Questions and Answers (Part 1)

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welcome to corporals corner today I have answers to your questions so stick around truth be told I've put off making this video for several years for several reasons and one of the main reasons is because well strictly because I feel that my channel isn't large enough or I don't have enough subscribers that would even care who I am where I've been what I've done things like that another reason is because most of the channels that I see do these questions and answers they're not professional videos somebody in our back yard or in their basement or in their front room usually the pictures full of clickbait oh I'm leaving YouTube and it's just done so that you look at the video so I tried to stay away from that kind of stuff and keep a legit channel but over the years especially these last three years I've been bombarded with the same type of questions over and over again and I get that I mean you want to know who you're subscribed to who you're watching things like that so what I've done here is a compiled a list of I believe 11 or 12 questions that I'm routinely asked like weekly or monthly and today I'm gonna go ahead and attempt to answer those so with that let's go ahead and dive right in here like the others mine will be professional I might read them right off here in no particular order let's begin number one I'll put all rumors to bed I am NOT Marcus Fenix from the Gears of War I didn't collaborate on the video they didn't use my likeness it's purely coincidental you number two this is a fun one were you really in the military okay now this is going to be long-winded explanation and I apologize I also apologize because there's several airplanes flying around sure you can hear them there's Airport over here there's also a freeway on the other side of that mountain now was I really a military yes I served honorably twice now what I mean by twice the first time 1995 is when my Marine Corps came alive joined the Marine Corps at age 18 did my four years came out to like four years in two months because I extended one more time to go with my unit back to Okinawa Japan August 1999 is when I got out the first time had hopes and dreams i'ma go be a police officer got a job lined up with LAPD you have the most hated cops in the world so I decided I'm gonna go to school he's my GI Bill get my criminal justice degree then go in be a cop so in the meantime time goes by two years in two months into me being out of the military 9/11 happens boom so the US government gives us a great idea what we're gonna do is we're going to recall a bunch of people so I was one of who know as couple hundred maybe a thousand people that were basically recalled back into military service not because we're special not because we're the man just because and it was a big experiment and it went on for a couple years from this that the whole ordeal gave birth to the stop-loss that sure quite few of you actually experienced time for me to get out well we're sorry sir you're gonna stand and tell we're done with you but back to the recall so I get a FedEx package just saying that you've been involuntarily recalled in support of Operation Enduring Freedom boom now I'm not being a police officer I'm done with college and I've given a one-year involuntary unaccompanied contract no choice well there's always choice I chose to go back and serve honorably one more time no this whole military experience is where I get my channel name from corporals corner it's catchy CC corporals corner because why I was an e4 or corporal in the Marine Corps so hope this explains and answers that question question number three what are your credentials well there's always a big debate on this and this is the reason why I've decided you know for a while to not talk about this kind of thing because everybody has something to say it's always usually negative my credentials what just shows you were military and almost just shy of 6 years Oh 311 meaning infantry and I served with Military Police for that one year I was recalled they wouldn't give us the MOS but we served with them so it's great opportunity great experience from there I moved on to getting into survival through books just trying to read different things and I always found that a lot of the books were cut and paste they were mostly cut and paste from military training manuals well here's an a-frame here's a three-tiered water filter things like that I saw that picture in his book I saw that in their book and I saw that in the Fleet Marine Corps training manual so kind of I got the impression that there wasn't really a lot of things that were new there was the who when the ah factor was gone long time ago and it was just repetitive cut and paste cut and paste so from that I decided you know I need to go do something somewhere so I looked around at local schools at that time was in California and a lot of them were fly-by-night people who thought they knew or they wanted you to think they knew so did some research and I found Cody Lundin school in Arizona and I decided well you know what I read a lot of books and I think I know so why not go there and see where I'm lacking especially in a desert environment because I'm in the deserts of California I frequent nove a de Arizona places like that for my job so why not go and see what I can do with materials on hand plants trees disinfecting water things like that and with him and his instructor is like oh please I believe five courses tours a sixth one that he held at a park one time that there was no certification for that but five actual legit classes and it cost me money you but the training for my area was great it was perfect I loved every minute of it I got to see everything in close-up firsthand what to do what to eat what not to eat things like that the guys very well educated holds college degrees knows what he's talking about and is the king as far as I'm concerned for his area well at that point I got thinking well there's got to be something else somewhere because I'm now travelling across the United States I find myself in Louisiana by myself over in Ohio places like that and I know the terrain is different you find properties of materials that are similar but you need to find a person or a guru in that area who's live there who knows so I thought well why not be in Canterbury let's go check out this school let's go see what the hype is all about is it truly just hype or is there some type of method to the madness do they really know what's going on so I went there and it's blown away first-rate instructors someone no longer there all good dudes they have skills they have their own channels they knew what they were talking about and you got to see the theory or the Pathfinder system the tendencies but you got the individuals meaning the instructors giving their twist on that training to make you think and that for me at home it's thinking outside the box with the core of the training if that makes sense and I enjoyed that I said hey this is what I do this why I did in the military this is what I do open my job solve problems as we do and that's what life's all about solving problems I get this boom do I just give up oh it's raining I'm cold I just gonna give up give up and die or do you solve that problem and move on to the next one and you think about that that's what you do in your everyday life your job school etc from day one you're taught to solve problems and how you solve those problems will determine on will determine where you go in your life you want to just stay here while it's outside my pay grade uh or do you want to push past that but solving the problems was a big thing to me and I enjoyed it so I said hey this is not hype and I'd look at the training I had before and I found for me personally now again for me that the training at the Pathfinder school with those instructors was more realistic we're talking about knots we're talking about shelters different kinds of shelters for different situations talking about kits what should the core of that kit be water redundancies how can I build from there for different climates different environments different parts of the world a country so I truly enjoyed it so I made it my goal to start the basic work my way all the way through and hopefully one day become an instructor and I did you now along with that I believe that your training never stops you've got to learn all you can while you can and the day that it stops is the day that you stop meaning that you die so I'm always willing to learn more look at other schools or the classes and basically add tools in my toolbox now with that said I'm also a firm believer in that survival with a lot of other things is a salad bar think of this sizzler steak houses the salad bar you walk up to it you know I want this I want that I don't want this I don't like that I like that with that so I'm gonna take that piece of this off of that one and put it over here and you build your own plate jack of all trades master of none number four what is the best knife or which knife do you recommend which knife do you prefer well my answers got two parts first part is the knife that works for you meaning whatever knife that you use on a regular basis if you work in a place where you cut open boxes and you have a small razor blade chances are you're using that all the time right that probably works for you you're gonna pull a machete and start hacking into a box give your two checks and you're down the road so whatever knife works for you and what you do is the best knife now the second part to that would be the night that you have on you is the best knife so logically the knife that you use all the time should be the ninth you have on you so does that make sense you probably recognize these from my videos the two knives done currently in possession of that go everywhere with me are the Swiss Army knife one-handed trekker non-serrated and the more black outstanding knives number five I have a green tarp everybody asked me what tarp is that what tarp is that what sharp you carry I carry several but the one you see in my videos is a six by eight equinox it's a lightweight tarp sill and I can get them on Amazon I believe it was like around $50 five years ago when I bought it what kind of bandana is that and do you even have hair well yes I have a full head of hair and I wear this for the obvious reasons this is simply a t-shirt OD green that all I've done is cut it right through here it's 1% cotton and this does several things for me it used to be about a three by three now we're looking at about a little over two foot by two foot so the obvious choice everybody defaults to is char cloth 100% cotton we're making char cloth all day I can use this for a sling I could tie around my neck I can use it for some type of compress if I had a wound another important thing come out in the field God drop a stinky load what can I do I cut pieces off wipe myself burn it in the fire things like that put in the water I can wash my face clean myself up in a hot environment like this but again put into water tied around my neck tied over my head etc and to tie it just like all bandanas all you're doing taking my end put it over my head take my ends wrap it around and just tying it in the back what twice then I'll just written it out you can tuck the sides if you want to you don't don't do it boom done moving on which pack do I prefer well just like the knife question it's the pack that works for you and the fact that you have on you when you need it so in my videos though you've seen me use Alice back several times and until I can find something better and believe me I've looked and I know that there's other ones out there that are a little bit more comfortable but for me I don't care even if I can't afford it I'm not gonna spend three hundred four hundred five hundred dollars on a pack to say that it's better than an ALICE pack currently military surplus well real military surplus Alice packs sell anywhere from thirty to a hundred dollars and what I found is it's strictly on the frame some of them have brand new frames so brand new frame you're gonna spend a lot more money but well let me digress here one thing that I've come across a lot of people they hear the word Alice back and they go oh it's military military things are made by the lowest bidder well yeah true but most people that I've heard say that weren't in military they don't carry the gear they're not gonna carry the gear so for me they have no source of reference to even make an educated answer or choice of what pack is better besides an ALICE pack they don't know now they can say something's better but if they'd never been in military I carried the gear how do they know everything I do I try to rate from my experience I've seen 20 25 year-old al specs that were issued to me that had holes in him that were sewn up professionally still carry a hundred plus pounds of gear on an aluminum frame seem to fall off trucks get run over and they're still good to go so if that's the lowest bidder imagine what a high-end bidder can do so for me until I find something different if I want to say something was bomb-proof I'm gonna go with Alice back first time every time I'm a firm believer in military surplus gear the military chose it for a reason they used it for several years several decades before they changed over and for the most part it works now you also seen hidden woodsmen here you and a lot of people will say well those videos cuz it's like a commercial well hidden woodsman is a great guy he has great gear and like all companies how do they get tore they can sell their gear you have to get their name out there so if I come across something that I am a firm believer in this night that pack this filter this brand of Ferro rod and it works for me I'm gonna say hey check this out it's gonna be in several of my videos there's me links and every one of those videos because I want that person to that company to prosper because I believe in them so a second choice for me would be the hidden woodsman and he's currently changing his pack style right now and he's going to be coming out with something in 2018 it's gonna be great trust me now it's an opening scene of this video you saw me walking through a wash bed and that pack right there resembled an ALICE pack and what that was is a 1969 Vietnam tropical rucksack I'll show you that right here has this internal x frame three pouches in the back and this eventually gave birth to the Alice pack you know of today you this next one here is controversial and believe it or not it causes a lot of problems I've actually lost subscribers over it why do you screen your comments well those you that have channels will understand now I've noticed there's two types of people those that allow people just to put random comments all over the channel and they don't care because they don't answer them they never go back and interact and there's ones like me that screen them and the main reason why I screen it is because I try to interact with my subscribers I get an email notification in my separate email account hey I have 15 comments awaiting approval so I can go see who it is what their question is and if it's a legit question where they're trying to learn or they have a different opinion of how to do something I investigate it and I try and get back to them in a timely manner some of them might get back immediately boom I just happen to be on there I see it pops up okay hey yeah I do this because of this or hey check out this book because believe it or not we all learn together and that's the real key there and so I try to have that interaction with my subscribers that law channels don't but with that said everybody who's involved in any type of social media knows that there's trolls there's internet tuff guys there's couch commandos there's or armchair commandos people who think they know it all and know it all too well and then you want you to think they know and they always got a better way to do something are you sure Don this story you should have saw that or I watch the TV show and he did dad or you know or I read this book and it says this or you know Channel five but so on so our PBS they showed that you don't know how to do that well first thing I do is I click on their channel and I say who is this maybe they do have a different way of doing it so I click on there and then I see Minecraft videos or other random stuff on there that has nothing to do with what we're talking about so yeah I'm gonna screen comments from people like that people who are negative people who try to use cyberbullying people who try to cyberbully other subscribers asking questions people who think they're tough guys people who try to use you know prison-yard tactics or whatever I got zero tolerance for it so I look at it and I see you're an a-hole well click that comments deleted you're an idiot well okay I mean I'm an idiot click big wars against religions somebody might say something oh this religion does it like this and then a war starts well I'm Glee ting the comment because I don't want propaganda and hope I won't tire feed you just bombarded with crap so yeah I screamed the comments strictly for that if we're gonna learn together let's learn together at the same time I'm gonna screen links people are posting links to gear or their personal channels or other things that are not pertaining to what we're talking about yes it gets strained because I want to truly create a learning environment for everybody yeah this one right here for me this is probably the most important question and my opinion is that everybody with a survival channel needs to band together and actually confront Google the Liberals and YouTube on this because for some reason I don't know if it's a monitors doing it and they just don't like a certain person or a certain person's channel and they feel that well he showed a video where he trapped a rabbit I'm gonna delete it but then the other higher end channel is bring more revenue shows them trapping the rabbit skinning the rabbit cooking the rabbit eating it and laughing about it and it's okay for five years and they generate all kinds of money off of it there's a extreme disconnect there and I personally know other youtubers that didn't even show trapping the animal they just simply showed taking the hide off because he wanted to tan the hide and what happened the video got taken down some of them the video was up there for five years or more and it was okay then all of a sudden they wake up demonetised and removed so again is extreme disconnect there people will see all those liberals true maybe it is but there should be set criteria for everybody and in my opinion and I've seen as mentioned on other channels you can't truly have a survival or a prepper or homesteading channel unless you can show how to survive or prep or homestead by doing what you normally do you need to have water you need to have food so those that have channels whether oh I raise rabbits and I raise chickens but if I show you know how to butcher one they're deleting my content messed up extreme disconnect going on but that's a long-winded answer but that's why I don't show that I have videos where I show trapping demonstrations and I used a beanie baby squirrel now if you go back and that's in the early years like three four years ago go back and look at those videos you'll see part one part two or part three wait a minute part three is missing or worse part two I didn't delete it so that tells me that YouTube and Google have decided we can't show him hurting that beanie baby delete it and it wasn't even monetized get in lastly this is 10 or 11 I lost count what is your style well this is actually gonna lead into my channel update for me I don't know if I really have a style but if you look at my theme of my videos it goes along with I want to say military meets woodsmen and in reality everyone back in the 1800s who was at any time say Civil War era or frontiersman they were military and they were frontiersman it was combined nowadays has a disconnect I dressed paramilitary because I'm comfortable my clothes are 50/50 cotton polyester just like they were in my time in the Marine Corps because it works for me and a lot of terrain a lot of environments but I want to try to bridge that gap between tacticool and I'm a woodsman because well here's my take on it we've gotten into some of these urban videos now there's TV shows that were out in the past years revolution even the current Walking Dead fear The Walking Dead which I'm a fan of by the way when you watch those shows you see the people involved now just because there's a virus or a zombie or a bomb went off does the military gear the cans of beans the clothes all the stuff that we have right now do they all go away do they turn into zombies do they get sick no all of those things are still going to be here if the world shut down right now because of a natural or man-made disaster right now boom it's over with do we revert back to fire hardening a stick and trying to stab an elephant or jumping out you know other trees and trying to throw our atlatl at a deer probably not now in my opinion those skills are all good to have and I like to train with those type of primitive skills a bow drill because of who I've trained with I personally believe this is my belief that a bow drill fire should be right here with a Bic lighter I can flick a Bic lighter I just go and do a bow drill that's what I believe why because I may need to but if I have a big lighter first time every time I'm doing this but that's what we're talking about here military meets woodsmen and that's where I'm coming from with this I'm never gonna forget or never I'm not gonna just stop relying on my military trains what I say I'm always gonna default to that but once you've gotten through that obstacle or gotten past the objective now I need to be in the woods I've escaped the city I've shot my way out of town being a couple survivors now we're escaped to the mountains now what and a lot of these channels are either one or the other I'm a woodsman I'm tacticool I'm primitive great but there needs to be some type of we're gonna come together and have this training as a core so that we can go do those other things but always default back to our training I hope that makes sense now I mentioned channel update and that's where I want to take this question and go into that now the channel update is I was trying to create a bushcrafting channel and that's great I'm gonna continue doing that I'm also going to take this in the other environments desert and woodland area forests etc and show the kits that I use the core of my kit wall was me the tendencies and use that core of that kit along with redundancies in those environments but I also want to throw in from time to time several urban videos what would you do in this situation because again if the world as we know it ended right now we're still going to have the things we have today and my opinion is at the very worst we'd be ver to the late 1800s if not early 1900s and we all know how to make penicillin now we ought to make bullets we have a better lifestyle my opinion we default back to organics we'd be healthier and it's actually not a bad thing to think about but I tell that happens we got to deal with the situations as they arise so I hope that these questions are answered or satisfactory or you found them to be satisfactory I answer them to the best of my ability and the future maybe we'll do another one of these but until then as usual think of your comments view support thanks for watching and get off the field have some fun they'll catch you next time [Music]
Channel: Corporals Corner
Views: 85,028
Rating: 4.9651604 out of 5
Keywords: Corporals Corner, Shawn Kelly, Dave Canterbury, Pathfinder, 10 C's, Shelter, Camping, Tent, Tarp, Fire, Bow Drill, Hand Drill, Doomsday, Question, Answers, Survival Lilly, Bug Out, Get Home, Bag, MRE, Buck Saw, Kit, Water, Bronze, Skillet, Mora Knife, Prepper, Tinder, Hammock, Poncho, Military, Logan, Wolverine, Vietnam, Cordage, Rope, Climbing, Alpine, Axe, Raised Bed, Emergency, Rocket Stove, Campfire, Garberg, Fatwood, Cottonwood, Tulip Poplar, Blacksmith, Medicinal Plants, USMC, Bush Craft, Joe Robinet
Id: POMofubg7Sw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 52sec (1912 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2017
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