How to get RICH in No Mans Sky! Money making guide

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hello and welcome back to the channel this is hanbon here and in today's video we're going to be covering my guide and no man's sky on how to make units that's right you heard me correctly we're going to teach you how to make money today and you might be a fledgling a space adventurer just rolling out of the space anomaly for the first time and wondering now where to go as the game has turned you completely loose and that's what i've done here with this character and i want to show you a couple of different methods we're going to go over how to make your first million units and then we're going to show you how to make your first billion units yes you heard me right that is a billion with a b so let's pay attention here and we'll go through the methods first of all we need to go to a planet okay so we're already right here next this planet we'll go and just drop in here this is the first method the only thing you need to do to do this method is have at least been through the space anomaly that's it that's all you need to know and also the second method now for the second method you're going to want to save up you need at least 300 nanites to get the stuff necessary to do the next methods and i hate these planets there's nowhere to land ever but you're going to want 300 nights for the second method so do keep that in mind um there's a key important thing that you're gonna have to research with nanites to do the second method but first method we're gonna do and there probably isn't going to be any on this stinking planet no okay so what we're looking for is buried technology modules and i'll come back to you whenever i find a planet that has some but you're gonna you may have to flop around to planet to planet uh to find a place where there's plenty of them but that's what you're looking for for this method and i'll see you guys as soon as i find a planet with some berry technology modules all right so we have landed on another planet in the same system this happens to be a paradise planet and we have plenty of what we need around here it looks like so what we're looking for is these little things right here called the buried technology modules you look through your analysis scanner and that's how you find them now before you run off and go and grab these you're going to want to make sure that your ship has at least 25 launch fuel and you do that by looking here you can see we have 50 so we're good the reason you want at least 25 is because early on that's what it takes to launch your ship and if you're halfway across the planet like you know if you've been running around and searching for these and do i need some oxygen or am i good i'm good are you if you've been running around searching for these um and you can't you know if you've been looking around and then you realize that you're you know on the other side of the planet away from your ship and of course we would fall in a hole but if you realize you're on the other side of the planet away from your ship then that causes issues because you're gonna have to take an hour running back there but if you can summon your ship as long as you have launch fuel then you don't have to worry about it then you can worry about making the launch field once you get your ship summoned to you and we're gonna dig our way out of here give me just a moment but you can worry about making the launch field once you get your ship summoned to you and then go from there we're gonna go and grab this oxygen here just so we can be plenty good uh yeah i'm glad we came over here there's a couple of them here this will be plenty for the today but you're going to want to make sure that uh you have the launch feel that way you don't have to worry about running back to your ship because you're just going to be going from buried technology module to buried technology module and you're going to see here in a moment we're going to get a whole bunch of these what it gives you is salvage data which is what you use to research construction components and that sort of thing and you're going to want to save enough to get the medium refiner for the next part of the thing but you can just sell all this and then grab some more uh whenever we figure out exactly what the medium refinery costs because i can't remember exactly what it costs right now but you're going to want to you know have enough to do that but we want to get you know 20 or so of this and you see we got two there sometimes you get four it just varies and right now currently i think i've got six so it won't take it doesn't take very long you take like an hour and you do this and it's really simple now there's not really a whole lot to this method other than grabbing these and then selling them at the space station that's how you do the first method and there's it's pretty simple you're going to want uh to save up some nanites 2 for the second method so do keep that in mind but overall this is how you do the first method you just want to go from buried technology module to various technology module and i'm going to go collect about 20 or 30 of these and then i will see you guys on the space station where we're going to sell these and then talk about the second method and what you need to do so for the second method okay so as you can see we have acquired 35 of the salvage data and what we're going to do is run and right quick we're going to go to the spaceship anomaly or space anomaly and we're going to summon that and pull that up that way we can go ahead and get our research done on the medium refiner for part two of this video but we're gonna go ahead and pull up pull up here and go and pop in there and get that researched and then we're gonna go over and we'll have about 25 it takes 10 to uh get the medium refiner from the research station we're gonna run over here and uh as soon as we get in here it takes a couple of minutes to get into this thing every time you go in but as soon as we get in here we're gonna run over there to the guy who does the spaceship upgrades right no we're not doing space upgrades we're going to the construction counter we're going to the construction counter and we're going to grab the medium refiner we're going to go ahead and get that it's going to cost us 10 of the salvage data and we're going to use those 10 and then we're going to go over to the space station and sell the other 25 and then those 25 are going to be what makes us our money off of that 25 we can expect just over a million units something like 1.2 million roughly depending on what the cost is in the system where we're at but just over a million units is what we're gonna expect there out of that we're gonna run over here real quick and we're gonna grab this and then we're gonna go and i'll see you at the space station soon as we pick this up i just want to show you where you researched that so we're gonna go over technology and then we're gonna grab medium refiner right there cost 10 of the salvage data and now what we're going to do is pop in over at the space station all right so here we are at the space station and we're going to go ahead and land here i do want to apologize all of the game sound had to be cut out for the this next segment and the last segment and then probably another segment of this video as i lost a lot of the audio after during the editing stage for some reason the sound didn't carry over from the recording and so we lost all that so you're gonna have to hear future me uh after the video's been done kind of explaining what's going on here so we're gonna go over here to the terminal and we're going to sell our salvage data and then what we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and start in on part two of this video and that will be that we're going to buy oxygen and cobalt and we're going to sell our salvage data here and it takes me a second to find it but so there you go 1.28 million not a bad little payday there for about 30 minutes worth of work we're gonna go ahead and sell it and then we're gonna buy and this welcome to part two of the video we're gonna go ahead and buy our cobalt and oxygen we're going to buy all of it that they have here and we're going to travel around to each new system we're going to go from system to system from space station to space station and we are going to buy cobalt and oxygen until we go broke now you're going to want more oxygen than you want cobalts you want like six thousand ish oxygen i i'm gonna wind up with about six thousand oxygen about three thousand cobalt we're gonna turn that into uh a quite a bit of cobalt is how this is gonna work but you're gonna want more oxygen than cobalt because oxygen is one is the key ingredient of this process you're gonna want as much oxygen as you can possibly have and if you can have multiple refiners going at one time you're gonna have multiple refiners that'd be great that'll be much more efficient but what we're going to do now is because i forgot to originally and so that's what i'm doing now we're going to summon the space anomaly and we got to grab the economy scanner from the space anomaly and we got to grab that but research it and put it in the ship here so that we can discover the trading outposts on the ground uh that's what it's used for is finding trading outposts and uh telling you how rich each system is before you go there that way you can kind of tell but we're going to make sure that we get the economy scanner that way we can see the trade-out post because if we have the ability to go to trade-out posts what will happen is when it comes time to sell and the process of what we're doing here is we're taking cobalt we're finding it into ionized cobalt and then you're taking ionized cobalt and putting it with oxygen and you get six ionized cobalt for every ionized cobalt and then you take those ionized cobalt that's who you multiplied by six times and then you turn them back into cobalt and you got way way way it's it's like 20 times the cobalt that you start with it's a ridiculous amount of cobalt that you gain by doing this method and so what it allows you to do is make enough cobalt to where you can crash economies but you're going to see here you need 300 nanites for this you should have those when you leave the tutorial you have that's about roughly what it gives you you got to get the teleport scanner and then you got to get the economy scanner and then you got to go buy microprocessors and wiring looms which we'll just just pop back into the space station buy those and then you're well on your way to being a very successful and very very rich space pilot because you know you made your first million here and congratulations on that but we're going to show you how to make a billion because at the end of the video i'm going to show you what my take is whenever i sell an inventory full on my main account my main character of this stuff and about what i make it per system is about 100 million units roughly what i make profit per system so we're going to go ahead and hop back in the spaceship here and i'm going to go over to the space station we're going to get what we need but i'll probably cut that out and we're just going to carry on with the video and the next time you see me i'll be at my base on the ground which is where you'll need to be for the next part of the video once you have bought all of your cobalt and your oxygen so that we can start the duplication process or rather the process of refining and then unrefining and then re-refining so you can see here we wound up with about 3000 cobalt and 6000 oxygen and in just a few short minutes we're going to turn that into about 20 000 cobalt and so it doesn't take you know the quicker you can do this much much much faster if you have multiple refiners going but with just one refiner it's going to take you 20-30 minutes or a couple of hours even to get a substantial amount you're going to want to want like at least like half of an early inventory full if not a full early inventory to make about 5 million ish profit per cell so 10 million roundabout per system and uh you're going to need all that to make sure that you get your cell and get everything rolling properly and you see here we're going to build a serve finder doesn't take too much magnetized ferrite is the worst part of the refinery building process and you can just refine ferrite dust or you can go and find a thing of magnetized ferrite on another planet somewhere where they have a the ability to mine it and just go ahead and mine it just like you would copper or anything else and have plenty of it but this is going to take 10 minutes to process so we'll see you when it's done and we'll talk about the next phase of the process which is turning that ionized cobalt into six times that amount okay so our cobalt is done is now refined into ionized cobalt what we're going to do now is take that ionized cobalt put it back in the refiner add oxygen to it and this is why you have to have a medium refiner because it requires having two slots add oxygen to that and then you're going to get a bunch of ionized cobalt for my 1500 here i'm going to make about 8 000. it's times six so yeah about eight thousand um so not a bad payday overall but remember that the ionized cobalt is not what we're going to sell we're actually going to sell cobalt and so once you get this ionized cobalt you just put it in the fire by itself and then it doubles and becomes cobalt so it makes twice as much cobalt as ionized so once you run this ionized through a couple of times it doesn't take long to you've got you know five six stacks of ionized cobalt and that's how you make a bunch of cobalt to make a bunch of money because any amount of ionize you have you can double in putting it into regular cobalt and so that's how basically the gist of this money making method and how it works and i'm going to show you in a second just exactly how much you can make on the high end you know i i make i sell about 40 stacks at a time and i make roughly about 40 billion billion 40 million units per cell 40 to 50 million units per cell and then i sell twice in each system so i make roughly 100 million units every time i do this per system so it's really not a bad setup and the best way to do it that i found is to purchase once you make some money purchase a uh hauler class ship something with like 30 slots and then put all your cobalt in those slots and then whenever you need money summon your ship and go around sell for a little bit and then just uh get back in your other ship and be all hunky-dory that's how i do it and that's the best way i found to do it because it just it's basically free money that just shows up at your feet whenever you need it and i'll show you a little bit later in a video what i'm talking about but we're going to go ahead and give this time to cook here and then i'm going to show you the results and then we're going to go in and sell on my main safe so be looking forward to that in just a sec all right so our processing is done on that round as you can see we've got 5048 ionized cobalt if we were to run it all through again we'd uh wind up with about 30 000 um ionized cobalt and then remember that any amount of ionized cobalt you get doubles when you turn it into cobalt we're going to show you that um so you want to get a pretty good amount several stacks and actually it only does 4095 at a time so there'd actually be about 10 11 000 cobalt come out of this because there's one ionized equals two regular you're going to get multiple stacks of ionized you know like maybe let's see four would make eight stacks how many two three you going like five or six stacks of ionized cobalt it's gonna take you a couple maybe an hour or two to do this especially if you don't make multiple refiners once you have that then you just turn it back into cobalt and then i'll show you the selling process here in just a moment where you can go around and sell it and make a fortune i'm going to show you um i'm going to show you how far you can actually go with it and how much money it's possible to make using this method and so we're gonna go ahead and load into my main save and i'm gonna show you exactly the possibilities of making so much money uh with this method and once you have um duplicated it keep in mind once you've turned it into cobalt sold it a bunch you make a bunch of money you can actually do it again and again and again and continue to make more and more and more until you can fill up an inventory the full size here which is how much i sell all the time and we're gonna see what we get out of that but overall if you enjoyed today's video go ahead and subscribe like the video if you like it i really do appreciate it helps the channel out a bunch we're gonna go sell this stuff and see what i can show you and see what we can get out of it all right so now we're on my main save and i'm going to show you what's selling a huge amount of this stuff looks like let's go ahead and summon in my hauler here and like i told you before the best way to do this is to once you made a bunch of money like 30 40 million go ahead and buy a hauler like this and then you can just throw every bit of the cobalt in the inventory of said hauler as you can see here and then you can just take it and go around and sell or you can transfer we're gonna go ahead and just take it and sell that you know you can uh transfer if you want to and do it that way to your exosuit inventory it's really up to you but i'm just going to take the hauler here and sell go ahead and make a few of these because we're going to need them [Music] but you can see here i've got 549 million um units so we're pretty set on money there's not really much that i really need money for but i just wanted to showcase this and kind of show off and just show you guys how to make money using these methodologies and what you can do with it and we're going to fly up here to the space station here and this thing flies like a brick i hate flying this thing i usually just transfer to my inventory but for the sake of this video we're going to go ahead and just leave it in the hauler because once you get this hauler you can put even more in it you know as long as you get one with like 30 slots i think this one has uh i don't remember exactly this one's like 40 slots but once you get one with plenty of slots then you don't have to uh worry about your suit inventory anymore because your suit inventory is going to limit you on how much money you can make in the beginning so once you can get a hauler you can duplicate again and make even more money and so really you know once you get enough cobalt around the best way to do it is like i said just keep it in this hauler because you can just take this hauler around and sell whenever you're needing money and so that's what i do i just call it in and sell out when i'm needing money and it really works out very very well for me now i'm going to fly over here and hit this little tray terminal and you're going to see that i have enough and this is really where you want to be you want to have enough cobalt to crash um the economy so we're going to go here and there you go 64 million it's gonna wipe out the demand okay we're gonna go over here to the buy category now and cobalt minus eighty percent demand which means we can buy it for ridiculously cheap so we're gonna buy it all back and it's going to go under our starship inventory and there you go we now have made how much about 40 or 50 million and then we got to go sell it remember we also have to sell it on the ground at a trade term or at the trade outpost on a planet so i'm gonna go ahead and because i don't have this i do have the economy scanner okay i have an economy scanner on there as well a good good deal but i'm gonna go in now and show you guys how to scan for tradeout post and what that looks like and then we're gonna go land at one sell it one and then this gonna be the end of video hope you guys have enjoyed today's video um be sure to drop a like let me know what i could do better let me know what you enjoyed about today's video and i'm gonna try to make a few more guides on no man's sky over the coming weeks at least once a week this one was going to be a little bit late but this one took a lot longer to make than i anticipated okay we got it let's see where it got this video took quite a bit longer to make than i anticipated there's multiple hours in this video but overall hope you guys enjoyed today's video we're gonna fly here to this trade outpost on this planet and what this allows us to do because the trade outpost on planets and the space stations have separate economies we can pop in here and sell again and they crash this economy as well so every system you're gonna you know we made like what 40 or 50 million profit right there we're going to make 40 or 50 million again and so that's why i told you you could make like 100 million per system because there's two places to sell so this is really a good methodology to make money whenever you made enough to satisfy yourself for the time being buy a hauler throw it in there and then you can just make money again when you need it when you need it when you need it and it is just a fantastic way to make money in this game there are like passive ways with farming and different things but for me you know once you've done this once you've done put in the time and you've made the cobalt then you can just keep it and you don't have to worry about it ever again you can just go around selling it you don't have to make it again you know so for me this is the best way to make money in this game because you can just continuously do this i mean i could do this as long as i want to there you go see we're up to 650 million and that is pure money now it didn't take me what a few minutes to sell so once you get going it takes a couple of hours to make all this but once you get it done um really this is probably the best way to make money in the game as far as it's easy and cobalt is a very easy to come by resource and it's also sold at every space station and every outpost so you never have to worry about wondering if you're going to be able to buy it back and sell it at the place where you're going and so that's why i chose cobalt you can make more money per cell with ionized cobalt but you can't always buy ionized cobalt and you have to really look around and so for me it's just easier to be able to bounce from system to system to system selling and buying to your harsh content hope you enjoyed today's video if you did be sure to drop a like go ahead and subscribe and i'll see you guys in the next no man's sky video where it's probably going to be my full beginner's guide to the game i think it's what we're going to go for next i'll see you guys in the next one have a great rest of your day thank you and bye bye
Channel: Hambone
Views: 7,055
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to make money in no mans sky, no mans sky money making guide, no mans sky, No mans sky beginners guide, Space game, No mans sky guide, How to get units no mans sky, Nms guide, Space exploration game, Space survival game, Survival game
Id: pVS-tf10iTE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 38sec (1238 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 31 2021
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