Parents, When Did You Learn About Your Kid Losing Their Innocence?

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parents of Reddit how did you discover your child was no longer a virgin and how did you feel NSW preeeetty sure things were gonna happen when he asked if his friend could spend the night while I worked night shift his friend was a girl they were 15 or 16 not sure what age they were sleeping in a pile on the couch clothed when I came from work I didn't disturb them I just went to bed when I woke up later they were still sleeping but now on opposite sides of the couch it was adorable ex-girlfriend was a veterinarian and one day a man brings in a Great Dane that has a nasty infection on and around his penile area but they culture it and did it as syphilis dogs don't get syphilis from each other so my girlfriend asks the man if he has any kids he says yes a daughter and that's how he found out his 14 year old daughter was freaking her infected boyfriend and the family pet awkward day at the vet clinic what a frag my mom assumed I was freaking frequently in high school because my grades started falling I lost my virginity in college I was just really into Guitar Hero dang-son this hit close to home I had to take her to the doctor the doctor asked if she was had an active private life and she said yes I suspected but never knew for sure until then she was 16 after my family and I relocated my parents found out I was freaking the gfs mother left a voicemail threatening to sue me for freaking a minor we were both the same age and it was certainly consensual although they were disappointed in hearing it in that context they weren't too upset they only emphasized the importance of protection and that was the end of it how that lady definitely needed to double check the laws she told me when we were looking into birth control options for her I was a little wistful for her innocent childhood days but she's handling it really responsibly and she's in love so what can you do she was 18 at a time if that makes a difference it's a little odd that she'll tell me anything I would never have told my mom but it makes me proud that I am the kind of mom you can tell anything to you're not like a regular mom you are a cool mom I overheard my mom helping my sister fill out a medical checklist for whatever mum was holding the pen and filling out the answers while reading them out loud she was rushing it because she was bored paraphrasing do you have any blood diseases number checks a box are you allergic to any common foods number checks a box are you s sueli active number sister quickly interrupts with an awkward but resolute yes silence wife worked as a nurse in a knob gin office for many months you'd be frankly amazed but how often this scene plays out young teenaged daughter and mother go to the dock to see about some odd Janaka logical malady a tests come back positive for STD mother looks in shock at daughter and learns her little baby isn't a virgin anymore it's so common as to be cliched I once brought my then-girlfriend home and introduced her to my mom she got super angry that I am freaking out of wedlock me and GF were 30 then this was the reason that this was one and only gf that my parents laid eyes on my boys were very open about it my eldest decided to wait until both he and his GF were 18 my younger son did not but told me he and his GF had freaked at 17 they were both responsible enough to buy their own condoms so I didn't really have any issues with it my mum found out one day when she called the house looking for me my brother instead of knocking on my door just barged into my room and found me balls deep in my girlfriend at the time he went hold on a second he's having frickin and left the phone on the floor thanks bro he was three years younger too and most definitely a virgin the nonchalant way he said it was frightening child one he had stashed his used condoms and a McDonald's Cup in his closet still filled with coke I found out by removing the lid to dump it out child 2 she asked permission children three five still waiting 16 14 and aged primetime for this activity it is always hard to take you little boy or girl growing up your mental picture is the six-year-old version of them I am mostly over it now some confusion on that the numbering means children well my BFS mom just saw us lying in bed no blankets on each other naked she backed out pretty quickly backed out of the room this seems to cause confusion we were in BFS room door and blinds closed she came in after asking and one of this replying yeah just a second I guess she only heard Lea yet more confusion one of us was on top of the other so on each other idk is that wrong slowly turns gaze to be s mom he's mine now her parents came home four hours earlier than expected the day before Thanksgiving and though I had we had ordered Jimmy John's and her parents got very suspicious as to why there were two sandwiches this led to her angry Brit father finding me in her closet and thankfully I was wearing pants their parents told us you guys are stupid but we love you both but they still called my parents I wasn't allowed to see her for months I'm just glad I didn't die her dad likes to hunt a lot I forgot to mention that because they arrived four hours early I accidentally left my shoes on the floor when I hid in her closet ah court not for the Jimmy hats but for the Jimmy John's my parents assumed I was freaking long before I actually had freaked because I had a boyfriend quite a bit older than me and we spent a lot of time unsupervised I got lectures about what a pervert I was for like four straight years of my virginity when I actually slept with someone my activeness in my private life was old news I guess to everyone but me my dad lived in this weird state wherein he thought I had had fricked my H s boyfriend which I didn't while simultaneously believing that when I went to visit my college boyfriend at his college that we slept in different rooms and then only finally admitting that I was probably not of urging the day after my wedding child not parent side of the story here but still a fun one that I get a kick out of telling had my first serious girlfriend at fifteen we would go to the back room of the house to study in reality we'd screw each other's brains out and then I'd spend 15 minutes doing her homework for her hey she made honor roll that semester anyway it's about dinnertime and we head up to the kitchen to discuss ordering a pizza with my parents my dad is discussing toppings and mentions onions girlfriend says II ww I don't like onions they give you bad breath my father not missing a beat says well that doesn't bother me but then I'm not the one screwing around in the back room I started laughing but I thought the girlfriend was going to die of embarrassment not a parent but my mum found out cause I was bragging about it to my mates whilst playing the xbox360 back in high school my room was right next to the kitchen just where she was at a time and she overheard next day she bought me a pack of condoms as her way of letting me know she knew when yelling I flicked your mom last night goes too far she got busted drinking so she came clean about everything her parents came to trust me again but the next few months were fricked up so what you're saying is that in a drug Empire she probably be the weakest link big sis mentioned at the dinner table super casually that she was on the pill now my dad called her disgusting they still don't talk my son came to me one night and asked me what I thought about it after having slept with his first girlfriend as shocked as I was I will always be grateful for that moment we had a long conversation on what it really means to be a gentleman kind and responsible to the other person and their feelings much better talk than when I handed him some condoms two years prior and asked do you know how to use them I can teach you his reply you're creeping me out dad I am a lucky dad my mum refused to acknowledge me for three days and was venomous about the topic forever after now I'm humiliated about fricking periods and relationships and my mum wonders why I feel uncomfortable when she asks me when I'm going to have a baby don't be like my mum talk to your kids about it and acknowledge freaking it happens and don't pester Phil babies later on here is a big middle finger to all the butthole parents who do stupid crap like press charges and practically disowned their kids for a time because they had freaked a completely natural desirable thing that I'm sure they probably had when they were younger too lol when my parents found out about my first boyfriend I said like that because we dated from not even three months and anything close to romantic with him as awkward as Frick but anyway I lost my virginity to him and we never had fricked again after that first time but man oh man did my parents get mad my mom called his mum to basically say your son slept with my frickin daughter both moms got super mad my mum tried getting the police involved because she was certain I didn't want to freak him and our dads were just like okay we're really good friends now but just thinking about it makes me cringe my dad was more mad that I didn't tell him I had a boyfriend he really didn't give a crap if I had freaked or not as long as I didn't end up a pregnant teen when I was in HS I told my mom I was going to stay a virgin until I was married she did a little snort laugh and said yeah sure honey when I lost it in college and called her she said I told you so sweetheart Oh mam on row the number of people who thought that I removed the dog from my body and immediately called my mother is amazing no honies that's weird you got roasted on my 14th birthday I'd had a girlfriend for close to four months we were as serious as kids our age could be so I'm opening presents in front of a few friends I had over and I come to a medium-sized box I shake it can't figure it out so I tear it open and find an economy box of condoms everyone there dad sisters girlfriend friends friends parents everyone was speechless my mom casually says I'm not ready to be a grandma happy birthday son I told a doctor I had an active private life and he called a therapist to tell my mom who then opted to press charges against my boyfriend it was not a good time also I was 14 when this happened we'd been dating for nearly a year he was 17 we are friends now that sounds like a huge breach of doctor-patient confidentiality to those of you saying I'm incorrect show me a mandatory reporting statute that says tell some therapist about it that is why it's a breach of confidentiality if the physician had a duty to report this he has to report to the law enforcement agency and maybe parents only not a parent but I remember when my mom found out about me losing my virginity a friend of mine told her she was his good friends with his mother her reaction was to cry hysterically she called my brother to comfort her and cried in his arms and I overheard her telling a few of her friends which made me very mad what happened to my privacy that al happened about six years ago and now she's very chill about it but damn did she make me feel like crap I never expected such a reaction from her I'm going to flip the script a bit this is how my mom found out my girlfriend was not a virgin anymore apparently the dog went into the bathroom and fished a condom out of the trash ended up in the hallway or something my mom finds it and approaches me after confirming that it was mine she hits me with this lime I thought name was a virgin my response she was oh crap when I was in my freshman year of college my longtime girlfriend and I were regularly freaking while I tried my best to hide it from my dad and usually hid the condoms away where he would never find them however one time I left one of the foil wrappers in a pair of shorts and threw them in the washing machine well my dad decided he was going to be nice and fold the load no pun intended and that's when he discovered it when I picked up my load off clothes he acted cool until I was about to leave and says oh and glad I passed you my good genes and handed me the wrapper it was one of the most unusual experiences of my life went camping for the weekend leaving my son 17 at a time at home alone when we returned he waited until his mom was inside the house and said dad I had freak this weekend I took a deep breath and asked did you use protection he answered yes and we talked a bit about the circumstances after all was talked about he asked dad one more question will it last longer I tried to not laugh as far as my folks are concerned I still am a virgin planning on keeping up this charade until marriage heck I might tell them my kids are adopted just to keep it going I'm a mom to a toddler and stepmom to three and I'm pregnant and yet my grandma still now during every visit or outing still conveys her pride that my husband and I chose to have separate bedrooms we don't as to protect my virtue she is the denial queen and I'm sure she has convinced herself my daughter is the second Christ born of a virgin mother not a parent but I will tell you guys my story for when my parents found out I was no longer a virgin backstory so as an 18 year old guy I had a girlfriend I met sin high school and we were together for quite some time as I am European I don't have to deal with overly religious parents so I got that going for me my parents are quite laid-back and we speak freely to each other egg if I said that I think a guy is a piece of crap mother I can say that without my parents having to say I shouldn't cuss back on topic in Denmark it is quite normal for teen couples to sleep at your GFB s house so I did that with my then GF a lot we slept at each other's places maybe three five days a week but one episode stands out as to when my parents found out is this I had my girlfriend over and we were going to my bedroom in the basement parents just above mine and I had a squeaky bed so the next morning at breakfast my dad just blurted out dang son we gotta tighten your bedpost embarrassing but funny in retrospect Cheers when my mom found out she cried and cried and cried probably because my girlfriend got pregnant and I was team dad but what do I know not a parent but the child I got out of the shower and put on a towel female my mom asked me what happened to my back to get bruised like that I ended up saying well mom you can do it but it's really difficult to frickin a hot tub her response was okay let's get you on birth control best mom ever my parents found out because I was in rehab and stupidly signed the waiver to release my medical information to them which included my STD testing when she missed texted me saying of course I will freak you I don't care you are drunk I texted back and said you know you just texted your dad long silence then she said my friends had my phone it's just a joke I was like well no I know she was 17 at a time they are still together 23 now my mom actually chose to pretend that didn't happen my first sir was a girlfriend and I am also a girl living in the south we kept it on such a down-low that people just told us you two are the best of friends that's so cute and we were like best of friends yes mm hum besties but it worked to our advantage because our families thought nothing of us having sleepovers eyebrow wiggle all the time it was a little less than a year after the relationship ended when my mom found out she knew I was Bieber didn't know I had a GF or I was active she was saying something to the effect of you don't know what frickin is like and I was like haha yes I do and we got into a debate about it that pekes with no you don't you haven't had freaked I would have noticed if you had I burst into laughter and said what do you think all those sleepovers with girlfriend were for the look of dawning horror on her face was fantastic and she immediately forbid me from having sleepovers anymore Laurel yeah like that's gonna happen she has since firmly blocked out the knowledge and insists that I am a virgin girlfriend's family suspected but never had proof her mother actually went to her father and insisted that she was a lesbian and they needed to put her on birth control but that spawned many jokes that I would magically get her pregnant so the lesson here is always used condoms my son was 16 when he called me because he got caught by the girl's mom he was freaked out because he thought her dad was going to kill him I just laughed and told him a couple of stories from my life and the time when his uncle got caught doing the same thing I reiterated what I have been telling him since he was 13 wear a condom he said he was and it was all cool cleaning his room after he went to college in the fall last year I had been asking him to clean his room for 10 years and now eminent domain applies threw away notebooks from middle school so much trash when I moved his bed I started finding condom wrappers and a few used condoms my wife was super distraught I thought it was hysterical but then I start to wonder if I was looking the correct side of the condom JK only found wrappers what is 12 inches long white and full of semen the socks under his bed he is an adult and at this point in time I have to accept that we did a good job as parents and he will be safe but then I start to wonder if I was looking the correct side of the condom I'm so confused my mom found out at dinner one night she made a comment and then said subtext 0-8 cover your virgin ears to which my dad released one of the loudest guffaws I have ever heard I grabbed my plate and said excuse me and booked it out of there I heard my mom as I ran out the back door say if they our virgin is on they came on and they're all I got left not a parent but mine found out in an unorthodox way that seems kinda relevant so apparently one day my exbest friend ran into my stepsister out at a store or something and thought it appropriate to casually mention in conversation that I was no longer a virgin steps are still then tells my stepmom who tells my dad who then tells my mom that was a fun additional stressor during finals week my daughter asked to go on the pill she said they were already using condoms but wanted backup she's a very smart young woman we got her those B C pills mum I'd give you the adult talk but I know you haven't had freaked me what are you talking about I have a stable girlfriend mum in just a moment of the air time your Jew you can't have had freaked me well one of us is in denial and one of us has a dog I think we both know who is who I should also note that she gave me this took out 23 after my girlfriend and I had been together for about 14 months not a parent mid first thank you to all the parents who are normal rational human beings my mother is frickin insane she went through my person found an erotic story I had written and thought it was a note to my ex-boyfriend it wasn't but he and I did sleep together once we were both 16 while she was rooting through my person I was at a school dance I was 16 when I got home she exploded into a ball of rage at 10 p.m. she screamed at me called me names then she proceeded to get in the car and we drove to my ex's still my friend house while periodically slapping me in the face and bang on the door until his mother answered she then forced me to tell her that her son and I had slept together she told his mom she would press charges if we continued to speak to each other at that point we got back in the car and she proceeded to continue hitting me in the face and berating me rat this point it's 11 p.m. and she wakes my uncle out of a dead sleep to make her coffee and wake up his entire household to relate the story of what a horrible person I am for losing my virginity I wish that any part of this was a lie he diced my mother is a freakin insane B and emancipation papers were filed the next day the flipside I found out when I was 25 up my mom always believed I slept with an older guy I was hanging out with when I was 15 but I didn't we were just friends and he had a girlfriend I actually saved it until I was almost 17 and with a steady boyfriend she never said anything or even hinted what she suspected it felt awful that she had misjudged me so much and not even asked me if I did it when my son's recently dumped girlfriend started texting my wife claiming she was pregnant I pulled him aside and he admitted to having freaked her but outlined why pregnancy was very unlikely not really details I enjoyed hearing but once I needed to hear given the circumstances while this is the son she was talking about I had actually seen this post earlier and didn't realize it was my mom posting it no mayo but she is the best mom ever I love you son if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
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Id: dsL23HJ2rCg
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Length: 23min 5sec (1385 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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