The Perfect Beginners Guide to No Man's Sky Frontiers | How to Play No Man's Sky Frontiers Gameplay

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welcome back to no man's sky everyone jason here and this is gonna be a how to have a best start in no man's sky so you just got the game or you just got back into the game and you want some tips on hey i want to start a fresh save the frontiers update just came out i'm excited about the settlements i'm excited about all this stuff but i don't know what to do i don't know how to get done or you know how to get everything rocking and rolling well this is the guide for you so when you first start out you're going to be on a hazardous planet so the planet is going to try to kill you the biggest thing you want to do is either look for sodium which is a yellow plant or a cave that you that you can hide in a cave is gonna be your best bet because that is where you can get a biggest advantage of it so let's go forward here and remember keep in mind whichever way you're facing forward that is the direction of your ship so my ship is in this direction even though you don't know about it yet so let's get some uh ferrite dust while we're doing all this so get some ferrite dust because we're gonna need it in order to fix our suit so while we're looking for our cave or some sodium we could do that as well look around here there should be a cave but maybe not it depends on your your uh your planet every planet is going to be different so that plant right there is not what we're looking for we're looking for a yellow one not a blue one oh there's a little symbol right there that is buried technology it's under the ground we can't get that yet that's okay let's get this one right here though this broken machinery if you go into here you you don't want to keep this residual goop it's just going to clog up your inventory so i would get rid of it delete that and open it up sometimes you'll get an upgrade out of here but most of the time you'll get nanites just like i did right there so let's continue on and here's our first yellow plant right here let's pick this baby up boom and now if you want to you know refill your hazard protection hit down on your d-pad and it'll bring up your quick menu just like that and you go up on your recharge the little battery icon and you can recharge all your equipment but we're just doing our hazard protection that'll protect us from the environment so let's do that and sodium done all right so now we're good for a little while longer but it's still going to keep running down so we need to find some good stuff let's go pick up some of this stuff nope we can't get that yet because our multi-tool is not upgraded yet let's get some ferrite dust and we're also going to be looking for some plants because we need some carbon you see how this is an unidentified plant carbon you need to pick those up now your plants might look a little different depending on which planet type you started out with it could be trees it could be little bushes like this whatever your plant is you're going to want to get a whole bunch of those as well as well as the rocks so you can get some ferrite dust now we should be okay let me check and see in our inventory so if you go over to our exosuit we have 40 carbon and 121 ferrite dust we are doing really good so let's go to our multi-tool we can fix our scanner because we need 75 ferrite dust let's do that fixed now we can scan for items so if you click in your left thumbstick it will scan the area around you and say oh there's some sodium over there and it'll color everything it'll color code everything so n a is your sodium rich and you can look around for all that kind of stuff we're gonna need to get some sodium that way we could do our tutorial you can't skip it or you can try but it won't really let you do that so let's get some sodium real fast recharge our hazard protection and we should be okay to move on to the next step in the system the process all right so now we have it press down on your d-pad recharge boom there you go so now we are good so now it's going to tell us hey look you need to go to your ship your ship is crashed kind of broken up there it is right there and look at that boom we were headed in almost the same direction we should have been doing all right let's get these blue crystals on our way because these blue crystals are dihydrogen we're going to need this later on and so you want to plan ahead get dihydrogen get carbon you also want to pick up oxygen as well they're going to be little red plants that oxygen are you know that you get oxygen from so let's get that as well on the way so let's go so we made it to our starship look at that it is definitely broken as you can see but our little marker is actually over here so this is where we need to go let's read this distress beacon scenario iteration and that number's going to be random all the time boundary separation failure likely vessel 16 emptied cause sentinel intervention deliberate transfer analysis fresh iteration generated anomaly containment prepared so let's broadcast we got an emergency broadcast we say hey we need help traveler anomaly detected what anomaly is compliant position logged system integrity scan initialized so we don't know what any of that means early on it's like okay what the heck is going on but our ship is broken let's go investigate our ship that's our iteration holy cow online alice connection intermittent launch thrusters offline pulse engine offline so we have some broken pieces on our ship i find myself alone on a strange world unequipped and in danger i have no memory of how i got here and no sense of a before but this ship at least seems to recognize me the controls react to my touch or at least to that of my exosuit i am not dead yet and this ship is a lifeline out to the stars so we need to we need to fix this thing so we can get off this dang planet let's connect we can read a log or connect our exo suit either way is going to work i'm going to connect my exosuit log there we go unavailable substituting data exosuit connected suggestion pilot should perform maintenance select desired repair path let's repair it self-guided repair protocols initiated so there we go we have to fix our pulse engine and we're going to need those two parts we need a hermetic seal and metal plating in order to fix this thing so get out of our ship we need to get some parts okay so in order to get metal plating let's continue on go into your uh menu so if you press select you'll be able to go into your menu and it'll see you pop up a glowing box right here if you hit a if you're on xbox or x if you're on playstation you bring up your crafting menu and you can craft all these things you have the reso you have the blueprints you need to collect the materials in order to make it though so like for dihydrogen jelly we need 40 dihydrogen that's the blue crystals we were picking up earlier metal plating we need 50 ferrite dust that comes from the rocks hey we got enough for it so let's make that and we have enough so let's get back into our ship because when you're inside you're protected from the elements and let's pop in the uh metal plating so we go to our pulse engine look at that we have our metal plating we have that checked off let's do that real fast boom we installed the metal plating we are good but we need another part we need that hermetic seal we don't know how to make one of those yet the iteration is functional starship critically damaged vital ingredient missing unable to synthesize required components pulse engine requires a hermetic seal well yeah we don't know how to make that yet so we need help we uh reveals that hermetic seal is nearby salvage planetary chart from a distressed beacon cache okay so we need to get a chart that way we can actually see where the hermetic seal is let's go over here there should be a chart inside this capsule right here i peer inside the beacon's housing as well as its distress beacon it contains a planetary chart all right let's take it so now we have a chart that's going to show us where the hermetic seal is at let's go over here planetary chart x on xbox will actually activate it or square on playstation if you're playing on playstation there we go we marked it so now we know we have to go all the way over there in order to find our hermetic seal now get ready for this because there's gonna be a huge storm that comes in and it's gonna mess up your hazard protection it gets really really bad so be ready for that let's go head on over there we can see it's way off in the distance so make sure you either have a lot of sodium or if you're more advanced you can have batteries but you're gonna need cobalt from a cave in order to make batteries so if you had cobalt from a cave you could totally make batteries right now but we didn't we didn't get a cave on our intro so we're gonna have to go you know hardcore and just do it now on our way you're gonna find a whole bunch of different stuff like hey we can get some of these uh plants over here let's pick up that carbon oh man this is taking a lot longer and i thought okay there we go oh boom boom and we're also pick up any materials you can on the way you see there's like cool little chili peppers over here we could pick up these chili peppers and we could eat them to help our suits so let's do that and you're gonna find different food on different planets so you might not get chili peppers on yours you'll have a different food depending on what kind of planet you have i have chili peppers because mine is a hot planet well let's try to get over there over to the uh decoded coordinates we made it to the settlement this is where our uh hermetic seal is going to be hidden at up and we have a damaged machinery always try to pick these up early on and again you can just get rid of the item that's in here it's a junk item you might be able to use it later on if you really want to but it's a waste of time you don't really need it early so we can get out of there oh we got starship fuel out of that okay we don't even have our starship working yet but we got fuel let's get in here now that we're inside we're yep we're protected from the elements so you want to get inside whenever you can let's get this hollow archive going accessing archive logs corrupted oh entry follows no one making this recording in case leaving behind something in the fabricator it might be of some use visor damaged can't find my ship oh no whoever left it here was in the same boat as us because they couldn't find their ship so let's recover the supr the supplies they left the log finishes and the machine works to life spitting out supplies i have the hermetic seal i need to repair my ship whoever it was that led me here whoever left this message perhaps they found themselves in the same situation as i do now so we got our hermetic seal and we learned the recipe so now we can we know the blueprint to make one we can make another hermetic seal if we want to but we already have one we're good to go so now we need to make our our analysis visor so we need uh carbon nanotubes in order to make our visor that's the best thing though because in order to make a carbon nanotube let's go back into our recipes bring up our building menu in order to make a carbon nanotube you need 50 carbon which we were picking up carbon earlier if you were paying attention so we have enough for making that let's do that real fast and now we know go to our multi-tool and we need to build a visor so let's put our visor right there where the uh highlighted square is right here analysis visor boom and because we already built our carbon nanotube we have it done so now we have a visor and what your visor does is it actually can scan the area so you see we have a ton of new information here we can scan animals but more importantly it will show us where our ship is and we can actually hold x if you're on xbox or square on playstation to tag that starship there you go so now we know where our starship is and we can run back to it we have a hermetic seal so let's get back to our starship righty so we made it into or back to our ship let's get inside that way we can recover some of that hazard protection now we need to install our hermetic seal so let's do that and that's the reason why i always get inside my ship that way it can help protect you against the elements installed that so now our pulse engine is repaired yes but now we need to repair our launch thruster okay so now we need to fix that and we need to make dihydrogen jelly now i was lucky enough to run into it on the way there so i already have oh i have a couple of them but if you need to make it all you have to do is bring up your build menu again pressing a or x if you're on playstation a if you're on xbox and it'll have all your list of things you can build dihydrogen jelly is right here the big blue circle one and you need 40 dihydrogen 40 of those blue crystals we were getting earlier and so we have plenty of those but i've already have some so we're good to go we have 200 dihydrogen so we are good to go so now we can actually make it so uh we have one let's install that real fast we repaired it but now we need to make pure ferrite so let's get out of our ship in order to make pure ferrite we're going to have to get a portable refiner you see that right there so if you press up on your d-pad it'll bring up your build menu we have a brand new build menu now but we only know how to make one thing and that is a portable refiner right here and so we need it tells you the ingredients right on this list one metal plating and 30 oxygen so we can back out go back into our our inventory and let's create a metal plating right here boom now we can make our uh we can make our portable refiner so let's click on that and now we can put it wherever we want to i would always put it right next to the ship that way you don't forget it now that we've built it let's get in there and there's a whole bunch of stuff going on here number one you need to put fuel inside of it that way it can work and the only fuel it takes is carbon or advanced you know condensed carbon which is more advanced i'm gonna put in regular carbon because i have a lot of that pop it in there all right so now we need to put in something to make pure ferrite so the secret is ferrite dust turns into pure ferrite when you refine it so it goes one to one you see that little number right there that's how many it takes to use it that's how many materials it takes to make one so it takes one ferrite dust to make one pure ferrite so let's start that up right there and we're good so and at the bottom right hand side you see we only need 50 pure ferrite so we can stop it right now we don't need that much we can keep some of our regular ferrite dust let's put that on our exosuit you just have to pick it up and pop it into our exosuit and we can leave right now and before you go if you click the right thumbstick you can pick up your portable refiner and take it with you that way you don't have to leave it here permanently let's jump inside of our ship and now we have the pure ferrite to fix it so let's do that our launch thruster will be fixed yeah we're good ship is repaired launch systems are online let's take off so this could be right trigger if you're on uh if you're on console let's do it so yeah we're flying now now we have our our starship is totally fixed i love it now if you don't like first person like i don't you generally do all you have to do is hit your uh down on your d-pad go all the way over to your gear icon right here utilities and you can choose between all these different options but right here it says switch starship view so now we're in third person so i like flying in third persons whichever your preference is that's how you could do that so let's fly up into the stars and leave the planet there we go you discover this i discovered this because you you're in your own system no one's ever been here before more than likely and so let's keep going now it's going to tell you how to use your starship so you know hold down your uh right trigger to thrust like normal okay that's your normal like basically your gas pedal right there now if you press b or uh oh if you're on playstation b if you're on xbox you do an extra thrust that way you can really go fast now it makes you it makes it harder to turn but you're going much faster you see how the stars are moving but there's one even faster than that that's your pulse drive and that's by holding down r1 and r and l1 at the same time or right bumper left bumper at the same time so let's do that it charges up and then boom you're fired off you're good to go so now you're going really fast so yeah we've done all our basics and now we're going to call what is this call about incoming transmission source 4925b please identify yourself i'm and it breaks apart okay let's identify ourselves you are not alone follow the and we don't know what the heck is going on here follow the what the broadcast ends as strangely as it began the final piece of the signal appears to be a set of planetary coordinates let's put those coordinates in and see what's going on what does it want us to go all right all right right there in front of us on this other planet all the way over here so let's pulse drive over there and see what's going on so we're coming up up to the source right here all right let's land now the source is kind of corrupted so we don't know where exactly the source is coming from we need to get out of our starship and now we need to scan with our sweeper to look around on where the source actually is so we have our visor already re named and ready to go so let's pull up our visor and it'll go into sweeping mode which will tell you hey look the thing you're looking for is in this direction you see how it glows over to the left now if i go way too far it'll glow over to the right so it kind of tells you the general area of where you're supposed to go let's head in this direction let's see what's going on now i like to just pull it up periodically like every once in a while just to make sure i know where i'm going let's pull it up again yep we're going in the right direction oh it's over here you'll see if you're close enough it'll do that it'll scan and boom that's where the signal is coming from perfect all right so let's get over here and see what is going on up it's a broken module let's see the sparking wires of the machine generate a signal tapping out its broadcast into the void wherever the uh message whoever left the message is long gone all right let's do it decoding 16 16 16. entry 4925 no fuel failed to reach the station hazard protection is low no choice but to something underground deployed a base computer as well as a log entry the signal contains plans for a base computer and a terrain manipulator all right those are two tools we're gonna need with any luck the base computer will hold more information about whoever is leaving these messages let's get those plans all right so now we know how to make a base computer and we know how to make a terrain manipulator a terrain manipulator is very very very useful so we need to build that right away let's go into our menu and we go to our over to our multi-tool because the terrain manipulator has to be put onto our multi-tool you see how it's highlighted this square right here let's install it and we choose the terrain manipulator we're going to need two carbon nanotubes and one dihydrogen jelly all right so we have the dihydrogen jelly already but if you again if you need it it's 40 dihydrogen crystals the blue crystals that are on the ground but we need to make two carbon nanotubes so let's go over to our exosuit menu and let's see okay we have 194 carbon we should be able to make it so let's go to our crafting menu and carbon nanotubes there you go and if you hit rb or r1 you know hit your bumpers or your r1 l1 you can actually see at the bottom of the screen i can build two three four you know it'll tell you how many you can build i can only build up to three because it takes 300 or 150 carbon we only need two so let's build two there we go we have two now we go back over to our multi tool let's let's install it and we'll be good to go terrain manipulator installed so now we can dig underground so why this is useful is like if there's something underground like here we have buried technology right here let's dig underground right trigger look at that we have this thing around now we can dig underground now it is just like minecraft in the way that there is a bottom floor a bedrock you can't dig all the way through the planet i wish but you cannot do that there is a bedrock that you cannot dig past but what we need to do is we need to gather some copper that way we can make our base computer let's pull up our visor and we're looking for you see that cool like diamond shape right there that means there's a deposit of materials there but we're not looking for magnetized ferret we're looking for copper up right there see there's copper right there so let's mark it by holding down x or square if you're on playstation and let's go over there we now we know that there's a copper deposit right over there let's go get it all right we made it to our copper deposit and the way you switch out your multi-tool items is you hit y on xbox or triangle on playstation and you'll switch between all your different things so you have your mining beam and you're now your terrain manipulator since we just made that now the other big thing to notice is if you have your terrain manipulator out hit left bumper and right bumper or l1 and r1 and you'll see this big circle come up right so that is how much you're going to mine from this resource that's how big your uh tray manipulator beam is going to be now in general the smaller it is the more resources you will get the bigger it is the faster it'll mine so let's look at the biggest one here it'll do boom right there it'll make a big old hole like that but if you make a small the smallest one by hitting l1 or r1 or l1 or a left bumper it'll make a little tiny hole like that see now the benefit is the smaller it is the more resources you get but it uses more fuel you'll see look at that i'm getting a ton of copper and i'm barely you know using up the resource the deposit look at that and so you're good to go now the ski the bad part is if you want to just get rid of it really fast like if you're making a uh a home base and you want to flatten it or get rid of a piece of ground go to the bigger one and hit it once look at this boom but i only got eight copper for that so you don't get that many resources so definitely go go for the smaller one you'll get a lot more resources that way so let's get some resources here let's get some copper all right so i mined all of that copper look at that big old hole i just left that's okay but look if we go back into our inventory i got 600 copper out of there 662 to be precise way more than we need but we're going to need this for later on so we stocked up now we need to make chromatic metal and in order to do that we need to build bring out our refiner again so remember hit you up on your d-pad we know how to make a base computer now but we can't make it yet we need chromatic metal so let's pull out a refiner and pop that baby down right there and if we go into our refiner menu remember you got to put some fuel in there first so let's drop 100 carbon in there and then we have to put our copper in here because we can convert our copper into chromatic metal now remember what i told you this little small number will tell you okay it takes two copper to make one chromatic metal so we are gonna use all of this let's do it boom now keep in mind it's going to take about two minutes to convert all of that so we're turning our 600 copper into 300 chromatic metal so while we wait for that to happen let me show you what else you could do so there's going to be different animals like you see that those tentacles over there it's kind of creepy coming out of the ground you can actually scan that and make money so if you pull out your visor you see there's a red dot on it right well if you press your right trigger it'll actually scan it and we just got three thousand dollars for scanning it and not only that we scanned it from there if you press your pause menu not your uh inventory but your pause you know you can see a whole bunch of different information here but if you go over to your discoveries way over here on your discovery tab it has your planet and all the stuff you found on this planet so far so let's go to our fauna which is our animals and here we go we have our animals we have our tentacle animal right here this is our tentacle animal we can actually upload it and we can name it so if you press y or triangle if you're on playstation why if you're on xbox it'll let you rename it anything you want so let's rename it let's put it as a tentacle monster and then we accept it there we go and we got paid five nanites in order to name that thing so of course you want to do that and you can upload all of your your different uh your different discoveries you could upload all the rocks you scan all the animals and all the plants you scan and you can't even upload your ana your uh your planet that you've scanned so definitely go in here and you can just hit this and says upload all you could do that if you don't want to rename it if you don't care about renaming it you can just do that and it will it'll upload all the default names you don't have to or you can just reload or you can rename it before you do that look at that now i cannot change the name once you've uploaded it it is locked in you cannot change the name once you've uploaded it so be careful if you want to change the name do it then let's get back in here and we should be good now and yep we are good so yeah we have our 331 chromatic metal and let's pick up our refiner now so now we are good now we need to build our base computer but remember when you build your base computer it is going to make a base around that location let's find a good location for this base computer all right i got on top of this rock right here this gigantic tall rock i think this is going to be a great place for a base so let's do that right now built pull up our build menu pick our base computer we have 30 chromatic metal so we can build it let's pop it right there boom so now we have our base computer out let's go activate it as searching cartographic archives universal archive search reveals no prior claims because no one's built the base here so we can claim our base right here there you go it's going to show you the area around you i love it look at that it's so cool so now we have archives so we're going to be able to learn some stuff from our base computer let's get in there accessing log from previous user entry 49 25 d follows storms sweeping across but construction supplies low depositing shelter plans i need to get back soon so there we can extract their plans that they left so we found out how to make timber all these different timber air opponent components for a base so now we can make our own little like mini base so let's do that real fast so you press up on your d-pad now we have a whole bunch of stuff in our build menu so we have our you know timber floors timber walls so let's do a floor real fast we need to make our own little base real fast so let's do that wow i need more carb i don't know we need to go get some more carbon so i'm gonna go do that real fast i'll be right back all righty i am back with a whole bunch more cop or uh cope not carbon there we go we make some more floors i always like to uh to get in there oh yeah i forgot to show you guys so if you go to your build menu you can select whichever piece you want to use let's put a floor and if you click in your left thumbstick you actually go into a third camera so you a free camera that you can kind of go around and look and go okay there we go boom so i'm going to build a like a little four piece let's go in and make some walls i know we have a storm coming we need to make some walls quick boom there we go now you don't have to build all of this i generally do because i like to have a uh like a little base of operations but you don't have to build all of this you have to do is put down six different pieces and you're good to go so let's actually uh build a roof boom boom boom boom and we need to make a doorway so let's put our door right in front there we go so now we have our own little box right here and let's get in here so now we're protected from the elements so we can get in here to kind of help out our hazard protection whatever you want to do but we have to get to our computer to do our next step in the process so let's do that accessing log from previous user additional archives recovered entry follows construction largely a success recovered salvaged data from nearby plans logged scans indicate additional subterranean devices begin search so let's extract those plans whoever recorded these logs evidently had some success i have access to their plans and perhaps i can learn from their efforts so now we know how to make a construction research unit okay we need magnetized ferrite and carbon nanotubes let's get into our uh our base right here all right so we need to get magnetized ferrite but we need to refine ferrite in order to get that so let's go back into our menu we need construction research unit but we can't make that yet let's put a portable refiner down and you can leave it here if you want to because it's inside it's more safe i'm gonna pop that thing right down there let's get into it give it some gas some fuel boom and now in order to make uh magnetized ferrite you need to turn pure ferrite into it but we don't have very much pure ferrite so to get around that let's put our regular ferrite in there ferrite dust let's make a whole bunch of that because we're gonna need to get a whole bunch of uh pure ferrite to make magnetized ferrite let's get to a hundred i think 100 should be good boom oh look at that it was perfect i literally landed on it all right so we can get rid of the ferrite dust put that back in our suit pick up the pure ferrite and pop it over in the input now look at that it takes two pure ferrite in order to make one magnetized ferrite so let's do that and it takes a little bit longer because it takes two of them and to make one but we're still making a lot of progress we're good to go and we should be good boom that's all the magnetized ferret we need let's put that in our suit we're good now now we need to make carbon nanotubes again we have enough carbon we should be able to do that so let's make one and so now we can make our research unit so in our build menu up on the d-pad it's gonna be under that first tab construction unit right here let's pop it down i always like to pull my stuff in the corner i don't know why that's just my thing i guess let's activate it let's see what's going on here analysis unit online diagnostic suggestion users should recover salvage data from buried technology equip and utilize an analysis visor so let's go to research buildable technology so this is where we're gonna be able to learn how to build our base parts okay so we have four salvage data but we're gonna need some more so let's unlock the teleport module right fast right there boom and then let's let's get unlock our uh biofuel reactor so we have enough for that boom and then our electrical wiring we're gonna need to use on both of those that cost zero so we can get that right from the get-go there we go boom and we have one left we're gonna save that for later so we have one salvage data we're gonna leave that for later so we have all this stuff but now we need to rename our base let's get in here and rename our base let's do it so our base we're gonna put we're gonna name it so let's go up here to our name right here click on that we can name it anything we want that is okay by hello games remember they have a filter so don't say anything terrible we're gonna call this our hilltop base and accept it and what we can do now that we we've made the base we can upload it we can also capture a new base screenshot if you want to so let's do that and we can literally go into camera mode and let's get a close-up of this thing so boom right there so that's our new picture that's what we we will see and we're going to upload it now it'll upload to the servers we're good to go let's get over here so now we need to make our teleporter so we need four metal plating as you can see from the bottom right hand side this will give you all the updates on what you need to do so let's make four metal plating one two three four there we go now we also need to make what do we need to make we need to make carbon nanotubes so we need to make two of those one two there we go and we need sodium oh no we're out of sodium we only have 16. so we need to go find yellow plants let's go find some sodium alrighty so i got all the pieces i need let's pull it up all right so we need to build our beast teleporter put that over here in the corner boom yeah we built it but now it's not powered we need power for it no we need to make our uh biofuel reactor so let's get in here in our uh power tab we're gonna need metal plating and oxygen we have oxygen but we need metal plating so let's make more metal plating right here boom now we can make our biofuel reactor now this is like a generator so i'm going to put it outside because i don't want to breathe in all those toxic fumes so now we have our uh our biofuel reactor but we need to connect it with wire so go into our our uh build menu again go to the wire now we need to connect it inside so we need to connect the wire here and we need to go inside so we got to go through our door to get inside and we need to connect it to bio the teleporter boom right there so now it's connected we're all good right well the problem is we need to make some energy we need to actually make some uh electricity and so it needs fuel in order to do that we're gonna need to pop in some of that we can drop it by pressing x if you're on xbox or square it'll drop some so you see how i have 141 if i press it again 70. if i press it again 35 it'll cut it in half that way you don't put all of your resources in the fuel tank there you go [Music] so we did it it is fueled let's get in here and look at the beautiful glorious teleporter being electrified as all the electricity it needs so we are set explore the planet and expand your base we've done all the tutorials for that so far i like it now what do we need to do we need to go to check in with our logs see what's going on here accessing logs from previous user additional archives recovered entry 4925 follows scanner detected unusual broadcast repeating 16 from the space station warning end of archive records interrupted the base computer archives have reached their end it seems there is nothing more i will learn from them my predecessor appears to have left their base and headed to the space station well let's go to the space station then let's get into our our ship and let's go to the space station so once you get into space you'll be able to see the space station let's get up here and you'll see it's tagged over here it's a yellow like stop sign hexagon over here and so if you use your pulse drive it'll automatically take you over there so hit your lb and rb or r1 and l1 at the same time hold them down boom there you go and we'll get there in a few seconds let's get into the space station oh yeah what's that music [Music] oh yeah i love that rock theme when you get in here for the first time but now we have to go talk to some aliens and figure out what that transmission was about so let's get on over here and let's talk to some aliens and see what's going on hey alien guy do you know about the number 16 oh see we don't know any of their language at all that's why all these words are all gibberish despite their unfamiliar words there's something about this aliens manner that implies we have met before perhaps they know the one who came before me let's ask him about travelers yes the life form pauses before turning away they either did not hear me or are choosing to ignore the question oh ignoring the question what's going on that's suspicious let's talk to you another thing it's all gibberish i haven't learned their language the aliens elegant metallic shell springs to life as i approach they study me lights flashing around their visor perhaps they know something about the messages left at the base computer yes a glazed look passes over the life forms visor the number has some strange effect on them they seem reluctant to speak further what is going on everyone's treating me like i'm crazy what the heck is going on hey you do you know about the number 16 the metallic being chatters away pouring forth words in a language i cannot understand but when i blink i see that same red light that stared at me at the distress beacon all right 16. we are watching you traveler friend find what we have left you what okay though the alien speaks the words are not their own a string of code is echoed back to me through the red glare locked directly into my exosuit the crimson light fades away and i see the life form staring at me through its visor whatever happened they do not appear to have seen it i should leave perhaps my base computer would be able to make something of this code okay so we got the code now we need to get the heck out of here everyone thinks i'm crazy but before we do you'd actually come over here to the kiosk because on the space station you can buy and trade items let's go over here and we see we can buy all this stuff but we can sell some stuff too so we have a lot of stuff in our inventory we can sell right now let's sell the salvage data because it's 53 000 let's do that selfie urine we don't need that yet that's some of the materials we picked up when we were mining down there uh ammonia uh let's sell that because we only have 23 anyway let's sell that let's go through we don't need mordite yet we can sell that we don't need the physium we don't we can sell that uh corvex casein we can sell that and so everything else we we're probably going to need a little bit later on so let's keep all this stuff but we could also buy some stuff and i would highly recommend the first things you should buy are life support gels buy as many as you can and batteries there should be batteries here okay i own batteries buy as much as you can you can use those two things a lot so definitely buy those and while we're here and we have the money let's buy some microprocessors it's gonna come up handy later on in the playthrough so let's buy five of these oh no i can only buy three dang it i should have saved my money and bought that that's okay we'll buy three of them microprocessors that's all we can afford so we're good on that let's actually see what we can sell can we sell anything else so because we need to get those microprocessors let's sell our chromatic metal all right we can always make more of that so let's sell that and now we need to buy two more microprocessors you need a total of five because you're gonna need that later on so let's buy two more now we have a total of five we are good to go we also we could buy chlorine but that's gonna be later on so don't worry about that yet so we're good we are solid on that so now let's head back to our base computer and because we made a teleporter actually we don't even have to fly down there we can use the teleporter right here oh milestone accomplished because we sold items we just became a space trucker because we were selling items heck yeah all right let's go to the space station termina terminal and our hilltop base right here we can go back to our base right here let's go do that yeah so we landed back here oh no we don't have any power for it but that's okay we could always power it up later on but we were able to use it to get back so that's okay let's hit our face computer and see what's going on archives terminated select a new task yeah we have a we have a signal we need to decrypt so yeah decoding 16 16 16 message follows the traveler finds their wings fly to us and claim your place among the stars well yes let's go do that so let's find our uh where did our uh starship go usually it'll be here with you i don't know where it went though oh it's down here wait a minute it's not down there what the heck my starship that's my starship okay let's see if i can land on it this is my starship okay so this is brand new i've never done that before that's kind of cool let's go and then we have a distress signal over here let's go over there and so if you want to fly faster go up in the utter outer atmosphere so you see this cloud layer right here this is where the atmosphere ends and so you can go right above it and as soon as it gets outside of the atmosphere you can actually fly way faster than if you are in the atmosphere look at that it was a minute now it's like what five seconds or whatever yeah there you go now this is gonna lead us to a crashed freighter but guess what it doesn't know where exactly it is but you can kind of tell you see it's right there so instead of actually using our sweeper to find the signal we can actually just land on this so let's land over here i mean you can go land on that that part of the planet and then use your sweeper to come over here but i find it's way easier just to come over here so we've landed here yep there you go there's a signal right here so let's see what's going on log damaged partial records available the signal has led me to the wreck of a freighter colossal fragments of metal scattered across the landscape were these messages nothing but the misfiring circuits of a long forgotten ruin nestled among the debris i find the pilot's log blinking an awaiting input let's do it instead of displaying the ship's log the terminal spits out a strange sequence of numbers they are followed by a short message the anomaly comes for the stars take flight a schematic for a hyperdrive is attached to the end of the message well let's take the hyperdrive i pull the blueprint from the computer but this hyperdrive blueprint is for a conventional starship not a freighter of this size someone placed this here after the crash hoping it would be found oh very suspicious so this hyperdrive fits in my starship okay and we need chromatic metal i should not have sold my chromatic metal dang it well lesson to you we need a chromatic metal which means i need to find some more uh copper so now i have my chromatic metal again geez i can't believe i sold it all so let's get in here get some protection going and we need to install our hyperdrive now what i would always recommend is put your technology in the technology slot you have two different inventories in your starship you have your general inventory where you can put anything you want and then your technology where you can only put technology any upgrades for your starship so let's do that hyperdrive boom and we need our five microprocessors that's why we spent money to buy those earlier even though i sold my chromatic metal like an idiot but we also have our chromatic metal 125 we got it so we're good right there we go we've built our hyperdrive it's installed perfect but now the problem is we don't have any fuel for our hyperdrive so let's take off and see what's going on diagnostics report hyperdrive successfully installed hyperdrive fuel status is empty oh no my hyperdrive is complete perhaps i really will find the answers out amidst the stars but without warp cells i will be going nowhere i need to find a source of antimatter let's tune our scanner so we need to scan for our antimatter so let's hit the uh left thumbstick in and that'll point us in the direction uh oh oh we need to go higher we're not high enough so let's get outside into orbit that way we can really get a good scan going on so now we're outside in the orbit let's do it again there we go we found the location of it where is it at it's over here on this planet so let's go over there and get some warp or anti-matter we got it all right it's here we just need to zoom in and it's going to take us a little bit to get there but the reason why you do this is i mean i can go buy a warp cell if i wanted to this will teach you how to make it on your own so you don't even have to buy it you can just make it through the crafting menu in your inventory so this is highly highly recommended you want to go and do all of this it takes a little bit of time but you can do it this way and you'll know forever you'll have the recipe memorized so we want to land here but there's a building right in front of me so i'm guessing that's where we need to go this is a airless planet so this is low gravity there we go right here that's where we need to go so this is where the blueprints gonna be and this is an abandoned building you'll see from the eggs out here now these eggs are very scary watch out for these eggs because if you do this let me show you you can actually harvest these eggs and make a lot of nanites which is a really rare money but you'll have to pay for it look at these oh no monsters coming out of the ground so get inside get inside as quick as you can oh god that way they don't they don't kill you because they will attack you until you die so you don't want to do that well now we're inside let's actually get to the terminal real fast there we go get rid of the goop that's here again you can keep it but i think it's a waste of time it's not really worth it so we'll get rid of that terminal online selecting key decrypting success the terminal is clogged with an unnerving pulsating slime nevertheless it appears to function as i touch the input panel the alien substance reacts violently i make note not to get closer the device opens revealing a single unblinking crimson eye it prints out a blueprint for anti-matter accompanied by a strange message yeah let's take the blueprint you will find us when the time is right 16 again 16 keeps popping up 16 is very important for this game but we know how to make antimatter now whoo so we can totally do that except we need some more uh condensed carbon so let's put our portable refiner down right there and if we go in here we can actually fuel it with regular carbon or condensed carbon we need condensed carbon so let's put regular carbon in there and if we actually get more carbon put it in here we can make regular carbon into condensed carbon with our refiner so of course you want to do that it'll be great we'll get enough condensed carbon so we can make a ton of antimatter that way we can make some warp cells and uh refuel our hyperdrive so we're almost done here there we go good to go and then we'll pick up our uh portable refiner again so now in our menu we can go into our crafting menu let's go to craft we need to make anti-matter and we also need to go in and craft in a different spot an anti-matter housing we need to house that anti-matter that way we can do it now we have those two items now we can make our warp cell so we have our menu here we have a lot of items now we're starting to get a lot of recipes or a lot of blueprints warp cell boom there we go so now we have a warped cell we can refuel our uh starship right here boom oh we're too far away we need to get closer to our starship that way we can refuel it so let's go do that real fast where's our starship at oh yeah we parked way over here let's go do that yeah low gravity i like it see there's way there's different planets and they all are pretty awesome so let's get over here now that we're in here we can make our uh oh no we can make some more antimatter so let's do that real fast we can make a lot more so boom all right so we have a couple in here already so we have three so let's pick it up and put it into our hyperdrive there you go now we're fueled now we need to go into space and learn how to use it so one is once you're in space you can actually get to the uh warp map the galaxy map so you press down on your d-pad go over to the cool like black hole looking thing it says galaxy map select that and now we are in the galaxy map look at this this is all the different stars every little light is a star system that you can go to now we have a very small hyperdrive that's why we can't really go that far yet but you can upgrade that thing and you could go tons of places later on but for now what we're gonna do is oh yeah and by the way once you when you open up the map you're kind of locked in like you can't really move anything like that but the way to to unlock your vision is to either press b on xbox or if you're on playstation press o once you do that it will unlock it you'll see that went away so now we can look anywhere we want to go anywhere you want to go so let's go over here to this one that one's next in line let's go over here so we're going to a new system now this is going to be great and it looks like it was a gek system so i could deal with that i like the gek the gecker my favorite race i don't know about you guys but i love the gekki and we made it so we're in a new system now we need to know what what is going on what are we supposed to do here now that we're here starship monitoring system reports air guidance system malfunction searching for other routes searching searching obtained destination in 16 [Laughter] kilo kiloliter kilo kilo length so i don't even know what that is new guidance yes accept it plotting the route all right so now we have a route for something else where are we going uh fuel source we need more fuel for our hyperdrive because you use a lot of it when you're warping a different system so now we have a new fuel source right here let's go get it now again they're going to mark a weird location but what we're looking for is a building around here because there's going to be some kind of a building we have to go to and it looks like it's going to be right down here let's actually go here we're going to beat the system and we're actually going to just go down here by our own self basically let's land get out we're gonna be going towards this building there you go look at that yep it was the building we're scanning it that's the building we were supposed to go to now also keep in mind these stones right here these like pillars that have a circle on them this will teach you the language of the race in the system so let's do this hi hi hi voivoy the stone resonates producing a sound that fills my mind a vision begins to take shape a small alien life form kneels before me they are tired beaten without meeting my gaze they offer up their hand you can accept the knowledge so you're accepting the word that they're going to show you the name geck floats in my vision an echo of a strange vision i just experienced a word in this alien tongue is seared into my brain so now we learn the geck word for gek so that is how you learn the different words of all the different races that way when you talk to them you understand what they're trying to say so it's really cool let's get our fuel from here this structure is unlike anything i've encountered on my journey so far everything about it is so obviously alien so obviously out of place as i stare at it words deform themselves in my mind a strange fragment of broken speech is it traveler is it friend i'm a traveler yes it feels strange responding to questions i'm unsure that i'm being asked but something is clearly taking notice of my reply i am overwhelmed by the sense that something has awoken that someone is watching me it forms another question is it first is it last i'm the first one here so yeah i'm gonna say i'm first i do not know how i'm being spoken to this monolith is ancient and i cannot escape the feeling it has asked these questions many times over it asks again have they seen the crimson eye has the crimson eye seen them i have seen the crimson eye likelihood of anomaly exceed safety parameters breach detected alert alert the boundaries fall the walls collapse your universe awaits find us traveler all right so that is weird and we got our warped cell so now we can refuel our starship i need to find out i fell down this hole right oh no no i went over here duh look at the aliens on this one look at that i love it now you can make some uh carbon pellets let's look at that we can probably make some carbon pellets right no i can't make carbon pellets yet no we'll come back for you all right let's go into space and see what's going on and we can actually refuel our uh oh no launch thruster must be refueled let's do that first and uh we need metal plating all right let's make metal planing there we go that way our launch thruster is full but our hyperdrive we have our one warp cell we need to put in our hyperdrive so let's do that done let's go up into space explore nearby planets or search for a new system okay so let's go to our galaxy map and let's go back to where our base was before so you press b or zero oh if you're on playstation let's go back to our system we know our base is here because we have our little base symbol right there so let's go let's go back there so we're back in our original system okay i'll take that and we're we are activating our primary mission okay well let's head back to our base oh we have a we have a message coming in incoming transmission source unknown you are not alone please identify yourself i'm and it breaks up oh no so i identify yourself again you left me why did you i don't understand what the heck's going on i didn't leave you of course you'd say that of course you would just like the others uh what about the others what is going on here there is no reply the communicator falls silent though the channel remains open oh we the channel is open so we know where it is where is it coming from it was coming from right here let's go over here the strangers coordinates what is going on over here so this is our original planet that we were on we built our base on this planet right here let's see what's going on and again they're going to give you a random location but you're going to be looking for either a building or something nearby i think i see a building right over there so let's actually land over no that's way far away so maybe not all right let's land over here maybe it'll be that building but we'll find out once we get out and start doing our sweeper and it's um no no no it's not that building okay i would have been wrong if i landed at that building we're going over here up come on terrible shoulder boots now if you don't know how to do a shoulder boost let me show you so if you're running you click in your stick to run and you have a melee attack on rb or r1 you see that melee attack the trick is you have to melee attack and then use your jet pack immediately afterwards and so let's do that real fast so over here we're gonna run melee melee attack and then immediately you're gonna use your uh jump so jump there you go see and it takes a little bit of practice but once you've done it a few times you know how to do it so again run punch and then jet pack immediately afterwards punch and then jet pack like a split second later but you got to make sure you do your punch first that way you do your cool little thrust oh what is this there's a crash ship here another one just like mine mine was crashed like that so let's see what's going on we have to fix this so we need chromatic metal five and then sodium five so that's easy enough really simple [Music] buzz buzz there are no signs of life there is only the static of a broken communicator let's extract those records whatever message was once here has been scrambled beyond recovery all i extract is a pilot's name artemis however they were they are long gone the only other uncorrupted data is a set of plans an upgrade for my mining beam all right so now we have an upgrade for your mining beam let's do that real fast so we need to make our mining beam let's do that so if we're going to install our technology we have we need carbon nanotubes a hermetic seal and wiring loom we can make the carbon nanotubes in the hermetic seal but the wiring loom you have to buy at the space station so let's do that real fast we can make our hermetic seals down here you're going to need 30 condensed carbon we got that and then we need to make some uh carbon nanotubes oh we don't have any carbon we need to get some carbon actually so we can put our hermetic seal in here real fast let's get some carbon actually you know what let's go to the space station now number one you can fix this ship and take it if you want to so let's do that real quickly oh it's an a-class you definitely want to take this thing so let's take it real fast we're going to claim it now we're going to go to the space station but first we need to fix our ship and remember we need a hermetic seal and metal plating so let's do that like we did with our original uh ship and we're also gonna need a microprocessor no no no sorry launch thruster is good so we just need a hermetic seal which we need condensed carbon for so technically actually we're going to get some condensed carbon real fast so let's get some carbon and we can refine it into condensed carbon so let's do that all right so we have the condensed carbon let's get in here and do it again we need to make a hermetic seal so let's do that so now we can fix this thing let's do it hermetic ceo pulse engine is repaired so now we are good to go so let's go now this thing is still really broken as you can tell we have a whole bunch of broken pieces here you can fix it but what i'm going to say is don't fix it we're going to break this thing we're going to sell this for parts and so you don't need to fix it after that so all you need to do is get your uh your thing going oh no we have an unknown contact what's going on here artemis entity we received your signal is it first is it last oh they think i'm artemis wait a minute they think i'm artemis time for truth you have their signal but you are not artemis entity yeah i'm not they probably think i am because they stole a ship your signal is familiar to nada we have been in contact before i think this would be a good time to come aboard yes a proper introduction to our home oh look at that so there you go we have a space anomaly so let's land on the space anomaly first oh we definitely need to land there first because we have incoming pirates to get us we need to get out of here let's land on this space anomaly so the space anomaly is a great place for you to buy upgrades and talk to other uh players if you have multiplayer turned on you can get missions here this is a really big part of the early game so you definitely want to get in here now the key for this is you need to explore and do some space anomaly missions in order to call it in whenever you want so let's go over here we need to talk to nada and polo up here so let's go all the way up here now generally i would just fly up there but my my jet pack is not upgraded yet so you probably can't get up there normally anyway but let's keep going go all the way up here you look at the other uh npcs other travelers all over the place but let's go over here and we'll talk to nada and polo and we'll get some stuff done over here so we gotta talk to polo or not up first i'm sorry nada i am priestess today nada divergent corvax welcome to our anomaly our home is here is pleasant yes polozone design a perfect bubble beyond the sentinels beyond the vengeful corvax nada watch his time come and go what about artemis you thought i was artemis right a traveler entity perhaps they are known to you i do not know their number nada does not care to think about iterations as numbers they were lost to us highly improbable our anomaly is lost to the sentinels but none should be lost to the anomaly the corvettes watches me there is a patience an organic tilt to the way they hold their metal shell but what about you nada awoke with the death of the corvette's prime could not understand why such things happen we were not we were we were all why we were alone i can't read sorry guys now i am divergent the convergence do not see through my eyes nada is not alone anymore nada is with polo friend now many other friends visit our convergence is small but nada is happy so there's a convergence here and all the players come to the space anomaly nada's carapace pulses with a gentle light there is something familiar about them ask about polo polo friend found nada found my signal nada is safe now nada finds other signals and makes others safe so other travelers the station has been calling to me since i awoke on the planet perhaps it's called artemis as well so artemis was feeling it too what about the space station beyond what is outside our anomaly wanders free free like nada to observe and to search the sentinels the atlas they do not care for this place i feel their eyes hunting us nada watches me judging my reactions as they speak all right speak with polo friend traveler perhaps they might know more about missing artemis they perceive things more clearly than nada so polo is the geck over here he's like the co-pilot to nada i like polo polo's my favorite character friends everywhere if only you know where to look friends and all shapes and all sizes and all places artem is friend you are where they should be does not seem possible but all things are possible such is the universe we will find them no doubt there is always a signal always a trace well ask cow how do i find artemis our home will set see it too uh home will see to it when you leave you will not be where you were you will be closer or maybe not discovery is exciting yes okay paula what is going on here before you leave perhaps spend some time with the other friends we all help each other here so now they want you to go and talk to people on the space anomaly so let's go do that real fast let's go talk to helios he is like the uh the oh god the seeker he seeks knowledge so you can come over here and talk to him about the different things you've discovered hey helios ah young one you who still roam the boundaries of this universe how i envy you my time out in reality has long passed but i miss it greatly perhaps you might help an old soul and share the things you've seen i yearn for the stars and for the glory of discovery so let's give him data on planets he wants to know about planets okay thank you little one you have no idea what this means to me please take these nanites there no they are nothing but they are all i have now so he gave me nanites for investigating planets okay learn a new technology blueprint okay so we need to go learn a technology blueprint in the back over here so we have nanites so we can learn uh a blueprint from all these kiosks this is like the market in the back this will teach you all kinds of stuff back here so hey celine this is for your exosuit we can learn some upgrades for our exosuit let's do it research exosuit upgrades so these are all the upgrades you can learn but they cost nanites we have 340 nanites right here so let's learn our hazmat gauntlets that costed 80. and then oh no we need 360 for our personal refiner basically that's a refiner that goes in your backpack that's really useful but we don't have enough so we're good we learned that we're good now let's actually go to our exosuit upgrade because there's a kiosk right next to the uh exosuit person that lets us increase our inventory in our exosuit so we could totally do that let's do our uh regular general inventory let's do that boom so now we have more space in our inventory and now we need to browse the huge array of base parts so let's go to our construction station look at this look at all these space parts now we need salvage data just like the construction module earlier we don't have any right now because i sold it all but if we did we can unlock all the stuff and there's tons and tons of different pages of upgrades you can get but we can't afford anything now so we need to you know just move along now we can go back and speak to nada about artemis let's go do that and we're just doing this that way we can call in the space anomaly whenever we want to nada and polo drift between worlds and worlds they are many have you seen them traveler friend nada wishes they could nada regrets much traveler entity is free to make their own path find artemis entity explore with others travel to great sites proceed as you will traveler entity we will age you others will age you also even if you seek the crimson lair well let me uh ask for help with artemis i want to find artemis let me do that of course not as a small gift for you perhaps it will help perhaps it will not nada and polo friend will continue to search speak to us whenever you desire so i got some nanites from nada so i got a whole bunch of nanites but now we are we completed all of our uh all of our missions on the space anomaly so now we can call in the space anomaly whenever we want to let's head back to our spaceship and we can actually go and talk to uh or find artemis after we go to the space station because i want to show you how to scrap some ships on the space station let's get over here man it's a big walk holy cow and this will if you're playing in multiplayer this will be full of people i'm playing solo right now that's why there's not that many people here there's not anybody just me but other people will be here if you're playing a multiplayer let's go yep my shield is broken so you got to be careful of that my shield's broken my whole ship is broken that's why we're going to the space station to get rid of this thing let's go to the space station it's over here oh come on oh wait wait we have a contact artemis buzz where is there anyone out there it's outside something's wrong with it identify myself yes what's going on i tell the stranger that i can hear them there's a moment's pause the only sound i hear is the background hiss of a cosmetic cause make radiation you found me there's so little light i thought i'd never hear another soul again i really did how did you find my voice i found a ship i'm literally flying with it i told a stranger about the abandoned starship wreck and how i found their communicator id in the distressed beacon i began to mention the anomalous space station but they cut me off it's outside but i think i'm safe there are 16 of them they look just like oh no where are you fear and confusion dance in the eyes of the stranger after a few moments of silence they turn to me imploring you don't know who you are do you it lied to me it lied to all of us the sound cuts out but their face lingers on silent before it too fades into nothingness what is going on this must be artemis and they are clearly in need of help i need to find a way to boost their signal so i need to find a signal booster that way i can figure out where they're at let's go to the space station first let's get over here quick quick quick before we get attacked by pirates yeah we made it to the space station with no troubles now what we're going to do is we're going to scrap this ship because it's broken and it's not worth fixing but we can scrap it and get the parts from it and make some money so of course you want to do that now if it's a really good ship you don't want to scrap it but again this thing is broken so why would you want to keep a broken ship so especially early on we don't have a lot of materials to fix it anyway so it would cost more to fix it than just to scrap it so let's do it we're gonna go over here to the ship kiosk right here this starship outfitting machine and let's go to claim scrap we're about to make a million units one million five hundred thousand let's do it warning you about you're about to scrap it let's claim it oh no we don't have enough room for all the parts we're gonna get so we have to leave we need to make room for the parts we're about to get so let's go do that right now so if we go over here to this kiosk over here we can sell some stuff and make some room in our inventory so let's do that real fast and we're gonna sell we can sell our larval core for 70 000 units let's do it we sell our ammo because we don't need any ammo we're just trying to make room we can sell silica powder we can sell our storm crystal for 128 000 yeah we sell the mortise we can sell we have an extra microprocessor we don't need any for now so we can sell that we're just trying to make room in our inventory oh full sack because i i killed an animal because it was attacking me i could sell that so we should have a pretty good amount of room let's look in our inventory oh yeah look at all that room we have now okay so let's bring all this stuff down that way we know all of our ship stuff is going to be up here so we're good to go on that so let's go back and try to scrap our ship now now that we have room in our inventory we could totally scrap it and get a ton of money one million one and a half million so let's scrap it come on i know i know let's claim the scrap yep i know let's do it anyway here we go now they're gonna go break apart that ship and give us all the parts that it got from it and because we scrapped that ship now our original ship comes in to replace it so this is our original one that we got so yes we got it so now we can look at all the stuff we got we have a storage augmentation which means we can increase the storage in our ship we have some upgrades here so let's do that ship shield up module let's do that if you hold down x if you're on xbox or square if you're on playstation you can install this in your ship now let's actually install it on our technology there we go and we actually pick up our regular shield right here if you press x you pick it up put it in our technology and there you go that is why you want to put it next to each other you see how there's a yellow outline that means that we have an upgrade or our bonus to our upgrade so what i mean by that is let me look over here you see shield strength it says 194.5 if i take this and move it now that they don't have a yellow highlight around them the shield strength is 193.3 we just lost one point of shield strength only because we moved it so that is why you want to put them together they will give you a little bit of a bonus because you're doing that let's install everything else too there we go pulse engine upgrade right next to our pulse engine we have a hyperdrive module let's put that next to our hyperdrive boom so now we have an upgraded starship heck yes and we can sell all these materials for money that way we can make a ton of money so let's talk to this pilot right here hey pilot i want to sell you some stuff man let's sell items right here and we go to sell and we can find those items you do not want to sell the storage augmentation do not sell that that is worth a lot and i'll show you that in a minute but we can sell the sub-atomic regulator that's just a part that we don't need to keep a spool of nano cables we don't need to keep that and a handful of cogs so we don't need to keep that either we can sell the activated emerald as well so we just made a ton of money we're almost at 2 million bucks i love it and so let's see what he's selling what are you selling siri anything really important nothing really oh we have our wiring loom we need two of those we need that for our uh for our upgrade for our mic our multi-tool so let's buy that and we're good all right so we're good on that so if you ever want to upgrade your ship as well come on come back over to the ship kiosk right over here the one that we used to scrap the old one and now that we have our old our original ship we can actually upgrade it so let's go to upgrade starship now this is why i think i'm telling you it's way more effective you see we can purchase storage for one million bucks or we can apply an augmentation and remember we got one augmentation from the ship we just scrapped so let's do that we have one free upgrade so this is basically worth one million bucks right now boom so we increased our starship size yes beautiful and while we're here at the space station let me show you the kiosks as well so we have a uh exosuit upgrade so we can get more room in our exosuit and it's going to cost you money so right now it's going to cost me 10 000 in order to get one extra upgrade so let's do that and you can just keep doing that over and over you need to go to a different star uh a different uh space station man my brain just broke there for a second you need to go to a different space station because we bought it here this one's already done it's already used up you can't use it again so we can't use that but we can go and get some upgrades for our starship or our exosuit here this uh this guy alien will sell you upgrades for it so let's do that let's purchase upgrades now remember upgrades are actually bought with nanites we only have 384 nanites and there are all kinds of upgrades here so we can get a shield upgrade a movement upgrade dang i wish we can get some of these but what you can do is what i would highly recommend especially early on is come over to the multi-tool kiosk so we have a multi-tool kiosk right here number one you can see if you want to buy a different multi-tool like if you want if you want to go buy a different multi tool this one's an a-class so it's an upgrade from our multi-tool so it costs 775 000. ours is only worth 56 000 because it's a lower grade but if you don't want to do that like if you like the multi-tool you have you can also upgrade it here on the multi-cool tool upgrade station right here so let's do that we can install we can purchase a new slot right here for 110 000 units so we can purchase more room in our multi-tool right here 120 000 so it increases in price the more you buy so keep that in mind it increases in price 130 boom there you go so we've upgraded our multi-tool but we could also buy upgrades for it that we can insert inside of it so all these are sea level they're really low level then you have a b level and an a level and an s level you want the s level upgrade so we want to get that one we don't have enough banana cell we only have 384 and it cost us 500 to get it so we won't be able to get an s-class we can get an a-class if you want but it's for a blaze javelin which we do not have installed all these are for a specific uh upgrade for a specific technology on your uh mining beam or your multi-tool so we can get a mining beam upgrade right here or a scanner upgrade a bolt is for the bolt caster uh weapon plasma launcher that is for a specific upgrade for the plasma launcher and so on and so forth so we could do all of that while we're here and so holy cow we are kicking so much butt now the other thing we should do is we have our advanced mining laser we need to actually install that so let's go over to our multi-tool we have our wiring loom let's do that real fast boom we have a hermetic seal we've already installed that so we're good we just need to make a carbon nanotube we need one and so that's what we need to do we do we have any carbon we do not we just have condensed carbon so we need to find some carbon do you have any carbon for me and we might not be able to get any carbon from here let's buy i think they're only going to sell you oxygen which you can turn into carbon but nothing really okay so we don't we can't buy any carbon here we're gonna have to go get some carbon but we got the more important things so we're good to go on that and we have some good room let's go let's keep going now this is where you can find different things to do so if you go if you press your pause button you can go into your log and now look at all the information we have here we have different uh missions so we have your primary missions you can go you know alone amidst the stars the space anomaly the atlas path or you can do your secondary missions which is exploring different planets you can do your community research from the space anomaly or you can do your base computer archives all this stuff is all open to you you can do whatever you want the last thing i want to show you guys is you can call in the space anomaly whenever you want to so press down on your d-pad go over to the circle right here the circle with a star in it and you can call in the space anomaly there you go boom now you can call in the space anomaly wherever you are you have to be in space you can't be on the planet but if you go to a different system you can just call it in and you can do that you can land on the space anomaly and you can just go get missions from the nexus or anything like that so definitely i hope you guys like this guide this is the beginning of the game the first couple of hours it got you through it hopefully it helped you a lot if it did hit that like button for me and if you enjoyed it subscribe to the channel of course subscribe to the channel i love all of the everything about no man's sky and i'll see you guys in the next video [Music] you
Channel: Jason Plays
Views: 49,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: no mans sky, no mans sky 2021, no man's sky how to, no man's sky 2021, no mans sky gameplay, jason plays no mans sky, no man's sky, no mans sky frontiers, The Perfect Beginners Guide to No Man's Sky, How to Play No Man's Sky, no man's sky beginners guide, beginners guide to no man's sky, Beginners guide no man's sky 2021, how to play no man's sky in 2021, 2021 beginners guide no man's sky, No Man's Sky gameplay 2021, no man's sky beginners guide 2021, no man's sky frontiers
Id: L3aNRuudBrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 33sec (5193 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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