How to Start a Mineral Extractor Farm | No Man's Sky Beyond Update 2020

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welcome back to no man's sky everyone Jason here and in today's video I'm gonna show you how to start a farm and you can do whatever you want and make millions and millions of units or just have a lot of materials either way this is how to start a farm [Music] now the first step on our farming journey is you're gonna have to come over to the space anomaly okay hit the space anomaly because there's some things we needed to pick up in the back so let's head to the back to the shops and buy some stuff now once you get back to the shop area there's tons of upgrades you can get back here but we're gonna be focused on our base building because that's where all the farming equipment is so let's go over to the construction research station right here now you could buy a whole bunch of stuff like the base pieces right here we don't need any of that stuff we don't need these small prefabs we don't need the technology per se I mean you can't you can pick up any of the stuff you really want to like I would recommend getting a refiner that way you can you refine your stuff but you don't have to what we're doing is we're setting up the basics for a farm so let's go all the way over here to the industrial modules okay so once you go over to the industrial module then you're gonna need salvage data for this if you don't know how to get Salvage data there's a link up top and down below in the description on a video on how to get your bury technology that way you could buy all this stuff but you're gonna want to get your your electrical tree all filled out so buyer your a bio fuel reactor I wouldn't recommend using it but you have to buy it in order to get to the lower end stuff or the I guess higher end stuff but it's lower on the tree once you've unlocked the reactor you go to the solar panel and then your electromagnetic generator and you can also get the battery as well I would recommend getting all four of those and then come over to your mineral extractor that's your first industrial Power Distribution module but that opens up your tree so you can get the agast extractor supply depot and supply pipe you need all of these if you want to start a really good farm on the outside I mean if you just want to farm plants there's a video up link up top and down below on just how to farm plants itself this is more for mineral farming actually before we do all of that stuff let's actually go over here to the multi-tool upgrades because I totally forgot we're gonna need an upgrade for your multi-tool so let's talk to the multi-tool expert over here and this survey device right here you want to pick that up while you're here all the other upgrades I would suggest get him especially for the weapons but you definitely want to get the survey device this is how you're gonna find the minerals on the ground so pick that up before you leave almost forgot about that so let's keep moving on now once you're in space find a good system you want to go to okay it doesn't matter what system because the planets that populate there are gonna be a little bit more randomized and so I would just choose a system that has a lot of different planets that will you have the highest chance of having a different variety it's so you can go to different areas and start little farms on every one of them but in order to find out what that has scan this one so let's scan this one right here and then you'll get an information box it pops up so I know it's a rainy planet which means it's really good I don't have to have any environmental protections there and it has all the all the major materials listed below that so it has star bulbs copper paraffin iam silver and on at the bottom it tells me it has high Sentinel activity so sentinels are gonna be watching me like cops over there but if I wanted to make a silver mine that's a planet to go to and you could do that with all the planets in your system that way you can know okay that's my silver planet right there let's get to this one this is an unknown planet let's scan it again and so yeah we know this is a hot planet get its charge so it has Salon iam copper phosphorus and magnetized ferrite alright and so go through and find whatever material you want to go for I would suggest going for the MIT metals and so you want to go for cadmium emerald or indium because those have the highest resale value if you're gonna make a farm for profit that's what you want to do but if you want to make a farm for copper or things like that in order to make materials you need go for that too whatever kind of farm you're looking for that's where you're gonna build it so this one it has copper rusty metal cobalt okay so yeah and then we have a planet way out there let's see it if you can't get to a planet go over you know prints down on your keypad go all the way to the left to the gear and then go to switch starship view because sometimes you need to be in first person for the targeting to work so there you go now it works that's a gamma planet so it's a radioactive planet it has activated copper uranium sodium so those are the elements that are gonna show up when you go after that that planet so this is the planet I picked because it's an ice planet and this one has star bulbs copper paraffin IAM and magnetized ferrite I picked it number one because as nice atmosphere so there's not really bad weather on it it's a flourishing planet and it has magnetized ferrite and I like magnetized ferrite you can use it for a refuel on your terrain manipulator you can resell it for a good price too so why not so let's head down there and I will show you how to start your farm well I've landed on the planet now what do we do next well if you're looking for a specific thing like I'm looking for magnetized ferrite that's what kind of mine I want to make so I'm gonna pull out my analyzer and at the bottom you see out says activate survey mode because I have my survey tool installed right here survey device is installed ready to go and so when I pull up my visor I can actually search over and look at that it changes color so you know which one you're using and it instantly tries to find a hot spot and you see I have an electromagnetic power hot spot right over here and it kind of shows you the direction on where it is it is about 296 meters that way or I'm sorry not meters units it's 2264 steps over here I'm guessing and so let's go over and try to find it so I hold that far I know it's 200 so I have to go for a long distance oh but I'm still I'm getting closer so let's keep going it's over here somewhere getting closer and I always go for power first that way I don't have to make a solar array you could totally make a solar array that way you have power but I find that if you have an electromagnetic hotspot you can have unlimited power so I always look for power first that would be my tip to you look for a good power source it doesn't have to be an s-class or an a-class I mean though they're preferable you definitely want to try to find those but if you can't that's totally fine and this is what this is where they a lot of your time is gonna be spent looking for these hotspots because you want to find a good one and so here it is boom okay we found it so we're analyzing it so there you go boom we know where this power this right here is our power area and it's marked so now I can see it's right there and it is right there boom so if you get a far enough away it'll still keep it marked for you so you can kind of have a reminder okay it is over here it is you know 31 units away and that is important because the farther away you get from the center of the hotspot the less power or you know in this case power but if you have a mineral the less minerals you will get out of it because you're not it you're not close to the center and so if you see if I go over here you see over there on the left side I have a electromagnetic hotspot it gives you all the information and get a potential B so it's a B Class hotspot and I can produce so you field strength 22,000 power but if I keep moving this way it goes down 20 1999 and if I just keep moving I'm going down farther and farther so the farther away you get the less power I can make so that's a problem you can't go too far away from your power source without losing it but that's okay you don't have to make it exactly on there you can I get an area for it but we're not here to farm power we're here to farm an element so let's go let's find a magnetized ferrite deposit and the way you do that is I know my my power is over here so I'm gonna go on a big circle around it to see if there's any good minerals around any mineral deposits I can find and the way you do that is you pull up your your visor every once in a while and it sees I'm still closer to the power hotspot and so it'll only show me the power hotspot but once you get far enough away from it it'll try to find the other closest hotspot to you up there you go so there's my mineral deposit it's gonna show it to me but if I walk a little bit this way it'll show right on the edge of it now it switched over to my electromagnetic hotspot and so would you ever hotspot you're closer to it'll instantly switch to that one and so let's walk away a little bit and it should switch boom-boom-boom get over this yeah there you go boom there's a switching point and so now I'm closer to the deep level mineral deposit right over there and as you can see again use your little meters on the front of you so I know it's in front of me because both of them are meeting if I'm if I turn over this way notice how it says it's only on the left so you that's the direction you're going so move it to the left a little bit and there you go so it's around here somewhere it's about 300 meters that way I keep using meters 300 units over there I keep using meters I don't know why because I think units means money and meters means distance in my mind anyway so just keep popping it up I know it's 300 so I'm not very close to it it might take me a second to get there but I'm gonna pull up my my analyzer okay it's over here so I'm getting closer Oh getting really close now when you get really close you start having to move a little bit more because it needs to be exact so yeah you see how I'm moving and once you get within like 30 or 40 units away that's when I'll just keep it up constantly that we get right up in there cuz you need to be like one or two meters away or units away analyzing it and now I have a b-level magnetized ferrite deposit you see how over there on the left now this is the hard part because you will run into a whole bunch of different mineral deposits it'll be paraffin ium all the all the possible ones like here if I put up and go into binocular mode I could find a copper and a paraffin ium and a magnetized mineral deposit so it's it might take you a while to find the deposit you're specifically looking for if you couldn't tell I cheated a little bit I spent the first couple hours before recording looking for this and it was a couple hours because I found a whole bunch of electrical posits hot spots that didn't have any minerals around them and I'm like what the world and I finally found this one it was a b-level hot spot Electrical spot with a b-level mineral deposit and so that's where you gonna spend most of your time is looking for the deposits okay so be ready for that it's gonna be hard but once you do it it's cool and it's easy we're going back over to the panel and alysus the survey mode and so we know this deposit is right here but we have an electrical one and see we marked it before it is 600 meters that way and so that's a long distance so I don't think you can like put a plate base here and then stretch it all the way over there that's too far so you want to meet somewhere in the middle and so because we have them both marked we can tell okay this one's 600 that direction and my mineral is 48 so I definitely need to split the difference so let's go towards the middle and again I cheated a little bit I already placed my myface computer right over there because that's generally where the middle is and you don't have to be exact like it doesn't need to be perfectly in the middle but I find it's easier to build that way if it is in the middle that way you don't have to go farther in one direction versus the other so I would always place my my face computer somewhere in the middle I mean you want to find a good spot as well like I've tried to pick a good flat area right here so this is where I'm gonna put my base because if I go back in the survey mode my electromagnetic power hotspot is 338 that direction and my mineral deposit is 318 that direction so we're pretty close to the middle that way I could please place my uh my base computer and you need to do that in order to place any farming equipment you want in order to place it because it counts as a base component so you're gonna need to do that okay but boom okay so there you go base computer set so first thing we're gonna need to do is we need to make some power so let's go make some power so there's my hot spot right there and so I could put any of my electromagnetic generators around here and I can make some power the the only issue is they need to be on the ground you can't make a flat platform and put them there at least as far as I know so let's try that out real fast so let's make um oh I'm too far away from my base okay so I'm too far away from my base there we go boom so it was popping right over here let's go out in the third person or into free camera so if you don't know how to do that once you pick once you're like right now my camera is locked to my character but once I start trying to choose a different a base piece you can click in your left thumbstick and it goes in the free camera so I have a free camera within reason there are certain limits you can't go too far away from your body when you do this like right now I'm hitting the the limits of it and you'll see a white circle appear on me of the circle doesn't appear awesome but I mean you can sell tell because I can't go any farther like I can't back up any farther than that and so that's the limits so let's build a base piece right here yeah we're not gonna build a wall we want to make a flat area so let's build a floor panel oh not right there but boom right there so there you go boom and now we can put our our electromagnetic generator right so let's go over to power let's do an electromagnetic generator so let's pop it right there boom now it should be making power because I'm on the electromagnetic area right hotspot oh it looks like it is oh man oh I didn't know that oh well that makes it easier then well let's make it you know flat and pop it there so there there you go I didn't realize that so let's make a couple of these because it's making us it's building you know free electricity so why not let's pick up a few of them and look it over and only on the right side you see it takes two metal plating 60 magnetized ferrite and 75 chromatic metal and that's for each one so make sure you have your materials before you show up or else it's gonna be a pain in the butt it's like I need more chromatic or I need more metal plating so I want to make two more real fast one and two cuz I want to make four of these generators and the best part about these generator generators is that they go 24/7 as long as they're still there you're good to go so let's see are all these powered up yeah they're all making 200 power per hour or prep power per second so that's what 200 that's 900 power right there but they're just making it they're not doing anything with it so we need to actually connect these with the wiring so let's start connecting them and you can see these little lightning bolts says those are connecting points and so you want to connect one to the other so now they're sharing power between each other which you know okay whatever but I want to be able to power my base so let's power them all together let's wire them all together so they're all sharing the power so now they're all on the same power source so now I should be making a ton of power but it's not going anywhere still so let's grab one of these you know we'll grab from right here this one boom and let's grab this wire and we can stretch this all the way out we're going towards our mine that's gonna be way over there but we need to get to our base first so and you can always do this to make it cleaner you can just go underground I'm just doing a quick and dirty right now so you could do this way better however you want to do it I'm just doing it quick and dirty so boom I have this huge wire stretching out and what I use what I like to do my general trick because eventually the power won't reach your base so when I get to the first one I want to make it battery you don't need a battery because those electromagnetic generators they're always constantly making electricity but I feel like the the battery extends the distance you can stretch out your wire and so I'll connect this one to my battery so boom now my battery is there and now you can check and see how much power you're making because it's all part of the same system there you go boom it's storing power so I'm generating eight hundred and eighty power per second and a battery can hold forty five thousand power so take that in consideration when you're putting your a solar array together each battery can hold forty five thousand power and so whatever your your power system takes whatever it uses that's what you're gonna need so just think of that in your head but for this scenario we don't need it I'm just using it to extend my of my power cord my electrical wiring and yeah this is just clicking you know down and dirty so the wiring looks of terrible you can always take the time and go through and make it look you know svelte and nice underground and there's no limit to how many joints you can have like I have a choice right there and it goes up to the battery you can make a hundred of them as long as they're all connected you're good to go and so you can always hide these wires it needs to be touching the ground you can't put a wire out in the middle of the air you see that how it turns red that means is you can't do that it's invalid it has to be touching the ground or a building like if you have a building it could touch the building but it has to be touching something you can't just put a wire out in the middle of the air that's why I'm touching the ground and then going boom and this is what that I did my computer just punched me in the face what is going on with that all right [Music] [Music] so I'm pretty close to my hotspot so let's start building some mineral extractors because I need to have that so I can extract some minerals now these for sure I know need to be on the ground and so my hot spot is whoa wait a minute I I lose it up there it is it's right there so this is the center of my hot spot so what I try to do is I'll go down oh no I'm too far out I'm right there at the limits of my building my my base building there it is right there boom so make sure to build wherever you can within your limits but that's why we have it set like that that way we can build all the way out here so but a mineral deposits way up there but I don't want to do this so I want to make sure because you base nice your mineral extractors need to be touching the dirt they need to be touching where the the minerals are I know for a fact you can't build on these and I'll show you in a second so boom I have that set right so let's go down and we go over to our tech we'll go over to our power and industrial in distri not industry industry and our industrial we're going to take a mineral extractor boom all I need five metal plating so let's do that real fast I have a thankfully I have a whole bunch of ferrite dust so boom and this is what you would do when you're trying to build it you're gonna need a lot of metal plating so be prepared for that what I usually do is I'll go to the space station and buy them yeah look at that and will let me do it literally right there and then move it over it has to be touching the ground so I will use the the platform's to flatten the area that we kind of get all of your mineral extractors to be on the same level but they need you need to get rid of your platforms because they won't work with your mineral extractors they need to be on the ground so we're gonna pop that one there and all you should put one right next to it boom so there we go but they're not working they need power that's why we stretched our electrical wiring all the way over here so let's get that power cord and we're gonna hook them up so boom we hooked up that one but that one's being powered this one's not being powered so you have to share the power so that's why I put them next to each other boom now they're both running awesome awesome possum but they're extracting and you can come over here and you can pick them up so yeah I can make I'm making 500 per hour but I can only store 250 so what's going on here I can't store anything and that's for each one so each one can only store 250 but it makes 500 an hour so every 30 minutes it will make one but it's the best part about that is if you're in your tech again go over to your supply pipe so let's connect both of these extractors together now they're sharing their pooling their resources so let's check it again now they're making a thousand per hour and they can store 500 so it just doubled it because now instead of going to each one and trying to to take away from both of them they all share their storage and their capacity and their their mineral extraction and so there you go boom but the better part about that is you can make something called a Supply Depot oh I need 10 metal plating for that let's make that real fast so here we go I'm a supply depot right here and this is basically just a gigantic storage container and the best part about it is it says it needs power I think that's a glitch because you don't need to put any power on this thing because look at this if you just supply you you need to connect it so we're gonna connect the supply all the way over here boom so now there's a tube feeding into our supply depot so now our extractors they're making a thousand but our supply our overall storage is one thousand five hundred so every storage every supply depot gives you a one thousand extra storage and so you can make a ton of these that way it doesn't fill up every few minutes if you make a ton of these you can come back like once a day and just pick up all your your materials and then leave so right now it'll take about an hour in order to fill that up and you see I don't need to power it at all and the better part about that to prove that to you let's let's put actually power it so let's pick take this one right here and stretch it out let's plug it in nothing doesn't make a difference so I don't know if they're gonna update it to where you need to power your supply depot I don't know but right now you don't need to so it works without the power don't don't power them up unless you really want to you can take the time to do it they don't use any power you're good to go so those are the basics on how to build a farm and so every once in a while I can come over here and just grab my materials when it's done so it'll take about an hour to fill up my my storage every hour I can come back and pick up all my materials and leave and if I make more supply depots it'll take even longer and so I can come back like every four hours or however long you want to take it so that's why I always make more supply depots and I have mineral extractors that way I don't have to come back I don't have to be constantly checking in I can come back once a day and the better part about that is this timer this hour and 26 minutes right here this is real time so if I save and shut the game off right now in an hour and 26 minutes I can come back turn the game back on reload my save and it will be full you don't have to keep playing so this timer continues on no matter what so hopefully you guys like the basics of farming if you did hit that like button for me and if you want to see more subscribe to the channel I'm uploading videos all the time and I will see you guys next time
Channel: Jason Plays
Views: 440,730
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: no man's sky how to start a mineral extractor farm, no mans sky, no man's sky mineral extractor, no man's sky, mineral extractor farm, mineral extractor no man's sky beyond 2020, no man's sky beyond, no man's sky beyond update, no man's sky update, mineral extractor beyond update no man's sky, no man's sky how to, no man's sky mineral extractor farm, no man's sky beyond mineral extractor, no man's sky beyond update 2019, #nomanssky, no man's sky 2020, no man's sky gameplay, nms
Id: F_-Prmd2UwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 40sec (1660 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 12 2019
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