4 Days Camping in Sweden (An Epic Adventure)

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welcome to corporals corner today we're at the Pathfinder School in Scandinavia for the Pioneer Scout class so stick around [Music] [Music] once you take that one step further we're gonna have some redundant items but we're still gonna stay within that mentality we're gonna drop a few items that are not necessary we're gonna learn to use our gear a little bit better more effective so we can carry less stuff and get just as much value out of it but we're also gonna do a traditional faster so we're going to do like a Hudson Bay canoe class where you would not be carrying backpacks and things like that you'd be carrying a 40 pack which is very much what Jim had over here just a bedroll for InStyle product and all you do with me and not and so we're going to whittle down the gear list now I'm going to tell you what you're allowed to carry and if you just put what you're allowed to carry out front if you want to because you can't take anything else okay about stuff like two hours max gotta be back at Basecamp T 2 hours two hours okay John 20 years later I'm still doing this guess I messed up somewhere or not [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now we strip you guys down to the bare essentials only the things you really need out here and now you're like six clicks in just over an hour that's awesome so the lesson here don't pack unnecessary stuff go light and you don't need any side [ __ ] and stuff like that do you right you've been trying it out it works right you don't need that stuff you don't need any of that stuff need essentials you need to have pack down neat nice package on your back then you got speed go speed is good all right go fast light is always right if you carry the pen see so you know that I normally when I use this I take this standing tree and I already got my spindle up here somewhere you can decide the thickness of it we can do this down here you make more material more dust and that makes a bigger Emperor I could find a straight piece for your spindle otherwise it has to be a background nut flex back background color it's black you went too fast you marked in general yeah once you get this there's a building a fire yeah you're just smothering in and you're just keep an auction out of it so you really want to keep going until you don't have any more left and you just to make you don't stop five seconds too early which is when you put friction on it kind of hardens up I'm gonna get a bit slick yeah so my choice would be would be birch but that's my personal trust it's a load you know this is not this is not for it she's got oil in it yeah yeah yeah yeah and then it's not gonna eat it it's not gonna burn up like this bend over hmm now when you blow into this don't go like this that's when the flames see that thick black smoke Darko smoke come out of the back of the bundle now that's kind of your signal I can blow a little harder now if I want it now you just gonna turn it over into that yeah just like we talked about the basic class send the bundle over and let the flames rise through the bundle all right that's what you guys need to get to and then we'll put a community fire like we did the basic class about 40 government control now out here the primary go to tinder sores are these dead ferns they can be a process from the course conditioned to medium and even fine materials see how deep your notches in the hole at least a quarter of the surface area this notch is getting no contact with spindle whatsoever okay this was good it was off-center but it was about the right depth once you start getting halfway into that hole you don't have enough contact with the spindle even think about filling a notch up of material deep enough to do anything to go there you go there you go good job good job got it what's the what's the set don't forget what we're looking at is a basic or standard flash and a v-notch right here that's basically it to make this very simple you can't see come on here look at take it apart what we're gonna do here but that's it now let me back up real quick being where we're at what I don't want to see I don't want to see trees just cut off everywhere okay I made both of these out of one tree so look for one that good you know 15 foot high roughly bought this Diane because that was the base of the tree cut it off as low as you can to the ground and try to get one tree for both these projects okay thank you all right so the length on these all you're gonna need is something roughly your horizontal bar you want to start off with the length of your blade okay there's a lot of 20 inch weights right 20 inches so you want to make them longer it's easier to take material off then cut it too short run back around trying to find something else so make sure that this horizontal piece the same language now your two vertical pieces right here that's a horizontal vertical okay these ones here can be as long as you want the smaller you make it the more packable it's going to be or lighter it's going to be so I have to do is start off a three piece of the same length and just come shorter you can cut this off right here if you want to do and just bring everything down and make it really tiny again cuz you guys are gonna be carrying this along with this along with your gear along with your poles so think ahead of what works for you and how light or how heavy you want this to be okay so then all we did we had our verticals right here what we do is taper our horizontal that's carved RTB notches right here it's just like a V so this will fit that it marries up male and female in right okay so how can I do decide where you want that find a halfway point Karger V notch on the ends right here this is your choice you can go ahead and baton that down however would you use and they split all the way down get the wood starts to split you're going to put a lash on here okay or you take your saw blade and cut saw into it you saw it you won't split right it's a lot longer to do that that's your choice I'm giving you the option and what you want to do it mean a Roycroft pack frame and a ladder style pack frame is that the ladder saw pack frame will allow you to carry heavier weight over a longer distance like you guys do what 5 K or 6 K if I'd be a lot more comfortable having pack frame they trying to carry that stuff around you so this one right here we this one and this one to be dissin right here and just to match them up like a log cabin or square gosh everybody's game okay good and you may have to give some fine tuning meaning look at it make sure it fits perfectly in there because you want to fit or doesn't want it doesn't move on you Danny wants it stay in there it does not move now once we've done that you have 12 of your log cabin or square notches what you're going to do is do a diagonal lash now normally it's something like this we do a square lash well what tends to happen and give a notch like this when you wrap in between them it pulls it apart so if we're going to a diagonal AB you know a punk would collect it to char the next time have a fire your own you need all that stuff because you never know go cover your charts in so you got chart burning up in there good job Joe nice quick mouth get it done babe really any map that you have unless you know where you're at if you know where you're at pack those friends so just like your buck sauce and the pack friend this could be customized to your liking the way I'm going to show you how to do it isn't the only way do it what works for you but what you want to do is look at your pack frame some we're gonna be square somewhere really long you want to try to make your pack the same ways the frame so my it's kind of like a rectangle right so what I'm gonna do first look at all my gear anything that can go on your body needs to go on your body compass your knives things you want access to things you're gonna need maybe even a water bottle okay finds a way to rig it up the way you get it keep that query okay because once you pack this up only way to get access to your gear is he completely unpack but you'd be a big pain just keep untying it taking it back off putting it back on there so things that you don't need like your blanket you don't need extra warming layers or your tarp I'm not gonna give my water bottle but my hammock all this stuff and go inside here next thing I wanna do is we want to try and condense everything that you want well I suggest is starting at the top going around two or three times we back up go around it and do a trucker's hitch okay now we will cinch it all down but again tight how you want you guys the ones carrying this like one pole it's about that's all yeah I'm I'm in short supply of poles at the moment so I'm looking at it and your landmarks stopping points and so on to navigate this one I'm not going to split you up in small groups and make you do is like group wise it would be a full press transport so help each other make sure that you actually get this done if you get totally you know lost just stop because me me and Sean will be just behind you catching up everyone falls up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] this next part coming up is pretty cool the students are divided in two-man teams and then they're issued a canoe it's their job to get that canoe into this water behind me by any means necessary once they're over here you can see those two by sixes they're floating in the water the next stage is finding a car of their own paddles let's check it out Oh I gotta choose wisely oh it's one of what you take they only need you guys only need that one for two paddles yeah these boards here will make three good use for the buck saws right there nice we'll be fine fettle very nice no idea have a students behind me went ahead and cut their two by six into the length of a paddle they're gonna hop on their canoes paddle down this channel to our second campsite once we arrive they'll sit down a card they're two by six into a paddle we're at the campsite for night number two this is where things start to compile on the students we have three students that currently owe us a bow-drill fire haven't gotten it yet in addition to that we're moving into trapping the students still have to carve their paddle as well as set up their shelters if you make Flint steel steel fire they're all fires get storms over here by the pit once they get sports everything's in the pit very nice you know you can use the same trigger configurations for any trap no matter how big or how small except to scale the components up and down and the deadfall weighting things like that rephrase you're trying to kill so I always tell people start small start with rat and mouse traps then work your way up from there you can mechanically make them work you can catch anything you just got to scale everything up easy enough that's what we do it's going in the States as well before I show you guys these traps you're gonna you're gonna learn two traps tonight and you're gonna have to make these two trap so they have to be functional traps that's a delivery for tomorrow morning but here's what I want you to think about for the rest of the night tonight so it's hit late in the game you still got one more thing we're doing tonight it hasn't been announced yet so we got some stuff to do okay the point is right now deliverables are starting to pile up you know get toward the end of the class the Liberals are piling up you got but pallets to make you got Paul mountains are not done you know throw fires that haven't been done yet they're getting traps you got to do you a lot of stuff to do and you got another thing coming down inside first no keep trying hey it happens no it's just fine yep [Music] so here we are the morning of day number three last night most of students are up to the wee morning hours carving their paddles and today they get a chance to test those paddles over a 5k canoe slash led navigation course that will take them island hopping across that Lake system you will see landmarks you will see where that line touches sure and that will give you maybe maybe two places to look able to draw right on your map yes put that compass on your mouth trace that bearing line across you should go look across there pick a terrain feature they go here's the start point of the 5k canoe slash land nav course team deadly right there Luciano and Joe price they got a fine point seven and eight and point number nine and their finish point is way over here Llandaff course is complete we're heading out to day 3 camp [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] living baby Li VI hand look at that outstanding Wow nice freakin a man give me a knuckle sandwich on that one good job easy peasy lemon squeezy man nice nice nice good freakin job man good job awesome nice yes sir here we are the end of day number three the water exercise is completed the students are dried off that made their fires let's head over to the opposite side of the island and watch them turn their canoes into a shelter some people actually say there's no fish in this lake yeah Yeah right I saw such movie and that's that time for them to pack up hop in the canoes and head home thanks for watching [Music] [Music] instructor life Scandinavian side and the flexing comforts that we use for our logo I'm going to give that pulley to one student every call and so this constructions and I sat down and tried to look at the group as a whole and who we thought deserved the challenge point it's a really tough decision when you've got everybody in the group is really close to the little ball we're buddies done a great job so we have to look at things like who has improved the most over time who has contributed to the group who has always been high-spirited in everything they do who never got down on themselves was down on the class while they were doing thinking it wore out black things like that so the three of the four of us [Applause] all the way here from almost my hometown in America Jim or first UFC split my photogenic very large budget friend [Laughter] reception man of the original for your efforts from the UK we hold it against Jin Jack before me my Italian brother Luciana [Laughter] and last but not least we had the Warriors breakfast check this out [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Corporals Corner
Views: 159,678
Rating: 4.9426575 out of 5
Keywords: 4 Days Camping in Sweden, wild camping, canoe camping, survival, bushcraft, camping in sweden, joerobinet, canoe shelter, corporals corner, wild camping in sweden, one direction camping in sweden, camping in sweden winter
Id: -BIh28dy3DY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 46sec (3106 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 15 2018
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