People Tell Their Horrifying Craziest Ex Breakup Stories

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redditors with unstable exes what's the craziest thing they did after you guys broke up serious nsw an ex-girlfriend signed me up for a paid membership in the ku klux klan that never goes away for some reason i pictured membership to the kkk being more involved didn't realize it was not unlike a gym membership a magazine sub came in four hours after saying she was going to the store to buy some milk s faced drunk and without the milk she then proceeded to try to stab me to death with scissors when i asked about the milk had to call the cops to come get her after locking herself in her room and trying to tell the cops the blood in the bathroom mine was hers they finally got her and hauled her away it was pretty obvious what happened especially considering i was stone cold sober and bleeding slept with another guy got pregnant had an abortion and showed proof to me so i'd think she'd aborted my own child the proof was medical documentation not an aborted fetus on my doorstep smashed my new 50 inches tv slashed all my tires and threw my laptop in the bathtub he had to pay for it although so i didn't press charges dumbass left me a bunch of text saying he would do it my phone was dead at the time so i didn't see them till after the damage was done so he was easily caught oh and it was perfect timing since it was close to christmas and i ended up buying a nice of 55 inches tv because of all the after christmas deals this happened to my brother's fiance kim a few years before kim met my brother she started dating this guy named paul they were both about 23 years old paul was an eccentric moody introverted but apparently charming jazz guitar player whose father was a very wealthy banker type so paul really had zero financial worries he also had spent his senior year of high school in and out of a mental hospital for depression anxiety or something along those lines despite being very good-looking kim was his first girlfriend right away he was pretty much obsessed with her for the one year they dated he would stalk her when she went to her college classes at a campus 40 miles from where he lived would call up her friends whom he'd never met and ask where she was etc etc he started out pretty subtle about this and was able to hide it for a while but eventually kim couldn't increasingly his creepy behavior and erratic mood swings it broke her heart to do so but she had to break up with him the guy did not take this well at all had some sort of mental breakdown at 2am a few days after the breakup he showed up at her parents house where she lived with a knife and threatened to slit his own throat on her doorstep kim talked him down and he apparently realized that he was acting insane and left promising not to scare her again in spite of all this kim still kept in contact with him to make sure he was doing all right he apparently got much better after couple weeks and moved out of state to live with his old friends bandmates about six weeks passes she doesn't hear from him around this time she comes home and notices an unpleasant smell outside her house another day or two passes and the smell intensifies her father investigating under the crawl space of the house finds paul's decaying body underneath the house he had apparently crawled directly under her bedroom and overdosed on some sort of prescription meds what's worse is that the body contained a suicide note addressed to kim i haven't been told what it said but i don't think i want to know holy frick this one takes a cake he got a tattoo of my name three days after i told him i never want to see him again and he showed up to my house to show me the tattoo i slammed the door in his face the only woman's name a man should get a tattoo of is his mother's all other relationships involving tattoos are cursed [Music] walk three miles to my house with a pot of mac and cheese because her parents took away her car for being crazy and stalking me after i didn't come outside she started banging pots and pans together flinging mac and cheese everywhere then slit her wrists freaking insane yes she lived another minor detail that adds to the crazy was that she actually lived about 20 miles away from me so she became friends with a girl the house she walked three miles from and stayed over at her house in order to get within striking distance so this was planned for over a month during college i went on one date with the girl i'd met in line at the bookstore it was a nice dinner followed by drinks at the bar and the night ended at her place i thought i legitimately liked her the next evening she called to ask if we could hang out but i had a birthday party to attend with a bunch of guy friends and wouldn't be available she showed up at the bar we were at and i chatted for a minute but explained i was spending time with the guys and would call her some other time she seemed agitated the party moved on and i started getting texts from her every 10 minutes for the rest of the night i responded to none of them and they got progressively angrier you should ditch your friends why are you being such a jerk tonight frick you butthole i swear i'm not crazy i'm sorry high life beer guy come over and i'll make it up to you frick you etc etc the next morning i had received a total of 24 text messages eight calls 10 aim messages two facebook's messages and one long email trying to explain herself i saw her in passing several times through the rest of college she usually gave me an angry glare tl dr klinger alert that might be a stage six i was my ex's emergency contact he broke up with me in august and having been dumped i stopped taking his calls and answering his texts this went on for a month and a half in early october i got a call from the hospital saying they needed me to come in as i was is emergency contact he was a delivery driver for a restaurant and got hit by a car thankfully he was just scratched and bruised but nothing major we checked out and i dropped him off at home as he's getting out of the car he says i'm glad you came i didn't know what else to do to finally get you to talk to me again i was livid i told him to get out holy crap she texted me one day and told me she didn't want to be together anymore and that she wanted to go back with her ex she was kind of controlling girl anyway and i didn't mind but two days later she told me she wasn't on birth control while we were seeing each other and she lied so she could try to have a kid with me she just wanted a kid so i was basically sperm to her my 19 year old self was freaking the frick out for a few weeks and imagining a terrible life of crappy job and a horrible baby mama situation luckily she wasn't pregnant and she kept begging me to come freak her like three times in a month i said no thanks every time and she ended up getting pregnant by some other guy i just laugh every time i think about her really dumb life go to feel a little bad for the other guy though x crap on my porch for a whole week after i broke up with her every morning i went out to get the paper and on my doormat was a crap this only stopped when i involved local law enforcement she told me that her ex they were together at the time enrolled in the same class in junior college with her so they can be in class together one day he caught her glancing at another guy in class and proceeded to beat the crap out of her later that night so she got with me instead we live 25 miles apart and i could only see her about four days out of the week eventually she broke up with me because i couldn't see her every day she went back to woman beat a dude because she said she'd rather get beaten because it shows that he loves her with all his attention a year later i ran into her randomly with a baby she said she regrets leaving me hugh earlier this year a buddy of mine was contacted by a local police department apparently the xbf of his new for at least a year girlfriend had put a hit out on the girlfriend her family and the new boyfriend my buddy to make it worse the xbf is was an attorney and had hired a client of his that had been acquitted of murder in 2008. if you screenshot it people will still be able to find it by googling the phrases used in the article tore a small ornamental tree out of my front lawn and threw it onto my roof created a fake facebook using a mutual distant friend's name and started talking to me for weeks until i agreed to meet he showed up as if the old switcheroo was going to draw me back in and when it didn't he tried to shame me for meeting strangers called me up sobbing and told me he had aids there was more but these are just the highlights that still wrangle a bit my ex went out of her way and became friends with my new girl at the time what makes it even worse they became best friends i got the f out you missed out on psycho three-way freaking session moved home knowingly became hiv positive sent me a copy of the test with a note that said i did this because you left me have a happy life my ex so of two years broke it off because she didn't want to be in a long-distance relationship while she studied abroad perfectly fine by me since she was doing two stints in a row and i wouldn't see her for a year and a half summer to end of next summer she skype calls me about three weeks after we broke up and about two weeks after she started studying abroad to ask for help getting a guide to date her but being the always overly nice guy that i am i say sure but if i do this i expect you to cut all ties with me forever unless it's an emergency she complied i told her to just ask him out it works i hang up she skype calls me a month later saying it's an emergency she wants to end it because he is not like spanish me after all but doesn't know how i told her the best dong repellent is to ask him to help her pick up another guy and hung up golden i broke up with her and she said that she didn't want me around the apartment i was mostly paying for i told her i needed access to my belongings and so i would need to come into the apartment to get them she flips out and starts trying to wrench my keys out of my pocket and hitting me when this proves ruthless she physically blocks the door eye to the room i am in and doesn't let me out i try to squeeze by her without pushing too hard she starts slapping and scratching me i get tired of this and threaten to call the cops i dial and she finally gets out of the way unfortunately the cops had to come anyway because it was a domestic dispute and instantly start trying to drag me out of my own apartment i had to inform them that it was actually me that called and not the sobbing girl because she had become abusive and i wasn't going to get physical with her tl dr had to call the cops on an x because she was going batshit insane it does generally seem like gender profiling in domestic abuse cases is more common than i had hoped dated a guy my senior year of high school who went to a different school i was 18 and he told me he was 17. i broke it off after i moved away to college he ended up adding all of my new college friends i was making he then proceeded to contact all of them to explain how he was 15 when we dated and i was a diddler who liked little boys i called him and asked what the frick he was talking about and he explained that if i lost all my new friends and was having a miserable time then i'd come back home and we would be together for the record he ended up being 16 during the two months we dated still not cool so i was his first real girlfriend he was 30 at the time we had lived together for just over a year but it just wasn't working out the actual breakup lasted about two months my son and i stayed with my mom during that time and he claimed he just needed time to deal with things i hadn't heard from him for a few days so i went by the house to check on things and he was gone the only thing missing was his gun for two weeks nobody heard from him but he was actively checking his messages on facebook he didn't even call into work when he finally did answer his phone he said he had been backpacking the neighboring states and wasn't coming back for any of his belongings it's been a little over a year and all of his things are still in my garage i later found out he stole a bunch of my lingerie pieces it was like he didn't want me to have have a complete set so he took either the bra or panties n got both my apologies for the warlord text and man does it feel good to vent that's weird i can pick a few things out of the vast ocean of crazy that is my ex she called two different jobs and proceeded to tell my boss that i was a bad person crazy unreliable and i should be fired she actually called one of my bosses about 40 something times in a row she threw the top of a grill bbq grill at me because i left to go to work she threw gravel at my car after i didn't agree to her schedule that's right i got her pregnant now i am the custodial parent btw she only sees the kiddo on the weekends she threw a metal chair at my sliding glass doors she got me arrested this one takes some explanation she was in a rage because i was going to drop off our child at her mom's she had found out i was seeing someone else this was many months after we'd broken up i had stopped in the street in front of her mom's house to get some of the child stuff out of the trunk the kid is asleep in the back of the car btw she pulls up behind jumps out and starts taking my girlfriend's stuff out of the trunk she starts making fun of this girl who she'd never met for wearing makeup she then slaps it off the back of my car into the snow on the side of the road as i'm trying to pick it up she kicks it the bag opens makeup goes flying all over the place i start trying to pick it up and she starts trying to kick it away from me so i stand up and push her back i push her on her sternum area this was a mistake she calls the cops says i was abusing her and i get to spend the night in jail i could go on but i think the picture is painted eta i decided to add a few things she also smashed the lights and windshield of my car i loaned her a newer car that we had bought when we were together so she could go to colorado and work she ended up taking the car for a month drove all the way from kansas to oregon and everywhere in between without telling me leaving me to care for our child she ended up getting arrested when i took the cops with me to get my car back a few weeks later she tried to steal the car back from me and ended up damaging the window she was involuntarily committed a few times for suicidal actions she was a peach i get to see her in court today she would text me tell me that her daughter missed me and that she wanted to work things out come to find out she was telling a common friend that i was making her go places when she was the one calling and asking me to meet her also found out that four months after we slept together last that she was going to try to report me to the police for forcing myself on her all this info came to me from a common friend when he realized that she was lying due to the fact that she said i punched her and had no bruises there is a one foot height and almost 200 pounds weight difference honestly she had been so honest and straightforward before that it really broke my hair all over again to think that she would spread that kind of rumor about me when all i ever did was care for her and be patient with her and her daughter destroyed me more than the actual breakup during the divorce process had a gang bang in the back of a club with seven or eight guys after the divorce process took out credit in my name three times succeeded the first time when the place she did it had just let her sign my name my attorney took care of that one the others she was flatly denied because i had a notation put on my credit report she was denied two thousand dollars a month alimony in the divorce as well we were engaged six months from getting married we'd been together five years he started getting mean the last two years or so we got into a fight and he decides it's the time to tell me he's been picking up random chicks at the bar and bringing them home to frick in our bed this is while i was working too sometimes three jobs to support him through school when i told him that was it i was leaving i knew it was going to be bad he locked me in our bedroom no phone he nailed the window shut i spent a day in there before one of our friends stopped by and i was able to holler and get them to let me out i had a couple of friends help me collect what few things i was taking as i was afraid to be alone with him most of my belongings were left behind he would harrison scream and then beg and cry the three trips we made to move things i was bartending back then and he'd show up and wait in the parking lot until i was off work he tried to push me around decked me a couple of times because i just wasn't listening to him trying to apologize he'd follow me to my new apartment i know he broke into my apartment at least twice while i was at work left messages to let me know he'd been there from the bar i'd made friends with several of the county sheriff's officers as they would have to come break up bar fights quite often i told them about it they had a friendly talk with him one night when he was waiting for me outside the bar i never saw him again i hope the message of that talk was mostly communicated through their fists demanded i pay more than the court mandated amount for child support when i said no she called the police on me saying i had kidnapped our daughter when it was during my visitation craziest tried to kill himself by eating apple seeds because he read they have cyanide or something in them this was eight years ago and he hasn't had a girlfriend since he left me hope he smoked some cigarettes to kill the bacteria in his stomach kind of hard to pick the single craziest thing but maybe we can do a short list one i was the head vasa teacher coach at my town's high school and she called the athletic director with an anonymous tip that i was freaking several of the girls obviously i wasn't i wouldn't even allow myself to be left alone with less than three of them because even a rumor like that could ruin my life career two she came over to my house to talk read yell at me and probably assault me uninvited and when i refused to come out and talk to her she tried kicking in the door when that proved to be an unsuccessful venture she stormed back to her car but not without first kicking my car and leaving a massive dent in the side of it i watched her do this yet she still denied having done it three she called the police to tell them that i was selling herb to high school kids of course i wasn't i wasn't selling it to anyone let alone high school kids which would have endangered both my coaching job and i was working as a substitute teacher for the school district at the time four she slashed her own god damn tyre and called the police to tell them that i had done it luckily i was verifiably out of town during the window of opportunity so nothing came of it five we had a storage unit together and during the breakup she stole my key to it afterwards she was holding my stuff for ransom until i met her ridiculous demands i of course failed to do so and she ended up either keeping destroying giving away or selling all of my crap which included a bunch of my books dvds clothes a nice expensive body piercing kit and a ton of irreplaceable momentous six she messaged harassed me on fb then got upset because i wasn't being very nice to her and called the police on me for harassing her seven she stalked my rendered profile created an account just to harass me here then created another one to do more crap talking after she realized that the mods had done something to her account and i wasn't getting her messages i reported her again and haven't heard anything from her since i'm hoping that the mod maybe banned her ip so that she couldn't access reddit at all because that would taste super just to see or maybe she was just warned and she is still checking up on my post history she has since moved on to attempting to ruin other people's lives which unfortunately includes other people that i know and of course this is just the stuff that she did after we broke up if you guys would like to hear about some of the psycho crap she pulled while we were together i'd be happy to share if there is some interest tl dr if you're still stalking me sc aerial i hope that karma catches up with you sooner rather than later i feel like i might have won this thread lost in life my ex walked into thanksgiving dinner while my stepfather was putting the turkey on the table demanded to know if i was sleeping with the girl that was there she then tried to steal my phone and after 10 more minutes of her screaming obscenities proceeded to steal my bed i mean she literally took my mattress and box spring through the house brought them out on the front lawn she quickly realized that her honda civic wasn't going to be able to transport my mattress and box spring so she took the only reasonable course of action and proceeded to stand on them so that i couldn't get them back she made a phone call and a few minutes later her sister showed up with a truck she screamed have fun freaking on the floor loaded my bed into the truck then got in her car and left that was two years ago i'm still with the other girl and i did indeed enjoy freaking her on the floor anyone asking why i didn't call the cops to be honest it would have been useless it would have delayed the meal longer they wouldn't have gotten to my house in time to stop her and by the time they did get to my house that bed was already in whatever dumpster she threw it in a week after i had kicked her out she walked into my apartment drunk as heck with her new boyfriend and a couple of his friends at 3am guess she still had a key i jumped out of bed ran into the living room and asked her what the frick she was doing there her new boyfriend got in my face saying she and i were in a common law marriage because we had lived together for so long and they were too drunk to drive back home so they were gonna sleep in the living room i threatened to call the police voices got raised my ex finally said that they'd be more comfortable sleeping in their car outside i went back to bed where a new girl was still naked and confused if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot
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Keywords: crazy ex girlfriend, crazy ex, crazy ex girlfriend complications, crazy ex boyfriend, breakup story, breakup stories, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: 2FFu3RhtmqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 36sec (1416 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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