What Is Your Scariest Childhood Memory?

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when I was 10 years old while waiting in a parked car a man got in and tried to drive away rimmed it what was your scariest childhood memory I was 7 years old it was a Saturday morning during the dog days of summer my mom took my siblings and myself out to eat with our grandparents after the meal we decided we'd reconvene at their house to visit a bit more being a young kid riding with your grandparents was way more exciting so I hopped in their car it was nice out so I rolled down the window and stuck my head out like a dog we pull into their driveway after some time - some time - some time - some time - some time - some time - some time - some time - some time - some time - some time - some time - some time - some time - some time - some time - some time - some time - some time - some time - some time - some TL DR grandpa almost killed me with a power window holy crap same thing happened to me but it was my little brother who accidentally rolled it up I was leaning out to look at a dead bird and suddenly I was close to death you and I are lucky to have made it out alive that story reminds me of the time I walked back to my parked car I opened the door and sat down then I looked over to see a woman and the passenger's seat staring at me with eyes filled with fare only then did I realize this was not my car when I found my neighbour lying dead beside his back door nothing suspicious or anything he was just a very sick man it did freak me out a lot though I was about nine at the time a couple in a blue car tried to abduct me while I was playing on the sidewalk outside my house I was five they kept telling me how good I looked that they would take me to a water park and introduce me to their new puppy when I made it clear I had no intention of going with them the woman freaked out and started screaming at me to get into the car later my mom told me to stay with Gracie my friend at school the next day because there were people in a light blue sedan creeping around the schools in the area my father was going to get cash from an ATM and left me in his truck with my baby brother I think I was three he told me not to touch anything while he walked maybe three feet away so of course I knocked the stick out of there he had parked on an incline and the truck starts rolling backwards where it will go right out into traffic he turns around sees the truck and runs back to us my dad is a big man and he's a prison guard if that tells you anything he puts his hands on the truck and almost stops it from rolling he has both hands on the side though so he can't open the door so he's screaming at me to do something unfortunately I'm terrified and absolutely useless another guy hears my dad yelling and runs over to help muscle the truck still giving my dad the opportunity to get in and hit the brake I don't remember anything after that I probably cried idling sure didn't touch anything in the truck again if I was to park on a hill with young kids in the car I would have used the parking brake when I was 10 my family was installing a deck on our second floor I was running around the house playing tag with my sister and we took that crap seriously it was like Parker anyway I am chasing my sister towards the door they installed for the deck she opened the door to run big mistake there is no deck I watched my sister fall two stories hit her back on the diving board and land in the pool she ended up with a bruise across her back and a chipped tooth but it could have been so much worse I was really young probably like three or four but I remember it pretty well I had been sick and found out about the existence of Children's Tylenol so I climbed up to the top cupboard and ate the entire pack I was rushed to the hospital and they had to shove a tube down my throat because I wouldn't drink this charcoal stuff the whole time I was kicking and screaming not understanding why I was being held down after the whole ordeal was done I was offered an orange popsicle from a nurse I was pee and didn't take it I regretted it the minute she walked away one time when I was in fifth grade I was walking home like usual and then some truck pulled up next to me it was some bald guy who just kept smiling when I would glance back at him so I started walking faster and faster until I heard him say hey do you want a ride at this point he got off his truck and started coming towards me so I ran like Frick down the road I ran until I couldn't see him anymore and ran to a random house opened the door and ran to a couch right next to the door and dug my face in the cushions about ten minutes past so I decided to poke my head out to see where the Frick I was there was a man and a woman just staring at me like if I was robbing their house or something then I walked out and went home without saying a word it was pretty cool my mom was putting me to bed when I was about five as she turned off the light and closed the door she said to me watch out for the man in your closet I sprang out of bed to open the door and she was holding the handle from the other side to this day she thinks it is hilarious I was 8 and vacationing in China with my parents apparently I didn't remember this in a crowded train station we were walking and some man grabbed my hand and tried to led me away I wasn't paying attention and I thought he was my dad fortunately my dad saw and beat the everliving freak out of that guy go dad relevant story I was seven years old and in tenerife on holiday some random dude in this market place starts stroking my sister's five-ish at-a-time face and calling her princess without missing a beat my dad turned round punched the guy in the face took my sister's hand and carried on walking I lived in San Diego for a few years in the mid 90s I was around 12 years old I was home-schooled for my eighth grade year by my mom b/c I was bullied so hard in seventh being homeschooled I got to sleep in late one morning my mom is driving my older sis to high school but leaves me asleep at home what wakes me up with someone pounding on the garage door then the front door and then ringing the doorbell to this day I have no idea why I freak the freak out but being awakened by malicious door beating probably had something to do with it I called out for my mom'll sis but being still half asleep 12 years old and freaked out I never freaking thought that it was my mom who had accidentally locked herself out of the house on her way out the door to drop off my sis she did I called 9-1-1 I hid away from the windows and huddle next to the kitchen cabinets my mom in the meantime is frantically pounding on the door running around the side of the house to try the other doors the patio door anything she thinks there is something seriously wrong with me like cichlid dead for me not to go open a door or at least respond to the racket she was making I gained enough courage through my crying to crawl around the kitchen and poked my head out to see out the bat windows with only about less than a minute before the cops come up - had jumped the side fence and were about to storm the house I screamed at the operator I was on the phone with 9-1-1 the whole time that the person the cops might see outside in the backyard was my mom and please don't attack or arrest her after that morning I was forbidden for at least three years from sleeping in she made me get up before leaving the house to drop off my sister the only thing that she was actually happy about was that in what I perceived as an emergency I hid and called 9-1-1 poor cops they got all excited and were like Frick yep gonna jump some fences and jump some home intruder and then they couldn't , went for ice cream on my bike with my brother when I was 9 and he was six we had to bike down kind of a deserted country road in broad daylight but it was usually pretty safe I heard a car coming fast and told my brother to GTFO of the way but I wasn't so lucky the car sideswiped me on the shoulder totaled my bike and I broke a few bones on my right side there's no way that person wasn't aiming for me I haven't ridden a bike since who does that first time I got a boner holy crap was I scared I seriously thought it would explode or fall off I ran around screaming for a solid 15 minutes good times when I first start to develop breasts I thought I had cancer or something I had always thought boobs were just squishy but the glands and everything are pretty solid tumors scare when I was a kid my parents took me to Nick all the time I was pretty comfortable there being around all those people in such a busy city didn't really faze me one day I somehow got separated from them and just sort of started looking around for them a bit without getting scared at all after about 15 minutes though I started crying my eyes out thinking they left without me I didn't know anyone no one would even look at me and I just felt so alone and suddenly overwhelmed by my surroundings this woman came over to me and picked me up she didn't speak any English but spoke to me anyway in a calm relaxed tone that made me calm down and not be ascared my parents showed up not long after in a complete panic if it wasn't for that woman I probably would have wandered even farther and it could have ended up much much worse when I was around 6 my mom was crossing a street at a crosswalk with me and a few kids we babysat all younger than me two in a stroller suddenly this truck came barreling around a curve at least 70 kph and my mom had to shove the stroller ahead of her while quickly grabbing me and the other older kid by the arms and flinging us out of the way she barely made it away herself she screamed something like you freaking lunatic at the driver and cried when we got home my mom took great pains in our younger years not to swear in front of us at the time for some reason I wasn't scared and didn't think it was that big a deal since we were all okay but thinking about it now and how well I remember it I can't imagine what must have went through my mom's head I now realize my first sentence has a billion commas but I'm not changing it because I enjoy talking like William Shatner the TL DR ninja mom saves her family and still avoids injury when I was in kindergarten I played with my older brother at my parents dry cleaners every day after school we would usually just run around the alley out back and one late afternoon while we were playing my brother runs the car across the alley to get his Gameboy I stopped to follow him that hesitate when I see a car coming pretty quickly to the right I had an unusual lack of common sense at the time and thought I can totally make it so I went for it when I got halfway through I tripped at the same time the car screeched to a halt just barely grazing my shoulder the lady got out of the car and ran over to see if I was okay I was fine just had a slightly bruised shoulder and a scraped knee she felt bad so she took me to the subway next door and bought me a cookie TL DR hit by a car got cookies I came home from school when I was 12 and couldn't find my mom in the house I was yelling her name and got no response and started to panic I searched room to room and when I got to the bathroom I couldn't open the door it wasn't locked but it was blocked I ran around to the outside to try and peek and a bathroom window and could vaguely see that my mom was sprawled out on the floor I banged on the glass like crazy yelling her name but there wasn't an answer luckily the window wasn't latched and I could pull it up when I got it open I could see her laying there unconscious with a pen and memo pad and right next to it was a small gun I freaked out screaming her name crime in hysterics and managed to wedge myself through the window went to her sugar etc with no response she was breathing really slowly but wouldn't rouse from her state there was no blood or gunshot wound but she had obviously passed out from drugs or booze or something she had a habit of pill popping and alcoholism I crawled over her and ran to the kitchen to call 9-1-1 I went back in to wait with her until help arrived I tried to read the letter but it was mostly nonsense garbled and terribly difficult to make out the handwriting I called my grandparents as well as they live down the street she was rushed to the hospital they pumped her stomach then sent her to a hospital that had an inpatient mental health unit she lived but really never got better but I was pretty much scarred for life coma I'm so sorry I know the only reason I have to live sometimes is so I don't have to subject my family to such an awful experience my drunk homeless uncle knocked on my door after I hadn't seen him in years I didn't recognize him so I just sat there staring at him he grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder then he hopped on his bike I was crying kicking and screaming until he started laughing and put me down before explaining to me that I shouldn't open the door to strangers and introducing himself to me I learned my lesson laying in the back of a pickup truck with bottles and rocks falling raining down while passing through an angry mob in Panama while my dad headed to the air Court so we could get out of the country Noriega leer of fun I was 11 years old I was in the grocery store with my mum when I was little she turned her back to grab something and a man ran up grabbed the cart and started to run off with me my mum started to scream and everyone stared at him he kept running but left the cart he probably did it because you're stupid ginger during a family party my oldest sister decided it would be a good idea to play pirates in our basement I had a stick she had a wedding knife ended up getting my left hand sliced up nicely all across the palm I remember waking halfway up the stairs and seeing the blood dripping all over and I think I passed out after that I'm trying to think of what a wedding knife could be and I just keep coming up with Kill Bill when I was in kindergarten I was waiting for my bus with my older sister sixish and a couple neighbourhood boys apparently we were being too loud at our corner of the street because this elder gentleman proceeded to fly out his front door popping bullets at us in every direction we ran the very same week my older sister and I decided to walk the block to school the very first time we were making our way to school we had another older man try and lure us into his car telling us about his puppies at home my sister didn't even let him finish his ramblings before she grabbed my arm and dragged me into a fenced back yard as luck would have it the backyard was complete with it's very own Doberman yay I believe that dog is the main reason the man peeled off I don't remember if my mom knew about that TL DR got shot at then almost got picked up by a PR file in the same week you had a smart sister considering she was only six when my brother got his driver's license he would offer to take me anywhere just for an excuse to drive so one day he takes me and my friend to the mall we were both female and 9:00 right after we get there he goes to some store and my friend and I are wandering around having fun we were leaning over the railing that looked down to the bottom floor when we noticed this man who had to be late forties early fifties leaning over the railing only he's not looking down he's looking at us we being 9 start giggling because it was weird then the guy starts making the kissy face at us and starts making the two-fingered T licking gesture if this has a name please clue me in we obviously have no clue what this means at the time but it was enough to freak us the freak out so we did a fast walk thing out of there to find my brother the guy follows coincidentally my brother who at this age 16 was already six feet and 200 lbs was in the closest store to where this was happening the guy sees us talking to my brother and stops and turns immediately to walk away we tell him what the guy is doing my brother confronts him and then more security shows up really quickly after then the police come my friend and I had to hit the guy and when the police looked in his van yep a van they found a bunch of child pee in it they arrested the guy and I have no clue what happened after that scared my friend and I but I think it scared my brother worse it's a good thing it didn't get physical with your brother 16 year old kid even if he's big should not tangle with a grown crazy man when I was little I was sitting my mom's car while she ran in somewhere suddenly the car just started rolling backwards I freaked out and tried to put it in park and went as far as to lean over the center console to press the brake with my hands when I realized it was the car beside us pulling forward I was scared to death and then felt stupid I also still freaked out when this Mindfreak happens the scariest part of my childhood was being in my basement when the power went out and my family forgot about me I was stuck down there for an hour screaming when I was 9 or 10 my best friend lived across the street from me and behind his house was several square miles of woods one day we were running around in the woods exploring or whatever and we stumble upon this sleeping bag and a bunch of beer cans then we look up and see the sold shirtless Native American man standing there he walks towards us and we run away turns out this homeless dude had been living in the woods behind my friend's house not even that far from his house like we could see his house from the little campsite my friend's parents never believed him but there was a homeless guy living in their woods for at least half a year what freaked us out more was one night I was sleeping over at his house during an ice storm and we saw a flashlight shining from my friends frickin tree house around midnight the dude was taking shelter in my friend's tree house in an ice storm probably not as scary as a lot of things here but we were 9 and 10 and that crap freaked us out when I was 6 years old one day I was playing out in my front yard with my little brother and two neighbor kids when my neighbor from three houses down and across the street came running down the street with her two-year-old in her arms she was yelling something and as she got closer I heard get your mom please go get her my mom works in the air and something was clearly wrong the lady was screaming and crying and I only took one look before I sprinted inside to get my mom my mom and I ran out and all I saw was a limp two-year-old and his crying mother before my mom made me and my brother and the neighbor kids go next door to their house the two-year-old had looked dead I was scared the ambulance came but they couldn't save him either he choked on a cheese cube his family moved away soon after I was 9 and just got off the bus was walking with a friend on our way back to the apartment complex and we later parted ways when I got to my apartment I noticed the door was wide open so I figured it was my mom who just wanted to let some fresh air in I walked in and the place was trashed TV shattered torn piles of clothes and jewelry on the floor glasses and plates broken in the kitchen our safe was missing and more we were robbed and I called my mom I wasn't exactly frightened just very confused anyone could have still been and there still but I had the audacity to just walk in as I look back on it I try to remind myself just how badly that could have turned out fresh air in not out if anyone was wondering no they never caught the robbers same sort of story came home from school and the camper in front our house had the door hanging open I had to walk past it to get to the front door I was utterly terrified but I just stood there and listened for a while and after not hearing anything peeked my head around the corner it was trashed but empty ran inside and called my dad when I was five my mom took me to an entertainment center like Chuckie Cheese but much much larger while walking around the arcade together I suddenly had the urge to use the toilet and ran off to do my business alone upon exiting the washroom my mother was nowhere to be seen and after searching for what seemed like forever like five seconds I began to cry thankfully a nice woman called security and I was escorted to the front and they set me up on the counter and made a found child announcement no less than 30 people lined up to see if I was their child most of whom saw me and walked away disappointed but more than one stranger tried to claim me as their own and when my mother finally made it to the front I was clutching the shirt of the teenage boy who worked there frantically screaming thira not my mum and dad while an older couple both missing teeth were trying to assure him I was in fact their daughter as soon as I saw my mother I jumped off the counter and ran to her and clung to her like a koala to a tree holy frickin Frank that old couple is Frigg I think I was around four or five at the time I was at a pool with my dad outside our apartment complex he dives a lot so he would just lay down at the bottom of the pool for around two minutes before he had to come up for air my step-brother had just shown me how you can suck air off of the ladder going into the pool dumb Bosma gets between the ladder and the while wanting to try it out obviously I get stuck I started freaking out because I knew how long my dad could stay down and he wouldn't see me he was on his stomach looking down I don't remember how long I was there but he looked up and saw I was stuck and helped me out still freaks me out now I was traumatized at a time my aunt said she thought I'd never be the same but I laughed now when I was four my uncle convinced me he could pop his eye out if he wanted I didn't believe him of course so he hits the back of his head and pops out his eye into his hand I was still doubtful but a little insurer now so he said try and open my eye if you don't believe me my four year old self couldn't pry his eyelids apart I was still adamant that you couldn't just pop your eye out though and told him he was lying he said all right then I'll just eat it and proceeds to bite right into it squirting blood all over I let out such a scream my family came running thinking that I was dying I was crying so hard just yelling mark ate his eyeball he ate it it was a dang gamble made to look like an eye and it had a red liquid center the TL DR mark ate his goddamn eyeball I'm going to hazard a guess that you're white because it's only other white people I see calling their aunts and uncles by their name so my dad is blind and he's an alcoholic my parents split up when I was three but my dad got visitation rights for Saturday's over summer he'd take me to her pool by his house I'm a short woman and I was also a short little girl and my four year old self was barely touching toes in three feet so I had this awesome pink noodle i frickin love that pink noodle I'm swimming and playing and suddenly I lose grip on the noodle and it floats off a bit I run after it it floats off more this goes on until suddenly I realize I can't touch and I panic start flailing can't breath enough to yell help haven't learned to swim in the one guy who should have been guaranteed to be paying attention was both drunk and blind I knew in that moment that I was freaked I believed with no doubt that if I did not push myself to a wall I would I so I tried to come down and got myself to a wall this probably all happened in less than a few minutes but it felt like ages the blind alcoholic father was a main player in many of my scared child stories but I like this one because it's not his fault as much as the others I'm fairly certain I was almost devoured by Blue Jays as a three-year-old those things are freaking huge to a three-year-old the time I slipped in a friend's pool without my floaties and nearly drowned my seven year old friends just stood there mouth Sergei Paz I found it in the water I tried signaling to the parents but they were not paying attention finally one of my friends had a common sense to get an adult maybe I would have drowned if someone hadn't gone for help when they did another floaty story I wanted to see if I could walk on water by putting them on my feet thank goodness there were family members around to get me out of that predicament spoiler alert it didn't work my scariest childhood memory was when 10 year old me went to the carnival sure enough the ferris wheel malfunctioned and as I was holding the door to my swinging basket its flung open taking me with it all of the doors opened and because I was gripping so hard I was dangling high enough to fall to my death of I let go luckily my aunt grabbed my shirt and pulled me back into the cart where I soiled my pants ultimately the scariest experience ever I will never be allowing my daughter to ride a ferris wheel ever when I was ten I went swimming Andy a teenager jumped in the pool and held my head underwater until I almost passed out when I came up gasping for air doesn't help that I'm asthmatic he just swam away and laughed with his friends he probably went on to become a terrible adult when I was 8 - 9 I lived in Honduras my mom and I were walking through the bus station me wearing a brand new cap while walking I felt someone touching me on the head and I was thinking it was a friend of my mom's or something playing a prank when I feel the Hat flying off my head into the hands of some middle-aged man midair I managed to grab it and was in a tug of war with this frickin thief trying to my hat while my mom was screaming to let it go this was in broad daylight and a bunch of people were just now gawking watching this scrawny little kid fighting for his hat after a few seconds the guy let go and ran away and my mom pulled us into the bus I was terrified but holy crap to this day I pat myself on the back for having the balls to hold on to that hat who the Frick steals hats from eight-year-olds at the age of six I was a really weak swimmer I was at Daytona Beach in Florida and I was in the water with my sister a big wave came and swept me out to sea I got caught in a really strong Riptide luckily I had a life jacket on otherwise I would have drowned probably my parents even had a hard time getting out to me to save me yet the riptides are pretty sick on the east coast of Florida couple of weeks ago I saw a shark at Newsome river and when I tried to swim in away from it I realized I was at the start of a rip current luckily my adrenaline allowed me to GTFO were there when I was about 13 I was going trick-or-treating on Halloween with a friend of mine in her neighborhood it was later at night and most of the house lights had been turned off she had told me of a house that was all decked out with crazy decorations like bodies in the yard and creepy lights and music the whole nine I still wanted to see it so we wandered around a bit on the empty streets looking for it when we finally found the house we saw it was all turned off disappointed we walked a few houses down and saw house with the lights still on so we decided to get some more candy we knocked on the door and an old fat man answered we said Trick or Treat and he asked if we'd seen the house down the road I said we wanted to but it was turned off then he grabbed my wrist with his hand and said let's go wake him up my friend followed as he pulled me across the road towards the house he knocked until someone answered a tall man with an Irish accent answered and recognized the old man they exchanged hellos and explained that we wanted to see the house I began to protest saying we didn't want to disturb anyone and the Irish man said oh well if you guys want to see something you should see the inside and the old man pushed me and my friend inside the house and shut the door once inside we saw the walls were covered in these sheets that made the walls look like brick walls there was a little half Sambi body that would crawl across the floor with the push of a button and skeletons and waves in hindsight it was quite amazing but I couldn't ignore that we were two young girls in a stranger's scary but house with two grown men then the Irishman said you guys should see the bathroom and the old man pushed us into the back of the house as we walked through the hallway lined with black streamers I saw an Asian woman push a young boy into a room and lock the door when we got to the bathroom it looked straight out of a soft lake there was a head hanging from the ceiling on a hook and bloody words written on the mirror and a little TV in the corner playing the tape from the ring my friend had been speechless this whole time and while the men were standing there waiting to hear what we had to say I kept repeating that we needed to go home we need to go home over and over again and digging my fingernails into my friends hand finally I grabbed her and pulled her through the house towards the door once I got there I pulled furiously on the door handle it wouldn't open then the old man came up around my shoulder and unlocked the door with a horrifying smile on his face my friend and ran for ten blocks until I collapsed and vomited everything in my stomach I had every bad scenario running through my head that night everything that could have happened and what we ran away from scary TL DR me and friend ended up in scary Halloween house with freaky old men and threw up all my candy form at lad crap man when my absolute psychopath of an 8-year old neighbor convinced me when I was six that a contract killer was after me I really do wish I was making this up I don't think I knew what that was when I was six or eight dad falling asleep while driving cross-country we drifted across lanes and I wake up to my mom screaming right before we nailed the median luckily no one was hurt and a shock of almost dying kept my dad up the rest of the way my mom ran in to Pizza Hut to pick up dinner she left me ten and my brother ate in the car with it running my brother was in the front and I was in the back I convinced my brother to put a car in reverse because anarchy we start rolling backwards and are headed right for this pretty deep drop off with a creek below we managed to get it stopped at the last second I thought we were going to die I don't know what I thought would happen we survived in the pizza was delicious I went on to live a menial existence so I walk to school every day with my friends who lived down the street from me well as I walk out the door I notice his van slowly rolling up the street but I don't think anything's wrong but as I walk down my street and go into my friend's house I see the van stop on the opposite side of the street as my friend's house well we roll out and reach the bottom of our street and we hear the van Rumble to life we keep walking thinking the van will go back up our street as soon as he turned onto the same street we did we just took off running we knew this little shortcut and took it so that we would lose him and we did we called our parents they called the cops and the guide gets brought in turns out that he was a mentally [ __ ] homeless guy and he was kicked out of our town I still think back to it and don't think that he was so innocent I noticed this can rolling slowly one day when I was maybe 12 I was walking to the fair with three of my friends it was quite a walk and it began to rain halfway through we were waiting under a tree and a car rolled up with two women and offered us a ride we actually got into van and they began driving the second the door locked I thought crap I am done they ended up just dropping us at the fair and nothing bad happened I just got really scared for a minute when I was about four years old I remember waking up out of bed and opening my bedroom door my bedroom door leads out to the kitchen and dining room there in the kitchen I see my father grabbed my older sister at the time I suppose she was 15 or 16 by the throat and throw her across the room into cabinets screaming at her he then grabbed her again by the throat and yelled at her with something along the lines of shut up I can't remember too well I was four he then let's go and slap Sara she's already in tears the next thing I remember is crying in my bed rocking back and forth in fetal position this is also my earliest memory when I was about seven my dad got home from work and ordered a pizza he told me when the pizza guy came to give him the cash on the counter which is what I did well as it turns out my dad had just cashed his check and I gave the delivery guy a wad of cash that added up to around $700 luckily he was a nice guy came right back up to the door and said I think you over tipped me a little and gave all the cash back you have been visited by the science 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Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 40,563
Rating: 4.5467129 out of 5
Keywords: scary memories, scariest, scariest memories, scary, scary stories, real scary story telling, real scary stories compilation, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: DGK2kUn81xw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 51sec (2031 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2020
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