Finding Abandoned Systems No Man's Sky Pioneer Expedition Redux 2021

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so now this is an abandoned space station and we got it look at that look at that lost in space got the reward and we're gonna get an atlas pass set there you go welcome back to no man's sky everyone jason here and this is our pioneer expedition redo our revisit our retry at the expedition so you can get your golden vector if you haven't done it yet now in the last episode we finished off a ton we did our whispering eggs we did our language we've done a ton of stuff but we're about to finish off our uh pl our freighter missions our fleet missions right here the other thing that people are asking me about is in phase five there is a milestone to discover an abandoned system to go out and get an abandoned system you know what we need to go do that so you know we're gonna do that one right off the bat just to make it a little easier so what you're gonna need for this is you're gonna need an economy scanner and you're going to need a combat scanner both of those blueprints can be found on the space anomaly so let's go to the space anomaly and i will show you how to get those uh materials those things because we need to scan systems for combat we also need to scan them for an economy we have to do that and we don't have those blueprints currently no we do not we do not have those blueprints at all i don't know if they're in a reward you probably don't get them as a reward but they are needed essential to find an abandoned system so let's go over here we're gonna go all the way to the back where the marketplace is because we need to buy those upgrades for our ship and they're gonna take some nanites i can't remember how much they cost they know they cost a good penny so it's not like gonna be like 10 nights or something like that i would bring at least a couple hundred nanites with you if you can i have 391 i hope that's enough i may get a little nervous now i don't even know if that's enough all righty so we got this let's go to research this our ship upgrades now we need to oh no we're not gonna have enough so we need to get our teleport receiver because it's in a tree to get to our conflict scanner which is the combat scanner and our economy scanner we need both of those oh man let's let's try 150 please be cheaper than that oh we need 150 on each 150 on each so if you have to you absolutely cannot be got get the uh conflict scanner get the economy scanner let's see let's see how much do i need i need another 50 or 60 man ice can i can what can i do to make it nice let's go to my discovery tab let's upload our discoveries there we go 117 woof if you need nanites as well because you're really really hard up for some nanites run over here to helios he will give you some nanites for your milestones and so let's go over talk to helios because he's awesome he's just say oh yeah i'm really old i don't get out there and adventure anymore but maybe you could share some info with me so give him some data you know the minerals today it'll be different every day he'll ask for animals or plants or whatever so he'll ask for information and that just got me 30 nanites that's not good that's not i mean that's good but not that good let's come over here to aries aries will also give you four year milestones for everything you've done let's see let's go to uh transmit milestone data let's see what i get and i just got oh my god 2 000 nanites so check with those both of those uh travelers i just got what is it like almost 2 200 nanites dude we are rolling the nanites now all right but if you absolutely cannot buy it like if it's really bad come back with more nanites later on because you need your conflict scanner and your economy scanner you need both of those to look for a abandoned system so now we need to install it into our computer or into our ship let's get down here and this is going to be kind of an ordeal you guys so this might be what we do the only thing we do in our uh play through today but you never know we might be able to squeeze in more because it depends on how long it takes us to find an abandoned system so let's go and as we're flying out we can install we we don't need we can't install a teleport receiver i'm not too i'm not too worried about it we need an economy scanner which is microprocessors and wiring loom and we need a uh conflict scanner which is walker brain and wiring loom now we do have walker brains from earlier remember when we attacked all the sentinels you get it from attacking the sentinels but we put it on our uh we put it on our freighter so we need to land on the freighter of course so we can get it from our freighter you see right here right here we have our walker brain right here there we go so let's install our conflict scanner because we could do that one really easy you just need one wiring loom one walker brain there we go and now we need to install our economy scanner microprocessors and one wiring loom we need five microprocessors let's get out of here maybe we'll get a pilot to come in and land because then if they come in and land we can buy stuff from them and maybe they'll have a microprocessor come on that door is open no there he is oh what the heck two of them came at once okay get on out hey buddy what are you doing gonna buy items from the life form and you don't have any microprocessors dang it's like a trading platform they don't have anything good what can i sell to you i can sell my geck relics let's get rid of those get rid of these we're just getting rid of them because i want to make room on my inventory i'm a stickler about making room in your inventory guys so don't even worry about it if you can't you can't but while we are here we have been putting our uh our frigates on missions to complete our freighter milestone so let's see if we've got anything back if we're good to go let's get up here are you good up it's green let's see debrief the commander we got one yes so we're getting all the stuff from them and the expedition yes we got nana or no we got credits excuse me got 100 000 in credits that's okay and our other one was a little bit longer so oh no it's back okay let's do it so we're gonna get our freighter milestone we're gonna get through phase three no problem on this one freighter inventory full day we need to make room in our inventory for our freighter and it's full oh we're gonna have a whole bunch of stuff come in okay okay so let's get some tritium i put this on our starship yes we're gonna move all our stuff in here to the starship there we go and we'll put our our fireworks up in the top left wait we don't need to sack venom in here what the heck is going on with that if you go in here we could sell that make some money dang it um we can sell the dirty bronze as well yes we don't need a walker brain or quad servo i like to keep them but we could sell it just to make money and make a make a little bit of room all right now let's accept it and debrief and we're gonna get all kinds of stuff we got our units right there we got our relative dark crystals we got more units down there and that's it oh he rocks times two more units activated indium yes we got a lot of stuff more units dang okay yeah they were definitely gonna drop us a lot of stuff and there you go complete three fleet missions we've done it we've done our mission so let's accept our reward real quick expedition go up to phase three collect that reward we got a cargo bulkhead times three that means we can increase our inventory on our freighter yes all right and then we can collect our phase three reward which is our golden geck helmet yes let's get that golden geck helmet beautiful so while we're here let's increase our uh let's increase this thing real quick let's um add additional storage which is the cargo bulkhead there we go boom boom and boom let's see what else we got going on here salvage fleet combat unit that's the technology for your freighter so let's pop that in there we're just doing this just to get rid of it i mean this is not gonna be my final uh freighter but i don't wanna you know i can always get some more later on you can always get these upgrades later on let's actually move these over here because that way they give each other a boost oh yeah we could sell all that stuff that's good we have some room in here up we need microprocessors but nobody's selling them here we have to go to a space station or you know you can buy it at a minor settlement as well or you can get the blueprint if you buy the blueprint you can totally make it your on your own but you know what if you don't have any other options go to the space station it's easy enough to buy them they're not that expensive that is especially at this point when we've made a lot of money so might as well go buy it anyway and then we have a uh our mission to make a teleport receiver i'm going to unpin that because i hate that there we go oh yeah and if you want to fix any of your freighters like if they go on a mission and they're damaged look at this find your uh your frigate excuse me your frigate find your frigate and just say oh there's a landing pad right here come on and welcome aboard captain i'm a pleased to report local treats got some secured favorable favorable deals got some units from it and this is where you would just explore on this uh frigate and you can fix it you can go fix it any damage here you can just say hey look there's some damage here let's fix this freighter or frigate boom nothing really so we're good there is no damage on any of our freighters as far or frigates as far as i know so we should be good but that is how you would fix it if they're damaged there you go boom we're doing a whole bunch of freighter stuff we're gonna be doing a whole bunch of abandoned uh system stuff this is good all right where's my uh there you are over here so we need to go to our space station and we need to make microprocessors we also need to sell this stuff yeah we're good we're good making tons of money we still have seven million and we have 2 000 nanites so we are definitely kicking butt look at all these guys in here [Music] land on the weird side of this because my exotic is weird hey you got microprocessors let me let me talk to you buddy let me talk to you give me some microprocessors man we're gonna buy we need five of the microprocessors done we also need to sell some stuff so let's sell our walker brain let's sell our quad servos we can always get them from attacking the sentinels again so don't worry about that sac venom dirty bronze i think that's it right i think that was it yep done and since i have a whole bunch of nanites let's see if i can buy more we can get another scanner do we have a scatter blaster upgrade do you have a scatter blaster upgrade for me let's see uh scanner and a blaze javelin nope no we don't want the blaze javelin we're good we are absolutely awesome on blaze javelins but we can get a shield module as well shield module here we go radiation i think we have i don't think we have toxic and i don't think we could do live support let's go live support all right so we have all our upgrades here scanner yes perfect shield module that goes in here because we have three on the technology we can only put it in our technology in our general and you can only get three at a time and our life support upgrade is that in here maybe nope overloaded overloaded so we're gonna take this blue one this a class out and put all of our s classes around there that way we have all of our s-class upgrades around our core technology right there boom and we have our a-class out here we're good all right go to our starship we can make it now so now now we have our conflict scanner and our economy scanner those are the two we needed so now we need to go out and look for an abandoned station now wait a minute let's go to our expedition we're going to discover an abandoned system so let's highlight that one because if it's highlighted it's easier to work on we can see that and again remember it has to be abandoned and no one else ever had to have found it so you can't go to another system that someone else already found if someone else has already found the system it will not count for you it has to be totally brand new so let's go to our galaxy map and now let's look around actually you know what we'll go to this press b on your controller or o if you're on playstation 4 or 5. and that unlocks your camera so you can go anywhere now we're going to remember what we were looking for earlier with uncharted systems is if you go left and right everyone's going to find those but you want to go up or down that's the secret go up or down so i'm going to go down and find an uncharted system so let's go here let's go let's look at this one for now so if you press uh y i think yep there you go y or triangle if you're on playstation you see how it gives you way more information we're looking for a system that has a race it has a an economy but it does not have conflict because if it has a race and an economy that means they've been there but if there's no conflict that means everyone left it's an abandoned system that's what we're looking for so let's look around and see if we can find that there you go oh there we go see there that's what we're looking for right there that was pretty quick so you see it has a it has a race the geck race it has an economy but it has no conflict data even though i have a conflict scanner that's why you need both now you always want to look for that one you don't want to look for one like this if it has no data at all that means no one has ever been there no race has ever been there and so it will not count it does not have anything in there but this one this this green star right here it had the geck race but they left they ran away so let's go see now the big question is am i gonna be the first one to find it or is someone else already found it that's the big question if someone else already found it it's not going to count let's check it discovered by papao so someone else already found this one and we'll give it a second to see but it's not going to pop that discover and abandon yes see milestone hasn't been achieved yet because someone found this one before me well we gotta do the same thing all over again so remember yeah see it says geck abandoned it's an abandoned system it even says it in the map so you know it's abandoned but someone else already found it that's why that happens someone else already found it so let's unlock our camera by pressing b or o if you're on playstation b if you're on xbox and let's go down here we're gonna go even farther even farther down the farther you go down or up depending on which direction you want to go the easier it's gonna be to find an uncharted system a system no one's been to yet no one is found let's look around here oh man this might this might take me a while guys so give me a second here we go guys i have a really good feeling about this one economy data unavailable and conflict data unavailable this one looks like a good one and i've gone i've actually traveled down to a different few different systems okay so i haven't just gone once i've actually traveled a good ways away from where i was to begin with i've kept going down and down i've gone about 3 000 light years down oh god is that are we in combat first contact yes so this should work come on let's see it lost in space discovered an abandoned system so not only did we come here and it was abandoned it was also my first contact which means i found it come on there we go so yeah it's a bit of a pain oh my god yeah it's a bit of a pain let's get let's get rid of these guys holy cow these guys are really coming at me this is probably a really good breeder too come on got that guy who else we got around here oh they're over here this looks like it could be an s-class oh god let's see this one looks like a cool one we're gonna land on it but yeah so that's the key things i know i keep repeating myself but it's really hard because they don't they don't tell you exactly what you need you need to find an abandoned system and you have to be the one who found it it can't be like if someone else already found it before you it doesn't count for you it has to be you you are the one who found that system and this is a c-class okay yeah this is not worth it at all not worth it at all holy cow let's go to the uh space station because that's the other cool thing about these abandoned systems they have a really really cool uh space station these space stations are actually what's what's shipped with the day one no man's sky so way back in the day when no man's sky first came out in 2016 this is what the space stations look like i mean they weren't red but they looked they had the same setup as this now that we've had a few updates and they've changed what space stations look like they've actually upgraded it like look you don't see any anybody on the sides at all it's very very very like lonely here so they kind of upgraded it they put more places to more shops and all that kind of stuff when they did that they put all the old space stations as abandoned ones so now this is an abandoned space station and we got it look at that look at that lost in space got the reward and we're gonna get an atlas pass set there you go we got the atlas pass set we know how to make all three of the atlas passes that is awesome heck yeah we got that one knocked out this is a little bit short of an episode but hopefully you guys like it full of information you need i'll see you guys next time [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Jason Plays
Views: 16,253
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: no mans sky, no mans sky 2021, no man's sky update, no man's sky how to, nms, no man's sky 2021, no mans sky gameplay, no man's sky update 2021, nms update 2021, jason plays no mans sky, no mans sky origins, no mans sky update, no man's sky, no mans sky expeditions, no mans sky frontiers, no mans sky settlements, no mans sky worms, no mans sky emergence, no man's sky abandoned system, no man's sky abandoned space station, no man's sky finding abandoned system
Id: cFX7xDj8qTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 14sec (1274 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 30 2021
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