Parents, When Did You Realize That Your Child Was A Brat?

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parents of Reddit at what point did you realize that your child was turning into a piece of crap and this is the reality for all the pieces of crap out there very few parents recognize it in their own kid can confirm brothers still an elderly woman's person ran for it when he was 19 he was caught because the police had been monitoring him since he had been previously caught breaking into someone's house in order to rob them and breaking a car's window to steal a laptop inside mum still has t realized her son is a criminal he's just a highly intelligent misunderstood angel I had a co-worker work out his kids were shoots because he was a crap father it was impressive he spent most of his time outside the house without the kids and they were desperate for his attention heartbreakingly desperate he didn't like reading bedtime stories to them because they climb over him I asked how often he was home for bedtime and he said twice a week well crap I asked if he noticed how troublesome kids had absent parents and he replied he did notice that I looked at him and asked if he considered that perhaps that was the issue in his household he was silent and exceptionally introspective for a week and then started going home a bit earlier kudos for pointing it out to him most people wouldn't have the balls the flesh out someone's parenting flaws to their face a longtime friend is a single mother she's a handful but her toddler is a troubling I was hanging out with him one day and he started pinching me I asked why are you pinching me he said because I hate you that's not nice I don't hate you and I'm gonna cast your eyes off and cut your nose off and cut your lips off my dumbfounded expression of concern toward single mother friend that was weird she said she then denied that he ever said that and completely ignores all of clearly Psychopaths in the making Trey's cruelty to animals disrespect for elders doesn't eat regularly is allowed to stay up past midnight because she's getting stoned and drunken that clearly takes precedent over the well-being of her child the whole situation is freaked she's a terrible mother he is a terrible kid i distanced myself friend the friendship because don't need that crap in my life nor do I need to aid and abet it kind of joking maybe since my kid is only a toddler but one day after removing him from the bathroom for the millionth time I realized he would go in there slam the toilet lid to catch my attention and then wait till I got to the bathroom before he started trying to do something like drink the toilet water or unravel the TP as soon as you tell him no or catch him doing something he shouldn't do he Hulk's out and goes into hyperdrive and does whatever it is as fast as possible before you can get to the other side of the room to physically stop him hopefully this is just a weird toddler phase yet a phase my kids are 24 and 16 and did similar stuff toddlers are buttholes I do work for my husband's employer from time to time the boss has three kids we will call them t1 t2 and t3 t3 being the oldest I had been warned that they weren't normal but didn't know the extent until I met the youngest he's five I was introduced as mrs. no pants dancer potty and he promptly flipped me off with both hands it wasn't until a few hours later that he scared the crap out of me when I asked him politely to stop making a mess with his lunch in the waiting room he came over to me calmly and motioned for me to come down so that he could whisper in my ear at which point he said I am going to gouge your eyes out and skull-fuck your eye sockets till you die I asked another employee if this was the norm and apparently it is I keep my eye distance from this kid he throws tools at the staff swears in front of customers when he doesn't get his way with his father he will hide on the property one day hiding for three hours under something till his father gets on the PA in caves I am certain he is a sociopath in the making I am expecting my first child in them terrified it will happen to me why the heck does a five-year-old know the word skull-fuck when he got a freaking B in kindergarten like what the crap it's kindergarten how do you get to be what a piece of crap we have four children one of which displays hallmark bitter behavior with a family history we honestly noticed he was different shortly after birth he is incredibly smart determined and brave that I feel like it's good we got him because I am more stubborn than anyone I know and will not bend ever to a whining child and it's exhausting many days it's sometimes the exhausting days fad outweigh the good ones but I refuse to make excuses for his behavior because he is going to have his own life someday and I want him to know that he is not the center of the world and he needs to be a good part of it it's a very hard balance to try and be loving when you are angry use positive reinforcement when you don't want it but I'm the parent and that's my job I think there's a place in the world for people like him and I want him to find it without a struggle but I also don't want to let my kid walk all over me or anyone else in short at birth he cried and didn't really ever stop just being unhappy with everything I still love him but don't put up with his crap and we've had some epic standoffs at he has not won yet so hopefully he grows up into a productive citizen if all parents were like you the world would be a much happier place all credits to you not me but my mom with my sister she's been a self-centered entitled B since she was old enough to have intelligent thoughts and my mom has given her everything she possibly could in life she tried to pay for her to get through college only two years after I was forced to another dropout or bankrupt my mom and make her lose everything she had I dropped out she still does whatever she can to buy her whatever she wants food gas clothes you name it but when my mom couldn't fund her college education anymore it was World War three when my mom won't give her $20 for gas because she quits every job she gets within two months she's a B when my mom won't let her drive five hours away to a rough city for a concert because she's a four minutes and 10 seconds 19 year-old girl who has a bad temper my mom's the worst person in the world until recently my mom's just said she's a teenager she'll grow out of it eventually I think she's finally realizing my sister is just a B whoo to be handed everything in life I mean she's 19 it's time for your mom to let your sister know what cause and effect and consequences and responsibilities are I think a lot of parents purposely do not see the bad in their children because most of my friends with kids love and adore the naughty one but are Dongs to the nice one this is almost a universal theme mo and rarely see it the other way around I have no idea what it is about treating the one who behaves like they are supposedly wanted to like crap and lavishing attention on the brat it's like they think they're so together freak them they don't know anything not me but my sister my parents don't see it but I do she is 16 and spoiled parents get her the latest phone TV pretty much everything also they have started to let her drink as long as it is in the house but she has a mini fridge and my parents keep her stocked on drinks she has already told my parents that she is not going to college and my parents have accepted it and I feel as if they have given up on her what bothers me as I was never able to get away with half of what she does even at 25 I would never think of talking back to my parents while his will cuss them out because they won't give her enough spending money for the day I did not have a phone till I was just about to graduate was not allowed to go out past dark I didn't have my first drink till I was 22 had to work for my allowance and was pushed since junior high to go to college I don't complain about it too much because I like to think I will be the more successful sibling also have a brother he is only 12 but shaping up to be worse than my sister he got so upset one time at our grandmother that had caused a huge fight in the family and my grandmother was cut off by my parents went two years without talking to her the reason she got after my brother he did not clean the restroom after being told for five hours that it had to be clean I like to think I will be the more successful sibling you definitely will be at this rate my little brother had a lot of ADHD related behavioural problems from the time he was 2 or 3 until late in elementary school to each other in private my parents often referred to him Diablo my neighbor's son has ADHD and I listened to him have a along bedtime melt though once at least three times a week it was worse during the school holidays sometimes I just want to give her a hug or something because hole why crap the screaming my nephew is a demon he tells my sister who is his stepmother that she's a bee that she hates him that he'd rather die than be in this family he has been suspended from school for fighting a bunch of times then it boiled over this weekend she sent him to his room for not doing his chores so he started bouncing a basketball against his door to be annoying my sister told him to stop so he got a bat came out of his room and smashed the spindles of the upstairs banister while screaming I'm not paying to fix this so there's my pregnant sister standing there watching her stepson violently destroy the house his dad was called to punish him and the solution was that he had to stay home from his mom's for the weekend because she just spoils the kids this kid wants to go live with his mom who by the way has a kid with some guy who is in prison that she never dated has been roommates with college students as a thir to something can't afford sheets for the bed this kid sleeps on and hasn't paid child support once in his 13 years of life and tried to convince my sister that she had a handshake agreement with my sister's husband that she didn't actually have to pay child support and therefore the 20k or so that she owes in back child support is null but his fraternal twin brother is an alright kid he can be a dong sometimes and he's a little addicted to the Internet but ultimately he's a good kid and when he does act hurt by my sister's actions it's by hiding in his room and crying I like his way better tried to convince my sister that she had a handshake agreement with my sister's husband that she didn't actually have to pay child support there is literally no such thing if they don't have a court order stating there is no support owed they are still liable for child support from day one a message from my mother who barely knows how to use a computer when he started skipping school and not coming home when he was supposed to then I found the journal of his where he documented his petty crimes with friends and attempts to break into people's garages to steal things but he's nearly 33 now and he's been a pathological liar basically since he was old enough to hold a conversation with he's also an alcoholic with five DUI charges in the span of three years and hasn't had a driver's license for eight years he's been homeless multiple times and jumps from relationship to relationship so he can have a place to live and be supported by someone else oh man I'm so sorry my son is 13 and is or sometimes crap I feel like it's up in the air whether he'll get his act together or not most days I'm pretty optimistic but I know that he has obstacles to get through that I'm not entirely sure he will overcome so not all parents are unaware sometimes we're just working toward and hoping for the best my kids are both pieces of crap monthly they will discover some new way to be incredible buttholes then I spend a day a week or a month training them out of whatever new crappy thing they do then they find a new way to freak that crap up I'm pretty sure that's just called child-rearing when he checked my phone for Myra did username then stalked me hi there you little sucker let's have lunch next week Mexican now let's get pizza last week toddlers are horrible little buttholes my son is too he loved switches to the point where I can't leave him alone in a room or he will immediately try and experiment with a socket he turned off the freezer at the wall and we didn't realize and lost a few hundred dollars worth of food and as a broke mom I just sat on the floor and cried it smelled awful when he left his wife of a month for a bartender named Jake my former parents in-law probably I want to know the story here this post is practically dead because what parent wants to admit that their kid isn't but your username reminds me away by which a parent could harmlessly vent and also seek help through putting out the issue or problem anonymously after my son was eaten by a polar bear the next day I returned to the zoo and saw the polar bear taking a dump that's when I realized that's some cold crap Jenny I'd love to tell you but don't want to deal with the down votes and comments accusing me of being at fault bottom line I believe some kids are just born bad there's always those black sheep I know a couple people who are absolutely nothing like the rest of their family I can't figure out how these guys turned out so bad when they come from normal middle-class families with nice parents and normal siblings there's clearly something else going on beyond how they were raised colleague of mine don't work with her much wish she'd figure out that her son is not a special snowflake who needs care and understanding to work through his behaviors he's a bullying little crap who doesn't like being told no he's a spoiled brat with an attitude problem not a parent but I know when my mother realized my youngest sister was a piece of crap as chesh as it sounds I almost saw the faith in her daughter leave her sue backstory my youngest sister is awful basically went through a destructive spiral and my parents tried so hard to try and help her and reduce the damage she was doing to herself and others anyway my parents had taken her phone from her and she didn't like it and threatened to self-harm if they didn't give it back they didn't take it seriously to her face but after she had stormed off they did a whip around to clear everything up and make sure there was nothing around that she could do damage to herself with so two days go by and nothing repeated she seems to improve school comes and she goes in in the morning and by the end my mum gets are called to say she is in hospital having taken an overdose of paracetamol at a friend's house and when my parents went to see her in hospital the first thing she said to them was this wouldn't have happened if you have given me my phone back take it up a notch and cancel service walk her to school and home my cousin is 18 now he's really intelligent but he's failed out of school twice failed out of an apprenticeship and failed out of a vocational course hasn't stuck to any of them for more than six months he's 18 and has literally no qualifications of any kind his parents are very successful and very wealthy and he's an only child I remember my dad talking about a visit they had from the family when my cousin was four dad was playing with my cousin on the floor with some toys my cousin for no reason smashed him full in the face with the toy he was holding completely deliberately my dad's an ex-cop and his ex-military he loves kids and he's great at playing fun and silly games but you do not flick around with my dad and he does not tolerate disrespect or violence from anyone at any time so that gives the kid a stern talking-to we don't hit people that's not a respectful way to behave we don't hurt other people in this house my cousin sits and looks at him blankly as he talks waits for him to finish and then smashes him in the face with the toy again the kid is just laughing and my dad is really goddamn mad now at which point my arm sweeps in and picks up my cousin who is still laughing and tells him in a cursory way that he's a naughty boy and to come away from there and come and have a snack and play with a different Island basically just ignores the incident completely my dad was livid the kid hasn't gotten any better when he was about 7 my aunt started asking family to stop sending him actual gifts for Christmas and birthdays because both of his rooms were now completely full apparently she bought him something every time they went anywhere and they just run out of elf space when he was 9 he was asked not to come back to one of the kids sports teams he played on because he was such a little crap in a world of wealthy people where pretty much anything is tolerated if you pay enough that's hard to achieve he was a spoiled little crap from the start and I have no idea what his parents are going to do with the monster they created he's quite friendly but he doesn't say please or thank you stays up all night playing games online shows no interest in ever getting a job or leaving home where his mother cooks and does all his laundry for him and just doesn't give a Frick about anyone else's as I can tell I saw him at a family funeral the last year for the first time in a decade at the wake we said hi and did the polite small talk and he then went and sat at one of the tables with his headphones on and looked at his phone for the next three hours until the family left let's be honest middle school years 6-8 would be the logical point to notice my aunt married a nice guy got two sons and divorced after three years of marriage Phil no apparent reason and without warnings official reason given I just wanted to have kids now I got em AG I thought they were happily in love until that faithful day his depression was borderline suicidal years later with both kids about to reach teenage their desperate father and now example approached me telling me how the kids look up to me and asked me to help put him on track he told me he has been trying for years now and the teens being kind of deadline for most parents following the logic once in puberty they won't listen to him anyway he was running out of options especially early getting to see em every second weekend the kids were bad in school little to no manners one being stuffed with all kinds of vitamins because he was always sick eating nothing but junk food all the time and thus way overweight and playing video games non-stop so I visited at least every second weekend and did crap with em today they are 17 and 19 athletic were decent students not the best but still top 25% working as apprentices and healthy even the one that was always sick I can't tell you what I did because quite frankly I don't even know remember most of it myself but I can tell you it was not the kids fault the hardest part was to get the mother to stop being in the way of their kids my mother realized it when I had a nervous breakdown in sixth grade became anorexic and bulimic started slashing my wrists I had so much pressure to have perfect grades and I couldn't handle it I still struggle every day but I see the way she looks at me with disgust or pity because I wasn't a genius she did not care that I was well-behaved never misbehaved much but every time she looks at me I can see how she regrets not taking her abortion pills in terminating me to the next world I think this is a pretty common reaction for kids who feel pressured to meet a standard of perfection I'm so sorry when I asked him what he was going to do with his friends tonight and he said I'm going to chill wit my boys he's 17 and Canadian I don't know how he came out of my body when he fell into the gorilla pen piece of crap kid here now 30 and successful found out my single mother was attending tough love meetings I was often in trouble with the law and at school however with her wild mood swings she wasn't able to stay on task with anything she learned a result I became pharaoh disappearing for weeks at a time in the summer often not coming home after school I was a really good kid but I'll flip script and tell a story about parenting gone awry my mom and dad divorced when I was five but my mother still has a big personality and it was even bigger back then 20 years ago my dad drove a Ford Tempo that mom didn't like and would call it's a shitbox when are you getting rid of that shitbox was one of her go-to lines so one day we're out to eat at a diner and I see a tempo drive by out the window and my toddler slash said look another shitbox kids will learn from what you do both in terms of big things and little things was acquainted with a couple who were hardcore scene college its honor them was assistant to Priscilla Presley so we're talking high level access they raised their kid under the guidelines given to them never discipline the child just explain nicely what he did wrong the kid was a freakin snot bag terror at the age of six sat after dinner with friends dad is washing dishes next to me with kid kid starts cutting into me about how I am gay too short to be a man married professional and I'm five eight inches no giant but no shorty ginger etc I tell him it's not okay to say these things to anyone never mind an adult dad watches on silently never going back for dinner or investing time in the kids again when my son was about 10 months old he used to crawl over to a shelf that contained all our CDs 1990s an alphabetized order and throw as many as he could on the floor before we could get to him he quickly learned we didn't want him to do this so whenever he saw the opportunity he would crawl over there as fast as he could finally one day I realized he was slowly crawling backwards toward the Shelf maintaining eye contact all the way thinking we wouldn't notice I realized just in the depths of his wickedness about two months ago I'm pretty sure my kid is a sociopath at least and she is only four she does things that are intentionally mean and hurtful both physically and emotionally she abuses our animals she intentionally hurts us and others under the disguise of giving hugs she has dug her fingers into the necks of our family including her older sibling these aren't things done when she's mad and she laughs when she does it I suspect she may also do these things to children at school she manipulates them sometimes to get them in trouble she gets in trouble a lot at school as well for disobedience and the like we took her for a psychological evaluation and they wanted to do a whole workup mentioned autism but I don't think that's it or not all of it she honestly scares me at times and I won't leave her alone with other children or our animals even to use the restroom kids are like farts yours are okay everyone else's are freakin terrible and only attractive to weird people can't say for myself but my parents probably realized this a few years ago I can probably answer for my parents my oldest brother purposefully tried to drown me in our pool when we were younger maybe 12 and 9 I can't even recall how I survived probably me I'm a self-centered prick who has been threatened by my mom to kick me out when we have a huge argument that happens often the only thing is is that I have a job that barely any motivation for college plus she uses my SSI for the rent so I'm also part of her support like I said I'm a prick she's done everything for me and I constantly give her crap when you find a story about them on our child free one of my distant uncle's is one he's a lot older than me each addict being in and out of jail multiple times he has a son too I feel really sorry for him last I heard my uncle literally visited his dad one last time on his deathbed just to steal his ring and gold watch he was wearing to score more drugs my brother tried to rob a Walmart with a pocket knife when he was 14 I have a four and a half year old who is obsessed with saying poo on the floor and anything about poo generally any excuse to say it even if it's just how you have you poo it on the floor today piece of crap kid here I realized that I was worthless in high school proving it now crappy grades no friends no extracurriculars in high school turned into attending an average college there I didn't have any friends or hobbies graduated without honors with a worthless degree but took six months to get a retail job ofc unrelated to my degree and I got fired five months into the job it has been five months since I got fired and despite many applications have yet to even be able to make it to interview stage for any job still no hobbies or friends I have no passion or ambition I'm 99% sure I'll be killing myself before I turn 25 I turned 23 next month I was much like you in my 20s I'm 40 now and my life is better than I ever imagined not Rockstar great by any means but stable and secure great life is long and everything changes eventually keep at it my parents raised my niece because her parents their son was a piece of crap she earned her title when she stole the jewelry my mom bought as a gift for my wedding before the wedding there is so so much more but this is kinda when she ended up on my radar at least that she is a total crap she was given so many chances and opportunities to turn her life around but chose her path she is now a frequent flyer at the county jail and has been completely cut off by me and my mom she is a manipulative drug addict with anger issues she always said she never wanted to end up like her parents she ended up exactly like them you have been visited by the IT lizard of voter experience bad internet for a month like and subscribe you magnificent person [Music]
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 27,006
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Keywords: parents, parents stories, parents realize, parenting, parenting fails, parenting tips, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: R07_xyQM-1U
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Length: 26min 21sec (1581 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 21 2020
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