Best Start in the Mass Effect Expedition | No Man's Sky Beachhead Expedition 2021

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and we'll go to first phase one look at that easy peasy we just got phase one done that quickly welcome back to no man's sky everyone jason here and this is the normandy playthrough of expedition number two so if you didn't know expedition 2 has just started today december 8th and it will go for two weeks so it'll end right before christmas you have two weeks to do this one let's jump into it now if you didn't know you need to start a fresh new expedition so you see the last expedition i just completed right here took about seven hours so that's a little bit of grinding but you cannot use this one you have to have a whole new game and then you go over here to your expedition tab over on the right hand side there you go we have two weeks to do this let's fire it up so yeah this is the one that will give you the normandy now it is not a ship you can fly around it is a frigate for your freighter so you can send it on missions to help you out for freighter missions it's very very cool there's other there's other rewards as well but the big one the one that everyone wants is the normandy okay so that's what we're here for that's what we're gonna do now this is only gonna last two weeks so they have adjusted it it'll take place on different planets in the original time and they've been adjusted because two weeks is a lot faster than it should be so they shorten it up a little bit to make up the difference for the two weeks let's get in here and see and if you haven't done an expedition in no man's sky basically they search you a brand new save your character everything is randomized so what you come with what it would you know the multi-tool you have the upgrades you have your uh inventory size everything is randomized yours is gonna be different than mine excuse me so yeah you might look different or you know your character will look different and your inventory will look different but we all have the same goal we all start on the same planet all right so let's jump in here and let's see what's going on here what kind of tool do we have it is oh it's a it's a rifle i like that so the first thing i'm going to tell you yep the beach head expedition there you go there's my character and then we're going to go into the pause menu because in the expedition play mode you actually have a new expedition tab right here and these are your missions these are what you're supposed to be doing to get your reward so if you complete phase one you'll get a reward base two phase three phase four and then phase five you'll get your reward but you don't know what phase five is gonna be until you get there so that's what kind of makes this one a little bit different all the other expeditions you can kind of do ahead of time like oh there's a milestone right here i could do we don't know what that is yet so it kind of changes the game a little bit so we need to deploy a nomad exocraft we need to locate our starship we need to leave the planet use a freighter to warp to a new system and reach rendezvous number one that seems pretty easy right so let's do that let's call in let's see if we can call it a uh a uh exocraft let's do that we cannot call them in at all can we make one so if you up on your d-pad you might be able to make a nomad geo bay we need metal plating so if we go into our inventory as you can see we already start out with a whole bunch of stuff we need just to get going right you know and then you know our multi-tool is broken our scanner is broken we need ferric dust let's get some rocks you're gonna need that for metal plating as well so get these uh oh we have a pure ferrite we don't need that we need regular ferrite dust there you go we're in the middle of a fire or an extreme storm a firestorm so we need to get this done as quick as possible now keep in mind you need 50 ferrite dust to make one metal plating and we're gonna need a couple metal platings so definitely get as much ferret dust as you possibly can and also keep in mind you know just relax this is a normal save and so if you die you'll just respawn you'll have to come back to your grave to pick up all your items but you don't don't worry about dying this early or if something happens you're okay you don't need to worry about that all right let's fix our scanner we have 75 uh dust for that so now we have a good scan i don't even know if we have let's see let's check it out after we get that boom you know our inventory we have 148 we have enough so let's make two metal plating there you go we're also gonna analyze this geode that'll give us more ferrite dust yeah perfect so now we can place down our nomad geo bay this will actually let us oh no we need five metal plating wow okay not two we need five so we need a whole bunch more uh ferrite dust in order to make our metal plating to get this done we need to get this done quick all right let's do this three four oh we need a little bit more a whole bunch of ferrite dust you guys so keep that in mind need to make a whole bunch of ferrite dust in order to make that metal plating all right so now we can make another one boom there you go so now we can place it and the best part is once you've placed it you don't need to place it again so you can delete it so let's go into our edit and we're gonna get rid of this boom you'll get all your materials back but look at this we have our nomad exocraft so if you need that material just make it real quick and then get in delete it and that way it gives you back all of your materials you might need that later on so definitely do that and now we need to get to our spaceship which is over there our starship is three minutes away and actually while we're here let's look at our starship we are going to need on the way we need a hermetic seal which is condensed carbon we have our metal plating for that we also need pure ferrite and dihydrogen jelly you guys so the first thing is number one pause hit your pause menu go to your expedition tab and collect your rewards every time you complete a milestone they give you rewards for doing that let's do that real quick so we got a exocraft engine upgrade we got an exocraft boost upgrade and condensed carbon times 500 so we got the condensed carbon we're going to need let's actually install these exocraft upgrades real quick that's an engine one this is a booster so you put your boost next to each other you put your like items near each other so engine upgrade engine upgrade and you see how it's really really dark but you see that outline box around it for a long time i didn't think there was an upgrade you know a bonus to putting your technology together there is it's just a really weird color i wish it was a brighter color but they don't have it so it's okay it's not a brighter color it is what it is so what we need to do is we need to get some uh very well we don't need ferric dust we don't need uh uh condensed carbon we got a whole bunch of that we are gonna need some dihydrogen crystals so because we're gonna need to make some dihydrogen jelly let's get out of here dihydrogen crystals are these blue ones right here let's grab all this oh yeah and remember you need 50 dihydrogen crystals in order to make one dihydrogen jelly so keep that in mind just get as much as you can and if you don't know where any is click in your left thumbstick you'll do a scan and you're looking for a blue it'll say d e i think maybe there's not any around here oh man nothing around here that's okay we don't need any more we probably do but there it is so there's some more right over here they're gonna be all over the place and so all you have to do is pick up as much as you can or maybe it's di let's see if i actually scan let's see what it comes up as it comes up as h okay it's an h color or h letter with a blue box around it that's what you're looking for so just do a scan and it'll tell you there should be some like every 20 feet you're going to run into a little pile it's going to be randomized so you might get a small pile you might get a big pile either way you need to get as much of that crystal as you can oh yeah see there's some up there let's get that under here big crystal that means you're gonna get a lot out of it yeah all right now we are heading towards our ship right over here our starship get some more get some more because you can also use this as launch fuel oh gotta recharge our mining beam carbon yes get all these crystals now you can always turn you can always turn it into dihydrogen jelly but i like having some on hand just because you never know when you're gonna need regular dihydrogen oh yeah and by the way scan these animals skin everything you can because you get money for it so why not scan this stuff scan these plants you're gonna get some money now as you upgrade your scanner it'll make you more and more money right now we have a really a bare-bones scanner so it doesn't give us very much money that's fine seven minutes how's that okay we're going to need to get our uh rx craft so if you press down on your d-pad go all the way over to this cool like uh portal thing go over here to your summon xo craft and we have our nomad right here boom let's get in here let's see how far it's gonna take itself it's only about two minutes if we're in there so yeah use your nomad if you can the problem is we can't use our laser to get anything while we're in our nomad you can buy a laser and put it in like i wonder can we install one oh we can so if we had chromatic metal magnetized ferret and life support gel we could make one we don't have any of that material yet because it was brand new we just started so we're not going to be able to make that early or easily you could totally farm it if you want to i don't really want to i'm just going to get to my ship and get out of here so we're going to need some pure ferrite as well thankfully we have an upgraded advanced mining laser on our on our multi-tool so we'll be able to get that new problem speaking of that actually we need to get some pure ferrite so get this thing right here boom now because it's a more advanced mineral it takes a little bit longer to get it going so you know it's gonna take a little longer that's okay but we're getting the more condensed version of ferrite dust which is pure ferrite give you that there we go beautiful oh we're gonna get some oxygen out of that i like that the oxygen is very useful for making like a life support gel or anything like that so let's get some more of these all right we're getting some crystals so like yo in your inventory i got seven crystals so what a crystal is it's a random drop from an item from crystals you know that you are mining so if you scan if you do that it'll give you a whole bunch of dihydrogen sometimes it'll even give you um deuterium which is a more advanced version of dihydrogen but you know it's a random event you know you don't know for sure if you're gonna get it or not let's just keep going holy cow it doesn't feel like we're going that much faster in this uh in the nomad it feels like we're not going as fast but i guess we are technically going faster doesn't feel like it though 45 seconds let's go so yeah we're just basically trying to get a whole bunch of materials early that way we don't have to worry about uh actually speaking of that let's go to our starship everything else we don't have a uh warp drive oh no we don't have a hyperdrive we're gonna have to actually install that so once we get there we're gonna have to go to the space station and buy some materials to hopefully make a uh a hyperdrive let's learn some words here while we're doing it you never know what you're going to need later on so collect materials except now you know do all this kind of stuff while you can speaking of that our exocraft has our condensed carbon in it we're going to take that because we're gonna need this later on anyway so let's do that boost let's plug some of this we can sell this for money so we're gonna need to get some money anyway so doom doom locate my starship there it is it's a terrible looking hauler i love haulers i don't like haulers that don't have those big old wings on it though this is an okay hauler all right so we got our milestone completed let's accept the reward for that there's mini rewards and then you get your overall reward for the phase so let's do that we get our inventory slot times one life support gel and starship launch fuel yes we'll take that so what i always try to do is your inventory slot that's free as an up as a reward use it on your cargo because this is the most expensive inventory to get if you try to buy it this is gonna be the mo one that costs the most or you can put it in your technology one of the two you can put it in your general but to me that's a waste because you could just buy these really cheap let's go with our technology for me anyway i'm gonna go into our ship and it's gonna say hey your ship is broken you're gonna need some pure ferrite anti-hydrogen jelly to fix that one so let's do that real quick we need to make some uh hermetic seal which is 30 condensed carbon well we got that as a reward so we're good let's also make a uh dihydrogen jelly so we're good yep we're good on both because we were collecting materials as we went we have our dihydrogen jelly and our pure ferrite because we got that early and then our pulse engine we can fix that as well we have our hermetic seal and one metal plating because we destroyed our exocraft summoning station there so let's actually let's use this waypoint now it might not be a waypoint for you it could be well i'm using it because it'll tell you the location of a minor settlement we can use that to buy uh upgrades or blueprints or materials to upgrade our stuff so now that we know where it is let's go up into update in the space and we can go really quick and find it i don't like first person i like my third person thank you third person camera always even if it is a hauler that is ugly all right so our minor settlement is over here two days oh my god we don't want to take that long i don't have enough recording time for that now we have liftoff we left the planet there you go see this is really easy basic stuff they want you to get like the feel for it so for a brand new player expedition is a very good thing to start off with at least this one is let's collect our reward we get our storage augmentations and 300 nanites that's pretty good we could buy an upgrade with that all right so we have a minor settlement wait a minute summon your freighter from the quick menu we have a freighter already we already have a freighter so while we're in space you have to get away from a planet because if you're too close to a planet your freighter is too big to get in there press down on your d-pad go over to this freighter icon summon it this is my freighter look at that oh this is bob's freighter look at this thing it's orange this is made for survival bob what is going on hello game shawn murray you're just giving me all the uh the survival bob stuff holy cow that's okay do we already claim it we did we need to use our freighter to warp to a new system so what we're gonna have to do is we need to get inside here where is our what is our freighter our freighter is a c-class we're gonna have to upgrade that or trade it for another one it's gonna be really expensive though freighters cost hundreds of millions of uh dollars so keep that in mind you're gonna have to save a lot of money if you wanna buy a brand new freighter even when you're trading in your old one you're not gonna get very much for it especially this one this is a very low level freighter so it's not worth very much so let's get in here and we can talk to wait let's see what our upgrades are do we have any good upgrades oh we don't we have one all right let's see what our freighter does it have anything good it does it is a warp computer got it we're gonna put that in here and our hyperdrive there we go put that in there that way they're both together in the technology we also need to refuel it but thankfully we have warp cells in our inventory we got when we load it up let's go to our freighter let's drop him in there and that gives us three quarters of a tank so you get three quarters it takes five to fully fill up your hyperdrive we only had three so we have three quarters of a tank well three fifths of a tank if you want to be re you know actually legitimately real so what we need to do is we need to hit our d-pad left and right we need to find our expedition route that's usually a green line we need to follow this green line because we need to get to our first rendezvous now our hyperdrive because it's not upgraded yet it's very limited you can only go so far so we can only go 151 light years that's as far as we can go that's what we need to do but that's okay that is totally okay because eventually we can upgrade it to the point where it can coming okay we're going crazy here we could we could go farther and farther or you can upgrade your your ship a hyperdrive if you want to let's keep going over here this one and we're almost to the first rendezvous i love it now along the way you can stop and go visit the space stations and upgrade your inventory you can also you can get like upgrades for your suit like your shields and stuff like that you could totally do that i'm just trying to do it quickly that's why i'm kind of rushing this we should have one more jump in it we're using up fuel but we should have one more jump there we go beautiful we made it we had just enough fuel to get us to the first rendezvous which is awesome awesome awesome so once we land here we'll be able to go and find the rendezvous so now that we've done that well number one now we've we've done our milestone of engaging your warp warp to a capital ship to another system awesome let's go into our menu and accept our reward which is going to be a war piper gore plan war piper core times five and silver tritium and salvage frigid mod figure modules yes i'll take all of that we learned how to make a warp hyper core which is a storm crystal anti-matter these are really important because one of these war piper cores will totally fill up your hyperdrive 100 with a regular warp hyper with a regular warp cell you take five of them to refill this one only takes one so this is definitely a good blueprint you want to keep also let's use our upgrade since we're here we're gonna purchase upgrades because we have our frigate modules we have five of them now as you can see from the top left-hand corner let's use this so boom we now we know how to make frigate fuel got that and we can bit by a warp core a resonator or you really want that matter beam i'm gonna save my salvage frigate modules to get the matter beam we need five i technically only have four right now because this is what lets you teleport items to and from your freighter without having to land on it because right now you have to land on your freighter in order to put anything in there speaking of that let's go to our exosuit we can move some stuff over like for instance oh it's already in the freighter no it's not where's my uh there it is it's in my cargo we could take this and put it in our freighter because we can't use it for anything else other than our freighter anyway we have a whole bunch of this stuff man we need to i like putting my silver and gold my metals in my ship the launch fuel needs to be in the ship too i don't know why they would have it here let's put all this stuff over here i know i'm weird i have my special places i put everything but i have to have it organized or else i go crazy warp hyper core can go into our ship because that's a hyperdrive fuel i think that's it right yeah that looks like it's about it all right perfect so now we need to highlight number one make sure you have missions highlighted that you want to do so for instance is that one i highlighted my uh oh look at this baller dang it i want that baller hauler but i i highlight the mission i want to do because it'll mark all the way points to go there so now that we've marked the first rendezvous it should come up on our uh there it is the yellow icon right there so there is is where generally where the first rendezvous is going to be let's warp on over there we'll pulse drive on over there and we have some stuff here we can put some of the stuff in our uh let's put some of these uh technologies in our technology tab that way you can get them out of the way photon cannon in there i don't like the rocket launcher so i'm gonna get rid of it simply because you get copper and you get condensed carbon for that which is you know two things you really want so i'm gonna keep those we're gonna land here and we are going to find the first rendezvous so this is going pretty quickly you guys now if i remember right the second expedition was really fast like that first expedition it took us about seven hours this one should take us about two or three hours to do so about half the time so keep that in mind don't get lazy don't think that you can just cram this in in one day because you never know it could take you a little bit longer it depends on how easy and how much you're paying attention like me i could screw it up and it might take me a lot longer but in general this one's going gonna take you less time than that first expedition did um i guess we're gonna right here this is as close as i can get let's see up 1200 okay we need to go over that direction remember your sweeper is going to kind of uh show you the way but not really kind of so we know it's in this direction so let's go what is that it's like a little eyeball ball okay hot noise oh wait a minute discover creature on a frozen planet there you go see we're getting ahead of ourselves now this is a milestone later on but if you go to your expedition guide it'll tell you oh it's in phase three it's his new reward right there so we did that they want you to find a creature on different worlds visit a desert world find a creature on a scorch story so you're gonna need that later on anyway so thankfully we got that knocked out early we got a supreme scanning upgrade biological sample powerful underwater upgrade there you go so yeah we are kicking butt already so what we can do is we can install those so i have my scanner module that is for your multi-tool so you can actually what the scanner module does is it increases the money you make by scanning different animals and plants and stuff so you definitely want that we know we're gonna move some of this stuff around because it needs to be closer together there we go pull spitter i don't like that we're probably gonna get rid of that and use our uh our positron ejector no no our scatter blaster positron ejector is for your your big ship so we know it's over here in this direction oh yeah we we also got a uh what is it called where's my other upgrade up underwater protection module we're gonna put that in our technology because screw it uh we have our jet pack oh we need to definitely put some of this stuff together all right hazard protection we're gonna put that in here and put that in there jetpack upgrades we have we should put all these together so boom dude yeah this is my inventory is driving me crazy because it's all it has so many gaps there's so many different holes in it it drives me crazy that's all right we will fix that later on don't you worry about that we're getting close to the rendezvous i'm assuming this communication station is a marker for that well let's scan this animal real quick and let's see how much money we make for it we were getting like two or three thousand now we're getting 49 000 so definitely it's worth it to get those scanner upgrades you guys just totally worth it and also plants will give you more as well that's a rock that's a rock where's my plant go right there plant will give you more the only thing that doesn't give you more money is rocks rocks will always be 200 whenever you scan them now there is a reason to scan them they will give you more more materials if you scan them potentially but other you don't get paid more money for your scanning though so that kind of sucks hopefully they add that in that would be i want a bonus for scanning my freaking minerals my rocks so let's see we're about to get to the uh first rendezvous which is easy peasy right here it is a portal by the way rendezvous number one reach the first rendezvous i happy to have you here traveler yes first rendezvous is done let's go to our expedition tab and we'll go to first phase one look at that easy peasy we just got phase one done that quickly totally got that done we're gonna do our technology upgrade there you go so we got a whole bunch of stuff for that we got multi-tool upgrade storage upgrade yes we got a thousand nanites for doing that yes we are got a whole bunch of good stuff for that and we also get our reward right down here which is even more inventory slots atlas firework pack and a freighter recoloring options that's what you get for completing phase one oh man atlas fireworks yes let's do that one two and three got our atlas fireworks in here i love it so what we can do is let's pop down some of those fireworks let's pop down the red one we're gonna pop that on the red one look at that atlas firework yes that's what they look like and then you just fire up and you have different colors that's the red one but you could do the gold and the blue one as well so yes very very cool i love it let me call it my ship because i'm too lazy to walk back to it awesome awesome that's phase one done hopefully you guys like the episode i will be uploading all the different phases to kind of walk you through to get through all of it hopefully you guys will join me for that and i'll see you guys next time [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Jason Plays
Views: 13,330
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: no mans sky, no mans sky 2021, no man's sky update, no man's sky how to, nms, no man's sky 2021, no mans sky gameplay, no man's sky update 2021, nms update 2021, jason plays no mans sky, no mans sky origins, no mans sky update, no man's sky, no mans sky expeditions, no mans sky frontiers, no man's sky mass effect ship, no man's sky mass effect expedition, no man's sky normandy ship, no man's sky mass effect missions, no man's sky best start mass effect expedition
Id: JgA_0WfUOf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 45sec (1785 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 09 2021
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