that it happened in the garden okay so there is order okay that doesn't make a woman any less than a man what it is is that the fact that i you know i'm going further than i should i should get the car running but you go you got to be honest with me now don't leave me listen to me okay you got to be honest god could have formed a woman out of the earth and breathed into her nostrils and made her a living soul but he didn't do that he took her out of adam that sums up everything so i'm going to back out now and save myself you see god chose to do it that way okay so you can't change the order of what he did but it doesn't diminish anybody from anything but he did pronounce judgment on the serpent and each individual and if you look at some of the things that were pronounced on them salvation did not get rid of some of those things the born-again experience did not cause us to live forever physically okay that was not redeemed so we know that our bodies didn't get the redemption that our spirits got of eternal life right but originally we lived forever right okay we never got sick so god started to fix things through the covenant and then through the the blood of jesus about healing and you are you catching what i'm saying here he started to fix things so that when paul was was talking to the ephesians talking about the body he was saying there is neither male nor female in christ do you get it neither jew nor gentile we're all one okay so what did that it was the blood but left to ourselves we're dealing with all these things where we notice weakness in people we notice weakness and yet the body is supposed to come together and and help solidify help unify and mature okay so if you understand what i just said to you and if you take everything that we've covered so far then what will happen is it seals up the demonic from being able to talk to you to emphasize your weaknesses or to emphasize that this happened because people don't like you and you're rejected and you know it has nothing to do with that so many times the supernatural events that have happened after i've been rejected are so numerous that i actually get excited when i get rejected because i know i know that the devil was trying to knock me out he was trying to knock me out and if you talk to people they don't even know why they said what they said or they don't know that they did what they did because they were probably they were probably being influenced okay so a lot of deliverance can be taken care of by realizing who we really are and realizing what god how god sees us and our purpose so our purpose in the plans he has for us you know i could tell you things right now that i already know are going to happen but you wouldn't be able to handle it but my staff knows about it i'm years ahead i mean i'm talking like stuffed you know the weekend lunch like that it's already taken care of but i'm holding it i'm working things parallel i'm working everything out why because the spirit wants us to reach unity in the faith and be built up so that when we're complete that we are without spot or wrinkle and then jesus will come back he'll be given the command to come back but we have to reach that perfection so right now as i'm standing here i can hear angels singing no they have been singing they're singing i'm not making it up i don't care if you believe me or not it doesn't matter they are singing this is a sign when they sing when i hear this in a service it's actually sooner than it usually happens but what it means is is that victory is imminent it means there's a breakthrough they they sing and they open up the heavenlies they're singing because the lord has chosen to come among you i'm telling you this i knew this weekend would be special but we're used to twice as many as are here but you all are on the same page it's amazing you all want god you want you want the glory but but remember this as you go away when we come back tonight that god trusts those who he shares his glory with he has to trust you and remember why because you will start to think that it's you pastor am i right pastor am i right hey pastor sit sit down six though you you know what i'm talking about you get to this place where you think it's you and it's not you it's it's who you're under and if you're out from under that umbrella you find out it wasn't you this has happened so many times i've pled with people don't leave your position and they said no i can do better and and they're they're poof poof they were they were riding off of a general's anointing i can't do better than jesse but he tells me that i'm going to be bigger than him he tells me that every week and he's not kidding he grabs me the army goes do you realize you're going to bear me i go i don't want to be bigger than you i just want to be your friend he goes it doesn't matter it's already been determined but i don't want that and i know who brought me to the dance and he's my ride home i'm not going to mess with what god said my goal is to become less so he becomes more my goal is to make other people look good i have to i mean i enable people i just give them permission for what i know is open unto them i've had visions and have been shown the future there is so much glory there's so much work to be done in the fields that i can't concentrate on someone who's talking about this is the last this is it i can say this is that which was spoken by the prophet joel but i can't say this is this is the end this is it this is this is that the greatest move of god i mean smith wigglesworth prophesied about this so did catherine coleman and and many others so are they wrong about the greatest move of god a culmination brother hagin he taught us that in class every day all that i was prepared for i was told was what was coming you know he laid hands on me a couple times i didn't need another time i've been laid hands on all these different generals i don't need hands laid on me anymore i need to go out there and do it they're they're manifestation i take the cloak of my father and i strike the water i said where is the god of jesse where is the god of elijah where is the god of smith wigglesworth that's what elisha did he went down and he took the cloak he said i want a double portion of your spirit not of his mantle of his spirit which is a very hard thing to have a double portion of someone's spirit not the cloak he took that mantle and he slapped the water he said where's the god of elijah and the water split is a handoff that is what the the whole thing is now the fabric of our nation the fabric of our culture is to tear apart the family get everybody confused fatherless motherless you're just an embryo just just just completely taken away the sanctity of life the preciousness of life the preciousness of the handoff of a father to a son or a daughter the preciousness of grooming in a family transferring what god did for one parents to the next generation it's god is in the family and generations if your father and your mother do it right what they hand off to you is right and then you don't fight the devils because they fought them you see they got rid of them but what you have is you have things handed off and no one's dealt with it so you get it now the buck stops with you now you gotta you gotta take on four generations of devils am i right think about you know what we're dealing with is the failure of how god set it up from the beginning adam and eve not adam and steve he set it up that way it's a handoff it's genealogies it's generations it's inheritance my dad should have been wealthy and handed that off to me so i can hand it off to you but instead my heavenly father came in and made me wealthy and then you're wealthy you get violins you get free manuals and you don't get a force to take an offering every 20 minutes i'm serious you wait you watch it you'll see it on tv the ushers will come forward and they will hand out money there will be no offering they will hand out money to every person you watch it's going to happen i'm going to flip the tables amen see because you give you give because you want to give you give because you want to give because you love god you can give to whoever you want jesus told the rich man give to the poor don't give to me give to the poor he didn't say give to my ministry and then you'll have eternal life okay so rejection is the big deal about you being a return customer with the devil the reason why he gets you is because of reject rejection but ce was despondent she was she was downcast adam was downcast kane was downcast they were all downcast they were all rejected do you get it they got kicked out of the garden okay so that is in all of us when we're born in fallen in a fallen state but in a redeemed state the spirit of adoption is we're going to learn maybe next week or whenever i get back here because we're not going to get to romans 8 are we the spirit of adoption is in romans 8 15 in the middle of this discourse is the spirit of acceptance full acceptance the spirit of adoption which cries out father father i'm fully accepted in the beloved i am loved by god i'm fully accepted i'm not rejected okay so i have to and you have to do this whenever you feel rejected whenever you feel signs of and feel the secure insecurity coming on whenever something happens and you can feel those those hormones and all those adrenal glands and they start it starts happening you need to stop and say wait a minute i have an eternal inheritance my father has spoken well of me and i am fully loved and accepted and obviously that person has not got the memo that i am god's special one to a tailspin because you know what you're better than all that you're better than all that amen i was told that i will never be treated properly down here because people do not discern who i am as a person they don't know me jesus told me that the world will reject you they will not treat you for your value they do not discern who you are your your you're what they need and so the body of christ cannot bite and devour each other we cannot fight each other everybody bow their heads i feel the i feel the holiness of the lord here father i thank you so much that we've learned from you that it's a credit to us righteousness because we believe and we thank you father that positionally we've been made righteous by the blood of jesus but relationally because of faith we've also been credited with righteousness father i ask that you just love on everybody right now that they would feel the full acceptance of of your heart that you created them in your image and that you desire for them to know how special they are everyone here is special and loved by god the father agrees that that man fell but he was able to retrieve mankind and so now we ask for a outpouring of your spirit in this place and that we would encounter your glory right now father show us your glory thank you that you pierced the darkness you came into our life and you pour out your love right now father we repent for unbelief we repent for doubting we just love you you're so holy we just submit to your fire your holy fire right now you guys can come and play the lord says i got it from here just give me your hurts give me everything that's bothering you i got it from here i'm gonna i'm gonna take your burden upon myself i'm gonna carry it for you perfect love is driving out fear right now the lord's making it right he says i'm going to make it up to you watch what happens [Music] [Music] father we're not going anywhere without you you're our next breath we love you our hearts burn for you your glory it revives us [Music] your glory it corrects us it causes us to be who we were originally planned for no more struggling no more defending we're just going to submit to you you're gonna take up our case you're gonna help us lord just repent just turn your face to jesus right now repent turn your focus back turn from your own ways just look at him right now as he comes into this place behold the lord of glory the king of glory open wide ye gates and let the king of glory come through all those doors that you've tried to open and they would not open the lord says i'll take you to the one that's open that's the right one i'll do it i'll save you a lot of time just walk with me that's what he just said yeah up and over you won't have to climb over the walls up and over you gotta yeah i'll take you on the fast track i'll take you on the fast track because you love me i'll let you ride in my chariot the lord rides on the clouds the almighty is his name lord take us for a ride in your chariot above and beyond the drama of this world i release everyone into your arms lord i won't carry this burden i will give it to you i will cast all my cares upon you for your care for me i receive your help father i receive jesus i receive him my salvation all my help comes from him [Music] and the lord is smiling upon you right now he is smiling he is pleased that you've received him he's pleased that you're going to let him take over you're going to trust him you're going to speak well of the lord he's smiling [Music] you're fully accepted you're flawless you're perfect you turned out just like he spoke you you're loved the lord adores you [Music] elaborated [Music] spirit yes you said go in peace and come back tonight and i will show you my glory assemble together and worship me yes we'll do that father riding on the clouds in your chariot far above the most high with your angels [Music] father thank you for healing fully accepted we're healed [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] father the name of jesus demons flee we break the powers of the devil we break them now in the name of jesus we apply the blood every demonic force must leave now in jesus name every demonic influence must leave now i command you satan you leave in the name of jesus you go now you leave now [Music] so [Music] everybody stand up and raise your hands receive from the lord of right now the bible says that the lord he soars on the erebot he soars on the clouds in his chariot he can do what he wants and yet he thinks of us and there is freedom in this place there's freedom because the spirit of the lord is here and where the spirit of the lord is there's always freedom the sun has set you free so you're free indeed so i announce over you your freedom [Music] oh man did you feel that see our lord just that that what you just felt in this room very rarely happens that is the holiness of the spirit of god go ahead willie if you got a song thank you come on now this is this is very special try not to move too much spirit of the lord give willy the song [Music] oh [Music] holy holy [Music] holy holy holy [Music] holy [Music] holy [Music] holy [Music] holy [Music] holy [Music] holy holy holy holy [Music] holy holy we cry out holy holy [Music] holy holy [Music] holy [Music] holy holy holy [Music] holy holy holy [Music] holy holy [Music] holy we sing out holy [Music] holy [Music] holy holy holy holy [Music] holy [Music] holy [Music] we sing holy [Music] holy holy [Music] holy holy holy [Music] holy holy holy holy [Music] holy [Music] holy holy [Music] holy [Music] holy [Music] holy [Music] holy holy [Music] holy holy [Music] holy holy [Music] holy [Music] holy [Music] holy [Music] [Music] holy holy holy holy we just keep singing out holy [Music] we worship you holy [Music] holy [Music] [Music] holy [Music] [Music] oh [Music] you are high and lifted of [Music] jesus oh [Music] holy [Music] holy [Music] r [Music] come on [Music] i [Music] i am [Music] holy [Music] holy [Music] holy holy holy holy [Music] holy [Music] lifts it off you are high and lifted up [Music] [Applause] [Music] we sing holy holy [Music] holy jesus we sing out holy [Music] holy [Music] you are and lifted up [Music] you are high and lifted off you are high and lifted up you are high and lifted up you are high and lifted up [Music] you are high yes you are high in this holy [Music] holy [Music] oh holy [Music] holy [Music] [Music] holy [Music] is [Music] no one like you lord [Music] there's no one like you there's no one like you lord there's no one like there's no one like you lord holy [Music] yes [Music] holy holy holy holy [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] holy [Music] holy jesus who sings holy [Music] holy [Music] glory [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] um [Music] so [Music] hey [Music] [Music] higher [Music] foreign [Music] me [Music] this is [Music] [Music] glory [Music] is [Music] [Music] foreign is [Music] is filled [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] there is [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Kevin Zadai
Views: 54,638
Rating: 4.9244957 out of 5
Keywords: #kevinzadai, #theagendaofangels, #warriornotes, #nonproft, #spiritschool, #conference, #schoolofthespirit, warriornotes.tv, warrior notes tv, kevin zadai
Id: vEb4Xha5yrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 160min 21sec (9621 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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