Stealth Camping In Highway Median

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I didn’t realize I needed urban stealth camping videos in my life until today

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/WetVape 📅︎︎ Apr 10 2020 🗫︎ replies
Hey welcome to camp it was Steve it's Thursday again the poll results showed that you guys want to see me sleeping in a highway medium I'm gonna do this safely so I've picked a good one that shouldn't be too much danger from a truck or something careening off the road but I'm gonna jump out and beautiful wife's gonna pick me back up tomorrow after I successfully camp tonight hidden in a highway median between the east and westbound lanes of the trans-canada highway 16 Yellowhead so we will gets that right now well we needed some fuel so we pulled over here but I don't think this place is open looks like the no Jack Service has seen better days okay I'm gonna go quick I found this spot this is one give me away beautiful wife just drop me home that's what I was afraid of here we go into the woods up this little hill this is awesome lots of good opportunities up here lots lots lots yes my beautiful wife has uh has just drove away so I am feeling strangely alone and uncertain out here right now I'm gonna be relaxing night the freakiest part I guess was just the feeling when the car drives away and I'm in the middle of a highway median a couple hours of town but it'll feel a lot better once I get a hammock set up because that's what I'm using tonight and once I can take a look and see if you it's noticeable from outside I don't think it is because it was real hard to see in here so probably going to be no fire tonight but we'll see what happens okay some people do ask and what I use for my hammock is a hennessy hammock this one is the expedition asylum classic I picked this up in Edmonton at a place called neck mountain quickly to walk in the snow I go so I forget what it cost but they're available places online Amazon's got them as well and another link for it but c0 search Tennessee there's better ones and I'll explain about that later that'll work nice it's nice when the trees line up perfectly like this that's not gonna pull all their knots one of these days when I got the time but a lot on my plate right now so I'll just go with the usual rule of thumb pilots pilots are wake up on the ground [Applause] [Applause] on this hammock these parts 12 snakeskin makes the whole procedure a little less of a nightmare from just opening up a bunch up panic in a bag this is a lot a lot nicer to deal with okay I got the hammock adjusted these things you can actually clip down lower to the ground find a little more cover I don't think I'm gonna have a photo here unless somebody drives by in their very Mel's because this is the middle of nowhere on a highway and who's going to pull over if they see somebody camping in the median my guess is nobody so I'm feeling a little emboldened but we're gonna take a look at what it looks like from down there and of course step two go here today that's a Canadian Club 12 years so that's good I do like my bear but it's a lot to carry especially when you have the back pockets of the big ditch we're gonna get listen to this happening really quickly you guys see this I got a knife I have a tank I'm learning I'm learning it's not a good knife but and of course pack it in pack it out can't leave any garbage out here they'll still start cracking down on people camping in the medians of the highways that's actually not bad I like it I'm right up here at the top of the hill and there's the two lanes there's westbound there there's eastbound there and they're separated by quite a distance so it gives a nice big median in here it's up a hill so if a vehicle was to come careening off of the road it wouldn't be able to get up here and squish me so got the setup right there ooh some animals up here in this strange parts you've still got a couple hours of daylight here and this is probably seeming almost too easy for me I might start a small fire and try to keep that hidden I don't want to get too much closer to the road because if I'm this far in they shouldn't be able to see me particularly if I stand still they can't really get a good view until they're like right beside so they'd have to be looking right out their window and most people are focused on the road anyways they're not looking for anybody camping in the media so and I don't think they'd care but I want to get out once there's a break in traffic and see what I can see with this setup from out here except if somebody sees me walking around in the ditch they're gonna assume that I need help or something or or that I'm a murderer I don't know so I don't want to arouse any more suspicion than I have by leaving this one set of footprints coming into the median [Applause] okay I got a quick break in traffic this is where I came in that's the highway there and from here there is there is no C in anything this is going to be a walk in the park I'll just walk up through here the way I and yeah haha that is stealthy it's it's a nice color for the hammock because it doesn't really stick out a lot of camping stuff they like to make it like yellow or a bright blue so this this works quite nicely and they got off the main road just in the nick of time with some slightly warmer weather here I mean that relatively because this is very unusual even for here like this is normally a cold place but typically by the 1st of April the snow is pretty well gone you can expect another little bit of snow before it fully disappears but anyway it is warmer so like you get back to almost my summer pack set up here and I'll show you what I got in the pack because we got some time to kill before I start rummaging around from a little more firewood and speaking of which this little hatchet e doodad inexpensive but good to have tax up small all my stuff is from Canadian Tire I don't have links to it because they don't really sell it on all they do sell it on the Canadian Tire website but that's not worldwide and most of my viewers are not in Canada so this is a woods brand woods camping equipment Oh friendly little train to keep me company tonight - that's awesome so I got my step two I got the bear spray because I don't know if there's any bears still in hibernation or not but this kind of looks like the spot where you'd expect to bear to actually beginning so I got this in case I've set up beside a bear's hibernaculum and I don't want to startle it that it would probably be a little hungry this time here but I I think they're still pretty well sleeping for the year and I also I'm not too concerned cuz I don't see any evidence around here that type thing and I got old trusty here with me right along I got this again Haywood's brand this is a mummy bag good 4-12 so that means for like around freezing probably I've used it successfully in some some cold ish whether I got a little stove because I wasn't sure I wasn't sure if there was going to be any any accessible firewood or if the firewood give my location way too badly so this is hot supper inexpensive stuff just an ISO butane stove this little guy here he she screws on there and this I have no idea where I got it but I think it was about 20 bucks and you know they're all pretty much the same this is the emergency cooking setup in case it's a little sketchy to start the fire and get the fire going but your electronics I got my just a battery charging pack to keep the camera batteries charged and my cell phone charged to arrange for pickups little folding tripod chair because the chemical will work really good for a seat but I never know when I get here if I'm actually going to find a good spot to set up the hammock and this is I just bring it just because it can also be a nice little little stool to set stuff on you know aside from that I brought smoked sausages today their grins brand and that just makes me please because I'm always craving them every time you start up a campfire and you know what tonight I'm having some so I get a number around for a little firewood in a bit here you can have a couple more sips of whiskey here and it'll give me the courage I need to wander a little closer to the highway to rummage through some really dry looking good out there and we have a paper birch here it's a spindly little thing it's not much of a tree but it's still a paper birch all the same in that bark if I know anything from watching real bushcraft channels is that should burn and failing that I've got to back up nothing incredibly fancy I just got a whole bunch of flyers I can crumple up and start here with so no explosions today or anything to start the fire big torches or that type of thing cuz we're backpacking in right but yeah let's let's explore around here I've seen a few squirrels already and a lot of bunny droppings so that's that's where we're at here and just gonna chill relax for the evening oh this is sweet [Applause] no shortage no shortage of firewood around here nice didn't have to bring that so but it's not bad to have in the event of an emergency birch out here collecting a little firewood and I see this strange to see out here I don't see a pond anywhere nearby this was not down by a beaver a big humongous beaver and I just don't know why they'd be up here but no piece of wood here well have this fire started in no time guys and just in time the Sun is on the way down and we're going to have good good good good hey fire time I put up a community post and I think someone might know where I am my trucker just talked to a whole bunch when he went down the road like Hong Kong car honk that was you thanks for the hello alright sorry co-op not buying your stuff today yeah this is oddly one of the more real fires I've made without using all the pyrotechnics and stuff that I sometimes do but you can't have those big torches and stuff those here I'll give you away in no time so yeah you've all give all that fires before most of us and this is this is my method a lighter and that's what I'll have to use until I get until I get Joe out here to show me how to use a fire steel but this is a lot smaller later easy to use [Applause] this is off sunsets on another day another day in this world yep that is a a modest fire and if I keep it small like this we're not gonna have any problems at all no fire bands yet and this is thrown enough heat to keep me quite comfortable well another good reason to bring this stool is because I set the fire pit and I set up the cot for the hammock and this smoke is going right at it so do not get smoked out I'm sitting over here for it it's burning a little pit in the snow here so that really hides the flame from the road smoke is a bad thing if you're seriously gonna have fire while you're stealth camping probably a rocket stove is bastard Dakota fire hole I built one of those in another video that actually worked incredibly well but unfortunately there is no building Dakota fire holes in snow so this is what we're working with today and I'm gonna cut a switch to roast up hot dog or two or smoked sausage with a little mustard because finally I get my meal I'm craving every time as soon as the fire comes on I'm thinking I should be roasting roasting a hot dog or something like this that's the next step is to go to switch and there's some fine-looking ones over there that you're still green and they're small I've actually got a knife this time and a small little hatchet II think so let the hunkering begin oh yeah now this is sweet traffic has calmed down a fair bit I'm gonna walk down and see what this fire looks like from out there on the highway cuz I think we got a little break in traffic here I don't have a light with me but there's a supermoon that should give us good light these are the tracks through the snow from where I came in if you can see me or see the tracks and from down here I don't see a thing don't see a thing from down here and that's awesome walk a little further out the long tracks this was deep snow yeah that is so I'm here get back in there awesome you know even with the fire going [Music] yeah they'll never see it up they'll never see that awesome [Applause] my best guess that this highway was really gonna slow down at night that's not the case there's a lot of truckers delivering much-needed provisions right now I made myself a hotdog stick it cost me dearly this is what I had for a band-aid but that was that stupid axe is way too sharp [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] a nice smoked sausage and we'll toast the bun up a little put some mustard on it well this is gonna be good real good and I'll crawl into this trainwreck here gonna be done for the night oh yes [Applause] all right now here is how it's supposed to work kind of there's no way I can show this on camera but you get in through a zip lock thing on the bottom we'll catch you on the inside well I finally got it set up in here so I can sleep so we'll see you guys in the morning and I'll actually show you in daylight what this thing is all about and I'll try to hook it up a little bit better because yeah I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be hitting the ground by the morning and I've gotta learn how to tie some knots I think but see you guys in the morning and a huge shout out to all the beer donation guys I am discouraging that right now because there's food banks and health services and everything else they could probably use those donations a lot more than me but I do thank the people that have donated so thank you all so much for the donations and I'm going to though I'm really gonna hunt for another beer I'm gonna maybe I'll get to sleep it is so peaceful out here surprisingly peaceful the road traffic has died right down and there's the occasional train that comes by and I don't mind that one little bit so we'll see you guys in the eighth and survive the night and didn't get busted so the strange thing about this hammock you have to get in from that bottom as I was saying so it's not easy to get in and out if you got to use the bathroom which I do so that pretty much means I'm up for the day because I'm not gonna wiggle back into this thing it is it's a little bit of a tricky system but there's other ones that have a zipper on the side which I'd recommend those to be honest I put in the call to crazy neighbor to kind of pick me up so that beautiful wife can sleep in a little bit today and he'll be here probably within an hour and a half or so so I'm gonna slowly start taking this down get ready to jump out of this median here as soon as he pulls up alongside of the road but fires out everything worked really good it was a good successful night definitely didn't get spotted or caught so that's all and the way my understanding of trespass out here is and don't take me as legal advice on this but my understanding is that in order to be actually charged with any trespassing you need to have gone past a fence or a sign if it's just bare land it's they can ask you to leave that's for sure but without a no trespassing sign or offense or something like that to indicate that it is private property that you should be in the good and that's just here and that's the research that I did years ago so that's kind of what I'm going with but at any rate this is almost certainly public launch as it's a highway median there's nobody would be foolish enough to whom this little piece of property because it's it's a pretty useless to farm and it's pretty loud if you wanted to live here but yeah anyway [Applause] [Applause] well I'm sad to admit it but I think I'll be upgrading this hammock here it's been pretty good for me but just that getting in through the bottom velcro there this doesn't doesn't work for me so I I like the brand I'm probably gonna stay with this Hennessy company and see what else they have out there but it also has you know it has a few burn holes in it from being by the fire and that won't bode well in mosquito season because that should be happening here within the next month or two months depending on others weather goes got suggestions on let me know if you got one that you really like and I'll look into these I got my pack here ready to go when crazy neighbor pulls up there and then I'll just jump in real quick that won't be for a little bit but I'm ready when he when he does show up and again don't take this as a instructional channel by any stretch it's barely even entertainment so you know bring first-aid kit for the very least a band-aid or something or a tourniquet to let people know where you're growing if you're doing this I did shoot off a GPS pin location to my wife beautiful wife and crazy neighbor just in the event that if they didn't hear from me or something the next day they'd know where to start looking and yeah it's it's a good thing for any type of camping particularly stealth because you're usually way out of the way trying to not be seen so that's what I'll say about that I want to climb to the top of this hill and get a good look at both sides of the road here and see see how the location looks from out there got some whiskey left breakfast whiskey yum-yum I didn't actually drink much whiskey last night the snow here is still devastatingly deep and this is where I didn't want to walk to yesterday it's pretty good indication that if anything were to come careening off of the highway it would not make it up this though but if I were also to camp up here in this spot it would be way too obvious it is a nice clearing and everything but it would be would be an a little bit more of a line of sight to the traffic so just waiting for my ride you arrive and then we're gonna make the frantic break out across the highway to the other side for the pickup so expert watching on this crazy adventure we're gonna have more we're almost moved completely into the house now so we had to get an extension for a couple of weeks because there was just too much to move so and enough to a lot of help right now anyhow yeah let's just set up the camera and I gotta wait for crazy neighbor then move a little closer to the road to so that we can run quickly as soon as he shows up [Applause] just waiting for crazy neighbor to come along pick Neil [Applause] yeah nobody looks over here they just drive right on past even with me this close to the road so it's you probably noticed it's about time for a new sweater but I needed something really powerful an ugly face so I got this little thing on and I had this back to the boondocking days and like 2010 so this thing's had a good life 10 years and you know I wore the snot out of it so it's it's holding together for now but just barely and beautiful wife actually rescued this for me I had worked at the cemetery and that's where I'd met her and I got fired and I'd left this at one of the job sites it got hot one day and I took it off when I was we walking around the grave markers and I got fired and I left this behind and she grabbed it and held on to it for me and then I think is our second date or third date maybe even longer than that before she actually brought it back to me but it was really nice of her to save this little piece of boondocking history snow pretty much all that's left from those days they don't have that RV anymore the storage fees were building up and I'd had it in storage in BC and after a year - I hadn't gone back and I'd spent more in storage fees than it was worth and I just couldn't justify that so I gave it up to the storage lot and somebody's got that now but it's most likely scrapped entire to do something it is it is truly incredible you don't have to go too far away from civilization and then when you start to find start to find more nature not far away at all I got a text I wonder if that's the ride okay crazy neighbor has just shown up and he's parked across the road and just waiting for a break in traffic here then all I'll run across and it always comes in waves cuz you got that one slow driver at the start that slows everybody down so where there's one car there's always more you know I can see a semi coming delivering much-needed provisions as soon as he goes I am gonna make a break across the road and warm up I wonder if he's got a coffee for me that would be nice too let's see okay here we go one across right now another semi now I don't have to be too stealthy on the way out because I've already done the dirty deed some traffic there not a problem I'll just nice man really running on the way in okay that was a successful camp Oh a crazy neighbor oh it's going good yeah all right thanks for watching guys and we'll see you next week and until then stay safe and your camping with Steve
Channel: Steve Wallis
Views: 1,049,930
Rating: 4.8972812 out of 5
Keywords: camping, stealth camping, highway camping, highway median camping, hammock camping, steve wallis, camping with steve, hunker down, hunker down camping, stealth, hammock stealth camping, highway stealth camping, winter camping, camping in ditch, ditch camping
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 43sec (2323 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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