r/Bossfight | Belinda: Eraser of Life

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belinda eraser of life okay i have questions about the vacuum cleaner though like where does it go the three keepers of fate what kind of dogs are these they make me nervous like if i talk to them they'll speak back but only in riddles i think they're afghan hounds not very well kept afghan hounds i didn't wake up expecting this fight caution aggressive geese ahead but this fight woke up and expected you banadok the bridge keeper yeah you know what i think i'm good i'm just gonna take the long way brain cat smartest cat alive hp 12 intelligence 100 000. oh my god it's literally all brain pinky finally got fed up and just ate the brain and a cat for good measure the cat buddha in its most enlightened state do not chase the red dot or it is an illusion buzz the decrepit wanderer of the wastelands attacks in disk desk descending oh god that's pure nightmares captain hindsight knower of all that has come before he's like a road historian catbread plus 100 disguise minus 10 movement i thought it was a loaf of bread for a second oh my god pets really do or just act like liquids meet daisy the child chomper wow that is a chunky cat oh she's got children in her cloudzilla the entity of sky okay finding shapes and clouds is usually kind of ambiguous but that that's just like right on the nose cockroach shooter of mad and shod after throwing shoe at roach the roach shot back welcome to america colossal duck yes i said duck tyrant of the bathtub oh there is no escaping the quackening conrad to the uncooked some days you're just having such a bad week that you decide to just cook yourself cow cat the milk messenger okay this is just adorable oh my god i love it krabidos magnus this is the beach [Music] the crab of the dead the choosier of your faith oh oh oh okay praise his noodly appendage carl the cupcake of death that's an oddly specific boss name it works but still david lynch foreseer of the weather and maker of the perfect alfredo david lynch's weather report or 121. perfect alfredo today's weather is alfredo death on the roof i am the knight where is harvey dent please get rid of this hairball debbie the one who ties them up all girls with long hair must be tied up thank you debbie debbie some uh some grammar lessons would probably serve you well i'm gonna assume this is a yoga class or something but i think people are gonna get the wrong message the deceitful hound beware of dawn [Music] these deeznutz the meth fed servant of alabama man alabama man 35 is charged with illegally owning an attack squirrel he fed meth and called these nuts wow alabama's given florida it's running for its money your screams have awoken the death doll of death american girl releases first doll with hearing loss wait wait wait the other ones can hear us hold up nice to see you here homo democraticus seeker of profit i don't like it no push it into the river the d womanizer feminists united can i speak to the man in charge this is just stupid dora dora the disembodied swiper swiped half my body and sold it on the black market 4th of july sale eater of worlds july 4th say oh my god he does not look okay there's the waffle crisp guy and then there's this emperor reddit creator of confusion slayer of instructions and logic read it as a this is what dive into music no diving don't don't use that phrase excellent paper the holder of the mightiest blade in cardboardia actually really like this title just really creative that is fantastic completely unrelated if you ever want to get into hard edge model making or uh cosplay or anything like cardboard cardboard is great to practice with and do all sorts of cool stuff with it go watch adam savage fellini the god of luck and cats oh okay i'm not messing with that nope the foul knight kind of scared to see this thing stats the great disgusting one known as furby oh wait is this is this for yes it's the furby i remember this i wish i didn't burmas the omniscient the one who terrified lucifer itself uh oh i i'd seen the furby organ before and the furby piano and stuff like but uh i never thought of just like a biblically accurate furby that's that's wonderful i hate it the galactic hand takes what it wants and destroys what it doesn't gibbs [Music] gilgamesh the domino's enjoyer when you're getting your pizza and you don't want the cat to escape out the door it's so accurate though the long neck duo oh that is i think i think the one on the top doesn't know it's a giraffe what no the scavenger consumer of the youth oh oh god oh that's amazing that's a hilarious halloween costume the golden boy defender of youth hello human i've been assigned to guard you actually really really cute catfish the bargain maker would you like to look at the room why did that voice but it just fits hat god not slim but very shady this man just dispenses hats heavy buddha hell heal 7 500 damage 10 per bullet shoots 100 bullets in a second doesn't need to reload uh mech buddha uh was not in the list of things i thought i'd see today but here we are henry wakes you up at 7 00 a.m on saturday and not again henry i'm gonna call the freaking police i i will form an hoa just to stop you i dread us ruler of the sea oh oh why why does she have that many legs why does she look overjoyed like oh look there they are the end times are finally upon us the irs secret branch the skinwalker division no no no no no no the creature slowly walks towards my house screaming my name i don't care who the irish sends i'm not paying taxes oh you done [ __ ] up jacked frog ruler of all things mildly moist my goodness he's a buff boy for being so mildly moist jack no longer in the box faster master eschemologist oh oh no oh dear god he got out jack now out of the box takes his revenge against his captors the human race you put me in a box for this long i'll put you in a box six feet under the ground juiciest maximus the juice eater okay but why does he look like invaders in the judgment snake he attack worse he judges you he knows you skipped breakfast and that was not a launch curb bonicle the developer oh my god it's kirby oh god that that took me way too long to realize okay somebody crossed kirby with a caca demon that's not terrifying at all lady rock beach temptress oh so that's why so many ships sank leviathan bane of fishermen that is that is just beautiful and a wonderful shot and i love it you have angered the fish mr guilty is displeased level 100 boss luma the slasher i mean to be fair that that dog looks like really ready for a fight but awesome still cute mikahydra of death oh oh god that's actually really cool that's an amazing shot all trains are now evil death snakes the end mike the spider devourer of mosquitoes guardian of the toilet i think this is mike don't kill him i'm not gonna kill mike but i was like i'm not gonna stay here ex-military janitor cleaner of toilets and maggots assault vehicle acquired mirrorhand protector of chernobyl abhorrent horror uh whoa imagine like playing guitar with that that would be amazing vamp class titan reaper of blood no no mr burger awakened horror welcome to mr burger it's here obesity is pidgeous the architect can't get over how crap some pigeons are at making nests you know you know what one that's a chonky pigeon and two it's just some you just had a bad day it's like fine you know what that's good enough like the x fine we'll be fine optis on prime the warlords mechanical henchmen i just for me the title i knew was gonna be the amazon box transformer guy that is amazing the oho demon generates fears the player look i don't i don't know where this came from or how it's here but i feel like this is somehow the click's fault peppa pig the divorcer ends half of all marriages peppa pig destroyed my marriage felipe si scourge has the power to fight on land and in sea he'll retreat to the ocean to regenerate his health in his second phase farewell i shall return pigeon stealth bomber well that's absolutely terrifying the thing is about the size of a b2 burglar and little fang masked bandit of feywild that's adorable oh my god i love it level five rat rat tattooing level five rat warning abandoned all possessions flee the city razor obliterator of public public hair yeah we're just gonna go with that that looks really officially branded i wonder if they hired a cosplayer or something oh never mind this is at the game awards okay nevermind red the ruler of the multiverse others bowed down before that's amazing rufus the house-breaking tortoise you give me all your money i'm not terrifying and also hilarious at the same time sasuke i think he can see you uh uh i can see oh my god my neck signed man unethical motivator to run faster run faster or outdrop the sign that's fantastic this is hilarious the skull crusher crab climber of garbage bins oh dear god that's a crab no god no where is this australia the dreaming sky titan uh physics would like to have a talk with you when you're done with your story taros the bovine emperor okay there's bill there's mega built there's steroids and then there's just violent meat i think we've reached the meat violence phase here teacher the grades master all right you dirty peasants which one of you noobs wants to 1v1 me for this term's grade hey i have that laptop i'm recording on it right now terence the terrorizer i forgot another subreddit that showed up in i was like yeah no this is terrifying definitely definitely boss fight material the duck enforcer of law even the police officer's like uh i better not interrupt my supervisor stage the final stand name the rager he was winning and uh i got mad wow look i've heard of breaking your keyboard but uh this is this is the most forceful rage quit i think i've ever seen your age quit the game and his life and it was delicious the hanks give egg the abyssal turkey oh my god oh my god a noble horror it has crab legs it has crab what the fruit i want one i i would never eat like half of it but i want one protector of tadpoles frogs and toads frogman louisiana is it isn't this from frog and toad i'm not sure but it's amazing the tactical ferret of yeet sometimes you gotta say fracking and throw the tactical ferret zeus scourge of the six scales or these six fish in particular kanye fearless leader of the zombies oh we are about to launch an all-out attack under owls sincerely as the zombies
Channel: EmKay
Views: 244,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 19 2022
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