Hikaru's Trainwreck Sub Battle vs @Anna Rudolf and @GothamChess

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i think we're good 2 000 right yeah i think we're  good i think we're we're ready to go my team   looking a little undersized there at the under  2 000 spot but you know i believe in luke honey   i'm just going to try one more thing real quick  because i think ever since i turned up my volume   for for the zoom call it's too loud on my end so  let me just try to fix this real quick because   people can't oh sound is good now they're saying  okay then it fixed itself apologies i think we're   good then i'm wrong just subscribe okay hey naka  thank you for all yeah if anything you can always   brave you can always adjust it  like specifically in your own   yeah i'm just very confused because i got now a go  xlr i don't know if you guys use the coaxial for   audio but it's just like lots of slides in the  different settings so it's it's supposed to be   more professional but it's also more complex  and i'm not always sure which one to adjust   i think you just also got quieter have i wait  oh no yeah you did just get quieter is it a lot   quieter though i can try to speak up because i  feel like um i managed to adjust it on my end   but now it's not good on your end is it very  low it's it's pretty low yeah yeah it's so low   oh by the way one last thing about politics  is you're the big new yorker here you know   what a bodega is right someone in chat asks  that yeah of course so do you go to bodegas   so i i i've never actually called them bodegas  like i know they're called i just call everything   a deli so like it could be like everything's a  deli so but but like levy i just mean i can say   you're a proper new yorker so based on what you're  saying how everything's called called delhi like a   certain someone started talking about bodegas  and they they were kind of very i think they   were wrong with what they even called a bodega  but like do people actually say that or not   they do they do they say delhi or bodega i  think i think the the uh you know i'm the i'm   the eyewitness news reporter so i think it's it's  like 50 50. okay his subconscious everything is   um are we all good i see a game yeah yeah we're  rolling we're rolling sorry yeah we're rolling   oh sorry i gotta show the evaluation bar there  we go i'm gonna try to adjust in the meantime   but let's get started with the sub-battle so you  guys this is why i have this this mic i don't have   any of that fancy [ __ ] i just have one giant  watch your language let's watch your language   i'm sorry wait did you give a chest lesson to  logic logic has quite a colorful vocabulary   that was uh it was not that's all good it's all  good i like luke honey's position it's looking uh   do you though it's it's pretty  complicated right it's not so clear   i actually think i prefer white objectively i  think it's harder for uh at this level to um to   take advantage with the ponton d4 d5 i think it's  easier with the knight on c3 than the bishop on f6 well in a few turns it will be well i was i  was watching a daily dose of chess who made   a highlight video of one of our older sub battles  and it was it was good it's good content all right   very funny no they they did a recap of 2020  and that was hilarious too lots of [ __ ] gems   moments and sub battles yeah i had to i had to  coach daily dose of chess on not really caring   what other people thought a little bit because uh  he was very like he he doesn't want to like upset   anyone and um i was like dude like you're not  you do funny things if someone gets offended like   call the youtube manager or something i don't  know uh like it's all good he he's he's funny   he's never he's never stepped over the line  never done any you know he actually he's not   like some of these other youtube channels who  literally just copy paste clips because it's   it's right right no that's true yeah   i i mean what did daley this is what daily  dose of chess okay not not daily dose of inaudible 30k subs now i said strong i didn't  say is he popular i thought that's what you   meant i don't i don't know oh i don't know  how strong he is oh you meant like actual   chest strength oh i have no idea i thought you  meant like is he strong like as a creator or   uh die die that's that's even that  doesn't sound right at all like this knight on c5 oh he  finds it wow very nice move   it's still very unclear in  terms of what's gonna happen yeah this is a it's a weird one oh okay probably  looking good for black uh yeah the other order   was winning right he i mean yeah queen b6  he was definitely winning the night on b7   um yeah this horsey but still this  is this is really tricky to to save   yeah i think it's probably just losing isn't it  well i mean the computer evaluation certainly   says it's losing um but we'll see if i  can find a way to save the knight on b7 what will you do here too oh i see one  way to try and complicate it only one way   guys we we we have a it's a english versus united  kingdom match up here it's a very uh particular   match-up what is the difference exactly i mean i  know i know what england is i know united kingdom   is the broader is like the bigger part of it  but is there there's no actual difference right i'm too scared to answer that question i don't  know like i feel like i'm gonna get in trouble   uh brexit okay yeah yeah okay so no because  like i know like england is a certain part   it's like england is its own country  technically whereas the uk is like all the   all of the commonwealth but like is there  realistically there's no difference is there i mean i i mean you're right it's  it's the same but the uk is a   bigger um it refers to a bigger bigger region doesn't scotland have their own scotland's  their own country too though is what i mean   yeah so you you can have wales scotland um england  northern ireland separately or you can have them   all together as a year ah okay i didn't  realize that you can pick both flags that levy   no i'm just i'm drawing arrows yeah this game is  very weird yeah if you're trying arrows oh yeah   good move okay yeah yeah that's not gonna cut  the king wow surgical beautiful epic yeah yeah   no that's what go ahead levy i was  gonna say for the pride of england there   who needs the united kingdom brexit baby yeah exactly yeah yeah amazing stuff okay that  means that it would be england though right so   when when it's sporting events i think it's the  separate countries not uk isn't it england has   an olympic team scotland has another big  team else has an olympic team no because   andy murray is from scotland and he represents uh  he represents great britain or the united kingdom   like when he played when he when he played in  the olympics it was uh it was it was the united   kingdom yeah it was the united kingdom or great  britain yeah but at chess olympiads isn't it the   other way around that we have the team of england  like and then separated there would be wales and   scotland i feel correct yes so depending on the  event it's either one or the other i guess yeah   hey i'm just happy that the english guy played the  english that true true yeah yeah most important   oh no i declare i chill here with the black pieces  i kind of hate the english at the 1800 level   i feel like there's a lot more opportunity  elsewhere because it feels like black if just   well a6 is not necessarily the most perfect move  but black can just get a big attack somehow like   f4 bishop h3 and right right exactly yeah  um i hate the english a good one mommy   the opening the right and open yeah yeah yeah um   but uh oh no okay night 95 is nice uh what  are your uh first impressions of uh vacanza um i feel like uh it's been been a weird event  like i i feel like peop people are i don't   know it doesn't feel like they're taking chances  it doesn't feel like people have necessarily come   up with a lot of great ideas uh in the in the  long period without over-the-board chess feels   like more of the same i was expecting more  like sharp chests more like exciting chests   and also i was expecting that people to be very  fresh with like limited blunders but like the   ali reza game against atari there were so many  blunders that was really really surprising to see   so it's like it's it i was surprised it just  seemed like more the same they they both had   like no time no in on move 30 like both  used all their time 10 moves before the   yeah but ali reza i mean after all he is  a very very strong uh bullet player i mean   blitz and bullet so like it is a little  bit a little bit odd but but yeah i just   think it doesn't feel like the it doesn't feel  like it's fresh chest per se it feels like uh   i was expecting more like more creativity  more exciting games than there have been well definitely the last two days we saw two guys  get in there with magnus and try to get him out as   as fast as possible with limited damage so right  uh do you think like it's a it's a style thing   do you think like 50 years ago if you were  playing a guy like magnus you would try to   come for the win and go all out like against  or were people also fearful of like kasparov   um i mean people were very fearful of  kasparov i mean i i don't know about   you lovey but have you ever played  against anybody who uh who sits uh   sits halfway across the board like literally they  just punch uh yeah but generally they're like you   know two thousand and suck they're not the world  champions so okay yeah they're uh that's not a   i'm just saying like they also breathe on you  and you know they do like all sorts of weird   stuff but if it was kasparov it would be a very  different experience normally i'm just irritated yeah oh we've all had annoying  opponents you know who just you know   you know like that and you're just like oh  gross right away from me um so uh yeah no i   mean i i think like i i but even with magnus this  play hasn't been great either i don't feel like   who did he beat ollie russell in the first game  right and that game was not very that was not   very that was not a that was not a clean game at  all either so i i just feel like i haven't seen   anything that's been really exciting it just feels  like everyone's a little bit a little bit off do you think it's because there have been  so few over the board tournaments that it's   that you get rusty even though  they train and play online it's   just not the same what do you think is the reason  yeah i think there's something to be said for that   for sure um i would also say that i think it's  very hard to be super serious and spend all   your time studying chess unless you're  unless you're playing in the candidates   if you're playing the candidates i think  it's very easy to find the motivation but   otherwise i think it's very very difficult so i  think there's that that that also plays a role good point yeah that's one of the things  that i was talking about when i was like uh   the idea of playing in a tournament and doing  well like working hard and doing well sounds   really nice the problem is that you have  to a work really hard and b do really well yeah very counterintuitive uh if you if you  work really hard and you bomb the tournament   it really sucks and if you i mean well if you  don't work really hard then i mean you shouldn't   really shouldn't play probably so true true yeah  i mean i it's i i don't know i just i expected it   a little bit different by the way d4 is a very  bad move uh queen b3 is apparently good right   it looks like a strong movie yeah now  the pawn and the bishop are hanging   queen b1 is a threat as well yeah although  queen a3 is not a good move while hell is   about to break loose yep but no for either players  there's no increment oh man 15 seconds versus 22 queen d5 oh bishop d4 nice move there's no  check yeah it's very unfortunate there's no   there are no checks here yeah do they find wow  well you still gotta yeah you still gotta find   it i mean okay oh that make that makes it a little  easier no a little ah a little seconds go go go go oh or not because that's that was the maiden one the  other one with king h6 bishop g7 i'm not sure it   would have seen no it would have played queen g7 i  think queen g7 queen h7 oh yeah and there's queen   extra at the end yeah because i think after king  g4 was too easy because there were multiple mates   yeah bishop g7 no i mean if you just shuffle back  and forth there i think it's it's good but oh this   is 3-2 i guess right 3-0 3-0 3-0 no no increment  3-0 oh okay that was a very exciting game and it   they basically all it all depended on  these last few seconds three seconds for both the next game is between aicha  and james james rudel yeah and uh   with the wait is it is james riddle the guy  who lost a guy who won now i'm getting confused   between the two guys uh james the england guy  won twice right yeah luke honey the underdog   yeah okay so yeah england forever  right yeah now we gotta we got an   american english matchup here it's like  uh you know it's an american revolution   oh my god go there too yeah yeah we're  having we're on a roll today yeah oh my god i like these sicilians with with e6  not not necessarily how this looks but   i if i'm gonna teach someone a sicilian  it's one of these sicilians with e6 and   yeah i agree i agree i think the e6 sicilians are   the best ones to teach um in general like e6  and d6 specifically i think make the most sense oh i'm trying to stop white but is it actually  stopping anything yeah white is just going for the   kill here i mean this is yeah so it's a slow start  for mr james uh rodell ruddle is it ruttle or   whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what was that no fear  no fear from uh from the united kingdom man   but it's it's only a pawn i mean it's not  even a bishop like it's not even a piece uh i'm getting like a deer in the headlights  kind of sense it just seems like not playing   i feel like this person's actually  quite strong just might be a little bit   you know the heat of the  moment and everything it's yeah this is not looking very pretty   but blocks up a piece right oh wait sorry no  black's not even up a piece it's it's a pawn this is not gonna be good yeah it's  gonna be really bad wow what an attack   i doing really well what a game  america first baby yeah ouch oh my god   oh my god okay okay good job yeah very very  nice game by action actually that was a well   i am out of it i just typed unfollow in my  twitch chat uh not in i'm not in chess.com okay let's go v prahara shout out to poland  i think prahara is from poland indonesia   the not pulling pull it's a similar flag  though it is a very similar flag we're   we're having a great day i can see it's  gonna those days listen uk what's poland   i i swear vprahara was polish like a week  ago i'm sorry i what is black doing by the   way there's just a pawn down yeah yeah what is  this this is the wing gambit yeah uh yeah this   is a terrible opening by the way anybody who  plays the a3 sicilian just doesn't know chess right hikaru yeah yes yes yes exactly yeah  it's the wing gamut is such a bad opening   yeah it's delayed delayed wing gambit um you know  you're roasting two creators because i'm pretty   sure i got mata replace the wing gambit so it's me  and him it's uh but he plays the immediate b4 the   immediate one i think is really just bad though  this one is bad too but not as bad i don't think   no this one's not the worst thing in the  world b4 is just pawn down but well because   if you go b4 on move two um they just take and  go d5 right away whereas with a3 at least you   get some kind of it's not quite they don't get  the immediate break in the center i don't think   so it's a little it's definitely better  yeah yeah in general in like any gambit if   if the side that's under pressure  can break in the center somehow i don't think that is white is white creative we'll see we'll see maybe maybe not hard to tell um tough move yeah i had a  feeling that was gonna be   yeah yeah pawn takes palms just winning of course sack the rook oh 97 is a nice move too   yeah so levi what's it like in new york i heard  it's pretty cold there is it or is it like   what's the weather like so i went outside  this morning uh and uh i saw that there was   frosted rain on cars so sorry it's like like like  slush rain happened overnight like rain with bits   of ice like it it not hail but like slush i  think is what it's called yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah frozen rain is not it's not something  listen i play i play chess i don't really do   the whole english thing very well so um yeah we  are very good at discussing geography yes yes yes   exactly i don't um i i don't do a lot of things  that well except for maybe talk about you know   chess so uh a pretty good driver too but other  than that um wow yeah by the way somehow this game   is turn and black's doing very well here uh this  is this is generally the issue with my material   is people get good positions in the beginning and  then throw it all away because that's what i do   so they follow their leader that's what  they they listened to me yep exactly yeah sorry yeah yeah you won yeah still very complicated i thought  black hunger rook for a second   yeah it still looks a bit suspicious wow that's a fancy move anna how how how  are you uh how how was everything i don't   remember the last time the three of us did a  collab together so i think it was still the   in the year 2020 so a long time has passed  since i think it was just before christmas   uh and then the champions tour of course but the  last sabbath was was some time before christmas no i'm sorry so someone in my chat they they  wrote they wrote something it's not super funny   but they said isn't frozen rain that song by  prince and for some reason when they wrote that   like literally the song just i mean purple rage  just started playing my head so i'm just having   trouble being serious i'm sorry it's literally  just keeping purple rain purple rain in my head yeah yeah um i don't know that's not a great move wow yo listen uh guys keep on throwing to my  subs we need it we don't win very often so wow   you're looking good here levy i'm i mean  i'm always looking good with my subs   on the other hand 20 seconds   uh i oh he should still win yeah yes maybe maybe  here come the checks here come the checks uh oh oh yeah he's high enough ready that he should  he should win this right please don't go queen   f6 dude okay nice 13 seconds no increment oh  my god is he going to do it ah oh well black   is locking in his own king which is not oh that  could be a problem dude move move move it go go oh no oh he threw it no he didn't  throw it oh wow without king f3 amazing   wow crazy check my next move what a  game yeah wow any any any move there   is queen g4 mate that's yeah easy king up  through is an amazing move amazing move i mean i i'm not even sure he like realized how   strong it was i think he just had to  move so he just brought his king and   wow shout out to team poland go team poland india  indonesia you mean no poland it's it's poland now okay i don't want to insult anybody yes i  don't know what the indonesian phrase is so what a game anna's player saw how good  my player was and decided to flake   that's not here um to be on chess.com live chess  you need to show up and take down poland right   that's that's the task you're me hello this  is like when when sometimes i'm recording   a a youtube video and i want to play a few  subscribers to like show how an opening works   and they volunteer and then i'm recording my  video and then i'm like uh okay i'm going to   start playing games now and then they're not in  live chess and then i'm like i'm on chess.com   where do i go like how many times did i put the  url just forward slash live i think your me is   here now so we just need the game to start i just  started your horny is here so let's keep going   okay okay carl khan um what  what what did you just say what what sorry i missed i misread it that's not his name okay   oh god man i'm dying okay let's keep going  okay oh man i saw it it looked like it was   ho r and y i mean it like it looked uh it  looked like horny whatever all right listen   um we all play chess for different reasons  and in this case this gentleman you know   but what is it is it it's supposed to be  your or me what what's it supposed to be your   i don't know i i i thought i just read it  as you're me i just read it you're me oh   you're me okay but it's my so it can't be me  it's like you're my i mean i don't even know i yeah i i don't know what is v  prahara is that a person's name   is that gotta be yeah that just  looks like normal name oh boy that's good good good stuff what what opening was this oh this was just  classical oh what is h5 uh that's a good question   yeah oh that's right yeah yeah you always learn  to play h6 not h5 that's true good point let's   well white hasn't really found that hold  on what was a5 yeah white's still better   here but it's like not not so easy to play  just don't go queen f4 and we'll be fine man i i don't know how i would feel if i was like  a like a chess fan who had to play on the team   of uh like of one of our teams like i i'd  i'd probably be pretty nervous if i like   didn't play chess my whole life and wasn't like  the creator doing it i can't imagine i had to play   in a sub battle once and it was nerve-wracking  like i was like you know it's like way back in the   day i had to that was playing so i mean i i played  in one too obviously as we all know um where i   played against uh maxime when you played against  the the hated blitz stream uh is there is there   any rivalry on twitch that says it's as intense  uh between between like any other two streamers   uh you guys are like really intense like there's  a lot of like with with blue stream i don't i   don't know what exactly is going on there uh i i  don't know i think i i can't tell if it's like a   toxic relationship or if it's just like a banter  relationship you know what i mean that um okay but   okay let's put it this way that is i'm gonna say  this publicly on three streams that is the one man   i would happily chest box so put your money where  your mouth is and you know let's set it up so anyway so how are you two doing oh good good  good good yeah it's great it's a nice day   it's a nice day yeah it's nice and warm  here it's like 80 the other day so it's   crazy all right how's the how about how about  you and is it is it 80 over there also i wish   it's ireland um we've just got constant  storms and rain so not the best of weather but at least my internet is back so that's  something in ireland apparently yeah what   is this you guys have but you it's an it's  a it's a nationwide thing like just internet   or internet yeah and that it's it just it's so  affected by the weather that when there's a storm   it's it increases a lot the the possibility that  you will spend a few hours without internet yes   so i'm gonna have to try to find a backup  but the problem is all options are bad   uh so probably for streaming even a  backup plan would not be good enough well i have had the complete opposite experience  recently as you uh well uh cut like a month ago   verizon fio showed up at our door and was like  we've gotten it installed in your neighborhood   um and uh i got fios and my upload speed is now  100 times higher than it was literally a hundred x   nice very nice so anna you have to petition  the local irish government to get uh fiber   optic cables because i would i would say this  right now i went from eight upload to 880 upload   whoa oh that's a huge upgrade yeah what you only  had 80 levy in new york i know i had eight eight   eight oh okay eight yes eight  like nine some days but uh   okay well gg to you're me hikaru you're well  done am i over yeah see like you can tell it's   it's one of those days because i'm off and my team  is clearly off too so um yeah yeah well i'm gonna   okay i'm i got all right you're me versus emerson  now yeah i was gonna say you're on the board then   i realized that uh you're me is anna's guy oh it's  your favorite the advanced french yes i love the   advanced french we saw one in in in wike i mean  it didn't go well for nils but we saw one which i   was surprised because i we never see the advanced  french wait neil's played against who sorry hari   krishna oh that's how they got the structure okay  okay oh so hari was playing like he was 12 again   okay good to know good to know but what isn't it  rare to see the like it was such an easy game for   him it felt like for hari krishna like he just  didn't have to do anything i i actually i didn't   see the game at all i only saw the end position  so that that so i can't really comment on it um oh wow okay yeah okay now it's now it's a  game again he missed knight c2 which was just   winning the rook um i thought knight before was  brilliant but he didn't follow up on the thought   of that idea yeah so uh what was i gonna say yeah  i mean i i i feel like neil's though it's going   to be interesting to see how he does because  he he obviously he's not used to being such   situations so getting off to the fast start  i think he's going to feel a lot of pressure   and we'll see we'll see how he does but  i also would say like the advanced french   doesn't seem like his style because it's very  um it's sort of very fixed pawn structure very   limited ideas very limited creativity it's very  straightforward for most uh viewers over the past   year they probably have never heard of niels  because he hasn't played in one of these events so   what's the do you have a low down like how much  do you know about neil's and oh i mean i've known   neil's for a long time uh he he's he's always  been very talented he's like strong i am trying   hard to become gm like if i go back like 10 years  or thereabouts um i mean he obviously is a swedish   bob marley as everybody knows um until he became  like salesman salesman uh sherlock or whatever but   but anyway um no very nice guy but very creative  he likes to play creative chess and so when you   play certain openings that are very dry and very  boring i don't think they're in style at all oh i also would say probably one time was  considered the best bug house player in the   world too i think he was a world champion at buck  house if i heard it correctly a few years ago   yeah a very original player and he was on magnus's  team for a previous world championship match   exactly yep yeah buckhouse you guys  also known as swedish chess is where   you have two boards and you play uh you  the american ways you have like two players   you're one with white ones black when you  capture your opponent's piece they go on to   your to your partner and they put  the pieces on that on their board um this is a it's a weird day for the for hikaru  subs i don't know what what is happening   this is okay well this is going better it's  still a game in this game you have a chance   because of the time management too so black is  doing very well position wise but we are low on   time and there's no increment true true good  point yeah yeah i never i i i always wish for some balance so i i want to see emerson beat you  or me also then anna won't anna won't time me   in that case true true you won the previous one  levi you were actually a random sub oh yes you did   oh that was after one of your players uh we had  to get rid of his points if you recall that moment   even like that you won the sub battle uh  meaning that your team did really well overall   they all cheated every single one we can't win  otherwise yeah that was crazy that's crazy and i   you know since then i've um i made a channel  in discord for subscribers to be able to like   faster report cheaters because there's just i  mean it's hard i mean for them to ban all the time   and uh true we've already banned like 10 people  like literally i mean it's crazy how many people   are cheating it's yeah well i still don't get it  though especially when it's a sub battle and you   you want to represent your favorite creator's team  you think you're doing something in their favor   but in reality you're just ruining it so it just  makes absolutely no sense it it also is astounding   even beyond that like people are just cheating  not even in sub battles they're just like   recreationally cheating i went to a guy's profile  who my hobby no i'm not i'm not joking like   it's crazy i saw like an account with like a nice  handsome looking profile picture and the guy wrote   like a bio the guy was like i'm just getting back  into chess after a long period away from the game   it's fascinating and you know it's stimulating for  the mind and like his last 30 games were 99 cam   score i'm just like what what a lunatic the guy  was like you know i love chess it's so creatively   stimulating and he was just cheating for like a  week straight like i i he got banned and i mean it's not really not really stimulating  at that point i don't know uh god yeah so there you go that's that's that's my experience  and there's like other guys there was uh there   was an account uh which was um like a thousand  rapid and was a 2500 bullet like the guy just   turned the bot on for the bullet i was like  you're 1500 points higher in the time format   that's impressive guys are we going to see a  mate here or you what do you uh yeah oh yeah   nicely done you or me good job dude wow wow what  a start i can't recall the last time that i had   zero points after the first two i like normally  if i have people get zero points at the end   yeah me too well team gotham has been off  to hot starts before and uh we're all right   sasha versus vestar let's go another german  player a dutch player this time nice to see   good europe representation here  in the eu-friendly time zone um sasha extra c in the name generally used to  seeing s-a-s-h-a there's a threw a c in there   as well so i think in germany that that could  be common though because of the sch in general   the next guy in hikaru's team also has his  name a lot of people with names like james   sasha stephen penguin on the loose you  know a lot of luke you mean you're missing   the ed family that represented your team a few  months ago we end i gotta i gotta tell you that   man literally every sub-battle we have that name  is brought up and i've never seen him ever since   uh he made history and now he's gone he  accomplished everything yeah honestly it's crazy   okay he hasn't been here since october  who we we we we sometimes yeah okay okay   you know today so bad is very serious we have all  the well the first names and full names probably   first name store names maybe not flying mommy um i  don't think that's in their passport yeah in fact weed anus hasn't played a  chess game in like a month yeah wow what a what a legendary character i mean   he will be remembered forever even  if he doesn't play he can just retire this is a very uh this is gonna be a horsey  versus bishop position yeah two knights versus   two bishops much better for black obviously with  correct play but very unlikely that players will   play this precisely yeah d5 is already it's funny  because d5 actually looks like a logical move to   open the position but it's okay well both sides  are missing one certain move that would be yeah   that would be good right this is going to be maybe  wideness went to join an org maybe he's signed and   with a name like that yeah yeah god this is a tough position ed5  terrible move gives black the center   yeah if if white continues to not  do us something then right yeah   you will get overrun but also i mean  this is why chess is so hard though   this is um this is why chess is so hard because  there there are certain principles that we teach   everyone and then it's like you're supposed to  actually in some cases violate them yep because   the knight the rim is grim or dim oh no and now  it's beginning the pawn has clamped down and now   the bishops are gonna get activated i mean it's  still probably okay for white but it's unpleasant yeah this is uh this is uh pretty good for black yeah   nice move yeah killing i mean it's still it's  so long clear up times donated three dollars   i propose a classical match between levy and anna  as a donation goal for the next charity stream so levy since someone just  donated to me um a general   question about a match how are you  feeling about your match tomorrow oh yeah that's happening i'm scared are you ready  are you ready i'm i'm completely not prepared   uh that's i will spend today probably just  reviewing some stuff um no it's by the way   if you if you don't know people uh tomorrow  i'm having a fun match with uh well it'll   be fun we'll see we'll see how fun it is  right right right um it might be fun for us   yeah hopefully um i'm playing  uh alexandra costanuk who's a   grand master big ambassador of the game of chess  and former world champion so champion of the world   uh it's crazy that it's even happening but um  and anna and hikara will be doing commentary   and uh hikaru you have to equally make fun  of both of us if we both do stupid stuff so   i can't oh i can't be the scapegoat i i trust  we will both do some crazy things in this match   tomorrow or do you think it's just gonna be  me doing crazy what do you think is gonna i   want your prediction what do you think is gonna  happen well what is the format to be very clear   if it's three plus one and one plus one for how  long is it like games or is it uh i think it's   an hour and then 30 minutes of oneplus one  okay so you have a chance then at least okay i specifically requested no five plus one i  don't know how you guys play five plus one   five plus one feels like classical chess like  that's good because you would get smoked in   five plus one so correct exactly i as i said my  five plus one abilities are about two thousand   i would say um oh finally i gotta win  sasha won his game yes sasha closed it up   that was a good comeback well white was in  trouble earlier but then good time management   and making a comeback on the board too that was  good that was good uh team hiukaro on the board   uh let me all right vestar you gotta go up against  anna's guy three three xk three at three xk   here we go uh by the way hikaru which is  fair warning alexandra plays the sicilian   i'm gonna play the a3 sicilian at least one  time just to see what well just to see what   i'm gonna face she she also plays uh she also  plays e5 as well you know well then i mean   play vienna play yeah i'm just saying she  plays a lot of openings yes yes yes i think   i think it'll be fun it'll be yeah three  one is good three one is at least fast like   five one you overthink at least me personally  anytime i'm sitting at five one yeah i have a   first instinct and then i play the bad move after  spending 90 seconds on it like right right i don't   i no i told i totally got  that yeah ooh what is this oh yeah this just looks terrible what what was this were right here oh  white played like a really early e5   yeah huh bishop sifa would  have been really strong there yeah what what is black doing exactly  i don't does not look good at all but yeah you're right five plus one  is very slow you're you're right it is um but i'm hoping i'm wishing you nothing but the  best because i do not think you're the favorite i   don't think i'm the favorite either but that makes  it more fun i can just you know see against candy   i felt like i was like i was trying to like  prove a point at first and then i looked at   his openings and he plays just such soul-sucking  openings it felt like you know any candy plays   only one opening like that is the way you beat  me you just play one thing and i get bored and   then i do some crazy thing like he only plays z4  he only plays the pan off he only plays like so um   that's why i just had to you know bite the bullet  and only play the trempowsky the entire match and   uh but with black i tried  to mix it up a little bit   and anna when it when are you gonna play uh a  match against uh that i don't know anna you have   to play a match and then we'll do commentary  with tikara and then it's like we do our   carousel i played an odds match against niha sarin  and it didn't go very well i did see that that was   actually strong he's too good but it was a cool  concept because you like made different odds   and you did like uh left-handed he had to play  one game he beat you left-handed yes i don't   think i'd be able to play chess left-handed  like it's not that hard so fast left-handed   yeah it's like i don't know was just a a very  strong player and it was a really fun match so   i think i'll do more of those type of of  streams right now continue i don't think i   can go back to being competitive as if it was  like an eighth actual match on the same terms   um i feel too retired for it you don't want  to play five plus one chess which is like   the most exciting time format oh no i think  yeah i'm good watching and commentating   i prefer yeah me too me too um i'm actually  kind of bummed i have to wait until   the 31st to see eric rosen versus sagar shaw like  i don't know why it's gonna take that long but   yeah there's so much stuff going on so i  guess it makes makes sense everyone's busy but you you're you're you're you play the winner  of that match right levy yeah okay okay and then   and then uh greg shahade plays i don't know who  he plays he's in my bracket but i don't know who   his next round opponent is it's not lauren's trend  lauren strength is on the other side or maybe not   maybe not maybe oh the position was pretty bad but  now it's even worse of course unfortunately for us yeah i that was a very strange game but  this early e5 move is is kind of tricky   in sicilians too like how did you respond  to it yeah yeah black did some wild stuff uh   well go vestar uh now sasha has a chance to uh  put 3xk in the in the further into the ditch hopefully not hopefully this is our  chance to score a point and then on this   board there would be one for each guys this  defense is called the black mustang defense   what knight f3 knight c6 is apparently the  black mustang defense yeah what good one love it why what the hell it transposed into something else but yeah yeah  yeah now it's just the main line english but yeah okay uh i don't know who comes up with these names  i mean you know there's an opening called the   nes cafe frap attack that one i've heard of yes  yeah that line is fun yeah it's like it's in the   banko gambit where you give away your the banker  right yeah yeah bingo or something you said yeah listen in these collabs i just tend not  to drink anything i'm gonna yeah yeah okay   yeah all right um yeah okay uh bianca wow unbelievable um all  right what's happening in this   game yeah e4 is a good move right  opens up the diagonal very good move i like this position for white i don't  like this position for white anymore   oh yeah now it's just bad what what flavor are  you drinking i'm drinking the sour chug rug the sour chug rug yeah yeah  it's called sour chug rug dick why is it name that i don't  understand what's going on is that a word   yeah it's a it's a g fuel yeah yeah  no i know that's g fuel but is is that   it's such a made-up murderer it's called  no they just call it that sauerkraut is   it named after fortnight like chug jug so  chug rug i don't know levy i have no idea   oh it's named after a guy in phase whose name  is rug there's phase rug face rug that's a thing   what phase drug his stage name faze rug is  an iraqi american youtube personality oh okay   wow phase rug and chug jug okay okay  we're learning a lot wow okay okay right oh well this is uh this this  has been fun this has been fun   somebody somebody in my chat just  spammed some nonsense and was   yeah and was banned i i didn't uh realize  that like spam bots for websites appear   in uh in twitch now like i've seen it  on instagram i've seen it on youtube   yeah but now it's on twitch chat yeah oh wow it's  not good have you guys seen those like on youtube   there's like a random like nsfw bot which will  just tag a spot in your video and go lovely or   something it's like the weirdest thing ever yeah  so the bots on my channel have started to do it at   a time that doesn't exist in a 15 minute video  they'll do it on the 30th minute and i'm like no it doesn't yeah so and  instagram it exists too but   yeah i haven't seen it on twitch i hope i hope  they managed to keep it out of the normal chat oh i see they've been on twitch forever uh  yeah on instagram it's like chess.com has a   post that's like this is what a great gift is and  then after comments are like hey i sell pictures   it's really funny it's like i'm just   like man they're targeting the right audience  i mean if they're like uh it's uh it's wild   yeah just.com i gotta mod that instagram  better man y'all yuck you're crazy man uh yeah i live for the hikaru uh instagram posts   uh of like the beach or like the mountains  i like i like those oh there's a big tactic   here will sasha find it come on sasha you  found it last time you can do it again very good um yeah but but what were you  saying lobby no i'm just saying i i like   your instagram posts they're always like nice and  relaxing it's like a mountain or a your last one   was a birthday post it's like nice no it wasn't  it was uh it was it was on the uh pch you haven't   been to my instagram lately i see i said the  one before the beach post was the birthday post   by the way no it's not it's not really a beach  but anyway it's all good it doesn't matter   i see sand and water what do you mean it's  not a beach that's not called the beach   that was most certainly not a beach no oh  well now i went on instagram and the first   thing i see is conor mcgregor in a red suit so  that's okay love you that's the do you see the   rocks in my picture they're like the rocks the  rocks one second i'm gonna i'm gonna start the   game between flying gnome and steven and then uh  okay and then i will i will i will check this out   my last instagram posts they're like rocks it's  it's it's not a beach okay let's take a look   unfortunately we went down on this but we're  gonna make a comeback next and threes don't   worry you tried your best this was  a tough game huh oh i get i oh yeah   i guess i missed that i thought it was sand  you're right it is rocks did you go for a swim you're showing you're a new yorker levy it's way  too cold it's it's like the heart of winter dude   like maybe if i put on a wetsuit or something  i could i could do it but yeah no way no way yeah this is a okay well like three yeah three  posts back is like is like a nice beach and then see i can't i can't post that stuff  because i don't yeah do you live in   the wrong part of the world yeah yeah someone  just someone just commented on the picture   of you on your instagram and tagged me and  said not a beach thank you can they really   do that wait wait wait again i i i i recognize  the the guy's name because that guy like he he   likes attention he does this a lot on twitter and  so shout out to pastanoodle69 so shout out to uh   to mr attention across multiple platforms there  you've gotten your attention you win for the day   i swear that's his name i'm not joking it's  pasta noodle 69. so um knight takes g7 was   missed by the way i don't know what is happening  in this game but stephen is doing some crazy stuff   i wanted to play a delayed bone cloud  i feel like that was the inspiration along those lines i guess by the way can i  just say this this game is literally why i say   that people should not play the sicilian like  this is a sicilian and this is not a sicilian yeah yeah that's a good point it's hard to  develop and get your king outside of the   board after a night of five no this is very true  yeah this is very true like play a caro play a   even like a staffer gambit i mean  something that has a little bit more   yeah i mean i i feel like uh i feel like if you're  going to play silliness as a new player you have   to play some e6 d6 something like something  where you can just go knight f6 bishop e7   and castle basically but anything that's more  like complex i think it's just not realistic   because like this night or like what are  you supposed to do like knight pd7 is fine   but like again you have to go e6 bishop e7 it's  like the only way to play you have to do something   like that yep i mean already by move 11 it's like  if black doesn't play g6 black is just dead and   then black is immediately not playing that and is  suffering but we'll see if white is able to right you know and so far it's not yeah i don't  like though okay all right all righty it's brave brave to play like  this yeah very brave very brave very brave oh that's a boy boy isn't it that's  the boy boy's picture or is it i know it's not   his picture but like that an animation whatever it  is that's yeah he's got a lot of he's got a lot of   patrick star yeah all right well that was a brave  game very brave um it's still brave even through   the loss it's uh all right flying gnome versus um  dutch violer it's very confusing he's got dutch   in his name and german as a flag is dutch violet  german for something i don't know i don't know oh that doesn't say dutch there's no c it  says dudweiler okay yeah that sounds much   more german all right dude sounds like german  is the language of making innocuous words sound   like terrifying like dude weiler probably is  like dog or something i don't know like uh   it means nothing oh okay well there you go okay this is pretty easy deutsche island yeah in this previous game yeah we already have  it added to the squad oh it's someone said   lovey of course because it's the rottweiler  that's the dog not the dude oh yeah yeah   i guess that's maybe why i said why i  even like subconsciously thought about it   so i yeah maybe this is the german  poker player tobias duttweiler   who apparently is the german poker i don't know i  mean i'm this guy's just really likes that guy and i don't guys i'm just here for i'm just here for banter and memes yes i'm being  told it's a city or a town in germany is that   correct that's probably possible yeah it sounds  possible i i don't know but that sounds like   it sounds possible have you  been to germany anna carl how was germany how was germany how was germany  i've never been well anna you start first i don't   i don't know where you've been oh i've been to  many places because i used to play on a german   team in the bundesliga and there are also a  couple of strong open tournaments in germany   and twitchcon the only twitchcon i've  been to was twitchcon europe in berlin   ah how about you he carter uh i mean i've  been to frankfurt and um and munich many   times i've played term in dortmund as well and  uh the olympiad also was in uh was interesting   yep so yeah germany's pretty pretty nice i do  like german germany i think the people are a   little bit too serious at times but overall it's a  good good place to be it's it's one of my like if   if if i had to move to europe tomorrow and it had  to be somewhere that's probably where i would go   so germany yeah i agree it's a good call   i was um i was in frankfurt airport for like three  hours that was my german experience but uh i've   never i hear great things about berlin i almost  studied abroad in uh berlin in college almost yeah uh i got dropped from a class two hours before  the final exam for having one extra absence and   then i had to retake the stats class the  next fall semester so oh yeah okay left   i i i i did i couldn't say anything else that you  know it was either berlin or singapore two great   cities and my college screwed me over so nothing i  could do do you want to know what that college was   yeah baruch college cuny worst educational  system in the united states of america yeah   i think you could go to jail and get a better  education than in cuny so anyway uh on that note so do you think they could sue me for such  comments no no no okay no that's not um   okay that's not it's not like liable i don't think  so because it's fact yeah it's it's like it's not   like it's just like a general statement  it's all you're yeah it's no of course not   you're expressing a personal opinion  and people can't agree or disagree   yeah it's it's like it's not really  slander you'd have to whoa what was rick d7 sliv did they forget that there's a  rook on the other side i don't know   yeah wow our subs are doing  some weird stuff today although wait never mind i keep forgetting who's on whose  team yeah me too actually i'm i'm having a yeah   it's like everyone i think is on my team but  then they're not on my team so it's all good   as long as doothwailer is on my team  i'm happy the only good thing about   uh baruch is uh they have a good financial  engineering program they basically funnel   all their resources to uh people who get an  mfe so a master's in financial engineering so   that is good yes but everything  else is awful so okay just awful um do you think we're gonna be able to have no  time sure i didn't realize we are so low on time   oh yeah that's also by the way what is financial  engineering exactly is that when like you you   like you just cook the books like enron i don't  know it's when you engineer financially i don't   that's why i didn't get a master's degree i  have no idea what it is it's just the words money laundering yeah yeah so seven  seconds left i'm nervous here for my   player because i think we're gonna  lose on time in a winning position   oh god it's so close to mate yeah let's go  oh my god oh oh he was the first checkmate it's just the first checkmate he walked into  like literally the only way you could lose   three seconds or some forced mate oh god thank you okay it's like a bridge between computer  science and finance is what i'm i'm being told   uh it's a lot of yeah a lot of big words right  no it's just engineering sounds like uh i don't   know it just sounds like something uh nefarious  basically so stephen and dothweiler are next right   i believe yes i don't think they've played yet  okay wow that was close scary i'm gonna be right   back i'm gonna get some food sure started out  as a french and then transfers to the sicilian yeah but now white's much better right oh okay so  it's just gonna be a french just a clear french   now good could have been the case but nice french  again these transpositions are are interesting and   important too i feel like especially the beginners  i don't know if it was your experience to hikaru   that they want to learn like let's say the  london or king's indian or a certain opening but   it's so confusing when the opponent plays  different movers and they still want to do   the same opening the london i guess you can still  do i it's mainly for black's openings that like   yeah i mean i i feel like the french is a very  hard opening to play because the bishops don't   come out early and yeah like even the night was  like 97 and night night or sorry 97 with nine   to five and night jesus they don't i don't know  they don't feel natural to me so i i feel like   it's very difficult to play and also you have to  know when to like play f6 for example to play a   pawn break which of course um in the french you  can do it pretty early unlike almost any other   opening per se so i i don't know i feel like it's  a tricky opening to play yeah i agree with you   which openings would you recommend to to beginners  if we are already talking about this that some   easier to understand openings for um i mean  you can obviously play e5 that's probably   most traditional just just just play e5 knight c6  um sicilian i think or not sony sorry karo khan   is probably second easiest because it's very  thematic no matter what your opponent does and   then the third is probably some kind of sicilian  with like c5 d6 e6 that's what i would say   true so those are probably the three main ones  e5 caro khan or or some kind of cylinder c5 d6 e6   yeah another thing i noticed is that it would  be ideal if there was a setup with the black   pieces against everything but it's it's so much  more difficult to have um this is good against   any white opening um it's not like d4 bishop  f4 and then you always go for the same setup   in the london so right a lot more a lot more  difficult to achieve that with the black pieces   right yeah i i think with white yeah you can get  you can get like just certain setups and play them   almost no matter how your how your opponent  responds but with black usually you need to   know like one or two openings and you need to know  just yeah you don't you don't quite have the same   flow of the general setup because usually it's on  white to play a certain setup yeah yeah i agree   lovely i thought you said you went to get food oh  yeah i have food it looks like you were drinking   something oh oh whoa black wondered hugely here  with bishop seven oh and he's bishop b5 oh man   that's such a blunder so bigly um just  bishop d7 here and then this is milner berry   no that's the thing it was like it was um like  uh like it was kind of like a milner berry but   then black just forgot and left the knight on  d4 when he could have traded he won push b7   and then takes and this should  be five and white's just winning oh yes yeah our only hope is time but this is  still too much time for trying to flex someone   so today today's food selection in the gotham oh  my god oh my god that's a queen okay i mean i mean   why is that white white white some white still  in it i guess but white's still winning but man   it's it's getting uh it's getting to the fun time  with the sub battle when um yes i have a breakfast   burrito a pickle and a part of a cinnamon bun  yesterday my my grandparents came to uh uh well   in new york to drop a compete yeah my family made  cinnamon buns okay here we go what do we have   i have my chopped bananas um i i wasn't  gonna eat but now you're making me eat   i have like my bananas my my mandarins and my  like apple um so i have that and then what else yeah i also have my my sandwich with like eggs  and cucumbers and olives and all kinds of stuff   so yeah that looks so good now i am hungry and  i was gonna wait until the end of the sub-battle   to have lunch or dinner i don't even  know what time it will be at this stage   oh no you know what is yeah go ahead levy what is  your guy doing there's 20 seconds left he's just   he's just chilling having a good time oh my god he  played rook c1 oh oh okay the bishop was not taken   but he's gonna lose on time it's gonna be rookie  one king f2 rook d1 bishop b2 rook d2 it's got   a bishop it's gotta gotta be no it's gotta be oh  wow he hid the king wow clutch but he has no time   yeah yeah wow by the way love you i  was gonna say it's really funny how um   basically if i eat fruit everyone assumes i'm on  a diet it's like our are our streamers on twitch   not allowed to eat healthy food or something yeah  yeah i don't know that's a strange comment um yeah   because anytime i eat fruit or i eat salad i was  like oh man are you on a diet are you gonna die   are you on a diet like when i when i eat bananas  it's phallic so at least you're on a diet and i'm   i'm doing other things so yeah it's rough  it's rough out here fruit ball is it's all   cut nicely and you know it's it's presented in a  way that i think there's no other um connotation yeah it's chopped bananas i mean you can't really  can't really go wrong with i'm just gonna start   chopping my bananas that's what i gotta do all  right next round of sub battles is on we got black   panthers and private oh oh uh uh this guy is uh  from madagascar is he it's the it's the penguin no   oh i need to follow he's from the netherlands no no no no uh private the gu the guy who's  a penguin is that's the name of the character   from madagascar oh oh sorry oh okay sorry oh  okay sorry i wasn't looking i thought i thought   you're saying the flag sorry okay nevermind  no i have no idea what the flag of madagascar   looks like no disrespect to madagascar but if  i had ten tries i probably wouldn't guess so what is someone from madagascar  called matt madagascarian huh really   oh wow beautiful so my mom uh is a  journalist and she went to madagascar   and she did a research uh and a you know like a  of oh god oh god oh god oh god well he certainly   plays chess like a penguin let's put it this  way um why is my guy missing his queen like yeah what the hell man i mean that was just such a   good game and then he just doesn't have a  queen anymore like this is like lost yeah you know is good we're doing this hey carl  if you were watching chess like this before   title tuesday like would it would it affect  your play like probably not oh my god oh wow oh well i'm being told by the way uh doothwailer  from my team said in my chat tobias the   poker player that you guys were talking about is  uh it's his cousin and those weather is a german   family name that's quite rare so they're  friends the small ones that's his cousin   thank you for playing in the tournaments  for us and in our sub battle oh very cool   look at that uh well i uh that was the fastest  sub-battle game i think i've ever seen um well   especially at this level no i mean just classic  uh lollipop checkmate you guys just um just uh   deep breath everybody okay deep breath everybody  uh take your time right congratulations at least   try to last like two minutes i mean it's better  than lasting 20 seconds let's put it this way so beaker here with the black  pieces against the black panthers that combination just looks so  terrifying the black panther   profile picture with the cotton flame oh sorry yeah yeah oh yeah yeah one second well  bishop d4 that's a very in-your-face kind of   what the that man just that man was really  deliberately giving away his bishop and   oh there's a pawn in the center okay look at this  to play with um a pair of nice more more options   for forks opportunities in there hopefully i like  this all right let's put this vienna position to   work let's go bishop e3 is a little bit too  oh oh hit him hit him yes one more good move wow wow capture chain yes phantom on just subscribe wow that's nice but k6 is very good too yeah so i just playing very well here i'm  wondering what could be a counter chance   maybe a mouse slip do you guys like pickles yeah hikaru it's a it's a serious question stop   it's not a it's a it's i'm just  i'm eating one so i'm asking uh yeah jeez man come on sometimes yeah i'm actually  i'm a big fan we have um what i've learned at   in new york city grocery stores is that if if if  a product is foreign the less english words the   better it tastes like because other countries  take pride in their products they don't pump   them full of like garbage so like i make sure  when we buy pickles they're like turkish or   they're like you know greek or something because  they're so it's so much better than like the   vlasic or whatever the hell the american  label is um so i like them a lot i'm just looking at hikaru and i just i don't know  why we're just having a sun battle here you know   yes yes exactly yep okay sorry i'll i'll try to  get serious um okay so uh you know anna um um   how how are you uh it seems like a very we're  we're being very mature today collectively   i wonder how it will be tomorrow for the  match but i i think it's gonna be a different   um you guys are gonna be super professional  i've watched the anahi karo commentary it's like   you know it's it's like very i want suits i'll  i'll come in a suit i'm not gonna i'm not gonna   come in a suit but um yeah uh it'll be it's gonna  be good hopefully the chess is up to par as well   um yeah i mean i i think actually what i would  say about alexandra just generally speaking is   she is very very strong and actually one of those  players who when i played against her she's very   dangerous as well so you got to um have you played  her have either of you played her over the board   i have not played her in class with  chess i have played her i think um   i think i played her twice in blitz shots over  the board if i'm not mistaken so i think two times   like in a in like world blitz or in uh  uh i think i played her on fox within a   blitz tournament many years ago and maybe maybe  it's the town memorial there's like a tablet in   moscow i think i played her game as well is  is black gonna find a way to win this game   i feel like you're turning the tables here yeah  i think so some chances i expect black to win oh god try to turn off your hands but yeah i  would say the same alexander is a very strong um   attacking player she always goes for lots of  tactics and aggressive attack and just to be   clear you guys sorry let me just cut you off  just one second we're talking about alexander   costanyuk the former women's world champion just  to be very clear ah yes it is very important to   make that distinction rook two h5 attacking  the pawn on h4 and the pawn just goes to b2 wow i have never seen such nonchalance  about a past pawn that man was like that   one's not going anywhere and it did it  did very much did in fact go somewhere so what an epic comeback yeah yeah beaker  here on point for team anna we we have   to we had to make a comeback in this  game more time new queen i'm impressed   wow i'm kind of stunned because now also  black has a ton of time right exactly okay okay okay yo oh i thought we were going  to get like a little room it's crazy there was   maiden too in that position oh oh oh oh that was  me oh you know if white just like shuffles the   king with a okay you gotta you can't spend half  your time when you got seven seconds you gotta go huh now we're pre-moving all right well  done beaker that was a huge comeback ah   okay all right uh one more game between beaker  and the private penguin all right now before we   start this game yes i'm gonna give up i'm gonna  give a three channel pep talk to mr private   mr private please please for the love of god take  your time in this game and don't hang your queen   okay just deep breath pace yourself make  sure ask yourself can they take my queen   all right here we go ready game time wait  a second let me that was the case in this   game too so you need to say to beaker as  well oh right right for screen blunder yes   uh gentlemen uh please neither of you  or or or lady um i would imagine that   it's probably more of a guy thing to name yourself  private and uh have a penguin as a profile picture   but i you know i don't i don't know all right go  ahead here here we go nice and solid thus far yeah looking good queens are on the board  they aren't targeted at the moment i i don't know what's so funny i mean his last  his name profile name is quite literally what   i'm saying it i don't yeah okay so but sorry  my mind's just gone this morning to ignore me   um there's a it's gonna be like marshall  compensation 95 95 rookie 5 c6 no bishop f2 some   crazy yeah um i guess but can white take it takes  takes rookie five uh bishop two camp two queen up   sixers queen of three so i wonder if i could have  actually taken that pawn on e5 maybe oh was it on   g5 or something oh yes knight g5 and queen h5  yes very classic yeah you just create the uh   yeah the triangle checkmate idea yeah that bishop  on b2 is not leaving a strong impression yeah well but i mean it's hard to play these positions where  you get the structure with the three pawns like   this in the vienna or just like out of an italian  where you play knight knight two turning takes   because it's hard to know where to put that bishop  on b to although this bishop on c4 is really good   yeah yeah that that was a rush decision  mr private please do not we have three   okay i like that like keep that queen safe  though make sure to keep that don't play d   yo if you play d4 e4 i'm gonna i'm done if you  lose your queen right now oh god i can't watch but is it private on my team not your team  levy i'm cheering for your guy too man i oh god lovey the prophet rose man oh my goodness   do you think that he's listening and he's  just doing this for content oh my god oh it's not over it's not over  it's very close you should have a   come on [ __ ] here comes the bro stack oh  oh oh well actually not too much oh oh but   yeah oh oh oh nice nice move  yeah create the german look but now the bishop is guarding the square so  it's again recreating the threat yeah bishop   d6 nice and i like that nice and creative  white's only got a minute oh but white just nicely done beaker yeah it's just game over   carl i think some of these people should  be blacklisted from ever playing again this was a catastrophe well some of these fights no him him he's an exception i mean i've never  seen this degree i don't know what's going on   with these guys they just i don't know it would be  really cool if we had like pogchamps participants   in sub-battles um i'd like that  yeah that would be fun yeah   totally i mean i think grypics would play for  sure in fact i feel like griffix is like always   in my stream he's not watching right now but we do  have another very uh very very famous person here   uh gm wesley so he's got some oh yeah yeah what's  this gotham wait levy are you watching my channel   uh no not at the moment okay cause i was gonna  say if you if you're watching you're not a vip   that would be very um i don't know no no no i  uh it's a little overwhelming three chats at   once when you do these i i used to do that but  to be honest like the information input is like   i'm just like all right i got i got my guy  i'm already getting made made fun of by one   group of people i can't be getting made fun of  by three it's just too much sensory overload yeah true true no that's a good point but i will  just say that anytime someone writes anything mean   uh about anybody i i'm always i'm always defending  them um wait a few people really losing their   minds today uh so maybe it's the inauguration i  they're just just really going crazy excited oh   very nice move by beaker very nice by the way  who is beaker is that like a character two that   i'm going to wear i think it's a it's the it's the  orange guy from like muppets no it's not because   i clicked on the profile and says tracy beaker  which i assume is some character from some uh   some show or something it's not a it's not  lex valdez speaker it's something else oh   oh we need to check within nine seconds though  ah british tv show okay i'll be back uh is black   gonna win this game no no how nice but still it's  not over you sure oh my god how have you guys   done that all sub battle like i feel like there's  been some serious like last second checkmates man people clutching it out in the  in the in the dying moments   very true quite a few games like that with like  five seconds or less someone finds a magic mate yeah okay good job ten jack suited is next versus penguin  on the loose so we got another penguin   yo we have another penguin literally  another profile picture of a penguin too   penguin on the loose yep people really like  uh isn't ten jack suited like one of the   best well i mean first of all isn't that wrong  it's jack 10 suited not 10 jack oh yeah yeah   yeah it would be jackson no one's just 10j  um but yeah it's a pretty good starting hand what is the um i like a year ago or maybe a  year and a half ago i bought the daniel negranu   uh poker master class because i just  wanted to see like how a pro would teach   the game and uh i think one of the cards that  he talked about one of the starting hands he   talked about was is it ace jack suited is that  that's like tricky to play or ace 10 suited   or something like that it's like a hand that's  very hotly debated whether you should play it   i don't know i've only had one poker lesson  so i'm still the same suit so like spade space   yeah okay yeah yeah i i don't know but what i  do know is like for me ace queen is the worst   hand ace queen is the one that's supposed to  be really good but it's really annoying to play it also might be pocket jacks so okay  yeah pocket jacks are eastern suited yeah   he hates jack jack oh okay okay okay okay  got it got i got it yeah i hate ace queen   yeah i feel like i've been in more ace queen  situations than anything else when i played   poker where it's like i have ace queen and you  flopped the ace and it's just like somehow you   just know that you're not good it's just it's  it's really annoying ace king you can't overplay because you're top kisses what's difficult  about ace queen is that it gives you   confidence that you've got a good situation but  it's not always good well i think the problem is   that like if you if you i mean i won't talk too  too in-depth on poker because obviously i'm no   no pro myself but i think the thing is  whenever i've played it and you get like an   ace you're never really like if there's a lot  of betting before the flop and then the flop   comes down there's an ace you don't actually know  where you are that's the problem like ace king   generally if an ace comes you have the top pair  but then you also have the top kicker after that   um so like if you're wrong you're wrong with  like ace queen there are a lot of combinations   like of like ace king or like some other random  ace and and so the combinations where you're   behind are a lot lot greater at least i've  found in my experience i see that makes sense   i had a lesson with with finton easyweed  says i'm hoping to learn more ah yeah i   was uh i i've been meaning to do something  with fedor because a long time ago he was   like we you know you can watch me play and and  actually i would find that fascinating because   you know the hardest thing with poker i've  found is is that it's very hard to mentally   shift the mind um in a different way like with  chess you're used to being like completely   controlled the game whereas in poker you're not  in control you try to make the best decision but   you don't really know what's going on um in  the same kind of way and secondly it's like   i think it's a lot harder like because in in poker  you just have to gamble you just not worry about   the control you just have to let it go and so  for me when i went like if i would play a cash   game in the old days remember it's like i would  it's like if i buy them for 200 bucks i'm worried   like okay but if i lose like if i'm wrong like  that's 200 bucks out the door and i'm poor you   kind of you really can't have that mindset at  all you just be like you just play try to play   the odds and even if you're wrong you can't think  about like the money or any of that stuff at all   i have uh i've heard i have  definitely heard that like in poker   you have to set aside some money that  you could light on fire and you just   yeah which is a fascinating concept um  how was your lesson with finton anna   it was really good i felt like i learned  a lot because i had no idea about poker   i only played the chess and poker mix a match  against hikaru choker but other than that   i had no experience at all playing poker  like i didn't even know when do you bet   how many cards i had no idea about anything  and i feel like at least i know the basics   and i won i won a lot of monopoly money  because i was playing just for monopoly money   yeah i uh my only struggle with playing with  like not like like in zynga or something is   that people just get tilted and go all in  every hand then i'm like okay i mean it's   well well but you know what i was going to say the  levy is you should actually play with real money   um i know but i i never knew that i could and  now i know that it's like no but what i mean   though is it's it's like i i i'm sure there  are probably people who could answer this   from like a psychological standpoint but it's no  different than like the stock market so it's like   your decisions when it's not like real money are  much different than um than it would be uh if it's   like um if it's playing money so in progress play  money someone might just go all in with like you   know five five eight or two random cards whatever  and like this with like i know it's from like the   market as well like if you do it on paper um you  make different decisions than you're going to   make when it's real money so yeah it actually  like it's just it's fundamentally different   yeah true it's a lot more uh fun playing  with like i've played live with friends   and it is definitely very different um but i  remember i was like sitting there and i oh oh   box winning yeah but black has  three seconds three seconds although if we've seen anything  oh no this is impossible not not 0.3 seconds and it's a three-fold  repetition oh no crazy no   god damn oh that's right because you guys are  actually in a dead heat i'm just chilling here   eating my eggs oh i'm i'm i'm good either  way win lose i'm here for memes and dreams all right solar destiny 2 who has the most uh  kind of another player from germany anna you   always bring the euros like it's always like the  germans rapping because they they they love chess   they're always like second third in every yeah  every ranking right um and i think since many   of my streams are european time during the day i  perhaps have more european viewers in general yeah   yeah that's great which is mainly i feel like  twitch is still more common in the states than   in europe like here in europe not everybody knows  what twitch is or they think it's some kind of a   paid service yeah i think um well but is it also  cultural i think a lot less people just like watch   content on the internet i feel like in europe  a lot of people still watch on the television   whereas a lot of people in america don't  even know what television is anymore   yeah yeah i wonder how long it will take for  twitch if if they will ever achieve a level of   recognition like youtube that everyone knows what  youtube is for for i don't know if twitch will get   there it would be great of course but i don't  know if it's possible yeah no but chat's going   insane but i'm i'm not joking you guys a lot of  people get their news on like television still in   in europe whereas like in america a lot of content  is consumed on the internet it's consumed through   a different medium now yeah no that's very  true tv or even radio it's still come on i get my news from hikaru's stream i just hang out  he'll drop like something about like pogchamps i'm   like oh cool like that um america's not far  in the future you guys i'm just saying that   like for example i don't even have a tv and like  i remember growing up like it was like that's how   you got your news it was on tv all the time um  but like i don't even watch tv if i watch them   it's on netflix big shots netflix by the way great  earnings up 14 but um like most people get their   news or their content elsewhere it feels like  nowadays whereas i feel like in europe you do see   a lot of people specifically like in spain or in  italy where like they're still it still is on tv   um so that's that's my specific reference  was there a period of time um for either of   you where like having cheap like a big tv was a  point of pride like before the world cup in 2006   my dad made a point to go to the store and buy the  biggest tv literally like the lot like the it was   like 50 60 inches you know and now that's like 50  bucks literally any best buy i mean you get like a   so yeah i mean i don't know i think like if if  i think about i think it's still something of   pride but it's pride in it like it's it's a  different kind of thing though it's like you   just do it because um i know i feel like you just  do it because you want to have like crystal clear   quality it's not like that big of a deal like  i remember like i was i'll tell a little story   just because this makes me sound so boomer um  but in like 1997 or 98 whatever the year was um   i remember i used to really love drinking snapple  so i don't even know if snap was still around but   but anyway what's that is that a fizzy drink  a soft drink uh yeah uh it's no generally just   like lemonade or flavors like sometimes it can  have um sometimes they can have uh flavors or   not but anyway i remember like i i got a snap or  whatever it was and they're you know they had some   giveaway on the can and i think i think what i  won is i won this like 50 tv remote now i know   it sounds really stupid obviously because it's  like a remote who cares um but i remember like   i was so proud and so happy because like it meant  that like the tv i had at home i could like use   an actual remote i have to get up and like you  know um like manually change the channel so um   so like the point is that like it was very  something i was very proud of it's related to like   a television and that time period whereas now it's  like i mean obviously that's a joke so yeah wow   that's wild yeah i remember we had um it's  funny used to run up to the tv and like now   you can watch any sport anywhere you could watch  tv you could watch right you know yeah that's true   but but anyway yeah i i think i think you're  right though i think there was a time was like   it really was something that you could be proud  of and now it's like uh now it's just like i mean   having a tv have been almost as weird i think  yeah or some people would have a tv screen to   then connect it to netflix or internet and watch  your youtube videos on the big screen exactly yep totally yum what uh what do you what do you  y'all own that's your uh your prized possession   technology wise prize possession i is it the  cameras now like this camera that we use i   don't even i guess i mean i'm not a very like  i don't know i don't believe in possessions i   believe in minimalism so um i don't really  have specifics no i mean well the the true   minimalist is of course moist critical who uses  who wears the same white t-shirt in every video a good one well no i mean he's you know he's  a probably a millionaire but he's still a   man of the you know man of the people and um  yeah assuming it's the same shirt i don't i   well i mean i i like i i own like i i'm pretty  basic like that i i i went out and bought like   the same black like t-shirt just to work  out and so i bought like a pack of like 10.   so like i'll wear the same shirt every day but  it's obviously a fresh shirt yeah isn't it what   steve jobs also used to do that he would always  have the same outfit but it was like many of the   same so that he doesn't have to make a decision  in the morning what to wear it's just the same but   a fresh one a clean one right exactly yeah  he would wear that that weird turtleneck   uh yeah yeah i remember like there was a period of  time or my family was big on turtlenecks and then   i went to school and my family was no longer very  big on turtlenecks it was very tragic i just wore   whatever i was put into and then at some point i  was like i'm gonna make my own fashion decisions   and um now i wear pink hoodies and not turtlenecks  so turtlenecks is man i haven't worn turtleneck   i don't even remember the last time i wore one  oh guys this is a huge time scramble by the way black one on time is 0.6 seconds  i'm so sorry oh my god i'm oh we lost i didn't even realize i i'm just  having like i said i'm just having a good time man   all right then jack suited haven't you you  won this one but solar destiny is my player   with a queen up but he lost some time oh we won  nice yeah wait slower destiny is anna's player   yeah yeah solar destiny lost on time unfortunately  oh oh i had the order wrong oh i think we're wrong   yeah i i a penguin on the loose just very calm  after the game says good game yeah i saw it too   yeah all right 10 jack suited versus solar destiny  okay london system very good so far very good   we haven't seen this all day i feel like  these folks are playing whatever they   they want we haven't seen the same all  right let's go let's go eat come on good pretty standard wow i'm impressed  by the setup does white know   uh what they have to do here probably that's a move uh the crowning of a good player  what do you take back with here the e pawn thank you hey carl oh oh cd4  yes cd4 played 10 jack suited folded is a tense one and for solar destiny it  must be so tough he had that winning position and   he lost some time it's psychologically  difficult to now play this new game true but good move knight b4 is taking  the initiative with the black pieces trying to at least it's still very  complicated yeah i wonder where   the queen will go queen b3 it's a good move  maybe eight three next move to hit the knight but yeah that's why you take with  the e pawn specifically to stop   knight before but black misplayed it  because with the pawn on e7 you could   play knight before the bishop f5 but he  put the pawn away in front too early yep yeah i was gonna say that is probably the  best move um kind of good intermediate move   i think yeah both both people here  clutching it out that's not so good however   no it's not terrible but yeah yeah that's also that's really not good okay i mean  okay pawn down you know why it's got activity   activity is good um some some uh there so someone  in my chat is having a bit of a of an episode   we're having we're having to tend to it it's  a very angry angry toddler saying gibberish um it's been a weird day man i'm telling you  it's been a like we're we've been kind of   weird are like the stars aligned weird  today what's the astrological reason um i'm not sure actually i'm not sure it's  probably i don't know it's probably because   there's uh something happened today mercury  in retrograde i i don't know i yeah but well   actually because even i'm a little bit off today  it's like it's not just everyone in chat like my   subs are off i'm off apparently people in  your chat are off like everyone's off today yeah and now and now um the little mini  skirmishes breaking out amongst the viewers so   god this is this is fascinating sagittarius is in  retrograde to the second son on tatooine thank you   for that the one and only lucious appreciate it  i don't know what that means but anyway all right   is that was that a religious thing  or it's supposed to be a horoscope   thing it's a tatooine is from star wars  so it doesn't make sense oh okay got it are you uh are either of you big believers in like  horoscopes ah hell nah come on seriously come on   anna no okay no i i don't know i just felt fun  because i like how they are wrote it in a way that   they could apply to many different scenarios so  they make you believe that they know what's gonna   happen but it's it's the way it's worded  so it could apply to a lot of situations   exactly yeah it's always very vague it's like  well it's it's like okay like today it's like   it would be like today you're something something  really exciting is gonna happen in your life and   it's like well that could apply to anything  and that's like how i contextualize it's like   you know if i win the sub battle that could be  i could say that's like really exciting that   happens i could also you know let's just say i go  out and eat like the greatest slice of pizza ever   that's an exciting thing that could happen  but there's so many things that can apply to   that it's like it doesn't  actually say anything yeah how do you feel about character traits when it's  about when were you born and and if it describes   your personality to some to some extent um  i mean i definitely think it's true for me   that's the one thing i will say i was gonna say  that i feel like those make a lot more sense   in a way i don't know how they do it i  don't know how it's how it's decided who   is what but i feel like that has a lot more  to do with the truth and how how we are as   a person like our characters than predicting  how your day will be or how your week will be   right exactly yeah yeah no totally lovey what  what what sign are you uh there's a uh sagittarius   oh of course oh right your birthday's  around my time yeah yeah but i know that um like the i was born in the year of the pig so and  then i'm a wooden pig so like there's like the   symbols like every 12 years it's like a different  symbol like fire wood yeah so little brothers   are you looking at it from like the chinese then  when you say twelve i'm looking at combining   everything yeah okay okay so i wouldn't pick  sagittarius yeah my little brother is a fire   pig and that's like very fitting like personality  wise but wooden pig i don't know the traits of but   fire is like obviously you know it's like bacon  i know but he's like very hell is a wooden thing   i don't know man i don't i don't make  these things i just you know okay   um all right benny places by the way solar  destinates has crushed this one very good   job but yeah i've never heard of the wooden  thing you need to tell us more about that i know but i wanted a shield i  thought i've had a wooden pick yeah i'm um i needed a little bit of community  help translating uh this user's tantrum so   okay i had to i got i got the community  taking a look um oh oh it it turns out that uh   the person having a meltdown in my chat was  banned from daniel naraditsky's chat last night   i like how the crazies make the rounds you  know they pop into every place and then they   um we'll be like hey can you unban me or something yo guys guys guys guys look at look  at this look at the screen guys   there's just queen just hanging what was that is yeah what what just happened in this  game man what the hell what what   that's like the immortal queen yeah this is crazy something strange today it really must be the  stars yeah this i mean joe bin played like the   worst move like he had like 30 legal moves and joe  bin played the worst one right exactly yeah queen   b6 i mean and then the queen survived and took a  knight and a pawn so i don't think it's over guys oh knight v5 was very interesting  there wasn't it yeah yeah   it was actually good for white  it was good for white yeah yeah these they're just doing their best dubai  impression they're trying to like you know get   wild or something uh-huh they're just not  doing it they're not doing it the best way   crazy this is insane um insane sorry by the way yeah i am a little bit  i'm acting a little bit giggly this morning   way too uh way too i don't know if i haven't  had enough uh g fuel or what's with me but   apologies to those of you who are  like not understand why i'm so weird   i think it's great to be in  high spirits i guess yeah and then the result of your team isn't  affecting your mood that's another   cool thing about it yeah no of course  it's true that's true no it's it's uh   also though actually this first time i feel  like my subs haven't been doing great so   it's easier to kind of just relax  and go with the flow i think in a way yeah joe biden's up two pieces here right  he's got a bushman at night um maybe york c8 yeah two pieces and the presidency so um okay um okay uh maybe just take the pawn i  wonder if joe biden likes pickles   dude i'm just trying to tie talking points  together i mean we discussed pickles and joe   biden and i'm just i don't know maybe he  likes pickles i don't know i was like are   you gonna ask if he likes chess chess sure sure  pickles chess whatever speaking of pickles um   wasn't the rugrats family the pickles in the in  the cartoon or is it rugrats geez that's like so   long ago well that was a greater too and i used to  watch it but i don't remember pickles i think so   pickles i think of rick and morty mainly right  yeah yeah i turned myself into a pickle morty   oh it was what an epic episode god wanna watch  this by the way ten seconds oh black is having uh   i don't know what black is  doing but nine seconds for joe   black is spending one second per pawn push i it's  not mathematically going to work out oh that was   the premiums are starting but look at the pawns  is it we're going to see a settlement i think so   oh oh oh oh the wrong way wrong  way yeah black's gonna win now oh yes i knew it   the legendary two queen  stalemate oh oh wow amazing crazy that's insane this is why this is  why that's why we this is why we   play right here yep exactly all  right joe bin and gm blenders here we go my friends take it home gm blenders um was originally signed  up for two teams i'm glad that he's   stick to to t mana thank you so  much for the hikaru flair though true true he also has my picture i really  want this picture it's a great picture yeah   with the bow tie yeah yeah yeah yeah  classy i like the people chest a lot   i saw it yesterday on your  stream before that's so cute   people chess there's like some trap here right  like uh a6 loses or something yeah well uh   there's no way yeah yeah it's gonna happen again  it's not quite the same now though after bishop b7 why is that oh right because the queen's not  trapped queens exactly yep right it's still very   uh good but uh oh yeah can we can we  add people just who made that was it   someone from your community it was yeah  it was on my reddit um so i don't know   who made it but yeah there's someone did  it on my right and then they added to bttv   amazing is there like a application process for  bt tv or you just i have no idea i just i know   i went i did my reddit recap and someone  had posted it there so i just added it   yeah i don't know how to  add bt tv what i'd like to no i uh someone made levy dance but i  no i personally haven't i have not added okay this is a game of chess  now interesting position   yeah which way is correct i guess you take with  the not i was gonna say you take with a knight   because i guess upon d4 is under attack  although this is kind of reasonable too   obito underscore 100 says this isn't bad at  all yeah it's not great but it's like you   have to really figure out why it's not great it's  still right but i think practically white is very   close to winning actually if white finds the right  plan agreed that however is not the right plan no   everybody's a little too trade happy he likes  to trade their pieces yeah i mean if you get   to trade your bishop for a queen that's great  but equal traits here don't help the attack still very tough to play like  i can see black playing f6 here   just because you don't know what to do so  you're like oh i create a thread and then   and okay well well that's  actually even worse in a way yeah cause just pawn takes i  maybe blacked out the queen oh   wow that's not good let's see what's  gonna happen uw just subscribed talk   i'm gonna run the restroom you guys so  i'll be right back okay sure all right yeah right right when we said that something bad  could happen okay well it's only an exchange to   be fair in a blitz game with no increment  this could still be decent survival chances as hikaru would say i would win this  position with white or with black   see so they got you just got to have that mindset  you're always trying to play for a win you know   yeah good points um black has a bit  more time and two nights two nights   meaning more opportunities for a tactical  motive hopefully but i'm scared i'm scared   of this knight e7 knight f6 oh nine  to five it looks like a good attempt something really tragic could  happen here like knight before   rook c1 for example but i don't think  roxy was gonna happen please yes almost   almost yeah c3 is by far more natural because  you just at least attack the horsey and then   yeah true but now the two knights are  protecting each other and there's nothing   direct against the king so maybe maybe white  will spend some time here to see how to crack it all right what happened we're trying to  survive an exchange down position here   from black's perspective oh it's  very interesting position but okay um we have less oh tricky but lovey lovey  i had a question you've never met any of   these people right like chris chuck  and any of the people that you imitate   never so how do you think it's gonna  be when you actually see them in person   uh it will be it will be weird well i mean  i'm assuming i never like when will i i don't   i don't know i mean i i i'm gonna be i'm gonna  i'm gonna give a hot take i think if any of the   grandmasters actually know i exist they have zero  respect for me because i think that's just how it   is i think it's like you with them you earn  your respect competitively you don't earn the   respect being a you know brash loudmouth internet  personality right i feel like chess still has that   like we so some of us like you aneesh like you  did to you it's not like a matter of oh i'm just   that much better so i don't you know respect or  anything like that but like also if i've done   an impression of you like i i don't think that  you're gonna have like people respect anna a lot   i i will never have the respect that anna has  like ever true it's it's not like everybody   respects me though it's not that easy right some  people think you have things in your lipstick but   i mean those people aside you know and by the way  can i just say it had to be the french they're   always so salty anyway uh yeah that's a dig at one  streamer's community in particular but uh anyway   uh gg on this game yes yes it had to be  you know it had to be so crazy that you   went through that whole thing by the way like  kudos to you for laughing about it in hindsight   because i mean i would that that was a crazy  um i didn't really have a choice unfortunately   what i find crazy about it is that there  are still people who believe it it's like   it happened 13 years ago um it was proved to be  a false accusation and they were punished for it   like frida had defeated what's his opening case  against them and and i'm still being accused   like there are still viewers who just show up  and say oh you you are a cheater it's like wait   what's the next game sorry you guys what's the  next game uh it's uh it's gm blenders versus benny   place oh okay okay never mind the other game okay  benny places dead lost on move six because benny   place watched an eric rose in youtube video and  decided no oh no because the pawns on e3 not e2   and that wasn't girls is why you don't watch  eric rosen videos on ridiculous gambits and instead you watch yeah yeah exactly ah that's good that's good good stuff good stuff  uh yeah but that's the problem i mean that's the   problem if someone watches like i i think gambits  are fine but when you go for the real cheesy   cheesy nonsense like just hanging this night  because eric rose oh yeah you can just hang the   knights do bishop too it's like um yeah it's not  it's it's just not good fundamentals i mean i just   i understand the like for memes and  stuff but it's not good fundamentals   having said that i did catch a 2600 with  it which i think is pretty embarrassing   but um naritsky fell for it in a bullet  game so oh that's a bullet in in bullet it's   it's i guess it's it's good but uh yeah no i i  suppose although black could get a checkmate here   we have to be careful here to be very yeah oh and that is why you want to oh my god that was so bad um  gm blenders it's it's all right   these things happened that pawn was  attractive to be captured on a7 oh no   oh okay that was good okay so next game um actual  real gamer nick and annihilation 420 great name   yeah annihilation 420 all right uh have  either of you tried cbd oil what's that   that's mary joana right no no no no it's it's it's  the non it's the non-thc so it's like the it's the   it's it's like legal it's not like i'm not asking  you if you've done drugs but it's like isn't that   by the way the bond club but isn't it yeah  um isn't that uh what's what was i gonna say   is i thought that was something they use like in  like massages or things or things like that yeah   so it's it it derives from hemp and like the hemp  plant and um like they they grow in everything but   it's basically it's the non-psychoactive component  of marijuana so there's thc and then cbd so okay   cbd i know it is hemp when you said hemp i  know i realized that um that's the one we   have because kevin had a car accident he hasn't  he still has sometimes serious back pain and it's   good for muscle pain in general i was going to um  yeah i've never i've never done it though no um   well i uh i i have some arriving so i'll let  you know if it's like good for stress relief   oh you just do it for stress relief or like an  actual like medication like i mean you know back   pain workout like it relaxes you yeah good for  sleep right um right no okay that makes sense yeah   i mean i i don't know it's not i mean it's just  not something i'm familiar with but hey question   do you so obviously we have like uh like feed a  and chess tournaments adhere to wada like world   anti-doping agency but would cbd uh be banned  is cbd demand is like thc band is weed banned i   don't think so i mean i think it's very minimal  in terms of what is banned but i would also say   in no way or once let me unfollow gm blunders  um but it know what no way shape or form   doesn't can it help you like i i just don't  see how it can help you like it just like   it's not one of those things that helps you  if anything it'll diminish your performance   got it so but like let's say you're like  a person that goes into competition super   stressed and it calms you down that makes you  oh this could end immediately right i mean very impressive well battery classic battery he won with the bomb  cloud yes exactly that's also true i wasn't   even thinking about that yeah what a game bonk  ladder mode two and then checkmate i'm of 17.   so england gambit eric rosentrap as well as um  the bond cloud the way you need to win right there did you ask that question about cbd because  the guy your guy's name is annihilation 420   yeah okay yeah yeah yeah so  420 i figured you know yeah um yeah but anyway i i don't see how it that  can help you it just it to me it makes no   sense how i can help you well even if it  technically could calm you down like for   the majority of people it does nothing and it  probably diminishes your performance if anything   maybe i'm wrong but now the focused drugs  are banned so like adderall modafinil   xanax oh not xanax um that's  probably bantu but ritalin   i think they're they're they're they are banned  yeah god what would a chess doping scandal look   like have we ever had one of those no but how can  i mean there's just nothing like unless there's   some like are they getting like for example  is there drug testing and tata steel right now   no no there's only drug testing because it comes  back to the topic of whether chess is a sport   or not um but a lot in a lot of countries  and anna anna can definitely speak to this   um like in a lot of countries in europe they the  chess federation's got funding from the olympic   committee or like the olympic sports committees  so for that reason there's been a big push to   try and also maybe get chest in the olympics and  that's sort of the origins of why there there is   drug testing and events like the chess olympiad  yeah uh-huh yeah i i used to have to fill out   uh a yearly calendar every week of mine i had to  give a slot of a time when i could be contacted   and reach for testing if they had to like outside  tournaments too because i was on the olympic team   so they had to they had to have my address  where to reach me if i was not at home i had   to write where i am in which town can they  find me if they had to find me for testing   um every week of my life until i was on the  olympic team it wasn't that cool i felt like it's   a bit too much but it was for the same reason that  because chess wants to be considered fully as an   olympic sport and in hungary it is so you do get  the same rewards if you get a medal at an olympiad   you have the same rewards and the salary  for the rest of your life from the age 35.   wow okay that that is going to fill out the  calendar i guess if you get a lifetime salary   for it um once you win a medal i have never one  of my levels drug testing in esports um i doubt it   yeah cause i figure that could also help you  smoke some you know good stuff and you just chill   um well in mixed martial arts  marijuana was banned until recently   it's not a it's not a violation of the  anti-doping protocol anymore so interesting like yeah wow but more importantly where's where's my  salary for life we're here in america greatest   country in the world where's my salary for winning  a goddamn gold medal did did you oh yeah we you   you did yeah yeah yeah yeah we did but there's  no salary for life and there's no salary for life   did you at least get that get a reward for  like a one-time bonus for it or they did   yeah i think the one time voters were getting  the gold medal was everyone on the team got   like an extra two thousand dollars not bad  not bad that's like one sony camera not bad   gold yeah yeah yeah it's it's pretty pathetic i  know but yeah it was like the bonus was like two   thousand dollars or three thousand dollars or  something ridiculous oh my meanwhile in armenia   when they win the gold medal in the olympiad they  got like a car they got like some land or a house   like there's a slight difference russia if russia  wins they get like 50 000 each slightly different damn i didn't that's that's pretty cool  oh it's cool if you're in another country   it's not so cool if you're  in america and you win a gold yeah the the uh i guess the rule here is you gotta   befriend a billionaire just had to  say it levy you just had to say it i mean i don't know any billionaires but i'm  sure if i did you know things would be easier   just saying you know this game is actually kind of interesting  right it's like a interesting very interesting   very interesting covenant which i think might  go wrong right now yep yeah that was a bad wow oh look for checks bro bro you miss a  hundred percent of the checks that you never   you never make well now it's what's the draw now   he's just oh no he's gonna try this i know  he's got 18 seconds yeah white will win   no no oh i thought he was going to play king  h5 queen h4 that would have been cool oh that was it's a draw though this 11 seconds left for black and  they missed checkmate in two so   i'm feeling a lot better about this  now i thought there was a king g3   idea to go for a checkmate which  would have been very interesting oh my god i'm done oh my god and white almost like a cell  mate there he oh my god oh my gosh what a game   hi daily dose of chess follow me on instagram  and follow anna as well and follow your car   everybody follow on instagram everybody pause your  youtube video right now go follow on instagram   wow that was so bad epic oh god i can't  believe that he didn't see the the final   one like queen d1 was the obvious checkmate and  then queen f1 queenie one both checkmates dude   wow crazy crazy checkmates missed uh well who  just played lord born in annihilation 420 okay   it's time for actual real gamer and lord born i  like how lord born just unfazed just said gg just oh god damn it oh right that's right i forgot  my bomb cloud dude this is the kind of guy   that pops into chat like hey gotham why am i  struggling to get to a thousand and i look at   the opening history it's just all king e2  king e7 it's like too dedicated to hikaru   did you finish your climb to 3000 with the bomb  cloud no i didn't i i need to finish that i'll   probably finish that today or tomorrow what is  it like being so good at chess that you can just   get to you can embarrass a hundred percent  of people on just.com by moving your kingdom   i can't do that but the bond cloud is one of those  openings it's so bad that it's not actually like   that it gets frustrating because some people i  just can't win with it against um but in general   terms i guess like what i would say is it's  just like it's it's pretty awesome to have that   kind of grasp of something or to be that good at  something um so you know i i with you i experience   what people experience watching like us maybe i  watch your stream i'm like i got this i go play   i don't got this i was wrong i did not in fact i  don't know anna do you ever feel that way like i   watched your car i'm like man 2800 saying [ __  ] man and then i go and i lose all of them and i'm like how does it you know i  kind of follow along and then i   yeah then you try to do it and  you can't do it exactly yeah yeah   like when doing puzzles after we did puzzles for  survival i got really inspired and i went to do   it and i hit i got to like 56 57 i was like  how did we ever solve like it's insane like   i was helping you but right i'm like i don't  yeah it's it's nuts i'm just sitting here like   well i mean that's that's what it is like with  anyone who's really good at any game like like   online it's like yeah i can watch any game like  and i put put on like valerie or something i watch   it's like oh yeah i mean he headshots the guys  like it's so obvious it's so easy and i try to go   do it and like it's like it's not even comparable  and you're like but what's wrong like i just   it's so easy like and then something's just like  missing so yeah i think that's just a common theme   just you you basically watch someone who's really  good at something and then you're just like   you don't understand because they make it look so  easy and then you can't do the same thing yeah i   definitely have that like i'll even watch guides  of uh some of the overwatch characters i play i'm   like all right i'm gonna you know i'm gonna do  this and then i run into the whole team and die   in two seconds right like oh great like the guy  did it in the video i'm gonna do it right right   exactly yeah yeah my sample sunday but uh this  was hanging too yeah well black has to be accurate okay that's a good move can't be a bad move yeah there's always that deceptive like it's just  that it's so deceptive no matter what it is like   when you watch him is really good at a game you  just think like well it just looks so easy like   how can it really be that hard but there's  just yeah it just it actually is that hard but uh on a more wholesome note it's like wait what just  what what's just happened did what did i hang at   night okay yeah yeah okay like like my little  brother's 13 and like all of us at the age of   13 were playing chess like that's it that's  what all of us were doing in fact that's what   most streamers regardless of uh of anything  like when they started chess like they were   you know they were playing it their like whole  life so it's like hard at 13 if you don't have   that one consistent thing you do so i'm trying  to like teach my younger brother to like focus   on what he's good at like he's got to do the  school but he's also got it like he's good at   he likes to cook i'm like all right  oh nice find a way to you know   i don't know make a make a cooking tick tock  where you just make really nice things and you   edit them really well dude people love that  stuff like instagram tick tock i mean you   but uh did you buy them any cooking books like  kitchen confidential or any of those sorts of   things so we're having this we're having to put  the cooking on pause because the grades have   to be better but then once the grades are good  he's allowed to focus on the on the cooking so   what grades don't matter if you want  to be if you don't want to be a cook   yes and no my family is still very it's very  tough to convince anybody in my family grades   don't matter okay you know okay okay uh but yeah  leo like to be a chef yeah not not quite but   people they're saying that like you need good  grades to get into the best culinary schools   is that i don't believe that at all that sounds  ridiculous i didn't think so but who knows   i don't believe that for a second i'm assuming it  depends how well you cook right like that seems   well i assume with cooking school yeah  maybe it's something like really high   end or something possibly but but oh they're  checking in one he saw it two seconds left on   the clock and check my team wow we were  totally gonna lose well see this is the   issue with the bond cloud you should get you  get too hype you think your king could just   live forever right right right yeah no one percent  there yeah all right well it's time for um wait   does anna's got one so this guy has what two  to this round lord born epic absolutely epic   play these last two games well done so  now we got boto boto and john akerson brazil okay yeah but i think with cooking yeah it's just i  mean it's it's you just you go get your experience   and you just go for it and that's that's awesome  though i like i like watching uh cooking shows i   like watching people be creative and come up with  all these ingredients and recipes i really like   chopped right i i mean what i would say though  is like if someone has an interest or something   like that grades don't really they really don't  matter unless you're gonna like go into like   a field like i i don't know like teaching or  or something that specifically requires great   grades like something like cooking who cares  where you go to school it doesn't really matter   if you're good at cooking you're good at cooking  i think a lot of the experience doesn't it come   just from like working in like kitchens  and like just like getting the experience   so grace doesn't matter it doesn't matter at all  so if your brother is watching like leo is his   name right yeah leo grades don't matter just make  sure that just make sure that you uh finish high   school that's all you need to do now we're gonna  start hearing leo and phil cartman wait ma'am   he carries his grace don't matter  and i could just go and cook ma'am   i don't have to do good in school mom oh man i  miss south park i gotta go watch some south park   one of the one of the most uh vile movies i  ever saw when i was a baby boy at the age of   like 9 or 10 was the south park movie and uh  it taught me a lot taught me a lot of words   taught me a lot of words there was a song  about kyle's mom in there that was uh   that was a quite yeah so i think south park  is definitely responsible for some of my early   vocabulary development well he turned out pretty  well which again sort of proves the point oh wow by the way lovey apparently someone in  my chat says to get into the culinary   institute of america uh you need you need like  3.1 gpa which i 3.1 is pretty bad isn't it like   yeah that's like yeah it's like you need a pulse  yeah 3.1 is not exactly like a high g that's not   it's not a high that's that's really just not  a high gpa that's just like the middle of the   road whatever just make sure you you get decent  grades but yeah it's not like you know trying   to get into like harvard or something where you  need like a 4.0 gpa or at least a 3.8 at least yeah wow three yeah three one is um yeah yeah god i feel bad because like these  some of these guys have waited to play in in   the battle and yeah queen's just gone it's still  good actually to give up the queen for two rooks okay but how has a knight in a bishop left so   not much not much yeah it's only the 16th  move guys i'm i'm not you get eight pieces   king queen two rooks two knights two bishops and  pawns but move 15 you can't just have two left true guy lost the queen in two  rooks and 15 moves come on like   deep breath regroup let's keep the pieces safe yeah i graduated from my university with 2.97  gpa and i got a good job so i'm winning right exactly yeah i'm gonna i don't i think leo's currently in  school but i i'll relay it to him i'll get yelled   at by my family what are you telling this kid his  grades don't matter be like hey listen listen um it's very similar with chess though isn't it  that most grandmasters top chess grandmasters   um would either uh not pursue college education  like at some point you just need to decide   how can you spend your time the most efficient  way how how can you dedicate even more time   to chess and then they they just stop either not  not even applying for college or university or i   had teammates on the olympic team of hungary that  they after primary school they they finished and   officially you can't even do it so on the books  they were going to high school but they weren't   actually okay i'm not going to mention names  okay yeah that wouldn't be that wouldn't be   legal i think until was it 14 or 15 you need  to go to school you have to go to school i   think in hungary i don't remember the age but  they they managed to get around even that part   yeah sorry um i i think i think actually  yeah the u.s is 14 writers at 12.   levy do you know for going to school you have  to go to school until you're like 14. right or   i thought it was eighth grade i thought it was  either sixth or eighth grade ah okay so it might   be might be even younger okay fair enough but i i  don't know honestly um okay i thought it was all   right so so we have one more game to go and this  is going to decide who wins who wins overall right   since it's uh 10 and 9. so this this last thing  is going to be the critical one yes big game here   yeah it's crazy uh whoever whoever wins this  wins the sub battle no pressure let's go we will love or hate you forever yeah exactly   oh look it's it's someone from my native homeland  of belgium i just know it's nicholas volkert hmm   niko's playing for team anna's i'm hoping for  a great game this could be it levy levy keeps   winning this sub battle so i think it's time  it's time to take over i want like the last   one i know it's it's crazy if i ever win two  in a row it just doesn't make any sense but   i mean for a while we lost like seven or eight  times so it's uh true that's a good point yeah i don't think i've ever won have i well we've done  the three three-way no i don't think you have no   no no this will be the first one yeah i  think we were second couple of times but not   not winning oh and i remember one where we almost  got adopted by yes there was that one too yeah   right yeah um um you definitely  beat me straight up though   we've had like just a straight up uh sub battle  oh my oh my oh my oh wow 927 was just winning wow yeah um well uh winning wow david pakman  brought in some viewers so uh i'm assuming   he was covering the uh inauguration so this is  wasn't biden supposed to get arrested this morning   or something corny q anon oh maybe maybe for for  what pretty right for what exactly yeah i i mean i   just arrested i guess i don't is there a reason or  just arrested i don't know i i it's just queueing   on cuenon [ __ ] sorry i don't mind saying that  um but yeah got it got it okay um um yeah i have i   have i have relatives who are big fans of fox news  because all other media outlets are lying to their   uh to their viewers obviously um and uh they have  not jumped on the news max q anon bandwagon they   have stuck with fox throughout this process uh but  it's it's definitely interesting to see um so uh   this is more entertaining than the inauguration  let's put it this way this is uh that's just   that's just a formal procedure this is watching  our subscribers fight a bloody war and you guys   are getting it right when the winner of this game  determines who wins and my guy's slow he's playing   slow this game move your queen just go just move  it it's under attack just move it somewhere please he just wants to think yeah he just  wants to think and plan it all out okay okay it's still something at least  right yeah the queen is no longer hanging   at least come on man speed up speed up okay  stage fright got a minute to perform here not difficult come on just just just  go yeah yeah yeah another guy's time   maybe three minutes total come on it's not  done let's go let's go let's go let's go nice i like this yeah black just  thinking thinking nice deep thought um uh good position i like this all right keep  thinking keep okay okay it's a good move very   good move maybe not the best one but it's still  good and now you're gonna move your queen see   like with a minute you just gotta move like  just there you go that's not a good move lovey i guarantee black does something insane right now  like i like make a checkmate it's not gonna happen   there's zero percent chance that i mean it's going  to be like rook d3 or something i mean at the word   95 i don't know yeah right because it's like a great move that's my  prediction here it's gonna make a strong move   just a bit faster that that's a good one  yeah that's not too insane but it it can   lead to bad things come on just go just  go literally any move any move you gotta   do you got 50 seconds okay good see like but  here's the thing about time management if you   have 58 seconds you can't spend one third  of it on rook to e1 because you could have   played that move in a second especially  this long time so right right go just okay oh well bad move a good move yeah unfortunate he sees it i think he sees what's on the other  side oh and the time is catching up too yes come   on come on nicholas move for belgium come on you  can do it man move anything anything that doesn't   oh oh well maybe not anything i think we're  gonna get like queen e4 or something in it oh   oh interesting oh my god they both have 30  seconds oh my god that's such a good move nice i think my guy's done i think he's overwhelmed  he's getting swarmed by the pieces here is it going to happen 92 right  this is that what's going to happen because you've got this quick you got  to move oh i think it's going to happen i called it i called it oh he was doing such  a good job not moving his bishop   oh my goodness but then he moved it low time  wow oh no nicolas turned the tables and then   turned it again oh no so wait so what does that  mean it's tied and there's one game left right no i think we have a one game lead and now  if anna's person wins it's oh i see okay yeah   true wait so how many points we have you've  got 12 already or 11. i think we have um   we have 11 you have 10. so it's up  to hikaru's guy now hikaru's guy's   gotta yeah sunday class will play another game  nicholas correctly yeah so well this was great wow you know what's funny by the way  is you guys were ahead of me i think   i think i had lag on chess.com because you  guys were ahead of me by like five seconds   you you were already you're already starting to go  insane uh you were already starting to go insane   when i had not seen uh what was it like [ __ ]  takes d3 or whatever it was yeah there's a lag   it's just well queen h4 would have been at least  interesting but this is yeah is battal throwing i   don't know maybe i have no idea wait guys but tao  in the first game lost all his pieces by move 15.   like well but then it's fair because it was  to your player and now he's doing the same   to my player who is this guy like is this is  he just here to like screw around what is this i mean no i mean no disrespect like obviously you  know we insult all the brazilians at chat levy   it's not just insult and sold all the french  french viewers hold up did you guys know that   the i am not a gm has a match today it just  started do you know i had no idea who's playing   lars uh hogg lar lars his last name  is hogg i'm not calling him a hog i mean but that's no different than calling  someone a wooden egg it's the same thing like fair   yo this man is just dedicated  to losing queen in both rooks   i'm just gonna say this chess.com social  media advertisement team for this event   y'all all should be fired every single person that  worked on this guys we didn't even know there was   a match i just got a twitch notification for it  did you know there was a mess today no no idea   but wait so who is large hawk  or larp who's large money card okay i have no idea who he's playing i don't okay  um i have no clue who he's playing i play hog in   overwatch sometimes so oh is he good at it no  i play it i'm i'm okay at that road hog no it's   a character yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay um he's  good he's like he's uh he's one of these norwegian   dudes very very strong not not compared  to another person in the zoom call but   i i think lars is a pretty decent player  do you know laura c carl like do you know   anything about him uh i probably know i  probably let me let me let me google him   because i probably i probably know his face but i  don't think i actually have spoken let me see um it's h a g or how do you spell z h a h-a-u-g-e   h-h-h-a oh oh right this is norwegian it's  not german yeah yeah um yeah i've seen him   at terms i don't know much about him but um  but yeah i've heard of him i would say actually   there are a lot of norwegian kids who i think are  very underrated they're they're really underrated   so like he's probably he's probably way above  what his current rating is he's much stronger yeah right right yeah okay okay oh there could be a way for block to win  this game by the way um that's probably not best oh yeah that pretty much ends it because there was   an idea to go f3 but now now with the  diagonal closed it should just be over i don't think battal is used to playing a game  where oh no no he it's the same as before now he's   just got bishop and knight left so definitely  seems familiar with this balance or something he might be trying his best  and and we are assuming that he   he just does it for entertainment purposes  throwing for content it's definitely possible someone in my in my chat just said uh i i don't i  don't like brazil because i'm making fun of this   guy i love i love that you know you make fun of  uh bad moves so all of a sudden you hate a country   it's like very good logical progression  right you know um yeah so brazil is great i've never been but i know a lot of mixed  martial artists from brazil so anna have   you been to brazil or not no i would love to go  i haven't been to i've been to chile only inside   wait that's the only place in  south america event yeah wow   i still need to travel once once people can travel  again i'd love to yeah any dream destinations for   you guys that you haven't been to yet uh australia  new zealand yeah australia i really want to go to   australia uh destination i don't know i want  to just like want to go to europe for like   three months just go everywhere and come but when  how the hell are we going to do that ever so um   a lot of people saying india i think a  lot of indian chess fans want to see us   go to india oh i mean india  is very different but i mean tough tough very different very different magnus had a fun experience there oh you mean when he had the food poisoning yeah   money took the the world's fastest draw five  moves beat all of in each geary's records just   oh i can see it was it against vinit i think  he just offered the drawing i think so yeah   yeah i thought she meant another experience of  his in india winning the world champions title   oh that's right that wasn't india you're right i  forgot i actually i forgot about that yeah that's   a good point yeah the first one was in chennai  yeah right exactly yep that's true yeah uh   all right well so who who wins is it a tie i  think we need a tie we we can we can take uh   uh share first yeah that's a hypocrisy a great day   and uh everybody needs like a pep talk and to be  yelled at for i think this was good yeah it was   it was it was fun it was definitely i don't know  it felt much more relaxed to me because my team   wasn't competitive but it felt much more relaxed  than i'm used to it being it just seemed very   chill thanks so much for the sub battle guys this  was fun we should do it again at some point when   when we can uh the champions actually you  know can you guys play a game let's let's do   a tie breaker you guys play what are the time  odds four three five no please not me what no   come on but i mean come on you got wait someone  sight's not down or wait did chess.com just die   it might it keeps dying in and out somehow i  don't know oh uh nothing's loaded oh so we can't   even have a tiebreaker oh they want to prevent me  from playing i was like any of my players could i   don't mind if we repeat one of the oh there we  go the blocks are hanging or no clocks are back   oh it's all over the place yeah yeah  okay all right then yeah never mind   so yeah you guys just get the tie so no it  was fun though i enjoyed it that was good   uh we yeah i might sorry it keeps coming  back for me and no no no it's back   yeah it's like back and then down and then  so forth yeah yeah which well guys this was   fun likewise always fun see you guys tomorrow  for the match lovely big match against alex   yeah i'll send you all like a four camera overlay  to make it easier to grab everybody so oh nice   okay thanks will there be also scoreboard for for  the points or how do we do that we will yeah we   will probably just yeah we'll figure that out  probably i hope cool send over anything we need   to have one on the layout okay bye guys yeah  good luck see you tomorrow take care bye bye
Channel: More GMHikaru
Views: 121,962
Rating: 4.9571695 out of 5
Keywords: Hikaru Nakamura, master chess, chess instruction, magnus carlsen, chess commentary for beginners, hikaru chess commentary, chess tournament, chess tricks, Hikaru vs gothamchess sub battle, hikaru sub battle highlights, hikaru sub battle anna, gotham chess hikaru sub battle, hikaru gotham chess sub battle, hikaru vs levy sub battle
Id: 5YSam4vNcIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 154min 27sec (9267 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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