The Suddenlies Of God - Kevin Zadai

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hello everyone dr kevin zad i with you with word notes and i am in dalton georgia we just had the most amazing conference this weekend and we know that god has done amazing things probably more than we know uh it'll take months probably to see what god has done but we're thankful for you uh tuning in and watching that conference if you haven't watched the conference make sure you go to youtube or to warionesstv and and watch those um it was an amazing thing a lot of good messages the lord was speaking mightily we saw a lot of people we saw people get saved we saw people get healed we saw a lot people get delivered we saw a lot of those i've gotten a lot of good feedback from people so i want to continue with what i was talking about and i want to get into something that i i didn't have a chance because of time during the conference and so i'm here with my crazy friends here as we as we get ready to fly back out to new orleans and continue with what god has for us but i want to talk to you a little bit about some of the some of the things i saw in heaven that that i don't talk about a lot and i feel like i should be released to do this now and that is is that at any one moment in your life god could insert himself into that and change everything suddenly and it wouldn't be something you could predict and um the lord asked me to talk about this just just within the last couple minutes before i came on the air so i want everybody to turn with me to exodus 23 and we're going to talk about the lord and about what he was telling moses at the time and get right into the fact that there was an angel involved with this in the in the desert and there's going to be angels involved right now with you all so in your spirit right now take a hold of what christ has taken hold for you as i talk because there's a suddenly coming for you it's not it's not suspected because it's not on on your physical calendar but it's on god's calendar and he likes to surprise us sometimes and this keeps our our our life sharp in the spirit when he does things suddenly for you and so there is unexpected things coming your way and the lord wants you to know that now this happened to moses um think about moses and you know what we know about him and he was an amazing individual because he didn't really have somebody instructing him he just he kind of he kind of just did whatever god god told him to do but it was a long period of time he he ended up 40 years in pharaoh's court 40 years in the desert and then he he went right into his his um assignment you know so the lord told me in heaven when i was with him he said he discussed moses with me and went through all these things that i'm going to tell you right now but he did say this he said kevin i used to have years with like i did with moses where i could prepare him for what he was called to do he said but now we only have days to prepare people for what we have them to do so he was telling me that because um i had submitted to the yoke and been trained by the lord and that others would do that too that we would we would accelerate our training and so it wouldn't take years it would take days and this was because the time is short jesus told me the time was short that he was coming back but he didn't give me a a time a time or even a season he just said it was a time was short which he said to a lot of people throughout the the years you know so we've been waiting 2 000 years for this and it's getting closer of course but this is what he discussed with me with moses there was a lot of character that had to get into to him so that he could do what he was to do with all these millions of people and being responsible for all the things we know about but this is what god said to moses because they were having this conversation about the lord was actually wanting to back out of the whole thing because he was upset with the people and moses saw this and the conversations the words going on between him that you have to that you might not have picked up but jesus pointed this out to me is that the conversation used to be about how god would tell moses you know my people i'm going to take them out of egypt and take them into the land it's my people my people my people well then all of a sudden in the conversation what happened was is god started to refer to them as moses people and when this happened moses started to sense you know the lord the lord's upset of course you know we we know why he was upset but at one point moses had to tell him you know what we're not we're not going if you're not going with us because he knew they were they were done and then that's when we have that conversation too if you remember god said well you know what i'll kill them all and then i'll just make a nation out of you moses moses says no you can't do that either because then egypt will think that you just brought us out here to kill us and that would defame you and so he wouldn't let what that all happened so the the compromise if you didn't pick up on it was god said well i can't be among them because they're stiff neck they're rebellious but i'll send an angel so it was like a compromise that god couldn't be among them and if you notice in exodus 24 10 that the lord was very upset with them but because moses had chosen 70 to help him those 70 were told to go up halfway up the mountain and sit there and eat and the lord came down and he had a sapphire platform that he was standing on but he stood off from a distance from them because he was mad at them so he stood off and he let them actually see him the 70 and moses and and uh you know we we have we have this joshua moses we have 70. they got to see god standing there says he let them he let them eat and look at him but he did not judge them it says so he wanted to judge them but he did not and then then and this is what happened right after this verse so we have 2410 but then we have this exodus 23 and this is what it says i'm sending my angel before you to protect you on your journey and lead you safely to the place i prepared for you now this is what he said now think about this there's an angel assigned to you so the lord could be saying this to you too pay close attention to him i mean god is telling moses to tell the people pay close attention to your angel so where do you hear this i mean we're in church today this is sunday where we're filming this how many churches are going to be teaching on something like this but see it says to pay close attention and obey his instructions do not rebel against him because they've already rebelled against god so now that's why we have this angel coming and being among them and he he is my representative and he will not forgive your rebellion and um you know i know that most people you know just you know there's a lot of places in the bible where they say this was jesus you know and they they talk about melchizedek talk about all these things but you know you right there in the scripture tells you every single time that these people are wrong because right here he's saying don't rebel against him for he is my representative now if if god if god was speaking of jesus he would say this is my son he would not say my representative and so this angel was a real angel it wasn't jesus like a lot of people say just like melchizedek was an actual person and hebrews says he was like an unto melchizedek but it doesn't say he was melchizedek so these things happen all through so this this angel has been given the power to be as though he was god there in the midst of them but he wasn't god but he had that authority so there's there's a couple things here pay close attention to this angel so we write that down and obey his instructions and remember that that he is sent to protect you and lead you safely to the place that god has prepared for them so you you think about this what angels do okay so he's not going to forgive your rebellion in other words he's going to report to god if there is any kind of rebellion in other words saying he's not going to forgive means that that he's he's not going to look the other way he's going to report it back to god that's what angels do they report back so like last night when we when we all blessed those people the people with uh rent for the month and then bicycles well their angels reported that so it's known in heaven by now what we did and so then god's going to repay us supernaturally that's why i do that to show other people that they can do this so this angel will report to god if there's a rebellion involved so if you don't obey the instructions of the angel or you you don't pay a close attention to him you don't you don't um allow him to protect you on your journey then then that gets back to god but this is really cool if you do obey him this is what it says but if you are careful to obey your angel following his instructions this is what's going to happen then i will be an enemy to your enemies i mean like that and i'm telling you this is part of that this idea of the suddenlies of god like the the kairos moment where god will will very quickly become your deliverer your provider he will be your stand by yours he'll he will come and deliver you and it's a quick thing because what there are certain things that you can do that cause god to act very quickly and part of that is helping other people anything you can do to help someone and and this shows the goodness and mercy of god to someone else and then it's a testimony so the angels have been given these instructions and if you follow the instructions that they have been given concerning you then then god immediately it says then then i will become an enemy to your enemies so god has enemies but he's going to take over your enemies as well into that and this is something that will happen immediately like you will you i have seen this happen and that's to tell you truth me and kathy we we do more secretly than you see outwardly i mean we're almost every couple hours we're giving to somebody and the reason why is is that we're we keep transferring over all the responsibilities that we would have to do ourselves we're essentially saying lord we're not going if you're not going and when we do this when we do what we do it causes um the enemies that we have to become god's enemies and then they they just they just they're extinguished and the witches can't they can't they can't kill me they can't do anything they're doing everything they can they're drinking blood they're sending sacrifices to us um they're sending large amounts of cash to us it's hilarious and they're trying to get they're trying to get um a curse to come on us and they can't so it really messes the witches up that's why they show up in the services every time because they they're expecting me to cancel a meeting and be be pronounced dead somewhere and and they can't do it they don't want me to tell people about what the truth about what god is saying so they know that i'm cutting right into their their power you know by by exposing satan and the way he works so because of that god adopts my enemies god adopts your enemies and then what happens is this suddenly you just start to see these supernatural things happen where you're delivered and you're kept and it's because you you're not you're not in rebellion and because of that immediately god acts so so he says god says i will oppose those who oppose you so then all of a sudden your enemies start getting worked against and nothing works out start tripping over themselves and this is something that's a promise in the bible this has to do with angel activity does everybody follow me so we're good okay so think about think about the fact that this is a simple instruction this is a simple promise but it has amazing benefits if you if you if you listen to it uh what's being said here but these angels are real they're i mean there's one standing right here right now there's one behind me and they're they're all over the room but that there's two here with me and it's usually just the one guy right here but there's another one behind me and you wouldn't even know that unless i told you but see there there has to come a place where you realize that they're they're here i mean it's no big deal i mean look i say this like it's just a casual thing because it is to me a common thing to have angels around you because that's the way it is we're christians we have angels so they are at any one moment allowed to act on your behalf and a lot of it has to do with these these inflection points where you do something you hand yourself over to god and you you show that you trust god more than you trust in anything else and then it flips everything and you have a moment a suddenly because the angel's right there and he's been given permission if you do certain things that he can instantly so he's he's here to minister but there has to be some sort of catalyst you have to do something in the physical realm from the spiritual realm and they're right there to to push it through to follow me so there's a transference from the spiritual to the physical but most people they go through their life and they don't they just see these little leaks here and there these little it's like a dripping instead of a flow and that is because there you do the opposite of rebellion and you'll see these angels start to work because they don't tolerate rebellion so if you pay close attention if you obey the instructions of the lord if you don't rebel he is my it says he is my representative okay so the angel of the lord is is then instructed it says here will go before you and bring you into the land and he names all of the the giant races and he says that he's going to take you in the land of the giants lists all these people and then he said uh you're going to live there wait a minute that's our land but it's not their land it's god's land that he promised to them not to these giants okay so the giants are there illegally and he said this is what he says i will destroy them completely hello warriors dr kevin zadai with you with warrior notes and i just want to talk to you a little bit about my new book called the mystery of the power words and this book is an amazing uh download from heaven and i want you to be part of what god's doing on the earth and so i am offering this new book and a cd called mystery of the powers which is an impartation cd that i did so it has all the scriptures about power words all the different words on it and then it also prays i pray for you and i give you an impartation that you can just um receive from heaven and i just believe that this book is is very important um i have i've talked to sid roth and i've talked to my publisher and they feel like this is a a very important book for this time so in the book i i actually uh received this information a while back in my and it's been in my spirit for a long time we've actually been planning on doing this this so uh this is like a big thing for me because it's been coming for like three years now so i want to tell you some of the things that i put in there i talk about the blood of jesus which is one of the power words i talk about the repentance and about the covenant the new covenant that we have in jesus christ i talk about the kingdom dominion which is a little stronger wording than just authority i talk about the fear of the lord resurrection power holy fire visitation habitation i talk about uh many more in the book and i want you to have this and i really feel in my heart just for all the partners for everybody that has really helped me and the students i want to give this to you for a great price for this time in this season so um remember that god wants you to access everything that he has for you he he did not hide these benefits from you and one of the mysteries uh of this of this revelation is that satan doesn't want you to understand and know the power words and he doesn't want you to use them but hell trembles when you use these words so this is dr kevin zedai and i just want to encourage you that you are walking in the spirit when you obey the spirit's voice and you need to speak these power words this is part of what the spirit is doing god bless you we'll talk to you again [Music] so he's opposing those who oppose his people and his angel is going to drive out these people and destroy them completely but he said when you get there don't worship their gods so don't worship the gods of the nations and serve them in any way or imitate their practices instead you must utterly destroy them and smash their sacred altars so you gotta extinguish from the land all of these sacred places okay so you know you see this in in our our country you see this in america where these things are still still allowed to be up and one of the things that all the kings if you look at the in the chronicles and first kings second chronicles first chronicles the all the lists of the different kings and what they did or is there but one of the things is always noted is they did or they did not tear down the high places and some of the kings did did very good work but then it'll say but they did not tear down the high places and it it's it's a it's the one of the things that's listed it seems very important to god if the if the king was really really a good king it it came down to that and some of them were really good kings but they did not tear down the high places and that's that was what god forbid for forbids in in our lives is any kind of evil practices that has to do with serving other gods and placing idols and you know images and things like that of false gods so we don't bow down to a false god and and so the promise here is you must serve only the lord your god if you do i will bless you with food and water and i will protect you from illness okay so this is the promise that talks about where he's going to take sickness away from the midst of you and he's going to provide for you he'd already promised them that in the covenant but now look at this this angel part of this angel is is to provide this because he's still talking in the context of the angel i will bless you with food and water and i will protect you from illness there will be no miscarriages or infertility in your land and i will give you the the word there is long full lives so you're going to live out until you're satisfied your your life to the fullest you're not going to get sick he's going to bless you he's going to bless your food and water and protect you from any illness so so no miscarriages your land your land will produce no infertility in your land or in your cattle but it doesn't end there it just gets stronger he says then i will send terror ahead of you and create panic among all the people whose lands you invade so we had already talked about this in a conference how the midianites with gideon would you know they were already being sieged at night in their dreams you know they were getting frayed so creating panic among your enemies is really hard language but that's what he says i'm going to send terror he says my tare ahead and he's going to drive out all these giants but i will not drive them out in a single year because the land would then lay desolate it wouldn't be it wouldn't be kept so he he was going to be strategically done so we find this when joshua was told to go up you know eventually when this happened joshua was told to take them up he went up the valley there and went you know went from city to city but he did it strategically and that was because they were taking care of the fields and the cattle so he didn't want to extinguish them all one time because they were we they would have to occupy the land and then farm it and keep it from being overrun by wild animals so that's what this is talking about so it's a strategic thing so you'll see this in your life there'll be a time of advancing and then it'll be a time of of establishing and then you advance and you establish it's just the ways of the lord and the lord showed me all this and he showed me that it's going to be an acceleration in the end time so we need to understand the ways of the lord and that is is that um at times you're going to be uh you're going to be overwhelmed with what's happening but then you have to realize that there's going to be a time then where you establish that after you acquire then you establish and then you just go on and this happens this happens during a flight when we take off we have a lot of fuel and so we can't actually go to our cruising altitude a lot of times within the first hour because we're too heavy the wings aren't made to go past a certain altitude with a certain weight of the airplane so we have to burn off fuel and when we when we get down to a certain weight then i can ask for clearance up higher so you can actually go a lot higher a couple miles higher after you lighten up so there's a building up a speed in a in a level flight and then there's a climb and then there's a building up a speed and and there's there's it's stair stepped and this is this is what i've seen with the lord is that he doesn't always give you everything all at once because he wants you to establish as well so the terror will cause the enemies to turn and run and then after he fixes the boundaries he said i'm going to fix the boundaries for you from the red sea to the mediterranean sea and from the eastern wilderness to the euphrates river i will hand over to you the people now living in that land and you will drive them out but he said don't make any treaties with them and their gods they must not live in your land or they will cause you to sin against me and if you serve their gods you'll be caught up in a trap of adultery okay so now now looking at today you know that we have different we have different territories in our lives we have our spiritual life which has different boundaries than our physical life so you can actually be bigger spiritually and not see it manifest yet in the physical so you can actually be bigger more influential in the spirit and nobody even knows it except when when you encounter demonic activity and and demons start screaming and things start manifesting then all of a sudden people take note like well you know why was this demon comfortable in church until you came you know i sat there for seven years we've actually seen this happen the nicest church people until certain individuals show up that know their authority and the demons start freaking out and all these nice pretty people just turn into like it's just bizarre so that's because you can be you can be established spiritually more than physically like people might not even know who you are but in the spirit somebody might know who you are you know so you have that so um i've i've seen i've seen this acceleration happen in the last couple months with people so this is the way it's going to be normal from now on that's why with warrior notes we're we're kind of taking over everything ourselves having our own publishing company having our own uh facebook we're having our own tv tv channel we're gonna we're gonna have our own children's programs everything is based on the fact that that there's an acceleration coming and the only way to to to help people is essentially make it instant that people can be in touch you know with with us with warrior notes so that with that all that idea if we have a unity and an agreement it doesn't matter if the government says you can't meet or you can't communicate because if you have everything and you own it yourself then then it's exclusive then you know the the the government doesn't have a say-so in it so it's it's kind of like it has to cut it came to that because essentially god's plan was for for israel and god's people to go into lands and acquire it and own it and not have anybody to tell them they got to worship this god or do this or you can't do this and that was the whole idea but see now even in our nation it's as though we're surrounded within a nation we've become entrapped within the nation and they treat you like you're a minority but you're not a minority you're the majority but they make christians feel as though they're the minority and try to control and it's really hard to do because it's like controlling god and god's gonna step out so that the reason i'm i'm sharing about this is that you'll have more suddenly start to happen in your life and you'll have more more time where the lord will tell you uh spiritually things that might not happen physically for a while but he's what he's doing is he's acquiring property for you and it's a spiritual thing first and your boundaries might seem bigger you might have bigger dreams and and bigger expectations of what's happening is what i'm saying that's because he starts expanding you out inside then the suddenlies are when the angel comes and starts he has the authority to implement their expediters their implementers so they're the kind of people you want to come in when you're ready like when you have the plans laid out and you're ready to expand you bring someone in to implement that they're the kind of people that will finish it they're they're they're people that are finishers that will look at something and be able to implement it but they might not be the person who starts it and you can have starters and they won't be finishers there's some people are just they can start something but they can't carry it through they can't manage it they can't finish it so you have to have like in a corporation you have to have rooms for creative people where they they create and they plan and they they they determine you know what is available what we could do but then they might not be the people that have the gift of being able to implement that because you got to be able to finish something you start and there i'm telling you there are a lot of starters and and not as many finishers it's it's a real talent to find someone who can do both but see these angels they they uh they bring what god wants you to know the holy spirit and and the angels essentially that's their spirit beings the angels but the holy spirit is part of their fabric too so even though they're not redeemed they do have and they do have the ability to be influenced by the holy spirit they they follow they're always in tune with the holy spirit so you have all these things that god speaks to you then they come and they are there to implement they're there to expedite it get it done and at any one moment these things can happen but i know some of the secrets to this because jesus said the time is shorter so there's going to be an acceleration here it is this is in the book of hebrews i'm reading from chapter three moses says moses was certainly faithful in god's house as a servant his his work was an illustration of the truths god would reveal later but christ as the son is in charge of god's entire house and we are god's house if we keep our courage up if we keep our courage up if we keep our courage up so we are god's house if we keep our courage up and remain confident in our hope of jesus that's amazing so we have to keep ourselves in that love of god by by being encouraged and confident so that means we need each other we need to be uh with each other and just like we're doing here we need to encourage each other but this is what it says that think think about the fact that that god built everything but then he he puts cheap people in charge of it and you and you can't throw away the angelic they're part of it too but think about this today the holy spirit says as today when you hear his voice don't harden your hearts as israel did when they rebelled when they tested me in the wilderness there your ancestors tested and tried my patience even though they saw my miracles for 40 years i was angry with them and i said in their hearts they always turn away from me they refuse to do what i tell them so in my anger i said they they will never enter my place of rest and then this is what the book of hebrews says because they're talking about what we just talked about the angel says be careful then dear brothers and sisters to make sure that your hearts are not evil and unbelieving turning away from the living god you must warn each other every day while it's still called today so that none of you will be deceived by sin and hardened against god for if we are faithful to the end trusting god just as firmly as we did when we first believed we will share in all that belongs to christ and remember what it says today if you hear his voice do not harden your hearts as israel did and rebelled okay so it goes on from here to explain that that we as believers now in the body in the house of god this is a book of hebrews in the new testament but the writer is referring back to what happened in the old testament and says don't be like them who rebelled and they fell in the desert they died they didn't enter in and he said do everything you can to enter into the rest enter into the to this promised land which god has brought to us through jesus christ and angels are the ones that help us every day so you have the holy spirit but you also have angels so we talk a lot about the holy spirit some people just talk a lot about jesus some people you know talk about the father but in heaven they are all they all are one the angels that are around they are literally the extension of god's will and i don't know how to tell you this because what i saw in heaven was is that god has an entourage so when you look at moses on the mountain with god there were angels there because it says that the law was given to moses by angels it says that okay when you're in heaven and you see that the the cherubim and the seraphim and the living creatures and there's a whole bunch of others that i saw that i was i was told i will never be able to talk about on the earth so i saw all these different creatures up there that were talking and worshipping and they're there on the throne they all are part of god's entourage and the angels that surrounded him were his faithfulness they were literally called his faithfulness they were part of his character they did his bidding they only hearkened unto him but they were told to come as special forces with special assignments to make sure that you were taken care of but we delay them so many times because we're waiting on god and they're literally like right now they're waiting on me and there are certain things if i say certain things by the spirit they have already seen those words in heaven in a book and when they hear those things being spoken they know it's time to go the next step and i'm not kidding there's code words there's keywords so just like yesterday when i looked over and saw that guy that i had a dream about a year prior and i saw the many i i mean i didn't say this out loud but i'll tell you all because you all are closer to me as family but when i saw that come up it was like a film [Music] that that i saw a year ago in a dream there were many other films behind it that i that were shown to me like that and i'm talking like 15 to 20 different film clips that had to do with dalton georgia that have not happened yet they won't happen for years but they were all backed up there were other film clips like this one that i was experiencing and i saw that i had seen all those in that dream too so i saw that dalton was a reoccurring thing with many more instances that were already pre-planned the film has already been filmed but it might be a while before we see that happen but it will continue to happen and this happens everywhere we go there are other countries we dream about it a year before and i mean i know street names i know people i know what's going to happen next i know who's going to say something next and what they're going to say all like that because in the spirit you're bigger you're far advanced than what might be manifesting here okay but the suddenlies happen when your spirit agrees with god and you you essentially give your mind and your body the hand and you put them in submission you deny them the right to speak you say no i'm first of all a spirit a spirit being i live in a body because i have to have one to be on the earth it's my earth suit my mind was given to me to connect my spirit to my body and enjoy this realm down here however satan takes advantage of the soul more than anything because of that but see the soul was given just to experience both realms and connect between the body and the spirit so that you could but when i was in heaven i didn't have the same capabilities soul-wise that i that i did when i was on the earth a lot of what was considered my mind will and emotions it it stayed here with my body because you have an organic brain and it initiates chemical reactions in your body that cause different emotions and feelings so a lot of that didn't come with me so my mind didn't fight me when i was with jesus i just i just i mean i thought i mean i i was a spirit being i didn't have a body because my body was on the operating table but i could talk to jesus i had feelings but they were in control my thoughts were siding with him even though i could look down and i i was a spare being so i did bring part whatever was redeemed transformed i took with me so if you can get yourself in the days to come to agree with what god is literally saying even if it's just a couple scriptures you have and just agree with that then the angel has something to work with and the angel will start to accelerate you and you'll you'll be told to start a business you'll be like in a in an instant like overnight you'll be told an idea and you'll have to you'll have to you'll have to start a business because it's what god has told you to do and it's a it's it's a providing for a need that's anticipated that might not even be relevant yet or or or obvious so god could give you an idea and you and you're supposed to provide for a need that hasn't become a parent yet and that's what warrior notes is everything we do at warrior notes is based on two or three years of what's going to what would be needed that might not be needed now and that's why when we started what we started at the time it seemed almost cosmetic like okay that's what everybody know that we were doing it because it was going to become the need you know we're going to need to have house churches we're going to need to have our own our own facebook our own called warrior chat we're going to we have our own facebook launching and twitter so it's all everybody can go there and the same with the warrior notes tv you won't have to be on youtube so if they if they don't allow christians on youtube it doesn't matter and if they don't allow you on facebook then doesn't matter you know but they can't they can't come in to something that you own so this is all like forward-looking and that's what god will do he'll say hey you know you need to do this and it might not be like something that's apparent right now but that the world events could cause that to be a need where it wasn't and so that's why you have to look at people like joseph who had a dream about seven years of prosperity and then seven years of famine and you know except i mean pharaoh and then joseph was right there to implement that so he was able to joseph was able to interpret the dream then be the implementer to finish and of course that dream came true obviously and really it was set up god said in the psalms he said you know or joseph said you know god sent me a head you thought you you what you you did for harm god meant for good god sent me ahead to save you guys because famine came but then they all came to egypt and joseph was able to help his family and preserve that that lineage and then they grew so much so there were millions and then 430 years later they went out of egypt okay so the angel of the lord is part of that they can initiate dreams i don't know if you know this but they can literally come and stand beside you at night and open you up to where you just start having dreams like you're watching a movie and that's because they have the ability to open up those channels of of where god could just start to download to you that so you you could be told to do things that are forward-looking okay so at the end of this this at the end of hebrews chapter four or let's see in the hebrews 4 12 it immediately goes in after this talking about entering the rest then it says right into the the word of god is powerful sharper than any two-edged sword cutting even between the soul and the spirit and separating it so that it exposes the inner thoughts and desires and it measures it up so that you know what's you and what's god so the spirit and the soul it's hard to separate them and so you don't always know if it's god or you but the word of god is that sharp to separate it so i just want to finish with this because in these days where we need to hear from god more and more be led in a more intricate way in everything we do it's very important as god has shown me and jesus showed me that the sword of the spirit was the most important thing if we're going to accelerate so if you're going to accelerate and you're going to go faster then everything is going to become more sensitive because of your speed and the reference points are going to go quicker so at times you're you're going to wonder like am i supposed to be looking at what god's doing or my calendar and how do i implement what i'm seeing versus when should i implement this or should i wait for this or like when is this supposed to happen because it's so real to you and the lord showed me that the word of god has to be you have to have so much of the word of god before you all the time so that the the spirit can just it's a it's it's not necessarily what you're reading it's the fact that the word of god is a sword and it it separates between your spirit and your soul and i i i don't mean to take away from the meditation of the word of god because the the word of god is the sword of the spirit but what you're reading may not pertain it's the spiritual exercise of having the word before you that somehow will cause a supernatural event to happen inside of you where you can see this is your soul and this is god this is your spirit and then the angel is right there to initiate something that causes you to start to manifest that that next step so there's a suddenly it'll happen so right now for me i'm having the word of the lord come to me during the day but i'm also having a lot of dreams at night and i'm seeing things ahead of time like i i'll be shown like this is the way this is what this is going toward and i'm like really i didn't see that and i thought so that's what's happening here so i i get i get the agenda unveiled not just god's agenda but uh people that are in their soul or satan himself as is has agenda too and i start to see oh so that's why i'm being pulled in a direction that's not god but i didn't know that until until it was divided so i want to i want to pray for all of you and um for this impartation because i'm announcing i'm announcing it prophetically that that the acceleration has begun and because i i'm saying that the angels are on standby now to start to stair step you in but there's going to be a lot of times where a whole bunch of stuff is going to happen supernaturally but then you're going to have certain times where you're just supposed to um implement these things and and and get ready for the next time because the angels will start to bring you people they'll start to bring in the finances there'll be certain indiv there'll be certain things happen and you have to be ready to discern it in your spirit because you know the lord's already on i'm already i'm already praying for um four years from now for the next presidential race whoever's selected for that i'm already praying for that person right now i i mean i'm already on to the next thing because the the lord is spirit he's always forward-looking so he gave me a plan for 11 years in may he gave me a plan for 11 years and people said well i think jesus is coming back next week and i go well you know then you go ahead but i i know that the lord always he has plans and like i said i will prophesy over children about their future and it doesn't matter if jesus comes back tomorrow i can still prophesy what's written because jesus doesn't know when he's coming back and so it's all written as though we live forever because we do we live forever and we might just live on the other side of this realm but we're still going to be implementing things we're going to still be doing things all the time you know i mean when you meet me in heaven it'll be just like this it'll be just like this and i'll be i'll be just as busy and productive i'll be on on assignments and missions it's just that i'll be i'll be going to other galaxies i'll be going not just to this earth with where people are but i'll be going to other places because god has so much real estate that there are there are places that are being formed right now for us to even go to and um you know i'm i'm part of territories that are just expanding and being broken up or being built up right now i'm gonna be over some of those and you know so you know no one talks like this unless you've actually been on the other side you know that this is nothing you know our life we're living forever and there's so many territories and every every second it's the universe is expanding and being created from the very point that god spoke it's still being framed out he's free framed these worlds but there are more worlds the the the whole universe is expanding at the same rate that it was spoken in the so it's just it's just being stretched out so i want to pray for you because we need to realize that we're not limited to just this life and so you need to start living in the other life now where there it's just a it's seamless it's a seamless transfer you don't lose anything you just keep going as though it's never going to end but you know that it's going to end and you're going to transfer over but it's really it doesn't end you'll find out it's hilarious to me jesus looks just like he did years ago except he got all his all his scars were taken off of his face and his back i didn't he the father had made him um perfect you know but he still had some of the signs of his crucifixion but he didn't have he was met he was really hurt badly he was beaten badly so he wouldn't be recognizable if he was left that way he had flesh hanging off of him so is a he's a most beautiful person i've ever met and he has a plan for us that continues on forever so these angels that are assigned to you i kid you not you will see these angels and they will be they will be at your beck and the angels that are serving me now will probably stay with me forever and um they they consider a privilege to be involved with what god is doing within our lives they just consider it a privilege to even serve you is that amazing so let me pray for you father thank you for everyone watching all over the world and hearing this room my friends i just asked for this supernatural impartation of of being able to accept the suddenlies of god and cooperate with angels cooperate with the spirit cooperate with with the word of god and allow these these quicker moments these these implementations of the other realm into this realm where we see the kingdom of god become manifest in this realm that the will of god and the kingdom of god would come on the earth as it is in heaven and i thank you father for the power that rose jesus from the dead that is quickening us right now quickening our our our bodies and our minds and i thank you lord god that as as i can sense it right now everyone in this room is experiencing the realm where the impossible becomes possible you can feel it right now lord we are in the we're experiencing the powers of the coming age and there is no doubt there is no fear that we receive father we will receive the angel visitations we receive right now the the suddenlies the suddenlies of god lord just use us implement your plans into us suddenly we just re we just re rejoice in everything you've done father in the name of jesus amen well thanks for joining me it's dr kevin zea with warrior notes and we'll see you next time and remember that god has a suddenly for you and he's probably standing beside you right now amen
Channel: Kevin Zadai
Views: 208,637
Rating: 4.9243846 out of 5
Keywords: #kevinzadai, #theagendaofangels, #warriornotes, #nonproft, #spiritschool, #conference, #schoolofthespirit,, warrior notes tv, kevin zadai
Id: NaTeislRJbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 52sec (2992 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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