Basic Land Navigation (Simplified)

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Welcome to corporals corner today, we're talking about basic land navigation, and we're going to keep it simple. So stick around All right, today's the day you asked for it and you're finally gonna get it We're talking about basic land navigation without a map and truth be told once again that I've steered clear of the subject For the main reason of its an overly saturated market and what do I mean by that? simply Google or YouTube how to use a compass land navigation Etc. Etc. You're gonna come up with thousands tens of thousands of videos everybody and their mom has done a video on land navigation and My question is how do I reintroduce something into a market? That's overly saturated and It sucks but the truth be told once again you can't do it You just can't compete with someone who has seven hundred eight hundred thousand subscribers And I guess I have one hundred and thirty thousand subscribers But the chances of them watching my video over theirs would be purely accidental They're going to take a file at the bottom. And if you see it, you see it now There's a lot of work involved in this and that's why I've kind of been standoffish and taking the back seat There's also several good series out there Dave Canterbury has three or four different series on this Whole cracker bushcraft has a series he put out a few months ago even blackhat bushcraft. Just did a seven part series So I suggest you go check those out because you're guaranteed to learn something No far as my channel goes what I'm gonna do cuz I haven't done this I'm gonna go ahead and try to keep it simple dumb it down to just the basics and we're gonna walk through My preferred compass parts of the compass now, I'm gonna show you how to shoot an azimuth bearing reverse now Smith or back azimuth Get a pace count go talk about weight points and you can plot into route. Let's go ahead and get started Let's go ahead and kick this off with the three types of north. We have true north grid north and magnetic north Because this is a basic land navigation class or not using Maps will refer to magnetic north now let's talk about true north think of true north as North in relation to the Earth's access. Okay. Well the North Pole is grid north Think of a map can we have red lines now? The northerly direction of those grid lines will give you a grid north that's why you always want to orientate your map north before you use it and Finally last but not least we have magnetic north and that's the direction of a magnetic needle on your compass Okay. So now that we understand that we're only dealing with magnetic north Let's go ahead and move on two types of compasses currently on the market We have two types of compasses that are being sold one's a lensatic compass Here is a base plate covers like this one right here now example of a lens stetic compass would be Those you who are former military. Remember the old school metal or aluminum commander compasses. They're bulletproof bomb-proof Actually watched one fall off of an lav or light armored vehicle. Hit the ground. I believe it got ran over The marine jumps off picks it up why because gear a drift is a gift Grabs, it opens it dust it off checks it Aims back in the game. Okay. So for those you who are fans of that type of compass Stick with it. Don't try and fix something. That's not broken however with that said Now that has several years of experience under my belt I fall in love with these base play compasses simply for the fact as multi-use There's several options on here that will make my time in the field and yours as well a hell of a lot easier Let's go ahead and check it out So here we have our basics Intel MC to Start here at the top. We have our signal and sighting mirror It can be used for hygiene purposes as well If you take that mirror and use it to look at areas on your body that you can't normally see looking for bites scratches Tics etc Moving down we have our rotating bezel ring now on that bezel ring. We have a series of numbers Those would be your degrees for your azimuth or bearing that we'll talk about later Inside of our bezel ring, we have our magnetic needle and you can see how sensitive that is just from contact with this pencil It's moving around. So that's good to go Red means north black is south. The red will always face north Now perpendicular to our magnetic needle we have our orienting arrow Sometimes referred to as a doghouse or a shed Some will say put red in the shed. So all you got to do just rotate your body with your compass Put the red end of that needle in that shed or that dog in that doghouse Now owner of bezel ring, we actually have or right below it we have a glow-in-the-dark line here and Here now Think of it back to the future analogy This one on top up here will tell you where you're going The bottom one will tell you where you were so that will be your variant or as myth that would be your reverse asmath The bottom of our compass here we have a clear plastic baseplate why it's called a faceplate a compass they have a series of scales My personal favorite the magnifying lens or sun lens for starting fires Now that we understand that basic parts of our compass was going to move on to azmuth and bearings now it terms Azimuth and bearing go hand in hand and they mean the exact same thing All it refers to is the degrees of our Bethel rhythms Like I mentioned before so to shoot it as with our bearing all we're gonna do plug in say 40 degrees Into the top Wilma dark indicator on my compass And from this point right here I can rotate my body which moves the compass until I stalk is in the dog house or the Reds in the shed Take a point out there in the distance And I know now I can walk that straight line on an asthma throw bearing at 40 degrees Until I reach my point or my file objective. So we have 40 degrees dial gain here at the top What we're gonna do Rotate our needle put the dog in the dog house or read in the shed Now we can walk that azimuth our Burien of 40 degrees Now for the million dollar question why shooting as with their bearings there's a simple answer to walk in a straight line Walking that straight line will help you avoid something called lateral drift now letteth occurs for everyone a different way So it tends to happen as people as they walk you tend to drift towards their dominant side So they do their right side or the left side of their body still drift in that direction and check this out over a long distance you walk in a straight line lateral drift occurs and when you think you park your vehicle You end up over here And I've lost Now it's time to shoot an azimuth or bearing all we're gonna do is take our compass Go to our bezel ring We'll stick with a number 40 because we already talked about 40 degree azimuth Dial in the 40 degrees the top glow-in-the-dark indicator on my compass Partially extend my arms out keeping the base plate as level as possible Then you going to take my signal mirror and Bend that down to about a 45 degree angle or enough to where I can see the reflection of the bezel ring and magnetic needle At this point right here What I want to do is I want to go ahead and rotate my body not the compass rotate my body That will rotate the compass Now we're trying to do is put the dog in the dog house or the read in the shed At this point right here is one more feature I want to talk about At the bottom of my signal mirror. We have an opening. There's also a B notch Treat that be nos like a gunsight Keeping that dog in the dog house or the red in the shed, I want to take my eye and the compass should begin I level I want to pierce through that v-notch or gun sight and Find the target out there in the distance. Let's say for example, I see a tree That tells me that I can walk freely On a very inert housing with the 40 degrees Until I hit that tree I should run right into it At that point all I got to do is move to the opposite side of the tree Shoot a burying our azmuth again to 40 degrees and that will keep me moving in that straight line Here's my start point Or 40 degree bearing or azmuth Here's our tree I could then move to the opposite side of that tree Take my compass locate a new target And continue walking at 40 degrees in a straight line All right you doing an outstanding job we've got out there we've explored for the day We walked on as with or carrying a 40 degrees now. It's time to go home. How do we do that? We're gonna shoot a reverse azimuth or back a Smith's that's all we're gonna do use one of the features of our Suunto mc2 We're gonna look down We have our two glowing indicators. Let's down to the bottom one the top one topi where I was going The bottom one tells me where I was the bottom one says 220 degrees All we're gonna do Spin that bezel ring dial in 222 my top glowing indicator And repeat the process Get my compass level my harness partially extended Move my mirror so I can see the reflection Now rotate my body which will move the compass Get that red in the shed of a dog in the doghouse Move why I to my gun sight. Well the gun sights on my eye keeping it level Pick a new feature. I see a tree out there in the distance Not the walk home And for those who are using a lens edit compass, I'll show how to find your back azimuth. Oh, we're gonna do Take our asthma that we were currently walking information sure. We walked in a straight line and that was 40 degrees We're gonna use that acronym blouse less than 180 you add 180 More than 180 you guys subtract 180 So he asked ourselves the question we're walking 40 degrees is 40 degrees more or less than 180 It's less than 180. So what we're gonna do we're gonna add underneath And that comes out to what 220 degrees There's your back ass Let's go ahead and move on to keeping track of distance as we walk now we went out there You show our azimuth or bearing the 40 degrees? I want to build a walk out there turn around shooter reverse azimuth and come right back to my starting point So, how do I do that with a simple way is with a pace count and a pace count is just what it says You're counting your paces or you're keeping track of your paces as you walk and to do that what you're gonna want to do The step off with your non-dominant foot or supreme eaving my left foot and every single time my right foot touches. I'm gonna count all I'm gonna do is gonna go ahead and step off with my left foot and Every single time my right foot touches, I'm gonna count. Here we go 1 2 3 4 5 6 and so on and so forth until I reach to 100 meters Now to keep track of your pace count accurately. You need to select three separate locations The first one's gotta be flat level train for a hundred yards or hundred meters next You want to locate some type of hill? start the base of that hill and walk at a 45 degree angle to the top of that hill and lastly using that same exact hill You wanna start at the bottom for the base of that hill? They work your way towards the top for a hundred yards or one hundred oohs now each one is locations You have to walk it twice meaning it between your start point to The end and then back to your start point that will give you two separate numbers for each one of these You want to take those two numbers add them together and divide by two that will give you your average at the end You're gonna have three separate numbers You're gonna have a number here Number here and a number here You will then add those three numbers And then simply divide by three And that will give you an average number For your paste count to simulate rough terrain up and down hills Skirting the hill going down into a ravine Etc There's my start point and a hundred meters take me all the way down here One-sixty You Now determining how far you've walk is quite simple You can go ahead and make tick marks on a paper for every 100 meters 100 yards you walk You can bend down and pick up a small pebble put in your pocket You can carve notches on a stick Or you use something called Ranger beads or pacing beads Using Ranger beads or pacing beads is quite simple and There's several different variations of this but the ones that I prefer have four beats at the top and these represent 1,000 meter increments for a total of 4,000 meters Now at the bottom down here, we have nine beads in they represent 100 meter increments for nine hundred meters It's very simple for every 100 meters for a hundred yards you walk. How are you gonna do is drop one bead? 200 meters 300 meters it's very simple. Now. Let's say you've gone 900 meters And you walk an additional 100 you're at 1,000 meters so all we're gonna do at that point Drop one of our beats from the top And we turn our 9 beads Now we can go 1,100 meters 1,200 meters 1,300 meters all the way till we get 1,900 meters Drop our second bead Return these beads and start off at 2000 meters 2100 2200 and so on Let's continue moving forward to establish that we can shoot an azimuth or bearing we then can get our reverse azimuth or back azimuth We can establish a pace count and even keep track of that pace count now, let's move on to obstacles We are a pace count for shooting their azimuth. We're walking along. Everything's cool. All of a sudden. Oh There's a large body of water or a swamp right in front of us How do we negotiate that obstacle meaning get around it and end up? That's our azmuth on the opposite side of that obstacle Here's the answer a 90-degree offset Now a 90-degree offset is exactly what it says They're shooting a series of 90 degrees To negotiate that obstacle or get around it end up back where you started on the opposite side. Let's say for example We're walking along on an azimuth or bearing of 0 degrees Rotating my compass to 90 degrees either left or right Will give me anywhere from 2 70 or 90 So rotating for a 90 degree angle Is 90 degrees Now we're here keeping track of my pace count, let's say it's exactly 200 meters Once I passed that obstacle I can then turn my compass back to my original bearing was zero Until I passed that obstacle Once I passed it, all I've got to do Rotate it for another 90 degrees 90 was this way? so from zero the Opposite direction is 270 And I'll walk the same distance for 200 meters And that's it put me exactly the same spot On the opposite side of that obstacle then I can reshoot zero degrees and Continue off Now the last thing I want to talk about this segment is something called a waypoint now Waypoint is Basically, an intermediate point or stopping point at which the route can be changed or a fallback point so that you don't get lost and You try and simplify that let's say we go back through we talked about in the beginning We have our azimuth or burying of 40 degrees We saw in the distance a tree and that's to say we walked to that tree for 500 yards or 500 metres Once I got to that tree I want to continue on Put my back to the tree reshoot 40 degrees Happened to glance over I see some type of water source or materials couple hundred yards away now a Lot of people will wander down there and then I hope they can find their way back to where they're at Use their compass and then they find out they veered off so many degrees so a waypoint Is a simple way to find your way back All you gotta do is take the pepper bright color cloth to be s shemagh It could be a bandana in this case here give you an actual signal panel from the hidden woodsman Two by two signal palette all I'm gonna do is I'm gonna hang this At that tree that was in line with 40 degrees at eye level Now what this does it gives me the freedom to roam around as far as I want in any direction As long as I can turn around and see this I can come back to it. I can pick up my gear Put it back on put my back to that tree grab my compass Reshoot that 40 degrees and with their bearing and continue on in that straight line So here's our start point We'll walk it along for 500 meters We hit our tree I Look over here and I say oh look it here's some water all I got to do I've either wrap the tree with my signal panel or simply hanging off of a branch And now I feel Rome Anywhere around here As long as like I see that signal panel I can go right back to it Pick up my gear put my back to this tree Reshoot my asthma's are bearing to 40 degrees And continue on Welcome back land navigation is outstanding just my humble opinion Now last thing for you to do is go ahead and plant some type of route And I've given you all the tools to do that. Let's go to one your favorite locations Establish some type of starting point To be a parking lot could be your truck Simply at that point shoot your bearing or a minute And walk it for X amount of hundred meters 200 300 400 500 whatever you see fit Stop there practice doing your 90 degree offset Again walk that and tell your tire a couple hundred meters once you're there 90 again You're keeping track of your pace count these numbers here Should be the same And these numbers? Should be the same And from there that will take you home. You can even go a step further once you get to this point Toss up a waypoint Minute you're out as far as you can see come back 10 yuan Another way for me Vince you're out as far as you can see Point number three another way point Venture out as far as you can see come back to your truck the exact same thing what you've done As you create a box recon we've applied these tools now here's what I'm gonna do If I get a good response on this video, we need a lot of views a lot of thumbs up I'll go ahead and take it to the next level We'll walk an actual land nap course or what I'll do is well think outside the box and we'll up the bar And I'll combine map and compass But I'm gonna leave this up to you guys if you want to see that. Let me know It's notification bells subscribe button. And as always think of your comments view support. Thanks for watching You got the field have some fun in the catch you next time
Channel: Corporals Corner
Views: 143,055
Rating: 4.9733686 out of 5
Keywords: How To Use a Compass, Basic Land Navigation, Map and Compass, Military Land Navigation, Compass Navigation, Corporals Corner, Compass For Beginners, Land Navigation for Beginners, Dave Canterbury, Survival Skills, LURD, Topographical Map, How To Shoot an Azimuth, 90 degree Offset, Pace Count, Waypoints, Ranger Beads, Sunnto MC-2 Compass, Silva Compass, joerobinet, naturalshelter, wildcamp, nikon, hd
Id: ht1zeh0E77Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 1sec (1621 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 25 2018
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