The Absolute Worst Helicopter Parents (r/AskReddit)

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what's the worst case of helicopter parents you've ever seen I had a friend in Middle High School who was a Chinese girl adopted by an old white couple who were super weird and overprotective some of the things I remember about her parents mum volunteered at whatever school we were at and would sit with us at lunch to make sure her daughter was eating they drove a minivan and made her sit in a car seat and the very back row until like freshman year of high school anytime someone praised them for raising such a good daughter they would laugh and say she's not our daughter she's adopted they wouldn't let her ride the school bus join any clubs or hang out with anyone after school when she got her driver's license the dad bought light sticks like air traffic controllers use any time she left the house he would stand in the street with his light sticks and blocked traffic so that people wouldn't hit her as she backed out of the driveway it was hilarious to watch but she was completely mortified this one broke my heart my little brother is adopted and I have lost my crap at people who have tried to say he's not my brother I can't imagine ever feeling or thinking that way myself that poor girl people like that have no place adopting the lightsticks bit is hilarious though I had a friend growing up whose mother was very protective the father not so much but she was so bad that my parents called her mama hawk I invited him to my 10th birthday party which was at a laser tag place his mom came which was fine but then while we were playing laser tag she stood with him the whole time didn't play just stayed with him really what was she protecting him from he turned out surprisingly normal and now lives 1,000 plus miles away from her I'm not sure how she does with that she probably thanks her lucky stars every night that he grew up a fine well-adjusted young man living on his own all because she boldly protected him from those deadly deadly lasers my friend wasn't allowed to use scissors until he was in high school his parents were insane you should have seen their reaction when he joined the army had a roommate freshman year whose mother called everyday and stayed the first whole week of school okay she also would randomly fly up to stay a week or two in the same bed with her daughter accompanying her to all classes meals and social gatherings the mom was afraid her daughter would not be pre-med anymore and would do anything to make sure she didn't change majors I think what made this an extreme story was the fact that her mom flew in multiple times in one year and pulled everyday all the way from India to the u.s. I work at a university we had a parent get worried because he had not contacted her in a while and wasn't taking her calls we tracked him down and it turned out he was just ignoring her because she called multiple times a day and was driving him crazy I was a charge nurse in a drug and alcohol rehab and this 19 year old kid was admitted for H detox and treatment his mum wanted to be there for the entire admission process which isn't out of the ordinary for families however after the kid was admitted and shown to his room his mom wouldn't leave detox patients would get assessments every two four hours and were asked a series of questions to determine if they would need medication for withdrawal his mother answered all of his questions for him and at the end of the assessment was like he'll take 10 milligrams of Valium for his anxiety all while this kid laid in bed watching TV in this particular rehab visitors cell phones and laptops were allowed so we couldn't tell her to leave until visiting hours were over that time arrives and you guessed it she's still there as the charge nurse I had the honor of asking her to leave mom looked at me legitimately confused and replied I have to leave I was going to stay here with my son there are two beds in his room so I didn't think it was a problem I then explained to this mom that the second bed needed to be kept open for another potential admission then I was yelled for not providing her son with a private room and that this guy in the admissions department said she could stay throughout her son's detox and treatment I told her patients who weren't allowed to have overnight guests she was appalled because she thought that because she was the mother that she fit into some type of loophole or something after she left she visited every day and stayed from the beginning of visiting hours to the end when she wasn't there her son was on the phone with her needless to say this kid relapsed immediately after he finished treatment Jesus that poor kid my mom once got a job application for me filled it out signed it submitted it got it back emailed them confirming that I'd take it then told me she picked up an application for me so that my dad went and visited the place I applied had an interview with and asked the front desk are my interview went they don't frickin know I t's not their job I'm an adult now stop it god dang that was the most humiliating thing ever I'm fully convinced that's the reason I didn't get the job newly enrolled freshman in college and the poor kids mom would come to the school and walked with him through the cafeteria line picking out what she thought he should be eating she did this for all three meals poor guys was so embarrassed freshman move-in day I hung out ate roamed around went to a soccer game went home three days later my daughter calls OMG mom there are still parents here she was horrified I was two friends with a girl in elementary school who had parents that wouldn't let her watch PG rated movies at the age of 12 even with parental guidance she wasn't allowed to come over to my house because I mentioned my favorite movie at the time to them and it wasn't g-rated she nearly drowned at the beach a couple years ago getting caught in a Riptide suffered permanent brain damage from lack of oxygen her parents now have the forever child they always wanted holy crap that's so sad I worked with a mother who didn't want her adult son with autism to ride the city bus because she was afraid the child diddlers might get him like lady there are valid reasons to be concerned about your 21 year old son riding the bus but the child diddlers are not one of them yet he's within range of garden-variety perverts now I had a father question everything about my lesson planning and teaching methods during a parent-teacher meeting I was well prepared and I fielded his questions very well after asking probably 50 questions he looks around the classroom with a big smirk and says sorry to ask so many questions I am what you call a helicopter parent in response I told him I was more than happy to give him weekly updates about his son as well as spending my office hours to sit down with him to help even further his response oh I am much too busy for that worst helicopter ever probably an acquaintance of mine this guy knows that his son is going to be a great NFL quarterback the kid turned 10 recently and is a decent player but his father has him work with different trainers and spend hours each day practicing he takes vitamins has a special diet and isn't allowed to play other sports because his dad wants him to focus completely on football and doesn't want to risk an injury playing another sport that would sideline him for football he can't have sleepovers or do any normal kid things I know for a fact that the kid has told his father that he doesn't want to play anymore but the dad doesn't care he says that as a parent he has to do what is best for his kid my son's play sports too and they don't always want to go to practice so I understand making them stick with something they signed up for my kids know that they have to finish out a season but I am perfectly fine if they don't want to sign up the next season I just don't understand why someone would continue to sign their kid up for something they clearly do not want to do it's a situation that I can't see ending well honestly living vicariously through your children especially to this degree is one of the most harmful things you can do to them I hope this kid manages to break free I really do parents of a girl I went to college with didn't want her living in the dorms so they bought a second house next to the campus so she could live with her mother that is exactly what my dad wanted to do before he went crazy ER and blew all his money on his secret second wife when I was a troop commander in the army I had a kid who came up hot for coke on a pee test and then a week later was arrested by the local police department Narcotics Task Force for being an enforcer in a local civilian-military drug ring they charged him and remanded him back to uh me custody where I immediately started the paperwork to chapter him out and let the civilian justice system take its course the guy was 23 I think his mom called me several times to tell me that Chris has never been in any real trouble before and he's such a sweet kid anytime anything happened in high school I helped him work it out I need to come up and talk to you and get this sorted out I was dumbfounded this guy was 23 years old in the army and his mom thinks she can come up and work it out with me I was polite for the first call but by the second or third phone call I had had enough I told her again not to bother coming to the installation that her son wasn't a sweet kid or else he wouldn't have beaten some guy up from not paying money he owed to a local drug dealer and that the whole reason he was in this mess in the first place was because ooh his mom had never let him be accountable for his actions I told her that he was under my authority now and I had no time or patience for someone who didn't take their obligation to the army the country all their buddies seriously enough to keep themselves out of trouble long enough to make our upcoming deployments to Iraq when she complained that getting a dis Nora build is charge would ruin his life I informed her that fortunately I didn't have the time to waste giving him a dishonorable discharge so he would be okay on that score other than horrible is what he wound up with good that the city of Harker Heights and the state of Texas might have more time than I did so that was where she ought to focus her effort she said I was being unfair and cooled my boss which was fine by me it blew my mind that a woman with a fully grown adult son in the Army would think it was appropriate or healthy to call and talk to her son's commander about his multiple counts of misconduct in general failure to be an adult but that of course is why he failed at being an adult in the first place I love the idea that this woman is so delusional about her level of control over reality that she's just gonna mosey on down to the army office and mom her on out of trouble for being a goddamned drug ring enforcer that's something you'll see in a freakin Tyler Perry flick teacher here a friend of mine had a mom who came to lunch everyday with her kid from kindergarten to last I checked I've since left that school second grade a little March the buck hickories she used to spoon-feed him this child had no issues was completely capable of feeding himself but she insisted on feeding him so she could monitor what he ate I wonder if she just has the one kid so she infant eise's him my friend's husband does these things with their 4.5 year-old and even the daughter recognizes it if something happens like she falls and scrapes and he/she doesn't want to tell daddy because he goes into an excessive protection mode a mother at a university parent's session explained how her son enjoyed reading before bed and would occasionally leave his light on beings a considerate mother that she was she didn't want to call to make sure he'd turned out his lights since that might wake him so she wanted to know if there's someone at the university could check on him each night I love this a lot of the others are over-the-top blatant crazy while this one is so wholesome and innocent but also just so frickin unreasonable had a really rich friend of a friend whose dad once picked him up in a helicopter it was me I was 22 and had moved back home for a few months after my divorce so I could save up enough money for an apartment no credit so it was $1,500 to move in I went to visit an old friend 45 minutes away she did not use cell phone so I told my momma I wouldn't be checking mine out of courtesy but I would text when I got there and when I left I got there texted and put my phone on silent after a few hours I got a bad feeling and checked my phone my mom had checked the find my friends happened who had said I was in a drainage ditch funnily enough it was right next to the restaurant we were eating it because that app isn't always accurate and said if I didn't call her she'd call the police I called her and she had to hang up with the police to answer my call because her adult daughter didn't answer the phone for a few hours after I'd warned her I would I run a huge book rental department for a good-sized University 15 K students it's a beautiful program 95% of our students books are covered by one dollar eighty five fee anyway I've seen some crazy stuff with parents honestly there just isn't enough reddit for me to relay all the stories my number one however is its move-in day the worst day of the year hundreds upon hundreds of students coming to get their books all at once most freshmen accompanied by their parents this one lady marches up to the desk pushing of the customers aside and dragging her mortified looking son along by the hand she then demands that I tell her how she gets her son's books I tell her the best way for your son to get his books is to use his class schedule and go find them himself as he will need to do this every semester moving forward the aisles are alphabetical and the courses arranged numerically once you're in the right aisle she tells me that she doesn't believe her son is capable of doing that now at the time I didn't expect to be staying as the manager of the department or employed by the university so with nothing to lose I said then your son isn't capable of succeeding in college and she lost it absolutely started flipping out screaming that I called her son stupid after her rage I said I'm sorry mom but you're the one who suggested to me that your son is incapable of using the alphabet in numbers to preform a simple matching task I was just going off of the information you provided she stared at me in other words I'm pretty sure you're the one who just called you son stupid when you told me that he is incapable of accomplishing a kindergarten level skill she throws another fit and then smashes the schedule into the kid's hand he looks like he wants to die she points off toward the shelves and tell him that she will be here if he needs her then she turns and glares at me with a wheel see look I wish for a nice day and go back to my office and continue to observe the chaos of move-in day a kid found his books in five minutes and tried to sneak out without her noticing sadly her Havas skill was greater than his sneak she spotted him headed out the door and ran after him screaming his name what a horrible mother I would have been mortified too if I was that kid was in court waiting to see the judge another case is going on about this high school senior hitting a kid with his car on campus his mom goes up with him and when the judge started asking questions the mom answered them the judge politely told her he'd like to hear from the son and she agreed the boy started to explain what happened when she immediately cut him off tailed him he was telling it's wrong she begins talking again and the judge visibly annoyed now asks her if she was there no but I know what happened she assured him when the judge told her multiple witnesses claimed that's not what happened she called them liars who were just out to attack her boy she continued to argue with everything the judge said until he finally had enough of this woman interrupting him and had her removed I love it when judges put idiots in their place eventual friend in HS his mother was there every day all day was a private school day student she walked him to class rehearsal music lessons the freakin bathroom took the entire year to get her to stop he ended up hiding from her this kid was brilliant perfect scores accomplished musician amazing actor we gave him his first soda gun etc father was an ex-priest who screwed the organist mother was a Rex nun both bat-crap crazy we were all so proud when he went to college 800 miles away then it went very bad originally the story was he committed suicide which made no sense everything was going his way had full-scholarship escaped his parents and even more amazing a beautiful girlfriend he we defined awkward his mother kept insisting it was murder that the Mafia had killed him but nobody believed her in the slightest fast-forward a few years and a few unrelated criminal investigations and yet it was the Russian mob apparently his gfs father took a strong dislike to him when he said something unforgivable again he we defined awkward and had him killed well that got dark fast I think that's the first legitimate time I've heard somebody actually get killed by the mob my friend is dating a girl who is required by her parents to Skype them every night at 9 p.m. sharp she is 21 and in her fourth year of college I'd make that real clear to my parents with it's gonna be hard to Skype when I'm drunk and having anonymous hookups you have been visited by the ingenious Joe comment brain so you always see the glass half-full if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people
Channel: Updoot
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Id: H2sSJwmJnFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 1sec (1081 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 27 2019
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