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Idk who Cody ko is but I like his style.

👍︎︎ 70 👤︎︎ u/Pm-mind_control 📅︎︎ Jan 10 2018 🗫︎ replies

I think this is something that will resonate with a lot of people. I can't tell you how many friends have taken time off school, or quit their jobs to go "travel the world/chase their dreams." When in reality they either stacked up debt or hit up Mom and Dad for a 6 month backpacking trip to Europe. Sure, I'm envious as fuck, but having a level head is necessary to prevent insanity. I work one of those "boring desk jobs," but I'm not miserable. It allows me to live comfortably and debt-free. Once or twice a year I can travel the country and even more weekend trips to closer places in between.

I've seen friends post something along the lines of: "give up your possessions and you can travel like this forever!" No you cannot. I mean, sure, you technically can. But I am of the firm belief it takes a very special kind of person. Like the video showed, it'll be fun for an extended period of time, but most people will want to return to somewhere after a while.

Maybe this is a generational thing, or it's been around for a while, but enjoy the lifestyle that allows you happiness, people. It doesn't have to be a fairytale.

👍︎︎ 207 👤︎︎ u/atm5426 📅︎︎ Jan 10 2018 🗫︎ replies

Damn that was really well made. Entertaining and funny and one hell of a message. Makes me so glad I didn’t have Instagram growing up or in my 20s even. Would’ve fucked with my head, this stuff.

👍︎︎ 137 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jan 10 2018 🗫︎ replies

Interesting commentary. I think I agree with him - I learned a long time ago, if you are going to so something big then do it for yourself and not for how it appears to others.

👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/caw81 📅︎︎ Jan 10 2018 🗫︎ replies

The thing I see most from these FARTS that I don't like is this shared mentality of

"You can do the stuff I do too!"

Then they usually go on to shit all over labor and office jobs. And the guy in the vid is right. Nobody WANTS to do those jobs.

But someone HAS to do them. There HAS to be trash men, or accountants, or servers.

We are a society and every job is a cog that moves us as a people along. Someone had to design the tech he was using. The toilet he shits on. The intricate sewer way to take it far away from him.

If everyone's fucking off in their blue water adventures talking about how "Work life just isn't for me" then we're all just cavemen again.

"Mike you make the fire tonight. You make the best fires."

"Woah man. That sounds like a job. I'm not about that life."

Mike Rowe does some REALLY good speeches on the importance of the blue collar job and why we should stop saying shit like these FARTs are saying.

👍︎︎ 43 👤︎︎ u/EtsuRah 📅︎︎ Jan 10 2018 🗫︎ replies

Sweet kitchen though. I wish mine was that spacious.

👍︎︎ 43 👤︎︎ u/blahreport 📅︎︎ Jan 09 2018 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/BattyWest 📅︎︎ Jan 10 2018 🗫︎ replies

This guy is hilarious. Good video. I've never had Instagram. I'm all set with looking at self absorbed people all day. I get enough of that on imgur.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jan 10 2018 🗫︎ replies

As someone who actually does this for a living full-time (travel photography/content creation), this is painfully accurate portraying the scene and most of my friends and colleagues who are big in it with me. Unfortunately people like this kid are very prominent, but at the same time there are plenty of genuine and down-to-Earth folks in the scene as well. It comes down to two types of people who go after this line of work though: those who have a passion for photography/film and genuinely want to share their vision and stories with others and just so happened to have gained supporters and followers of their work, and people who want to seem cool for their friends on social media, and literally just want followers.

For me, Instagram is a means to an end to advertise and expose my own work in order to better make a living doing photography work, for many others its literally their main objective is curating a feed for people to think they are cool while making virtually no money off the travels and things they do.

I know people who have 200k+ followers that have yet to make any money doing this, I also know people with less than 20k followers making almost $100k/year doing photo work. It 100% depends on what you put into it and how you're marketing yourself. But I can tell you that this Crea Tyler kid is 110% without a doubt not making any money off this shit based off what he's done.

Don't believe what you see on social media, it's literally curated to make you feel jealous and left out and like your life sucks so you spend more money chasing a reality that doesn't exist. Many people think my reality is constantly traveling the country and world, getting paid to hang out with bands and athletes and famous people, and getting paid to shoot cars and brands and travel videos and shit and yes, that's real to an extent, but this dude is absolutely right in saying that there is still the mundane and boredom and shitty things in everyone's life. It's still a job, and I think Crea Tyler realized that and noped out thinking it was gonna be your stereotypical Sam Kolder video of a life.

👍︎︎ 73 👤︎︎ u/Veda_ 📅︎︎ Jan 09 2018 🗫︎ replies
there's a certain genre of content on Instagram YouTube and I feel like nobody's really talked about it before or maybe they have I don't know maybe I've just been too busy chillin and meek enough to notice chillin in some white ass buildings looking out at some blue ass water why is it that everyone on Instagram is just always in Greece why is that a thing Oh everybody is just always in Greece it's as if all of my friends are in Greece this is the genre of content I'm talking about I'm gonna call it the [ __ ] around relax travel content or fart for short well FOMO probably would have been a better acronym but [ __ ] it let's go with fart I'm talking about images like this or like this or like this videos like this water that's way too blue attractive people smiling girls leading people places cliffs [ __ ] exploiting third-world countries for Instagram likes blue water [ __ ] blue ass water and they always have really generic captions about the value of experiences or whatever the [ __ ] here's one on Twitter from a girl this one kind of went viral it's a girl who challenged herself to live as if it was her last year on earth or something like that do you know what I'm talking about now this is the the wish fulfillment [ __ ] that people people look at and they're like god I wish my life was like that this is the [ __ ] that's supposed to inspire people to live life to the fullest and to try new things but in reality I think all this does is just make people hate their own lives everyone that makes this [ __ ] is basically just like yo check out this dope ass place I'm in in this part of the world you've never [ __ ] been look at this blue ass water check out this white ass Beach what are you stuck in an office cubicle maybe that sucks that blows guess where I am [ __ ] Bali it's awesome I'm not gonna tell you how I got here how much money it was where I even got the money I'm not gonna tell you any of that [ __ ] I'm just gonna show you that I'm here and you're gonna feel like a piece of [ __ ] I think Jay Alvarez was the one who pioneered this whole genre of content he's was the first page that I stumbled on like years ago where I was like holy [ __ ] this water yo come check out how blue this water is what is this dude doing then I looked in further and I was like he's just always [ __ ] traveling how and I wrapped up in it I looked at that [ __ ] and I was like oh I want to do that what am i doing what the [ __ ] is this why am i working I shouldn't be working I should be I should be jerking off in Greece like let's check out some of these pictures all right I mean come on look at this water how blue is that I've never even seen that shade of blue before consumed my mind and soul there's always some [ __ ] about souls oh there is in Greece white ass buildings blue eyes water G wagons skydiving house in the hills private jets it's always the same [ __ ] this is he four he's flying from Mykonos to Burning Man come on how much more of a cliche could you possibly be here's one the caption says I discover new places on this earth and I find new parts of my soul there too do you alright and there's a tag in the picture here live look I oh good so it's a sponsored picture you find that little part of your soul - we all have that in there a little sellout part I realize now I'm sounding I'm sounding a little bit bitter I don't actually hate this guy's page I just think it's a giant cliche hey check out where I am this place is [ __ ] sick look at this car I'm driving and you're not any of this I'm awesome and you're just not I mean let's look at some of his YouTube videos hot girl leading him somewhere that's a staple skydiving snowboarding surfing blue ass water hog girls more blue water blue ass water holy [ __ ] let's look at the comments this makes me want to kill myself you hope my problem is like they always talk about inspiring people and living like the fullest and blah blah blah this to me is not inspiring at all this is just like it's just showing off let's check another video out holy [ __ ] alright yeah pretty pretty cool stuff right and commenter draw agrees with me he says I want to do that Jade eme please I want to hang and then he right afterwards he says poo poo diarrhea I have diarrhea some tells me that's probably the opposite of what you should write if you want Jay to DM you hit me up dude by the way I got like mad diarrhea I want to live the way you do bruh such an amazing life I just got back from Oregon that's what that's a fun place the description of this video says because of reasons I can't speak of this project got cut short was unable to express all that as happen on this trip regardless the memories of chasing ideas and dreams in Dubai was something special currently working on passion projects how's that for fart speak I live for the memories of chasing ideas and dreams well what is that even saying do you just like doing things that's what that means let's see what projects he's working on I think his main thing is he's a video guy right he's posted two videos in the past year so maybe he's not focusing on video he was on his Instagram recently oh my god stay in school kids all right he's got a video of himself running underwater I guess he's got a hoodie that says you Tess [ __ ] sure that took a while to conceptualize and then he's got another shirt that says made by heaven definitely copying that okay look I gotta be honest I actually don't really have anything against J Alvarez I just made fun of him for a little while but I think he's just the perfect example of fart contact but at the end of the day his pictures are cool as videos are cool I'm sure people like watching them I'm sure it inspires somebody out there even if it just kind of seems like he gets off on people being jealous of him look I went travelling for a while and my Instagram was I hate to admit it but it was sort of like this but I've also talked in great lengths about what it took to get there on my podcast how much money it was it's not that expensive to travel it's really not hostels are very cheap plus there's a ton of negative things about traveling too and I've also talked about in other content like this one where my leg almost [ __ ] fell off I think that's the difference I feel like most people who put out this type of content just get off on the MV what about this though what about if someone was profiting off this MV in a really [ __ ] up way well that's where our homie create Tyler comes in this kid create Tyler you get it create Tyler create I alert I honestly took me a long time to get that I thought Korea was his first name swear to god this dude kind of does the exact same [ __ ] he's just like a little bit younger takes pictures and cities all around the world private jets g-wagen hot tubs blue ass water blue ass water this picture is tagged as off-the-grid which come on the irony and tagging a picture off the grid is just [ __ ] fantastic this is the same [ __ ] right people look at this and like goddamn it I want to live that [ __ ] life how is this kid doing this what a boss who [ __ ] boss look at that water how blue is that [ __ ] I want a jerk-off in Bali okay so he posts Instagram stuff he posted YouTube stuff a year ago one of his videos blew the [ __ ] up and it was this video it's called college dropout by create Eilert you don't have to have your name in the [ __ ] thing we know it's I dropped out of college one year ago nothing you say do you see that water it's bluest [ __ ] bordering on green I don't remember the last time I attended classes I just feel like college isn't the right choice for me right now cringe whoever the [ __ ] that was was just asking a logistical question that's all that was and he gave the douchiest answer just to get that shot when was the last time you attended classes um I don't know I just feel like college just like isn't the right choice for me right now all right sir I'm the office assistant I'm not your guidance counselor all right I don't give a [ __ ] about that can you just remember the date please I wanted to produce content and travel for a living when I was in high school so does everyone dude like what you're not special because you wanted to travel for a living like these are the types of dudes that claim desk jobs aren't for them you know else they're not for literally everyone nobody is born to sit at a desk you got to do what you got to do anyways the video continues is like a montage of hot people having fun and then he says this so that's why I'm going to be starting an episode of my life every single day every day our dude create Tyler was gonna pump out a fart video every single day well in the next video posted was a week later and then a month and then he just didn't post again for a year he wrote this on a second when he said regarding daily videos I will be pausing the daily uploads keep in mind this is this is his first one pausing the daily uploads until I am more settled in LA in the meanwhile I will still be trying to upload three days a week Tuesday Thursday and Sunday I am trying my best to keep my word and then he just didn't post again for almost a year that is [ __ ] awesome he was still posting super farty images on his Instagram so how was he making money well rich parents probably but he also started like a internship program I guess or something I don't know basically he would hire people for whatever the [ __ ] he does because it's not make videos it turns out what he what he was doing is basically making the people that applied pay a monthly fee to join his club and then just not do it just stealing their money straight up here's one of the dudes I got scammed he sent me the link to his private club where I can become a member so I convinced my parents let me by really like you buy it once and then it keeps renewing so I was like hey man I bought it once I can't afford to buy it again it was like fifty bucks I texted him I was like can I cancel it didn't answer I do um Tim on Instagram I said can I cancel it he didn't answer so now my fifty bucks is just gonna keep renewing every single month and I can't cancel it did you can just call your bank and so not only did create Tyler decided wasn't enough that impressionable youths were envious of his lifestyle he also had to steal from them so then a bunch of people posted about him being a scam artist all the while he just wasn't posting anymore and then all of a sudden out of [ __ ] nowhere November comes and he drops a heater of a video it's called create Tyler quits YouTube again you don't need the your name in the title it's right there I dropped out of college one year [Music] eight - holy [ __ ] I gotta give this kid credit his ability to market laziness it's [ __ ] amazing seriously someone should hire him just because of that this is a basic trailer about the fact that he hasn't posted in eight months it's amazing this video is more the same fast cars blow ass water pencast water and then he promises a full video and explanation will release on December 6 he posted this on November 30th and now it's January 5th and there still isn't another video I love this kid this kid is king of the farts I almost want to join his club and just pay him monthly to keep being lazy because I think it's [ __ ] hilarious guaranteed if he ever actually posts the explanation video the description will be something some apology about how he's working on upper passion projects or some [ __ ] all these people use the exact same words soul-searching creative minds experiences passion projects finding the essence of life this is just all excuses to be lazy it's like a full minute of title screens at the end here the new beginning all new videos video edited by crea Tyler shot by crea Tyler produced by create hour coming soon December 6 this [ __ ] is not hard to make like what I realize about 15 minutes ago that I was hungry [Music] are you hungry uh yeah and I feel like Chinese is the right choice for me right now I wanted to eat Chinese food but I didn't want to go to the store so that's why I decided I was gonna get takeout there you go see you're probably jealous you want some Chinese food right not that hard all right so what's the point of this video I wanted to point out that it's easy to be jealous of people's farts right ucg Alvarez skydiving in Dubai sikri a Tyler about to get on a [ __ ] jet and you're like damn I should be doing that but here's the thing nothing comes easy and everything you see on social media is fake everything chances are if someone's posting this type of [ __ ] they come from money or they're not having nearly as much fun as you think they do this is coming from someone who traveled who backpack for eight months it was fun sure but I made one real friend that whole year almost and by the end I was just like I miss I want to come home there's only so much blue ass water you can you can look at eventually you're like I've seen every shade of blue that girl on Twitter who challenged herself to live life to the fullest or whatever she challenged herself to by flights when her parents credit card Jay Alvarez does coke ads now which is not I'm not saying anything against that I'm just saying you got it people gotta pay for this [ __ ] someone's gotta pay for this [ __ ] he tried to sell his G Wagen one time on Instagram create Tyler is straight-up scamming people he's stealing money from his followers traveling's cool but you know what else is cool having a mortgage starting a family getting a degree having people in your life that actually care about you and that you actually care about that shit's actually cool don't see farts and think damn I should be farting you're doing fine if you really want something like that just save up and go to Bali for two weeks do some yoga chill and some blue ass water get your fix and then come home and work on [ __ ] that actually has meaning to you make sure you comment fart on every picture you see of people in Greece on Instagram now and I'll see you guys next time you
Channel: Cody Ko
Views: 6,062,719
Rating: 4.9808278 out of 5
Keywords: cody ko, jay alvarrez, crea tyler, creatyler, travel, inspiration, comedy, lol, surfing, snowboarding, dreams, wow, inspo, water, greece, Cody ko, cody, ko, instagram, sketch, dms, cringe, vine, advice, vlog, comments, codyko, comedian, vines, podcast, funny, tiny meat gang, insanely chill, 6secondauditions, the weekend edition
Id: fDugAaJy4zM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2018
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