Farming Nanites | No Man's Sky Pioneer Expedition Redux 2021

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boom 558 tainted metal we're gonna get over a thousand nanites for that holy cow do that that is the best way to get nanites the best way to farm nanites to me welcome back to no man's sky everyone jason here and this is our pioneer expedition redo or revisit or whatever you want to call it we are going through the pioneer expedition again to get our golden vector so in the last episode we went to phase five and we discovered an abandoned system because that is a really hard one to get showed you guys how to do it if you missed that one link up top and down below in the description that way you can go back and see that but general thing is go find an abandoned system but it has to be an abandoned system that no one else has found so if i go find an abandoned system i can't tell you about it because i've already found it i've already been there it will not count for you it has to be one that you find on your own you're the first person to have ever been to that system so keep that in mind anyway we've got a lot of these done but we still have one in uh oh no no phase four we have to explore a derelict freighter and the hard one earn explorers guild standing so let's actually go through and do that one that's another hard one to do so keep in mind you have to actually do missions for that we're at an abandoned uh space station that's not gonna help us we need to go back to a normal space station because we need to get a uh we need to get a few missions from the uh mission giver there so where's my teleporter at will not have a teleporter is it on the other side now it's probably on the other side dang it i always forget these old school space stations teleporter is on the other side not on the side that it usually is on a normal space station dang it all right teleporters over here it should be working should be fine there it is so let's go to a uh a station we we've been to but we haven't been to in a while so space stations keep in mind these are an order of when you've been to them so this number one slot is the last one you went to then it's the second last third last fourth last fifth last it will keep going so by that logic the one at the end this one all the way at the bottom of the list that is the one that we haven't been to like in a long long time this could be the first system you started out in it depends on when you if you went back and forth or whatever this is the system we have not visited the longest so let's go back to that system and let's go see if they have some good missions for us hopefully they do and we're looking for explorer guild missions are you gonna when you go to the mission agent they will have a ton of missions depending on which race is in the system it could have a viking or a gek mission they will have like uh you know go get some pirates things like that general missions you know like just hey go get this thing or whatever we need to get one specifically for the explorers guild like this one has a one for merchants guild okay but then all the rest of them are viking missions which we don't need we don't need any of these things we don't need a merchant and they all are viking so that's not going to help us out at all so let's go to our next one and if you notice what i'm going to try to do is i'm going to go to space station tab right here and you see this is the previous system we were at see notice how the most recent one we're at is at the top of the list go all the way down to the bottom and this is gonna be the next one in line let's see if there's anything good here we made it we made it let's go check this one out it's a geck system you can see from the agent it'll always be the the thing in there oh my god they're all geck oh you're killing me with this you're killing me with this about you guild envoy um for some reason they also transmit a detailed record of every plant they've ever discovered the guild here is flourishing all members are being offered gifts okay okay i got some batteries from them but yeah that's not helping me with my missions this might take a while let's go see if we can find one okay guys i think that there might be some kind of a weird glitch going on because i still keep running into like every system i've been to a few now every system has had all these ones being the race of the system like this in this case it's a corvax system and then you get one at the bottom but it's either too high of a level like i've run into some explorer guild missions but they just aren't there they're like a level nine and i'm like i'm not even a level nine yet i don't have any levels because i haven't done any so what i'm going to do is i'm actually going to pick a couple of these and i'm going to do them because once you complete a mission it will refill it or restock the missions with another one so if you complete it maybe it'll give me one so let me check we're gonna do two we're gonna kill 13 animals and deliver the item so let's go into our pause menu remember go to your log and highlight the one you want to do so this is my mission list right here we have the uh parcel of fences let's do that one proceed to the target location and drop off the item but to kill 13 animals as well but i'm gonna try to knock out both of those that way you know kind of helps out makes more room let's see if that works kind of uh nervous cold creatures why does it keep moving it down okay now we're doing that uh consult the galaxy map okay we have to go to a different system for this mission oh god okay oh it's not that far it's just down south a little bit okay right here let's go to this one we have to drop off the package in this system oh man this is more of a pain in the butt than last time i remember with the first time we did this uh milestone you were able to jump from uh space station to space station and just collect a whole bunch of the missions and do them now i can't even find a mission to do let alone jump from space station to space station to get multiples of them i can't even find one so they probably they you know hello games figured it out and they're like oh wait we're gonna make this actually difficult this is gonna be a pain in the butt for you that's okay though so once we get down here we're gonna kill some animals i don't want to do it i mean we could we could go find a abandoned uh abandoned uh what's it called building but i'm too lazy for that oh we're just gonna land right on top of the walkway okay i thought it was just gonna put me on the landing pad but i guess not all right fine whatever let me deliver this thing hand over the five dimensional torus yes done now we need to go get some animals there should be animals pretty apparent right no maybe not possibly let's go wander off a little bit maybe they're not appearing right now and again sometimes you gotta let it's procedurally generated so sometimes you gotta let it load in that way he knows oh yeah their animals are supposed to be here and boom there you go so give it a minute there they are there they are oh space crabs i'm sorry let's actually switch over to our uh i don't want to make this slow and painful i want it to be quick and painless so let's do it hey buddy sorry i gotta do this it's not my fault they told me i had to all right we did the dirty deed we got it call the creatures we did that mission god i hate it i hate it i hate it all right hate myself hate myself but it's done what's done is done so now we can go back to do and the best part is you don't have to go back to the original uh system to turn in your mission you could go to any space station and turn it in oh yeah i forgot my my my ship is over here yeah i forgot about that i was too busy being a murderer all right let's go back to the space station because now we can go and turn in those two missions and hopefully get some new ones get back in here and actually technically this is a new system we haven't been to so this one might actually have some actual like awesome missions for me oh defense i need to get rid of this stuff get rid of the bad evidence uh you get a lot of money for that seventy thousand all right uh yeah it's kind of terrible kind of terrible we don't wanna we don't wanna do that [Music] all right so we go to the mission agent now yeah i haven't been to the system it's a brand new system so maybe they have no more missions hmm let's check it uh corvettes all across the board great hey why can't i turn stuff in come on uh hand in missions yes oh it doesn't stop at one after the other okay nice okay usually it would stop after each one but it let me turn in multiples i like that all right these are all corvax still god so let's go back to the original one i can't remember the name of it or else i would have been there [Laughter] i mean i could go to my previous one i'm just dumb you know i'm just um got it we know it's already right above us so right here that's the one this is really really difficult you guys i can't believe how hard it is to get a freaking mission to just accept and go do it it's insane it's insane all right let's turn let's go in here let's check it we did those two missions so they should reset i hope i oh we should get rid of this stuff yeah holographic analyzer for 75 000 yeah we could get rid of some of this good stuff i know so in theory this should have new missions in it and hopefully one of them is an explorer mission and are you kidding me why what is going on here that's all corvex dude okay you really you got to get lucky and search for a million years before you get to it i mean is it it's like literally the next thing i have to do right yeah why why is it so difficult it's killing me literally killing me all right you know what we gotta do something so we're gonna do the freaking we're gonna do the derelict freighter because god and i'm gonna keep looking around to get more explorer guild missions but as far as i know the only way to do it is from the mission agent and that guy's not giving me none of them are i've went to like 10 different systems and they're all just the same i wonder what the heck that's about all right so in order to call in a derelict freighter we have to activate our emergency broadcast receiver and then you got a pulse drive let's do it come on show up for me show up there it is so now we can go land on the derelict freighter and we have to complete one so i'm assuming you don't have to like finish it 100 all the rooms but you have to get down to the bottom to the final uh computer so let's go on and do that and you'll see when i get in there you'll see there's three different components you have a crew manifest a captain's computer and then you have the final uh computer room for the uh freighter so i have my oh yeah i got my eye on my scatter blaster this thing is going to be tearing stuff up so we'll be able to knock this out hopefully pretty easy turn on this um heater that way i'm not using my uh my cold protection let's do it i know we the uh the freighter is abandoned we don't know what's going on let's restart the internal gravity and freedom of movement reduced and environmental protections are offline let's restart it and it's not going to happen unable to restore primary heat controls yep it's gonna be cold in there let's unseal the door and you can't take the emergency or you can just go over here you can claim the supplies out of there and they'll give you some supplies you're gonna need you know some repair kits some ferrite dust you know all the good stuff all the good stuff is that all organized it is okay and we got a lot of room in our inventory so we have a lot of space to collect items let's do it now your uh your freighter might be a little bit different than mine they're gonna they're procedurally generated for each system but if you don't leave a system like if i keep if i go to another derelict crater in the same system it'll be the exact same setup so they're they're individual to the system itself but they're not individual to every single time always go through these uh little ipads because they might give you the uh security clearance you need that one did not give it to me but yeah so once you've seen the derelict freighter in one sys in one system it'll always be that same one for that system come on all right and we can do a scan and it'll turn all these uh cargo boxes purple let's let's open this door oh this is going to be a single room so you see at the bottom right hand corner of the screen it says i found two out of ten rooms you don't need to get all 10 rooms it's totally fine if you skip a couple or one or two or whatever what you need to do is find the crew manifest you see that down there captain's log and the engineering unit you need to find all three of those to finish off a derelict freighter so let's do that so so you might not find all the rooms that's fine you just need to find the core more most important ones here we go we have a teleporter right here and then we have this is the crew records this will tell you what happened to the crew like how many people they have here things like that the crew manifest let's say access it and it'll kind of tell you what's going on who everyone was their first names and how many people there were things like that so you update the bioscan so we can see if there anybody here and it's gonna say no there's nobody left everyone's gone no detected biological trace matches crew records so it's just me and that's it all the original crew is gone or they're mutated i know i know let's leave we got the crew manifest so we got that these jellyfish up there's an ipad over there and you can always check all these cool uh boxes because they will give you some good stuff come on give it to me there we go scavenge took a second watch out for these shacks oh no alien but they're like they attack you so you can stick around if you want to i'm just going to run out because i'm a baby let's go through these uh ipads remember check them all until you get your security clearance after you get your security clearance you're good to go you don't need to check them all there you go security credentials right there so i don't need to check anymore if i don't want to i totally can let's go run run run so i can't pick this one up if i want to know the story but i'm a big chicken so i'm not going to and you can check all the crew like all the cargo boxes if you want to keep going keep going there we go gotta make sure you have the protection going or you have some batteries gotta have a ton of batteries oh here's the second computer we need to get to this teleporter right here will uh will save us let's go through the teleporter this will take us all the way back up to the top this is the entrance but we don't need to stay here because let's go back through it it'll go down to crew quarters a2 and if we go back to the third one boom central laboratory where the security computer is is secure mainframe that's why it's orange so let's use our credentials because we have our security clearance let's use that to get open on this one let's say they're incapacitated captain is incapacitated now i have to use my security credentials to say hey we're overriding some stuff i'm logging in as lieutenant elijah's there we go read the captain's log we can take the captain's log as well we will collect this one and we can always turn it in at the space station in order to get some scrap metal or you can turn it in for some uh cred with the uh systems race so if it's the viking system and you turn in the captain's log at the mission envoy they will give you some credit they will increase your standing let's go in here run run run this is not where i wanted to go because there's nothing in here great seven out of ten that's fine i go through this door over here no i already came through this door right yes i did so is there another door on the other side you gotta check it like that one over there and i like to use these heating units as like a marker because if i turn on the heating unit i know i've been there and so i know i don't have to go back in there because i've already been there i have the heating unit on all righty going good go in here and we've reached it we've reached the uh cargo computer right here again you can check all these cool boxes and get a whole bunch of scavenge scavenged material like tainted metal and money nip nip buds all that kind of stuff it'll be randomized items that you can get out of all those boxes so you can totally stop and grab it it's gonna take you a little bit of time i'm rushing through i'm really just going through really quickly because i've kind of irritated that i can't get my freaking explorer guild missions let's get our engineering control there we go and this is where you get your your reward for exploring the entire derelict freighter so you can get a technology upgrade for your freighter if you want to get a tech upgrade you can totally get that you can fabricate a freighter bulkhead which will increase your inventory on your freighter and or you could just get nanites if you said hey look i don't need any of those i just want some nanites you could totally do that as well i'm going to get a freighter bulkhead i want to increase my freighter storage that way i can put more stuff on there so there you go bulkhead expansion right there you ready that jelly there we go cleansed by fire as soon as you get done with this one you're good so let's accept let's see what we got going on here let's accept this one derelict freighter construction plans oh yeah we're gonna get a cargo bulkhead so we can get more inventory in our freighter salvage frigate modules and horrific flesh helmet yeah there we go we got some more blueprints to make that that's a base part we can make this at our base now so very cool go through that teleporter to get out of there and let's head on out so now we have that done we can go back to the space station and turn in the crew manifest and the captain's log that way we could actually uh get some payment for it and i would highly recommend as always don't you know you can get your standing increased if you want to but i would always recommend getting your tainted metal let's see right over here space station yeah i would say get tainted metal let me show you why so if you go into your portable refiner any refiner you can put this in there we go oh wait it stopped me from doing it let's get over here into the space station all right so if you go into your portable refiner and you put in your tainted metal you'll see a big one tainted metal gives you two nanites so i just have 108 tainted metal that'll give me 216 nanites which is a lot it is the best resource to get nanites from the best and so if you do a lot of derelict freighters like i didn't even check all the boxes if you go through and you actually search all the cargo boxes you can get a good like four or five hundred tainted metal out of there and then when you talk to the scrap dealer they wanna know you know they'll sell you the crew manifest or you could sell them the crew manifest and i just got another 180 just for the crew manifest talk to him again and captain's log boom he'll give me another 180. so no yeah well actually more than that because now i have 100 or 450 tainted metal so let me show look at look at this no no i got 500 so let's add some more boom 558 tainted metal we're gonna get over a thousand nanites for that holy cow do that that is the best way to get nanites the best way to farm nanites to me is to just refine tainted metal and get a whole bunch of look at a thousand eleven hundred nanites eleven hundred nanites for that so so good amazing amazing stuff i love it so we did that oh god let's go to phase five i guess let's go to rendezvous number five you know what you know the systems i've been to just their junk for trying to find any any kind of guild mission for the uh explorers guild so you know what that's what we're gonna do let's go to rendezvous number five let's do that while we're refining our uh our awesome uh nanites and it's still refining we're still good so let's go to uh galaxy map and it should give us a trail that leads over to number five so you press b to unlock it or oh if you're on a playstation so we're going that direction right yeah it looks like it so let's hit here this is the end of the trail for now 400 light years man you think they'd give you more than that but hey you know what it's okay it is what it is but yeah so hopefully we get to a point where maybe they'll give us better explorer guild missions i don't know it just seems kind of like frustrating that all the systems i've been to have been really bad for giving you missions let's see do you have explorer guild missions let's check this one out before we go to the next rendezvous anyway come on give me explore guild missions and while we're doing that let's go back into our uh refiner yep we're good and i i don't trust it because we've had so many issues with the items disappearing in your refiner that i just go nah every once in a while i'll randomly pull it that way it's at least not you know gone and actually we need to salvage it cargo yes all right let's get out oh no it's a bit i want to do my inventory increase you know pretty soon but i want to check these missions got any explorer guild missions for me come on something low enough that i can do that possible for me to do corvax all corvax and then mercenaries guild so nothing nothing i need killing me really killing me all right let's go get our inventory increase while we're here god all right we can sell some items from our inventory yeah yeah okay we have our technology increased already so boom general inventory okay get any good upgrades for me anything good bolt caster mighty b module i'll take that all right i'll take the mining beam module always take mining beam and scanner modules you can always use those to make more stuff more either materials or more money for scanning stuff defense yeah let's get rid of that high capacity vector compressor yeah let's get rid of that uh the leg meat yeah let's get rid of that meaty chunks yes more night yeah get rid of all this stuff geck relic uh nip nip buds yes viking dagger yes you can refine living slime into nanites but it's not worth the time and effort just use your tainted metal the living slime takes forever to refine so let's get rid of that i think we're good and yep inventory's looking solid oh yeah we could sell our pulse engine upgrade mining beam upgrade on this one no no no no we're actually going to put it on our s-class up uh multi-tool so let's do that real quick let's get over to that now we can put it in there i want to make sure to upgrade my s-class one look at that boom mining beam with advanced mining beam laser and we have some good upgrades on this thing well actually you know what we'll do that that way it's touching and the a's on the corner so there you go we just need to start getting our uh scatter blaster upgrades for that thing oh yep that's it and there we go oh yeah let's sell since we're already at the market anyway let's sell that thing to get it out of it it is a c-class upgrade you can use it if you want to i'm not a big fan of it so i'm not going to use it i'm going to purchase and just go to sell boom got 59 nanites for it i'll take it and then our exosuit let's pull out our uh all our nanites we got 858 i'll take it so yeah we're back up to a thousand nanites we can get some good upgrades with that all right so now we need to go back out into the into the space not atmosphere space and hopefully we're close to the fourth rendezvous we'll see we'll see i did travel back so up right there boom fourth rendezvous let's hit it that was actually pretty actually closer than i thought it was gonna be since we were going to i mean i did hit a lot of different systems trying to go to the space station to space station to find a freaking explorer's guild mission couldn't find one though so let's head on over to the rendezvous we'll knock this out real quick rendezvous five plus an india mine yes not activated india what the heck why am i going down so low i don't know rodney who's over there what are you doing all right go go go [Music] everyone's making their uh awesome bases around the rendezvous again of course let's land near it i'm pretty sure it's probably that looks like a base yeah oh maybe yeah that is the base okay it's gonna be a building close by should be anyway i just don't know if it's gonna be a portal all right land to see any time now there we go we're good on everything here let's put that in there there we go launch fuel yeah just get out of our inventory screw it we can kind of do that that okay organizing sorry guys sorry uh sweeper too weak huh two week why is it too weak holy cow you kidding me gonna mess with me like this we can skin the pineapples skin the pineapple look at that animal that underground animal i like it all right oh come on now we gotta get closer let's see let's see how long it takes me okay so now we're pretty close close enough anyway towards within 700 feet today that took a little bit of time it feels like the sweeper mode is getting worse not better like they're purposely making you land miles away from where you need to be that is that's not better hello games that's worse that is worse i don't want to land on a plate you might as well just lay me on the other side of the planet and say that's on this planet somewhere find it it's like what the i don't want to be walking around searching for like an hour come on all right all right i think it's uh it's just a way to slow down i guess i don't know it just feels like it's just like they're timers they they add in like a 24-hour timer for stuff and it's like why just to slow me down it doesn't make the game more fun i don't know now i'm being complaining i don't like being a complaining guy so we're gonna keep going wait a hundred feet away where is that what is it oh it is a portal it's a portal there it is it is a portal rendezvous five complete eat at dinobites yes so we got our uh rendezvous number four or five reunion five got that one done we only have a few more in here and one more here that we can't do explorer guild come on so let's do that we're gonna actually put this in our our cargo that we can add more to here there we go so we did it cargo or rendezvous number five done more multi-tool up expansion slots more nanites we can use to buy upgrades oh yeah so heck yeah you guys hopefully you guys like the episode i'm gonna figure out how the heck you can find explorer guild missions because this is driving me crazy i don't know why it's making it so difficult it is insane but i will see you guys next time [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Jason Plays
Views: 6,575
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: no mans sky, no mans sky 2021, no man's sky update, no man's sky how to, nms, no man's sky 2021, no mans sky gameplay, no man's sky update 2021, nms update 2021, jason plays no mans sky, no mans sky origins, no mans sky update, no man's sky, no mans sky expeditions, no mans sky frontiers, no man's sky farming nanites, no man's sky pioneer expedition, no man's sky expedition 2021, no man's sky nanites 2021, no man's sky tainted metal
Id: NTbpKP-9eo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 17sec (1997 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 01 2021
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