Teachers When Did You Have To Deal With Helicopter Parents? (r/AskReddit)

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teachers counselors of reddit what's the worst case of helicopter parenting you've ever encountered I've had parents who wanted to come to school and attend all of the classes with their kid my sister-in-law had to stop putting stickers on her third graders papers because parents were upset that some were better than others that is one student received a great job for earning a 98 while another student only received a good job for earning a 90 and that implied that a 90 was not great but the kids didn't care at all the parents were crazy told your lady at work about an interesting app that allows you to lock your child's phone anytime you want and the only option it gives them as to call the preset parents number the lady who designed it was mad because she would call or text her children and they wouldn't answer so it allowed her to lock their phones until they called and checked in my coworker immediately downloaded the app and now if she calls or texts her kids and they don't respond within two minutes she locks their phones if her kids are on reddit and see this I would like to apologize I just thought the article was interesting and was making small talk I did not intend to ruin your teenage years time to get an older not so smart phone I worked as the college ambassador during undergrad part of this meant I ended up at events with prospective students and their families to tell them about all of the great things we did this was a fancy one weather was dinner served and we were each assigned to a different table with two three families I always try to talk to the kids and try to connect with them but this kid will call him Brad was the hardest case I've ever had every time I would talk to him he would make eye contact with me then look at his mom she would answer every question I could ask what's your favorite class what are you looking forward to the most all were answered by mom then of course because Brad wasn't asking me any questions she decided to start asking me questions about my college experience this is when she told me of his life plans he too was going to be a resident advisor in college and he was going to graduate in three years so he could go to med school at Harvard and he was going to get married to high school girlfriend's name before med school started you could see the kid just try to shrink away when I was a student I would hear of parents accompanying their adult children to job interviews no one will hire anyone who brings mommy or daddy with em no one not a teacher but I'm a nanny I briefly worked for one mom who still wiped her eight-year-old son's butt after he took a crap that poor kid would just sit on the toilet waiting for mom to come clean his poop hole I didn't stick around that family for very long I used to teach at a private primary school in China basically for rich kids many of the children have no brothers or sisters and suffer from the little Emperor syndrome one little girl was very bossy at home she had servants and was used to ordering others around even adults to give you some perspective I've seen kindy kids hit and kick their minders while the minders grin frightened at lea if that kid complains to mommy they are out of a job so at school she tried to give orders to the other little girls and boys as you can imagine this did not go down very well with the other kids especially as they themselves were all quite well-off so her entire class refused to play or talk with her this caused the little girl to cry and complain to mommy her mommy marched into our office and in front of our principal threatened to have the other children killed unless they started playing with her daughter the principal was shocked he was the one who informed me another mother asked me how dare I give her son 63% on an exam as I was still new to China at the time I just looked at her puzzled Lea as I couldn't understand how daring came into it I thought you just gave people what they got I was tearing a general chemistry lab in college and a parent emailed me after the first lab report with an annotated copy of the graded assignment which I gave her b-plus little Johnny had never gotten a B in a class before and I was just being unfair since it was his first semester in college long story short she threatened to go to the prof I said go ahead and they did the professor was awesome when kids be about their grades he offers them a regret and then goes over the report with a fine-tooth comb the B+ got changed to a/c engineering student here there was this guy in my class the only son child to rich parents overprotective mom he always came in and sat on the first bench in the lectures one day some kids occupied the first bench unknowingly and he was forced to sit on second bench gets his mom to college next day mom raises the roof and escalated this to the Dean this happened in the first year goes without saying the guy didn't have very peaceful next three years his classmates and teachers ensured that I fortunately have yet to experience any helicopter parents but my dad saw a pretty good one when he was teaching second grade there was this one mom who was I guess what you could call a bit of a local celebrity in our small town and she was a bit um success driven and competitive at times she was nice enough and was always volunteering to help out in the classroom but during one of the class parties she organized a game of musical chairs thinners she tried to fix it so her daughter would win she tried to be as discreet as she could but he didn't exactly work out my dad had the kids caught on pretty quick and the kids openly called her out on it she tried to deny it but everyone saw right through her she cared so much about winning that she would rigged a game of musical chairs for a group of second graders I've taught middle school through college I had one parent of a high school student who said she could not come to a particular meeting time because she'd be in class Oh what degree are you studying for none I take the same classes as her other child so I can make sure she works hard apparently she was registering as a student in all of her child's classes going to the classes all to make sure her child did her college work I didn't say anything but I would not have wanted to be that professor or the kid I was a Resident Assistant for my University and we had some major helicopter parents during move-in day the last few years it was either last year or the year before this guy's mom helped him move into his dorm room when it came time for the parents to leave and for the first-floor meeting his mom hide in his bathroom then she tried to stay the night at night only reason she was caught was because the guys run mate came to me and the other on the floor and told us he wasn't comfortable with her being there if she yelled at us when we asked her to leave and we had to call campus police to escort her out of the building had a kids parents try to go to their college orientation for them for them real helicopter parents get into positions of power where they can directly influence their kids lives my mom got a place on the board of my sister's small private high school and managed to put a second family member on the board as well this gave her a lot of sway in hiring and firing teachers one teacher was fired for among other things using big words like pedagogical at school board meetings who even knows what that means I'm right all the teachers would tell my mom how great her daughter was great kid always improving fast forward to college my sister had a failing average each semester for three semesters she nearly got expelled for copy pasting a Wikipedia entry on an exam then denying it she even managed to fail her phys ed class where the mark was based on attendance my parents elected not to send her back for a fourth semester how could such a thing happen how could a great high school student do so poorly in college it turns out that quite understandably none of the high school teachers wanted to risk their jobs to tell my mom that her kid probably had a serious learning disability this despite the fact that my sister's disability was obvious to anyone who tried to help her with her homework for more than five minutes after a bad semester in college my sister was finally diagnosed with a learning disability though the help couldn't come fast enough for her to turn her college career around had it not been for my mom's hovering in high school the teachers might have been straight with my parents and maybe my sister would have gotten held earlier I didn't have to deal with any parents when I taught undergrad luckily my uncle on the other hand is a professor at Georgia Tech and once had to terminate a doctoral student from the program for not following the dissertation timeline after throwing a tantrum himself the student called his mommy and she came in and ranted at my uncle until they had to be escorted out of his office the joys of teaching adults I'm a high school English teacher one of my students had an IEP rarely showed up to class and when he did he never did his work no matter what I tried to do to keep him on track I even hand-delivered his work to his resource teacher by his mom's request because as a 16 year old he wasn't responsible enough to keep track of papers and he refused to do it there his mother visited my class every week to complain to me and asked why he was failing she insisted that because he had an IEP he wasn't allowed to fail my class at the end of the semester the student was suspended for 10 days for fighting I sent home make up work with him he never had turned in and he failed my class mum got mad and went to the administration demanding he be able to do the make up work but that I had to give him the work again because he'd lost it I never got the work but the mom did confront me in the parking lot getting in my face and yelling at me for failing her son I told her I may have given him a failing grade but she had failed him by babying him his entire life and as a result he had failed himself I heard a story once from a doctor that stuck with me one particularly bad bubble-wrap parent was always at her kids side making sure he was safe the kids never learned his limitations he would try jump off high things et Cie and the mom was always there to stop him or catch him at first day of school the kid jumps off the top of the play structure and breaks his arm when the mother was at the doctor with the kid she said he broke his arm because I wasn't there the doctor replied no he broke his arm because you always were a student of another colleague we were sitting around marking papers when he bursts into hysterical laughter colleague one can anyone make sense of this sentence it's just it's not even a thing but this is an anti thing he reads it to us it's half a rant half eighth-grader gibberish colleague - oh my god I just read that exact same thing she flipped through a stack of papers and pulled it out compared and it's basically the exact same paper by the same student submitted to - separates classes totally counts as academic dishonesty and that's explicit in the outline it has to be original work for the class the two of them take the papers to their professors they agree it goes straight to the department head as a case of plagiarism student is completely livid he's clearly a genius everyone else is a for even questioning his work and he will have our heads and our jobs for this he scheduled a meeting with the department head like he's supposed to and the day finally comes in this smug chubby little sucker strout's fully suited up and right behind him his uncle sleazy lawyer complete with matching suit and briefcase to boot we can hear the student muttering as he stomps down the hallway about how he's going to be a great legal minds one day because his uncle told him so and he was totally totally going to show us all it was all I could do not to laugh they go into the office close the door and uncle lawyer loudly declares for all to hear my client has prepared a statement before we begin department head number student but it's miry department head number student but department head number we couldn't hear anything after that we had to close our own door so we could laugh he was disciplined appropriately though all the professors knew who that student was from that point on I was in eighth grade and my teacher was always and got old to me he would send me out of class but kuis I was three minutes late or not except my math homework becuase I didn't work out the problems the way he wanted me to so near the end of the year he assigned their SATs the subject was on any President of our choosing I wrote my essay in about and followed the rubric very closely I print out my paper and leave it on my desk so I won't forget it before I go to sleep my mom asked me if she could borrow the laptop so I set up the laptop for her and go to sleep next day turn in the essay next week get back the essay with Addie on it I notice a bunch of red marks on it read through essay and found out my mum went and wrote more to it and switched out my essay explained to the teacher what happened and by the grace of God he let me turn in mine to come back next day with my essay get B+ on it she never tried again I'm not a teacher but I have a story that is relevant when I was in high school there was this kids mom would sit in on all his classes to make sure he would do his homework he didn't have any mental problems or anything she wouldn't let him talk to anyone who didn't go to their church she argued with the teacher every frickin day in biology she reported the teacher to the superintendent for teaching evolution as you probably guessed nobody hid their dislike of her the best one was when I missed her test one day and had to stay after school to make it out she burst into the room looking furious and started yelling at the teacher because he failed her son - the teacher just started going her how she just got madder and madder the teacher just kept ignoring her at one point he took out his cell phone and called some people the woman got really mad and stormed off backed when I was teaching I gave a bad grade on a test to a 55 year old woman who was taking the class her 80 year old mother came to my office the next day with scones and tea to ask me if her daughter could retake the test I allowed it imagine what would happen had you turned away the mother you would get visited by a 105 year old women currently her teacher but my story comes from my days as a college student my university offered a day-long Parent Orientation as an option for parents while their kids were attending their own two-day student orientation session the summer before my senior year I was hired as a student employee for this parent orientation session steady hours good pay etc a pretty nice summer gig for a poor college student anyway we met a wide range of arrance at the registration table some of the parents were obviously not too worried is local bar still open I'd love to duck out and get some nostalgia beers others were clearly interested without being too overbearing I've got a few questions about class registration can you point me in the right direction but the parent that I'll always remember Wow part of the script we were supposed to go over involved asking parents if they would be interested in taking a tour of their students future dormitory when I got to this part of a script with one mom she completely broke down started bawling and crying about how she wasn't ready for her little angel to go off to college this went on for several minutes and bordered on a full-on tantrum mind you this wasn't on move-in day this was at an orientation two freakin months before school actually started I shudder to think how the actual move-in day went for that family worked at a sleepaway camp Asian mother told us to weigh both of her children and mail her the results twice daily that's oddly specific in high school I became really good friends with this kid named dan dan and I hung out a ton in one weekend I invited him over for a sleepover stay up late watch TV and play video games I had to meet his mother and his father to gain approval it was like going through a job interview had to tell them where I wanted to go to college my life's goals etc got the approval and Dan was allowed to sleep over my house the morning after the night of the sleepover my mom gets a call at 6:00 a.m. hi this is Dan's mom are you watching your child and my boy my mom quickly gets over the shock and replies yes they are downstairs in the basement and they're fine we have a finished room well he would always hang out well I would appreciate you checking on them because I haven't heard from Dan all night my mom woke us up and Dan realized he left his cell phone upstairs he goes to get it and it turns out he has 63 missed calls 105 missed text messages and 20 voicemails he started to cry and my mom just hugged him and said it's okay and made us breakfast my parents are helicopter parents my stepmom was insane while the six others kids were in school she had access to every assignments due date date that was turned in and great we received my teachers hated her she would call about grades lower than a B once I ordered a letterman jacket and when I was told the price I called my Stedman and she demanded to speak to the people selling them and told them we were poor but deserved the same privileges as everyone else on speaker it was so embarrassing I was on reduced lunch and one day I couldn't eat because my money ran out guess what happened Q - crying lunch ladies and a burnt grilled cheese I felt so bad my dad would go to every meet the teacher night and insult the level of intelligence of every math teacher he demanded I go to tutoring and he called my teachers to make sure I was there every morning he even made me get their signature to prove I was there he went with me to my Community College orientation and followed me from class to class making sure he knew where each one was and he got the phone numbers and emails from all my professors growing up with them was a nightmare he would yell and shout and throw fits like a toddler and my teachers would always feel sorry for me because that's what I went home to eventually after my dad demanded I pay rent while working three jobs and going to college full-time I got kicked out because I got a tattoo I was 19 met a guy and moved in with him that really pay off my parents and now we are happily married our one-year wedding anniversary is tomorrow yay overbearing parents you have been visited by the paparazzi dog comment the perfect framing so that a paparazzi never pursues you if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 339,255
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap, helicopter parenting, copter parents, helicopter parents, extreme parents, high school, parents, parent, reddit parents
Id: dJOe91lCl5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 7sec (1147 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 02 2019
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