Survival Bob Exotic Ship | No Man's Sky Pioneer Expedition Redux 2021

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whoa is that a oh my god this is a it's not the guppy and this is very orange survival bob color so we are gonna have to get this thing just for survival bob welcome back to no man's sky everyone jason here and this is the pioneer expedition redux the second run at it if you haven't completed it before you can complete it now and get your golden vector and i was trying to when i left you guys i was trying to get a uh my cool guppy my exotic guppy i came back to the system i made a ton of money as you can see i have 24 million dollars ready to go ready to go i've been waiting for it for a long time i'll tell you that it's been a couple of hours i'm getting kind of tired of waiting but the other thing i've noticed is if you go to phase four you actually get an s-class ship if you buy an a-class so if you buy an a-class ship they will give you an s-class ship that is amazing so we should do that totally we should do that so now instead of buying the guppy i'm going to buy just an a class that way i can get an s-class as a gift the other thing is you can also get a uh a new multi-tool or you get a multi-tool expansion slot if you get an a-class multi-tool as you can see right there so we got a whole bunch of stuff to buy i have a ton of money so let's buy some stuff so let's see what are these guys that's a b class we need an a we need an a that's another b one okay what is this guy right here that's a c class that's not gonna help us man of course now you guys don't know this but i've been sitting here waiting for my guppy to come in i've seen a ton of a-class ships come in but because they were not the guppy i was like oh i don't need it i'm looking for the guppy i'm looking for the guppy i am such an idiot that's a b-class now that i know of course now that i know it's gonna only give me b classes dang it all right well as you can see i kind of got weak i did buy this explorer this is my this is my ship let me let me go over to well by my menu right here boom i did get this explorer i like it because it's symmetrical it looks really cool it looks like a little like a little fighter dog i like that so i got this one it was only a b class though i wasn't really paying attention i should have gotten an a class but then i would have gotten the milestone it would have ruined the whole play through you know what we know what i'm talking about but anyway so that is what i'm doing right now now if you guys didn't see the first two episodes number one you can go back you can always go back and check them out but number two we sold a whole bunch of ionized cobalt if i showed you guys how to farm it how to do the cobalt expansion and that is how i ended up with as much money as i have so i cleaned up my exo suit i cleaned i cleaned it up moved some stuff around a little bit and then i made sure i organized you know got all my money my 24 million that way we're good my my starship is kind of cleaned up i also bought some multi-tool expansions here i should have waited till i got my uh my a-class multi-tool that's okay that's okay i did get this organized a little bit i bought a uh i bought some upgrades here i maxed it out i moved some stuff around so we should be doing okay right i only have 82 nana so we're gonna have to get some more nanites for this but i'm doing okay we're doing okay now we just have to wait for our awesome a-class so let's do that real quick oh god this is never gonna happen you know it's because i'm waiting right 346 minutes later well wouldn't you know it the first a class that comes in afterwards is the same explorer as mine it's just now an a-class version oh we're gonna take this one so i don't mind that at all let's do it let's uh buy make it offer on a ship let's do it now we have some cool stuff we're gonna go negotiate the price now to make it cheap as cheap as possible i can just move all my stuff over so that's what i'm gonna do let's quick transfer all the stuff over now i haven't upgraded this thing yet it does have some upgrades in it but i have not upgraded it myself those all came with it so we're gonna exchange it that way i keep the same one there we go the good ship yes so let's accept our reward because we go into our expedition tab of course reach oh no no it's going to be in number four yep the phase four collect it oq5 i'm guessing han look at this one oh oh yeah i hate this the one thing the one thing i hate about this one is that it's so tall you can't really see uh past it because the head is so big on it i'm going to keep it though or i'm going to claim it it is an s-class so yes yes we're going to claim that one we got it oh yeah that's not mine anymore this one's mine and the one bad thing is you cannot switch your ship when you're in the space station oh man look at it this one looks so cool i wish i had an upgrade for this one all right but we need to keep going we need to reach that second rendezvous let's see if we can keep going boom hyperdrive has no fuel in it oh he sold me one with no fuel in it come on how cheap can you be he sold me a ship with no fuel come on dude all right all right you know what i'll take it i'll take it anyway even though there's no fuel in it let's go let's move some stuff around real quick real quick boom yeah we'll just move these up here that way they're out of the way now we're gonna have to make five of those let's make five anti-matter that way we have a full uh a full gas tank basically a full tank of gas for warping done now let's try that again now let's see what we can do here we can follow that line or if you want to you can press b and you can kind of see okay i'm gonna go all the way down here oh god that is 300 light years away but yeah we can't jump that far because we don't have an upgraded hyperdrive well we can jump one at a time and see maybe possibly we can get one we'll definitely stop by the space stations and get our cool uh upgrades elsa what other what other uh milestones we have to get to as well we gotta you know this is all gonna be whoa there's no way there's no way they're just giving me look at this thing all right that's okay let's see if we can save this thing let's see and it's gonna cost way more than i have but we'll check it out we'll check it out just to see it only has five pirates protecting it and usually that'll tell you how good it is or five uh pirates attacking it i should say not protecting attacking so the more pirates you get attacking a freighter the higher level it's going to be because you know higher level means they need more pirates right only this guy come on he wants me to shoot the freighter it's a lime green freighter okay got that one let's get this guy oh yeah we got him we got him we're good all right so there's two more somewhere possibly where are you at where are you at oh two more guys right over here or one guy okay i thought that was two but it was only one where's the other guy at there you are making my job easy all right so this is a lime green uh freighter as you can see let me look let me see this let me show you guys look at that lime green holy cow that is a pretty bright green uh freighter let's just land on it and see what it is let's just see what this thing is i have a feeling it's gonna be too good for me too expensive for my my budget we can only spend 23 million and usually freighters are really expensive like 50 60 100 million dollars so this one is an eight glass three thirty three oh my god this is a really good one but it cost 128 million there's no way i need a hundred extra 100 million uh bucks let's see let's see uh i'm gonna i'm gonna come up here just to look at it because there's no way i could afford this thing come on maybe he'll take pity on me and he'll just give it to me they'll just say yeah we know you took the first one because you were dumb jason but here take the second one because we we pick pity on you i have a feeling they they're not though all right inspect the freighter oh look at it it is so good too look at this thing look at this thing let's compare yeah exchange 124 million i look at that my freighter is only worth 4 million his is worth 128. oh no way not in a million years i should have saved more money i wasn't expecting to do the cell i'm sorry i want to captain bogernom i want to so bad but i don't have enough money i only got 25. you need a 128. that's okay this is a good one at least now we know and at least now we know that they are constantly giving me freighters which is a good thing and you also know that as soon as i have enough money to do it they will stop giving me free freighters or stop giving me the freighters will stop showing up they'll just be like nah you really don't need a freighter really right let's head on in hey come on let's get in here we also need to see what we can do let's see our expedition tab what are we supposed to be doing in the second level phase two rendezvous farm plants okay discover a new system that's hard enter a black hole and visit a red star all right so we need to visit a red star star which means we need a cadmium upgrade do we know how to make that yet i don't think we do we're gonna need to get some nanites you guys so what you can do is you can farm uh ships for parts what you can do is you can just farm it out so buy a ship and scrap it because they will give you upgrades like the higher the uh the ship level the better the upgrade so if you buy an a class you'll get eight class upgrades sell those for nanites and you're good to go let's see do we have anything good before you guys take off don't don't leave i need a good one that's a c-class that's a c-class nothing good here okay everyone good just left i mean i imagine everyone that had a really good ship just left ah that's okay that's okay come on 60 000 yeah we'll take that one anyone landing in here nope i think i came in too late that's fine that's fine and i don't have any nanites to buy upgrades i only have 82 nanites actually speaking of that there is a milestone for getting nanites right i think so oh yes look at that one it's in phase three we have to get two thousand nanites and we're already we're already at eighteen hundred so we just need about two hundred more and we could totally get that by getting these uh orange cubes oh of course you give me a navigational date of that time any other time i'm looking for nav data they won't give it to me but man when i want the nanites that's how it always happens s-class s-class fighter let's buy this thing oh sir i want your ship it's an s-class i didn't know we had s-classes here yes all right make it off around the ship look at that it's an s-class i'm not a big fan of this uh the front end i don't know why i don't like that thing the wings are cool i like the wings the engine is amazing i love the single really big old engine in the back that's what i like uh we're not gonna trade my current one for it we're just gonna buy it so we'll spend 18. this is our main ship now we can scrap this baby and get some upgrades and sell those upgrades and make some nanites so let's do that we're about to get our nana milestone so this is what you would normally do especially if you can find an s-class you're really lucky let's claim it and especially if you don't want it some people they want that s-class i already got an s-class let's claim it boom and we're good boom all that stuff in my inventory so now it goes back to my original i don't know there goes boom there it goes it took a second to load up but i have all these oh i got storage augmentations let's put that in there boom we're gonna get a whole bunch of storage augmentations wow i got five upgrades whoa five upgrades on that thing that was good c class a b class that's pretty good we're looking for an a though we really want an a class that's a c class as well that's a cool looking uh hauler okay so or any of those upgrades a uh hyperdrive uh phase beam photon cannon starship shield infra knife and positron ejector module all right nothing i really want i'm only looking for a hyperdrive upgrade so let's sell to the uh ship guy let's uh we're gonna go in here we're gonna sell some go to purchase it first but you can always switch it to a cell there we go boom now we're gonna buy let's see what we can buy here nothing he doesn't have any s-class upgrades wow you're killing me you're killing me but we got our cluster hoarder for 2 000 nan i'd say yes let's see you got any cool upgrades for me for my uh multi-tool let's see what you got what do you have what do you have what do you have you have a scanner module i have all my scanners pretty good pull spinner okay nothing i really want so yeah we're good we're good we made it we made a ton of nanites we need to get a hyperdrive module but you know what i'll be okay with it oh yeah we need to accept our reward let's do that phase three collect our reward i got five million bucks rusted metal and runaway mold well we can turn runaway mold into uh nanites not very many because it takes a lot of them but let me show you this um let me get into my uh runaway mold there it is so if you put it in here it takes five run away mold to make one nanite so out of the 256 runaway mold i'm gonna get 51 nanites that is not a good turnover you guys i mean it's better than nothing that's why i'm doing it but not a good one overall and while we're waiting for another pilot to come in here let's see what we could do with uh the things we just got got let's sell some of this stuff so we're gonna sell all the upgrade parts like the tank of coolant you can't do anything with that uh we're gonna sell the superconductor for one and a half million yes compressed indium scraps yes activated cadmium we can turn that into a chromatic metal if we wanted to i'm going to sell it for the money because i need the money right now recycled circuitry rusted metal we don't need this get it out of here all right dun dun dun [Music] whoa is that a oh my god this is a it's not the guppy and this is very orange survival bob color so we are gonna have to get this thing just for survival bob it's an s-class let's see how much it costs i didn't pay attention because i was so excited i didn't want it to leave let me go to the price oh it's only 12 just like the last one so yes we're gonna buy it we can exchange you know what we're gonna exchange it screw it we're gonna exchange this baby and boom boom exchange it what 11 million we'll save a little bit of cash that's okay so yes the mistress of sleep that's pretty good but it's not going to be the mistress of sleep for very much longer we have to of course name this oh yeah go go to the pencil we have to of course name this the mistress of bob the mistress of survival bob boom there you go because it's that orange bob color and i'm gonna make sure this is gonna be the one we uh we upgrade i could upgrade my other one i wonder can i even look at the stats on my other ship now hyperdrive is pretty good on it it's better than the one i used to have but we can make it better okay get some upper up uh upgrades oh man i can't even talk i'm so excited upgrade the starship yes you could scrap it if you want to i don't want to scrap it cause i just spent two hours looking for the other guppy and i got the orange one here so let's apply the augmentations we've gotten so far that way we can make a little bit more room in our inventory apply there you go starship inventory size increased now it's worth a heck of a lot more look at this guy there you go all right all right we are having a this episode is going a whole lot better than the last one last one was not fun at all this one is going awesome i love it let's put all the like stuff together that way we can make more room in our inventory oh yeah i need to make more hybrid why is it that they only give you empty hyperdrive fuel look at this thing it's empty again again you guys are murdering me with this whole i gotta make keep making frickin hyperdrive fuel i've filled my uh my inventory like a million times with without warped cells good lord i'll take it all right all right there we go we're good i don't want to complain too much because this is a really good ship all right let's take up oh look at my guy came right back in i like it i came right back with my ship that's okay though i don't want it i like the exotic a lot better so let's see how how far we can go can we go more than one we got one oh we can't because 144 dang it that's okay that's okay let's see if they sell some uh hyperdrive upgrades in here we'll also upgrade our inventory and get to that second rendezvous we are tearing up the milestones now we're not doing it all in the phases we're actually just going by the easiest ones to get first and we'll knock them out slowly but surely we'll get there we will get there let me let me get some uh pulse driving oh it's probably my uh my guys who are at the settlement let's see it's probably the settlement yep it says yep i can't even read that input this life form is in great distress the broadcast contains a set of coordinates yep probably for the yep nearby planet that is a settlement so you can go do that if you want to i mean it happens at a random interval if you don't have a settlement if you already have a settlement you probably won't run into a emergency broadcast like that but if you don't have a settlement they will randomly hit you with that during the game so you could just totally wait for one if you wanted to let's get in here we can organize our uh our fuels as well i like to have my fuel over here my metals at the bottom over here and then you know kind of disperse everything else around i i like the guppy but mistress of bob mistress of survival bob we're gonna have to keep that one that's gonna be our uh our number one ship for now let's get over here yeah ready hyperdrive upgrades that way it makes it easier and faster for me to go somewhere come on come on um photon infraknife pulse engine launch thruster we can get a launch thruster in a pulse engine but i'm looking yeah we'll do that because we still have enough left over to get a hyperdrive upgrade if we wanted to okay so yeah we're going good we're going good get that upgrade just to make some room in our inventory exo suit 70 yes we'll do that and let's see i'm going to be slow about this because maybe another exotic will fly in and i'll be lucky to get two exotics in a single you know run today that would be pretty good wouldn't it all right we don't have very much room do we no we don't all right so what we're gonna do is we'll put this one art over here and launch thruster oh yeah that's definitely gonna go in here got it so pulse engine that way they're together photon cannon can go over here boom there we go now we're getting pretty good minus twenty percent uh launch cost and this one is minus twenty so we're already subtracting 40 percent out of the uh the ship cost nothing really all right nobody oh nope that's a shuttle okay i i figured that you know they're gonna show up with the uh exotic as soon as i leave all right one more hop and we're at the uh come on where is it at where's my second uh it might not have it marked i do have it marked reach the second rendezvous what's going on here there it is okay i don't know why it just all of a sudden didn't want to mark it for me there we go so let's get to that second rendezvous this is gonna be good and then we'll get an upgrade hopefully an upgrade let's see maybe maybe get an upgrade from the uh space station let's see where's the space station at right here should be close to us there it is so we know that the uh the rendezvous is gonna be here you're gonna show it to me come on come on where's my uh it's not liking it all right wait a minute my log oh yeah you gotta remember go to your uh expedition duh man i don't know why it will do that but yeah if you get a new mission all of a sudden it says oh you don't want to go with the one you're doing right you want to you wanna track the new mission we just gave you at random no i like my old mission come on so now we're doing that complete phase two go to and then oh yeah wait let me highlight it got so many tabs we gotta highlight there we go reach the second rendezvous it is so weird how the emission stuff is set up it'll untrack it it'll change your tracking it's like oh come on that's okay though that is an update they could fit that's something they can fix later on so we're good we're good we're okay with that and i'm doing my general inventory because i want to make sure there's it's cleaned out i'm going to use my free upgrades for my cargo and my technology i'm going to use my cost ones for my general inventory let's see anything phase b phase beam no hyperdrive come on i mean they give you an a i'll take an a a will help out so we'll take the a i'd rather have an s but i'll take the a all right look at that blue ball hauler that's that should be bob's right there blue ball hauler right let's keep going while we're doing that let's install this one boom there we go so now we get an extra 152 light years and it's a little bit more efficient so you're not using so much uh gasoline so much fuel not gasoline fuel to get there all right 30 seconds they were doing pretty good ah look at that it used why did what jumped once or twice i think it jumped once and it used 60 of my fuel holy cow that's all right launch thrusters are uh more efficient so we won't need as much of that let's actually make some more uh let's make some more of these one two three four five just to make sure we have it i'm not gonna put it in there because it's not gonna actually you know it doesn't need that much let's see what it takes for sixty percent you need two warp cells for sixty percent okay so they do 20 per warp cell okay why am i going to the small settlement no no we're going over here to the rendezvous why are you trying to go to a different mission here this exotic man you're not paying attention to it it tries to do something else let's go we'll get to that second rendezvous oh yeah and a lot of people ask for the location of the second rendezvous or all the rendezvous planets because you know sometimes you want to go back and see like a lot of people they obviously they made a lot of cool uh farms i'm guessing that you make some farms is these are these farms arcading night outposts uh basis i don't even know what that meant um okay banana republic oh you know what i'll take the banana republic that sounds like it's gonna be a place to get a lot of bananas right maybe possibly i could be wrong about that i could be wrong up too far too far you go up to the atmosphere to go faster but if you're too close to it you overshoot i don't even know what that is a-n-l-e-y-c we're gonna land on it though this is a nice planet i like the orange it goes with my ship with the mistress of survival bob is it not gonna show me anything where am i supposed to go too weak for okay never mind it was too weak for me to actually do anything well this is a good test to see what kind of fuel it takes oh 84 it only took 16 fuel all right i'm here what else do you want what else do you want from me let's land it's going to be a building nearby i'm guessing it's going to be another planetary archive but not positive on that that front all right too weak it might be killing me on this i know that they uh sometimes it freaks out and the emission marker isn't where it needs to be that's what it says all right let's see let's see oh god that guy's a freaky looking guy what is this look at his feet he has like three long toes whoo that gave me 300 000. that's why you want to do that holy cow all right this way this way thank god i have a lot of fuel in my ship that way i don't have to worry about uh coming all the way back here i can just call it back all right let's get some money out of here while we're doing all this come on all right we're going this way i'm guessing we're all the communication station no no two hours 16 minutes that's not it um what does this even say uh the lone buddha base okay farm 23 minutes away that is one of the things we need to do we need to pick up a whole bunch of plants right so we need to farm a whole bunch of stuff we could totally do that that's why i love the community you guys pay attention especially on these planets even if you're playing offline like technically all my multiplayer and everything is turned off now you still have to have an internet connection because the uh no man's sky servers need to populate the farm but if someone uh actually builds a farm and uploads it even if you're playing single player like look at my options i have my network settings disabled i need to change that to invite only but my multiplayer is disabled but it's still showing you bases as long as you have an internet connection and it's connected to your console or your pc you will still get to the no man's sky servers and they will show you all everyone's bases and so that is an awesome awesome thing i love it let's see get an upgrade come on give me an upgrade something good oh man that's all you know what i'll take nice i might want to be greedy i'll take danites all right do i see it oh there it is yeah there's a planetary archive okay oh banana base i'm guessing they call it banana base because it's an orange or yellow uh planetary archive okay that's pretty good that's pretty good i like it i like that let's get in here just to see oh fessium we don't need it yet so i will put that away for now and we got nanites you know what nanites are not a bad thing we're going to scan some animals that way i can get some money because we're making tons of money 352. so we've made it what to 800 000 almost a million just scanning animals and stuff that is what you want to do making tons of money just skin and stuff come on 69 yeah all right perfect let's get over here oh i don't have an upgraded uh i don't know still held at my upgrade for my mining laser dang it sodium we don't need sodium but thank you let's get in here there we go rendezvous to reach the second rendezvous let's collect our reward up go to your expedition tab as always thousand nanites inventory slots times three and multi-tool expansion and storage so you get a whole bunch of augmentations for your storage and stuff i like it there you go cargo is getting upgraded i like it and we can you can expand our storage for our ship as well and our multi-tool is there i don't know i don't think there's a multi-tool uh box up here on a planetary archive yeah i'm pretty sure there's not dang it all right that's okay you know what he can't win them all but i can call in my ship let's see it i should have a navigational data right no come on can i do it here you come mistress i love it so heck yeah you guys i think we did a lot oh look at this one coming in look at those gold wings i like i'm a sucker for the gold wings you guys you know that if it's a good one we might have to get it it's a b class it's not that it's a triple thruster never mind i like the wings the wings are really cool but the triple thruster and the class the uh the fact that it's a b class and it's okay and then there's a shuttle all right yeah we are definitely gonna call it there so hopefully you guys liked the second episode we got lucky we got our exotic we got the mistress of survival bob so hopefully you guys like it and i'll see you guys next time yeah [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Jason Plays
Views: 8,120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: no mans sky, no mans sky 2021, no man's sky update, no man's sky how to, nms, no man's sky 2021, no mans sky gameplay, no man's sky update 2021, nms update 2021, jason plays no mans sky, no mans sky origins, no mans sky update, no man's sky, no mans sky expeditions, no mans sky frontiers, no mans sky settlements, no mans sky worms, no mans sky emergence, no man's sky exotic ship, no man's sky pioneer expedition, no man's sky survival bob exotic ship
Id: 7ZQ5wnlOvJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 16sec (1996 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 26 2021
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