Freighter Glitches Hurt | No Man's Sky Pioneer Expedition Redux 2021

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and you will get you know you'll get a little notifications here and there oh god that's not good that's not good at all you'll get little notifications here and oh my god none of it okay oh that's even better it are you kidding are you joking well that's not good welcome back to no man's sky everyone jason here and this is the pioneer up door expedition redux so we're redoing the pioneer the first expedition ever we're redoing it right now and as you can see we've completed phase one and phase two we're working on phase three but because in the expedition you don't have to go in order you can jump around a little bit we've been completing some other easy ones and some ones that are some milestones that are kind of like we can do it along the way so we might as well get them done then one of those is going to be your chart waypoints go to those saved beacons and chart them as you're walking around because it'll help you out in the long run it really well discover an abandoned system oh okay we could maybe do that let's go let's not jump ahead of ourselves too hard so in phase three we need to collect ancient artifacts which we have maps for that we need to uh complete fleet expeditions three of them we need to adopt a companion we could do that easy uh visit a green star and find deep space anomalies we could probably do a couple of these right off the bat all right so we do have an awesome awesome map in our possession let's look at our map real quick now let's move some of these over we don't need any of that stuff all right so we have our maps we got one of these from our milestone earlier remember that we got a stack of 12. you don't need 12 you only need three so let's let's hit one and let's see now it's not always going to work it might you know uh not do anything like that oh nope never mind found one i was uh impatient with that so we found one let's see the marker there it is over there so we're going for the ancient ruins because that's where you're going to find your buried artifact so that's why you want to find ancient ruins but you can go you can stop anywhere like we can get our waypoints let's try let's uh stop right here for our waypoint if you see an unknown building a little house uh thing a little house symbol that is an unknown building which is gonna have a save beacon so we need to get 16 of these you might as well start doing it now you should have done it earlier but i wasn't really paying attention so here we go boom there we go so now we got another one on the checklist we're doing good we're doing good let's continue on towards our uh our ancient burial site right here in ancient ruin and actually if you want to go faster you can you know uh go low and that way you can find your uh your save beacons or if you want to just get there and go fast by going up in the atmosphere because look at that it went from two minutes down to ten seconds now of course it'll slow down once you get closer to the surface because the lower or the closer to the surface you get the more air wind resistance there is so watch this look at four seconds not even not even moving all right it's taking a lot longer that's okay now let's unbury this thing now remember we did this in the last episode as well what you have to do is you have to dig up three different ancient keys in order to unlock the cargo right here the large artifact crate but you need to find these keys right here this a large art artifact fragment right here oh that blaze javelin oh my god that would have been cool if i would have dug a hole with the blaze javelin but sadly it didn't work dang it all right got one ancient key there should be one in here too yep there's usually one inside these cool buildings that you see you gotta dig down in here though boom that's number two we just need one more and don't forget you can always you know dig up a whole bunch of them because these artifact keys do not only go to this one box anytime you go to an ancient ruin you can use all these keys if you want to so like look there's a whole bunch of other keys around here i might pick up some just because i want to i'm lazy right here artifact fragment oh there's one underneath it as well there's one down in here okay there we go now this is gonna be the one time i tell you guys use your big terrain manipulator so if you didn't know once you have your tray manipulator out if you hit r1 and l1 wait there we go boom you see how it goes bigger and smaller that is how big the area is gonna be that you dig out so if you're mining a resource like if you're going to dig up copper you want to use a small one because it'll give you the most resources but if you're just trying to dig a hole make a big one that way you just only want unless you're trying to be clean about it i'm not trying to be clean about it i'm just trying to get down there and get that key right so that's why i'm not really worried about you know trying to dig a perfect hole or whatever nope give me that big one it'll get rid of a lot of it really quickly look at that boom easy all right we have our keys we should get our artifact crate un unlock that thing let's do it there we go we have our three keys one two and three and we got our cool uh artifact which is uh mutated duck bean sprouts i don't even know what that is but okay here we're gonna do this again we're going to oh wait we have our scatter blaster module for our oh yeah we were gonna do that here you know what we'll put it in here for now just to get it out of the way we'll make a scatter blaster eventually all right anyway um where's my map oh yeah in the inventory fire off one of these maps again we'll just collect our thing real quickly oh is it right there ancient ruins site detected right over there it looks like it's like 10 feet away is it it's only a thousand feet oh i can't believe it's that bad that was that really okay you know what i like it i like it a lot i like running around on this purple planet supply it's so good give me that condensed carbon you always need condensed carbon never pass up a chance unless you have like a full stack of 9999 condensed carbon why would you even ignore it here's my guy oh wait i have different multi-tools of her different things i need to get my good scanner multi-tool because this gives me the most money every time i scan an animal 352 000 yes i'll take that that is a lot of money for just scanning something holy cow i gotta remember to switch back and forth though that's the hard part that's why i like having one main tool that does everything and then you know you're gonna have your cool uh tool that's like okay i have my alien multi-tool that's gonna do a lot of damage so i'll keep that one there but yeah i also like just having one that's you know my my go-to my my jack-of-all-trades multi-tool wait oh we have another thing over there oh wait is it close let's see we'll get our checkpoints we'll get our checkpoints they're underground i didn't see a building maybe it's just a save beacon those happen a lot oh no it's right past this hill what is this right past the hill and what is it what do you think it is oh it's just a little shelter okay i'll take the little shelter hit these things you need 16 of them all right we're good i'm basically just gonna come here just so i can mark it okay good and where'd that ancient ruin go up right over there 500 feet oh man i was basically there i was not paying attention at all oh god that's okay that's okay we got to get our milestone because there's no safe beacon at those things at the ancient ruins site because why would they have a safe beacon there they didn't have the technology for that keep going i like the bubbles bubbles are good and because we have our three uh keys already dug up we don't even need to dig up any keys and i'll show you guys look at this i got the keys from the other uh burial site right all i have to do is find the uh artifact crate which is usually in the middle right there boom let's dig down in there and we're gonna unlock it one two and three done easy on that one there we got the collector milestone dig up three artifacts we got that so let's accept our reward real quick um collect that reward yes a minotaur geo bay and historical document that's something we can sell probably yep let's call in our ship because i'm too lazy to walk back to it always complete fleet expeditions oh we need to go make some control centers okay we need to go do that hopefully we have a frigate if we don't we're screwed we need to go find some frigates all right so once you're in space what you can do is let's call in our freighter we have to go to a command center so let's go in we have to land and do all that kind of stuff oh yeah while we're here maybe we can put some of this stuff away like we don't need the the uh oh we do we might need the walker brain later on for a scanner but we don't need it for now so let's put these away this the quads as well there we go and then we can put our uh pugneum let's see actually can we make one can we oh yeah i keep switching up my multi tools oh well i don't want to take too long because i you know maybe i'm taking up too much time at this point already all right so we need to make a command center that way we can send out frigates on missions right so let's go up here it's not going to be fancy or anything i'm just going to put some command centers up here so go into your uh into your build menu we don't need floor uh freighter storage where is it where is it oh no do we not have it oh no there we go fleet command room you need 40 gold 10 tritium and 120 silver whoa all right we got this one and we'll build one right next to it oh no we won't build it there because look at this thing it's just blocking me really okay so we'll put one on the other side of the hallway maybe no no that's so that's where the staircase is good lord i don't know what i'm doing here you guys all right we'll put one in here no why is it that there's some of them that block it all right there all right so now we've built our fleet command room we can send two frigates out because we have two command rooms you need one command room for each mission you want to go on all right so keep that in mind let's go talk to our uh our co-captain or maybe our first lieutenant or navigator let's just do that navigator we'll just call the navigator let's do uh potential expeditions i have one frigate dang it all right let's go with the easiest one that way you don't die because i'm going to need you for another one pretty soon here we also need fuel oh god we need fuel we need to assign a ship we have r1 and we need 50 tons of fuel so that's what we need to make let's make some fuel in my freighter i don't want to make it anywhere else craft a product can i craft anything oh no i can't i need to learn all that man i didn't do any of this stuff i thought i already had this i get so confused between all my saves i thought i already had this stuff learned all right let's purchase upgrades because we can learn how to make fuel that's the first thing you get so we had five salvage frigate module upgrades or five frigate modules to unlock upgrades we can get the first one which is the uh fuel of course you want to use that one and then you can start unlocking other stuff like you can get oh we need one more for a matter beam that way we can transfer a matter beam lets you transfer your inventory between your freighter and your other inventories without being on your inventory in your on your freighter right now you have to land on i have to land on my freighter to even put anything in it ah yeah we'll wait we'll wait on that all right so now we know how to make it good lord now we can go back in here and make some freaking fuel let's make a whole bunch well we can only make two great we can only make two so we can only go on two missions so far that's okay we can only do one at a time anyway view potential expeditions something really short right here we're gonna assign our one frigate to it and then we can also a crypt upgrade module so if we have any of these modules it'll help you with your expedition so you can actually say oh it this one will uh mind control uh plugs into the communications allowing the fleet commander to gain upper hand in any negotiation so all these have different uh upgrades or different benefits to your uh mission let's do the explosive drone screw it cause i already have one anyway right plus 10 combat all right let's do it and launch so now we have to wait for an hour for them to finish off their expedition and you will get you know you'll get a little notifications here and there oh god that's not good that's not good at all you'll get little notifications here and oh my god none of it okay oh that's even better it are you kidding are you joking well that's not good that's not good at all um uh oh we need to figure this out quickly i'm serious okay holy crap that was scary i'm not gonna touch with that anymore that was a scary glitch what the crap was that about okay i'm you know what i'm done i'm good we need to wait an hour we have our freighters on a mission or yeah our frigate is on a mission it's going to take an hour i'll come back and you can also call in your uh free your freighter anywhere you want and just check in there as well but while we're doing this we we also have to go to a an abandoned system and we also have to find a green system right so let's go to our expedition route let's see where we got let's see if there's any green uh stars on the way oh good lord there's another checkpoint right here but let's look for a green star so it's actually gonna be the star is gonna be green colored you see this one right here is blue these ones are red where's the green one right around here somewhere it's kind of hard to see what the green star is behind it all right that's the green one right there let's go to this one i think it's a green one anyway we're gonna find out as soon as i land here it should give me my milestone but we will find out i already made my emerald drive remember for whatever reason they make you create the drive even if you don't need it let's see i'm in a green system right it's not a green system oh it looked green let's see let's see come on is that not a green system no the yellow system probably dang it yep it's a yellow star as you can see i'm zoomed in now you can see it's yellow okay green green green that's a yellow i don't want to go too far okay that's the green one you can see from the shine this is a green star right here let's go to it man it's a pain to see color maybe i'm just losing my sight my vision maybe did you could you guys tell that was green or yellow or red i can see the red and the blues whatever reason the green was hard to see maybe i'm just losing my vision all righty and emerald dreams visit a green star knock that one out pretty easy so let's grab this uh next one real quick collect my reward we got our anomaly detector and an emerald yes we got 999 emerald got it oh we got a hyperdrive upgrade as well oh lord all right let's see can we even put it in here we have a lot of upgrades nope overloaded okay so it is overloaded oh wait a minute we can get rid of this a class one yeah because we don't have any room in our general or our tech inventory let's get rid of our a class because it only gives you 152 light years and a hundred percent warp efficiency this gives me 200 light years and 100 warp efficiency so yeah we'll get rid of this one and we'll move this one over here chromatic metal where are you there you are good we still have room all right let's go to our high suit and also we could use our anomaly detector to find anomaly uh basically a random event in space so if you fire it off now you have to just use your pulse drive and as you pulse drive oh god come on it will actually appear it'll look for an anomaly and so we need to find three of these we only have two right now we have to go to a blue system now oh condensed stellar ice you can actually use this so uh oh again choked up if you actually fire at it and explode it it will give you a random material and i got nanites for that whoo yeah 256 of nanites all right let's use the other one and let's try it again [Music] oh come on i don't know why my pulse drive just kicks out all of a sudden i don't know why all right we'll get another one we need three we only have two right now we need to go to a blue star that's what we need to do actually let's stop for this one oh hazard containment field this is another one you can shoot or automated frequency wait wait containment report holographic boundaries at 94 so we can actually shoot this let's look at it first look at these monsters that they have contained in here that's a walker there's a biological horror except for it's gigantic look at that thing if you want to see how big it is actually let me show you so this is my ship right here look at that thing it's just bigger and bigger as you get closer come on [Music] look at how big this thing is as i get closer to it come on yeah that thing is ginormous and my ship is over there we can shoot it and we can actually get materials from it so it makes them mad so keep that in mind we got some writhing eggs okay so now what we need to do is actually we need to go to a blue system now that we've been to a green star we need to go to a blue star and remember actually let me pause this real quick remember to get to a blue star you need an indium drive we built that way early on you need emerald and you need your uh wiring loom in order to build that but we already built it way early we thought we could skip over but it forces you to make each drive i you know it's the tutorial i get it i wish they would just let you like cheat the system and just go to the indium drive but you know you know how it is all right and that's a blue star right here i'll look at it it looks blue let's go to the blue star we'll knock out the green the blue we'll get our anomalies we're gonna knock out a whole bunch of this stuff we're gonna have a lot of milestones done in this one holy cow all right let's give me my blue and we'll get i think we get indium right oh we have a we have a fleet in trouble oh we can't get our uh reward oh no we can't okay we can i didn't think he was gonna give it to us until we've gotten rid of the pirates oh my god again see get the patch out of my face all right this guy over here oh these are way out here okay come on how are you out of holy cow you must be way out there waiting jeez maybe i need to upgrade my ship weapons huh wait wait wait wait don't you fly by me come on there we go where's the other one okay i think we have one or two more two more it looks like come on oh got that one whoa and there's a evil doer over here pirate come on go go i don't even want to know this thing is probably a really good ship ah well you know what we should we should find out i should find out let's see this is probably an s-class because i can never i'm never going to be able to buy it oh yeah also while we're here let's go to our expedition let's accept our we we did our green uh system we need to go to the blue one there it is right there collect it we got another hyperdrive upgrade and indium and an anomaly detector that's what we needed the anomaly detector let's go over here and let's see it's a b class okay a b class with 31 general inventory slots and eight technology slots so not the best not the amazing uh freighter i thought it was gonna be but hey you know what i'll take it and now we have our anomaly detector right here let's fire that baby off searching for the host oh yeah we have the pulse drive pulse drive that way we can get this one as well we'll be able to knock out the three different anomalies get that milestone and we can go to the the next rendezvous as well so man we are knocking them all out of the park oh the child of helios space oddity encountered three anomalies let's talk to the uh child of helios the jellyfish lonely a wave of calm washes over me as my communicator tunes itself to this beautiful giant its message is no conventional broadcast but an analog transmission of pure emotion i let the feeling take hold as i contemplate the being before me yes that jellyfish this space jellyfish i love it all right we got that one so space oddity let's grab this one real quick we got a supreme pulse engine upgrade broadcast receiver a supreme starship shield upgrade yes dude that's what we needed we have a uh oh wait we have a oh a shield for our starship man we need to upgrade our starship we need to upgrade this thing we have no room here holy cow all right we're going to move this over here because we can put our shield next to the other shields there you go so now our shield is better pulse drive wow we got a whole bunch of stuff here um a hyperdrive upgrade we can't even put that one in here yet because it'll overload everything all right we can put our pulse drive in here though boom good lord look at all this stuff look at all this stuff yeah number one let's go to the next rendezvous point let's get over there so our rendezvous point is right here let's grab this one this will be the next rendezvous point then we can also we can go to the space station sell some of the stuff we've picked up because good lord lots of stuff in our inventory and make some room make some money how much money do we have i haven't even been checking that how much how much of room how much uh oh nice we got some good nanites as well yeah look at all this stuff holy mackerel all right well number one let's go over here to the space station drop some stuff off get some upgrades and then we'll go to the uh the next checkpoint as well so yeah these can be sold storage upgrade oh magnetized ferrite we can put that in there indium and emerald we can actually we either can see we can sell the yeah we can sell it do we need any more chromatic metal let's look 4 000 i don't think we need any more chromatic metal we can sell that for money multi-tool expansion slot all right so selling that for money we're going to sell the emerald for money as well boom we have that well we need to sell the haunted gem okay that's good that's good multi-tool expansion slots good lord all right all right we're doing good let's get out of there we're gonna buy our inventory slots and we can put one in our uh in our ship as well so let's do the ship one first the mistress of survival bob love it upgrade it i know i have a inventory storage augmentation let's do it in our technology there we go let's get this one as well oh yeah and actually do you guys have any really really cool upgrades for me any cool upgrades come on let me see what you got what you got uh scanner module i'll take one of those i don't need a blaze javelin module and that's it i mean you could as always you can buy the a's and whatever i always look for the s-class upgrades because i want to make sure that i have the best of the best upgrade all right now we can put it more in our suit because we have a lot of inventory room in our suit so let's do this one purchase upgrade modules what do you got well they have a shield module yes i need a shield module thankfully uh toxic protection a life support module we have our life support it's pretty buffed up so uh radiate yeah we do need to circuit getting our regular protections so let's do that i need to do that as a responsible adult i guess uh radiation protection goes over here uh shield module oh man we have a lot of room in here what do why do we have a shield module okay let's do that scanner module goes on oh no not this one not this one but to switch our multi-tool over i always forget to do that all right switch it to our cool uh alien multi-tool let's pop that baby there yeah the one with all this good stuff on it all right let's put the scanner upgrade in there that way when we scan we'll get a lot more money for it all right we're doing good now we need to sell some stuff make some room in our inventory the moan let's go to sell and we can sell our salvage data for some money we're going to sell the indium because we don't need to make chromatic metal out of it not yet um we're not going to sell the pug dam because we can use that to make nanites we can rust wood yes mutated duck bean yes haunted commercial records of course emerald yes writhing eggs haunted gems yes i think that's about it right yep yep yep yep i think that's it we can sell these salvage data yeah let's sell the salvage data screw it screw it we're gonna sell it that way we have some room in here oh yeah look at that boom so much room it's insane we have room for our inventory upgrades in here what the heck oh yeah jet pack upgrades are in here as well okay yeah and life support oh we could have put some life support in here but oh wow you know what we're okay we're doing okay so i'll skip to that rendezvous oh yeah we should mark it that way we can mark it it'll actually mark itself so we need to do our mission control and our adopt three companions oh we could totally do that easy but we need to get to the fourth rendezvous we got it we're right here we need to learn some alien words i totally forgot about that so today while we're here duh why aren't we learning words we should have been doing this the whole time we can learn words request dialect help yes we're just learning some random words i don't i'm not really picky we're just learning words so let's do that request dialect help yes friendship yes oh we learned the word for huff all right request dialect help again yeah gekk symbol awesome got all this yep request i like we're just learning words we're just learning words i know i need to do this i need to do this on my own time all right all right let's get to that rendezvous excuse me sir go into a rendezvous it's important oh this is really good really good we have an emergency broadcast receiver so we have that one for free we can go find a derelict freighter i think that is one of our milestones so that is a good deal so we have an emergency broadcast receiver we can go through and do a uh is it one of ours oh god great is it one of ours is it in phase five nope phase four yep phase four completely explore a derelict freighter so yeah we could totally do that now that we have it he really wants to do this come on i'm a minute away just leave you alone you gonna do it chromatic metal is valuable come on oh wow let's take him out oh four of them oh this is actually gonna be a fight for these guys huh they usually send out like two maybe three we got four of them here dang this must be a combat heavy uh system let's do this real quick done i don't know why you guys wanted to you guys haven't heard about how i've been taking out all the other pirates come on especially when you're in a hauler i mean come on what are you gonna do to being a hauler nothing that's what you're gonna do nothing come on local enemy disruption we're good right we're done what do we have left how can i not oh no are you kidding me oh there it goes it took a second to catch up i was going to say if i can't speed it's going to be a bit a long day uh let me um let's refine that oh we have already something in here oh we still have chromatic metal everywhere all right let's get some gold yes beautiful and that goes on the starship and then the he rocks i think this turns into silver oh we need to put some more in there yep silver for our starship yes always put our metals in here because that's where you put your metals i don't know there we go there we go yeah we're good we're good not a lot of room you start putting some more room in our starship yeah i got one one scatter blaster upgrade all right where is that there it is now it's gonna be a uh probably a planetary archive more than likely but you all you know you know we have to actually land and do the sweeper thing unless we see it to begin with is that around here somewhere come on i don't see it at all land to begin oh look at this one someone made a cool uh rocket man uh base that way you can use that to make your rocket man base there we go where are we going see i can't i can't see it all right we're gonna land at the rocket man base so if you're thinking about rocket man doing the rocket man achievement this is another one to do it gotta be up in the air for 20 seconds so just run to the top let's see it's over there so that's what we're gonna do we're gonna run to the top of here and we're gonna do a rocket man i mean we've already done it but i want to try it again you don't really do it like this though i'm just doing this to make sure it goes faster maybe i don't know now it doesn't seem like it's going faster dude this is a tall one look at this this is a stairway to the stars oh my god all right oh where i think we're at the end i don't even see it all right we're going that way so let's go and you really want to do that with a full tank you don't want to just jump off like i did like an idiot oh maybe it's not a planetary archive look at that fall i think you follow for 20 seconds that's a good fall look at that and on permadeath you'd be dead [Laughter] all right up nope this way where's the planetary archive this is an orange planet glowing planet that's really cool for some reason this feels brighter than the purple one very cool oh no it's not a planetary archive we're learning words here i guess look this looks like a monument or a monolith or is it a portal could be a portal probably a portal yeah oh no no monolith monolith whoa i better calm down with this stuff i'm getting a little too crazy here sorry guys and also you can learn words from the knowledge stones so four four four four four four four four four four four four okay thank you for that rendezvous number four done let's learn these words real quick from the um knowledge stones oh i haven't actually made a viking knowledge stone yet i haven't activated it yet let's accept the knowledge so now we can learn knowledge all these knowledge stones from the viking you have to do it for every race too and while we're here let's see if we can get some knowledge some uh words we can learn some words while we're here up don't know i place my palm on the monolith and then stand back when it melts in response to my touch molten rock drips down the stone exposing a hollow interior inside i see riches that are beyond belief and ancient technologies and cargo that would aid in my journey suddenly the voice of an ancient tribe shakes the ground i stand on ah stand back we respect it we're not gonna steal the ancient warriors who once worshipped her here bless my shell of respect the lava reshapes itself forming an intricate planet in front of me as it cools the plymouth is laden with gifts the vision fades but the gifts remain there we go we got something from it what did we get we got our standing increased [Music] and that's it oh no we got a viking effigy is that it oh yeah we got a viking effigy let's call in our ship oh yeah we have to accept our reward for getting to the fourth rendezvous let's do it we're gonna use this in our yeah we'll finish off our technology so one technology is full now let's go to our cargo yes beautiful so yeah and we got a whole bunch of nanites man we are kicking butt so hopefully you guys liked the episode if you did hit that like button we got rendezvous 4 done so we're going to try to start knocking out some of these we probably are going to be doing our uh find an abandoned uh system and probably do our derelict freighter in the next episode so i'll see you guys then [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Jason Plays
Views: 8,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: no mans sky, no mans sky 2021, no man's sky update, no man's sky how to, nms, no man's sky 2021, no mans sky gameplay, no man's sky update 2021, nms update 2021, jason plays no mans sky, no mans sky origins, no mans sky update, no man's sky, no mans sky expeditions, no mans sky frontiers, no mans sky settlements, no mans sky worms, no mans sky emergence, no man's sky freighter glitch, no man's sky pioneer expedition, no man's sky expedition 2021, no man's sky freighter
Id: mYcUiLTuIzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 53sec (2333 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 29 2021
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