No Man's Sky Expeditions Part 3 Expeditions Update Season 1

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welcome back to no man's sky everyone jason here and this is our expedition season one play through i am so pumped up so we are doing the first expedition the pioneer expedition and we're going through we're trying to complete phase one so we have to walk another you know 2 000 units on foot and also reach the rendezvous and so we're trying to just run around collect some money so oh man look at all these animals i haven't scanned yet what in the world let's scan that get some money real fast because there's a ton there's a ton of milestones to do and you don't have to do them in order i know i keep saying this but this is all brand new and i want to make sure anybody who's new gets it but you don't have to do any of these in order so if i wanted to go down to phase like three and say hey okay i want to do excavate an ancient artifact from a buried ruin you have to you could i could totally go and do that if i wanted to it'll be a little bit hard because we're early on in the game and i need to go find an ancient ruin and they need to unbury some stuff oh there's an unknown building over here let's go see what's going on in this unknown building maybe it's a good place oh maybe it's a factory a manufacturing facility that we can learn some things from so let's get our um bolt caster out hey let's get our bolt caster out oh life support wow yeah we need to definitely do that recharge all of that stuff yeah we're definitely we're early on in the game so i can't even get like the crystals because i need an advanced mining laser for that so i didn't have the upgrades for my laser yet that's okay we're gonna be able to we're gonna get some good stuff in you can learn a lot of recipes from these facilities you can also learn some words you can also you know make the sentinels angry which you know that's a little bit of a joy in my head cargo drop yep yep yep and oh look at it actually has a simple manufacturing facility they each have a symbol i love that oh settle don't pay attention to me don't worry about me i'm just here to blow this door open wow that was i should have reloaded before i tried that wow that was a terrible thing hey you know these tunnels are gonna get mad that's okay just move move move we don't have really good shields right now because we're still early in the game all right get in there get in there once you're inside you're safe let's activate some of these things like this encrypted navigational data well we got nanites that's okay i'll take it extract those nanites all right so with these facilities they always have like a little bit of a riddle like you have to solve the puzzle but if you know the language it's so much easier alarms blair sounding out against my intrusion the facility is remotely operated and no one responds to the claxson's call the terminal indicates the facility was undertaking a specialized piece of research something yeah see if i knew the corvex language i would be good to go but i have no idea what that says so i have to guess and by guess i mean i have to search my memory because i've done so many of these facilities i kind of know the answer already the terminal appears to be asking for a manual confirmation of his experiment we're going to uh insert carbon i tap a few commands into the terminal opening its input hopper i insert some carbon for my exosuit there's a pause then a rumble fire belches from the hopper smoke seeps out from the terminal and i messed everything up so i failed i should have turned it down oh no and we lost uh standing that's okay i will be okay let's learn some words because one of our milestones is to learn a lot of words in alien languages so definitely hit those uh knowledge stones as you're running around why is any buried i'm looking for buried technology i mean a buried cache might work because buried uh technology will give us a salva salvage data which we can use to get blueprints or we could just sell or we can we can refine it and get a whole bunch of nanites from it so let's do this real fast get the oxygen you never have enough oxygen you guys i'm telling you um and boom oh let's get our mining beam out mining beam's always better up let's scan the plant first gotta make some money from it 24 000. i'll take 24 000. get it all right get this buried cache we're mostly just walking around trying to get our milestone for walking but while we're here we might as well make some money right where'd my buried cash go it was like right here wasn't it up right there okay get down in there and we got a mineral record and so all you have to do is when you get these oh man my inventory is all jacked up if you analyze it it will give you nanites or you can sell it it makes seven thousand units i would rather get the nanites because we need nanites early on so i'll take that and we got how many nanites from it we got 50 60 70 of them nice okay now if you find any uh buried technology it will give you a ton of money but we don't have any buried technology on this planet man all right i'll take oh there's some over there very technology module right over there let's get our distance in how close are we to our our milestone we're at 89 so we just need a thousand more feet we're doing pretty good actually now there's also a milestone for staying in the air for 30 seconds it's called rocket man so if you actually highlight it you see the bottom right hand side it'll tell you how long you've been in the air so look at see one second two seconds three four five all right that's five seconds and i need to go 30 to get that so that is definitely going to be a hard one to get now there are ways to cheat it i don't want to cheat it too much i mean i might end up cheating it anyway just because i don't want to waste the time but if you you're ever in a firestorm or a hot storm use your jet pack because your jet pack will refuel from the heat and so technically you could just keep going for a long long time oh let's get our damaged machine we might get an upgrade from this and nanites okay i'll take the nanites berry technologies down here let's see what we got from it oh we got three salvage data all right so we get three we'll get 156 000 units from that so definitely worth it definitely worth it if you can find a lot of it this planet seems to not have a lot of buried technology around that's okay we're mostly trying to get on foot oh there's one right over here yeah that's not the one i just did i was wondering is that the one i just marked nope this is a completely different one hey don't whip me let's get it oh well let me go through that rock that's okay there it is man we did a big old hole and we got two out of there okay we're doing pretty good let's get this baby right here come on upgrade come on upgrade come on and mining beam module i'll take it i like it it's an s-class upgrade too oh yeah so we'll put that right there yes now our mining beam is gonna be better we definitely need to get an advanced mining beam because this is not working for me we need to i wonder do i have the no i don't even have the blueprints so i don't even know how to make an advanced mining laser yet and it's probably one of the upgrades you get one of the rewards you get for the milestones and so i don't want to i don't want to buy the blueprint but i might do it just so i can have it earlier makes it a little bit easier because you can mine a whole bunch of stuff where is oh we'll go to that knowledge stone i'll take that oh we'll get this oxygen too while we're at it give me that yeah look at that mining beam man it's just tearing through stuff now i'll take it wow i need to get a few more movement upgrades for my jet pack it will be good to go and a shield because my health is not big enough you know it's not good enough for for jason destroying his knees every time he jet packs oh yes man we're going good then that new jetpack boost is amazing oh look at all that oh we are definitely getting all of this look at that i will take it all oh yes look at that now i the reason i'm so fascinated with oxygen is because you can make a lot of money with oxygen expansion so if you don't know if you have a medium or a large refiner it just takes a refiner that has two inputs you can mix oxygen and cobalt together and make a ton of money that way and so but you need a lot of oxygen in order to do it oxygen is like really heavy amounts like you need thousands of oxygen in order to do it so you can do it like on permadeath but it's not really worth it because you can't make enough of it you can't carry enough oxygen in order to really make a difference and so it's like it's totally possible but man it is such a hard pain in the butt that you don't even wanna it's not worth the time there's other ways to make a lot more money if you're on permadeath mode but on normal mode it is so nice to do that like on permadeath i would just say go for salvage technology you'll be able to make a ton more money that way let's go over here i keep doing the old school shoulder boost because i'm so used to doing it it's like a reflex i have to but i need to start using the new one let me get yep look at all these guys man oxygen is crazy here come on and i'm looking for the red little like uh nubs on these plants they will give you extra oxygen so you take off the red nub and then you kill the plant and you get even more oxygen like look at that i got a ton of oxygen that way and more oxygen more oxygen and more oxygen yes tons of it and i mean the venus fly traps you can do the same thing they're a little bit more of a pain in the butt to grab their little red nod nodule so i'm not even i'm not worried about that one terrain manipulator well it makes a big one because i'm just trying to dig down i'm not trying to get a resource so we'll just do this just dig down like a big old crater i don't even care give me that yes salvage data how many do we have we have a lot by now right oh yeah look at that we have 15 plus another two man we were raking them in so yeah i'm just trying to i'm still waiting on my milestone how close are we oh 9916 we're just barely there so one more uh berry technology and we should be good so it better be a good one right let me let me learn a word and i saw one over here right yep i saw one right there buried technology module let's get over here we'll get this one i know life support let's pop that baby in there all right making some money hope we'll learn a word on the way as well and there we go we got our our walking on foot uh milestone i lost my train of thought there for a second get our get our money oh god and we get our money man it's a lot of salvage data i love it damaged machinery get rid of that viscous fluids give me another upgrade right upgrade and no nanites okay you know what i'll take it we're going to call in our ship because i don't want to walk back to it i'm too lazy so yeah we have a 780 and another three is we have about a million i love it we have about a million we can sell and make a ton of money so one of the milestones let me check for you guys one of the milestones is called a where is it where is it the jackpot where it is to earn 1 million well one million units on a single cell cell so man you could tell i really have an accent good lord so you want to have a whole bunch of items like salvage data because you could sell it for a million and get that so we're gonna try to see if we could sell it for a million we can get that milestone too oh yeah by the way once you've completed a milestone you have to go into your expedition tab and you have to get the rewards you have to accept the rewards so let's do it we're going to get a rocket boots we're going to get a powerful life support upgrade a supreme movement system upgrade so an s-class upgrade for our movement and an a-class for our life support i'll take that well there's our rocket boot yeah i know heck yeah heck yeah and you'll also see a life support and an s movement there it is let's get this going over here we'll land at the space station and i will install those come on and no no i don't need to trade i'm about to go to the space station dude get out of here i need to trade so while we're loading in let's do our movement module oh man we're running out of room here uh oh well we'll install it there and then we'll move that over here and then we'll take our you want like upgrades together in a thing like that and we also have our life support in here oh where'd it go it's an a-class where'd it go oh it was in our uh our starship okay let's do that and we know it's over here so wow we're running out of room you guys let's get in here yeah all right now the other thing i like to do is whenever i sell items i like to sell it in the uh into its or two pilots that way it doesn't affect the economy because if you sell it to a terminal at a space station it will mess with the economy like if you sell too much of one item that price will go down but if you sell it to one of the pilots that price will stay the same but no one seems to be showing up so i might need to sell some stuff here let's go you know what i want to sell to a pilot but if they don't show up i can't force them to come in here let's do this let's see if we can uh uh nope no suit upgrade dang it let's get over here let's go to the terminal and let's go to cell let's sell some stuff to make some room so we need to sell ion batteries we need to sell six of them because you only hold a hundred and one stacks so we'll sell six we'll sell our solanium we can sell our creature pallets because we can always make those later on we can sell our nav data we sell our proof right and look at that salvage data if we sell it we'll make over a million so we'll get our milestone definitely going to do that and sell our phosphorus yeah we'll just sell it just to make room we'll sell our pulpy roots right here we don't need that condensed carbon one and we'll keep that just for now oh life support show we have 105 you can only have a stack of 100 so we have five extra we'll just get rid of the five all right there you go jackpot we got our milestone jackpot for this so if we go in there we're getting a whole bunch of good stuff so if you go in here and look at it we will get our alloy crafting blueprints and geodesite yes heck yes so we got geodesite we know how to make that we also know how to make all the other blueprints you see all those popping up we know how to make all the metals now and so that's a really good thing to do because you can make all those metals and make a ton of money that way but the other thing is you always would try you know at least i would try to uh refine okay look man my personal thing let's go to my exo suit all right so you would always try to refine these because you usually get more money for refining these bigger items not with geodes sites so please please please do not refine them you can sell it for 7.50 but look at this if you refine a stack of five i'm gonna do it to sacrifice some money so you don't have to okay i put it in here and i'm gonna refine it if you refine geodesic it turns into platinum which is really good right platinum is worth it let's put that in our exo suit the problem is geodesic sells for 750 000 platinum the same you know pile only sells for 630 so you just lost a hundred thousand bucks by refining it but jason don't worry you can make nanites out of that right you could totally do that the problem is if you use your platinum like i put the whole stack in here 1250 you will get 35 nanites 35 nanites that is not worth the nanites you guys do not waste your time with platinum a thousand platinum will give you 35 nanos it's not worth it do not do that sell it for money and you can buy a ship and make way more nanites from scrapping the ship so don't even waste your time with that let's talk to him we're gonna sell a whole bunch of stuff to him so we're gonna sell all our geodesites so we're gonna make two million from that would have been almost three million but we turned one in the platinum that way you don't have to you don't have to you don't have to turn it or lose that profit so don't turn it into uh platinum it's not worth it at all we're gonna buy all the oxygen he has oh yes we're also going to does he have anything else good no not really i mean we have magnetized ferrite we'll take that we can use that later on and that's about it we'll buy a sodium because we have the money we have the money now so why not uh we'll buy spheric dust as well 38 000 we'll we'll buy it we're just buying all the all the materials we're gonna need man we did we definitely need to fix our inventory because this is getting crazy personal refiner you can also put your pugnum in there if you ever kill sentinels we'll get two nanite clusters for that done so it's not really worth it you know to refine anything other than the larval eggs larval eggs are totally worth it but that's about it all right a b-class oh yeah and there is there is another milestone you should try to get as early as possible so once you start making a lot of money you want to buy a let's go up let's go all the way over here um and there's one of them called what is it the good ship right here it's in phase four if you buy an a class starship they will give you an s-class starship so you definitely want to try to do that one so what we have we have a lot of money now we have 4 million bucks right now so we need we definitely need absolutely need to buy an a-class starship so what i would try what i would recommend is buy an a-class shuttle they are very cheap like this b-class over here b-class explorer cost 5 million that's really expensive but if you go for a shuttle it'll be way less expensive it's totally affordable and you should be able to do it the problem is you gotta wait for pilots to come in and they don't want to come in anymore so that kind of sucks that's okay we don't need them we don't need them we're good on all this stuff yep yep yep alrighty well let's continue on we need to go to our first rendezvous right so let's go and yeah i know fly out so in phase one to complete phase one we need to reach the first rendezvous and so in order to get to that rendezvous we're going to go need to go to our galaxy map up black hole where we can't go to that black hole because it'll take us away from our rendezvous point you can't you don't want to do that rendezvous point makes it so much harder to do so let's go here and you see that green line when it's a solid line that means i can travel that far so i can hit this one but when it becomes a dotted line like that that means you can't go that far but you could follow it and see hey look this is where we need to go this is where we're leading up to but it's outside of my reach it's too far away and so we have to go to this next jump right here so let's go there and go to the next step of our journey that way we can get to our final destination which is beating this expedition which is gonna be amazing wow okay frozen uh planet first things first though we have to go to the space station and expand our inventory because we need to get more space in our general inventory oh yeah and also we could take that off our log like anytime you see those hey you need to build your rocket boots you don't have to do that you could just say hey unpin formula i don't want to hear that i want to do rocket man though so rocketman is highlighted we can't really do that right now though let's get in here because we need a better jet pack in order to get rocket man move that over yeah we definitely need some space look at this so all these open holes it just drives me crazy i gotta have them all clean and put together all these gaps are driving me nuts all right so it's forcing me to come over here and buy one and let's see what else they got we have 502 nanites so we should be able to get some good upgrades that's a oh no we don't need that rocket or that a multi-tool get our exosuit upgrade yep we'll do that one twenty thousand i'll take it you have any good upgrades for sale buddy purchase yeah no no no i'm looking for an s oh look we have a thermal protection a movement module and nothing really nothing that stands out nothing that screams that i need to buy it what about you my starship needs some upgrades for my hyperdrive i will gladly take a hyperdrive upgrade what do you got for me hyperdrive module oh i need what 60 more nanites so we could we have we can get more at 60 more nanites let's look around here any a classes we got a b over there a c a c and a b okay so we need an a-class and we're looking for an a-class shuttle like look at how cheap this thing is well actually it's worth a million bucks wow that's actually way more expensive than i thought come on you know give me a give me an a class uh shuttle what else can we do for nanites oh yeah we could we could look for the cubes so if you open these cubes sometimes they'll give you nanites that give me 14 nanites okay we're getting closer we only need 50 more oh they give me navigational data dang it i don't need navigational data i want some nanites that time the one time i complain about getting navigational data any more cubes no no more cubes okay so the only other thing we could do is we could upload our oh wait a minute traveler hey man have you come for me the stream this strange being seems to stare right through me uh ask about the blood it was in such agony i had to save it please there is no profit you can ever you can have everything i took i'll tell their family and he just gave me a whole bunch of nanites all right thank you so much sir thank you so much and i want to get hyperdrive upgrades because we need to travel to the rendezvous and the more hyperdrive upgrades you have the farther you can travel without stopping so let's get our s-class right here amen and we'll get a hyperdrive right there boom just barely just barely but we're not gonna put it in this uh starship because we're planning on getting our s-class coming up soon so we're gonna wait we're gonna keep that waiting in our inventory just in case like this needs to go up here where all our technology is over in this big old area still not seeing anybody come on watch as soon as i leave someone will come in the land and i'll that's the ship i'll want dang it oh black ice i love it everyone's naming this stuff there's a safe beacon here hopefully this is a good place people have been marking like uh trading outposts and things like that if it's a trading outpost it'll be great because that's what we need right now in order to get our ship we're looking for an a-class shuttle something really cheap that way we could just get it and move along and no it's an actual oh someone's base killing me i thought it was a uh a trading outpost oh okay well let's go here well i always like to go after the save beacons because the save beacons are actually pretty good pretty you know not that one but all the other ones were let's go over here 20 seconds all right well we can organize then oh yeah we better check and see okay we have that good uh starship fuel now we're gonna save that and we also have hyper warp hyper cores which will fill up our 100 our uh our hyperdrive so we're good to go on that oh let's see please be a trading outpost nurturing new companies your companion is ready to lay an egg oh i can make another meatball wow okay yeah every 24 hours your companion will lay an egg for you if you want and what you what you can do with an egg is you can genetically modify it make it bigger smaller you make them happier you can make it more angry things like that is this a trading outpost no it's not it is a uh minor settlement though so let's see what we can do here minor settlements usually have some good stuff let's see what we got going on here yeah oh we'll get your nanites thank you have a good multi-tool man it's okay let's talk to this guy let's see what he has going on maybe he'll give us a good multi-tool for free as i approach the electronic life form they instinctively start to analyze me from head to foot they chitter adamantly their head tilted to one side they see a few novelties on this frozen one swept planet don't know anything you're saying other than life form and entity i mind that i know little their kind or how they communicate in response the lights on their mask flash a repeated series of three building intensity um let's give them a rare metal magnetized ferrite the electronic life forms lights blaze with a sudden intensity my offering was clearly what they were hoping for they rest their silicon hand on my visor and thank me with a transfer of language well thank you show me some words i'll take it and then you should have some cool stuff for me right let's uh purchase blueprints so we can get oh we can get the advice from advanced the main mining laser i can't even talk i'm so excited thank god we i'm gonna do it i don't care we might get it later on as a blueprint for an upgrade but or an upgrade for you know our stuff but i can't i just can't do it i need to have it so carbon nanotube hermetic seal and a wiring loom got it we can make those things already carbon nanotube hermetic seal oh we need more condensed carbon dang it so let's make some condensed carbon done son we don't need that much do we we're gonna keep it all as condensed carbon though wait wait wait hermetic seal all right so we have those two hermetic seal nanite or nano tubes and we need to buy the wiring loom so let's buy it from here it's usually pretty expensive but they'll have it maybe maybe oh really you're going to make me talk i just talked to you i feel like i'm just wasting your time at this point i'm sorry man i thought i was able to buy it from the terminal i didn't want to waste your time but all right let me give you that wiring we need two of them so now we can make our advanced laser thank god we have it now we can actually mine some stuff thankfully actually we'll do this instead we'll put that there and that there i don't know why it just feels better that way oh there we go you install your advanced mining laser i know let's actually see what is going on here maybe this is a good upgrade maybe that's why they they made their base here hopefully nana it's okay they just did it because there's a minor settlement that's okay i love it whose base is this this is a duke arizona nice cubicle base i like it all right but this is not what we need so we need to just keep going let's go to our expedition guide we need to highlight the rendezvous that way that's our mission so let's keep going i was hoping maybe we run into a good uh starship didn't really do that we did buy our our exosuit slot let's buy it from the uh space anomaly as well so you could get two per system one from the space station and one from the space anomaly and so if you want to maximize the amount of suit slots you get you definitely want to do that the problem is it's going to cost you a lot of money and i don't want to spend too much because i also need to buy an s-class ship but you know what we could spare some in the beginning anyway oh yeah and by the way hopefully you guys watched my uh weekend event video that i put up this morning we have a weekend event it's not what i expected at all and you'll see if you watch the video you'll see why but i was expecting a little bit more but it's okay you know what servers are down hello games is a lot to worry about so i'll forgive them this week but next week i hope we had a bit more of a uh of a weekend event what was i here for oh yeah soon upgrade geez i just totally lost my train of thought got it okay exo suit upgrade and yeah we need to get all this general inventory maxed out because it is driving me nuts all right and i usually i'll i usually whenever you're trying to upgrade your uh your exit suit you want to do your cargo first oh man i got empty room and cargo let's put in some sodium and uh let's put the silica powder because it's always in the way anyway yeah you always want to do your cargo first because these are the most expensive ones the problem is uh i want to do my general because i just it's driving me crazy just all the gaps are driving me crazy i have to fill it out i just have to the other reason you want to do cargo is that it it gives you the most room so you can stack items there and it's just that i i need to get that general inventory looking clean then we'll worry about the uh tech and then cargo last all righty so we're good here let's travel we gotta go to the next system in our journey not the black hole there you go here we go and once we get our s-class ship we'll be able to jump more than one system at a time right now our hyperdrive is not very uh good it's not upgraded we have a c-class ship and so it's not gonna go very far that's okay though i'm just trying to get the phase one done so let's get in here maybe we'll get a uh a small a class a shuttle to land in here fingers crossed you guys fingers crossed anything at worst we'll just get another suit slot and we'll just keep moving on so we're good to go we have a lot of stuff in here magnetized ferrite we'll mix those together put the metals over here i always like to put my metals on the left hand side and then my fuels on the right pyrite technically is a fuel for your pulse engine that's why i put the pyrite in there just in case i run out of tritium i mean actually i should be out there mining asteroids and meteors but uh i'm not that's okay get that upgrade how much is it this time it is 40 000. oh starting to get expensive that's okay though do you have any good upgrades do you have a hyperdrive upgrade maybe possibly um starship shield no hyperdrive i'm looking for s because i'm sure he has a hyperdrive that is like yeah an a class right here but i want an s-class i already have one i'm gonna try to max out with all s-class upgrades oh that is a shuttle are you an a oh it's a b-class shuttle dang it so we're getting close we could buy it for one million look at that so an a class probably would be two or three million which is totally doable totally doable right now but we can't we don't have an a class yet come on where's your buddies at why aren't they flying in here we should have a ton of pilots in here let's wait for a minute we're going to put some tritium in here we should have if we had uranium we could do that but we don't have uranium so we're okay come on i don't want to wait too long because then it gets boring have anything to sell not really where did all my condensed carbon girl what did i make wow okay yeah it's throwing me off there we don't have that much condensed oh yeah wait a minute i didn't take it out of my backpack duh i was like where'd it all go and that is a c-class shuttle and that is a c-class shuttle and that is a c-class everything's a c even the fighter is a c man this must be a terrible terrible system that's okay you know what we'll move on we'll go to the next step in our ladder after we go to the space anomaly and get our suit upgrade our exosuit inventory upgrade we'll do that because uh yeah i can't believe four c-class ships come in come on even if the fighter was an a-class and i couldn't afford it at least do it that way i mean why you gotta give me all c-classes look at what i can make here oh yeah i should make my freaking oxygen recycler duh i got enough oxygen to do it why didn't i do that before all the upgrades help alrighty so we're good on this next time i'm just gonna land on a planet we're gonna we'll get uh salvage data but you can also refine salvage data into nanites they give you a little bit more than like platinum and uh you know pugneum but not you know it's still not you know brain melting good it's just good it's just okay and this will cost fifty thousand oh we're getting so we're starting to get expensive starting to get expensive but it's gonna be worth it once my inventory looks nice and clean get over here and so yeah now we gotta go to our next system let's get over here get out and we have we have technology we can build we can build rocket boots we need tritium and we need hydraulic wiring we might be able to make hydraulic wiring do we can we no we can't we have to buy that upgrade okay so i'm not too worried about it then let's go oh wait let's get some tritium because we also can use tritium for our pulse drive and that would help us a lot i know we're going to run out of pulse drive fuel soon so let's do this real quickly all right and then we're good to go we got enough we got a few just to get enough let's go next step we gotta be getting close to our rendezvous gotta be getting close to the rendezvous right oh if we had the s-class uh explorer we would all right and the other one is right here come on now i would shoot at the uh space station but you get in a lot of trouble for shooting the space station so i wouldn't recommend it unless you have a really good ship you have a really good ship totally do it but you don't want to make the uh space station angry it will destroy you tritium all right we got a lot of trinium oh a lot of tritium we got a crystal too yeah we need some uranium that way we can fill our launch thruster i love having a lot of uranium around or uranium and uh life support gels that's all you need all you need all right we're gonna go get our inventory increased while we wait for the pilots to show up and maybe we'll get an s-class uh upgrade for our hyperdrive come on there it is and it cost sixty thousand oh started to get really expensive that's okay now the one thing that i will be mad about is if i just spent you know something in you know ah now four million we're almost exactly at four million that's pretty good i love it when the numbers get really close to you know the the perfect like rounded number oh that's so good we're getting pretty close we're almost halfway through so we're getting close up and here comes some ships that looks like a oh it's a shuttle are you an a-class please be an a-class you are a c-class dang it i don't need a c-class i need an a-class that's all right we'll keep going we'll keep going just keep swimming what other you know what while i'm doing this what other milestone can we run into to explore specific environments launch thruster upgrade and supreme pulse engine upgrade oh let's see what we got to do with this uh we need to visit an airless planet okay so if you go into the details it'll tell you exactly what planet you need so we need an airless planet i haven't been to one yet so we totally that looks like an airless planet tectonic planet nope that's not the one we need we need an airless one fiery planet so let's go to first person because our map will show us oh yeah there's two hidden planets right behind this one so yeah we need to get to those hidden ones we might have an airless one over here also there could be a uh trading outpost on one of these planets and so why wouldn't you want to a torrid planet there's a safe beacon over here let's see maybe there's a trading platform a training platform will definitely have a lot of ships landing on it so we can see what they are are you an airless planet acrid planet no so no planets in the system are airless that's okay i wish we could pause without uh stopping our movement but we can't and single player what other things can we refine while we're here i have a lot of you know we have a lot of good stuff here going on get rid of the pugnam i mean it's just wasting room at this point um yeah we're good we're good hopefully this is not a base please be a a trading outpost please and what do you think it is is it a trading outpost it doesn't look like one oh this is a jet pack this might be a jet pack all right so this is a jetpack staircase it looks like so we need to give credit where credit is due where's your base computer at storm crystal 30 second jump yes this is by outrider geldrick thank you so much outrider so if there's ever a a firestorm happening we could just run to the top of these stairs and just use our jet pack we'll get 30 seconds of air time because by the time your jet pack runs out of fuel you'll be in the air for 30 seconds so let's actually wait there's probably a storm coming i can feel it i can feel it in my bones look at this guy flying really low there buddy let's scan these uh animals while we're out here got it phosphorus activated copper yeah that means there's extreme storms on this oh wait a minute there's a lot of buried technology so actually you know what let's go get this buried technology first make some money while we're here we can actually make some nanites while we're here we can turn these into nanites okay done and there's one over here we got three out of there i like that we got three of them give me your nanites or your uh your technology we got two out of that one you're gonna give me nanites too right need some nanites because there's a milestone for collecting a lot of nanites i think it's like five 000. oh storm's coming perfect timing perfect timing now we can just run back and go to the top of that staircase i'm gonna use my jetpack get over there quicker come on yes yeah it's an extreme storm whoa and there's a lot of storm crystals we can make some money doing that too look at these storm crystals i like it let's see them they're going to turn into storm crystals any second come on come on really do you not like me looking at you what if i turn away are you gonna turn in the storm there it goes storm crystals sell for a good amount of money so it's always worth it to pick them up oh yeah we got five of them all right so what you want to do is get to the top of the staircase make sure your life support is full make sure your technology is recharged good to go and we need to mark our 30 seconds so rocket man right here we can do this one real easy two three see the bottom corner over there look at that my my jet pack is just taking forever to drain i love it 10 12 15 seconds okay 15 seconds now oh we might not be able to make it oh 22 seconds dang it we were so close you guys we need some more uh uh we need some more jet pack upgrades in order to get that staircase to work dang it we went far though holy cow dang all right so we're gonna do the jetpack trick during this storm let's see if that works let it recharge now if you don't know how to do the jetpack trick all you have to do is just hold your melee button your punch button hold forward on your uh joystick and just keep tapping your rocket your jetpack so like that just keep tapping just keep tapping don't touch the ground don't touch the ground oh i should jet pack thing did not really help me out oh my god and we went holy cow 10 minutes away i'm not gonna walk 10 minutes back so we'll call in some help pick up some storm crystals of course now if you don't believe me let's look at these that stack was 645 000 so definitely worth the money for sure now we came here to to find hopefully a uh a ship we didn't find a ship we didn't find a trading outpost we didn't do our 30 seconds that's okay and there's no there's no airless planets in here so let's move on to the next one i know we didn't go to the space anomaly so before you say it i already know but i want to get to that uh that rendezvous point we're yeah we have to be getting close right have to be getting close so we're getting close we're going to go hopefully this next system has a uh a space station in it so we can land sell some of our crystals oh man there we go where's our space station in general you will uh warp in right next to or close to the space station in general every once in a while they'll put you way far away and i don't know why why am i not getting these meteors okay there we go i just want to get some uh tritium real fast all righty now let's go back into the space station i acquired a gold nugget okay so we can uh extract that and get some gold yeah yeah we can sell that carbon goes down here yeah all we need to do is sell our storm crystals we can sell our salvage data as well no no we're gonna refine it so let's see how much uh five salvage data refines 75 bananas way better than the uh uh platinum and way better than the pugnam 75 is pretty decent not mind-blowing but decent especially for stuff you can find a lot of and the only reason i did that is because i need some nanites dang it need some nanites here let's go over here expand our inventory what do you got going for me 70 000 that's okay we're about to get a whole bunch of money from our storm crystal so we're good to go uh let's see what you got starship shield oh we got a shield oh we have a hyperdrive we need 500 for that though oh no we might need to camp out here and uh make some nanites let's see what we got over here that's a c-class dang it but we can sell some stuff to him so that's okay hey buddy i want to sell some storm crystals to you is that okay i know i know oh yeah 913 so we almost got a million for that i love it we'll sell our nav data just to make room just because we can all right yep we're good let's buy what do you got what do you got going on here oh we do need a hydraulic wiring so i'll buy one from you we'll buy all your oxygen because i need that i'll buy your sodium we need that so we'll buy your ferrite dust i always like buying the basics you guys know i keep saying that pure ferrite chromatic metal oh that's almost a million by itself we're not going to do that phosphorus okay we'll take your phosphorus and i think we're good so we did have an upgrade we were trying to do oh man i'm losing my mind here what upgrade did we require oh yeah rocket boots right yep rocket boots done alrighty so we're gonna have to put them in here because we can't put them anywhere else there we go so now we have rocket boots what else can we make with hazmat gauntlet we need sodium nitrate for that i don't think he's sold sodium nitrate so we're good on that i wish he was selling it but no he's not i'm also not seeing anybody else landing here come on really nobody else wants to land here i'm checking my inventory sodium goes down over here phosphorus we go uh nope over here wait a minute sodium actually goes in our cargo phosphorus here it's done yes nobody wants to show up here okay great great we have any fuel in our hyperdraft we do not so we need to refill it and we are good to go let's go to our next leg i am wasting come on i am going to be wasting my uh my space anomaly and unless there's uh a airless world around here somewhere petrified planet it's so scared of me uh abandoned planet okay this might be airless because it's abandoned that means there's nothing there there's rusted metal leak all right let's just try this one it looks like it could be uh airless so let's go over here it would be good for our milestone because we need our sightseer i'm not uh let's trade with him let's see what you got what do you got for me i'll buy your ship if it's an a-class nothing really really nothing well i'm out thank you for wasting my time jeez wasted my time this better be an airless planet i think it is it looks like one oh yeah we have to land on it we gotta land on it planet your rectum planet your rectum all right thank you thank you so much for that this is not an airless planet i was hoping oh it was okay it is i didn't think anomaly planets could be airless but i guess it can wow scan this and get some money for this all right well let's turn in that uh let's turn in that one sightseer we'll get a launch thruster upgrade and supreme pulse engine we got our launch thruster there we go i love it pulse engine module and an s-class pulse engine module dang we're doing good when we get our our uh our upgraded explorer it's gonna be amazing well we've done that so now it's time to go on to the next leg of our journey but i'm gonna waste the space anomaly i just want to get to the uh the rendezvous dang it how close are we man we are we are so close all right let's do it this one's our next one one of these space stations has to have an a-class just land i don't even care if i can't afford it at this point i have yet to see an a-class oh that space station's right next to us all right they definitely want us to go into the space station please give me give me an a class that's all i want well i want other things too but i'll start with an a class how much money have we made we should be close to that five million right or that six million oh we're so close we just need a little bit over a million so if we collected a lot more uh storm crystals or if we excuse me if we collected a lot more uh salvage salvage data excuse me again wow man i gotta i got hiccups all of a sudden all right 80 000 i'll take it we got a any uh takers coming in whole lot of nothing how many i have 171 nanites i'm not gonna be able to buy anything here but i can get some data i'll take your data that's a fighter a c-class fighter man pilots are far and few between all of a sudden why do we not have any freaking uh pilots coming in that's a fiery planet we're so close we're so close we're right there we're so close you guys so close to that uh that a rendezvous point we need to get it that way we can at least clear out phase one come on where is that space station you're over here okay i'll take it i'll take it begin docking approach yes and perfect look at that it's almost perfectly lined up that's pretty good oh man i'm getting nervous we're spending a lot of money technology that's okay though it'll be worth it once we get our uh eight class nea class come on i do know that the rendezvous the first rendezvous is at a uh planetary archive so that's actually gonna work out to our favor a lot of people will be uh parking at the planetary archive 90 000. a lot of people will be parking at the rent at the uh planetary archives so we should be getting at least a one a class i'm hoping anybody nobody nobody okay come on oh seriously yeah i'm gonna say that wasn't an a-class we're gonna ignore that completely i guarantee it was an a-class just because i left but by the time i turn around and go back it's not gonna work out so i'm just gonna ignore it completely we have the rendezvous point right here now i also i believe you need to have the rendezvous point uh milestone activated in order to see where the milestone is and so we need to go select that one real fast so let's do that we need to do the first one we need to highlight the rendezvous point that way it marks it for us and there it is it's marked over here so this is where the rendezvous point is way over here they're very very far distance but once we get our once we get our s-class like that's what i need to do because watch right where is it the good ship you will acquire the han mata oq5 starship which is an s-class explorer that looks amazing and so you definitely it's a free one it's absolutely free which is awesome so it's totally worth it especially early on so if you want to get it early just buy an a-class shuttle they're the cheapest ships in the game so it'll be not too much of a problem i mean you do have to do some farming go out there and get that salvage data get those storm crystals if you can just make as much money as possible get your million dollars on one sale that way you know if you sell all your uh your uh buried technology your salvage data and you sell it all for a million you'll be able to get a whole bunch of good stuff be able to make way more money and everyone made a base over here too i like it and the planet was discovered by hello games huh i wonder if they're planning all this stuff out so here's the rendezvous point now when we get there we're gonna have to scan for a specific item now i'm gonna tell you right now it's a planetary archive but they want you to get down there and scan it there is the planetary archive so they make you land over here and then scan for that building you'd think they would have cho you know chosen a smaller building maybe just because it's a little it stands out a bit it's like well i'll just go to the planetary archive it's right over there it's literally right next to me but in order to complete this mission how they want you to pull out your your visor and it'll say hey look over here the the area you need to go to is over here and so yeah i'll just tell let you guys know spoiler alert it is the planetary archive uh yep see as you can tell it's highlighting there if you look away it says no no no it's on your left and what about over here no no it's on your right okay i got it i got it i know it's the planetary archive we should be skinning all this stuff too so actually let's do this we have the skin all these animals get some money going here especially the big ones the big ones usually give you a lot of money um let me get this unknown building over there 145 000 i'll definitely take that let's get over here as quick as we can pull out the visor yep target aligned i don't know what it could be guys gigantic building that stretches out into the atmosphere don't know maybe could be they should just to make fun of it they should pick like some random one single building out in the middle of nowhere oh finalizing signal yeah objective located here just have to go over here to the planetary archive this is the rendezvous oh come on milestone complete let's go in here and expedition phase one complete so we will get our inventory slots and our atlas fireworks i love it that's an explorer which is going to be really expensive it's a c-class though so not really worried about it c-class explorer and we need an a-class shuttle here's a c-class fighter come on a c-class shuttle we're getting closer a b-class shuttle we're getting even closer so while we're waiting for another ship to land let's do our uh rendezvous so we're gonna get our three inventory slots a multi-tool expansion slot and a storage augmentation for your starship so three inventory slots let's put in our tech one two and three there you go and our multi-tool expansion and our storage got it i love it and we need to turn in our phase one because we completed that we'll get another three inventory slots and we get a five atlas firework pack i like it so let's do that again so ah general inventory one two and three i like it so we got our atlas fireworks awesome someone made a cool little base over here okay and of course all the pilots fly away come on no do i have any nap data i think i sold it all nope i didn't i have a nav data or i think i did or it just gave it to me it just said yeah you can have it it's fine all right you guys well we got to the first phase we got to the first rendezvous hopefully you guys like this super long episode if you did hit that like button for me and if you want to see more subscribe to the channel i'm uploading videos all the time and i'll see you guys next time [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Jason Plays
Views: 20,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: no mans sky, no mans sky 2021, no mans sky beyond, no man's sky update, no man's sky how to, nms, no man's sky 2021, no mans sky gameplay, no man's sky update 2021, nms update 2021, jason plays no mans sky, no mans sky origins, no mans sky update, no mans sky next generation, no man's sky, no mans sky pet update, no mans sky companion update, no mans sky expedition update, no mans sky expeditions, nms expeditions, no mans sky expeditions 2021, nms expeditions update 2021
Id: pjZWZe4bzys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 55sec (4075 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 03 2021
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