Finding Uncharted Systems | No Man's Sky Pioneer Expedition Redux 2021

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collect reward for charting three uncharted systems let's do that up moonwalking moonwalking excuse me everybody welcome back to no man's sky everyone jason here and this is our pioneer expedition redux or the replay of the pioneer expedition if you didn't know from now until december 7th you can actually redo the first pioneer uh expedition and get your golden vector so if you need that golden vector guess what you can do it right now so i would head out in there and go do it in the last episode we got to the second rendezvous we got some we got some other ones we got like our 2000 nanites we also got our a-class ship which gives you the reward of an s-class ship so if you miss that one head back there all you have to do is buy an a-class ship and then you get uh an s-class as a reward but throw that to the side we have the mistress of survival bob here look at that saying mistress of survival bob exotic we got that one in the last episode as well such a good find i love it but in this one what we need to do what we're going to try to do is we're going to try to farm plants because there should be some farms around here we're going to discover a new system hopefully and enter a black hole we might actually enter a black hole first and then discover a new system that way it'll help us out because you need to go to a system that no one else has ever been to and that's really hard when you're in the same area that everyone on the planet is right now so let's go do let's actually get the black hole after our farming plants so there should be a farm nearby to the second rendezvous which is going to be easy for us i saw uh i saw a farm earlier let's see exp beast three main farm there we go let's go to the main farm right over here hopefully this thing pops in and we'll be able to just farm a little bit let's see yep look at that you see the domes that means there's a farm in there and don't worry about going to someone's farm because plants regrow every few hours or so depending on the plant they all have a different like uh a different regrow pattern so you just have to go and farm 20 things so like these ones these are going to be star bramble it oh i need my glove oh no i need my hazmat gauntlet wait a minute let's just do it this way right harvest all the plants we got 13. so you don't need to actually have your uh glove if you just go to a dome use this middle uh harvest all plants uh page now i don't like harvesting all the plants because then you you don't you take more than you need and i like to keep it for other people but you know what we gotta do what we gotta do we don't have the glove yet so let's actually see these uh star brambles if you see over in the top left hand side of the screen it takes four hours for them to regrow so every four hours they will regrow so don't feel guilty about taking it from somebody else you know you just can't use that thing for four hours somebody can come back in four hours and pick up if they need to so not a big deal you're good to go on that let's go wait wait wait actually before we go that far let's get our our reward for our farmers stuff right claim the expedition reward what is this oh we know how to make a biodome all that stuff you learn all the recipe blueprints for making a farm there you go okay i'll take that dang it yeah look at all those blueprints yes nip buds leopard fruit crab apple regis grease i don't even know that is forage mushrooms all these foods seem to be uh not good not at least they don't sound tasty maybe they are they just don't sound good but you would think that if they tasted good they would also sound good as well oh yeah wait a minute what are we going we're not going to the space station we need to go to the space anomaly you guys go to the space anomaly because in order to find a black hole you need to talk to polo talk to polo and he will and you can ask him hey where's the nearest black hole he will mark it on your galaxy map for you which is easy i love that that makes it so much easier oh yeah we got nip nip buds we can sell that we can have leopard fruit a crab apple a forged mushroom yeah we have our alarm an animal byproduct a nutritious morsel can easily be farmed without a harm to an animal oh we so we farmed it from an animal that's kind of not good all right so let's talk to uh polo real quick to get a black hole location so hey polo i need to find a black hole man you want to help me out here you look surprised traveler friend now what's that ask about black hole coordinates there you go of course friend a whole galaxy for you just for you you must see it all there you go so now we know the location of a black hole now you they didn't say anything so you kind of say what happened i didn't i didn't hear anything let's actually get our exosuit upgrade real quick while we're here we'll do that boom and also while we're here let's get our our upgrade because one of it is one of our milestones is to visit a red star so we're going to have to get an upgrade for our hyperdrive to get to a red star anyway you need to get that thing so let's actually do that so right here in the hyperdrive tree you see we have a hyperdrive tree then we have some stuff underneath it we have the cadmium drive which allows you to get to a red system uh an emerald drive which will allow you to get to a green system and then an indium drive which will allow you to get to a blue system wait a minute we were getting emerald earlier weren't we oh no we were at an emerald air okay let's do that real quick let's get this stuff now the bad part is you have to buy it in the tree order so i can't just get the indium drive i have to buy the ones above it first so that was 80 120. that's 200 nanites right there and then 200 so you need 400 nanites in order to unlock this okay okay you know what i'll take that so we have all these i know we can get the emerald i know we can get the emerald because if you get the indium drive you don't need to you don't need any of the other drives because this one unlocks all systems so let's actually do that real quick let's actually do that real quick so oh no this is this might be dumb this might be a very dumb thing to do but we're gonna do it we're gonna head back to our our planet that we had our base on because i know that our base was put on a planet that has emerald on it has emerald on this planet so our first base that we made we have emerald there let's go to our base because also the other thing is uh i'm hoping i'm not positive on this i'm hoping that when polo marked it it's only when you go into space and open up your galaxy map so i'll be able to go into space right now when i open my galaxy map it will show me the location of a black hole wait a minute right there emerald deposit i knew we were we got it earlier i knew there was one look at that i farmed it a little bit when we were here let's go oh i can't wait look at this we're about to get an indium drive because i've totally look at it we skipped everything i'm so excited i'm flabbergasted i'm so excited you guys so we need to get some of this deposit let's climb up here remember if you're against a flat surface that's up and down a vertical surface it doesn't use any of your uh jetpack fuel so i would do that that helps you out a ton let's get over here here and boom let's get some emerald all right make sure it's a small one we we only need so much we don't need all of it we just need some of it so let's get some of this admiral man we are going to be ahead of the curve on this thing let's go let's go bob's mistress is gonna be pimped out never mind never mind never mind bad bad use of verbiage there mistress of bob is gonna be so stacked with okay never mind you know what she's gonna have the best upgrades ever that's all i want to say take it take it never mind she's not gonna be stacked or anything like that she's just gonna be upgraded like crazy all right let's see oh yeah we need to i don't know if we need 200 or 100 so i'm gonna go to 200 just to be sure i think we need 100 but we might need 200 emerald so just in case or maybe 250 i don't even know now i'm getting nervous now i need to get a whole bunch emerald how much do we have how much do we have we have 199 let's keep going just if we have any extras we can turn it into chromatic metal so it's not a big deal so not a big deal or we can sell it whatever you want to do with it really but the fact that we have emeril on our starting planet that is good that is so good all right we have 278 i think that should be good enough if not i might have to fast forward this because it's going to be a long walk back to get all that again all right mining beam so now that we're here we need to make a uh a hyperdrive upgrade let's install it right here we're gonna put our indium drive yes 250. jason you are so smart so we have the emerald boom we need the wiring loom which means we need to go to the space station and that's totally fine let's go to the space station real quick because we can buy that wiring loom pretty easy we still have money right oh god oh yeah we have 12 million we're good we are so set all right time to go to the space station get the wiring loom and then we're going to hit a black hole it's going to be awesome all right we're coming to the uh space station i was just looking in here we have a storage augment upgrade and we also have a multi-tool expansion slot i like both of those that's pretty good also is there a uh wait is there a way to get a hyperdrive upgrade in here number one let's see if we could do that and then we can upgrade our multi-tool as well so let's do that hey man you wanna you wanna give me a hyperdrive upgrade please we got a shield module oh hyperdrive upgrade yes beautiful and i'm feeling pretty good so let's get a shield upgrade as well for our for our mistress that way she's really really stacked ready to go there we go boom on that one and a shield upgrade yeah screw it we'll do that boom all right all right all right so now we have those things oh yeah we need to get uh we've already been here right oh we how do we not bite i've already been here how did i not buy the exosuit upgrade why didn't i do this maybe it glitched out i don't know i i could have sworn i got the upgrade here why okay maybe i'm gonna say that was glitched out okay we need to upgrade our multi-tool why did that glitch out oh no we need to upgrade our multi-tool first so we cannot upgrade the this space on that dang it um do you have a do you have anything good for me let's see uh blaze javelin module can't use that oh well that's good and what kind of tool do you have do you have an a class a class tool oh it's b it's a b we need an a1 that the milestone is for an a class not a b class but that's okay let's get this thing the mistress of survival bob we're gonna upgrade her let's get her going yep we're gonna apply an augmentation because we don't have enough money to buy anything else yeah let's do a tech that way we can move some more tech in here that way we're good all right we don't have the cash for that no pilots i like to buy from pilots but there's no one here so screw it let's go over here to this terminal we need five wiring looms let's do that uh wiring loom wiring there you are five of those uh let's buy some chromatic metal since we're here there's some uranium yes what else do we need what else do we need always use more oxygen always use more sodium ah i think we're good on life support shells and batteries though let me look let me check this out why is it why doesn't it always go to your go to exo the cargo cargo come on what are you trying to do to me here oh yeah i forgot we need to move stuff over there let's move our chromatic metal in here done done we can move our dihydrogen in here oh yeah look at that ion battery 200 support gel 200 we are maxed out get our our word and our nanites yes beautiful i hear anybody land oh i did look at these guys an a class good a b and an a let's get this a class right here because we can scrap this thing you get a whole bunch of oh yeah don't talk to the ship talk to the pilot a-class will give you a lot of good upgrades so if you can afford it i'm not going to trade anything oh you need 13 i only have 11. so i cannot afford it that's okay i wish i could i don't want to spend all my money on that though so screw it we're gonna leave it alone got our wiring loom there we go we have two of those upgrades oh we need that we need to move some of this stuff around now so let's put that in there that in there let's do our hyperdrive and ooh we're gonna put our there we go there we go pulse engine done done and where did that other one oh shield right there boom there we go so there we filled it out plus we have a nice square for our hyperdrive actually i don't know why but it feels better if you put the two together over there actually let's see it makes a difference so this is our hyperdrive that goes for a hyperdrive range if we move that around is 773 or if we put the s class down here seven eight seven so that's why you want to do it experiment with stuff make sure it's all good okay okay now we're good now i think that once we go into space and we use our galactic map it will actually pinpoint the nearest uh black hole so let's see give it to me come on there it is perfect that worked out way better i love that give me give me a cool black hole there it is hopefully it's at a red star that way we can knock them both out at the same time but you never know you never know all right let's go down here it's a yellow star we could go to this red star if we wanted to right next to it now let's go to the yellow star first let's go to the black hole first and then once we get to the other side we'll go to a red star now the other thing to keep in mind is when you go through a black hole it will break a random piece of technology in your ship and it can only break technology that is in your general inventory so what i mean by that is it will break a random piece of any of this tech these technologies except for it has to be in your general your technology cargo your technology tab is protected your general inventory is not so all these are possibly going to be broken or one of these i should say not all of them one of these randomly will be broken when we go through the black hole let me show you hopefully fingers crossed is nothing important but we're gonna slide we're gonna find out don't break my emerald drive don't break my emerald drive please or my uh my indium drive my indium drive because i need emerald for it hopefully you don't come on don't do it don't do it oh okay oh my god i guess we're gonna take out these uh these guys look at this look at that freighter again i'm probably not gonna be able to afford it indium drive critically dead of course you break my indium drive are you joking break the indium drive you guys are freaking kidding me this is a red one it looks pretty good too holy cow it looks like a big one that's what she said let's see oh this guy's coming after me okay coming after the mistress of bob that's fine get this guy's cargo there we go just to make sure oh out of range there we go just had to get a little bit closer that's fine one more guy left there you are got defeated event horizon entered a black hole i like how it waited till after the battle to uh warn us or give us that reward up let's go dude this looks like a really good freighter i'm gonna be mad if it's an s class i'll tell you that right now and i need emerald and wiring oh my god ah you're killing me with this wiring lumen emerald dang it all right all right all right killing me killing me with this thing let's see what it is it's a b-class 31 inventory general and eight technology way better than mine but it also is 90 million and no way i can afford this one that's okay all right i need a hundred twenty five emerald and three wiring low god killing me all right let's see will you give me some emerald for doing that oh no you give me all the portals okay all the portal glyphs got it we got all the portal glyphs now that's good right got that one good i should have moved this thing i should have moved the indium drive i should have moved it killing me indium drive killing me all right we can we have more room for another oh yeah uranium goes in here i mean multi-tool expansion slot maybe we'll put that over here navigational no no we need to keep this in our inventory because we can call our ship with that so yeah of course keep that in the inventory okay we're doing okay we're doing okay here there we go yeah it's kind of clean like kind of nice starting to get everything in here all right well guess where we gotta go we gotta go back home and get some more dang emerald we also have to get some uh wiring loom so i'm gonna get the wiring loom look at this freighter it is so freaking huge this is a good freighter this would be a good probably a good uh way to get an s-class freighter so one of the cord is here so if you're looking for a good s-class freighter and you have everything ready to go head over here though those uh portal glyphs bottom left-hand side of the screen there you go right there that should work for you we gotta get rid of all this stuff too yeah we i mean we could sell it or we could have it at the uh at the space anomaly we can go in there and have him try it out and give us that i'm gonna want to go through all that stuff it's pain in the butt so instead look at that hyperdrive is not being used up at all instead what we're gonna do is maybe they'll sell some emerald here we need to go back to our uh base simply because we need emerald and we're gonna need a uh we have emerald here no almost chlorine chlorine and phosphorus yeah i need to go back to the uh we'll get three of these bumps we'll go back to our uh base simply because we need to go back on track to get to the uh the next rendezvous right so we definitely we need to keep going we need our emerald let's go to base yes i know gotta go get our emerald so we can knock this out pretty easy we can go get the emerald fix our indium drive and then just go to a red star and that should be pretty much solid what else do we have to do i need to check our uh expedition tab see what else we need to do because i'm pretty sure we're pretty much golden on this get in here real quick all right we have the uh you have the wiring loom let's do that first and 125 125 emerald right over here let's go get some emerald so got the emerald now whoo there we go that's the yammer oh wait uh gotta get in here put the end them in there there we go so now we can pop that in there personally what's in here already oh nanites clusters there we go and we'll get our chromatic metal real quick there you go good to go on there all this stuff all right now it's time to discover a new system and visit a red star and we're done with phase two so maybe we can get both of those knocked out at the same time oh i should have did it dang it i'm going too quickly going way too quickly all right so if you ever want to find a new system the biggest tip i can give you is go to your galaxy map now in general up black hole i don't need any whole black hole i'm good i'm good i don't need it i mean i could use it later on technically a black hole will take you to a way far off distance so it'll be easier to find a uh a random system but but if you want to try most people if you press b on your controller or o if you're on playstation b if you're on xbox it unlocks your camera so you can go anywhere you want now most people because we're all human beings we're all normal we go left to right we'll go this way or that way so if you want to find a system that no one's ever been to you want to either go down or you want to go up and you want to go as far as you can it's going to take you a little bit to get there you know it's going to take you a little bit to find a system that no one's been to yet but you could totally find one let's go here red system right here 640 light years away so we'll get a red star a milestone but hopefully at the same time we're going to get our undiscovered system as well so let's see if we can do it now you just if you don't you can always just keep going down farther and farther and farther and that will order you if you want to go up go up farther and farther and farther first contact this is a first contact boom and it's a red car or a red system too discovered a brand new system got it and then you're gonna give me the red system right visit a red star system i'm in a red star system what i'm in a red star system right now how's this not over it's let me let me go into my galaxy map again this is a red star system right it is it literally is a red star system what the crap is going on here all right let's go to this red star system right here let's see no filter let's see life form no filter okay life form no filter this is a red star system let's go to this one do they force you to make a cadmium drive are you kidding please tell me i don't have to make a cadmium drive and then go there this is a red star system are you joking oh they're gonna make me do it aren't they let's do it let's see let's see let's make a uh cadmium drive we need three wiring looms so let's go to the space station oh there's no space station here dang all right all right all right let's go to the space station near the space station here and then we need to find uh we need to get wiring loom we have the uh chromatic metal but yeah so you have to buy you have to literally make the cadmium dry that's ridiculous they force you it's well we don't know yet we don't know yet officially we don't know i'm guessing that's what it is though yeah let's give us a uh a reddit arrow down because why uncharted map three star systems oh we also knocked out another one mapped three star systems we uncharted for three different star systems well let's collect our reward for this one first contact we learned the cadmium drive we already knew it but thank you you're gonna give me some cat are you gonna give me some wiring loom no okay and we learned that we got three warp hyper cores hyper core plans and cadmium drive oh we got that for free thank you so much for that i you know thank you so much i guess also we had another one right let's see oh it's in phase four collect reward for charting three uncharted systems let's do that up moonwalking moonwalking excuse me everybody a planetary chart unearthed treasure okay there we go we got some more okay okay well we got free ones so let's go to the cargo of course got it long lost ornaments what is this okay we i guess we can sell these for money cashola that's fine i could do i could i could deal with that let's sell that get it out of our inventory just to make room um yep 569 000 yeah 69 planetary charts we're going to save that for later because we're going to need to find some stuff anyway oh duh we need to buy the wiring loom idiot come on all right so now let's make our cadmium dry oh look at that explorer over there it's a c-class we're not worried about it if we get another exotic i will get another one all right warper core build this cadmium drive three and then 250 chromatic metal there you go boom visit a red star system we're going back to one of our the ones we just went to we're going back to one of the ones we just came from let's do it i'm so mad the ones we're just above us they have a name we've already visited them see so we've already been there if it counts now that means uh they want you they're forcing you to use a cadmium drive which is crazy which is crazy i already been here i've already been here let's see [Music] are you kidding you have to build a cadmium drive for it to count i was just here i was just here oh god i was just here ah and there's no space station here so let's go to a nearby expedition route let's go let's do this expedition route we need to go all the way back up here because we need to go to the next expedition i guess let's get god killing me killing me no no we need to find a system with a there we go right there boom if you don't see a race on a system that means there's probably not a space station because there's no race in there to actually make a space station you want a uh um a system that has a space station in it that way we can land oh i'm not doing this look at this bear just hitting me hard up with where's my uh i get it i get it i'm gonna let you guys go because i'm trying to get to the space station i would i didn't want you guys to be here all right let's uh let's accept our reward for the red skies supreme hyperdrive upgrade and an anomaly detector yes and we got cadmium there we go anomaly detector oh supreme hyperdrive upgrade dude our hyperdrive is gonna take up the whole top row let's actually move this over here we want this to be right there boom boom there you go all around there let's get rid of that there we go got a lot of cadmium i wonder if we're gonna need to make the other one the uh emerald drive and oh god i hope not i hope not all right so we got that oh yeah we need to accept our phase two reward as well we got our oh wait it's a b-class dagget it's a b i thought it was gonna be an a it has a lot of good stuff in it though we're gonna accept this one look at this little cool tool i'll take it it doesn't have any of my cool uh upgrades though oh it's gonna kill me i wish you could move and upgrade over to your new tool that way it wasn't so hard to go to the new tool oh well you know what i'll take it anyway because it does have an optical drill which gives you uh more materials when you mine and it has an advanced mining laser on it so it has those two really good things so yes and why wouldn't you take it why wouldn't you take it so yeah oh it it automatically changes it huh yep it does let's do it and get our upgrade so we're doing pretty good we're doing pretty good so in here almost got our general inventory maxed out i'm loving it so what do we got to do now we have phase two complete phase three we need to get to rendezvous number three collect ancient artifacts complete the fleet ex oh we need to make a fleet oh god this is going to be that's going to be bad acquire an a-class multi-tool adopt three companions visit a green star you're gonna make me make a uh emerald drive aren't you dang it find a deep space anomaly oh we could totally do that we could totally do that but first let's see do you have an a-class in here it's a c-class prayer of the sky dang it we're gonna have to well as we go to different systems we're gonna have land on the space station and we are going to be looking for an a-class multi-tool but that's gonna be the next episode so hopefully you guys enjoyed this one and i'll see you guys next time [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Jason Plays
Views: 14,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: no mans sky, no mans sky 2021, no man's sky update, no man's sky how to, nms, no man's sky 2021, no mans sky gameplay, no man's sky update 2021, nms update 2021, jason plays no mans sky, no mans sky origins, no mans sky update, no man's sky, no mans sky expeditions, no mans sky frontiers, no mans sky settlements, no mans sky emergence, no man's sky pioneer expedition, no man's sky uncharted system, no man's sky expedition, no man's sky finding uncharted systems
Id: jKW9Q5INKw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 41sec (1961 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 27 2021
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