What's Your Best Dumb Criminal Story?

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someone stole my credit card and bought an iPad but had it shipped to my house what's your best stupid criminal story a friend of mine had his backpack with his $1,400 engineering laptop in it stolen while at the campus food court I had a weird gut feeling it would turn up on Craigslist or somewhere similar every day for a week I checked Craigslist exactly one week later I found the laptop this extremely stupid criminal took a picture of the laptop screen with my friends login name yeah very stupid criminal so I contacted the seller immediately via an email and he responded within 20 minutes I said I'd like to buy the laptop from him we agreed to meet at a nearby parking lot later that day next we called the cops they agreed to set up a sting on the thief one of the officers pretended to be a buyer and approached the thief the officer acted as if he was examining the laptop that was actually looking for the serial number boom it had a matching serial number and they arrested this dump a week ago four months later the guy was proven guilty and to my knowledge is spending a year in prison plus my buddy finally got his laptop back now I have a full of justice boner when I worked at Guitar Center a couple came into the store the guy left in the girl stayed checking out guitars a sales guy saw her holding two higher-end Gibson lipples down by the low-end side of the wall by the BC riches he asked if he could help and she asked a question about the guitars he took one from her and went to check something on it once he was about twenty yards away she bolted she sprinted down the hallway to the warehouse past the bathrooms and busted out the emergency exit door that lets out behind the store two guys took chase and made it out in time to see a car squealing around the corner of the building that we really had nothing to go on I'm B because having a $3,500 guitar stolen cuts into my bonus and it just overall sucks to have your crew bummed about the theft etc cut to one week later I'm running my morning meeting and I'm told I have an imp important phone call I take the call and my friend is telling me I have to check my email I do and there's a link from him to a Craigslist ad the mother posted a photo of himself holding the guitar I know it's ours I just know it he describes it inaccurately and is asking $1000 gives a BS reason for it not having a case we need the serial number we need that fricking number another manager calls in pretending to be a collector he casually asks for the serial number saying he's only looking for guitars from certain years he calls it a date code but I don't think the guy is buying it he tells him he'll call him back with the number but never does we're antsy we call the cops we form a plan another eval guys calls and tells this dude he just has to have this guitar he'll come meet him with cash guy agrees they meet at a gas station dude walks up with this gorgeous $3,500 level in a $35 gig bag the BS for a bit and my dude asks to see the guitar he looks it over and checks the serial it's ours yet man this is exactly what I was hoping for great guitar then he waves across the street to the cop car that was waiting around the corner dude is like a deer in headlights cops arrest him and even let us leave with the guitar back at the store my friend's phone rings it's the guy's number he answers girl were you meeting my bf about a guitar friend yeah I showed it girl oh he's not back yet are you still with him friend nope I'm already home girl Oh weird okay well did you get the guitar friend I sure did I'm holding it right now thanks girl oh great thanks have a good day one hour later she called back didn't bother to answer she left a very nasty voicemail with a lot of swearing priceless I hear he threw her under the bus in court and they both were in hot crap over the whole thing priceless love the justice my parents were driving home and saw their second car coming the other way turned around followed it and stole it back with their spare set of keys and yes obviously then reported the matter to the police stupid girl found my debit card after I had dropped it on campus took it to Wilsons Leather and bought her boyfriend a leather jacket when my car didn't have enough on it to pay the whole cost of the jacket she used her own debit card to finish paying it off all on video mine was stolen once the person ordered about $75 worth of Pizza and had it delivered to their house I visited the pizza place ed I needed a receipt for the pizzas so my company would pay me back they gave me a receipt showing the address they delivered it to turned it into the police in town and they were on the news two days later nice work detective someone stole my credit card info and bought a copy of their credit report with it I looked that mofo up on Facebook to since the CC company somehow ended up sending me a full copy of his credit report during the investigation and I was like dude poke him we left our garage open a few years ago it's night by accident apparently someone had been snooping around and there because everything was out of place in the morning except for a solid gold bracelet laying on the ground outside the garage door but what did they steal my frickin razor scooter man I've got one from this past weekend actually I volunteer cleaning up a local park it's called a park but it has no facilities no employees etc it's really more of a forest and it doesn't get much official attention anyway almost every day I walk through pick up trash and ensure it's properly disposed off it's a beautiful park and I like to keep it that way so Sunday afternoon I found that someone had dumped a huge amount of construction debris in the park along one of the access roads as I piled it up neatly I found a receipt with a guy's name address and phone number along with a description of his vehicle including the make model mileage and VIN so I called the State Park Police and asked to speak with an officer showed him the dumped trash showed him the receipt I found and made a formal complaint he gave me the usual we'll let you know if we need anything else from you the officer called me last night to thank me for finding the receipt he said they went and paid the guy a visit found that vehicle in the driveway and he answered the door are you John Doe he said yes that's me the officer said he insisted he knew nothing about illegal dumping no surprise and when it seemed like the interrogation was going nowhere he pulled out the receipt and then the guy said that's not my name he already said it was him the officer told me that's when he said okay sir if you're not going to properly identify yourself you're under arrest for obstructing a government official a Class A misdemeanor and wheel fingerprint you at the station and find out who you really are suddenly the guy's story changed he was the guy on the receipt that was his truck and he dumped the trash in the park the officer even said that the guy said I never thought I'd get caught and we wouldn't have either if it wasn't for us meddling kids TL DR guy dumps construction debris in park leaves receipt with name address phone number make model color mileage of vehicle and VIN guy lies about it when questioned by police comes clean after confronted with receipts reminds me of Alice's Restaurant Officer I cannot tell a lie I put that receipt at the bottom of the pile of trash I've had this same thing happen about eight years ago the idiot s used my debit card info to purchase a digital camera and a computer parts about eight hundred dollars total from Newegg and then Adam shipped to my address called up Wells Fargo as soon as I noticed the charge and they handled it fairly quickly three days later I was refunded the purchase and returned the merchandise to Newegg as soon as it arrived I considered myself pretty lucky that the miscreant s used incredibly poor thievery technique someone stole my wife's debit card and used it for online gambling websites in Europe and ended up winning the winning automatically went right back onto her account jackpot my soccer team was playing a game at a local park during the game the sketchy looking guy runs through to pitch we are playing on holding several cell phones we soon realized that said valuables belong to us and begin chasing him he probably thought that he has made a profit stealing cell phones worth hundreds until he looks back and sees 30 people chasing him down when we caught him we took our valuables back and proceeded to beat the crap out of him the thing is our changing rooms are roughly 200 yards from the field so why run directly past the people you've just robbed when you could easily sneak away the first time my dad was on jury service the case involved a criminal who tried to rob a jewelers shop this was probably in the UK in the early 50s when police responds with slower and shops weren't as well protected as they are now the shop had a burglar alarm with the thief figured that he could just smash the front window grab anything he could reach and be long gone before the police showed up unfortunately he didn't do his research properly the shop was actually on the ground floor of an apartment block that was used to provide accommodation for young police officers about a minute after the alarm went off he found himself surrounded by 20 cops and about 15 minutes after that he was in a cell TL DR clueless burglar knocks over a shop next to police apartments jail time ensues a friend of mine was mugged by some teenagers he wore a fluffy jacket so when the muggers frisked him they didn't find his mobile phone but got his cash as they were leaving he heard them say that they were taking a taxi to a specific store so as soon as they had left it was easy for him to call the police who made a broadcast to all taxi drivers after that it was easy for the police to arrest the muggers the world needs more fluffy jackets I live in a third-world country and my parents got a phone call from someone who first put a crying girl on the line and claimed they've kidnapped me I was with them at that time so they knew it was fake the conversation went like this dad that's weird I don't have a daughter dumb boss criminal you don't oh honey so do you have a son dad number dumb boss criminal oh how about a younger sister my dad hung up at this point that happened to my mother someone somehow got ahold of her credit card number and proceeded to buy things not even things that were remotely close to what she likes I think they bought an attachment to a muffler a prepaid cell phone and some CDs all shipped to my mother I don't think they were very good at crime my friend's roommate also lifted my debit card to buy a lunch and dinner on a couple occasions he works in an entirely different part of the statement my friend my friend confronted him about it he said I know that wasn't me my friend just asked him again and he admitted it still waiting on getting paid back though I'd record that to the police by the way in high school a girl's blackberry got stolen while she was a tracked practice it was a huge scandal as the only people with access to her stuff were people on the track team the person who stole her phone tried to set up his email on the phone which sent an email to her saying are you sure he wants to change your email to see Jewess name at idiot dot-com it ended up being a team captain who had gave the speech to the team asking for the phone to be returned this kid that was in my class in high school years background in operation on her bass selling those under boudin in light kits you know the Bulls that makes you look all fast and furious anyways he makes a small fortune selling this stuff the only problem was that when the customer received their products it was just a picture of neon car kit this kid had apparently worded his description to confuse people into thinking they were buying the real thing but in reality they were spending dollar sign 200 on a piece of paper a bunch of piaff people from around the country called our local police and he ended up get arrested I can't remember the charge but he had tens of thousands of dollars to pay back plus fines the entire town shamed him made fun of him for crying when the police interviewed him and everything he was all over the news for a while reminds me of all those Xbox 360 boxes being sold which were only the boxes some buddies of mine once broke into an ice cream truck and got busted just a few blocks away eating said ice cream when I was 16 years old some former friends broke into my basement among a couple of other random things they stole my radio which was a giant boombox and my bike they also stole a couple of sports collectibles that belonged to my stepfather my stepfather was not the type of person you wanted to pee off while he was never a violent person but he had no problems with resorting to violence if need be his sons though had hair-trigger tempers it didn't take much for them to want to beat the crap out of someone I'm P my step father is about to lose his crap he calls up his sons who head over to the house as they are about to pull in they hear music the kids who broke into my house were in the schoolyard three houses down from where I live listening to my radio and one is sitting on my bike a beatings were issued i had my ipod touch stolen the dudes didn't seem clever when he started talking with his girlfriend on my facebook figured who she was talked with her got her to talk with him he lived far away apparently boom please tell me you seduced her then called the cops my dad is an ex-cop he still knows and hangs out with most of the cops in town after he retired he bought a very large Ford pickup truck sorry I don't know anything about truck models and had a custom paint job done to it everybody knew this truck some idiot steals it bad enough he stole a truck with a custom paint job which is going to stick out like a sore thumb no matter where he goes but the idiot decides to take it joyriding around town of course once the cops get wind of this they are all over it like flies on crap word spread quickly if anyone sees JJ's truck it was stolen nabbed the bastard it's not like they had to look very hard they're worried gel's painted on the back window each door and the hood it's not like the truck was going to blend in with the rest of traffic especially considering the owner is well-known the guy might as well have had an in sign saying please arrest me floating over his head he was busted the minute he drove by a cop which didn't take very long someone got a credit card in my name made purchases but paid the balance on time usually it's not an accident that they choose to ship to your house if billing shipping are the same all the site needs to do is pass the usual fraud checks and do automatic ABS on your address passes for billing no need to scrutinize the shipping the moment they pick an alternate shipping address any competent store will give the order to a fraud analyst and often merchant services of the card company is called to verify that it's an alternate shipping address they have on file then the thief calls the store in the courier and tries to get em to reroute in shipment pretending to be you oh crap I'm on vacation etc if that fails they can try to trick the person in question to leave the package outside for them so they can pick it up from outside your house and drive away if the thief lives locally it's easy enough especially a few PS drops packages while you're at work they can go right up and take the package this that's what they tried to do with my CC and that's the reason some carriers make sure you can't change your address once the shipment is on its way a guy I know still my bike once two weeks later however he forgot who he stole it from and bragged off to me and several other people about how he stole it I stole it back they didn't make a mistake sending it to your address at all it was fully intended most people won't have noticed that it has had been charged to their credit card they would have simply left the parcel outside and later the criminal would have picked it up the criminal this way doesn't have to give an address out which he could be linked to nor does he have to show his face the worst case scenario is that someone finds out such as yourself and all that they have given away as a phone number I saw the guy get caught for stealing a bunch of Nutter butters once I used to live in a student rent me a friend and a third guy whom neither of us knew but my friend and I went to Newcastle for a weekend on a visit and when we returned both my xbox 360 and his PlayStation 3 were missing week was guy three about it and he claimed that he'd gone out one night and the door was open when he came back he said he hadn't contacted us as his phone was broken that turned out to be a total lie naturally we contacted the police and the officer who came round inspected the door and mentioned that there was no sign of forced entry anywhere in the house a couple of days later he left his door open whilst he went out neither office totally believing his story we decided to poke our heads round the door to see if there was anything untoward and what do we find yet both consoles plugged into his TV we left the room and didn't mention it to him when he came back instead my friend went outside and contacted the police to inform them that we'd found the perpetrator about an hour later he was being led out of the door in handcuffs two hours later his entire room was emptied out we worked down fast when we want to and in a pile of black sacks in the hallway his father came by the next day to collect the stuff and verbally abuses Phil grassing and we never heard from him again to this day we still laugh about the sheer audacity of stealing from someone you live with and keeping the stolen items roughly 20 feet away till that grassing is a UK term meaning to inform to the police about someone's unlawful actions grass or grass or is another name for informer to grass up on someone is to form on them a good example of thieves picking the wrong person or persons in this case to rob I was working as a manager at an ice rink at the time one night during an adult league game I heard a ruckus coming from the other side of my office wall these are not thin walls so I went to investigate when I walk through out the door that separates the lobby from the rink the first thing I notice is that neither team is on the ice the score was 3-3 and the referees looked a little frightened since the game had recently started this was very odd at that moment the door to locker room 1 flew open so hard that one of the hangers broke out of the door flew the limp body of a twenty-something year old man with backi jeans into long white and bloody shirt followed closely by his flat brimmed hat and his two equally humbled buddies this is what went down at around the beginning of the second period both teams noticed a group of three thugs slip in the back door and start looting the wallets cell phones from the players clothes this was a common problem if the rink and player are advised not to bring in valuables common a problem as it was both teams were on high alert from being robbed in this way just a week prior the captains had the game stopped and called a timeout this is when things got ugly imagine the look on these crooks faces when an army of 18 heavily padded enraged men with five foot long weapons came storming into the small room to find them with a pile of cell phones wallets and watches the first guy had come two by the time the cops arrived the other two weren't knocked out and actually attempted to run a quick crack on the shin with a hockey stick was all that was needed to keep them from leaving the players all gathered around the thieves in an impenetrable circle until the cops came I spoke to the player who admitted that he knocked the first guy out cold with a chop in the dome he said that when his wallet was stolen the week before it left with the only copy of his favorite picture of his daughter who died a year earlier this guy was in his 30s so the daughter couldn't have been very old he had a feeling he would go to jail but I decided not to pass this info to the cops once I saw the guy come to the cops asked the players if they wanted them to go to jail one guy chimed in and said I think they've had enough the rest of the players disagreed and said no they have freaked em off they went a TL DR don't steal from hockey players especially not eighteen of them girl steals my sister's blackberry at a bar three weeks later a friend who has my sister on bbm asks why her name is different the girl didn't wipe the phone and change her bbm name to her full name complete with a picture of her and her skeezy boyfriend I then went on Facebook found this girl by her name her display picture on FB was the same one she used on bbm and her she accepts on her facebook is her cell phone and home number and statuses claim a new blackberry ad my pin which was my sister's pin we called her arm told her the options she hadn't we had the phone by the end of the day as we walked away I looked at her and said not to sound preachy but you should probably be careful of who you accept on Facebook she blanked stares at me as I sit in the car I think that's the moment she realized I was the guy whose friend request she accepted joke's on you though after all that work all you got was a crappy blackberry alex is a little overzealous in there anti-fraud practices I just purchased about $1200 of parts for my new home computer rig from newegg.com I get a call about 30 minutes later from Amex asking if it was me I said yes what kind of thief would send computer parts to the billing addresses response worse you would be surprised incredible Asst I love those calls it makes me feel pretty secure if something does happen to go wrong this story begins at around 3:00 a.m. outside my apartment complex we lived in a corner suit ground-floor apartment I heard a rustling and looked out my window guy was dragging around a box of donated clothing in the parking lot occasionally stopping to throw out some lady's clothing which I assume it all was now the next morning gf and I got up and went to work I worked only a few blocks away so I walked I passed the same guy sleeping on the corner of the street I walked by not thinking anything about it 10:00 a.m. I get a call from the landlord saying my apartment got broken into after I passed this guy and got out of sight he got up and knocked on the neighbors windows but she looked out and he told her that he forgot his key and wanted to be let in she said no Frick off two minutes after that she heard the guy knocking on our window apparently since nobody answered he busted the glass and let himself in I guess he didn't hear this after tearing our place apart and stuffing our valuables in a laundry basket he walked up and down the hallway screaming he was confronted by somebody and said he was looking for his girlfriend's apartment after this encounter the guy called the cab you heard me a cab neighbor saw the cab pull up and the guy get in with the laundry basket of crap so she wrote down the cab number and called the cops cops called the cabbie and asked if the guy looked like he had stolen a bunch of stuff cabbie said yes cops asked cabbie for where he was being dropped off and picked him up there best parts he pleaded not guilty and made me go to court he left issues behind and took mine I have size fourteen feet he has size seven the thing that was the nail in the coffin I am told was that I mentioned to a cop after I collected everything was that I was still missing my bacon-flavored toothpicks the cops found them in his pants pocket when taking my xbox 360 rather than disconnect the network cable he ripped it out leaving the end in the 360 I don't know how hard he must have had to rip to rip a network cable in half gf was missing some otter birth control pills we never found them assumed eaten after everything we only lost one sword and one beer get one awesome story collateral damage one beer and one sword I think you're the winner my roommate and I were involved in a hit and run car accident in our own driveway it was the middle of the night and I had just gotten home and just crawled into bed when I heard a car peeling out on our Road then I heard him crash into something I ran to my window only to watch the bastard drive away I went outside and saw he had run into our cars and sandwiched them together luckily his car was such a junker the rusty wire holding his front license plate to his bumper broke off leaving his license plate behind I had a guy get trapped under my rental property trying to steal copper in his haste he cut through a pipe and a supporting beam that part of the house collapsed on him I showed up a day later to him screaming for help despite being caught red-handed with a hacksaw R under my house he still denied he was doing anything illegal one of my friends co-workers worked at a petrol station one night when he wasn't working he put on a mask and robbed it with his friend he demanded the extra cigarettes which were located under the counter from the clerk the clerk just replied there weren't any cigarettes there he relies yes there are I know because I work here family friends had their credit card stolen the guy ordered a pizza with it delivered caught quickly also an idiot friend in high school found a credit card and put it on his ebay account brought Jessica Simpson facewash or something stupid like that with it I had the exact same thing happened to me except instead of an iPad my dumb identity thief bought a four pack of cheap knockoff Nintendo DS styluses Amazon didn't even won them back they gave me a refund I cancelled my debit card and I just threw the crappy styluses away I talked to the cops too but they didn't seem to give a crap I used to work at a peeler retail store in a mall we used to get 60% discounts on almost everything in the store as well as five jackets shirts pants shoes and accessories for free every couple months this was mainly because they wanted us to advertise their clothes and it served as a uniform as well the only items we wouldn't get for free or discount was the super popular stuff because they pretty much sold themselves one of our employees found some empty shoe boxes in the back while organizing the stockroom and brought it to our managers attention the next day one of our seasonal employees walks into work wearing the missing shoes when asked where he got the shoes he said he bought them from the store and then he was asked to rang him up well the manager checked the register records and sure enough there were no transactions for the shoes manager ends up asking the seasonal employee if they can search his car and he lets them dumb and they find a bunch of other stolen merchandise from the store TL DR employee steals from store and wears stolen merchandise into work my house was burglarized when five years ago they took my playstation but not a power converter also when they took the sheets of my parents bed presumably looking for money under the mattress they put the sheets on top of my mom's Dell assign 1200 photo equipment my good friend Cole works at a gas station in the city one day a very Braun yet stupid man walks up to the counter and pulls out a 12-gauge shotgun points it directly at my friend's face and orders him to put all the cash from the register into his bag if I was Karl I would have just done what he said but instead he stupidly grabs the barrel of shotgun tassels with the man a little bit and ends up getting the gun from him the man quickly runs out of the store leaving his shotgun Cole just decides that instead of calling the police he's just going to keep the shotgun and put this all behind him later that day the same man comes back asking if he can have his shotgun back a car was so amazed at the stupidity of this man for coming back that instead of just saying no he now decides to get the police involved in tricks the man into staying while he calls the police man gets arrested Karl is a hero my old crazy roommate stole my credit card and used it to subscribe to Entertainment Weekly under up pseudonym she also bought a tank of gas and something worth 4.32 at the grocery store and then she put it back in my wallet she then later accused me of stealing her credit card in purchasing a subscription of cat fancy I plead the fifth I'm a fraud prosecutor so I'm really getting a kick out of these replies I prosecuted a guy for eBay fraud he had been selling car parts spoilers fenders etc and not delivering which is fraudulent because he didn't have the parts and he'd spent the money he entered a guilty plea where he would do some jail time and then he would be on probation his terms prohibited him from doing anything on eBay while on probation I later found out that while he was in jail he'd brag to some others about his exploits on eBay but they encouraged him to step it up beyond bodywork and go for whole cars worth read be even more money he still his first week on probation he decides to answer a newspaper ad selling a car he goes and takes lots of pictures but does not buy the car he then takes the pictures and lists the car he doesn't own on eBay the auction eventually closes for substantially less than the price listed in the newspaper of course that doesn't matter right he calls the newspaper guy and asks for a test drive taking the car to the lot where the ebay buyer is waiting the guy wants payment upfront and will be gone before before the eBay buyer and newspaper seller figure out they've been hired except that the car is a fairly uniquely modified Mercedes it just happened to be owned by one of the top officials in the police department despite the fact that this all takes place in a large city someone else in the department spotted the car while surfing eBay he called the official who was surprised to learn that the car he'd listed in the newspaper was for sale on eBay the official had detectives bid on and win the auction in a hastily arranged undercover sting so when our hero took his test drive and arrived at the lot where the ebay buyer was waiting with a check he walked straight into a set of handcuffs with a lot of his emails in evidence and calls recorded he pleaded guilty and went to prison who knows what he'll dream up there thought I'd enter the theft thing as my first comment on ridet my son bought an expensive bike 900.000 dit at the store where he bought it and registered it with our local police department six months later it was stolen and he reported it as advised he called the police twice a month to ask if they found it about two months later he saw two guys riding bikes and one of them was on his he stopped them talk to them found out that an officer the kids uncle had given him the bike he talked the kid out of it by showing him the registration card guess what the police then charged my son with grand theft it got all the way to court where the prosecutor said their hands were tied right up to the moment when the judge came in only then with the prosecutor dropped the case my sister's car was broken into one winter the cops followed the thief's footprints in the snow right to his house I had a break in my house we left the back door with a key inside and we have a cat flap turns out they could reach the key and open the door pretty clever unfortunately that was the only amount of intelligence they would show they stole a multi pack of coca-cola and that was it I'm dead serious they only still cook from my fridge one of them left their wallet on my kitchen table had all their it and everything it also happened to contain a 20 pound note which I promptly took before calling the police the two guys were caught and I heard a few months ago they are serving six months in prison I hope those cokes were worth it Dan coke addicts while on a vacation my family and I went mini-golfing when we came back apparently somebody broke into our car the window was smashed and there was stuff thrown around the car we had a very expensive GPS in there a brand new camera and several other expensive things but the thief didn't take any of that he took a bag of diapers just the diapers we were all struck by this when we called the police they were stunned as well they caught the thief within the week we got the diapers back that's actually kind of sad I left my iPod at a restaurant friendlies to be exact gotta love friendlies man I was 12 at the time we were in Orlando Florida visiting Disney SeaWorld you know the works anyways so eating dinner order some classic Friendly's ice cream fast-forward to the hotel room oh crap I left my ipod so my ever so loving father goes to the friendlies and ask for the iPod the manager insists they're in no iPod my father demands to check the area in which we were eating with no success on the way back the manager and the waiter we had were talking my dad walks up and asking one more time if they found an iPod manager no waiter yes turns out the manager tried to keep steal it long story short the butthole got fired after a nice report a friendly company and the waiter was rewarded and I got my iPod back TL DR butthole Friendly's manager tried to steal a boy's iPod foiled by waiter then the manager got fired you have been visited by the wealth wrath subscribe in 12 seconds and he will share his wealth with you like and subscribe you magnificent person [Music]
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 190,386
Rating: 4.8814816 out of 5
Keywords: stupid criminals, criminals, stupid, stupidest, stupidest criminals, top stupidest criminals, stupidest criminals ever, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: rHVxA4f4EHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 4sec (2104 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 27 2020
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