What's The Worst Thing About Having Helicopter Parents?

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children of helicopter parents what was the worst or most embarrassing thing they put you through i was on leave from iraq turned 21 during that time period and my parents still made me be home by midnight i was a goddamn combat veteran and i needed to be home by midnight lol holy crap yes i was home on leave after my afghanistan deployment also 21 decided against my better judgment to stay at my parents instead of the hotel first night back i was out late getting fricked up with some old friends from high school and at nine my dad started blowing up my phone telling me to get home i just told him that home was fortuachuka azad and i was on vacation one time i went to the mall with my friends which was very rare because i didn't often get to have friends obviously to get there my parents had to drop me off so they drove away but then an hour into our hangout session which consisted of walking around the mall and me telling her jokes it was fun my mom texts me and asks where i am i text her back and tell her i'm at the mall where she dropped me off she accused me of leaving and demanded i take a picture of where i am to prove i'm still there reluctantly i did confiding in my date about my narcissistic mother for the first time to anyone telling someone about it felt good until five minutes later she used a picture i sent her to find where i was and approach me this is when i discovered she never actually went home and was following me around the mall the whole time watching what i was doing she told me wrong had to leave right now because she was worried i'd run away and grabbed me by my arm to take me away leaving my date there this isn't the only time she embarrassed me among others she called a good friend of mine's parents to tell them he was doing drugs he wasn't so i wouldn't ask to go over to see him i want you to prove to me that you're not lying even though i can see with my own eyes that you're telling the truth and now i'm going to embarrass you and drag you away for acting strange even though you haven't done that either w t f my parents had this freaking tracking device activated in my cell phone all throughout high school they knew exactly where i was that is until i'd leave the dang thing at the place where i told them i was going and go off wherever i wanted they were the very definition of helicopter parents my mother once drove to my workplace after school when i was 17 to check and make sure i was actually working she then freaked out at me when i got home because she claimed i wasn't there when really she just didn't drive all the way in the parking lot to avoid being seen since she drive such a distinct car that was around her phase of thinking i was on hardcore drugs and sleeping with the entire male population of my town i was an a plus student who worked every day after school plus weekends don't know when she thought i'd have time for all of that i've been through that phase my favorite example is the one day my dad went to my room and screamed at me telling me to give him the drugs and come clean because he smelled that i was smoking i was watching a movie and eating pizza rolls i was a fatty the neighbor's house was on fire not the most embarrassing thing but the only one i feel okay sharing she would constantly go through my phone and read everything when i wasn't around and i'd find out when she brought up embarrassing information in front of friends family a crush once she found my crush on facebook and messaged him along but message that i don't even want to know what had said all i know is that he was super uncomfortable when he asked me if i knew she had contacted him as for the worst part about it i never felt a sense of freedom i always felt watched i was never a bad kid but i felt violated every day and night i felt like i never had my own sense of self my mom did this too she would read texts i sent to my boyfriend out loud to my family i know what you mean about never having a sense of freedom i was always treated like i had done something wrong even though i was generally a very well behaved kid my parents called my trade school when i was freaking 19 years old to make sure i was attending they didn't have a reason to suspect i wasn't going and they weren't the ones paying for it i moved out very soon after this wasn't the worst but it was one of the last monitored my internet activity and brought up the p i watched at the dinner table in front of my younger siblings and a friend who was over for dinner and told me watching p would leave me morally depraved and difficult for anyone to love i was 13. don't watch it at the dinner table mate one of the more memorable experiences when i was a freshman my cousin was a senior and through him i made a lot of friends that were upperclassmen so at the end of the year i got invited to go to prom my parents made my date who was just a friend come over two weeks before prom and basically asked him every question imaginable they got his phone number home number email the works he was super chill about it because my cousin had warned him beforehand when prom actually came around i wasn't allowed to ride in the limo with everyone else instead my mom drove me in her ugly butt astro van that looked like the mystery machine and she had my siblings and cousins packed in there when we got to the venue she got off with me and asked an administrator if she could stay thank god he said no oh and i had a curfew 8 30 p.m it was 7 when i got there ugh for everyone saying i would have been violated my friend is gay and my parents were well aware the astro van was handed down to me after i graduated and i loved it until the end your mom clearly thinks she is on a permanent escort mission i have loved to write since i was very young my mom had this weird obsession with going through my stuff and one day while i was going through her stuff i found a crap ton of my writings she read all my stuff and saved it i felt incredibly violated i threw everything away which i deeply regret because i would have loved to read about my teenage now that i'm going through my late twenties angst ugh yes my mom was super bad about this she'd go through my writing notebooks and journals and lecture me about the things that i wrote i still have a bit of a complex where i won't let people read my writing because of it one night i decided to visit my boyfriend at his apartment for some tv time and cuddles i ended up restarting my phone and forgetting the turning it back on part while cuddling in front of the television i fall asleep at around midnight my mom calls and it goes straight to voicemail any logical person would just figure the phone died or just didn't have service very reasonable where i live not my mother she called the cops and tried to report me missing which ended with the police asking how long i had been gone she responded with about eight hours and they tell her to wait until morning at this point it is about 1am and i am still asleep we both are fast forward about two hours and my mother has called and woken up all of my friends hunting for me with no luck she calls my best friend and she tells her that i am at my boyfriend's apartment my mother now knows that i am safe and not missing this is not enough for her though she ends up coming to the apartment after pestering best friend enough for the location my best friend doesn't know the exact apartment so she just told her the complex name and went back to bed i woke up at almost four in the morning to my mother banging on the door yelling personably anxious open the freaking door i run thinking something is wrong and fling open the door to find her red metaphorical steam is pouring from her ears she yells for me to get in my truck and get home now the next day when i went to visit my boyfriend and apologized profusely for what my mother has done i discovered that my mom had banged on every single door until she found the right one i was 18 at the time it didn't take much longer before my relationship ended this is one of very very very many stories finn my parents weren't helicopter parents i said it was mainly my dad who was really strict only about movies for example when i was in high school i asked if i could go to the movies with my friends it was a gi joe movie that i wasn't super into but it was mainly to just do something fun my dad said he wouldn't let me go unless i wrote a paper on the movie after i watched it about its redeeming qualities and christian principles gi joe is a bad [ __ ] praise jesus mum read in my diary that i had lost my virginity to my bf of the timex she called my school's principal to tell him that x had violated me i am still a teenager so i'm still putting up with my parents helicopter habits my parents were furious when they found out i had watched the hunger games at a friend's house same thing happens whenever i watch a movie rated pg or above and they are not there to fast forward through the kissing scenes and mild cursing they don't allow me to spend money without telling them first i once bought a pack of gum without telling them it wasn't pretty long story short i got my phone taken away for a week after being chewed out for a solid hour my dad has software on my phone that tells him whatever i do on the internet this includes texting and calling he'll probably see this but i don't care i'd better stop typing now they might catch me comma my dad has software on my phone that tells him whatever i do on the internet this includes texting and calling he'll probably see this but i don't care i just remembered my parents installed one of those on my last phone it still works on wi-fi so i use it for pee and music i should probably delete that before i traumatize my parents most of my childhood is a fog but i have memories of being in and out of doctors offices all the time growing up they often had me on multiple prescriptions the doctors never really spoke to me they'd speak to my parents and then i would take whatever pills or undergo whatever treatment i was instructed this continued until i was 18. i still to this day have never been told what was up and i have no access to early medical records i'm 39 now and perfectly healthy with no ailments or health conditions that i am aware of i do not remember any names of any doctors we moved around a lot and this was the 80s and 90s in the us so i don't think the medical records are centralized in any way i wouldn't know where to begin tracking them down i don't ask my parents about it partly because it seems pointless without being able to verify their answers but mostly because i just have no desire to revisit that part of my past would rather just focus on being a happy and healthy adult who lives far away from the rest of his family if you remember the name of any of the offices you can call and ask for your medical records not me but my student i'm an academic advisor at a university met with a student who has two quarters left helped him apply to graduate in june got an email from his mom two hours later asking about why he's got an issue he's at least 21. depriving me of internet in grade 9 i was only allowed to use my laptop in the kitchen to do my homework but my parents blocked facebook but i found websites that helped me use facebook chat in grade 10 i was allowed to take my laptop to my room but my dad turned my internet on and off every other hour from eight in the morning until midnight at which point it shut off for the night it was ridiculous because i could never sit down long enough to get any work done before the internet was gone and i had to wait for the next hour my dad found out about the chat sites i used as a workaround for facebook and blocked those i resorted to using bing bar's facebook chat function which was slow and glitchy in grade 11 and 12 my internet was shut off at one in the morning and parental controls were removed i went crazy and watched netflix and talk to people all the time which obviously had a negative toll on my grades tl dr my parents made me use bing that's just cruel nobody should have to use bing except for p apparently okay read it i'll tell you why i left home at 15 with nothing but a backpack my two siblings and i moved in with my dad in 2010 and he hadn't played much of a role in any of our lives since we were young so we didn't know what to expect certainly not what was to come we learned that my dad would entertain my stepmother's crazy behaviors and thoughts although he is an otherwise easy to handle guy in the six months i lived with them my stepmom became more and more paranoid the early morning runs i enjoyed before school were no longer allowed because she thought i might be meeting boys along the way the panel tablet she found on my floor with a little indented p must have been ecstasy so she removed all my belongings school books clothes toiletries i didn't own anything else and locked them in her own room i had to redo two assignments lost during this debacle she would want me accessible at all times via phone since i walked to high school with my younger brother but refused to pay for any of the costs despite me having no job three of my girlfriends were meant to come over for movies and lunch for my birthday but when none turned up i suspected she had something to do with it that was an awful feeling one night i was having quite a deep chat with my father and she barges in to interrupt as usual did i stand up for myself and tell her we're talking please leave us alone as soon as she lay a hand on me i grabbed my bag and ran out the door and never looked back she also needed every chore done to her specific schedule my sister was called into her 12-hour work shift and couldn't do the vacuuming until she got back home so she was kicked out and lived with me the next year my brother joined us not long after funnily enough this all brought us three so much closer together against a common enemy i'll never again underestimate the potency of siblinghood when it's needed they've provided me a better family than my parents could i wasn't allowed to have friends my parents lived out of district and lied to the schools claiming that we lived at my grandma's house they are extremely paranoid as it is so of course i couldn't have friends and i really mean i couldn't i couldn't hang out with anyone outside of school ever it made me a loner i moved out when i was 17 after i got a job and i couldn't handle my dad taking all of my paycheck each week my dad was also physically and emotionally abusive he told me every day that i was fat and i could never be as good of a kid as my brothers were i could go on forever on how they practically locked me away from life in the ho i am now extremely socially awkward i get panic attacks often when it comes to hanging out with people my husband has to give me pep talks to get me out i'm just now becoming comfortable with his friends and family we've been together for two years but hey at least i found an amazing guy i was in the school musical it was my first lead role and i was singing a duet with the cutest boy in school true i was playing his mom but this was my moment a showmance was sure to follow then the fire alarm went off the stage manager signaled to us that it was just the fog machine and to keep going so we did cute guy started to get nervous so i grabbed his hand to give him strength imagine tina belcher grabbing a zombie jimmy pesto junior's butt and you'll have a pretty good idea as to how big a deal this was for me the audience of course is awkwardly leaving because you know the fire alarm is going off just then i see a blurry shape out of the corner of my eye someone is running towards me it's a woman she's screaming it's my mother she runs up to me on the stage rips me away from jimmy junior's arms and screams into my face microphone what are you doing there's a fire get these kids out of here wh oh the frick is in charge here i was shunned four weeks and 12 years later my drama teacher still tells the story to his students then there was the time she called my boss and told him i needed a midday nap because i was too tired i was 22 yes ignoring fire alarms is bad as is putting teenagers in charge in adult situations i'm an adult and an educator now and when the fire alarm goes off on stage and it does i very calmly gather my students and we go outside no sprinting running or shaking is involved sixteen-year-old me however was devastated this isn't as bad as i was expecting i thought the twist was going to be that the mom had pulled the fire alarm to interrupt a kissing scene in the play or something i had a roommate whose parents would call me all the time if he slipped up and didn't call them up that day or something and they'd call me before they tried contacting him usually maybe to find chinks in the alibi armor i dunno i think he gave them my number four emergencies because we were in a college in a different country but it was used for everything but that a typical conversation would go like this hi where's asd i don't know we both left for college in the morning i'm going to a class now you don't know where he is why he's in different classes i'll only see him in the evening please look for him now he hasn't called up since day before yesterday at which point i would agree and go back to whatever i'd be doing after informing my roommate on his phone the number to which his parents have up until i left for college my bedtime was nine every night i wasn't supposed to be on the phone past 8 30. i wasn't allowed to go outside by myself couldn't have friends over after seven couldn't go to a boy's house until the summer after high school i had to show my parents my grades every semester to show i was successful i rode the bus until my senior year because he wouldn't take me to get my license until i was 17. he pretty much told me i had to attend a certain college because it was x amount of time away from home while i'm in college he makes me show him my grades check and once a week with three different family members and makes me move home every summer now that i'm applying for master's programs and trying to move away every conversation ends with an argument about me moving away and trying to start my own life my parents were divorced and when my mom died i moved in with my dad and his girlfriend at the age of 10 the first time i told him no he tried to hit me with a belt he's been paying for my college out of the benefits i received from my mother which i didn't even know about until a brother from my mom's side told me about them my dad became enraged when i found out about the money and he cut off communication with that side of the family showing grades is totally normal until they surprise visit campus trying to fact-check or when my then-boyfriend hung himself and my grades dropped he told me i was too stupid for college and wasting his money and needed to drop out him and his gf worked all of the time so i went to a babysitter until i was a sophomore on high school i feel like i don't have the ability to make friends now because my social interactions were really limited due to some of his rules i didn't really know how to have relationship with men growing up i just did whatever would make them happy and not get upset with me i don't really know how to do a lot of life things myself and my boyfriend is slowly teaching me thank god when i was a sophomore in college i stayed the night at my then boyfriend's house and my dad told me i must have just spent the last year in school sleeping around and no one would want me because of it i live with my now boyfriend and it's the longest relationship i've ever been in and he's helping me move away i was accepted to a masters program in canada and one in my home state and i'm terrified to leave so i'm going to the in-state one it's farther away then now so i see it as a baby step no one in our family lives outside or hour drive from each other i'm the first to go to college and actually finish and i'm going to get away when i was in 4th grade i started a journal i kept it all the way up until my junior year i would write about my experiences with guys nothing unusual for a hormonal teenage chick well somehow my parents always found out about things i would do like hooking up or making out with guys they would always tell me they found out by hearing it from a friend who saw turns out they were reading my journal the entire time in hindsight it was painfully obvious that i was being stupid to write down all my private experiences but it was still a huge invasion of privacy that significantly worsened the trust issues i already had from other crap they did my parents are mormon i had to clear everything through them everything became a pros and cons family debate that ended in wwjd which was nothing fun apparently anytime i did anything unapproved i was guilt-tripped and shamed they had to know where i was at all times if i didn't answer my phone when they called i was in deep crap one time they let me go night fishing for catfish with a buddy then got pee when i rolled home around 4 am i got grounded for a month on that one i wasn't allowed to date even casually god forbid i even be friends with a girl to this day i am still painfully awkward around girls i never learned how to interact with them in anything but a professional capacity they had my whole life planned out for me graduate high school go on mission go to bio marry nice mormon girl have children repeat brainwashing cycle my junior year of high school they made a mistake they let me join ffa future farmers of america that's right laugh build one of the most hands-on educational organizations i've had the pleasure of interacting with i digress it was there that i met people that didn't need a god to give meaning to life it was at this point i hatched a plot to keep my life from being railroaded i began siphoning off the money i was supposedly giving god as tithing from my pittance of a paycheck from a part-time job up until i was 18 i stashed it in a paint can in the crawl space then i opened my own bank account and began funneling it there paying my tithing out of my parent controlled bank account in cash because i conveniently misplaced my checkbook then in my senior year i borrowed the necessary personal information from my parents and began applying to universities i got accepted to school and kept a lid on it until a week before school started and i had a fight with my parents and told them i was leaving i left home i made a lot of mistakes as i blundered into the unknown as a shy and naive fool there are some things i wish i could change but six years later here i am free of religious control and i'm alive and kicking to tell about it if anyone wants advice on breaking from the church or wants to share your story feel free to pm me sorry for the length for some reason felt like sharing if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 30,068
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Keywords: parents, parenting, helicopter parents, helicopter parenting effects, helicopter parents stories, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2020, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, comedy, fresh
Id: JghqHL19ziY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 16sec (1456 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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