Subscriber Battles vs. GMHikaru - FULL

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i think we're ready to go let me  let me follow hold on gotta follow   michael all right we gotta who are we  starting with uh we are starting with   um we're starting at the bottom or at  the top no yeah we're we're starting   with the uh the lower rateds okay i mean the  cheese the higher rate it's i apologize oh   oh that's literally the opposite we're both  a little off to start here it's okay how long   have you been streaming i streamed four hours but  then um uh okay i took a short break oh yeah we   gotta we gotta wager or something um two thousand  subs uh yeah hold on let me let me check bitcoin   we wager a bitcoin like what like what how  does this bitcoin is worth i don't even know   what bitcoin's worth but it's worth a lot it's 11  right now so it's 11 000. yeah it crossed yeah so   let's just let's let's do it let's do a let's  do a fat one and if anybody wants to match it   you're all more than welcome to let's do let's do  20. sure that's fine yeah all right works for me   cool internet handshake is agreed upon and 20  subs are up for grabs yeah i've always wondered   how that works because i feel like you never  hear about like actual cases because like i   feel like technically if you write something  like let's just say i agree that we're gonna   like like if i were to write to an email we're  gonna wait for like you know 20 subs i'm not   i've always thought that's actually enforceable  technically but it's not it's not like clear cut   anyway okay let's i are you putting the eval bar  on or not it's the first one i i don't have it   so i i might lose some viewers to you oh no i i  don't have it on either so it's fine oh wow okay   no no we're we're going to keep this professional  all right this is uh this is a ben oni um   question is no four pawns four pawns four pawns  yeah this is a really interesting line takes in   d6 right yeah this is something i've not looked at  a long time i remember i was looking at this many   years ago because there was an anatoly visor book  on this on the four pawns attack i feel like this   was probably 99 98 99 when i was um when i was on  vacation in florida sunil and i were studying this   um so just like yeah crazy stuff a recent book  came out by this uh this russian spanish author   muscalenko who like makes a career out of writing  you know he has a very unique writing style   i think i've never seen something like this  so he puts pictures in his openings books   and he puts like uh you know things like weapon  or you know like fun story or something like that   so he recommends this in his d4 book i think ah  really interesting i mean i i like it but again   like unfortunately this opening is what cost hutch  the um the title in pog champs to be fair oh yeah   he played four pawns and then he like didn't move  them forward he just put them out and like didn't   uh because it could be really effective oh are  you saying he had the black pieces or the white   pieces no he had the white pieces that's what  he wanted nothing he had the white pieces won   nothing and um and he lost anyway the position  is very wild right like 22 c4 white castles 97   maybe h3 except knight of two there's bishop e3  hitting the queen in the night at the same time   um yep very wild position here i know somebody  in the chat said knight f2 but then yeah exactly   white has this retreat doesn't care about  the rooks uh do you play d6 or do you keep   the pawn there do you take or what do you  what do you do um i would probably play h3 but i don't know you can take on e6 or go bishop  c4 there's just so many so many moves keeping it   professional no evil bar i don't have the line  showing though so therefore it doesn't matter yeah i remember you remember the story  about the the viewer who got really offended   i wouldn't put up an eval bar like mid event  i don't actually but that's that right i think   like the first or second sub battle like i  got very upset and i was like listen man i   can't look my overlay is like were mid game  blah blah and uh he went to your chat and   kept tagging me and being like i'm here because  you know he has an eval bar and you don't okay   that makes sense i i can see that but again the  eval bar doesn't really do much though objectively   well it allows it doesn't you know why it's  better but like if you don't know the move   like something black is winning here and i  don't really know why but black is winning   uh yeah also how dare you not use  an eval bar lovey how dare you   how dare you i don't know going full greta on  me there my goodness well someone wrote that my   chat yeah yeah eval bars is fun because it's  it goes zoom what what does the eval bar say   about knight of six no now white is winning it's  plus one it was minus one plus one so i again i   don't really know what's going on here try to  wait hold on a second let me try to see maybe well that doesn't quite work eval bar goes okay takes so now  i assume white plays bishop c4   no he goes knight g5 which actually might be  quite trunks if you take you take you take back   um and i don't know what's going on here i  really don't know what's going on yeah well   the rook that this looks okay i'm afraid because  you have the eval bar on but this looks really   promising for white knight g5 but it is it's plus  one uh-huh yeah e takes d5 runs into knight d   yeah no no bishop b2 actually there is queen b2 on  knight yeah yeah i know this is true this is true   yeah it's very messy though i don't know what's  going on here it's just a very messy position   oh yeah i'm not really sure what to make of this  position oh also remember everybody it's 3-0   today so if you're a participant there is no bonus  time so black's got 26 seconds that's that that is   that big time discrepancy um okay  yeah i'd be very concerned here if i'm   if i'm black because rook f7 looks very strong  maybe white just take although i guess if you   take c4 there's rook c8 and there's a  lot of pressure on the diagonal right   coming down towards the white king yeah there  is that it's always the scary thing here yeah   why do we take out bonus times we want to allow  more people to have the opportunity to compete   oh my goodness this where's the mate i mean  queen f7 king h8 okay i thought i thought it   was it was the other guy so queen h4 you just  go h6 problem and black's doing really really   well chacha has this issue actually he's he he  slows down when he has a good position like you   see he's gone from 50 seconds up to almost even on  time uh still messy okay 19 i don't know i think   94 there was something that was winning some  combo there i didn't actually see it right off   queen e3 queen e3 queen e3 come on dude oh 92 pawn  takes very nasty still take take take come on dude   queen d4 come on move work out seven move  move move move move queen before move   oh he's not as fast as you clean up two move easy  no but now white wins because queens are off yeah   there's no man he's still going very methodical  oh now he's pretty moving oh my goodness he's   pre-moving every move wait he might actually  do it oh but the check no no no the chuck whoa oh well it happens okay so  you guys are up one nothing   not an auspicious start but i feel like  you've never won in the first game ever right   no this might actually be counter  productive to our to our chances okay right so okay let's let's  see so round two coming up we got   i i honestly don't think that i can  say my player's name out loud like   i i feel i feel like we're just gonna i'm just  gonna say player two that's it that's what we'll   do right for obvious reasons correct i i i was  thinking to ask him to change it prior to the   game but it's okay all right um we'll be  fine life is good life is very good yeah   how'd your speedrun go i went pretty well  um other than the very end but i ran into   somebody who was uh cheating i think oh wow  not even smurfing just straight up cheating   no i think so yeah yeah but whatever who  cares it it's yeah it does happen i remember   one of my rating ladder like guides in the middle  i was like 15 1600 and i played somebody who was   just way too strong but you could tell  they weren't like they weren't not legit   um and then right it turned out that the guy  came in this chat right after and was like   oh hey that was me i was like you just  smurfed a 1 000 rating point like okay   all right man that's not good that's not good at  all it's all right um yeah i'll call my guy rue   lopez that's what i'll call him we're lopez here  we go you think he plays the rulopas um oh i would   hope so maybe he'll play the latvian no oh gosh  okay okay it's gonna be different then at least main line is this or is the main line now knight  f6 for black um normally it's knight f6 this   is still one of the two main lines but i would  say yeah normally knight to f6 instead of this   bishop c5 is considered the main line well i don't  and so what does white try to do here does f4 e5   is that the game plan looks kind of nice  um well black normally plays knight e5   instead of castling so without knight e5 i  think white probably there might be a knight   b5 trick here if i remember correctly i'm not  sure but i think there might be a knife e5 idea   oh wait no it's black's move sorry so okay so  bishop e2 queen g6 or d5 here centralization he's got he's got morty as a profile picture  got a questionable username and he has a troll   face as a flare so and i back yeah i mean this  line is so unclear i mean i i haven't looked   at this in a very very long time but i think  white is supposed to be better after e5 same   yeah well it looks very natural this is theory  you're saying yes this is definitely theory oh amazing in yeah like queen g6 or queen h6 i  mean i i don't know what's going on here hey takes takes all right  his position isn't pretty yeah that was uh as as we would say that was  amazing it was amazing sorry sacking the night   for the pawn that was completely unnecessary  oh oh yeah well i mean now i'm not even sure   how much butter is white after bishop d4 takes  queen d4 you mean after bishop f4 yeah uh well   we don't we don't need to talk about it i mean  you know he plays a very solid opening and then oh what is this it might might be a  very good move white has to take the   knight so you go bishop e5 knight  f3 king h19292 there's rookie oh wow what a nice find oh my goodness ah oh wait he blundered he blunders yeah  wait oh bishop b5 bishop b5 bishop b5 oh my goodness that was very close dude that was  an insane wait wait wait so was that was none of   that working i think it had to be winning  for black right black is better let me see oh maybe no it wasn't working computer's  insane no none of it's working never mind   the computer is just crazy it gets there and then  it changes its mind yeah it says plus one yeah   jeez okay well black is just down a piece and down  20 seconds so as sub-battles go he'll probably win   so ricky won come on good trade the rooks  bring the king to the center of the board   i think white's doing really well sub-battles  are sometimes more fun to watch in actual grand   masters playing each other obviously because  there's more drama you don't know what's gonna   happen um oh yeah yeah i got really excited and i  tried to eat and i like half of my fork full just   fell what are you eating uh well the beef is gone  but it was like a beef stew with like onions and   and um carrots and other vegetables with bok choy  and rice you're doing well man you're doing well   you're like eating way too healthy for a streamer  like but not what is this not the streamer diet   i mean dude it's it's it was like 19 and a half  hours the last two days so i got to eat healthier   i'm just going to fall apart like so fine i'll  go get some food too give me one second all right   it's it's not it's not quite a stew but  okay come on one minute versus 30 seconds   ate a block of cheese oh i like it why do i always  eat the meat first walk right into that one a5 h5   or i mean if that was a serious question i don't  know it's tasty i eat vegetables and all of it um   and don't worry i'm not flexing because  i'm eating like i'm eating mashed potatoes   so it's not this is not flexing at  all chad it's just mashed potatoes   um but mashed potatoes are good they they  certainly are um all right c4 i mean yeah with   15 seconds on the clock this ain't gonna still  still flexing with it with this uh right right um your youtube is amazing dude i watch every one of  your lessons is this actually winning for white i   guess it is right yeah yeah a3 is critical though  let's see if he finds it oh oh this is still oh this is very bad oh he didn't see a3  oh my goodness he's gonna lose the pun   but it's still a win king can get trapped on  the edge of the board and you can check me maybe   yeah yeah yeah just don't take the pawn  right i mean just don't take the pun   wow wow what if i mean you know what we  should do we should do like sports style   uh we should do like uh  timeouts to talk to your team   i agree yeah in the future we totally should  but but in between right not during the games   yeah in between you know call a timeout and you  gotta give give everybody a pep talk and tell   them to stop you know screwing around yep yeah  a3 there was important i don't know if we can   we can go back to that moment but like you gotta  it's a very important touch a three and then the   black king will never get in it doesn't matter  whether you take well yeah because you check and   take c3 and go knight e5 king b3 knight c4 you  guard the pawn and you run over oh a3 is a nice   move unfortunately it was or i don't know it was  a hard move to find though i think so i mean i i   understand all right 25 11. 25 11 is a mainstay  we have a lot of new players today but 2511 is very very close in terms of ratings like back and  forth i feel like every board we have alternates   like a slight advantage so right please stop  hanging your queen that would be a reasonable idea   or stop inting also fair okay so typical  slob d5 e6 this line was all the rage   back in the mid-2000s nowadays i think it's  kind of become a little bit more boring um   but still pretty formidable b5 of course isn't there a really passive line rook a7  isn't that something yeah i mean b5 c5 is   this ancient line like i i remember this was  not a known line in like around 2003 or four   some random anonymous gm i guess who started  playing this b5 c5 and just like storming me   on the queen side and sacking and checkmating  um on on icc yeah i think it was a likely dram   if i remember correctly but it's like mid  2000's it's like the c5 looked like such   an ugly move but then c5 with this a4 and  92 ideas was just really really crushing   um i think it was drab though if i remember  correctly i remember the the good old days of   trying to discover who was who on icc and then  there was also is queen before here good it's a   move no it can't be good though with the idea to  just like play knight b5 i guess black can play   like anything true literally anything okay castles  oh my goodness this is so boring but you know levi   your icc experience and this is not me flexing  but your icc experience was a little bit different   because usually when i played i would play against  gm because even from the time i was like 12 13 i   was really strong so there were a couple times  i would get annihilated like in some random uh   like night or and so half the time for me the fun  was trying to figure out was i playing like moro   or like kramnik or was i playing like kasparov  that was like that for me that was really the the   fun part um it was just like which super gm was  i playing there were a couple of lines i remember   in the night or that it was not known theory but  all the top guys in their games that would avoid   the line because they had talked to each other  and they knew that it was really good for white   whereas i was the one who played the battle i  was black in the night or and i just got like   wasted in like 20 moves just absolutely just  wrapped like blown off the board i feel like   chess was a little more fun like that  when you like really had to work to find   all of your information and i don't know now  it's all available at the latest database   i'm going to say as soon as this game ends can  i have like one minute just show people the line   sure okay because it's a line that i played  much later on even in actual games um and   it's just like crazy stuff 21 all right  both players jostling for symmetry um tonight some ideas to get certain squares i mean  i think white is always a little bit better as   i don't like that move yeah i'm worried  about knight d3 like i i mean the idea   i guess is to go knight d6 this move  i really don't like can't black go a5 no   yes chad i used to get wasted at the chessboard in  20 moves that's the fast drinking correct correct man uh it was it's it's so funny  yeah 12 you could easily be um   uh like top top 10 back in the day being like  you know 2100 and now like last year i played   i played some kid who was uh like i told you um  number one in the world under 11. and now he's   like an i am like 24 20 or something um oh wow so  i played him in the czech republic he that summer   he had been to italy serbia then he went to um  sharjah like the open tournament in the uae so um yeah it was pretty wild just  seeing like it's pretty crazy   you also have to have a family that  like has the means to take because he   was traveling with his whole family i mean like  it looked like bro mom dad what is queen what   i'm not sure you want to know what our question  of the poll is oh no i have it open okay   so what was your rating at 12 at 12 years old  well at 12 february the first like month or two   uh that i turned 12 i crossed 2000 for the first  time and i beat a master for the first time   and so later a few months after that i was  like number it was like narydinsky was number   one it was me second and then it was ostrovsky  third and then i played like a couple months of   really bad tournaments and i literally quit chess  i quit chess for like eight months i did not play   yeah i've quit chess a few times i was an angsty  teenager so um so that's why you're not gm okay   it makes sense now that yeah i don't know if you  know maybe if i stuck to it i'd be an fm who knows   you know yeah i don't i don't know i don't know  what the realities are like taking breaks or not   taking breaks i think it's really hard honestly  it's like really really hard to know like   it's like if i hadn't taken the breaks when i took  the breaks i never would have gotten to where i am   so it's like it's very hard to know at what point  you're supposed to take the breaks versus not   taking the breaks but yeah if i had not quit quit  school or not not school sorry if i had not quit   chess to go to college i never would have become  2700 plus literally it wouldn't have happened i   i just know it one time did you like find like a  calling or something what would you describe it as   i guess what i would say is i realized just how   i mean should i really say is how terrible the  real world is shall we say yeah i basically   thought like playing chess is like like oh oh my  god i'm playing this game all the time it's like   you know why am i wasting my life and i went and  like played then i went into the real world like   uh the real world was not exactly great either  um your your subs are doing some weird [ __ ] man it's they what are they doing okay i'm being  told to pay attention to the chat so very   quickly before they start the next game can  i show my chat the uh line that i'm referring   to yes you can okay so it's this schneider flying  e4 c5 knight of three d6 d4 takes takes knight f6   knight c3 a6 bishop e3 e6 f3 b5 g4 h62 knight  ipd7 castles um bishop to b7 white plays h4   black plays b4 knight a4 uh queen a5 b3 knight c5  a3 knight a4 a b queen c7 b a4 um black plays uh   i think the move at the time was black plays d5  e5 knight fd7 f4 knight b6 and and now there's   this line rookie h3 oh shoot it's uh one second  sorry there's this line working straight let me   go through it quickly it's just this night  or flying um this whole h4 h6 spark anon all   this old stuff um anyway basically this uh this  rookie h3 move i i think the line became popular   later on um but the point is black normally  would go knight c4 now i played a game with   the black pieces again online against alexander  morozovic at the time i did not know it was him   and the line i played was knight a4 bishop f2  rook to c and i think in actual games at the time   there were like two or three where white went  bishop e1 but the correct move was pawn to c4   and in the blitz game that i had against rosevich  i remember this i played pawn takes pawn because   like what is c4 and then after queen d2 knight b6  he played takes takes bishop b6 queen b6 queen of   queen g6 uh king e7 f5 and i had to resign like  two moves because white's completely winning i'm   not gonna i tried to keep up with that on my on  my end but um i'm just kind of awkwardly smiling   so so yeah anyway as i was saying like i played  this game against um mirozovich and i was like   is it who is this cause like i thought it  was kasparov because he literally blitzed   out all these moves like c4 queen c2 and i'm like  what's going on because i just got absolutely   destroyed and um and so i thought at the time was  to spar it turned out later that it was mirozovich   but i remember like it was one of these lines  that like i remember at the time they were like   why does black never play knight takes a4 they  were like three or four grand master games   and they never played it but i think it's  because all the top guys they had analyzed it   during some of these top events  so that they didn't play it   and then i played it online cause like why  not and i just got absolutely destroyed so anyway well i never played morozevic  um but what i will say is this   nope i didn't have anything i mean  i just i i feel like you just like   took us through the lore of super  gm theory being paved on icc i uh wait i can't even follow my guy   uh i'm following my guy yo my guy get in  get in like you're not in live chess dude my dude really told me he was gonna  he's gonna play he's here he's just not my man is really not in live chess and i  remember this too because like later on like   a couple months later i played the world youth  chess championships i think it was the under 12.   and i actually looked at this  line and i prepped it with uh   i think it was like fritz five or five six at the  time and it was just completely winning for white oh my goodness or not no i'm i'm  just trying to still follow this guy oh no it's not no it is winning for  white oak computer's insane okay good are you still analyzing a position yeah because  it said it was minus two so i was about to   have a heart attack i was like did i really  miss analyze or the is really bad back then   but now it understands and it  says white's winning okay good okay there we go oh my god oh okay hey it's your opening   mission b2 let's prevent pawn to e5 play  pawn to c4 actually they're both your opening okay all right all right here we breathing  you like taking on d4 this is fine not really okay not really okay sorry all right i  mean the thing about this knight on e5   is that it's not going anywhere what  is black doing is bishop e6 normal   i don't like it i think the bishop normally goes  to d7 yeah it seems a little peculiar to just   is this dragon no this is um i don't know what  this qualifies as just chess we're watching that's a little bit much i think white can play  like f4 and f5 here i like white's position yeah knight h5 was um you guys guys really aren't  aren't looking at any positional training modules   here this is okay so knight v5 here looks  strong to go knight c7 and fork the rooks i don't think that was a snipe i'm pretty sure  that like if you're saying the sentence as he's   playing it there's no no no i mean i d5 is  a natural move yeah knight c7 um okay now   the best move is obviously queen g3 for black  um because it you know it's just like as close   to the king as you can get without checking it  you messed up queen g3 was definitely better   oh sorry no arrows no errors see he's not  sniping he's an honorable guy he didn't play   out four which was plus 20. he played rook  d1 he's an honorable guy he's not sniping   oh i've been drawing bad arrows on purpose just  to see if anybody's you know because they can   mute us but maybe if they yeah if they're watching  with arrows it's a problem white is playing well   using the time well go for the win  bring it home baby bring it home when you go quiet see i don't know i don't  have zoom open so bye-bye queen your queen's   going bye-bye well not well technically it's not  legal to take it right now right so we have a   message maybe he doesn't know about that  like he just you know whoa okay i've got us   i mean my guy has a 75 chance so i've wasted a lot  of time in the last 24 hours playing minesweeper   he has four squares to go to and  three out of four win one doesn't win   can he find it he does good oh the queen's trapped  yeah this was a nice try by black though knight g6   that was that was clever but yeah um don't  put your queen on age for everybody and then   block it in with your own pieces and get attacked  just correct oh boy like a white thought there he   was like oh should i take the rook all right  at least at least we're getting a win now   this one this almost was a redemption arc for  the the guy with the black pieces he actually   he reversed uh he reversed getting in trouble  on my channel he was trying to get back into my   good graces and this is what he's losing i know  that's the that's what i'm saying so why is it   a redemption arc it was almost a redemption  yeah he really failed he failed okay fine it's fine i'm i'm not even upset it's two and a  half one and a half you guys are still winning   for now at least all right this next one this  next one this next one is really important well we're just going to win it's going to be  like you guys did last week start off very slow   very poorly and then we're going to take over  cucaro do you do you like what's on the board oh am i not following the right guy auto wgc is  your dude oh i thought it was already falling   sorry okay i love this i love this this is  this is the this is the pinnacle right here   black is playing this so weird by the way why did  he play knight bd7 like preemptively i just feel   very odd about that move okay come on  b5 that should be something finish the   development please all right he's a  true sicilian player oh but there's   there's all right let's see how it rains how  rains does it actually reigns he's like 1800   strength but he's a i've been playing  four player with him also he's like better um e4 was not a good move was it   also why didn't black take on before hikara  well yes the return to normal was really a wood oh my god this is this is content how are you are  your mashed potatoes homemade where are they from   they're from the supermarkets they're they're  good they're good i just threw a little bit of   butter earlier today but they're dry too because i  didn't have time to throw them in the microwave so   as good as it can be ah i can't believe  that we returned to commentary tomorrow   it felt it felt weird today i got i  got to sleep just a little bit longer   yeah i didn't sleep longer but certainly not not  going live at like 9 a.m it did feel different man how you guys gonna play this  opening and then play the move b4   what are we doing ryan the good thing here is  that uh the the bishop on e2 is very passive   yeah black did something really really well there  with the queen in c7 i mean you just put the   pawn forward on c4 and mm-hmm that was it nice  upon d5 and bishop d6 i think black should be   better because of the paths of bishops  on b2 and a2 very messy position though what you want my chad is asking if i i ever cook  food for myself do you cook food love me or not   no okay so your girlfriend's cooking then  yeah she she's she's she's an amazing cook   no i it's it's it's kind of like  it's sort of similar to you know lex   like there's nobody else yeah so like when he  when he's on the grind i think i don't know   if it's his girlfriend or his fiance maybe even  his wife i don't know but like um it's the same   like whenever he goes on a break he comes back  with food and he always shows it like that so   it's uh nice yeah i mean i just first of all i  i like if i really wanted to i could but um it   we split responsibilities there i i clean things  and uh she assembles culinary items because   i know that's cool that's good probably burn  the house down would you do a cooking stream i   mean i do i do actually cook but i'm just lazy  right now i don't want to cook if i don't have   to but yes i can cook i just don't want to what  would it take to get you to do a cooking stream   i don't know i mean i i definitely  i have i can actually cook   but all right it depends what yeah you know  what you know what to do like do they want me   to do like some kind of like stew some kind of  like just do some classic like salmon and like   the veggies what are the i mean it  depends what they want mac and cheese   get some craft together here yes yeah literally  boil the water throw throw in the throw in the   new throw in those uh mac throw in the macaroni  throw in the cheese pack and some like one quarter   spoon of milk yes that's that's not cooking you  guys okay as usual in our commentary uh we we we   lulled for about five five moves so now we have  this is actually kind of a fascinating position i i really like the a pawn  like that might prove to be   black should be much better though  two bishops maybe certain bishop c5   after rook c what's your move i well i  wouldn't have gone to c7 i don't know   why he didn't just go to you know back let's  see c4 just winning c4 he'll never play that oh but reigns is also in a deep time trouble yeah  this is not good it's not three two guys remember uh oh 40 seconds okay so hmm   this is really this is really unpleasant for  white bishops are way too strong knight is very well i like how black is thinking like black's  like he's just he's aghast at this move all right   oh no all right but i guess he had to move  quickly uh he couldn't couldn't take with   the queen this is a checkmate coming that's  a good defense that's a weird move but okay you can't do anything here with three seconds  it's it's it ain't gonna happen oh man all right   all right we lose we lose two and a half two  and a half it's like it's honestly it's feels it's getting closer gg but surely b4 was the  start of some problems you're not you're not   supposed to go b4 in that position you really  should try to focus where you have more space um   the thing is that when you when you play  b4 and you open up another front like   you're not prepared to attack on that side  all right the next game's starting right all right aura khan one of  the best one of the best pretty standard so far ef6 uh this  one played in many many games um   okay bishop d3 and knight f3 is not the most  challenging setup for white i would say but i   think the black is doing black is slightly worse  just because of the bad pawn structure here   but the problem is my subs well i  guess this is your sub with black right   yes so he's been watching too much of  my streams he created the double f pawns   by his free free will and volition he didn't he  wasn't forced into it yeah but it's a little bit   peculiar because if you play the tartak hour how  do you play bishop e7 like isn't it bishop d6   i guess okay but he's doing it true true that's  true yeah because the bishop normally goes on   d6 to target h2 agreed i'd like to teach the  tardis coward to students because what will   often happen um is there's a couple plans so the  one that my my good friend alex ostrovsky teaches   the students and when white plays h3 like lazily  just throws an h3 you play like bishop f5 queen   c8 and sacrifice on h3 and just go for awesome  ah yes of course of course yeah there is this   um i like white's position here though again  classic h4 played by uh played by alpha zero   here so sorry dj blunders but of course an alpha  zero move yes he's not utilizing the services   uh one alpha zero can i uh okay i'm gonna ask  you a question that you can answer or not it's   not about you it's more about do you have any  idea how these top-level players get access   to some of these super computers like is that  something that the public is not allowed to um   what i would say nowadays i think every  i mean just the general computing power   that's publicly available is good enough um  so it's not an issue uh but i would say like   in the old days if i go way back when vessel and  topalov played against this bishop and on for the   world championship i believe that was 2000 then  maybe i think it was like they they got access   to the supercomputer at the state university  i believe it was in uh in sofia in bulgaria   so i think for that one they had to get they'd  like basically get state access nowadays because   of the processing power of computers just that's  publicly available i don't really think you need   to do that anymore but there are certain people  who uh who have been more like on the ball in   terms of the topic than um than other players  at least in the last like five to ten years   oh i just got told that uh when alpha zero  came out karjakin requested access to it   with a hundred thousand dollars and he got  rejected oh really okay yeah also hikara   what the hell was bishop c2 and why did white  just move a piece and not defend the c4 pawn   well i mean first of all i mean i i mean i know a  hundred thousand dollars a lot of money don't get   me wrong but i think to google a hundred thousand  dollars is is kind of like are you are you joking   like are you like yes i don't know to google i  think a hundred thousand dollars is kind of like   like a joke i don't mean that in a rude way but  like it is a joke to google like i'm sorry to   google it it's like it's like channel points huh  minus 100k right um so so yeah i think to google   that's like yeah that's like a penny um here  comes the pogos again uh right um so yeah i mean i   assume that it's just one of those things like you  just like why would you get public access there's   there's no reason to um and of course that's  why you have lila now so basically it's like   reverse engineering alpha zero um and it's gonna  take much longer to get it to that same point   but they will eventually get there to where it's  comparable to uh alpha zero yeah 100k pays a fifth   of the salary of one of the developers exactly  true oh my god this is this is a very bad game by   by blonde by dj blunders yeah somehow he didn't  go h6 first of all he should have gone pawn to h6   um i thought maybe after queen d5 there was h6  king h6 um and some queen c1 like maybe this this   and queen queen c1 was some kind of discovered  attack but he didn't do it and now he's just lost   yeah this is well i mean it's guys you got  to again for for all the competitors that   are coming up you do not have bonus time today so  i want to see good chess i don't want to see this   craziness with 15 seconds versus 115. right blitz  if you're spending 15 seconds a move more than   two times a game that's bad you need to keep a  pace you need to feel the flow icaru has said that   many times himself about blitz so and bullet right  bullet much more so than blitz but yeah oh that   was a free pawn on c6 um why are you still working  oh oh come on yeah baby come on we're back in it   rookie six is coming he's gonna get checkmated  no now it's game on again please defend yourself wait but how do you even oh he's gotta find he's  not even sure how how is black not just losing   eval bars look very slightly better  for black so oh oh oh come on come on hicaro i think the move was queen  e4 the only move that was holding on   instead of queen e6 was so winning why didn't  he take guys you got to look for checks   he didn't take first of all i mean from an  instructive standpoint thank you sex yes   yes yes yes oh yes yes yes yes yes yes there  we go oh my god but he's got eight seconds   he's still going to lose it doesn't matter  oh my god 20 seconds oh my god please move   thank you keep thinking keep keep my god that  was unsatisfying oh my god that was that was nuts   what hour are you allowed to curse on your stream  you're very family friendly i i i really hold   it back i gotta tell you oh my god well i mean i  don't i don't do i don't have hikaru after dark so   i always keep it family-friendly okay all right  well that was quacking ridiculous i mean that was   oh my god you guys are gonna make jesus   yeah what's the score are we up one we should  have been down three and a half two and a half oh my god that should never have by the way  so instead of queen e6 on move 28 uh-huh we   need four with x-ray defense right and  then the g6 pawns yeah queen e4 yep   that's a very it's yeah queen e6 rook g6 was  just winning on the spot because black takes   you lose the queen if you move the king you just  take the knight basically uh soul pyromaniac is   there i think soul pyromaniac he's he's in i'm  following him i think he just joined live chess   is your guy there dominic i think so yeah  he's there all right cool we're ready to go   oh you guys are costing us big money  wait your guy wow e4 knight f6 oh my god   okay he's playing he's playing a garbage opening  but he's 1800 so it's not actually garbage   right um now they're in the french right c5 and  a6 right yeah because there's this french line who   was it i think it was iman hamilton was saying  you should go knight g8 and play like a french   but somehow you get the knight on g8 instead  of d7 and that struggle is a little bit odd   but i i don't know it just seemed weird well  there's a lot of different setups like for example   there's this you know there's the e6 b6 setup  where you're the other knight the g89 goes to   c6 and then the other one goes to d7 but right um  so yeah all sorts of oh well black's just winning   now okay yeah what is guys you cannot be losing on  move six with white let alone against the french what are you doing ah this is so upsetting so upsetting yeah i  think um black is doing pretty well here   94 27 and knight c6 black is just winning up one  extra juicer in the center should be very good   all right well never say never uh with  with this crowd yeah it's not clear you   have to develop in a very professional  manner here so we'll see what black does yeah white's got some the good the only good thing  about white's position is that white is castled   first a complete development and there are  some tricks right uh oh my god you guys are   really stressing me out here how you play i'm  gonna go look up some stats oh wait no i can't   because i have the spreadsheet open soul  pyromaniac has played a lot of chess games   how does he not know how to  play against the french hikaru   oh the french is a tough opening but also as the  move order the move order was off because it was   out of an aliens defense sure yeah maybe he plays  like the advanced french or something so right   heart rate monitor for sub battles that's  an idea for us obviously not for the players one thing that i've actually used one  no i've never used one i've actually   never even not had an apple watch nothing nothing  you had to you had this the the magnus uh right   right right which is it's never fun it's like  it's like it's like when i go to see when i i   haven't gone to see a doctor in years because like  i don't need to but um maybe that's bad i actually   shouldn't say that it's slightly irresponsible  to say yeah i was like hold on it's like uh yeah   that's actually a little bit irresponsible i feel  like isn't that what the politicians say like   you're young but like you know you think you're  invisible but that's why you got to buy health   care um anyway let me not go there uh but  but as i was saying um as as i was saying   anytime i would go to the doctor i was growing  up it's like i would always have really bad uh   bad blood pressure because it's like you're  freaked out you're scared like you're going to   see the doctor so like if you're going to see the  doctor it's always really really bad um but like   normally it's completely fine but because you're  like oh oh my god i'm seeing the doctor you just   freak out and um and so so like i always had bad  bad blood pressure when i would go see a doctor   yeah i'm i'm terrified of needles so as a kid  like it was always a mystery to me whether or   not i'd need a blood draw and my parents would  always lie and somehow i'd always believe them and   then okay so wait who's that person here i'm like  saying don't say go don't go and see the doctor   you're like saying just lie so you don't have  to like get blood drawn no i'm not i'm saying   my parents would lie to me as a kid because they'd  be like they're not going to take your blood and   then they wouldn't oh and then they would okay  yeah it's okay yeah yeah right um my entire chat   just rallied around someone who's oh it was  nathan nathan said you don't go to see doctors   doctors come to see you that's that's that's what  we've that's that's what we've evolved to now so   okay this is very dangerous actually knight g6  is a huge threat here winning the rook on f7 um   okay that's a great move pinning the queen in the  night no sacrifice on g6 maybe queen f6 maybe e5   at the right moment um great move because knight  six was coming and that was just crushing so right   oh man he is redeeming himself a bit i have a bad  feeling black is going to mess up right around now   maybe queen f6 maybe king h8 very  dangerous position for both sides that's a i think that's a good move after h5  which removed or i guess i shouldn't say moves   yeah i was i mean it's it's good  enough for the situation i thought   there's some tricks okay yeah that that's what  i was thinking he's gonna play but well no time   is very close too so this is messy this is  messy all right is not loading uh   don't don't jinx it buddy we're having a good  show um everything is seems good for now yeah hey it's like the fred this looks  like the well fred it doesn't king he was just winning and they take the bishop   yeah that was not good guys you let the  queen get out of danger there was two   oh this yeah this is what i was gonna say  but i think black's position is really good   his position's really good oh my god he's just  he's so low on time holy hell what is he doing   just move bro move move dude move dude oh  no oh white's moves are easy move move move   move just move just move you got no time  just working [ __ ] working hail mary hail   marriott no no come on you might still do  it he's down six seconds you can't do it soul pyromaniac pulling that out unimpressive no it was a terrible win like i i i  will be completely honest that was uh   that was but he but he he got the job done  but uh my goodness that was not a good win   oh that was pretty terrible yeah not gonna  lie okay and don't play king f7 you gotta go   king h8 you gotta avoid checks when you're in that  situation yeah all right we're back up too i mean   dude it's it's been oh and uh well i'm not really  happy about the situation here but i thought   kind of pink jake was the sub of your channel  too yeah he uh he signed up for both uh after   expressly said to folks not to do that then he  hung out in my chat the entire intro to the stream   okay talk to everybody and then when the roster  came out he was like oh sorry and then he left   okay all right interesting accent lady yeah that  was my um except wait didn't you just hang a pawn   oh ah okay good good good good good good  why would you put the bishop on b7 and then   and not capture the pawn of course okay it's like literally the whole point of the  opening but whatever wow bishop b2 might be the you know hikaru the last time kind of pink  jake played in a sub battle he played c4 right   i think so because you're the guy who wanted to  play e4 correct correct um he then said after   that game that he would so he did he's following  his word no he played c4 on move one again oh okay   oh he was going to play e4 and then he's still  still playing c4 right yeah well c4 is a good move   also levy you don't play e4 move once why  are you telling people to play e4 i play e4 i play e4 d4 i mean like in classical i thought  you were like always playing d4 i played d4 c4   e4 g3 no no no no you you don't play e4 because  that term in vegas you're not playing e4 on move   one i'm sure of it no yeah i know i was playing  d4 but since then i've been playing e4 a lot   so i just okay you've changed okay okay yeah i  uh i get bored of openings i mean c4 is fun so   um this is looking pretty ugly for white you've changed exactly yeah what's the best opening i love when folks ask  me like super specific questions takara what   is the best opening against d4 for black in  2100 elo against d4 uh i would say with like   a hundred percent certainty the nimzo indian  hundred percent nimzo indian knight f6 e6 100 or you can play like danny wrench and play the  blue midfield game but the blumenfeld the bononi   like um banco gam type stuff the the wild  and very questionable stuff yeah yeah   i mean you can do that too but generally  i would i would i'd say the nimzo i remember i was teaching somebody who was like  15 1600 and every game that they had in the nimso   with the black pieces they were winning people  just fall apart oh my goodness what that was   a very okay it's still okay if he finds the  next couple of good moves but will he i doubt it   a chat i said nimzo i didn't  say the nim i said nimzo   i didn't say the nim indian he said the nim  so all right rook f4 here fantastic move is   my sarcasm going to uphold for stream snipers rook  for rook h5 rook takes f2 is on this i mean it is   no recap 2 was interesting nim so indian  yeah it's very funny chat oh my gosh oh he trapped the rook nice oh good move very nice  move i mean after playing bishop b2 and bishop a3   it was only fitting it went back to the square  it started on but it was actually a good move   and now the rook is trapped you seem conflicted like normally you'd be like  oh man i'm losing but you seem conflicted because   this guy's on your squad normally too right i   i want to l i want a good sub battle honestly  like sometime like that that's i don't want a   wash one way or the other i'm still waiting for  like when it's going to be like 7-0 you guys like   will you be upset at 7-0 or will you be  like hi it's 7-0 what do you think is ah good okay now it's over right this takes  bishop good good now it's over okay so you   weren't that wasn't the face on my question that  was about the position i just got like two super   ignored oh oh sorry you're saying it was seven  zero would i be how would you be rubbing it in   or would you be like oh man i wish it was closer  you know i'd be wishing it was closer i always   like close matches doesn't matter what sport what  game it is i don't like runaway unless you're   playing yes if i'm playing then it's different but  that's the only time that that's that holds true   fair um i i'm still like a little bit skeptical  here like somehow that white will start taking   all his time and somehow but white has 30 seconds  more yeah but like just slow it down okay or black   can just lose on time i mean yeah also true what  is he ah he a little nervous he a little nervous wow he just like like that was it he just like  ran out of time fair enough that's surprising okay   i mean sure a little bit uneventful yeah  kind of being jake played a nice game   very nice game i'll be having  a talk with him off stream okay next game coming up i guess  four and a half three and a half   that was it's gonna be close yeah  this is getting closer fortunately talk offstream that's going to be a ban right levy no he's a he's he's he's a vip they they  tend to get away with certain things you know   like no shoes no shirt no service   he strolls in no shoes no shirt orders  a drink somehow we still give him one what jake now he's in my chat saying i'm sorry  boys get the get out of here yes go support the   horus team what listen you you picked your side  for this battle it's fine you don't need to ikaro   have you ever had an opponent like obviously  not nobody in the top does this but like when   you were younger did anybody like beat you and  say i'm sorry after the game no of course not   i've seen this happen and it's just the weirdest  thing like if you swindle someone they say like   i'm sorry by the way big shout out to kilder thank  you for the six month result and thank you for the   five gifted as well thank you so much appreciate  kill dear thank you that's five people who now   can play in the next sub battle oh i'm loving  it this is a bit much h4 is just a bad move   it is but not if castles h5 then at least  it gets interesting true true um all right   i mean that was a very expedited but you can't  play bishop d3 knight f3 bishop before and h4   okay now black has played like c5 or e5  some kind of break in the center is required all right 22 i like it and this is why beginners should  not play the the modern of the pier   because you don't know how to break  the center of the board and it's like   this knight does not belong on h7 it  should have gone to g4 to support e5 oh my god but he did it he actually got e5  oh and now this is just good for black is   it not like i don't i still think white is  better because the pawn pawn on each five   with the knight on each seven but yeah  it's not it's not trivial at any rate   that's what i would say okay it takes takes i mean  yeah white needs to be very i mean that's that is   not how you play this position i mean you got to  go you know you got to play i don't want to say it you there wait what just  happened what the wait what just what what happened what what's happening can't  white just take the free rook what wasn't there   a free work on d8 what car that's literally  why i made that noise oh i i lost my headphones   and my headphones plugged as i leaned back i  didn't hear your noise sorry you didn't hear   me scream no i didn't sorry sorry i didn't hear  it because i had to plug my headphones back in   i i damn near had a heart attack oh i i i didn't  actually see it sorry why did you what is this   guy doing oh my oh no content is beginning way  too early i thought oh my god no i did i didn't   because my headphones came unplugged so i had  to replug it so i'm just like taking my merry   times i assumed your guy's just winning i didn't  want to really rush to plug my headphones back in oh mike i mean i am in fizz i'm  not sure i can digest my dinner   nope what is h4 yeah don't do this to your  structure all right um a5 is under attack okay at least he defended it why is white trading all the pawns like  oh i mean i meant to say black but but   this this was a bad game of chess yeah  yeah this was a very bad game i mean   but your guy wins unfortunately well i'll never  say never hold on he's not even going to see queen   he's got he did not he didn't see queen either no  he's got a minute 10 seconds sorry he's he's going   to play queen f4 probably like that that's that's  the ultimate turn of events he'll hang his queen   like i'm i'm pretty sure he'll hang his queen he's  going to play queen e5 no i'd bet you're probably   20 subs that he won't hang his queen okay well  i thought that but there's yeah yeah it's like   what's the price of bitcoin now i mean change  it all right 20 000 yet yeah all right all right   unfortunate that was that was that was subpar it happens it's still it's only two  right yeah it's still only two okay okay follow yo lance lotal lancelot's all you  got to get into live chess buddy   don't do this to me right now where he  at oh my goodness is he really not there appreciate all the subs by the way  guys i i do see you we are just   insane by the way to my subs also thanks so much all right he's there he's there he's there he's  in live chess now he's he's good he's in uh okay so pretty standard so far bishop  b5 uh this is an exchange car con right this is i don't like yeah well again this is  this is exactly why it's good for black because   a lot of people with the white pieces play knight  c3 not realizing it doesn't belong here i mean   yeah like that is a nice move that is showing pure  class so that way you can play c3 and consolidate   the uh consolidate the pawns pure class okay  isolated pawn position knight on c6 is hanging   will he defend it well he defend it all right i mean c4 hits the knight on c6 nice  move that's a really nice move by lancelot yeah both guys have been inspired  by the other to like move the nitro hey rook c8 oh no that that was not  the passive i like how fast they're   playing i do not like how fast they're  playing because my guy's playing worse   right yeah the time is it's a slight issue here there's some moves by the way for my chat  i'm not gonna answer random questions right   now maybe later but not right now i'm not gonna  ask about like what do i think about india as a   travel destination we're very focused on the game  of our subs as we should be they are subscribing   to our channel so we are focused on the chats  right now my mom went to india to write for   some story i forgot where she was i think she was  in mumbai last year wait is your mom a journalist   she is columbia columbia j school oh  i had i had no idea i have very oh it's okay i mean 94 is a tough  move you know it's like a   yeah it's like a good move it's  tough for them to you know mm-hmm oh he didn't so good rook c2 is just winning the like this is a game right triangle yeah rook  down one instead of to the left it's fine   all right wow dude the guy playing with  the white pieces his name is eragon do   you remember that there was a movie or a  book or something like i don't remember   exactly what it was it was some sort  of dragon book series i don't aragon um what is it called yeah um there was something you're right i don't  remember what exactly but there you're   right there was something yeah book and movie  of course as usual chad just literally knows   everything about everything i mean right right  of course yeah i swear if we ever had a barbecue   they would all be like tall like stuck  up you know glasses on the nose like yes   i started this break in the day it's  quite surprising that you don't know maybe queen a2 isn't going to hit the pawn on a6 boss champ all right rook b3 i feel like is  it just me or did black just move a lot of   yeah black misplayed it but black is still better  because the isolated pawn on d4 that's for sure   yeah one minute i don't like  that we're down 20 seconds okay that's a very tricky move see if he that's why you guys always  got to look for checks great move okay that's a little a little  bit bold don't hang your rook oh he's that that was a nice maneuver i  mean he's been studying end games okay   okay so probably g3 here to stop  h4 um black is still better here   there's that wait wow he's  playing really well like i mean he's he's obviously gonna take  that with that you gotta create the   oh in some ways i can actually see that move  like being okay oh my g mine's right d4 i mean so this can be a draw right like this is easy draw  easy draw if you find the right move good move   especially playing i mean these dudes  like took lessons before the stream or   something like out of it no oh no maybe f4  is good i don't i i made a five oh come on   okay maybe they didn't take lessons before the  stream all right he knows knights go backwards   all right all right that is a weird move what are  you doing with that what's that move all about   what's that move all about oh my oh oh i knew  it wasn't gonna happen oh oh oh okay um look he   offered him a draw he offered him a draw oh my god  they're gonna repeat like oh they're gonna repeat   they're gonna repeat oh my god they repeated oh  my god could have taken the knight twice on e1 okay i've seen too much hi highlight  clue you guys are looking good today um   yeah what are today's lottery  numbers oh my goodness oh my goodness slash gm hicaro and gotham chess  only only the best content oh my oh god oh god   my heart rate is actually  escalating by the way like oh goodness gracious oh my god all right next game is on by the way yeah yeah  yeah okay let's let's let's watch this game okay   we've got the uh four nights italian which as  we know is not very good for white although at   this level it's probably pretty decent holy oh  my god oh i actually gotta like breathe whoa   that was really insane yeah oh wow does he know  what he's doing or did he just hang a pun not sure he doesn't know what he's doing unless this is theory like no it's  not no but i mean he misplayed it what's the score i don't know it's  definitely not up on the screen though   oh man no it's 5'3 i mean it feels  like white should have something but   i don't know quite what white  has here it's just very dicey all right take a deep breath   by the way for the future we need to make it  a mandate that players have a profile picture   okay they need to show who they are some sort of  valid identification like the guy playing with the   with the white pieces what is that is that like  a what is that it's a sort of alien like what no it's not it's um i don't i  don't it's a mask or something okay   okay um okay d5 or castles black is  fine yes blick is i don't know how much   better bla i don't know if black is much  better or not but this is just uh tricky maybe h6 maybe castle's next move um just  a tricky position for both sides yeah but   i think from a from a practical standpoint it's  probably probably black is doing i mean as i'm   saying that i'm i'm seeing all these you know two  bishop ideas and so we'll see what he does but   um i don't know okay that is a very direct move i  this game might end in the next five moves like i yeah i mean i think black is better but it's  very tricky white has the bishop pair bishops   are coming in black is up the extra juicer on c6  but it's not so easy to play let's put it this way   i don't like that move oh i hate this move yeah  it's a terrible move yeah that's a little too bold   because now his knight is not leaving the defense  of the king and a lot of people psychologically   don't like to go back to where they were which  might very well be the best move true true true   so no well the guys i'm not talking about okay  he actually did it so credit to him another   draw repetition i'm i'm okay with the draw here i  think because i don't like the position for black   okay right that's that's a that's a good move  yeah white's down 30 seconds so maybe you don't   like the draw by the way no no i actually know  now i hate the draw hey how's it going mr daniel   wrench we were talking about you earlier in your  fantastic openings that you played when you were   2100 um so we just we were remarking about what  a genius you are for for how well you played   and what a professional approach you had all those  many many years ago and he's uh danny's the best   i think the last time we did something as well he  was like also resubbing danny danny knows when the   danny should play by the way like one of these  upcoming events like he he got to play he played   i am not gm but then he choked it right at the  end against teddy oh that was such a match i gotta   tell you man uh that match really made me think  i would i would walk through to the semi-finals   and uh that did not happen yeah i mean i don't  know i don't know but it happens it happens   it does that that match made me reflect also danny  definitely didn't you think danny reeves subbed   recently or something i thought he did something  he did he did do something i don't know what   that something was but it was it wasn't something  because apparently he just resubbed for 23 months   to my channel um i don't know thank you so much  danny for the resub i'm about to 500k followers   uh yeah i think we're pretty close for like 486  000 so uh thanks again to everybody for the love   and support you guys are amazing um appreciate  it thank you once again my chat chill out you   guys were watching chess we're not talking about  fortnite or anything else we're watching chess   it's it's it's quite an amazing number yeah i mean  i feel like the the commentary the past uh few   weeks has been nuts like uh two days ago i had 51  and i'm almost at 55. like i it's actually crazy   like the all these like different i mean there's  commentary and also the lessons like for example   uh cutie cinderella's people were like super hyped  for the lessons like they were in both chats they   were like talking to to us and and and all these  people so um it's it's great to see with park   champs two coming up higaro let's uh yeah right  yeah you got your eyes on 600 thousand what's   no i mean i'm just thankful for everything  that's happened honestly um it's just it's   amazing to see and it's really great to hear like  i i feel like yeah it's just the other day where   you know we were doing the commentary i was hoping  that you would have fifty thousand and now you've   got fifty five thousand followers like it's just  it's great to see for the whole category honestly   i'm just yeah very happy for everyone for  all all the growth that everybody has seen   um so it's just been amazing anyway let's  let's watch the game yeah teary-eyed into   emotional uh black is winning here if he finds  the right move will he find the right move   come on dude don't disappoint me don't disappoint  me he was supposed to go queen d2 and win material no oh he's up you're up 10 seconds but just  move like vichy move like the wind   come on move fast like this you would  dude come on move there it is okay okay   okay okay there nobody's singing move move move  oh oh oh oh okay just move move just move just   move just move just move dude just move queen  c3 move move move move move move okay oh maybe okay just okay good um okay good good good okay good good good good okay   holy [ __ ] i gotta meditate dude this  is this is i gotta i gotta like i gotta   it's just chats man it's just chess it's just  chess yeah it's just it's just chess it's just   oh my god all right all right all right okay yeah  i agree i agree that's how i feel too it's like okay okay this next one i'm really excited for  this next matchup lincoln b he's got spongebob   as his flair i think he's like a young he's like a  young kid and uh i got a a sub in my channel who's   um who asked if like his son could play like  he didn't know how to join so i told him last   week that i'd get him in for the next one so  i'm pretty pumped to see the the kid play but   we gotta we gotta be nice hikaru or i don't  know tough love like wait i mean it's not   even fair it sounds like he bribed you so you  could play no he didn't bribe he just asked okay but he couldn't play last week but he gets  played this week well last week he asked me   afterward he was like hey like oh okay okay so so  i mean it's just favors yeah so it's like correct   correct um all right you know i'll he'll he'll be  at my next you know rally or you know or whatever   so uh-huh okay oh he's seven that's amazing i mean  dude lincoln b is seven years he's seven years old   not bad he's better than i was at seven i i  didn't play chess i mean i ca yeah i kind of   played when did you start playing i learned at  six and um i well i played my first tournament   yeah i guess i guess right yeah i was seven  so okay yeah same here i was like seven   but yeah what's the average age of oh wow ip4  was better oh my god oh my god oh my oh my god the kid the boy wonder oh my goodness yes see i i knew that there was something involved  like you weren't being honest you totally knew it   was a ringer a ringer no no no no no no way can  i play can i play i'm sure you were on the phone   it's like yeah what's your actual uscf rating  oh 1100 yeah then sure of course you can play no no i i i don't know who it is i mean  yeah that was that was a nice trick also   i mean hikaru more than anything else what is  white what is white doing is really the question   i mean i don't know i'm very disappointed  because most norwegians actually show a   great understanding of the game of trust even if  they're underrated what no that's just it's just   it's always funny when we go that way no but i  mean norwegians are under oh my god norwegians   are just underrated i've noticed like even if  they're like 1800 they play like much stronger   um but this guy's from norway and he's  really disappointing me unfortunately   that was that was well done that was  not good at all that was really not good wow what a game by the kid  and again you guys are ahead ah wow well we still got three to go  right yes yes we do one second i'm gonna   i put my window in front oh this net okay  this this all right let's see what we got in   this next one oh i think i know what's coming  oh he's stonewalling him but against king's   indian not great not the greatest choice  no definitely not but it's still decent hikaru get a beer and chill i can't chill this  is like this these are my subs like if my subs   are doing if my subs aren't winning like it means  that i'm doing a bad job as a streamer because   it means they're not like learning from me i'm  not doing a good job of teaching them yeah it's   very personal chat i can't just take a beer and  chill we uh we we had some chaos uh earlier uh in   in in my discord a little bit because um  prosecutor was writing that uh like he made   a mistake like reading something and so he  said i i you know i can't read yet i'm nine   and then somebody got very uh they got very they  went full karen and they were like you can't   be on twitch unless you're 30 he's not actually  nine so they uh they try to get him to not play   they try to you know be like you can't let him  play because you're going to get banned if you   let a nine-year-old play okay and it turns out a  seven-year-old can play so i but he doesn't have   a twitch account so right right of course yeah  that's what matters yeah well why don't why don't   we just like stream in our lesson in the future  just like a lesson teach the teach the subs about how to play chess true true yeah   yeah it's been a wild wild affair so far um  hopefully my guy finds a good move with the night with the knight oh i was following another player  and uh they started a game yeah it popped up   oh you guys are you guys are you  guys got one one game of action and   that's it someone wrote  subscribe but no twitch account yeah it's it's it's just pops it's just pops i  mean uh that's a good one oh yes queen d4 what   a move brilliant shot picking up the bishop on  c4 i don't i feel like if white goes bishop e3   black's going to take him to b2 i feel like  or maybe he's going to take on e4 he's going   to see the free pawn he's not going to see  no he's going to see the free juicer yes   yes come on these are my subs and he's got  the french flag so he knows how to play shots although this isn't the french flag that's bahrain  okay you were trolling you were trolling now you   were trolling stop it no that but it's the  right call or am i blind maybe it's because   my background is blue but that far left part  looks blue it looks like blue white and red oh   if you have a blue background then yes  in blue yeah blue white red is is friends   yes yes fine fine i mean on my layout it's  blue that's why so i thought so yeah what the what hold up bro it's the right color scheme i'm  right the right color is blue white red yeah no   i'm talking about i'm talking about the game no  blue white red is correct yeah i didn't know your   background was blue mine is yeah it's a messy  game though it's still not clear that white's   gonna win this is it not okay rick date's a good  move actually um and now black probably will   no but on my background it's not black you guys on  my background it's blue that's why it's different   so like you guys see black it's actually blue  on my background it's like a very dark blue   so that's why the color that i see is  blue because my background is black   i'm not joking you guys you don't have  to believe me but i'm being serious okay   fine i'll take a screenshot and i'll post  it later um get it get it in the discord   agreed agreed i have to edit it but yeah i  did wait hicaro you're you are you're really   lucky you're not paying attention to this  game why oh no he oh no what did he just do let's pray let's pray i think black's still winning right black is still winning black is still winning i'm gonna stay very cool  yes yes yes yes trade just take the queen take   the queen please take the q okay good how  you put your queen yeah right next to this   man's king and then by the way for my chat i  am literally posting it yes good good stuff this man played bishop h6  after he traded the queen   wrong order you should done with the queen on f6 i just posted sub only chat by the way for those  of you guys who don't believe me i just post the   caller um all right so okay black has three  extra juicers he's got rook g3 move the rook   push the pawn and see my chat says that's  a really dark blue so yeah it's blue good that's not blue it's blue chat  don't don't don't don't bully me   ah okay i'm back okay so e6 takes  king e6 h3h2 um it's not a chat   it's not black it's blue do i you want  me to show it's blue it's a dark blue   anyway whatever okay a2 a1 black's winning right  you're fighting some battles over there uh yeah yeah see it's not black it's dark  navy blue that's good good good okay he's gonna demonstrate the technique  popularized by french super talent of the   17th century maxime ladur sorry what i don't  know i just literally said some utter [ __ ] um   okay anyway um there are kids watching so  uh yes yes yes yes yep yep yep i apologize   love you relax apologize yep um um is it even um  no i think you guys are up by one you're up by one   it's seven six wow i i you know i'm tired i kept  trying to type forward slash follow uh in twitch   chat and i was like why is it not letting me do  it okay seven one it's very tight if you guys   win this one you guys win if we win it's tied  if it's a draw then then then we then my team   has to win the final game oh it'll be just like  before huh correct correct what's the tiebreaker   i don't okay we'll just call it a draw  okay all right let's go let's watch this   come on stone worker you got this man you got this  you got this okay let's go he's got one bar of   connection he's got one bar of connection okay  fine it doesn't matter he's playing the london   system because he's a gm like a bond like e3  bishop d3 knight f3 oh sorry did i inadvertently   just insult you by saying that kind of say  what so they just said gm like uh like a mod   no i don't feel insulted well because what  is fg3 oh my god what is that you're right um what is fg3 you're you always take with the h pawn  you always capture towards the center always um   okay anyway whatever okay so c392 just play play  play play fast play good just win oh my oh man   oh we we this dude we got f6 which is terrible  too we we have to do an under 2000 sub battle   like we just have to um because you want me to  die like from the pain yes i mean i i literally   i think we should do an under dude you know  what we should do we should do an under 2000   sub battle with suits and tops yes come on come on  bring it home come on bring it home bring it home   bring it home no oh no no no no no oh he  attacked the bishop but he didn't even   take it he could have oh yeah he could have  taken for free how do you put the bishop to t   and then he played bishop a6 because he wanted a  bishop trade but then he didn't take his bishop   um yes okay and then he blocks in his own  bishop jesus the plot thickens oh my god   okay so this is what we should do under 2 000 sub  battle in suits and ties super professional like   okay like the whole time straight faced analysis  i mean it would be it would be top level content   i need an excuse to wear my suit like i  don't know what i mean so true i've not worn   a suit in a very long time now probably  like since december like it's crazy so   we're describing what's better for my guys  it's getting much better no it's no this is   this is not good for anyone oh my god yes come  on bring it home let's go let's bring it home   i don't know suits don't really  always suck to wear like they're   look good in a suit you feel good  enough yes you're gonna let this   i'm fine this is a family-friendly stream  i didn't say anything i did did i swear   i mean this is what all coaches do by the way if  anyone like coaches don't express this emotion but   in the back room and the kids playing like and  we're all oh no it's oh no we just learned how   to hide the emotions wow knight h4 is a great move  too like fantastic move puts pressure on the pawn   fantastic move excellent excellent excellent  night h4 is an is actually a great move i've got   nothing to say wow after playing f takes g3 he has  justified after xg3 yep oh okay that's slightly   less good of a move no it's still winning though  come on still winning come on yeah oh okay yes yes   yes too so if you played queen h6 work of eight  he would have won that was a premium two okay   good okay this is good back in business back in  business we're gonna be tied with one game to go   no he's gonna hang his queen to the  bishop oh and you blocked the bishop i said you're gonna hang the queen to the bishop  yes see he would have hung the queen true true oh my god man oh it's gonna oh it's gonna  get dicey oh it's gonna get re oh what a move   what a move checkmate in one coming up here what a move rook out five is crazy like knight  h4 is great in like five bad moves and he finds   rick up five which he's gonna still play  rook out five like he'll wow what the hell come on let's go disconnect dude with your  one bar yes yes yes yes perfect fantastico   oh my god it is seven seven and it  all comes down to the final game one more one more let's see who's who's going to  get it i gave a guy talk i give up no pep talk no   pep talk before because he signed up to play and  i said listen when it comes down to it dusty mcfly   hey i feel like last time we had matt  damon now we got mcfly uh-huh true   okay come on come on linux let's go you  got this man you got this e4 let's go carl   khan don't you have a karo khan match coming up  later as well i do i i'm playing with the black   pieces are you feeling good about your match  against you or you think you're going to lose   this is a setup i i'm not going to say anything  rude i'm not you're not doing it no no we're not   it's like it's like when she said hey let's do a  let's do a speedrun you versus me to hikaru's top   50 and i was like uh-huh let's not um i'm feeling  good i'm feeling good but it's 3-2 she's she's   quite good at 3-2 obviously i can't you know just  go full degenerate and yeah and flag so okay okay   standard slav i i don't know about this order by  white but pretty standard maybe bishop g4 maybe e6   whoa e5 very bold is that a slipper do you think  he intended to do that no he's trying to take the   center he's principled but he didn't realize that  white could take which actually beginners don't   realize in queen spawn positions okay not so clear  though oh yes yes come on come on it's gonna take   he's gonna say come on fork him yes yes yes okay  it's still not over though okay save the bishop   save the okay that's fine still not over okay  it's still not over though it's only it's only   one bishop take it take it take it don't take  it don't take it don't take it what are you   thinking about like you got you castle castler  take the pawn have you ever played chess before   it's so toxic just so toxic oh my god yeah  i'm i'm very frustrated if you haven't   we're losing three games we needed one game to  put it away what are we golden state like jesus   steph curry by the way if you ever want to play  chess right here's here's the co-host this is   what you got to hit up right here or i don't  know where are you on the screen that way okay   okay good good good good good  good good okay still very close the good thing is that despite being down  a piece the position's closed but why is he   is his connection like bad like he's i mean come  on you're trying to rag my guy for having a bad   connection so it's only fair that your guy's a  bad connection too i know but i don't know if   he's just hesitating and nervous because like  i understand listen playing on stream it's the   final game this is gonna go in every single  video ever so right this is true okay good   black just think just think tough position off  position a lot of options oh by the way just   to be clear since my chat was talking about  clay thompson actually is a legitimate shots   player probably like 1500 or something um very  legit though he likes chess yeah he he needs to   make an account maybe he lurks these streams who  knows okay well he took i know he took lessons   from a master in in portland so he definitely has  played chess there's any westerners in portland no i wasn't even like i don't know anybody  from port i don't know anybody from oregon   who plays chess 22 hunt oh whoa  whoa okay that's a weird move you realize there's someone from portland right   uh i know well i know i'm yes i know that beauties  oh my come on i just meant she doesn't teach chess   okay that's what i meant like she doesn't she  doesn't coach all right lovey okay i love you all   right hi i'd like to formally apologize come on  just take the take the horse take the horse dude   i'm not sure he knows that he could do yeah  it's good okay now is why can i hang his queen   no doubtful the 30 second time differential  matters 134 versus one minute match let's just   just go guys just go please just go okay good i  like it great but just too slow man how you gonna   do slow come on you got to move you  got to move you got to move uncle   okay good move good move i like it what he he  saw that i'm not saying it's even good but it's   a move no it's it it's still a great idea like  keep thinking keep thinking dude keep thinking keep thinking relax some classical music  keep thinking oh he's got to play he's   only got one way to stop everything keep  thinking keep thinking think think think   think i feel every second i feel more  and more pain thinking more and more pain   keep thinking come on keep thinking  man excellent excellent oh my god do i hear someone move 20. i i  feel like i can hear that sound   that sound of those 20 gifteds right  now i can just i can i can like hear   it i can sense it i can just see that  that sub gift exploding on my screen yeah oh now he's playing fast oh now he can play  fast oh when he's down to 15 seconds oh he's whoa   rook f6 is a great move oh my god okay wow how  do you think i don't oh my is he gonna see mate   though i mean there's no way no way 400 c is made  no way foreign check check check check yes yes yes   yes yes yes yes that is fantastic as as  we say check because you never know when   check will be made all right that's cool  i didn't need a hundred dollars anyway   i didn't need i i did that really happen that's  insane we lost the last three games and there   was no dream on green suspension i mean we just  straight up lost three games like it wasn't a   questionable i mean okay all right  true slash gm he comes through all right true whoa thank you super robot actually  10 gifted thank you so much   appreciate it thank you so much wow that was crazy okay you know what i can't believe  it that was so bad that i think   i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna  give a bonus there's gonna be a bonus   that was so is that like a comment or like you  trying to make me feel bad like that was so   bad like i'm going to gift more like that i'm  spite gifting that's what i'm doing i'm angry   at the casino so i'm going to give 25 because i  don't oh whoa thanks thanks for 25. i don't even   it's it's all good why are you so you're angry at  the casino i don't i'm i'm totally not i'm totally   joking i'm not serious at all uh well i mean  i think everybody's angry at the casino right   or you're supposed to be unless they're  not stopped and somehow you win yeah um i   i just hit me up and was like yo we got to  do a private lesson so i could pay you back   so so uh oh my god wow so your subs are like  taking it really seriously why it's so early   in what it's 3-2 right yes it's 3-2 and it's  first to 51 so we've got a long way to go
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 369,080
Rating: 4.9281726 out of 5
Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Pogchamps, Hikaru's friend Levy, gothamchess, gmhikaru, subscriber battles, sub battles
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 42sec (5802 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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