Employers, What Crazy Things Have You Caught Your Staff Doing? (r/AskReddit)

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employers over indeed what is the most freaked up thing you have caught your staff doing NSW worked at a very large software company when I came out of university my team had considerable turnover and were in need of a manager in the Quality Assurance department a mr. X is hired resume is impeccable well-dressed yada-yada-yada three weeks into his employment he comes to me and asks for five dollars for lunch claiming that he'd forgot his wallet turns out that he asked 90% of the people on our floor for five dollars and collected about three hundred and sixty dollars in two hours at the same time he was scoping out all the spots that people kept change in their desks and that night he returned raided all the desks for change it was estimated to be over two thousand dollars and still 22 high-end development laptops never saw him again fake name fake SSN fake resume et CET see god dang that's some pretty good conning I worked at a start-up many years ago we were located in what had previously been a small motorcycle dealership because of that design the front had two big windows where they presumably had motorcycles on display the company mirrored the windows and turned those two spaces into a conference room and the VP's office you couldn't see a DAC thing inside those windows with the mirroring we'd be in the conference room and people would come by and start fixing their hair and junk so the owner of the building comes by one night and sees the VP buffing one of his employees on his desk the thing about mirrored windows is they only work if there's light outside to mirror it was dark out and his office light was on so their shenanigans were in full display of the traffic out front in what was literally a shounen window I will remember this about mirrored windows for the rest of my life had a co-worker who managed a skate shop he got fired when he let a kid run the shop while he met a girl at the bus stop out front then flicked her behind the shop my father once caught a drunk employee masturbating on a colleague's printer in the colleagues office an open space office my dad once caught one of his female employees sniffing other people's shoes on the Internet nobody knows your dog nobody I worked in IT in a large organization I got a call about a workstation that was in a lab that didn't get a lot of use it wouldn't take any patches that were pushed to it and was giving the users a lot of strange errors I wasn't even able to connect to the desktop remotely though I could still mount the network drive I start looking around the drive in a few locations that viruses at the time we were using to store their payload and didn't find anything but happened to notice that the drive was full this was odd because most drives at the place didn't even get half full in this computer got less use than almost any other and the use it got didn't involve creating a lot of files or big files long story short I found gigs and gigs off P on this thing like 30 - 50 gigs off P a sysadmin had an everyone gets one philosophy no matter what you were doing we wouldn't rat you out to your boss unless you got a chance to not do it again since this was a shared computer and we didn't want to get involved with people we didn't know personally we just deleted the P I mean there's no way you can not notice that your 50 gigs off P has been deleted about a week later we get a call that the problem is back I check and the drive is full again 50 frickin gigs off P downloaded in one week guy was fired that day I'm actually more impressed than I undisturbed it's like he took it as a challenge strike down my stash and it will return more powerful than you could even imagine I used to own a pizza place and in our basement is where we stored everything I sent one of the kids downstairs to get boxes and about 20 minutes go by and I'm thinking where the heck is Jen I send one of the guys who works for me downstairs to go check what's going on mind you it's a Friday night and we are jammed ten minutes goes by and I'm thinking alright enough is enough I go downstairs myself I see the girl who I originally sent downstairs blowing the guy who works for me who I just sent down and also getting railed out by some other guy who I didn't even know we lost two employees that night we caught one of our bakers brewing pineapple beer in the upright prover she was then getting raucously drunk and trying to fight the other bakers it was pretty freaking good pineapple beer but we fired her comet was pretty freaking good pineapple beer but we fired her sounds like a raise was in order pineapple beer is a tough brew to get pretty frickin good I used to be a manager at a McDonald's always had this one dude that was a particular pain in the butt one day he takes his break and smokes with his friend behind the dumpsters he was 45 minutes late whatever I write him up but I need the help so I put him back and drive through taking orders ten minutes later the DT line just stops cosmic moving and everyone at the second window is wondering where that customers have gone during Russia I walk back to the payment window to see this same employee twitching on the ground I was terrified he was dying he wouldn't move didn't even seem to know we were there called 9-1-1 and the corpse EMTs and fire department all show up and try to all fit into our tiny back area filling up the kitchen paramedics get him out of the store and eventually get him to talk he had been smoking k2 or synthetic marijuana a lot of it really messed him up technically not illegal though so nothing was done despite the huge scene and everything managed a few jack-in-the-box restaurants one noticed graveyard shift is running really slow drive-through times look at the cameras and scary gang danger cookies banging 60-year old hippie manager in the break room to drive up to a store at 3:00 a.m. nobody will come to the speaker find the crew on the roof smoking weed and playing poker with a deck of cards made out of frie boxes three caught a guy stealing two box of Mayo onions or sauce the twenty four bags of Mayo two pounds each I asked him why and he said I need it here are some more for some stores were dress up for Halloween I walked into one and the guy behind the register is wearing a skin-tight dress and a wig no big deal the problem was his junk was popping out the front so bad this dude was packing a wiffle bat I didn't want to be a jerk and ruin the fun so I decide to have a costume contest the winner gets 50 bucks and the rest of the shift off paid he won and I did not have to hear old ladies complain about the guy 5 I had a guy call in sick because he had no underwear to wear 6 when you work for jack-in-the-box corporate offices in the training Human Resources maintenance buyers or any other non restaurant job they make you do one day of crew training so you know what the crew go through so I was taking a new Human Resources lawyer to her training day and she had a nervous breakdown after about two hours working the fryers she started sweating and looking ill the next thing you know she flips out and runs out the door screaming it was slow and she had a helper trainer used to be a supervisor at a poultry processing plant walked in the bathroom and caught an employee freaking a chicken carcass that's foul fie work construction for a living and while the boss and myself were working on one job while two others from our crew were supposed to be laying hardwood at another location well my boss receives a call from the homeowner telling us immediately to head to her house we get there and these two buttholes have brought in a go-cart and had the engine dismantled and for the past two weeks no real work had been done home owner asked if we were getting paid to work on go-karts or her house they were promptly fired saw the member of my staff heat up some roast chicken in the microwave in the stockroom I went back in a few minutes later and she had taken it out of the plastic container and used a shoebox that had been lying around on the floor for a week as a plate after she finished eating it she put the bones in the shoebox and left the grease covered box on the floor and went home she is the most dirty freaking weirdo I have ever met it reminds me of an assistant teacher who used the school oven to cook an entire turkey for his girlfriend then two weeks later brought the spoiled leftovers to feed the special ed kids worked in a small cafe that had big windows at the entrance facing a bank parking lot across the street on his first day this guy tells me he's going somewhere doesn't ask for a break just tells me he's leaving i watch him go across the street wait in the bank's ATM area for a few minutes then meet a guy for 30 seconds and come back across the street and straight into the bathroom of the cafe sniff sniff cough and out he comes into the very fancy and very tiny cafe when I told him to go home he said okay which by law you have to pay me for the entire shift he wasn't wrong but he was certainly an butthole sounds like he's had some experience in being fired mid-shift once when I worked at IHOP I was closing and went out to the dumpster to throw out some garbage and found my totally hot manager blowing the head chef comma head chef knee is thanks for my first gold kind internet stranger when I worked nights at Sonic there was a night when one of the cooks knew his parents were going to give him a drug test and we all knew he wouldn't pass it so one of the other cooks went to the bathroom and gave him his sample in a Styrofoam cup as he handed it to guy getting tested he said here I should pass they then decided to put it in the steamer to keep it warm and viable he didn't pass my dad caught one of his employees stealing cash from him as well as others he suspected it initially as he would be missing ten dollars here and there but she got bolder and started taking more so my dad got a little motion-activated camera to put in his office and put three hundred dollars in his wallet at the end of the day there was only $200 check the camera and there she was the worst part is when he confronted her he started with I know what you did and I know it's been going on for a long time that was the point at which he admitted to drinking every day at lunch thinking that's what he meant he is a dental hygienist a guy at my last job was spending his workdays doing other people's taxes on tax software that he pirated on his work computer he got caught because he was eating up tons of company bandwidth after he was fired they found a ton of P movies and music on that same computer what a weirdly responsible and productive way to screw around at work I'm not the boss but I know it happened the assistant manager at my old bar job stayed behind one night after her shift drinking with her boyfriend and two other customers they were pouring their own drinks shorts pints of lager and a lot of whiskey and vodka after just dancing around and talking the assistant manager decided it would be funny for her and her friend to strip and run along the bar naked she was caught on CCTV and the big boss sacked her I was friends with the supervisor and he showed me the tape it was hilarious she was hired back two months later by the big boss given her old job with even more responsibilities insane she was probably good at her job or better at giving them who knows working in the military I watched over a bunch of the people who didn't have somewhere official to work but they'd do things like escort civilians around while they did contracting work we had guys come from the prison to do yard work for their work release I caught one of the escorts female having sex with one of the male inmates outside standing up in the middle of a field having sex I asked her about it and she said she was bored and she thought he was attractive totally consensual women were no longer allowed to escort the prisoners super weird oh I remembered one that my friend told me he works in IT for the military and they were looking at dodd network traffic and noticed something weird turns out a military guy on base was looking a child pee from a work computer stupid Frakes managed a gas station for about three years came in one night during night shift unannounced because I had forgotten to email a report to my boss earlier in the day walk into the office in the back and my two employees one a 50-year old man who had a wife and kids the other an eighteen year old girl who had been out of high school for two months are just going the frick at it on the desk I flipped crap Christmas party a month ago employee was smoking crack in the bathroom I work at a sports bar Cantina style spot we have jello shots and big syringes and they're a big hit especially with girls well one day I go out to the back patio and there's a crowd like someone is having a dance battle except it's the middle of the day and we're playing classic rock I take a closer look and a few of the employees and regulars are watching one of our security guards inject the jello shot into his butt he was off the clock and it was funny so I told him to throw that syringe away and try not to die from alcohol poisoning on the premises I used to own a restaurant we had a cook selling drugs out the back door people were still knocking back there looking for him months after he was fired we had one cook who had a key to lockup when I came in one day I noticed that the till was short and it looked like some wine bottles were missing when I was ran the time reports from the previous day it showed this guy clocking in and out at something like 3 a.m. the dumb boss thought you had to clock in for the register part of the computer open and he clocked in under his own name to snatch some cash yep got fired I guess these are more dunbar things than freaked up things but still when I was managing a Jersey Mike's in college I had an employee who I hired who was the culinary student I had no idea why he was applying to a sandwich shop but he seemed alright even though I knew more about food than he did immediately we knew something was off when he used the terms wife fancy and girlfriend interchangeably when describing his significant other who worked as a cashier a CVS across the street a fast forward about a month and we realized that he is constantly using the internet on our cash register which was just a touchscreen computer during the afternoons when it was slow he wouldn't take care of any of the cleaning just constantly surf the Internet around the same time some of my other employees who went to the same College as me started talking about how he was trying to get him to sleep with his wife girlfriend fiancée and eventually him as well so afternoon I tell our franchise owner about this because we think it's kind of funny while we are talking about how to get him to pull his share of the weight cleaning so we decide to check the internet history and it's mostly being deleted except for a swingers site that he had been to that day the dumb boss had his username and password saved so he got to see his whole profile complete with pictures of him and his wife being penetrated by different dudes every which way as possible we then decide to check the temporary internet files and we see all kinds of pee mostly pictures of other swingers who are like fat and 55 but also everything else including a lot of best eality involving mostly horses and women needless to say he didn't have a job after that I managed a home health company I discovered that one of my caregivers stole an entire morphine drip bag from a dying client of ours she had 10,000 units of morphine in her system when she was drug tested and she sold the rest on the street had a receptionist come into my office once to beg me not to fire her for spending so much company time browsing for lesbian pee not sure why but she was under the impression that I had caught her in the act I hadn't her confession came as a complete surprise the first thing she said to me after closing the door was first of all I'm not gay okay as if that would have been the issue in case anyone cares I just laughed told her not to do that on company time and sent her back to her desk neither of the sever mentioned it again edit Wow thanks for the gold I'm not entirely sure what that means but I'm pretty stoked about it nonetheless also for the record one I'm a dude - she was reasonably hot and three I'm ninety eight point six percent sure she was not hitting on me are you a woman because maybe she was just letting you know she was available we had a guy and girl both married to different people that hung out a bunch at work they always took smoke breaks together and ate lunch together well one day someone caught them in an act while walking in from the parking garage the act was him nailing her from behind while she was leaning against the parking garage wall evidently she had a short skirt with easy access they were both can thirty days later comma they were both can thirty days later well that escalated slowly I am a kitchen manager one time last year one of my shitty ER cooks came in with a water bottle filled with pop or something weird I noticed him drinking it a lot while he was cooking he started slowly becoming disoriented and extremely talkative and happy so I pulled him into the office and said Joey what's in your water bottle would you fire me if I said MDMA and vodka he asked yes I said with a look of disbelief and or yes I would you're free to leave immediately and you will no longer be employed with us he laughed hysterically as he stumbled out of the building I was waiting for the line well then this is not MDMA and vodka before stumbling and falling over worked at a musical instrument manufacturing company many years ago there were very few women working on the brass wine manufacturing line a lovely young lady was hired at the Union assigned her to the brass wind line one of the more senior employees demonstrated his approval disapproval tough to tell which by dropping his pants grabbing his dong and asking her to blow his horn but it took a few days due to Union machinations but his employment was eventually terminated pest control technician here there was a co-worker who was already up in the attic putting traps in the attic for the rat trouble that I were having he didn't know I was going to show up and inspect the attic myself to how they were getting in I climbed the ladder and poked my head and to see him in the corner bent over like he was adjusting something I didn't say anything and continued to get closer and he turned around to see me looking at him taking a crap in an old box because he couldn't make it out without him crapping himself getting the box wasn't hard at all it was getting it through the house without the cast knowing so we told her there was a dead squirrel in the box liked this video and this good boy will play you a nice song like and subscribe you magnificent person
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 68,137
Rating: 4.8862877 out of 5
Keywords: employers, employees, work stories, inappropriate things, inappropriate jokes, inappropriate workplace behavior, work behavior, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 32sec (1172 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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