Meeting the Atlas | No Man's Sky Mass Effect Expedition 2021

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[Music] met the atlas i didn't even talk to it yet are you kidding me i didn't even talk to you you don't know you have to talk to it what the crap welcome back to no man's sky everyone jason here and in the last episode we had a little bit of difficulty with the phase three we were trying to get all the animals and visit all the different planets we still have to find a scorched whirl to scan an animal but we're moving on we got everything else we're good and we actually moved on to the fourth rendezvous so now it's time to learn some words visit the atlas uh yeah learn a whole bunch of words discover systems okay so we're learning words we're discovering systems we're visiting the atlas so what you can do oh man let's try it again one more time let's see i know this is a volcanic world so it probably doesn't count as a scorched planet come on nothing nothing all right all right well you know you can't blame me for trying let's move along to the space station i don't know i can't remember what type of uh system this is meaning what race is the dominant race in this system but if you go to the space station you can actually number one sell some stuff make some money but number two talk to the different races and hopefully maybe possibly learn all the words you need and call it good let's try this come on there we go this is not working for me let's go to the space station let's go all right we're almost at the space station now before we get in here i'm going to take a guess i know i've pinky promised i have not cheated i didn't i don't know i can't remember what the system race was but i'm going to guess it's going to be a gex no no gecko viking last one was gekko so i'm gonna guess this one's a viking no no no corvex final answer corvax it's gonna be a corvex uh corvax or geck gekko corvax gekko corvax i see a is that a geck up there maybe i i mean i take it back it's a geck i'm calling it a geck system gag system maybe not oh no it's a court it's it's a is it a viking system what what is this okay it's a viking system dang it okay never mind i didn't even guess viking i mean well i did technically i said every race my go-to was gekk and then my second was gonna be corvax of course i picked the viking last and that's the one it ends up being that's all right that's all right we'll learn some words from him we need to learn six so we're good this is number one hey buddy you got any words you wanna you wanna teach me please or ma'am whatever you happen to be no judgements oh there's a corvette we can learn quarterback's word from you we're two for the uh viking i mean we're getting pretty close to all of them i think i think we were we were the closest on the gek one right so we were the closest on the get but we needed all the viking i believe so this actually worked out really good hey buddy don't be uh broker okay good don't be the guy i need to talk to for my uh base all right one more geck i think we only need one more right i don't even know i'm losing count losing my mind so don't don't judge me too much i thought it was a corvette system all right come on ow sorry you're my weapons terminal guy sorry i don't have a i don't have a base yet oh there we go words for friends learned all the geck words i needed i already visited him didn't i yep all right i already learned his word so we need some more viking oh no i already visited him all right i think i've maxed out on everyone else yep all right so let's head over actually we could sell wait a minute before we start selling stuff let's collect our reward oh and we're going to glitch out translation technologies gek relic nip knit buds and standing increase for the gek because we're awesome so we learned the blueprints we didn't get the technology we just learned the blueprints let's sell some stuff i think yep there it is right there geck relics yes we'll sell that and nip the buds we'll sell that i think we're good we're good we're good so we need to learn some more viking words let's check it out over here usually maybe in the cafe we'll have some more people or some more aliens we could talk to either way we need to come over here to get some upgrades anyway to check it out but first you're gonna you're gonna teach me some words please yes i need to have another viking what how are you how are you gonna be the uh i got the the uh exocraft and the armor are on the same space station you guys are killing me you guys are killing me with that uh point to the warriors sure oh he gave me an upgrade a c-class upgrade but i'll take it so nothing else really okay that's okay we'll go to another space station we will be okay with doing all of that let's upgrade my multi-tool yes supply the upgrade perfect now let's see if we can get a hyperdrive upgrade give me an s-class please i need an s-class upgrade what do we got here oh we do have an s-class upgrade and launch thruster upgrade yes s class there we go yes perfect all right all right and upgrade our exosuit of course yeah we'll do the last one in our so just because you have any cool shield upgrades or anything for me get a movement upgrade nothing else really i'll take the movement upgrade i'll take the jetpack upgrade i'll take that and let's upgrade the starship because we have a uh storage augmentation so we can totally do that oh it cost the 60 million to upgrade anyway so we can't even afford it even if i wanted to 60 million holy cow doing good doing good oh yeah we need to install some of our upgrades here um yeah let's do that oh we need to move some of this stuff out of the way actually we'll do this instead we'll put this in the corner and we'll put all of our uh launch thruster up there boom boom there we go there we go that way we could put some more up here if we wanted to um move and upgrade protection oh we didn't sell the toxic protection or the mining beam we need to do that let's do that real quick just to make room in our inventory because you never know when you're gonna need the space you can go to any of these market guys and they will buy any upgrade you don't have to go to a specific one to sell any particular one and we don't need the toxic one so we're good all right beautiful beautiful look at that oh that is a cool explorer ship it's a c-class so i'm not really down with that one but man it looks cool right that looks like a cool ship got a cool looking ship you just need to upgrade it man invest those nanites buddy come on all right so now we need to move on we need to find a scorched planet but while we're doing that let's go all the way up here and oh we could go all the way to the next rendezvous whoa what is that why is there a grave site over there i wonder all right i'm too that was a viking system yeah oh a skirt viking system but there's a is that a an atlas symbol i wonder if that's an atlas symbol or not it might be an atlas we can just go visit the atlas right now but it looks like a grave marker i wonder what the heck that means not an atlas atlas would show up by now that's all right it's a fledgling system which means it's a bad uh it's a very bad economy so they're not gonna have a lot of stuff here uh metallic planet what is going on here oh no no that is probably gonna be for a uh sporeo planet that's gonna be for a uh what's it called fiery moon let's try it oh god what is it called a settlement duh settlement let's try it i think it's input distressed recorded yep for a settlement go go go go go ah barely just barely made it oh planet in distress no no no let's go back to our log we're doing our expedition come on and let's highlight what we need to do there we go discover creatures on this planet oh thank god this is a scorched planet that worked out way better than i thought you guys i didn't think it was gonna be scorched so technically this is not it's not called a scorch planet but it counts as one so yeah keep that in mind like i said last time it might not be called scorched but it will still count come on furnace of life discovered creatures on a scorched planet even though the planet's not called scorched i'll take it let's complete that one scanning upgrade biological samples supreme hazard protection yes got a scanner and a you know what we'll we'll take our scanner for now because okay we had a cold protection we already have one of those so we're good because you never know this one might be better than the other one so it is an eight and a seven so we have a nine and a seven a seven and an ew a seven and an eight that one's better than this one already eight and nine okay so this one the new one is better than our one right here yep just barely but it is better so we'll take it it's a little tiny increase but i'll take a little tiny increase that's fine with me got it oh wait a minute we we also need to collect our uh our reward for phase three we completed phase three yes completed phase three we got the sparse horizon helmet new helmet yes beautiful alrighty so now over on uh phase four we need to visit the atlas we need to learn some words and visit new systems so before we visit new systems let's go to the next rendezvous which was right next to where we are let's go to this one this is the next rendezvous anyway we're gonna go here we're gonna go to the space station first because we need to learn some new words we'll knock that out real quick because there's always like a variety of aliens usually like if it's a viking system they'll be mostly vikings there but you'll have other people as well other aliens as well we need corvex and we need viking words that's all we need how many do we need of each we need up get out of the way we need two more viking and two more quarterbacks so we can totally knock that out here give me some freaking uh corvex so please get in here yep we got all that we have some stuff we need to sell of course sell that sell that sell that upgrade oh yeah can make some major nanites here jets we have our life support upgrade there oh wait we can move the life support over yep beautiful and remember you can only have three of these store-bought ones this is a blueprint that's why it's a c-class you can have as many blueprints as you want but the store bought upgrades you need to or you can only you're limited to three of them general inventory yes i don't know we need to go to the starship get any good upgrades for me uh phase beam that's it yeah whatever we're gonna sell our good one phase beam not what i want you know uh positron ejector i'll take that purchase upgrades and thermal we have a cold thermal and uh underwater that's it huh all right that's okay i'm holding out for the s-class i'm holding out now let's go learn some words on the other side two more viking two more corvax that's all we need come on not you gekky guy oh there's a viking or a quarterback over here teach me a word please beautiful you guys will see you have two right here that'll teach me come on oh perfect and one more and we just need to find one more corvex and we're good we're golden corvax where are you there's one perfect visited you already what how did i visit you already where are you running around no way is there only one corvex on this whole freaking station are you kidding me there's only one court you gotta be messing with me now come on oh well let's accept our reward for the viking ones viking effigy supreme defensive upgrade and standing increase with the viking okay and an s-class shield upgrade yes take that one put it there that way they're together oh wait a minute duh why am i why am i doing that put them together over here there we go please tell me there's one viking i can talk or one quarterback's in here one corvax that's all i need are you joking come on you guys are killing me viking word great i don't need a viking word bible fruit salvage data we'll get rid of that um a viking effigy yes killing me killing me no vikings on this i only need one more oh well one more word that's all we need that's fine that's totally fine let's go to the space anomaly because we need to discover new systems but we also need to uh find where the atlas is and polo will tell you where the atlas is if you need to know find polo on the space anomaly for assistance there you go see if it tells you that at least it lets you know and we could buy our personal refiner upgrade that way i could start refining stuff in my in my backpack because i'm tired of holding on all this stuff and i'm too lazy to actually refine it where it needs to be refined yeah we're good we're good we got a lot we have it all filled up in there all right so you need to talk to polo he will tell you where the nearest atlas station is but you need to ask him about it first so let's get up over here hey polo you look surprised traveler friend do you not remember nada or i no no we're good we need to we're in the next uh atlas station where is it at i will do it friend but please be careful we would hate to see you leave us i know and then while we're here buy my backpack upgrade come on oh yeah we can also get an inventory upgrade too you can always do that as well i'm just too lazy to call it in every single time whenever you go to a new system you can buy a new upgrade just like this needs to be in a fresh system though you can't buy it again as just like the space station you only get one time and you're done but we can get our uh backpack upgrade come on oh we need to get the gauntlet first huh great so we need to put pay 80 nanites for the gloves and then after you unlock the gloves you can unlock the personal refiner which is the best upgrade in your exosuit period fight me i will fight you in the comments but we can spend nanites and get that yes we need oxygen though dang it we need oxygen great thank you [Laughter] all right oh yeah and also it'll always pin a recipe if you buy one so i always unpin that thing i hate it why would you i mean i i appreciate it but i don't want to know that shouldn't be a mission to build a uh a technology i mean i i get it it should be an option but it shouldn't be like automatic all right let's go to a different system number one number two hopefully the the new atlas system has one corvex that i could talk to dang it all right let's go to our um let's go to our map oh galaxy map we're too close to the space anomaly there we go and it'll automatically tell you there you go it'll tell you hey look this is where the orbital station is and boom there you are i still i wonder what that symbol is over there why see so our orbitals our outlet station is this red line it's right here that's where our atlas station is that's why it's a red symbol but what is this why is there one that's just there a historiographical echo source i don't know what that is mission signal detected maybe it's something later on i'm not worried about it yet we need to go to our uh awesome atlas station so let's go do that real quick knock that one out this looks like a viking scissor or a corvex god i'm confusing everybody this is a corvax system so we should be okay let's knock this thing out yep here it is maybe we'll learn a word while we're talking to the atlas let's get in here atlas interface yes beautiful beautiful need some more oxygen [Music] well speaking of that actually we can just we can put it in there but we can't build it yet so what you can do is you can partially build it and just you know it'll sit there but it'll glow blue or blink blue saying hey look it's not finished yet i'll listen that sound [Music] met the atlas i didn't even talk to it yet are you kidding me i didn't even talk to you you don't even have to talk to it what the crap [Music] give me a corvex word please these cool little uh orbs on the ground they will teach you random words hopefully this is a corvex word it'll teach you atlas words as well come on give me one oh come on it's because i want it it's because i want it if i didn't need it it would be teaching me all kinds of words but because i want it not a single one are you choking give me one atlas word great yeah great that'll help oh come on you know what i hate you guys i hate you so much not you that's not you they're listening or watching the game atlas word for traveler great oh well you know what since we're here let's talk to the atlas this is the atlas it requires submission but you get a cool reward at the end of talking at the end of the atlas seed missions you'll get a cool reward nexus move ross don't know what it means sorry the atlas called me to this interface and yet its purpose remains unclear yep i need submission it needs submission because once you've increased your milestones it will give you a whole bunch of cool stuff [Music] now i know how to make a captured nanoed you get the blueprint for it you didn't actually get the actual captured nano to get a blueprint to make it oh yeah by the way we are we we did complete that mission so let's do that real quick oh we got inventory room and hexite and fragmented qualia and liquid sun there you go i'm gonna hold on to that stuff those are all materials and you might need it later on i don't i can't remember because it's been a while since i played this actual mission this is actually expedition so you might need it to make something later on i don't know i can't remember so i don't want to get rid of it if i don't have to but now we have to go to the space station get one freaking corvax to talk to us and teach us a word that's all we need a bubbling planet over there nice come on gotta get the corvex to tell us something anything just teach us any word we're good there we go and yep one word and then four systems rendezvous number five though gotta do that actually you know what we're gonna do this instead in the uh in the starship because then i won't accidentally get rid of it or delete it or move it and lose it or whatever let's get rid of this portable refiner because we're about to make a regular personal refinery of course i wish you could learn words from the market guys the uh people who sell you upgrades but nope they won't let you all right over here look at all those corvexes please just teach me one word knock that one out and be good to go come on right here i know i know disconnection is an aggression symbol for them got it so now we've learned that [Music] perfect repository let's sell some stuff here like the corvex convergence cube let's get rid of that we always buy more later i'm not worried about the things you can buy again but like the hex height and stuff the liquid sun that's stuff you can't really buy you have to find it and it's hard to find all right so we got our hyperdrive perfect so we can replace one of our s or a classes with an s-class yes perfect don't hit me with your ship thank you wait a minute i need oxygen duh i almost left without buying oxygen hey buddy can you give me an oxygen i just need a little bit you have oxygen right come on oxygen there we go boop beautiful that's all i needed i will buy some uranium to you since i'm here uranium is good for launch fuel if you didn't know launch fuel is very hard to come by so get some uranium and you're good speaking of that i need to move that uranium over to my ship because i needed to use it for launch fuel boom boom boom boom there we go boom all right oh wait we gotta build it there we go beautiful it is done it is made but now it's time to refine that tainted metal into nanites beautiful now what are we doing what are we doing what are we doing uncharted systems actually what i'm going to do first is because we have to go far away because to get an uncharted system it has to be a system that no one has been to and since we're on the uh the expedition route everyone is going to be here we need to go way outside of the lines which means we got to go way far away and i don't want to get the rendezvous first so let's get to that fifth rendezvous before we go crazy and go too far away fifth rendezvous should be oh now they're going to keep marking atlas stations because we took the mission from polo once you mark the first one it'll mark all the ones after that as soon as you visit them so it's going to be a pain in the butt trying to find that one again that's okay though let's head over here oh wait a minute fifth rendezvous right there this is the other system that we went to that had the special mission in it i bet you we have to go back to that one ah that's gonna be a pain gonna be a pain that's okay though we're gonna go to the uh fifth rendezvous the last rendezvous and then we're gonna call it good there because we're gonna have to do some traveling after that oh pain in the butt all right come on oh really really let's take these guys out real quick all right that is done and over with where's my rendezvous there it is over here sporeo planet i'm not gonna go land on that uh that freighter because i don't have any money i have 13 million it's probably gonna cost me 50 or 60 million at least to get that baby so we're not even gonna worry about it always pick it up whenever you can because you never know when there's gonna be a glitch and all of a sudden you lose whatever's in your refiner so pick it up when you can he's really gonna keep calling me huh no and i bet you this rendezvous right here that's gonna be where the base is at maybe oh thank god whoo it disappeared so we know it's near this i have a feeling that's over here let's load everything load in oh maybe not maybe not oh no someone's messing with me now oh well you know what we'll we'll let it go we'll just land here and we'll look for it where are you at aggressive sentinel oh it's probably one of those over there that's okay we'll make it we got this oh refiner is done pull those out and then oh not the chromatic metal we're gonna put the cadmium in there boom refine that oh wait scan this animal 418 thousand oh man beautiful i'll take it oh there's that portal over there that's where we need to be so let's head on over is that copper yeah probably let's head on over here we're gonna knock out this fifth one and then we'll be able to go discover some random uh systems probably come back because i have a feeling that that system next to us with a special marker on it it's gonna be important it's going to be important and actually while we're doing this i think discovered all of it we'll get 250 nanite bonus let's do that beautiful because if you find all the animals on a single planet you get a nanite bonus now it's really low for these kind of planets because there's only one animal on the planet so of course the reward is going to be lower rendezvous number five [Music] rendezvous number five completed so go to our expedition tab collect our reward for number five thousand day nights historic graphical dasa meter whoa histographical dos meter there that's how you pronounce that sentinel's mad so heck yeah you guys we just did that one we are good what we need to do now what we're going to do in our next episode is discover some systems four of them to be specific and now we're gonna be able to do our one step at a time uh for our last final phase phase five is really hard because you gotta do this one then you gotta do that one you you don't know what it is until it unlocks so you can't complete it until you do the one prior to it so a little bit harder but we're gonna knock that one out in the next episode and we'll be done so hopefully you guys liked it and i'll see you guys next time [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Jason Plays
Views: 4,717
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: no mans sky, no mans sky 2021, no man's sky update, no man's sky how to, nms, no man's sky 2021, no mans sky gameplay, no man's sky update 2021, nms update 2021, jason plays no mans sky, no mans sky origins, no mans sky update, no man's sky, no mans sky expeditions, no mans sky frontiers, no man's sky normandy, no man's sky mass effect ship, no man's sky mass effect, no man's sky mass effect expedition, no man's sky normandy expedition, no man's sky meeting the atlas
Id: LugY9BUH3nQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 5sec (1925 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 10 2021
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