The Best Expedition Start!! No Man's Sky Pioneer Expedition Redux 2021

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11 12 13 14 15 16 oh no 17. let's do it let's do it let's do it i think we got it yes there you go see boom welcome back to no man's sky everyone jason here at the new expeditions well old but new expeditions are here so if you didn't hear this morning they actually restarted all of the old expeditions so you can get all the old rewards if you might have missed them in previous expeditions so the thing is they're running every expedition for two weeks in a row and then they move on to the next one so the first expedition pioneers starts today november 24th and it runs for two weeks if you want to start it right now i want to show you guys right from the beginning once you get to the main menu go to your play game find a new game file you don't want to use an old one like one of these you want to use a new game file and then you're right here we have our pioneer expedition right here two weeks so we only get two weeks for the first one anyway enough talking let's get into the new expedition this is pioneers this is the first one to get the golden vector that's what we're doing first one now it is condensed into two weeks and if you remember if you were an old school player the first expedition was actually timed out for two months originally so because they shortened it down to two weeks they changed it up a little bit they streamlined some of it they made some of the milestones a little bit easier they also changed the starting planet so we're gonna start on a brand new planet we're gonna be going in different areas different directions so i can't wait to jump in and see what they did with it let's do it and [Applause] if you're new for the expeditions the cool thing about the expedition is it starts with a brand new save but it is randomized you get a random multi-tool you will get random different upgrades now there are some set upgrades they will give you just to make sure you can do all of the uh checkpoints the milestones but they will randomize your inventory so you can kind of get more or less inventory space they will randomize the look of your character it's all randomized but everyone has to do everyone starts on the same planet and we have to do the same checkpoints we're going to the same areas doing the same things so we're just doing that to get the awards look at my multi-tool there's a cool multi-tool right there i love it one redux the pioneers now there's my character now let's actually get into our uh pause menu if you go to your pause menu you'll see an expedition tab right over here this will tell you what you need to do so in the first phase the first part of it we're going to be going to this our starship we're going to leave the planet we're going to warp to a new system we need to establish a base we need to discover creatures 10 of them we need to uh purchase a capital ship we need to explore on foot for 8 000 feet for 8 000 steps and we need to reach the first rendezvous now i will tell you i've already done this before you want to get to save beacons as well so what we're going to do is we're going to run around a little bit let's look at my inventory oh we have a broken scanner which means we need ferrite dust we also oh we have a scatter blaster nice upgrade already and then on our starship oh we have a shuttle oh look at this little tiny thing uh that's not a good ship but you know what it's a free one i'll take the free one and here's my inventory see how it's all randomized we have different stuff all over the place my technologies here my cargo so it's all randomized you just have a few upgrades which is kind of nice well let's keep walking we're gonna need to fix our scanner first thing we gotta do is get some ferrite dust let's get some oxygen as well but we're looking for rocks for some ferrite dust we gotta fix our scanner that way we can see where our ship actually is while we're doing all this also yeah we're gonna get these boxes as well it makes it easier for us we don't need that rusted metal let's get out of that no we don't need it you can use it if you want to get ferrite dust but you have to refine it it's more of a pain in the butt it's so much easier just to get all the rocks around you i don't know why you wouldn't want to do that [Music] got it got it got it did it get it done done now we should have enough now i mean we have a lot well yeah we have 89 plus we picked up some geodes we're gonna analyze those and boom there you go we got a lot already let's fix our scanner because that's the only thing broken right now 75 farad dust done so now we'll be able to see up there it is right there there's our starship right over there so let's head on over there oh look at these guys right here let's scan this guy get our money because every time you skin an animal you get some money you don't get very much but you know what until we get some upgrades it's good enough good enough right let's get some ferret dust as well you want to mine as many resources as you can while you can because you can always buy them later but why would you want to waste your money early on you want to do this oh let's see do we have a terrain manipulator let me see we do have a terrain manipulator yes so if you ever see this like wi-fi signal the berry technology module dig underground and pick that baby up we're gonna need this later on so pick up as much as you can of the salvage data we're gonna use that later on for our base to get some base parts and stuff so definitely do that checkpoints base parts there's a lot of different stuff you can do to help you out later on in the milestones because the other thing i can tell you is don't worry about just doing one phase at a time you could do multiple different phases at once like you could do uh phase three collect ancient artifacts you can collect that right now if you wanted to even though we don't have phase one done we can jump all the way to phase three and do that if you want to you could do any of these milestones at any time you want to they just give it to you in different order just to make it easier like this makes sense getting your ship take off from the planet those make sense that's a good order so they put it in the order they think is easier for you but you don't have to do that you can do it in any order you want i'm getting a whole bunch of this good stuff here yes perfect anyway and you don't have to worry this is a normal save so if you die you will respawn you don't have to worry about permadeath or anything like that i'm hoping one of these days they actually give us a perma-death save for our expedition that would be pretty awesome i mean the one bad thing about a permanent save is when you die it erases it so you'd have to start completely over in this uh in this uh expedition so i don't know if that would be good for everyone but i would be interested in that i don't know if you guys would be how many people would want to be in a permit of save for expeditions i wonder you guys leave me down leave me a comment down below tell me would you want to do a permanent one i mean it looks cool to me but maybe not for everyone else maybe i'll put that up as a vote later on up here's our ship let's get in here and we're gonna need to fix our ship and it is broken reach your starship got it we got our milestone so anytime you complete a milestone go into your expedition tab press pause go into your expedition tab and you can collect the reward you get a reward for each step that you take and then once you complete the entire phase you get an overall reward so you get little mini rewards like in this one we're gonna get a s-class movement upgrade we're gonna get a powerful hazard protection upgrade and a powerful mining beam upgrade we're gonna get some upgrades for our stuff to make the game a little bit easier but if we complete all these milestones we will get uh inventory slot and atlas fireworks that was pretty cool so we're gonna do that oh yeah we duh i didn't even collect my reward let's go collect that reward dang it there we go so we got those things let's jump into our ship now we need to find out what's broken in this thing uh we need to fix our launch thruster which means we need pure ferrite which we have we got some earlier 50 of them and dihydrogen jelly that comes from those blue crystals that we were picking up let's see how many we got uh we didn't get any holy cow okay well that's okay let's move some of our inventory so if you didn't know you can move your technology in your backpack so if you press x if you're on xbox one or xbox or square if you're on playstation you can pick it up and you can move these technology upgrades anywhere you want i like to keep mine all together because if you put the similar upgrades together like this is a a jetpack upgrade now if i put it next to my jetpack look at that has a yellow outline on it you want to keep those together and this movement upgrade that's for your jetpack let's put it down here too there you go look at that boom good upgrades good upgrades mining beam upgrade that goes into your multi tool that way you can upgrade your mining beam itself we're going to do the same thing over here we have our mining beam put it next to the mining medium upgrade and yep yellow or green outline there we go doom and we'll put that one there that's a mining beam upgrade as well you'll notice that the picture looks very similar that's how you know they're almost the same upgrade and so you can see the one thing that's weird is that the analysis visor and the combat scope are not compatible they don't upgrade each other so that kind of sucks but you know what it's okay and let's put in our hazard protection for cold yes we'll put a cold protection we're going to put in our technology just to make some room because you have different different technology or different inventories in your backpack so you have your general you have your technology and then you have your cargo cargo is where you want to put all your minerals and stuff because it's really really big and you can put a whole bunch of different stuff in there that's what she said but i like to keep all my minerals anything that i'm gonna pick up and need later on i'll put that in there and you can increase this as you go along we have one life support gel and one ion battery okay so we need to get those blue crystals we need to get more of them oh wait a minute you see the wi-fi signal there is a buried technology down here let's get that let's get it we always want to pick these up you can make a lot of money or you can use it for your uh your base you want to i would say save it up for your base so you want to keep those you don't want to sell them you can sell them to make a lot of money but you don't want to not not right now not for the expedition anyway you want to actually do that but also save beacon you want to hit as many of these as you can because where is it is it in the phase four is it phase four is it phase five it is phase five yes phase five the end of the uh expedition you have to chart waypoints and each one of those save beacons is a waypoint so we just charted one that way that's why we have one out of 16. here we go we should be at two no no we're at one because we just charted it okay we just started that boom so there you go you want to hit those as much as you can we need 16 by the end of the expedition so get those while you can where's my blue crystals at where are my blue crystals come on um maybe around they should be pretty prevalent they're all over the place except for what i'm looking for out there they are they they're marked with a blue h that's dihydrogen crystals we want to get these ones because we need dihydrogen jelly to fix our ship so let's get as much as we can because we can all also use this for fuel for our launch fuel so you all you really want to pick up as much as you can get there we go got that one all right and i have a rainbow backpack look at that randomized i love it all right we should have enough let's get back inside that way we're not using our hazard protection from the cold all right we need to make a uh dihydrogen jelly and so we can do that by getting 40 dihydrogen crystals we got that done so now we should be fixed we should be good let's fix this one and pure ferrite 50 done now we need to fix our pulse engine which means we need a hermetic seal and a metal plating we should be able to make a metal planing i think there it is right there boom we need 50 ferrite dust for that and also we should be able to make a hermit seal because we got some condensed carbon we got 30 condensed carbon because we got those red crystals you want the red crystals easy to do or you could refine normal carbon into condensed carbon let's do that boom i need to take a deep breath i know there's a lot of information flying at you right now i'm sorry i'm so excited i don't you know i'm just rushing through this okay we fixed our launch thruster done so now let's fix our pulse engine we have our hermetic seal and our metal planing let's do that and that done so now we are good i'm gonna get rid of my rocket launcher because i don't personally use it if you use it keep it you don't need to get rid of it but this will give you condensed carbon which we used for a hermetic seal and it'll give you copper which is useful later on that's why i get word of mine you can do whatever you'd like with yours if you want to keep it you use it then go for it keep it i'm going to move some of our technology see the the the picture looks the same put them close together and boom highlighted right around it there you go we're going to keep that condensed carbon we're going to put that in here oh no that's regular carbon sorry i thought it was condensed carbon let's get our car uh crystals there we go so we're all fixed we're good to go let's take off and this should be uh we're gonna go into third person so if you don't know how to switch your perspective press down on your d-pad go all the way over to your gear icon and you see the ship picture it says switch starship view now we're in third ah maybe not this thing looks like a like a hot dog in space all right we got our milestone our second one's done easy as cake you guys this is going by really quickly so let's go back up to phase one because these are the checkpoints we are getting let's get that one we got our inventory slot ion batteries and starship launch fuel we already got our launch fuel and a pilgrim geo bay which is like the motorcycle the batman motorcycle we got so that's pretty good all right let's go do that yep this is for the uh batman motorcycle all right we need to install a hyperdrive let's see if we could do that we need chromatic metal which we can use our copper for and microprocessors which you can only buy or you you can only buy wait a minute can we do that early on you should only be able to buy it maybe oh no we don't know the recipe yet so you can make them but we don't know the recipe we don't know the blueprint to make them yet so we're gonna have to buy them at the space station so let's head over to the space station we have a little bit of money we do not have enough though we have sixteen hundred so we're gonna need to make some money here so while we're waiting let's look at what else we can do we can establish a base there you go we can discover creatures which we need to do we need to start scanning some creatures so you know what let's find a good planet to scan some stuff on that's another cold planet that is a columned planet which is not gonna have a lot of creatures on it so sadly we're not gonna be able to do that very well so you know what let's go back down we went up in the air we got our milestone let's get head back down here what we're gonna be doing is we're gonna be looking for different buildings like randomized buildings that are on the planet and animals because if we scan animals we can also pick up different technology like a salvage tech if we want to also we might be able if we find a good place to make a base computer we could totally do that as well let's see let's see let's scan i think it's a i think there's a freaking storm happening here that's why i can't see anything oh no all right so we're looking for a uh unknown building it'll look like a little house when it pops up and as you can see i'm just flying really low and i'm gonna be uh scanning the planet whenever i'm able to there you go that's what we're looking for right there let's land here oh look at this it's a cargo drop it's a or cargo pod i should say drop pod that way we could get our cargo up our inventory up let's hit that checkpoint again you want to get as many of these as you can early on because you have to collect a lot of those later let's get in here we're gonna and i'll i can show you a secret what you need for this drop pod is you need antimatter housing which we can make hopefully you need sodium nitrate and you need carbon nanotubes so antimatter housing let's see if we can make that up go to our exosuit antimatter housing we can make that there you go we're gonna need a carbon nanotube which is right here we need more carbon though and we're gonna need sodium nitrate which is gonna be basically condensed uh sodium which we can actually do with these uh these cool cave marrow plants so if you see this little caveman bulbs you can actually uh use those to make sodium oh man is there a cave around here let's go in the cave because i don't i need to get out of this uh this terrible storm i'm gonna die and we're also looking for cave marrow anyway so let's get in here so there you go boom and then we're looking for these guys cavemaro get this guy up we have a sentinel on our butt let's get out of here i don't want to mess with the sentinels this early so we're looking for you know those glowing flowers that's not one you'd think it would be but i guess it doesn't count all right over here these guys are right here boom cave marrow we're gonna pick up a lot of this stuff because you can turn this into sodium which will help a lot later on anyway oh we can get some cobalt let's scan this now rocks won't give you as much money as an animal would and i mean it's not really beneficial for us but hey you know what scan what you can to get as much money as you can early on so all right so let's see what we can make can we make our uh let's make a portable refiner we need metal plating for that we need we have 30 oxygen but we need metal plating so let's make some metal plating there we go so now we can make it and now we can refine some stuff let's put we have to put some fuel in there so let's put some condensed carbon and then we're going to put in our marrow bulb and you see maribul turns into sodium so while that is refining let's get some more stuff let's get some more bearable so we can get some sodium we can also get some cobalt because we can sell this and make a lot of money too so don't overlook this you know making a lot of money early on you can get some you know we're getting a lot of cobalt makes you a lot of money early on so you can totally totally go into a cave get this going boom boom boom really really helps out easy peasy so that actually refined really quickly so we're gonna take the sodium and now we're gonna put it back in there and now sodium turns into sodium nitrate now think about it though because it takes two sodium to make one sodium nitrate so we're gonna use basically cut your sodium in half and that's how much you're gonna get back in sodium nitrate there we go let's get some more cobalt while we're here oh weapon charge depleted sodium there we go there we go all right so now we have our sodium nitrate we should be good we're gonna pick up our refiner because it'll give us back some stuff there we go we got our carbon so we should be able to make a carbon nanotube now so let's do that real quick you remember you need 50 carbon to make that let's do that done up this center's still hunting me down huh i'm out of here buddy sorry you can't get me oh there's some animals up there let's see if we can scan those animals they're flying up use my joe dang it that's all right we're on normal mode so it's okay let's scan we need 10 animals so we got to get them got them and remember a green pod means you've already scanned them a red dot means you have not scanned them yet so red dot that's what we're looking for over there we got a red dot scan this guy right here there we go so we're up to three now let's see what we can do here let's get our upgrade for our exosuit totally doing it antimatter housing done sodium nitrate done carbon nanotubes done and now we get a free upgrade for our suit we're going to put it in technology and what i'm doing in technology is i want to move some of this stuff over to the technology tab way it's all together and actually honestly i should probably put my jet pack in there because there's three of them anyway right so let's do that let's put our jet pack in there and boom jet pack done and done there we go everything kind of organized we're all pretty good here there we go you know that's being sarcastic it's all jacked up and terrible but we're trying to make some money here so what you can do is let's pick up a whole bunch of cobalt so i'm going to collect a whole bunch of cobalt i will see you guys in a minute all righty i think i have enough i also picked up some emerald oh yeah i got my geodes let's get rid of those so i have three hundred thousand dollars worth of uh cobalt i got a little bit of regular ionized cobalt as well but i got some emerald which is good emerald turns into chromatic metal which is amazing so there's emerald on the starter planet don't skip out on that emerald because emerald is really valuable let's pop that in there and you'll see it two emerald give us gives us three chromatic metals so we're technically making more material i love it i love it we're gonna get a whole bunch of chromatic metal out of here so definitely pick up this embryo while you're here look at this we're about to get 300 over 300 emerald or chromatic metal 357 dude we're doing so good all right so now we can also make a base real quick now i will say as a general rule of thumb everyone is going to be here on this planet this is the starter planet so it might be hard to put your bass down what i would say is do not upload your bass help out someone else by not making your bass you know not uploading oh god oh my god no not uploading your bass because if you upload it it takes that spot away from someone else let's land over here we're gonna make our base right here i guess yep land on the uh the green rings because those green rings will actually not use any launch fuel when you use them this looks like a uh is this a oh no it's not an abandoned building i thought it was this is gonna be a secured facility maybe i don't see any uh things around what is this [Music] yeah i don't see any signals around which means it's not a secured site is it a uh observatory maybe yep the observatory there it is boom so we really don't need to do anything in here but we can make our base here so what we need to do is go into our base computer we need 30 chromatic metal which means we have plenty of room let's pop that down and part of the update remember guys part of the update is you can move base computers around once you've placed them i love that let's pop it down we're gonna make no prior claims let's do it get in here quick now remember it won't upload until you upload your base if you upload your base that means you're taking the spot you don't really need to upload unless you want to keep this forever so i'm not going to upload mine for now i need to expand my base okay we need to expand it all right let's put down some timber oh we're gonna need a lot of uh carbon aren't we yes we are i just thought about that we're gonna need a lot of carbon or ferrite dust let's actually do that real quick we're getting some ferrite dust oh sentinel's mad at me no no no no no no no no look over there i'm not doing anything buddy leave me alone no see all those rocks over there exploding you shouldn't investigate those rocks no this settles he knows he knows the game i'm trying to play dang it he knows what i'm trying to do that's all right that's all right all right we need to place 15 parts down for our base so let's do that real quick we're going to put down you know screw it we're just going to do this boom oh we can make 23 so we're okay let's go to the third person if you don't know if you click in your left thumbstick you go from uh your character character camera to a third person free camera let's do that boom boom boom then we're gonna make a wall we're just going to make the the generic bob slash jason's shack you only need to put down 15 pieces so you don't really need to make this fancy or anything you can if you want to you could totally make this fancy if you want to i'm not going to because i am uh generic oh man i knew we're going to run out of that so in that case let's see can i make a i can't i can't make any other pieces dang it all right so we only have timber which means we need carbon crap well let me go get some carbon i'll be right back leave it animal up scan these animals scan these animals you need to get 10 of them and i'm up to seven now i'm up to seven animals all right get some carbon i just got a life support module so that's why you want to open those uh damaged machineries because damaged machinery will maybe possibly have an upgrade module usually they will give you uh nanites but if you do this if you go over to these cool damaged machineries right here they might give you an upgrade i just got an upgrade but let's see do i get ants this time probably i got nanites i got 27 nanos hey you know what nanites and nanites i'll take nanites but i'd rather have an upgrade let's see it was an s-class life support yeah this is so good move that down move that over here sorry guys i'm moving stuff around there we go you know just to make sure it was okay wait is that my life support oh no my life's over here what the crap has a protection get down there get over here all right now we're doing better now we're doing better all right so we should have enough carbon to actually build the rest of this could i make it barely made it all right so we should be able to build the rest of my uh my building my little jason shack let's go back to our build menu timber wall camera oh no we need a doorway duh doorway there we go and now we need to make a uh some roofs so we're gonna make some oh no we can't do that let's just do boom we're just gonna do this we're gonna make it it's like a dark cave basically that's okay though we're gonna just get our minimum that we need and we're gonna be out of here i think that's it right here we go homecoming this is all we really need not really not really bright or anything in here that's okay so we got that one done let's see let's check our expedition log since we've done a lot of this stuff all right warp two new system because we need to install our hyperdrive collect our reward repair kit and salvage data we get some salvage data i like it all right what else are we supposed to be doing here explore on foot 8 000 we're gonna be walking around a little bit purchase a capital ship we need to go to a different system to purchase a capital ship and discover creatures we need two more creatures so let's make our hyper drive now that we have our hyperdrive or now that we have a lot of money oh yeah i also got some emerald while i was out there i can make some more chromatic metal so let's do that real quick because i don't want to have to need it later on and not have it you know with me so let's make some chromatic metal oh no let's make some mirror bulbs get that out of our inventory first you turn that into sodium real fast see easy peasy we can just do that real quick but i was in that cave earlier that's why i got a whole bunch of barrel bulbs all right now also k uh the emerald boom this is so good we are doing so good we're gonna have a ton of money man all right sodium is that yeah why is it not in there we don't need the salt we get rid of that i don't need it we have our navigational data there we have our oh dioxide we can use that to recharge there we go chromatic metal we should be doing well on that now let's head over to the space station to buy some stuff i mean we could go in if we found like a minor settlement we could possibly use that but those are gonna be hard to come by unless you're really lucky or you find a uh a tower that'll signify that but let's go over here let's go to the space station i'll meet you guys there in a bit so the biggest thing we have because we were in the cave for a while we got a whole bunch of cobalt this is that rock anthem yeah all right because we're in the cave we got a lot of cobalt we can sell that and make a ton of money you know 300 000 is pretty solid plus that plus we have 660 chromatic metal what we need to do is we actually need condensed carbon because then we can make antimatter we can make some warp cells but first things first let's sell now usually i like selling the two pilots but they're not going to show up it's always better to sell to the pilots because it does not change the price pilots don't affect the economy this wall terminal does so keep that in mind if you sell something here it's going to affect the price of that item we can sell our platinum yeah 43 000 we can also make this into nanites but it doesn't really give you a lot so i'd never usually use it for that let's get our we can sell our silver for 5 000 and we're making more room in our inventory ionize cobalt yes for 16. and cobalt regular cobalt 339. we just got over 400 000 units for all of that i'm loving it so good all right now we're going to buy we need microprocessors but we're also going to need some other stuff too so we need five of these let's buy that that's our primary objective we have to buy five of those 95 000 is a lot of money but we're also gonna need some batteries so let's buy the batteries look at we bought 69 batteries and we got 16 000 for that that's good let's buy oh do we have any uh life support gel where are you at oh right there 52 of them for 11 000 so pretty cheap so now we're good we can buy a whole bunch of ferrite dust let's do that we can buy oxygen i'm always gonna buy a lot of all the basic materials because you're gonna need that later on anyway so always always if you can if it's possible do that i'm gonna buy some pure ferret as well let's do that seventy eight thousand we could do that all right done and done so now we have all this stuff stacked up wait wait what is this why aren't you in here same thing for you pure ferrite why aren't you going into my cargo i don't know why they don't do that good lord all right now that i had to move everything over all right there we go we have our processors microprocessors and our chromatic metal so let's install that hyperdrive let's get in here i don't i don't know why but i have to get inside to uh do stuff i don't know why just what i do it's just what i do all right life or launch fuel let's do that boom perfect perfect there we go so we're going to install the hyperdrive we have our five microprocessors and 125 chromatic metal let's do it done and done so now is it empty it is empty we're gonna need to make some warp cell fuel to go in there and to do that we need antimatter and anti-matter housing to make antimatter we're gonna need a whole bunch of condensed carbon so we need to condense our carbon down into or we need to condense our regular carbon into condensed carbon we need to refine it there so we have emerald gold silver there's no uh carbon in here let's just just check this planet out since it's right next to the space station we should be able to get some carbon here if not we can always just jump out and run away so let's get down here we also we need to scan how many more animals let's check our animals we need to scan oh wait wait phase one two more animals i think there's only going to be one animal on this planet because it seems like it is a anomaly planet it is look at that filter is it a green filter i think it is a green filter that's pretty cool yeah green filter oh wait what it just went away it just went away well that's even better great we're looking for plants we're looking for plants do they have plants here they do not probably they have a lot of ferrite and we have angry plant angry settles here let's get out of here for now oh there's the animal right here so we scanned it we got some money for it three thousand but the better part is if you go over to your discovery tab you can go to your fauna of the found look at that 250 nanites because we found all the animals on this planet now they only give you 250 because there's only one animal on this planet but it's 250 nanites i'll take it so done i don't see any i don't see any uh what we would consider plants around here i see a lot of uh ferret dust so not a good planet for carbon that's okay we could also look for condensed carbon if we wanted to that's o2 over there nothing all right this was not a good planet we got our we got our nanites though so that's good but not a good planet for carbon let's go to another one because this one's not working out alrighty so we found a swampy planet which is awesome because a swampy planet will usually have a lot of trees all over the place so tons of carbon here we're going to pick up a ton of carbon oh man jet pack do it's not full at all all right a tree over there okay yeah but we have to find a whole bunch of trees or you know mushrooms these kind of things right here we're also looking for two more animals real quick so i i think i see one right over there let's see are you an animal yes you are done on that one so we just need one more oh no we got it ten animals done so we got our animal scanning done let's let's go pick up that reward while we're there so in uh number one right there we got a supreme scanning upgrade and creature pellets there you go so let's install that uh upgrade because if you upgrade your scanner you'll make more money that way so we're gonna be making tons more money whenever we scan something now and i'll show you look at this boom now instead of like the 1200 we're gonna get 19 000 i will take that that is a good amount of money right there we got 111 for that oh man we are making tons of money now money hand over fist oh yeah we need to get some carbon while we're here scan some uh plants as well always do that let's get this thing going oh man all this carbon we're gonna get a whole bunch of condensed carbon oh yeah speaking of condensed carbon we need to actually refine your carbon to make it condensed carbon so let's get this going boom put that down here you need to put a little bit of carbon in there and then you can put the rest of it in there to make condensed carbon and while it's refining let's make some more carbon let's just keep farming it up so i will see you guys in a second all right we got a lot of condensed carbon let's boogie let's get out of here because we're about to get melted by this storm holy cow well good thing about a storm is that your jet pack lasts forever oh yeah look at that red crystals you want these red crystals because they will help you out you can't get the big ones unless you have an advanced mining laser but you can get the small ones and small ones will add up i mean look i just got 35 from doing that so yes all right all right all right so let's make some warp cells we need some anti-matter we'll make five done and then we will make some housing for the antimatter we'll make five of those now we can make a warp cell let's make all five and we're good done so now we can warp to a new system which is going to be awesome let's go let's go to a new system we can follow the expedition route to the rendezvous point let's see what to a new system purchase a capital ship explore on foot we still need to walk around on foot wow okay but let's go into our our galaxy map and that green line is where we need to follow so let's follow that over and wow we need to follow we need to go a long distance so let's go to the next system while we're here we need to go to the next system maybe we'll find one with a a big mountain because one of our milestones is the rocket man uh milestone which is just to stay in the air for 20 seconds you can cheat it out i'm going to try to do it the legitimate way look at this water this is a cold planet yes it is frozen hell oh so first thing we got to do let's go over to up interstellar let's actually first thing we need to do is accept our reward for that we get storage augmentations for our ship and 300 nanites let's do that so we got a whole bunch of nanites we're pretty solid on nana's right now let's go check and see what kind of upgrades we can get in here so we have storage augmentations for our ship again we don't have to use this one we can actually as we don't need this let's get rid of that star bulb our repair kit is pretty useful we're going to keep that for now you don't need a selfie hearing all right we're going to keep all this stuff good to go wait wait wait wait a minute there we go so let's see what kind of upgrades we have first things first if we want to make a lot of money let's look and see if they have a scanner upgrade for our multi-tool that's the fastest way to get money really quickly purchase upgrade module scanner module there you go that's what we're looking for there we go all right and then let's check out and see if we can get an upgrade here yes we can let's upgrade our starch or our our uh cargo our inventory man my brain just melted there for a second let's do our let's do our general technology let's do that boom just to make sure consol has a lot of stuff wrong with it so wait a minute look at some of these ships we have oh a two million dollar ship we can't get this one worth two million dollars there's no way all right we we got an upgrade for our scanner do we sell anything do we have anything to sell no no we have a thing to install let's do that that was right over there boom all right so we do have some stuff we can actually uh uh you know what let's go scan some stuff let's also i mean no what no no we don't need to do that let's see if we can make it to the next rendezvous let's go next one now we're gonna be we're gonna be jumping one at a time because our our uh thing is really bad oh and there is the rendezvous way over there so actually you know what we're gonna do we're we're actually gonna sit here for a second i'm gonna make some money so i will see you guys in the next episode but what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna land on a planet we're gonna farm some uh you know what no actually can we do that oh we can space anomaly let's go to the space anomaly because we might be able to make some money this way let's check this out make a lot of money really quickly if if we could buy some stuff so we're gonna need to get either a medium or a large refiner to put in our base if we could do that holy moly it's gonna be good we landed we're good so you can always get upgrades and why i was telling you to save these storage augment or salvage data right here why you want to save those is very important because if you go to the back of the space anomaly there is an upgrade market where you can buy different upgrades you can buy all the upgrades for your your suit your bases your exocraft your starship you can buy all kinds of every upgrade you can think of excuse me every upgrade you can build is going to be in there oh yeah we can upgrade our suit so why not do that duh let's do that real quick all right so we're going to go to this middle one the construction research station and we're gonna be looking for the technology there it is right here so the technology modules we're gonna be looking for medium refiner we need magnetized ferrite and dihydrogen jelly we could totally make that easy peasy on that one all right i mean you can get a large refiner if you want to it's harder to make and it's not necessary for what we're about to do so we just got our amazing medium refiner let's head back to our base because we're about to make some really good money and we just go to my uh my bases boom the base i haven't uploaded yet this is our basic base but we don't need it to be fancy we just need to have a medium refiner we need a few medium refiners but we can start with one so let's do that as soon as we get in there i will show you what we're about to do come on take a second to load in there it is there we go now we need five dihydrogen jellies can we even make that many we can make one oh man all right so what we're going to need to do is we're going to need to actually make some stuff here so let's pop this baby down let's uh put some condensed in there put our jelly in there because it only took us 40 to make the dihydrogen but we get 50 back so we're technically we're making a lot more uh back than we actually used so now we can make two yes we can and we'll get 20 back and we'll so on and so forth so let's do this alrighty guys so i've made 12 dihydrogen jellies but we need magnetized ferrite let's go in here and i can show you right here we need a hundred magnetized ferrite and five dihydrogen jelly so right now i'm uh refining pure ferrite into magnetized ferrite let's do that now that we already have a hundred let's pop this baby down and the best part about this thing it does not need power or anything else you could just literally pop it down and there you go so now what we need to do is you know the secret ingredient you all should know it oxygen oxygen and if you put in some uh oh god we don't have any okay i need to go get some cobalt i'll be back while that's refining i'll be right back all right i think i've got enough oh we made a lot of magnetized ferrite so let's put that away now what you have to do is you put in oxygen and you put in some cobalt and it turns it into ionized cobalt but not just any ionized cobalt we only started with about a hundred and what twenty we're about to get 355 and the better part is if you put ionized cobalt and oxygen together you will get more than you originally had and you can just keep doing that over and over and over so we're farming ionized cobalt to make a ton of money so let me show you how this works let me um let me show you this boom we can't get an even number okay 45 if we put 45 ionized cobalt in here and as much oxygen as you could get we will get 270 ionized cobalt that is like what seven times as much six times technically you are using your oxygen though so you're burning the oxygen to make more ionized cobalt so we're making a ton of it 355 turns into two thousand three 300 ionized cobalt now this process does take a little bit of a time but you can also just keep adding it to it so boom put some more in there yeah you just keep doing it as long as you have your oxygen full you're good to go so let's keep that rolling and i just thought about something we have the rocket man milestone so i think it's in phase two or three no two you have to spend 20 seconds airborne so let's highlight that one real quick let me show you how to do this so what i would do is i would find a cliff side like this you could do it inside of a building too but it's kind of cheating and you need a second story you need something that's really tall i like to uh just go inside or you can go inside of a cave and do it this way as well you just have to be airborne and you cannot be touching a wall or anything like that oh let's go back out here that's why you want to find a sheer side of a cliff your jet pack doesn't run out and as long as you don't touch that wall don't touch that wall at all you'll be good to go 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 oh no 17. let's do it let's do it let's do it i think we got it yes there you go see boom you don't even need something that tall you could just fly for 20 seconds and you can get that oh god don't die though don't die falling let me get that real quick boom we got an air burst engine plan standing increase with the explorer's guild is supreme movement upgrade yes oh yeah so we are definitely doing that and i'm going to stop it right here you guys so just want to make sure you guys can see that we are making a ton ton ton of money while we're here so this is what i'm going to be doing for the next few probably 10 15 minutes i'm gonna keep putting more oxygen in here putting more ionized cobalt in here and boom we are gonna be making a ton of money so i'll see you guys in the next episode [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Jason Plays
Views: 33,306
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: no mans sky, no mans sky 2021, no man's sky update, no man's sky how to, nms, no man's sky 2021, no mans sky gameplay, no man's sky update 2021, nms update 2021, jason plays no mans sky, no mans sky origins, no mans sky update, no man's sky, no mans sky expeditions, no mans sky frontiers, no mans sky settlements, no mans sky worms, no mans sky emergence, no man's sky expedition, no man's sky pioneer expedition, no mans sky golden vector, no man's sky best expedition start
Id: ghM9zZ8cZSQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 6sec (3066 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 24 2021
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