LONDON MATCH vs IM Levy Rozman (Gotham Chess)

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break a leg i'm gonna try and keep my legs intact eric hey how's it going it's going well i won i won my game and i played to london when i was white i've i saw the beginning of it but i didn't see the end of it i'm so proud of you thanks you're not live yet are you uh i am live i just went live oh hi yeah chat say hello to levy hello to levy's chat too hope you guys are ready you got a lot of people who showed up here and i think they like you more hmm i think somebody who who who likes your stream said uh that they're watching your stream they told me in my chat they're watching your stream instead of my stream you're less arrogant oh well you're more confident so there's always two sides to the coin i'm not so sure i feel as though you're like extremely confident i feel like it's just like you're like just you don't need you don't have to say anything you just you know i'm not sure about that no i've i really don't know but i mean when you say that you you sound confident so maybe that's true but maybe it's not when i say that about you yeah just when you talk you you have a very i guess confident vibe which i i try and live up to but it's difficult sometimes oh it's just your your new york vibe maybe maybe we just changed the title of the stream like two i chatting am complimenting each other yeah you should change the category no more london match oh i'm i'm streaming this entire event in the just chatting category by the way i'm trying to try to see it oh you're experimenting no i'm not i i believed you that's like that's kind of the thing to do these days to attract a different audience yes yes well they're gonna they're gonna pop up and be like uh wow who's this guy with the beautiful beautiful we should probably do some sort of like formal we should do like a formal introduction right i didn't really prepare any speech but no i mean yeah we can we can do something maybe for the the future youtube people i usually don't have like any formal i don't have a hello everyone i don't have hey guys but uh hey guys this is eric uh and i did notice that you like you just you like cr like time it very well from when it happened in the stream but um yeah basically we had this match with chihu and somebody in the comments wrote you should do this with eric rosen and i was like that's a good idea i don't remember your name but maybe i'll put it in the youtube thumbnail and uh maybe it's already made so i don't know if i can do that so eric you want to do this he said yes no i saw that youtube comment too i i think the like some of the best ideas ever are born out of random youtube comments it's incredible no because some of them are also pretty terrible that's true yeah there's there's a wide variety of ideas also i think i kind of coerced you into the 100 i just copied the thumbnail from last time but i think we're wagering 20 subs right that's the yes i i believe so there's always like i i have a match and some match uh several months ago where there was like a misunderstanding and like i paid my competitor afterwards and then they refunded me because there's a whole misunderstanding but uh yes i'll um if you take down my london i'll give you 20 subs all right um any any final thoughts before we have anything just one so one technical question i know like people in chat want me to trash talk but i'd rather avoid being trashy um so every game i'll be white so when we rematched should i just like import the games i'm black no i'll i'll send you a challenge and the challenge every time will be me playing with black in a three-time game okay cool hey let's go all right i think we're good london time let's go so i did a little bit of prep but not so much yeah i was expecting expecting c5 he's gonna play this early c takes d4 knight h5 line oh bishop e7 uh bishop e7 he calls for some like bishop d3 yeah this is a main idea this is a solid line for black and some idea like queen e2 rook d1 um there's a few ways i can avoid this line uh later on which i'll address but okay maybe 95 here there's a weird idea it takes and bishop takes h7 i think just wins it's uh it's nifty it's in my london course so i think so knight f6 or g6 expected not f6 i could castle what else to do queen c2 or queen b one's the move let's castle being extra safe so the whole the whole point of the line for black was to get the bishop which he didn't get he just moved his knight back and forth and i got a couple of free tempe with this and castling which is nice and light moves for it's not like the fourth time uh so f4 is pretty typical though f4 can run into c4 queen b6 hitting both pawns so i do have to be careful queen h4 i mean there's some queen g4 actually c4 c4 is a typical move here it probably makes sense because i'm i'm just ahead in development and yeah black lost a lot of tempe with the knights so i want to open the position uh queen c2 here looks solid hitting the pawn and probably just rook d1 maybe when the time is right i'll play e4 i feel like this first game this first game is very important to just get a rhythm find some flow uh can i take that it looks like a very juicy pawn to take not sure if it works so i think i'll start with this a spicy move i just want to play h5 and if black plays h5 then there's some some possibility of sacking i should always be aware of like the alignment as well uh okay let's take so the bishop's gonna find a nice diagonal oh probably take with queen i still want to play this open up some line wow so ignoring my my pawn storm i'm considering bishop e4 let's play h5 yeah now there's like nagging pressure on the h file king g7 so alpha zero would play this move what do i want to play oh there's a cool tactical idea queen f4 idea queen f6 doesn't quite work though okay let's play this anyway thanks for the bits person appreciate that i'm gonna try and stay focused so there's some idea queen f6 takes take so i mean i would win a piece like queen f6 king g8 and unfortunately it doesn't quite work just kind of sad like bishop b5 it doesn't really work either i'm realizing my queen is just misplaced queen wants to be here the bishop wants to be here okay so i kind of lost a tempo there i mean okay the position is very pleasant but i have to be cognizant of time some idea bishop f4 then queen h3 and then eventually taking and invading h6 and queen defends g2 as well which is nice c4 with a c4 explosive um play this move wow so he just doesn't care about my attack okay so i'll play queen h3 now i'm threatening to actually take in bishop h6 if rook what is this move g5 g5 seems very self-destructive but maybe it's playable i can take that play this in f4 my time now let's um let's play h6 first and then bishop g3 i spent a little bit too much time there i like the position because each this pawn is weak play this move threatening bishop e4 oh good move that's annoying hmm my time it still looks okay though holding on to things i want to play rook ee2 he's gonna go on time as well because the structure on the king side is really nice for white queen h5 is a threat turning this but i'm not sure what my plan is maybe this move always repeats no draw a risky move i'm opening the diagonal i can defend uh-oh i blunder i think i blundered there he didn't punish me though he's about to flag i'm about to flag i just want to meet on each side here we go oh look at this meat coming oh it doesn't quite work or does it i don't know where's the mate oh under promotion tactic i have all the queen turned on yes i didn't know what key to hold down uh-oh okay so the bishop is going to control a1 oh wow what is this position please get forks please so i want to build a fortress actually building a very pleasant structure kind of not really this is very stressful but everything's defended play this move how do i crack this oh he's very low on time i'm gonna try and torture him just a little bit this should be a draw though oh be careful oh dear oh no are you serious i'm losing this oh that's so sad this is so so sad once i can swindle this is really sad can i build a fortress with this probably not how am i losing this [Music] i'm still fighting i have knight in bishop he's getting low on time you take my bishop please so i want to win the pawn first ah he's queening i'm throwing a fork ah yeah he's gonna win this this is really sad unless unless i can fight wait let's not blunder at night i have to make him work for it please play this please please please oh he's so smart let's attack the queen he's struggling kind of the queen is vulnerable oh i struggled more ah oh what an insane game wow i was so proud of my under night promotion aha okay uh what a crazy game i was such a good position i was nervous though a little bit man that was 109 moves okay he was a good sport all right new game um london again okay so there's nothing wrong with opening that previous game okay now he's playing a dutch so i'll play the london and get against the dutch i guess was actually looking at this earlier wondering if i can play this let's try it it's a weird move i have not ever looked at the specific position but um now we'll see what happens can i close the chat okay the chat was still there but okay now it's closed okay let's play let's see three i mean knight c3 is more typical there's a similar line where white goes for the setup an eventual idea like develop the bishop light comes to e2 and with knight c3 there can be a lot of build up against the pawn like even here what does he play against knight i guess he has knight d5 um i think it's almost working i played this move let's play this move that's a fun opening this is not your typical london system like early queen f3 early knight c3 but this is what happens when black plays a dutch it's just really really really strange and the whole idea is to open the position like box underdeveloped black's played f5 so i'd like to open the position generate some threats i mean if the knight moves i just take and attack the rook so i think he has to take oh so with this i can take take him 2 for king d1 oh this is getting really crazy but we're essentially trading rooks and the knight's going to get trapped so let's do it so the idea is after it takes king d2 takes takes black can take back with check but then king c1 um i guess black would be up a pawn but the knight would be just stuck and simple idea king b1 king takes a1 okay now this is it's an interesting move and bishop b5 it should be five probably king of seven what is this position okay so at least i free up the f1 square so if king f7 i can consider taking knight c2 king f1 takes and probably knight f3 in the end or even queen a7 in the end looks okay the nice thing is d3 and d1 are controlled so the queen can't really infiltrate knight f3 looks attractive king can hide on d8 or on g8 maybe i'll start with knight f3 and then this the a7 pawn will be hanging whenever i want to take it bishop d6 i can play knight g5 man these games are crazy so far i really have to conserve my time this game so knight g5 oh what is this move i mean knight e5 looks really attractive also bishop c4 maybe bishop c4 there's a simple idea knight g5 check going after the pawn i'm realizing my queen is kind of out of play okay let's go for this if i take like we have three it's a good move and allowing g5 yeah something went wrong but the knight's still kind of stuck try this knight f4 starting this yeah i think he missed his chance for g5 let's defend g5 still possible though another crazy position my queen the whole life time oh oh man i got so long on time no oh man i think the position is dangerous um i got way too relaxed there i was calling bishop c6 i just had to move okay not a great start i'm liking the positions i'm getting i just have to move a lot quicker he's definitely playing more confidently than me man i was only 21 moves compared to the previous game so i guess i'll wait maybe can you send me a challenge now you see i don't know if i updated my settings correctly friends i think he's a friend is he a friend oh he's not a friend oh okay me adam is a friend add friend okay oh another name okay let's do this let's come back i'm down zero to two that's the worst start possible i'm gonna manage my time so he's mixing up the responses which is nice if he plays b6 here i play queen f3 and this is a line if knight c6 i play knight c3 there's a trap d5 knight b5 if a6 i played d5 so yeah he's definitely not prepared here so i checked his games i don't think he's ever had this position uh that's the best move the the usual move here is bishop b4 because i still want to play d5 and again d5 knight b5 so some nice opening traps the main line is bishop b4 bishop d or no not bishop d2 bishop b4 bishop d3 knight d5 and then bishop d2 um yeah which i think we're going into i think the engine checked this a while ago the engine gives like a very small plus to white but nothing too too special vaguely remember just c4 and play chess oh can i play c4 here though well okay d5 kind of blocks in the bishop so i think i'll play some just central strategy and leave the pawns as is because it's hard for the bishop to actually like get influenced in the game i probably don't want to play c4 unless i do c4 is actually interesting here um also can i just greek gift greek looks really attractive greek gift king g6 queen d3 f5 you can also include h4 in that line i can't resist too much fun it might be dubious because this bishop is defending e6 and that's relevant in some lines but again just too much fun so the question do i want to play h4 or queen d3 or queen g4 maybe each were first i can actually try and win let's see how to do this let's play h4 first threatening h5 provoking rook h8 and then queen d3 and then i take on e6 and f5 should be weak so the line is this this this this so here here takes takes king has to move away from defending f1 and i assume there should be at least some compensation except i completely missed h4 is hanging so queen h queen is a huge annoyance i play g4 i play f42 he's low on time i want to keep the pressure f4 might be the best approach just from a practical standpoint i'll play f4 if rook h4 then i play this fighting queen g3 and whenever he takes when i win a bunch of pawns i'm also reinforcing the knight and preparing queen g3 actually queen g3 here is really interesting queen g3 queen h8 knight h7 beautiful move and another idea is rook here and i have queen h3 and queen f7 or queen h7 is a monster threat i guess he has queen g8 queen g8 we trade actually not sure okay i have a plan let's start with oh wait no no no wait not queen g3 queen h3 um what am i saying queen g3 first rook g4 queen h3 i was about to play queen h3 there initially that would've been really bad okay so it's it's very concrete rook here queen here here and then there's actually a couple ideas i have king f2 rug hm1 oh so here's where i thought i had just knight h7 that's probably good for him though i can take on e6 oh i have this move too wait this is simple or no it's not because he has rook g4 oh rook g4 is happening everywhere oh oh this backfired okay let's play king f2 i completely forgotten h7 rook g4 uh it's it's still very complicated because rook h1 is coming his king's still on g6 queen h4 is a move i guess king e2 not what i want though you play g3 maybe licking e2 oh oh this is really bad my knight's hanging play knight h3 there should be a6 as a move please flag for this move his rook is getting trapped almost kind of okay rook is trapped you can okay let's do this i've got to go for g4 okay let's expand this is not good gave away the d5 square oh dear i'm gonna need a miracle here oh this is really really bad i wonder if the greek gift just didn't work it was probably just a wrong practical decision okay but there's still some slither of hope it's getting weird what's going on oh he's queening check check no he's actually queening oh that's so sad maybe i can queen i got me ah man these games are so insane i'm down zero to three oh he's playing well he's handling the complicated positions well so maybe i should avoid chaos because i'm i'm getting like the opening is going very well for me i think every game so far um what okay i'll play the london but this calls so this calls for uh a joe bava london so slightly different yeah normally i would play e4 but i guess i'm kind of obliged to play bishop f4 i'll play queen i guess queen d2 here prepare the early bishop h6 c6 is playable i'm playing f3 okay i think he promised me before the match that he wouldn't beat me 8-0 i promised him the same thing i guess now i've guaranteed my promise complete e4 i don't care about double pawns it only helps strengthen the center there might be some weird idea knight h2 and then f3 would probably bishop d3 here or no does that blunder a pawn it's interesting i'll play bishop d3 if he takes and i can take on b5 and take six i hit the rook in the end so and the idea is to meet b4 b4 with knight e2 also he goes for this making sure i'm not missing anything oh he has e5 but e5 um i can probably just move bishop c4 because if takes takes uh the queen pins e5 pawn so it's weird it looks ugly for white but black's really underdeveloped and i still have this potential i have two bishops too that's a good move he wants to play knight e5 so i think the plan is to play f4 eventually especially like f4 will make h5 stronger because it discourages g5 he wants me to commit to bishop b3 which is actually okay and i hear i have queen e2 and still preparing f4 and bishop is nice keeps the queen side safe we'll start with f4 okay i want to keep the time advantage wow really give me the dark sword bishop what is this f3 i guess it's playable like two knights are actually decent fighters especially in blitz but it just seems like the dark squares are going to be exploitable hopefully i play rook d1 play rook d1 i think the king is safest in the center it's weird but okay trade off these guys maybe you have to eventually connect the rooks for parallel game one now he wants to to play positional i'll play king f2 still idea of rook a1 a7 is a bit vulnerable i queen d4 too it's another idea i just want to keep the game controlled just have to avoid these like messy and tactical lines challenge attack along the a file so i can't win a 7 because the bishop's tied down to defending that's a good move play this probably eventually f5 especially if he castles i'm liking this position oh what okay it might it might get crazy but hopefully in my favor because h7 h7 is hanging okay how to break through some kind of rook g4 even rook g5 [Music] you can be safe bishop e3 let's be safe eventually i want to play rook g5 well he wants to play queen h2 nifty oh that's very nifty actually i might just be able to take essentially trying to call his bluff i think it's okay because if he ever takes on f5 i take with check meanwhile i'm hitting his queen i'm just king e2 i assume knight g3 doesn't work because i can take it queen f7 rook h1 it's interesting i have this move yeah still eyeing f7 also finding this because half pawns pinned oh tactics fossil there we go okay i won the game let's go oh it feels so good i forgot what it felt like to win he tried to resist but he couldn't escape my my grip okay that was a nice game i was more of a appeared smogger but it's still fun to play with bishop f4 this early pressure okay so at least i'm on the scoreboard it's three to one the score is right here um i just have to to do that what seven more times okay trying to have some momentum london time yet again oh i looked up this line there's a few things i can play um i'll play knight f3 i'll play uh just a simple setup with queen b3 vision d6 i probably leave my bishop on f4 so the drawback of black playing this so early is queen b3 and b7 is undefended uh yeah so let's go for this and this is actually a typical structure in london where white can accept double f pawns but have a good good grip over e5 interesting so we simplify a little bit i probably should have played queen a3 there i missed opportunity maybe position's still pleasant though i think the queen is usually happy on a3 i know it looks a little bit weird but it pressures this than this if c4 is bishop c2 debating knight e5 or g3 play g3 because if takes the knight might want to enter d4 this is definitely the most positional game we've had so far she wants to play some kind of b5 i don't know if i'm so scared let's start with rook here because of c4 i can move the bishop all the way back and v5 maybe i can take greedy but interesting [Music] okay so this is kind of a decision moment to take with pawn or knight both seem very reasonable i'm leaning towards pawn because it restricts the knight and the c file's not too annoying also have knight 95 here or queen b4 let's start with queen b4 times about level okay that's a queen trade so i'm mainly looking at takes an f5 let's do it i mean there's also queen d2 and leader f5 let's actually keep queens on the board because there's more potential for me to attack and this queen's a little bit like in the way of the knight the queen g6 might come but okay these are my two main ideas me along with this and this even this is some useful move hmm i'll start with h4 i'm not scared of the square i'm trying to evaluate the structure if we end up training even take with other pawn kind of like a french structure i'm not sure if i'm threatening much there bishop b1 okay let's start with this he can't take his bishop h7 queen b4 interesting so i could take there's bishop b5 in the end um it looks pleasant because i'm going to try and take over the c file like probably this right away it's very positional b4 could be weak my a pawn could be weak though too there's knight d3 here and when i take i defend this pawn just have to watch over time knight c4 b3 knight a3 it's actually a little bit annoying because knight c2 in the end if i take my time is low i'm not actually threatening much here's rook c2 just preparing to take and also preparing probably rook c1 okay let's try and simplify time is very low it should still be about equal i just want to be solid so first goal hmm i wasn't sure what to do maybe rook g1 f3 it's weird but i want to kick the night away type wonder i may have blundered i'm not sure it's getting weird again ah this is not good so i'm down the pawn this is really not good because he has a better king too okay at least he allowed that positional chess i'm actually not sure how that makes progress here oh rook d5 good move ah should have seen that coming too i'm losing all my pawns oh that's so sad b5 coming or that okay i'm going to lose this this game almost certainly i'm just trying to find like some counter play rook f8 please okay here's something g5 good move very nice move and there goes all my pawns yeah let's resign no stalemate traps i was unfortunate um positional game i just got low on time and it was actually deceivingly tricky with the knight on c4 that'll be one to analyze but that was a clean game on his part yeah this was a nice tactic knight takes f2 okay london again let's go i mean the opening has not been the the problem it's more end game and time management and tactics okay so with this line i i delay e3 uh with the hopes of playing e4 e4 in one move now this is uh this is kind of secret prep the idea is not so well known among london players because most people just instinctively play e3 too early so okay let's go for this and yeah black just uh or white just builds up a nice center i probably allow knight c6 here um how bad is this oh that was not a good move to allow probably bishop e2 was better maybe it's not so bad i will play this and just allow the trade i gave away the bishop here that this bishop is not so impressive against these pawns i just have to take it one game at a time e5 interesting if i take taking is interesting but from a positional standpoint i'd rather just rather not let's start with bishop there's a d2 there's an e3 we got hit with knight g4 click b on b4a5 so let's castle so there's an idea if f5 there's some knight g5 idea which of course he prevents okay now i can play b4 we actually we just have the king's indian type structure um honestly it's probably more pleasant to play for black but we'll see start with king h1 i'd love to like prepare c5 it's not so easy to do if he plays f4 then it becomes a race to defend an attack and i have six is coming this looks really ugly but i want to play this in f4 i'm trying to like provoke him to close things down which he does it probably didn't really help me in any way man g4 is actually a really interesting move here it looks so counter-intuitive g4 h5 maybe the timing doesn't work let's play h3 first g4 is still an idea the problem is queen h4 ideas okay now he allows it so the whole point i just want to close everything down at the kingside close down closes down i can focus on the queen side if takes takes it's hard for black to break through so this is a very small victory for me you have h5 then i'm just going to like turtle up f3 okay we don't go into that that's interesting takes takes i think this is okay i can always throw in rook f8 i don't think i need to though unless oh just have to calculate rook f2 we have two main knight f3 okay so probably this move really gotta manage time good move idea knight g3 knight f5 he might try h5 and just make things really crazy but then i win g5 i probably want to play rook g1 knight g3 with g4 i'm also stopping knight h5 which is nice okay let's go for this trying to cement the bishop here it's crazy that's a good move i'm trying to simplify g5 might be weak in the end but c7 is week two so we get some end game i have knight b5 in the very end i stock queen h5 that's a good move let's take [Music] have to try this yeah i'm losing this pawn oh this is unpleasant i'm not even winning c7 i'm not even threatening this because q7 check which is really sad let's try and fight now i'm along queen h3 too oh this is really brutal oh dear the king g4 would run into or king f3 ran into bishop g4 mate okay still trying all it takes is one night fork how this bishop hair is so strong my knight's getting trapped maybe but actually probably yeah there goes my knight my sad sad night these positions yeah no this is this is lost well played man and it's five to one i regret yeah so i regret allowing knight c6 in the opening um but yeah he got like a very easy position to play all right i have to stay mentally strong dutch maybe oh this okay let's play so with this line i can commit to e3 expecting knight f6 f5 is also possible yeah so i'll just employ with this i'll just employ a very traditional [Music] london setup i think the queen sometimes likes to to go to b3 but the bishop will go to d3 there's some idea h3 rook g1 g4 so maybe not like super traditional i like the fact he's thinking oh actually i was looking at this line like right before the match started he played alejandro ramirez in this line on and you use this idea ramirez just left the bishop on f4 um i just remember the engine saying to take i think i'll go for this idea interesting so if i take g4 might be playable here it's kind of crazy and 94 is actually kind of annoying if i take new rook f1 i'm gonna play rook f1 it looks weird but i'm just over defending the pawn on the castle queen sign and this is what happens when i i show my cards i'm in the castle anyway i don't really mind the pawn storm even like the plongest a3 i'll play b3 eventually i want to get in this move f3 i'm going to try and keep the time advantage too so i'm threatening to win upon expecting d5 and then maybe maybe knight g1 there let's go for h3 i want to keep the queen slide closed as close as possible always play king b1 oh he wants to play knight b4 which is kind of annoying to stop but i have this move and a3 is loose also this pawn is loose so i think he's just mislike c4 so queen e7 i can probably take on b6 even interesting so if i take i would like to take it's not so simple that was a very resourceful move so if i take take and d5 comes i think maybe i can take on a3 probably not because knight b4 wow that was a really nice move i have to move though takes takes takes takes i could sack actually wait a minute maybe i can do this let's try this because the pawns are still forked i spent all my time there though i play 91 to start knight d3 that's annoying oh black's gonna start throwing punches my b4 queen b2 i'm still alive kind of i can't find this alexa you might see two still or the other night comes to c2 when it comes to c2 would be nice you're trying to complicate things especially with my time situation idea b5 being extra extra safe i want to play f3 i'm okay trading on b4 there's a d3 king a1 and such a passive game wow really does that work i don't know if it works it might work we might just be trading though maybe there's some perpetual my light should be better here try and gain some time oh this could be a long endgame grind white's definitely better trying to induce d5 also my b pawn's a pass pawn which i kind of forgot about so i just want to roll with the b-pawn and put a rook on b2 eventually don't name me safe move i can just check in queen or i can just queen immediately okay wow what a game so i i survived a very vicious attack and then somehow managed to win okay so two to five so only okay only have to take it one game at a time [Music] next time i probably won't take on d6 if we repeat that line okay this is kopsky's line i was actually looking at this a little bit last night and idea is just to leave the bishop here and develop normally kamsky's been playing this a lot online been streaming too what does this move he wants to play queen c7 the c4 actually looks attractive here because of queen c7 then i play c5 and i just get the bishop get initiative so b6 yeah now the knight develops a little bit more actively there's a typical trap knight d7 that takes f7 he's not going to fall for it but it's useful to know and queen e7 makes sense so queen a4 actually looks attractive here because i'm tying down the knight to defending the pawn i'm also pinning the pawn so that doesn't matter too much envision d3 looks active it takes i take with queen otherwise if i take with a minor piece i get forked i guess he wants to play b5 i'm gonna have to allow it just do this b5 i take okay so we go into this yeah this has some like uh miran slav resemblance he wants to play c5 eventually maybe even right now let's see five maybe i just take life goes on i like to move 94 here this typical idea before blocks committed to c5 and i pressure the bishop if i get the bishop to e4 or just like this diagonal then the c pawn can be weak and pinned i'm also unleashing the rook he wants to play knight g4 okay i have to take then i'll probably think knight e4 queen c3 that's also a move i don't need to retreat i can play i play this immediately actually yeah i'm okay if we trade i'm also okay if i win a free bishop i'm actually threatening to take and win the pawn two of rook b8 okay so that defends i have queen c2 so i might be winning a pawn there's not before to worry about not super simple i'll start with this so the calculation is h6 takes takes takes it takes takes knight b4 oh night before i can just take on b6 it takes on d3 yeah let's just go for this don't want to waste time the the ball is in his court too and i'll just react to whatever he does so knight a4 that's a move i was thinking uh b3 b3 knight b4 with d6 knight c5 bishop e1 let's do it there's also a visual e4 it probably doesn't work so let's go for this wow probably a3 yeah the knights are very strange but weirdly effective um what to do maybe g4 a loop for the king from upper pawn but it's still kind of complex i just want my king to join the party it takes probably gonna have to take once i leave it there let's actually leave it there worst case scenario there's a pawn back it should still be equal i'm not sure how he wins the pawn back that's a useful move let's bring the king even more eventually h4 g5 keep the files closed now the bishop actually has a nice square now oh he's winning is he winning it the king takes it's gonna get weird if he wins that he's better he's also flagging almost and g5 was useful move yeah okay trying to survive this [Music] position it locks definitely better here well wait what does that work with a5 i'll just be safe ah long knight c4 should still be a draw i have the worst side of this so there should still be a draw better be a draw g5 check this is going to be our first draw probably okay it's a draw all right i was it was a hard fought game uh i'm probably better around here and then just allowed this i'm not sure maybe i have something better was the time scramble was opening oh yeah is this 95 line i was happy with that line all right uh waiting for next game to start yeah that was actually a very pleasant position from the opening okay london again i'm not really getting tired of the london and he he's mixing it up every game uh i'll play the slime i think yeah i know what to expect now yeah he's going to take and yeah bishop so this is the main thing i prepared g6 and knight d3 key move g4 is also a move there but knight t3 it's um i think objectively like white has a small advantage so the line here is g3 knight f5 bishop f4 i'm pretty sure levy had a game against qiu in a similar line b6 is interesting because he wants to play bishop a6 you can just allow it in knight f3 i'm long not a five though okay there's a or queen a4 but that's not good yet okay he's going for e5 which is definitely a typical idea might be playable here i'm not sure the problem with e5 it weakens d5 okay so bishop f4 f4 can i count i'm covering that enough times a lot of central pressure like most of my pieces are controlling e5 and his pieces too if you can't play e5 then it's um oh wait what oh okay i should probably take on d6 i kind of miss that i don't think it's so bad though i'll take back if he if he takes my bishop if he keeps his bishop i keep my bishop then i'll have the bishop here so i'll have the bishop here question is where to move the bishop bishop iv calculating e5 takes takes rookie 4 queen b3 okay never mind okay a4 is a typical move and someday i might want to play a5 another idea is to put the queen on a2 in the event of knight a5 he plays 95 early i think i'm okay with trading because you can't play e5 and there's pressure along e file as knight's restricted by mine knight might want to play v4 even h4 also you might play g5 here vision e3 i think queen of three is a nice move to throw in i feel like we're both solid probably we're both happy okay so we can trade oh a4 that's interesting i'm thinking b3 b3 bishop d2 it looks weird but the pawn will be defended pondered grinning you could even play rook e2 first we both have kind of a backwards pawn yeah objectively this should be close to equal but it's going to be a fight eventually things will probably get crazy um let's start with h3 maybe f4 f4 just allows this the tree was probably not a good move now let's go a little bit crazy idea a5 eventually some idea of taking doesn't quite work though and 96 could be coming i'm just trying to poke some hole like now now this is slightly weak i think h4 is called for if 94 i might even play f3 interesting play f3 right away i'm trying to take him in the pond okay let's move back i'm trying to fight for something more and just to draw eventually g4 maybe timing has to be precise though that's annoying so e6 is pressured okay let's go there we go free rook is always nice yeah the position was all about patience i'll put the bishop on f2 and go for g4 and just go for this let's always have to be careful okay okay it takes a lot of work to win a game i guess that's the nature of chess that's a nice game though i think uh very very positional like kind of uh nothing settled down after the opening hey he played the different mover that game yeah he might just take and play uh a caro khan yeah um i know he's capable of playing this so here and here are the two main moves oh g6 yeah i saw he plays this um i think in general white just plays solidly and the bishop has a hard time developing unless it develops to f5 but it's a little bit awkward with the g pawn [Music] actually i looked at this line briefly before the match okay so the bishop develops i'm not quite sure what it does you might want to play knight e4 i'm just going to hold my ground like maybe at the right moment i can go for [Music] let's say with queen i can go for like g4 or knight h4 and question the bishop there's some idea of bishop h6 but the bishop on g7 is just undermined by the pawns ooh f6 so in general c4 is the response to f6 a c4 allows bishop e4 maybe just bishop f1 even bishop d3 i'll play bishop d3 i just want to stop e5 and make f6 look like a bad move so i unleash the rook i have wait can you still play that can you play e5 i don't think it works there's some weird stuff on that file the e5 takes takes takes oh rook f3 oh oh oh this is kind of troublesome wow i'm in trouble okay so i have to go for this i have to go for this bishop g5 line at least i win d5 was not great to allow i'm expecting rook f3 and it's actually it's rook and pawn for two miners if we go into this line lions takes takes takes takes king h actually maybe there's maybe it's not so bad because the knight and bishop are actually really misplaced and the rook's out of play too but in general knight and bishop are preferable he's probably considering queen d7 here but then i at least have a move to to escape e4 actually queen okay so he goes through this wait a minute can i play queen d queen d2 doesn't work or i got six even bishop f6 okay let's take we should rookie could be coming thinking queen f7 or just rookie two probably just for he too useful move f2 will be safe or safer f4 could be interesting my form might help lag more than helps me though let's keep piling up thinking queen b5 so keeping pressure on b7 and e5 some idea of f4 [Music] maybe now queen c4 play a42 or h4 this only moves to consider i'll start with a4 i'm just trying to make like a small improvement i keep my time steady as well maybe before here oh he wants to do tricky things okay let's move the queen away i think he was threatening this that was very tricky okay try this the king should be on each one so when i play f4 there's no danger um okay so attacking the pawn i'm preparing f4 almost kind of f4 let's go for it not super confident in this but we'll see oh good move d2 rook e2 to rely on some tricks wait what oh good move try this ah that's not working ah try this dough mine rook i got forked that was a really weird position bishop f6 was useful because it defended the rook and threatened my rook i didn't quite have time maybe i should have went for this idea yeah i wasn't quite in time to play e6 it's unfortunate but that's life okay still in the match i can't so i can't lose another game at three and a half to six and a half i really don't want to gift him 20 subs so i'll need to win i basically need to win four in a row all right let's try and stay focused and not yeah this game i just allowed e5 so bishop d3 so i probably should play bishop b5 here which actually prevents e5 i was kind of scared about bishop e4 so i guess maybe i just underestimated this move are we starting another game maybe i don't know what's going on um the games have been starting automatically so let me check the chat hmm or maybe this is just a small break a moment moment of silence for my position yeah so the opening really hasn't been the problem it's more it's like every game is determined later on um maybe he can challenge me okay oh there we go okay so now the whole match is on the line let's see what he's up to um this is a move a lot of beginners play honestly not a great move um but playable i guess f6 um [Music] i'm wondering if i can make c4 work the c4 work here c4 takes usually c4 looks nice i've never seen i've i don't think i've seen knight c6 f6 like so soon wow i guess this is playable thinking i could take oh dear okay i have to calculate bishop g3 bishop b4 is going to be coming this is fascinating if it works i think it's just bishop g3 it's definitely making me think okay expecting this move that may be queen a4 i do feel a little bit pressured here like sensing a little bit of danger another three i probably butchered the opening already and then f3 okay so pressuring e5 if he takes on d4 i take with knight this shouldn't be so bad it takes on c4 i take on e5 it'd be more dangerous if like the knight can come to e4 which i can't i'm threatening queen h5 in some variation so we're going to have a french position okay i'm fine with trading a flexible move see what he does against b7 because b6 is very weakening b6 probably queen a4 probably still queen a4 calculating castling rook takes b7 it doesn't quite work though unfortunately play bishop e2 um you can probably castle here if takes i take with bishop looking at c5 connect four oh i blundered though a lot of knight takes d4 oh that's really bad oh no knight takes d4 queen takes d4 it doesn't work okay i'm still alive maybe f4 i'm not super pretty this is actually really ugly because that four could be coming i can play for myself still have to watch out for this tactic oh yeah knight d4 queen d4 eventually i want to play c4 i can probably build it up and do your knight f1 uh let's build it up one more move apply some pressure from all directions hmm i like this position it was a bad decision but maybe it's okay i can dig with pawn i've got the c file or windy five okay good move you oh no might still be winning this now this is winning because that phone is marching wow okay i don't know what happened that game i thought i was about to lose there was some rook g2 idea i managed to trade things off crazy game okay life goes on so just take it one game at a time one game at a time maybe deciding what line to play or maybe he's recovering from the previous game um i'll play this line there's a few few options here i'm actually curious what he's playing in this line uh queen c7 so the idea is to take and then just knight f3 i'm fine with this and then usually the plan is e4 it's kind of a new way of playing but it's a fun way of playing there's also queen a4 queen a4 to prepare g4 g5 or just queen h4 and then push the pawn i didn't look at this like right before the match but this is a line or like a kind of type of position i've i've looked at before and i understand the main ideas like these are basically the two main ideas along with the queen swing and when black commits to h6 and g5 can be very strong especially with the rook on the the half open file and for the time being e5 is prevented we might see knight c6 or knight d7 then e5 i'm realizing e5 actually comes quite quickly so queen h4 e5 i have e4 there but then g4 is prevented so i might want to play e4 right away yeah which maybe i shouldn't have played queen a4 i didn't really yeah this didn't work the way i wanted it to i guess queen c2 here it's still playable got this break in i might castle queenside i might also castle kingside probably should castle king signing let's knock b3 knight p3 is a move arguing the knight is a bit misplaced we need two here or even i can't castle yet on the castle king side we'll keep it positional try and maintain my time advantage so rook c a queen e2 i guess i want to take when i get the chance maybe i should have taken probably should have taken right away but i'm okay if black takes me it takes takes looks okay could very well get some iqp position which would be very pleasant it's interesting am i winning a pawn bishop e4 vision before f5 oh but i can he's so tricky maybe queen queen e2 so if he takes takes bishop b5 i have c4 i'm attacking the knight defending everything now he's going to have some initiative like bishop c6 rook d8 a485 the white's clearly better here okay probably this move just want to trade queens and get a knight to d4 or just knight on d4 regardless probably doesn't make sense to take that maybe it does it's queen e4 play queen f4 and then knight d4 coming um probably rookie one of d1 that's a move don't really want to play f4 it's actually a really annoying move this is not the move i wanted to play but all i want is nylon on d4 okay it's always time is very low i should have taken here we go is there mate not quite seeing nate the kings in the meeting not that's mates okay that was nice yeah i felt i felt in control most of that game but it was yeah i was kind of intense and crazy and then time got low okay so oh it's getting closer i i just want to focus on playing good moves and not worry too much about the score okay london time yet again what okay i'll play this um i'll play c4 see what he's up to yeah this is actually an interesting variation i'm assuming we're all oh we're not going to transpose um so one purpose of knight fd2 is that okay i'm preserving knight c3 i'm also enabling f3 and now square is under control though e5 could be coming okay let's find knight c3 e5 is very likely coming maybe casting queen side it looks risky but why not maybe like bishop z5 and yeah and go for e4 maybe just e3 you even play bishop h4 here actually let's yeah let's take i didn't want the my other knight coming into f6 yeah gonna try and play as controlled as possible always play king b1 probably bishop d3 coming next eventually they'll try and poke and prod now g4 can be slightly difficult to get in unleash the queen to help defend the pawn so i'm kind of preparing e4 e4 is probably no good because he responds eventually with e5 interesting 92 i'll play 92 and also play queen f2 you can allow that not entirely sure how to respond to this i play play knight g3 maybe that's the way to go just pressure the pawn if f4 i take and i get the e4 square i'm leaving some tension i might want to play f4 myself actually a positional move and f5 is currently attacked queen f2 [Music] we have to kind of runs into f4 but let's yeah let's start with this giving him some options because f4 is risky because g6 is on loose i might just want to build up like rook t2 put another rook in the center i'm still keeping f4 in mind okay never mind i could take i could take either way me keep the knight restricted now i'm not quite threatening knight f5 but it's a tactic to keep in mind so rookie 1 is interesting just trying to fight for the e-file i just want to double up this queen is so close to being trapped 92 it doesn't quite work okay let's let's go for this we could end up trading off everything not so ideal my nice very misplaced interesting well that's a good move i have to try this simplify you i'm probably worse here black's just more active pawns are fixed on light squares probably a draw would be a good result making d4 doesn't scare me um that force scares me don't do it um i'm not looking good try and trade off everything am i drawing this i think i'm drawing this he's going to be annoying though nights in time check now this is a draw okay barely barely survive this okay survived it so it's it's six to seven so now he basically has drugs he draws he wins the match if i win i don't know what happens if i win we play one more wow okay man and it's getting close mmm this line again i'll play f3 this time and bishop d7 is a good move i should have looked at this closer beforehand the c5 is coming okay let's play a3 so it's actually just kind of a jobavo london um this isn't so bad queen d2 oh maybe i should have i should have included knight knight b5 okay let's go for g4 so i'm basically going for this setup this is not what i'm used to playing um but it looks playable bishop's on d7 arguably a little bit passive and light always has a square here you can re-wrap to f2 in the future debating whether to play h4 maybe just king h1 first clicking each one first and then leader h4 so i want to play rook d1 bishop e5 is actually interesting actually knight d1 also maybe i'll play my d1 simple idea c3 reroute the curtain setup is a little bit awkward he could hit me with eventually knight c4 oh my pawns hanging but do i care i kind of care i'll play h5 yeah e5 might be coming e5 bishop e3 even takes in d5 is a bit loose bishop's defended bishop even more defended oh i have fort okay must win situation two i thought c4 i just didn't see b3 blind spot it's still okay for a must-win situation because the rooks are a bit out of play just a question how i deal with how to actually create an attack knight g3 play rookie one first now i want to keep as much tension as possible h5 so the idea is to play f4 that's my idea it's really difficult to play this down material and to play for a win i'm trying though next e5 good move let's go for this let's take this way so bishop d3 really i thought this just wins the pawn that gives black more targets roxc8 or that i'm going to need a miracle nine of five is a hope we're running out of hope though just talking enough too okay there's one trick 27 takes takes not a five it's also h6 which is a major idea the pawn is hanging he didn't take it okay no wait no ah oh that's so sad this should be a draw though um wait what happens if he flags no i take a draw oh good game nice match that was close man this final end game we kind of both choked like we both gave each other so many chances it should be winning here i assume so i calculated uh here takes takes e7 bishop b5 [Music] and i'm actually not sure there might be some way to win i'm not sure though um that was a good match though let me let me say hi to chat oh hi chat chad is still here okay let me i'll turn back on okay a few things to do first of all congratulations to levy that was very hard fought um i'm happy that it wasn't eight zero i was like as close as it probably could have been is coming down to the end and yeah i probably should have lost this game a lot more easily oh thank you down dd yeah alert box is now back on um i thought i'd should change the sound from alert box but maybe not i think so the london's probably still a very much a live opening um because all the games this match were not determined in the opening yeah especially especially this game so i'm actually really curious in this line sometimes when black has a g pawn it can still be winning hello hey eric hey nice match that was that was toxic trivia yeah uh one sec i'm just i'm pulling you up okay oh dude i feel like i just like had the longest blood draw of my life me too yeah well at least in the beginning i felt like i was just dying game after game after game and then somehow i don't know you you revitalized me and then then this finish was was a bit crazy it was uh it was it was the game where i hung the rook queen a6 b5 i think that was oh yeah that was because i felt like i was i was pressuring and then that's right yeah yeah momentum shifted for sure we had some plans to analyze positions i don't that's still the plan yeah like this this was like exhausting yeah i'm completely okay letting letting people in the future youtube comments uh spit out their analysis and um i mean there's so many moments but i think overall the like the all the games were determined much later beyond the opening yes yes uh like people in my chat are like is this the end of the london system well considering i came literally to the borderline of losing this match probably not also i thought i mixed it up i think i played a different setup yeah every game which was impressive i was running out of options like some had little f5 moves some had g6 but um yeah even early on like i wasn't getting dominant positions from the opening or anything like that i mean it was just games and then that was it so yeah i mean i think like all the openings were and they just led to fights i don't know i'll probably go back like this is probably a very good uh i guess learning experience to delve into theory a bit more deeply and and to find like i was trying to play some tricky ideas um that were maybe a bit more offbeat and and some lines i actually prepared beforehand with uh with engine but not not too nothing too specific oh yeah i was very perplexed you had a very early night c3 and i had to play bishop before then you agree gifted me and somehow i didn't lose yeah i actually don't know if the like if that was objectively the best option it was wild though it's like one thing to analyze yeah when we have more energy yeah i like as a lot of stuff is happening in the background in my apartment as well like i was like supposed to end well and it wasn't supposed to end there was a very legitimate chance this could have gone three hours and i i was just really hoping that it wouldn't but it did and now we're here um yeah i'll probably just hang out with my child are you planning to stream more so no i'm i'm i'm ending things i'll have to uh to wipe away my tears and then give you some subs so yeah i can't give you on this um i have to get you from my laptop so i'll probably end my stream and then then share some love so i guess and and that way people in my chat will go to your stream and they'll have a chance of getting a sub gift oh so that's pretty cool uh yeah i was uh i was battling a few weird chatters uh who were trying to go back and forth and spread intel that was my ooh but i had my chat completely turned off oh wow except at the very beginning i i couldn't figure out how to turn it off but eventually i did and then and tried to stay focused but yeah i uh i i have it open just in case someone writes something bad oh sure yeah i have to mod it so i know what you mean um but yeah this was uh this was great and uh if we if we ever wanna have a rematch oh yeah after after i recover i'll someday i'll get revenge one way or another i could play london you could play black that could be interesting yeah like that then we'll see if it's uh the fault of the opening or the fault of the player
Channel: Eric Rosen
Views: 644,918
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, imrosen, Eric Rosen, Chess Openings, Chess Tactics, Blunder, Chess Strategy, Twitch Chess, Chess Stream, IM Rosen, IM Eric Rosen, Eric Rosen Chess, Best YouTube Chess Channel, Best Chess Channel, YouTube Chess, Blitz Chess, Speed Chess, Chess Commentary, International Master, Chess Tutorial,, chess game, chess video, chess explained, rapid chess, chess 2020, Gotham Chess, GothamChess, Levy Rozman, London Opening, London System, Dutch Defense, Chess Match
Id: qujwASOGJJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 154min 41sec (9281 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 10 2020
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