Teachers of Reddit, what is your ”this student is so dumb its scary” story?

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ah / ass credit by reddit and chill teachers had read it what is your this student is so damaged scary story backed when I was teaching high school I was given an exam to my first year students and one of them stole the key to the exam the second year students were taking he was not subtle about it either the whole fake a sneeze go get tissue pick up a large piece of paper and think you're skinny teenage body can conceal it angle I should have said something but the fact that I was so fed up with a sorta crap by that point is one of the reasons I quit teaching high school anyway that's not what made it such a dumb decision what made it done was when he bombed the exam he tried to claim that I purposely miss graded his exam because I hated him and even got his mother in on it for a parent conference which means his own mother was front and center for me when I pointed out how his answer form was a perfect match for a test he didn't take one was not happy with him to say the least though for the icing on the cake she did ask that I let him rain take the real test and since she honestly seemed to care a lot more than many of the parents I met and since I did admittedly feel a little guilty for not trying to prevent it in the first place not that I admitted to that part as a compromise we let him come after school to retry at a penalty and in the end he freakin aced the test he was normally a C student or so and if he'd just done that the first time the weight of the exam probably would have bumped him up low B ESOP couldn't have turned it into our better cheaters never prosper fable and in the end he freakin aced the test he was normally a C student or so makes me suspicious that he found a way to more successfully cheat the second time around did you give him a different exam than what all of his classmates had I teach fifth grade I had to explain to a student walking in line he would never walk in line correctly finally after correcting him for the 1,000th time he snapped what do you mean what do you mean get line what's the line YT teachers always say that it never occurred to me he didn't understand after being in school for years he was the best though one of my favorites he's definitely gonna take philosophy as the university student I've seen a bunch of cooking disasters my favorite was when a girl tried to make mac and cheese with vodka instead of water because she didn't trust the tap water there was a small fire and my entire residence hall had to stand outside for an hour and a half in the middle of the night while it got put out I had a classmate put a thermometer into the middle of a Bunsen burner to see how hot the fire was as glass and mercury promptly exploded everywhere I'm pretty sure I saw the teachers so leave her body never saw her look so horrified or pissed before classmates and I were 12 edit I'm English yes we still use those thermometers this happened in like 2011 to 2012 that's not so bad I feel student could have used a bit more for knowledge but curiosity is what builds stem on a number of occasions around five or six I have had to explain to students that you can still get pregnant even if you don't orgasm apparently it's an old wives tale in a bunch of cultures and when I corrected them they fought back it's a really really old wives tale interestingly probably from as far back as ancient Greece via Aristotle or even further fidella beasts Khan link this isn't really a scholarly article bit of does mention it when I was student teaching I had one who was just on the verge of passing thanks to the incredible mercy of the primary teacher all he needed to do was turn in a worksheet and he finished in class I know that he finished it because I watched him and helped him do it all he had to do was give it to the teacher but in his mind that would mean that she had won so he refused to turn it in I left the school before the end of the sim mr. but I would bet money that he failed the class I work with kids 12-18 and the amount of middle schoolers who do all of their work and packet around in their bag without ever putting it in the homework box or handing it to the teacher is astounding if anyone figures out why they do this please help me law edit Thanks to everyone who shared their stories I think I gave some better insight now hopefully I can help my kiddos more with some starting points I had a little boy first grade who always got 14 as his answer to every problem no matter what on the second day of school I sat down to do three plus two with him using counters we set out a pile of three and a pile of two I told him to count and watched in horror as he pushed the counters into a line and then counted back and forth and back and forth recounting them until he got to 14 that was the biggest number he knew he would have just kept going on oh no at least this is while he's young when it can be easily corrected I like his thought process oh if I keep going you'll find the answer eventually goes to show that if he didn't have the limit of 14 he would just keep going get him into something where that kind of mentality works kids asked me I from Detroit or some other city I forget I said neither I moved here from Pennsylvania one girl gasped and asked do they have slaves they're dot not legally I'm a flight instructor had a student who really wasn't cut out for flying before each lesson he job was to do a pre-flight on the airplane and make sure everything was working one of the items Eva checked during the pre-flight or the flaps basically they are a flap of metal that extends from the aft section of the wing and drops down into the airstream during landings well we flower says the 172 where the wings are on top of the cockpit above the pilot and the flaps are situated just behind the door without fail this guy opens the door moves the switch to deploy the flaps and turns around to run face first into the flap see just lowered it's funny the first concerning the second time and expected after the tenth time every single lesson one of my 10th graders said she saw crime being committed bike being stolen and neighbor's yard and she wanted to call 911 but she didn't know the number I'm not a teacher but I used to volunteer in my daughter's classrooms when they were in elementary school one day while I was helping great papers it became quite apparent that one little girl had copied from the boys sitting next to her not only were the answers the same she also had written his name on top of her paper history gym teacher was telling us about catching people cheating he said he was always for people who thought up creative ways on the other hand when you get to paper that's the same as another word for word including one particular misspelled word with her spelling written above it well I don't usually wear glasses when I teach except for one day and it was subsequently a big deal among all my 5th graders the next day at the start of class I noticed a girl in the front row wearing glasses for the first time something seemed a little off so I finally decided to chime in Emily what's the deal with the glasses these I need them to see but they don't have any lenses she appeared before dawn and said they don't before lifting her finger up to one of the eye frames and poking herself in the eye she is still poking you can't change my mind I was a former college recruiter who used to set up a booth at low-income schools to help guide first-generation students into college had a high school girl come up to me and tell me she wants to be a gemologist so I stopped talking about which schools have good pre-med programs the kind of classes she would need to take broaching the idea of med school she says hold up a gene ecologist is a doctor I say yes she says well I do not want to go to medical school I just want a job where I can look at vaginas all day we ended up talking about possibly cosmetology school or esthetician school also she was not kidding I got many many dumb questions like this when you don't know you don't know she says well I do not want to go to medical school I just want a job where I can look at vaginas all day I think she just wants to be a lesbian after all the stuff his mom has allowed and/or encouraged him to do David with Robert bans must be catastrophic I mean David eight rubber cement what the hell did he do with rubber bands edit showed this to my friend she suggested he may have wrapped them around his penis because it felt good or something teaching laboratory skills asked a student to mix a tube by turning it upside down gently a few times immediately turned it upside down without putting the cap on first edit student was a senior undergraduate so maybe 21 years old I swear this is sometimes how hypnosis works you get someone to focus on something so intently then ask them to do something and they just go on autopilot without thinking about what they're doing told to me by a friend written in his words the other day I had a student bite into a bar of deodorant just jumped right into it as if it were a coconut and palm tree scented ice cream bar this after making like he was going to lick it and accidentally getting the taste of the deodorant in his own residual Pitt sweat half a second later he just went whole hog on it and took a chunk out of it then spat it out I didn't know whether to call poison control or the principal I thought I would be teaching about plate tectonics today ended up having to do a lesson on why the earth isn't flat Oh knew how I will die your students not from when I was teaching but a buddy's classmate a chess class was discussing the number of stars in the galaxy my buddy jokingly says 20 kid next to him notably not the sharpest kid I've known are you stupid there's gotta be 100 of them maybe even a thousand serious as can be honestly not sure what's Dumber him thinking the guess of 20 was real or him thinking that 1000 might be too high I tried counting once and there are definitely less than 1000 source I'm in a city and can barely see Orion's belt from here I'm a professor grading papers now and I have a few contenders right here this one student blatantly plagiarized in his first paper I mean just cutting and pasting from webpages he didn't even steal form the primary sources and they weren't even scholarly webpages I was so surprised at how badly he plagiarized that I gave him the benefit of the doubt that maybe he didn't understand what it really was I just gave him a zero along with an email describing the issue in detail with some additional links for whole sites that did the fa Q's really well we met and I explained it to him he was objecting apologetic and explained that he had missed the nuances before grading the final paper same all over again and I test this stuff using a free website I found just on Google and it takes like two minutes to check what the duck is he thinking also the non plagiarized part it's so poorly written I don't know how even got in much less made it to be a junior at a selective school The Geysers also pre-med WTF ha ha ha what was his response after getting caught the second time when I was a professor I had a student submit a paper she clearly hadn't written I called her out on it and she complained by email to me and cc'd the dean of the school her argument was that it was hers because she had paid her own money to have it written I volunteered to do the book fair for my old middle school my mom was the assistant librarian I had a seventh grader come up to purchase a poster of a car the price was three dollars he pulled out two dollars one dollar bills and set it on the desk in front of me he then pulled out a handful of change and set it on the table he asked his this enough I said well you need one more dollar he then picked out two quarters and two dimes now he asked I said that's 70 cents you need 30 more he picked out three nickels and added them to the pile there you go he said I then proceeded to ask him what he thought that denominations for each coin were and alleged' did not know I had to give him a quick lesson in the value of each coin and helped him count out one dollar in change britta me this situation is ridiculous we will all have to deal with money throughout our lives you have to learn to know the value of each coin and know how to add money today I learned that American coins don't have their numerical value printed on them that's got a confused tourists not a teacher this one [ __ ] currently in my master's program makes me question if I'm actually in a mental institution how someone like him managed to get into what is generally considered a top-tier program is beyond understanding from contributing zero to group projects to bring an active detriments to group effort it seems like he is trying to be difficult his final ready to be submitted portion of one class's big final project had 30 plus spelling errors including but not limited to revalue developed aces instead of acres this one repeated six times cons friends instead of constraints pencils school Excel height instead of height it goes on and on this was just the errors in one project in one class I happen to have him in all three classes and I happen to have him in all three group projects in one group we collectively sent him 33 emails and text messages with highlights bullet points step-by-step Corrections and he completely ignored them all only to blow up at us in a group meeting about how we were all bullying him and he didn't understand what he was doing wrong he would argue with us about whether he was right or not whether his abysmal work needed to be edited or not he never spelled checked a damn thing he never reviewed his own work once he is the biggest piece of mentally challenged student I have ever met yet somehow he got into this program I hate this dumb duck ducking like and subscribe [Music]
Channel: Reddit & Chill
Views: 6,202
Rating: 4.7209301 out of 5
Keywords: askreddit funny, askreddit scary, reddit top posts, askreddit comedy, askreddit stupid, askreddit, top posts, r/, r/askreddit, best of reddit, top posts of all time, toad films, tz reddit, updoot reddit, reddit and chill, Students That Are So Dumb Its Scary.. (r/Askreddit), Teachers of Reddit, what is your ”this student is so dumb its scary” story?
Id: o30a0ScXXmk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 15 2019
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