What's The Worst Smell Ever?

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what's the worst smell that you've ever experienced my dog once managed to get a jar of horseradish open he ate the entire contents describing the smell of his fart scrap would never come close to the reality i sit next to this girl in two of my classes and she always has deadly breath what's worse is she never sleeps enough so she is constantly tired and therefore yawns all the time every time i hear her you and all i can do is brace myself for the eye-watering pungent odor that's going to hit me in a few seconds not the worst smell but perpetually terrible and there's nothing i feel comfortable doing about it and before you guys suggest offering gum i've done that a few times and she never takes it well offer some listerine then jesus a bed so roughly the size of a basketball absolutely putrid close second is about 150 pounds of goat cheese that sat in a dumpster in 90 degree heat for a good week and a half after hurricane katrina i went with a relief group to clear homes this meant taking everything out trashing it and tearing the house down to the studs we went in july the year after and the house we had was owned by a former catering business owner he had three industrial sized freezers in the garage that had been flooded and baking for nearly a year we couldn't get into the garage through the house and had to break down the garage door the smell that came from that place was enough to make everyone in our group literally vomit grown men doubling over even before the door was down the freezers had been full of beef and pork then turned into a soup with flood waters then boiled in 100 plus degree temps for a year 2 stroke 10 would not smell again i got to know those smells well myself thanks for coming down though i used to work at an animal hospital one early morning after taking my coat of a co-worker pulls me aside and says hey i need your help with something outside right away i knew it was bad the only thing we keep outside are hoses pooper scoopers and thr freezer the freezer is where we keep recently dead euthanized pets before they are taken by a pet cemetery service they come every tuesday to empty the freezer it's tuesday outside the driver of the removal truck is smiling nervously in front of the padlocked freezer something reeks it wasn't so bad we pop it open and witness one of the few spectacles that i might never forget the freezer light which is designed to turn off when the door closes has malfunctioned it has remained lit for days not only burning the plastic body bags containing the carcasses but also burning large amounts of fur and cooking some flesh it was the most putrid and outright dizzyingly disgusting odor i've ever come across the combination of burnt rotting flesh singed fur and melted plastic created a powdery of the most vile stench is known to man my disgust is plastered on my face as i stare into the frozen stink tub i look up at the truck driver and he grins chuckling that'll wake you up in the morning i got a valet with the worst bo of all time attached to my clothes infected my friend elaine got my car detailed didn't help i had to sell my car the beast nice try seinfeld maybe not the worst ever but the most powerful was taking one step into the leather factory in fez morocco when he opens the door the smell almost knocks you out and you wonder how are all those people actually working in there i was repairing the phone lines in a leather factory it's a smell that lingers for weeks i went to recycle the aluminum cans from my grandfather's bar the entire shed behind the bar was full 50-60 garbage bags full of cans must have been five six months worth it was the end of summer so the bags had been there through the heathy of summer the smell of moldy beer baking in the summer heat with basically zero ventilation was easily one of the foulest smells i've ever encountered that was 10 years ago and i still remember how putrid the stench was anyone who owns a bar has probably dealt with this at some point the worst part was probably dripping beer juice on my hands arms it took everything i had not to vomit continuously through the entirety of the day but i know he appreciated it so i suppose it was worth it i cooked a big butt leg of beef for our 30 birthday i was 45 kilograms of aged goodness that i spit roasted over at charcoal fire the party was in the woods and once everyone had eaten their fill we put the remaining half a leg into the back of my cousin's van to stop foxes getting at it i was so hungover that i totally forgot about it until mid-afternoon the next day it had been festering and they're at a perfect 30 40 c all day and was turning green very much like me when i opened the door a large amount of rotten meat is quite hard to get rid of as it is classed as toxic waste so i had to chop it up and bury it in various places i held several times and ran a fairly good chance of getting arrested on suspicion of murder not sure if it was the worst smell of the worst state i have been in smelling something bad a decomposing dead body when my husband and i were living in our first apartment there was an older guy who lived across the hall from us he was a recluse in the five years we lived there we maybe saw him three times turns out he was very sick he had pancreatic cancer which we found out when people would come knocking at his door at 2 am to buy his pain pills off of him he didn't have any family or friends and just seemed to let a solitary life the building didn't have individually controlled heat so the super decided when the heat was turned on off on this particular day the heat came on full force and the hallway began to smell at first we thought maybe someone had lodged something in the garbage chute but the smell continued to get worse and worse and began to creep into our apartment my husband thought that maybe the old guy across the hall had left his fridge open accidentally and left for the week or something so we called the building super he knocked and eventually unlocked the door went into the unit across the hall the super came out and i've never seen a face go as white as i did then he told us the guy was dead and by dead i mean he was in bed decomposing the police and crime scene units were called and from what we were told they basically had to scoop him into a body bag he was that far gone they estimate that he had been dead two four weeks he had the window open a crack in a canadian winter albeit mild for ottawa so the time of death could have been off by a bit had the heat not come on and pushed the air out from under the door who knows how long it would have taken for someone to have found him in the end they cleaned up and the smell left but no one ever came to collect his things and they ended up throwing everything away obviously the things contaminated were dealt with by the crime scene crew i always found it sad that no one really cared that he had passed we didn't even know his name when our toilet was being fixed they offered us use of a still vacant unit across the hall to use i politely declined the bottom backside underside adjoining sewer drain of a dumpster at the fast food joint i used to work at we had corporate coming and for an inspection and my boss thought of the most asinine places to clean up places they would never look or even think about one of those places underneath the dumpster you know just in case bruce banner was on the inspection team and decided to lift the dumpster for a quick peek he assigned an assistant manager myself and two other guys to the task we had to come in at 4 45 a.m on saturday when the garbage company came by to ask them to leave the dumpster out of the base so we could pressure wash and scrub it clean shoulder seen the look on that guy's face something akin to why you sure you want to do that and you poor bastards they pulled out the dumpster and just i can't describe there was a drain underneath which helped sort of it was just years of caked up food and animal waste several dead rats and other animals and some live ones which scurried off we couldn't pressure wash it we had to get shovels and just start picking up and dumping it well into the dumpster where else after about an hour and a half of shoveling raking and scrubbing it was clear enough of thick layers that pressure washing actually did something not even the longest or dirtiest day of my working life but definitely the smelliest i worked in my dad's company and one of the things we would do regularly was to clean and empty grease traps we got to a chinese restaurant where that was this grease trap in the basement that hadn't been emptied for eight months couple that with the fact that there was 30 degrees down there worst smell i've ever encountered i don't think i've ever been so sick because of a smell before went to alaska we were driving from anchorage somewhere down the kenai peninsula and saw a dead gray whale washed up so we decided to stop for a picture mother of god that thing stank like heck from 100 yards away and only got worse as we got closer i don't remember the smell being that different from a normal rotting animal just much much stronger nobody can blame their farts on my dog it didn't wake me from a deep sleep give me suicidal urges and force me out of the house for half an hour definitely not a dog fart the smoldering ruins of the world trade center after 9 11 one windy night the smell drifted up to the bronx and i started choking and had to shut all of my windows no wonder a lot of first responders there got cancer a slightly opened can of cat food that i forgot about i spent days looking for a dead animal in my house convinced my cats had dragged one in but then i found the can the tab had broken off but i was still able to get in and it sat for about a week it was so bad i threw up three times washed my hand six times couldn't get the smell on my fingers off and i only touched the outside pin for about five seconds it was the smell of straight up rotted flesh and death in a can worse than a staph infection or an open septic tank rotted wet cat food never again onion decaying inside with worms so i didn't realize but i cut an onion and almost fainted it was all empty from inside with worms and a putrid smell which is worse than a fresh crap taken by a man who ate a decomposing skunk i smelled it four years ago and thinking about it still makes me want to throw up i once found an old can of fish oil or something whilst cleaning out the garage my olfactory nerves held a union meeting and went on strike until it was agreed that opening old fricked up things and smelling it was no longer in the negotiated contract it was new year's eve 2003 i was on my way to leeds to spend the night with some friends first at a house party then to a club i got to lift to my local train station basically a platform in a small village to get the train through to the city i was smoking a cigarette and sending text messages while waiting for the train to arrive it was a cold night the air was still and bitter on the face i heard voices approaching loud and brash it was a young overweight couple who obviously lived nearby as they got closer i began to sense it it got stronger and stronger as they got within metres of where i stood and i realized what it was the female counterpart of the gentleman now also lighting up his own cigarette had clearly neglected her own personal feminine hygiene for quite some time through her jeans and the cold winter air i could smell what can only be described as rancid rotting impurities smeg a stench so foul and gut-wrenching i was caught in shock my eyes began to water and i had to stop myself from getting as i turned away in disgust her poor lady parts were clearly suffering from the most awful affliction of cursed cheese drip bodily waste biohazardous disease known to man it haunts me to this day for any other tobacco choice you'll understand have a spitter at work half full on a friday go home for a three-day weekend forgetting to dump it the following tuesday omg use differential fluid the fact that i am always the first one to post this in these threads tells me that nobody andre did has ever experienced changing the oil and the rear differential on a rwd vehicle themselves it's bad but not the worst thing i have ever smelled probably not even in the top ten i passed out at the doctors and as i woke up they brought the smelling salts to my nose it's like waking up before your alarm but your alarm still goes off we had some hot dogs with us in a thermos on a hike once there were a few left over which we forgot all about months later we find this thermos in a backpack and oh boy that was some putrid stuff i'm telling you i even tried cleaning the thermos after pouring out the chunky slimy mess and rinsing it several times but it was absolutely done for by thermos my brother asked me to come over to him he then proceeded with to fart onto his hand and then cup his hand over my mouth and nose it was so bad i threw up and was crying left a tiny bit of milk in the bottom of a small milk opened it one day since i was bored my room smelled really bad for a few weeks when my gf had the vet evacuate our dog's shoot glands in a very small visiting room but that smell is unlike any fart it is a smell that comes from inside a living being oh i know when i was in eighth grade we had a home living class where we had to take care of a fake baby except i went to a small school so we couldn't afford the nice robotic babies we had eggs we had to take care of these eggs for a week if we brought back the same egg in good shape one week later we received a 100 these eggs had to be at school every day too my buddy on the very first day we received our eggs put it in its crib which was a nike shoe box he then drops the whole thing in the parking lot smashed egg he fakes another egg and paints it the exact same but like an idiot he just put the cracked egg in the little blankets at the bottom of the shoe box cut to one week later we all turn in our shoe box with our eggs and his box already smells rancid with the lid closed i watched the teacher open that box and saw her let out the heaviest dry gag that i've ever seen i mean her face was red and she had tears in her eyes i got to smell that box after class and to this day it's the worst thing i've ever smelled so when i was in fifth grade my school still did a pajama day on the bus ride to school some little kid had brought a duck stuffed animal and that thing smelled like rotten eggs sulfur just about everyone on the bus almost vomited that day one night my sister came back at night from a wedding absolutely pee drunk i walked her to her bed and she fell asleep almost immediately warren's eye was for how drunk she was i checked on her a few minutes later to find a massive puddle of vomit on the bed and floor i grabbed an old rag and proceeded to clean up when i was hit by the stench of whatever unholy combination of food and alcohol my sister mixed at that wedding i had to leave the room immediately or add to the vomit with some of my own i managed to end up cleaning the thing it had to hold my breath for the whole duration nastiest smell i've ever smelled i used to work for reporter john company and the pump trucks were the absolute worst they pump the air out from the inside of the tank to create a vacuum this is how the truck sucks out porter john's and septic tanks the air that gets pumped out is completely saturated with the smell of rotting crap it's unbelievable i left my used protein shaker in the car overnight one summer opened it the next afternoon without thinking and dry heaved immediately the smell of stitches belch on the stitch's great escape ride at disney world crap you not i could not get that smell out of my nose for the rest of the day 12m hydrochloric acid the ap chemistry teacher warned us that the scent was so powerful it could bring a grown man to his knee so we were to waft not smith i took a huge whiff and it was if someone instantaneously rammed a large needed into the bottom of my brain and my eyes watered like someone punched me in the face it's like concentrated wasabi having to complete a necropsy on a dead sea turtle that washed up several days prior i threw up twice assisting my boss he threw up once as we cut into the turtle to determine cause of death at 17 during college i worked as a cleaner in the evenings in an office unit well the guys there were so lazy that they wouldn't keep the bin liners in the bin and would pour half empty coffee cups into the bin these would sit in the bin in a hot office inside a huge factory all day long and i'd have to empty said bins every evening i was on holiday for a week and when i went back to work i had to do the usual and came into these offices and apparently the person who was covering my shifts wasn't emptying the bins i pulled the disgusting liner out and the smell made my eyes water old sour milky coffee and whatever other crap they'd thrown in throne bins working as a ground crewman in a cemetery the smell that came out of the ground when digging graves after while it was raining is indescribable you learn real quick that your brain is hardwired to recognize the smell of your own species death and doesn't want you to be there if you are wondering why the rain makes it bad when it rains all the water seeps into the ground through the decaying bodies and then pulls in the deepest area the hole being dug for the new casket so when you are digging or having to install the lowering mechanism it's just terrible walking home from school with the guys back on 2002 probably there had been this dead [ __ ] on the side of the road for a few days this particular afternoon eric decides to kick it while stirring up the odors of that roadkill was a terrible idea never smelled anything that bad before or since putrid turkey eggs my buddy in elementary school had a couple of deranged turkeys that wandered his property i stumbled onto a few eggs that had been left to bake in the sun for probably a week or so the smell was so sudden and overwhelming that i immediately threw up the lunch i had just eaten second week as a cop a profession i've long abandoned we had a missing person about three weeks old and got a call that a car matching the description of the mp was found by a local rancher it was august and the temps averaged high 90s low 100s i got to about 75 yards from the car and could smell it seriously to this day i can close my eyes think about and still smell the putrefaction coming from that body i promptly went back to town and grabbed a squad pack from the fire department and it didn't help i tossed everything i was wearing except for the gun belt because i couldn't wash the smell out a beaker of ammonia i was trying to check if it was acetone or ammonia you do that crap once during your career and never again worked on the front desk you know asylum seeker council boodling someone else bought an obviously homeless guy i was 20 feet away and the stench of him hit me like a wall the acrid urine and body odour made my eyes water from twenty feet i nearly puked the poor worker had to take him into a small private room to interview them how the frick they did this without passing out is beyond me ever heard of oobleck cornstarch mixed with water makes a really fun to play with semi-liquid it's hard if you punch it but it runs like a liquid anyway don't leave it in a closed container for a weekend it's a mix of rotten cheese the worst athlete's foot you can have and death i was biking on a country road once and i passed by a truck that was distributing fertilizer onto the crops i was still smelling the reek of cow crap for days afterwards when they cut open a body that's been rotting in a river for a two weeks my mother used to work for the county coroner as a forensic scientist and i went to work with her because i was curious let's just say working with dead bodies was quickly removed from my list of jobs about three years ago i was employed at a certain chicken based restaurant they had pulled one of the chicken freezers out of storage after it had been sitting for three years someone had left a pan full of raw chicken inside the freezer before putting it in storage needless to say the smell was horrendous only time i have ever vomited from scent alone i was also the one who had to clean it out fast food employment was a dark time in my life i ate three fiber one bars once before an engineering class cleared out the room everyone ran to the fabrication shop in the back if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
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Keywords: worst smells, worst smell ever, worst smells in history, worst smell in the world, smell, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2020, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: 8QqyYAGpko0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 6sec (1326 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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