Crashed Ships EVERYWHERE!! No Man's Sky Mass Effect Expedition 2021

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is it another are you serious is it another crash ship are you joking we're just finding crash ships like left and right now are you kidding me welcome back to no man's sky everyone jason here and this is the mass effect expedition otherwise known as the beach head expedition just started i'm super pumped up and in the last episode go to your paws menu last episode we finished off completely phase one and we got a couple of uh over at least one other milestone in phase three done so now we're on phase two the first thing we have to do is reach the second rendezvous so of course we're gonna go do that but first we need to get up oh we don't have any fuel in our uh launch the wrestlers okay we need to get to our uh freighter because you can if you want to you can build a hyperdrive in your uh starship if you want to we need chromatic metal and we need microprocessors i'm too cheap to do all of that you could totally do it if you want to i'm just going to call in my freighter as soon as we get away from the uh planet we're next to let's see this come on up let's go way out here you definitely need to take some extra room here that way you get your freighter up here there we go i'm just gonna do it with my freighter i'm just literally gonna hop from uh system to system with my freighter uh we need to move some of this stuff over look at all this stuff got all the stuff out in here um storage augmentation oh yeah we have our uh we have our atlas fireworks we're gonna move that to our freighter again you have to land on your freighter in order to move all the stuff to your freighter because you don't i don't we don't have our teleporter yet but we also we have some stuff in here that we can actually move over so let's move some of this stuff around life support here life support there jet pack yes beautiful and then we have our uh hazard protection we're gonna put that down there yes all right we're doing good now we're doing good we're gonna move all of our stuff into our exosuit high capacity as much as we can anyway um our carbon of course and that's it all right so we're full we need to get some more of that going on but let's go to our uh oh god what is it called not the cockpit the um the flight deck the uh bridge let's go to the bridge and fly to or go to the next rendezvous point and remember we have these amazing uh warp hyper cores one of these will totally fill up your uh hyperdrive and it doesn't matter if it's on your uh doesn't matter if it's on your freighter or not like on my freighter oh yeah look at we're empty on our freighter luckily i checked that before i tried so we're just gonna grab one so i'm grabbing one hyper core i'm gonna drop it in there and watch this it goes from zero percent to 100 full boom that's what you want to use those hyper cores for so we're going to be doing the expedition route we have to go to the next rendezvous and we need to get a better upgrade up we only have two jumps okay two jumps is not that hard let's go to one and remember you don't have to rush it like me if you want to just sit back relax if you got the time i would recommend go to the space station every time you go to a new system get an inventory upgrade that we have more slots in your inventory and i mean you can buy upgrades at the space station you can buy upgrades with your nanites if you'd like i'm just trying to get there as quick as possible to kind of show you guys how fast you can get this done should be no longer than two or three hours so if you're in a rush if you're waiting until the last day or the day before you can probably get this done but just plan for two or three hours but you gotta really know what you're doing so hopefully you're watching this guy to really know what you're doing so we've made it now we need to actually go and land and search for the uh next rendezvous let's go down there and i forgot to mark out the glyphs for the first rendezvous so hopefully you guys don't need to go back to the first one but if you want to i will show you the uh glyphs on the second rendezvous so let me show you that while we're in here while we're going we can sell some of this stuff too we need to land on the uh the space stations just so i could sell some stuff and make some room but let's go over to the uh rendezvous first got it yeah we can upgrade our our multi-tool so yeah we can put more slots in here oh yeah we can upgrade our ship well i need to buy a different ship though because uh i like to i like haulers but not this one looks like a big toothpaste tube i hate it uh we need a better we need a better ship maybe we can get a an exotic but who knows who knows now remember the rendezvous marker like this marker is going to mark the general area but it's actually going to be in a different area it's going to be a different building i'm assuming probably right over here because usually someone will put a communication station at the market yep see it is a portal so if you want to i'm just going to land right here because i bet you it's right here right there yep see beautiful visited a lush planet there you go we're knocking out all the stuff easy real quick all right so that's actually gonna probably be up phase three is when you have to scan and visit different types of planets when we get to phase three we're doing phase two right now so we're not too worried about that boom rendezvous number two and if you want to know the coordinates the glyphs let me show you up let me make it dark that way you guys can see it better all right bottom left hand side of the screen those are the glyphs for the second rendezvous hopefully if you get lost or you can't find out where to go or you just want to come back and visit after the expedition is over head on back here there's your glyphs right there boom so let's accept our reward right there a thousand nanites inventory slot times three multi-tool expansion slot and a storage augmentation for your ship we're doing really good so let's actually oh yeah we're gonna do general because i'm tired of looking at my general inventory and having it all jacked up all right all right so we're good on that oh you know while we're here let's let's accept our reward for visiting a lush planet a supreme movement upgrade fossil sample and supreme hazard protection yes so we have our hazard protection it is going to be a high temperature we already have that we have that right here so is it an s class it is an s-class so we actually don't need that we could actually sell that make some money off of it but move it module i'll definitely take a movement module that we can we can use our jetpack even more so we're selling that we're selling this we're selling that we're selling everything holy cow we're selling the hex berries the sweet root we're selling it all move that over here move that over there oh yeah we're good we're good all right so now we need to locate and obtain a crashed starship so we are gonna have to actually look for a distressed beacon right oh i'm here don't be dumb where is my um oh there's no safe beacon here oh yeah dang it no seed beacon at a portal well we could skin an animal let's scan an animal and get some money and it might be one of our milestones so scan those animals scan those animals minimum make some money maximum hey it's part of your milestone so do it up and there is a building over here 400 feet away let's go to this building because we need to get a uh we need to get some uh what is it called navigational data duh i'm losing my mind here so yep and so if you go to a save beacon a waypoint they will give you navigational data and you can use that to buy maps so do it do it do it oh and also you could check these broken modules these damaged machineries if you if you uh machinery if you do it they'll give you nanites or they can give you an upgrade you got nana set time that's fine i'll take nanite so you can buy upgrades with nanites too so either way you're working towards getting you know an upgrade there we go now i remember seeing a whole bunch of these guys walking around there you are get some money and now calling my ship because i'm too lazy and we can you know i have the uh i have the launch fuel to do to actually keep that going so of course get this little guy fifty thousand i'll take that how much money are we up to now 530 000 we are doing good so now that we have one navigational data we should be okay right let's go to the space station we can sell some stuff make some more money and also buy some maps so of course let's go over to the space station yeah listen to that rock music landing on a space station for the first time i love it we also have 2 000 nanites so we can buy some upgrades as well so yeah we got a ton of stuff we can do we can refine can i do i have any uh blueprints i do not so i can't make anything not really first things first let's go over here buy our inventory upgrade so if you didn't know every single space station has a inventory upgrade if you need it now you can only buy it one time from each space station but it's totally worth it let's do that boom but yeah see now i've used it up so now i need to go to a different space station it doesn't recharge it doesn't reset once you buy it there it is gone forever you can never buy another one from the same space station let's go to sell we're gonna sell our thermal protection because we already have one you don't need more than one you can if you want to but i think i can buy better upgrades without you know worried about that one we have our water protection live support yes a toxic protection yes a shield module yes please and a movement module yes so we got all of those those are really good stuff especially the shield and the life support very good for your suit so let's install some of these life support up we're already maxed out in there so we're going to put that down there toxic protection shield module and movement module done all right we're just slapping them down at the top of our inventory and then let's see what kind of upgrades you have for a multi-tool what do you got what do you got for me pull spitter bolt caster and scanner module oh we're so close 582 and we only have 545 that's okay that's okay we're gonna upgrade our multi-tool because we have slots uh inventory slots for our multi-tool so let's do that done done there you go made some more room that way we can kind of move some stuff around and make it easier yep there we go and because we've been scanning uh different animals and stuff go to your discovery tab in your pause menu if you upload all now you can manually upload and change the name of things that you found or you could just go to upload all if you don't care about that and get your nanites that way oh we received 11 nanites not enough not enough but you know what i'll take more you know i'll take 11 rather than zero encrypted data no nanites let's give me another 12. we need 580 oh we're getting close we're getting close let's see if we can find any more uh things we can oh wait go to the ship uh mod seller he usually has something on his desk you can scan right here yep there it is you'll always have something right here that way you can get some more oop 5 15. 583 is that what we needed let me check let me check is that what we needed purchase upgrades yes 582 and i have 583 we have one nanite left over woo yes so we have our scanner upgrade this will give us more money that's why i'm getting it get that money while you can so you know what the more things especially in phase three we're going to be scanning a lot of stuff you want to grab it early so definitely the because the more scanner upgrades you have the more money you're going to make per scan so of course you want to do that you gonna give me anything nope nothing all right so what we need to do is buy a distress signal map from the cartographer right here so he sells different things like you can purchase a random map for 15 nights he will give you a random one you don't know what he's going to give you or if you you can buy a specific chart but you need navigational data in order to do that so right here we have a distress signal planetary map it will mark a distressed signal which could be a crash ship or a crashed freighter that's one of our uh that is one of our uh milestones as well is to get a crashed freighter so i'm just gonna do that right now fire off this map uh abandoned building that's not gonna help me at all not gonna help me at all but we can go down there and see if we can run across something let's see our expedition tab we need to get to a crash ship we need to restore it come to the aid of a stranded life form explore a freighter crash site so we need to buy we need to find a whole bunch of uh navigational data we need to find a whole bunch of it how you can do that is just find a whole bunch of these waypoints to save beacons and go there and and get a whole bunch of uh navigational data tropical planet i see oh i didn't sell any of my stuff i was so excited about just going and being and seeing i didn't actually sell anything that i should have i could sell all this and make some money that's okay we didn't we didn't see any ships that we were gonna buy so at that point that's okay we don't need to we don't have where there's no rush on it so that's okay boom boom where's my um oh it's over there what the why was i going the wrong way go to the abandoned building that way we can get at least our save beacon and um along the way we can stop and get some stuff if we see another building somewhere we're gonna scan up like that right there oh that looks like a monument yeah that's not gonna have a safe beacon on it nope that's okay that's the cat um i have not seen any other buildings around here and that's okay i mean you know what you're not gonna be able to find a whole bunch right off the bat unless you're on a moon if you're near a moon that will uh definitely have a whole bunch of buildings right next to each other where is my save beacon there you are now while we're here we can get some whispering eggs if you want pick up those whispering eggs and make some money so i'm going to do that i want some money so cashola get that larval core go to the other side real quick that way they have to run around the building it takes them a little bit longer so i can pick up some of these larval cores unless they glitch out then i'm screwed [Music] whoa okay fine or they're gonna they're gonna hit me right off the bat give it to me there we go get some of that cashola and they might glitch out like that so that's okay you know what it's not perfect oh god all right this is procedurally generated let's get inside real quick and now that we're inside we can actually lay down our portable refiner and let's refine some stuff like our eggs we can refine our eggs no problem get those are they spitting on me like literally what the hell what the he's literally spitting in the door come on man let's go over here then behind it that way i can get kind of protect myself 250 nanites i'll take that put some more larval cores in there one more and then let's put our copper in there so we can get some chromatic metal we need some chromatic metal now when we find a crashed ship we might need some chromatic metal or some copper there'll be random things he can fix on it the minimum you have to do is fix the pulse drive and fix the launch thruster that's all the only two pieces you have to fix other than that everything else is optional or like if you want to keep it i would recommend fixing all of it if you want to keep the ship all right let's hit the uh where's my there it is my terminal you can get this for some story elements but also you can get a whole bunch of nanites or every once in a while they'll give you a technology upgrade so you can kind of go through unlock the story if you want to read that go ahead and read it analyze the data log done and done got 145 nanites i'll definitely take all of that any other buildings around oh this is a big old guy over here 285 000 that's why you upgrade your scanner holy cow i just got 285 000 for that beautiful beautiful no other buildings around that i saw so let's continue on then oh there's a building right over here so let's land on this one usually if there's a building you even if there's nothing there there will be at least one safe beacon so you use the same beacon get your navigational data and you're good there we go well look what i ran into guys here is a crashed freighter we have to explore one of these it's one of our milestones let's go to our expedition tab and it says explore a freighter crash site there you go so let's do this real quick we're going to land right here and when they say exploring freighter crash light you know what we're gonna highlight it that way we can kind of get what they're doing recover the log so we're gonna come over here to the log and see what is going on here log extraction complete read the log yes life goes on day after day delivering after i hope to go back home soon the life of a blank is not for one like me multiple sentinel energy signatures detected requiring immediate dropping out of warp their their sentinels what are they doing fighting each other the central ships are engaging each other ignoring us for now the sandals appear to have departed their distress signals nearby broadcasting 16 on repeat i'm going to take a look and then he crashes fallen giants explored a crash freighter there you go and there should be a i don't think there's a safe beacon here dang it yeah there's no safe beacon here but you could also while you're here you can explore some of these cargo pods and get some cool materials if you want so usually there's two above ground so you have one over here we have to blow out these doors though oh those those right there so you'll have two above ground oh yeah wait a minute we have to accept our reward from doing that milestone duh a supreme scanning upgrade times two salvage hyperdrive upgrade salvage fleet beacon yes so scanner upgrade module let's pop that baby in there and then we can pop another one in and see but you can only have three at a time so let me show you what that means you can only have three upgrades for your any technology if you put in four they get overloaded so what you have to do is check for the one with the least stats the ones with the lowest stats and get rid of that one so this one's eight and nine that's the best one so far nine and seven seven and eight six and eight okay so this one's gonna be right here six and eight this is the worst one we're gonna get rid of that one good use our good one boom there you go that's all you needed to do s-class deployable salvage oh this goes for our actual freighter okay so we got some freighter upgrades yep freighter upgrade there you go so we got freighter upgrades we need to go land on our freighter and actually put those in if we wanted to chromatic metal times eight that's how you what you would need to unlock the cargo and hopefully we get something good out of it let me move get out of there because you get radiation attacking you let's go up and there's one right here so this one's kind of above ground let me let me dig down in here oh kind of sort of maybe but you have to go to the back end always go to the back end fellas all right cargo pod another one once you know what material you need you'll use that on all the cargo pods in this crashed freighter so we're always going to need chromatic metal and remember get out of there wait till it kicks you out and then get the heck out of there so i guess we collected a multi-tool expansion slot out of there that was a good pickup you guys holy mackerel and then there's one over here we can get into we're gonna have to dig underground for this one oh wait don't you can't shoot the ground you have to you know use your terrain manipulator is this one gonna be damaged door yep damaged door so we have to blow this door open to get in there blow this open all right gonna clear out some debris it's underground all right so let's grab this one we know it's going to be a chromatic metal and then what do we get out of there a starship launch fuel not so yeah it's okay it's okay all right so we did that for now i also i picked up a lot of uh navigational data so let's go back to the space station we're gonna buy again we're gonna buy some distressed signal maps and this time for real we're going to sell some stuff because we need some room in our inventory because holy cow it's starting to fill up so let's sell some stuff and go oh the aviator we just flew for 100 000 feet or units so we got the aviator one let's go in here and get that one collect the reward supreme pulse engine upgrade navigational data times 10 and launch system recharger planes oh man we are good we are so good on that so supreme pulse engine upgrade of course we're gonna use that we got our pulse engine upgrades actually you know what we're going to wait i might buy an upgraded ship so what we're going to do is i'm not going to use any more upgrades on my starship i'm going to sell some stuff we did get a whole bunch of navigational data so we could buy a whole bunch of maps i'm excited to do that we definitely need to do that we're going to wait on some of that let's go to sell we're going to sell like yeah the solar stuff hexa berry yes frozen tubers yes frozen root yeah sweet root unstable gel yes so i think we sold everything we need to sell we're going to buy some more life support gel of course because you can always use that and batteries yes that way we don't have to worry about getting any more of that let's get some maps now that we have a whole bunch of uh nav data let's put that in here 15 nav data dude we're doing so good all right let's exchange for specific charts we're only going to buy five of these distress signal charts so oh i think we're only going to need about five of them so we're good we're good on that let's see that one is uh kind of better i mean not really oh i know if it's even worse never mind my ship's not so bad this one has a crooked neck on it why would you why why alright so now we have enough room in our inventory oh yeah we have these upgrades that we have for our freighter we have our maps here so let's fire up these maps so we'll find crash site no we don't need that one anymore abandoned building no uh we have a shuttle i don't need that fire this one off come on there we go distress signal that's what we're looking for it could be a crash ship or it could be a pilot so actually we're gonna wait on that because if it's a crash ship good if it's a pilot okay too look at this guy over here 19 and five what do i got over here 15 and four so this is actually better it's like a really paired down explorer though look at this guy this explorer is definitely having a hard time this one oh it's not symmetrical sorry and it's a c-class it's even worse okay how much money do i have i have three million bucks okay oh wait we can't do that and then the terrible hauler okay we're gonna take talk to you the broker let's talk to the broker make an offer on your ship oh yeah look at that and it has a hyperdrive in it already negotiate the price and then we're gonna move over all of our stuff that way we don't lose any of it oh we should have gotten rid of this thing but that's okay the cadmium drive yeah we're fine you can destroy it and get the uh pieces of it if you want so we're gonna exchange we're gonna get rid of our hauler and we're gonna get this baby right here it's a b-class so it's a little bit better and i totally forgot we have the uh augmentations for your ship so we can now we can upgrade our cool ship i know i know upgrade the starship apply the augmentation so we can do let's go there technology there we go boom boom there we go and now we can upgrade our uh multi-tool get some more space in here beautiful beautiful we are rocking and rolling now okay so now we can get in here let's fly out and while we're flying out we can move some of this stuff around launch thruster yes done right there pulse engine yes and then we'll do a pulse engine upgrade right next to the pulse engine itself and boom look at that we got so much room now holy mack look at that ah perfect perfect perfect so we are good on all of this yeah this thing looks like it's like basically a little tube flying through space but it's better than our hauler so that's all that matters all right distress beacon of course it's going to be on this planet right here the stairs beacon and that one is a crash freighter so we're going to go to the distressed beacon first and hopefully either one works for us we're looking for either a crash ship or a pilot whichever one that's what we need because let me actually show you restore a crash ship or come to the aid of a stranded life form so either one works come on there it goes but that it gets harder after this because either one we get it'll knock it off the list but there's no way to know which one is which unless you go to a transmission tower if you go to a transmission tower it will always mark a crashed ship if you just get a distressed beacon it could be a crash ship or it could be a crashed pilot who needs your help so i kind of want this to be a pilot because then i can go to a transmission tower and find a crash ship guaranteed and not have to worry about firing off my maps every time but you never know let's land and see what this one is this looks like a pilot it is a shuttle so maybe not oh wait a minute this might be a crash ship it is a crashed ship awesome i like that okay it's gonna make it a little bit harder though but that's okay we just have to restore this thing we just we only need to fix the pulse engine and the launch thruster everything else is optional you can fix whatever you want it's a shuttle so i'm not really worried about fixing everything so we got that right there boom so let's fix the pulse drive and now we just need to get dihydrogen jelly we could totally make that let's fix that now it's totally fixed scrapper yes beautiful so now we can fly off if we wanted to but i'm not really i'm not really digging that one so we're gonna try to find a pilot while we're here so what we can do is fire off another map and hopefully it'll find another distressed signal and that will be a pilot we don't know for sure though see so it's a distress signal i will say that the odds are in our favor that it's going to be a pilot from my own experience usually whenever you get a distressed big beacon it's usually a pilot that needs help every once in a while you will get a broken ship which is awesome that's what you're looking for but more than likely i mean in this case i want a pilot so it probably won't be you know it's murphy's law if whatever you want to happen it's not going to be that thing so if i want a pilot it's not gonna be a pilot it's gonna be another crashed ship and that's okay i could turn that thing in and make some money but i'm willing to bet this is gonna be a pilot oh come on [Music] be a cool pilot that way i can get my uh get my milestone completed and we'll be good to go come on this might be another crash ship oh god oh god please be a pilot please be a pilot is it another are you serious is it another crash ship are you joking we're just finding crash ships like left and right now are you kidding me what the cra oh my god okay so mother of the moon [Laughter] let's uh let me we could do that real quick and die hydrogen shelly let's do this i'm guessing holy cow and ferrite oh pure ferrite of course we need pure ferrite why would we not any of you guys pure ferrite just to make it easier on my life you're ferrite perfect perfect but yeah two crash ships in a row oh i you know normally that would be luck and amazing and perfect not when i'm looking for a pilot though dang it ah well we got this let's actually go over here to the beacon see if we can get some technology out of here maybe we can get something good ship tech let's do it and i got a teleport receiver perfect i like it we can fix this thing i know i know [Music] so it's a nice hauler it's a c-class it's probably worth a lot of money because haulers usually have a lot of inventory space and they're usually worth a lot of mula so one more time let's fire off we have one more map let's try it let's try it distress signal detected please tell me oh come on i should have stayed at my other ship because this hauler sucks okay crash freighter so we know that the other one is the distressed beacon now you hear that thwamping sound that means my shields are not working so shields aren't working you gotta be very careful i don't even have yeah i don't even have a freaking uh any guns oh i do have guns okay i do have guns but i don't have a shield i need sodium nitrate to make my shield oh god so hopefully nobody scans us no anything bad so we could just land here help out a pilot and get out of here fingers crossed hopefully maybe oh god oh please please please [Music] let's get in here please be a pilot please be a pilot if it's another crash ship then we're gonna have to go and start scrapping these things because i'm gonna make a ton of money it's gonna be crazy it's an explorer i don't see anybody is this another are you kidding me i don't see anybody i don't see anybody oh thank god there is a pilot here hey buddy it's so good okay walk through your ship that's cool too so glad i could see you okay right so then we gotta talk to him hey quit like walking hey toil get okay buddy i want to fix your ship smoking and land locked the they shrug wide-eyed and innocent indicating the faulty navigational gimbal that drove them into the dirt okay so now let's see if i could damage fix their damage to starship um oh i need pure ferrite or one microprocessor um we're gonna do pure ferret i can go find that real quick so pure ferry is gonna be around here somewhere hopefully oh god of course i can refine it let's refine some uh pure ferrite since i have it radiation detection i know i know it's a radiation planet here i dust not a lot not a lot let's get it we need 75 we only have oh god hopefully we have enough now let's check it i can only fix it yeah i can only fix those critical systems for you man you're gonna have to go to the space station and get it fixed all the way where are you there you are hey buddy sorry i couldn't fix it all the way i'm too cheap i didn't have anything ready sorry buddy uh they fish around for something to offer yeah thank you give me some nanites perfect let's get the damaged machinery get this guy maybe we'll get some nanites or an upgrade let's see what we got out of there nothing nope nanites okay we got nana's out of there perfect beautiful so now we have everything done oh man we haven't collected our rewards at all so we got our storage augmentation supreme launch thruster upgrade and powerful pulse engine upgrade yes no and then interstellar oh dude we're gonna there we go holy cow all right and then oh no start pause many pause menu we can collect our reward the heroic pose and hadash discovery starship oh wait a minute look at this fighter it's a b-class this is way better than the one i have now yes compare oh dude okay yeah we're gonna claim this one i like it man we are doing so good holy cow we got so much going on here and wait a minute we're not gonna collect that one we're gonna collect come on there you are beautiful heck yeah you guys well that is phase two down a little bit longer of an episode just because of the dang starships but look at this fighter we got you know i love the hard the uh hot rod fighters look at how beautiful this baby is all right so hopefully you guys like the episode and i will see you guys in the next one [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Jason Plays
Views: 10,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: no mans sky, no mans sky 2021, no man's sky update, no man's sky how to, nms, no man's sky 2021, no mans sky gameplay, no man's sky update 2021, nms update 2021, jason plays no mans sky, no mans sky origins, no mans sky update, no man's sky, no mans sky expeditions, no mans sky frontiers, no man's sky crashed ships, no man's sky normandy, no man's sky mass effect ship, no man's sky mass effect, no man's sky mass effect expedition, no man's sky normandy expedition
Id: 4kju_Az0Bbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 47sec (2447 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 09 2021
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