2800 Grandmaster vs. 2400 ELO: The Difference

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I am liking these recent videos by a few people where high rated players explore certain positions and work through them a bit.

👍︎︎ 47 👤︎︎ u/Quorgon2 📅︎︎ Apr 07 2021 🗫︎ replies

this is a good video

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/notdiogenes 📅︎︎ Apr 07 2021 🗫︎ replies

Would love to see this with other very strong GMs

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/Woooddann 📅︎︎ Apr 07 2021 🗫︎ replies

With Levy making a comeback at classical chess, this must have been invaluable to him to realize what it takes (aside from memorizing lines). This is great content. I believe Hikaru even mentions that Magnus goes through a completely different thought process so more videos like this with top GMs would be amazing.

👍︎︎ 36 👤︎︎ u/FreeTheWeeb 📅︎︎ Apr 07 2021 🗫︎ replies

This is great content. Normally I don't enjoy Levy's stuff because it's focused on entertaining lower rated players, but this video has stuff for everyone. I'm both amazed by Hikaru's accuracy (his forte, as usual) and impressed by the depth of the selected positions.

👍︎︎ 57 👤︎︎ u/NoseKnowsAll 📅︎︎ Apr 07 2021 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 06 2021 🗫︎ replies

How is this possible? The drama threads are filled with pathetic haters saying that hikaru is jealous of levy's success and wouldn't work with him.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/vivsemacs 📅︎︎ Apr 07 2021 🗫︎ replies
ladies and gentlemen thank you for clicking  on this video you are about to witness some   pretty awesome chess content i'm going to start  a series of videos on the gotham chess youtube   channel where i compare my strength that  of an international master to other players   and i started with super grand master formerly  ranked second in the world in classical chess   hikaru nakamura we will be studying exercises  from the book universal chess training by voice   miranda voijk and i did some private lessons  in 2019 he did not pay me to do this but he   did send me a new copy of his book so this  video contains four training positions from   the chapter in the book called grandmasters  cried solving these for each one first   you'll hear my thought process then hikaru's  thought process and then hikaru educating me   please give me some feedback in the comments below  of whether you like or dislike and things that i   can fix about the format and without further  ado let's get into it actually before i clap   the link to the book is in the description  but it's it's 509 i guess we just we mute   and then like at 5 15 or whatever  15 sure that's fine okay all right   so the first thing that i'm thinking of is should  i take this knight bishop g5 pressures my rook let's be honest i i don't  know if i have any other move   like what else can i possibly play  here i mean rookie 8 96 looks dreadful   let's say takes takes and that's under fire so it  takes takes in rook d7 it takes takes rookie eight   and there's knight d6 i can also just go all in  and take on d4 at some point ship d4 here bishop   back to f6 but why would i do that that doesn't  could you actually play bishop d4 knight e6 and   then like bishop f6 i guess it's like process of  illumination i mean i don't know everything else   is very bad and try to play c5 i mean i don't know  probably just take take i hate this position i   absolutely hate this position let's say the first  thing you see is what is under attack you can   capture the knight or capture the pawn or capture  the knight now capturing the knights no good   because the queen takes queen so we can rule this  out right away next capture takes you can trade   the knights not bad maybe not great either third  captures bishop d4 which allows knight to e6 here   so the first so when i look at the position  it seems pretty clear to me the two best moves   are either knight d4 or bishop knight g5 or  bishop takes d4 thing that i'm noticing here   is that i'm wondering if after bishop d4 knight  e6 c5 you get enough counter play you have two   bishops you have a rook you have queen c6 looks  pretty um looks looks pretty serious for black   if i look this objectively um i mean c5 is a move  as well actually wait what about c actually wait   what about c5 here in queens wait whoa what about  oh c5 is very exciting you open up the diagonal   oh wait c5 is very exciting now that  i think about this takes your queen c6   that's very exciting um actually wait c5  looks like a great move just all around   okay so the first thing obviously knight  takes g5 bishop g5 um bishop f6 looks terrible   because takes takes rookie seven that's what  i thought um knight g5 bishop g5 like rook d7   i somehow don't believe i just like i calculated  bishop e7 there rookie 8 bishop d6 like   i mean i don't know maybe i can double up somehow  but i sort of i'm not gonna lie like even bishop   takes d4 which i considered at the end it all  looks bad but really okay yeah i don't know i   i like bishop d4 knight e6 bishop f6 knight  f8 like king f8 i don't know i got there   i didn't see a move for white but i also  somehow don't believe in the position but   um i don't know so so what do you what  do you think the best move is here to be honest it's it's it's probably bishop  takes d4 okay all right so i i had a completely   different line of thought so the first thing i  thought is when you look at the position here   um the the disadvantage you have is that you  have a weak pawn on d6 right so it's like you   you need to either like um kind of get rid of  this weakness or you need to play for something   active so the first thing i did i looked at  capture so i looked at knight g5 bishop g5 here   oh why can't i make a move can't make a move oh  am i not on your board did i accidentally close it   oh it's because it's it's set to white to move  okay oh it's set to oh you said it's a white   yeah okay i'll just okay okay yeah yeah so the  same thing as i thought about the captures uh the   first capture i looked at was takes and i thought  afterwards d7 bishop e7 white's just much better   because you end up in a position where you have  this bishop on g7 which is on kind of a long   diagonal but you've already exposed your king side  a little bit so so so when i when i when i thought   about i thought like even if you get even as this  diagonal opens up towards a1 this bishop on g7   is probably not great so automatically i sort of  discounted knight takes g5 so i just figured takes   bishop b7 you lose a pawn and your king is kind  of open because of these this pawn structure from   h7 to f5 and rookie 8 so i looked at rookie 8  also instead of rook d7 no instead of rook d7   some sort of rookie 8 like trick right but i think  white just trades and takes the pawn on d6 and now   there's a check on b3 again yeah yeah knight  d6 yep yeah rookie two queen b3 so so pretty   much in like 10 seconds more or less i discounted  this whole idea because i just it just felt wrong   it doesn't seem in the spirit of the position  whatsoever so then i thought well okay so that's   the first capture that's no good i mean because  obviously you can't take on c4 so there are only   three captures and i thought well you know you  take on d4 and if white goes 96 you can play c5   so i i thought that after c5 like 98 rook d8 or  knight f8 and king f8 you're getting queen c6 in   and i mean maybe it's maybe it's still better for  white but there's a lot of dynamic counter play so the move that so so i kind of saw this i  thought it's playable but then i also realized   after takes there's knight takes d knight takes up  seven and after rook takes f7 there's knight takes   d6 now and you end up with this very bad bishop  behind this pawn on c6 on this diagonal so like   you know with this open open e file potentially  open default combined with this bad pawn chain   where there are a lot of threats on  the diagonal and even like bishop e5   you know to kind of trade and attack your king um  i i sort of right away decide this has to be bad   so even so wait in that final position  can you take on d6 and play c5   here's c5 with the same i know take on d6 and  then play c5 and queen c6 oh you mean takes   like this and play c5 um i think there's rookie  there's rookie eight and then bishop e5 check um okay so you have to trade and then you're  just losing right so kind of like that was   my second thought and then i came up with a  third thought which i mean is kind of what   i settle on is what i think i would play  in the game i didn't even get that far so   okay so kind of the third thought that i came  with is well you know if takes knight f7 request   796 is bad is there another way you can do this  and that's how i reached the conclusion that in   all these lines you you you know this bishop is  good on this diagonal potentially but your king   is very open like you know if this pawn was  back on f7 your king would be very safe right   but because you have this open open um you  know open diagonal at some point bishop's   bishops even could come off like i don't know  like something like you know even if you get some   random position like this it's terrible because  your king is so vulnerable like both of these   diagonals towards where your king is are really  problematic just because you push this pawn to f5   so kind of then what i did was i worked  backwards and i thought well is there some   other way that i can activate the one bad  piece in the position here and that's where   i came up with i think what i think is what  i would play in a game which is pawn to c5 ah so you you flip the move order right right  because now in 96 you can just play bishop d4   and if if knight you know there's no knight f7 in  knight d6 the white has to take on d8 or take on   f8 and again i this might not be the right way to  play but it looks like you have a lot of counter   play with queen c6 and now you have two two open  diagonals for both of your bishops i'll go ch i'll   go check the answer yeah so this was uh this was  number 24. wow it was a rossolimo and the best   move is c5 with two exclamation points um come  on baby okay so let's recap position number one   i discarded certain moves but i had absolutely  no idea what hikaru was talking about this whole   idea that he came up with i was not privy to  in the slightest it took him about a minute to   conceptualize this and he's much more kind of  aggressive and quick with his thought process   he maps it all out i needed to sit and think and  i still within five to six minutes wasn't anywhere   near on the same page as this man but let's see if  we can take a little bit of momentum into puzzle   number two okay so i think i have the position  then i i think i do as well so uh 37 38th minute   we'll reconvene sure absolutely all right i'll  meet myself i've ruchi one knight h3 knight f4 oh h5 is also kind of interesting to try to go  h6 and soften it all up like part of me wants to   just go knight d4 and like not even really think  about it also like rook g1 and try to just like   belligerently enter here uh i mean it's it's  it's rook g1 or knight d4 like i just i just   nothing else makes sense to my puny brain just go  back to h3 if i get attacked knight h5 i just take   h6 knight h3 they try to play knight h5 there's  some qd5 or just i legitimately have no idea like   maybe if i rush this they're gonna go knight d7  knight e5 or something maybe i go h5 first maybe   go h5 first to stop g6 maybe that's maybe that's  important h5 to stop g6 bishop c8 rook g1 if h6   knight h3 that's really strong looking let's see  so rook two one is a move that looks kind of weird   c4 looks interesting knight d4 looks good too 90  sure looks really good you go richie one knight   a four pressure in the center knight d4 at the  right moment um yeah night it sure looks very   very promising here knight is screwing then rook  two one yeah you just double stack on the g file   and i think it's um i think it's crushing i think  levy should see it but he might not levy might be   tunneling on like knight d4 and c4 maybe f3  or rook g1 because all those moves make some   sense but thing with 94 bishop c8 is that your  knight is just boxed a little bit this pawn is   it looks okay but it could become a big weakness  with knight g4 and rook f2 how's it going um   this one seems a lot more clear-cut than  the last one but here's the thing um i mean   it's a it's a combination of knight d4 rook g1  knight h3 um that's what i've been thinking about   i'm not gonna lie to you i still despite looking  at it for five minutes have absolutely no idea   what the difference is between starting  with rg1 or starting with knight h3 um   i'm trying to look at this position  and i i legitimately have no idea but   okay at the very end uh i was like hey what  if i begin with h5 to stop g6 knight h5   so but yeah i mean i would probably need like  like at least 10 more minutes to truly figure   this out i yeah so to me uh to me i mean i i i  mean i'm trying not to flex pretty much i came   with naive immediately i didn't even think after  that um and kind of the reason the reason is   because in this position you're trying to attack  um and you you have more space you're trying to   attack but also long term your pawn and f2 can  become weak so it's like for example if you go   like rook two one bishop c at knight h3 after  takes and like even just i don't know knight d7   you have this backwards pawn that's very weak on  f2 here and black's going to go 95 knight f3 so   you don't really get a big attacker like even rook  g3 like rookie 794 knight e5 it looks promising   but you don't have enough you don't have enough  material here to create threats you can just go   queen f6 attack f2 and h4 and my whole king side  is just very very safe here somebody said it was   insulting to you if i checked the book and i'm  like i'm just mostly doing it for dramatic effect   yeah so it is knight h3 um i'm trying to see oh  so so the game had rook g1 oh so yeah yeah and   then it was bishop ca played yeah yeah exactly  yep yep exactly oh in the game black did not   play bishop c8 oh really but bishop c8 is the best  move right yeah of course yeah because the point   is yeah knight h3 the whole point is you don't  get to put your night night either night doesn't   get into the game exactly no i mean it's pretty  well okay to me it to me it seems ridiculously   obvious but i think the main thing is you know you  look at the pieces what are you trying to do is   white you're trying to attack here that training  position was completely different than the first   one because in the first one we're bad and we  got a sacrifice to kind of activate our position   in this one everything looks good literally any  move on the board looks like it improves our   position but in the game the move i actually  thought was the best move that lazy rook move   has a drawback and it's the fact that black will  activate the light squared bishop and counteract   our knight needing to get back into the game it is  a priority as you saw from the analysis to reroute   the knights the f4 square and then move the rook i  couldn't figure out the difference i had the right   ideas but in that amount of time i wasn't able to  find the difference between them whereas hikaru   did all right time for position number  three um yeah okay so it's white's move   all right okay cool then yeah we can we can  mute ourselves yep see you in five all right all right boys and girls my  queen's hanging don't hang a queen   by the way hikaru's muted my queen's hanging   it's not c3 it's queen e3 the only move queen e3  queen of it's queen e3 it's got to be queen e3 it must be queen e3 right  this doesn't make any sense   now the bishop's hanging now knight  e5 is this is this is terrible just d e and i lose um question is what's gonna happen after  queen e3 d5 we need three there's queen h3   then i would take and there's queen e3 bishop g5  queen e3 bishop g5 if i take they take my rook   so is it like king h1 here here and just  king h1 is getting out of the way about h3 what about pawn to h3 if queen h3 i can take  if queen g4 i can go to h1 and then i can play   knight to h2 if h3 knight h3 i can go king h2  the bishop is still hanging and for example   if the bishop has moved oh wait no i can't go  there and go to h2 because this so h3 knight h3   is king f1 the only move like what like  what do i have there like knight h2 queen g6 am i just winning in the end  game or something like am i going to   to take on b7 or i can maybe go queenie two  an opponent just can't move like queenie two   really just queen to e2 the thing that's  weird about this one is that i don't what   i don't understand here um is that there's only  one move which is queen e3 every other move is   bad here i think queen f1 and queen f3 i mean i  guess you can do this but no this doesn't look   right at all so it's obviously queen e3 bishop  g5 and then you have to come up with something   um i assume because i don't see any other  moves that make sense h3 is bad he just takes   uh i think it's h3 and then king f1 f5 and  then i i don't know what the move is here   i'm actually pretty sum this one actually  has me stumped so we work up seven at the   end i guess work of seven you have three but  yeah this one i don't know i have no idea   i'm pretty stumped here i think i think it's king  of one but yeah this one has been pretty stumped queen e3 95 rook d5 yeah but see the problem  is queen e3 bishop g5 king h195 your queen's   under attack two ways so you lose losing  you're losing it here yeah i don't know i   i think it's king f1 but i actually don't  i don't see the continuation after f5 oh maybe it just takes 95. f1 oh wait no that yeah that's what it is it's 95.   yeah yeah it's knight takes e5 wow okay that's  what it is this knight takes e5 that's really   insane i'm gonna unmute myself now but that's  that's really insane yeah levy muted himself you   guys oh yeah i was i was basically waiting  for your cue i'm um this one is is really   difficult mostly because okay so queen e3 i just  discarded because it looks really bad after like   even something like bishop g5 well the whole point  is after bishop g5 you have to see that there's   knight d5 that's actually the important thing  like if you go king h195 you just lose material   well yeah like like i i was even thinking without  that like is it is it really is it really holdable   right like so then obviously h3 so uh i  mean i'm stuck on h3 knight h3 king f1 and   to be frank like even a move like bishop f6 oh  okay that's not what i looked at at all but i   think after bishop f6 um i mean is there some  reason oh let me invite you here oh sure sure   like i'm getting stuck after king f1 because i  i don't i don't know what black is even gonna   play like i don't it's like the position  is freezing in my mind because i don't   know what i want i don't know what they want  like am i taking on b7 like what am i doing   yeah no i mean yeah so h3 takes can't form  bishop f6 is what you're saying uh was your   was what's the question um yeah i think you just  take on b7 here and if d5 just knight h2 probably   mind you it's not clear this does not it's not  clean whatsoever but i but i think so but i mean   the line that i spent time looking at was up five  because i thought that was much more yeah yeah   and i saw a five as well and uh i this kind of  looked terrifying which is why i like didn't know   i didn't i think it's i think it's fine and  maybe my maybe my calculations are wrong but   what i came up with was was rick takes e7 f takes  e4 and the knight takes e5 that's the top engine   line yeah okay and now queen five no i mean i i  didn't i like i said i i i saw everything right   no but i mean but what i saw was yeah so takes  takes takes 25 you have queen you have uh you've   queen d5 and rook f7 right if i'm not mistaken  or you're saying after queen f5 there's a way   white's winning no no so queen f5 is um everything  that you just said is the top line and it's zeros okay so here queen f7 queen e5 bishop d6  rook d6 rook d6 and then queen f5 and then   and zeros okay all right um wait so is that  the right move is h2 the right move though   well let's take a look i mean i i i'm a  little bit i'm disappointed with h3 but   it's just i mean it's such a random but i mean  i guess you need to just be practical and get to   this position and then yeah i know that that's  definitely true right no king f1 i mean again   yeah getting suspicion is kind is definitely  difficult but i think by process elimination   it shouldn't be that hard so thus far for this one  hikaru and i were on the same wavelength for the   majority of the first few minutes we honestly  didn't even come up with this pawn to h3 idea   we were trying to figure out what was completely  losing about the queen move once we both started   working on h3 it was very clear that we have to  move the king over to f1 but then from there i was   kind of lost and i mean that's mostly because  i had about a minute minute and a half of the   allotted time to figure out what black is going to  do in a classical game you spend about 10 minutes   there but the craziest thing is hikaru found  everything like this man found the first idea   and then found the exact moves of the solution to  the position so the question that i asked him was   was it practical to just in a real game get to  the position of king f1 and then figure it out   because there's nothing better that's probably  what i would do in a game because everything else   looks bad whereas he just saw it far out but so  far this is probably the most successful for me   now position number four all right cool yes we'll  reconvene in like six seven minutes yup all right   all right well that last one was uh pretty  practical i felt like i felt like that that   last one was um was pretty practical now this one  white wants to open this bishop or go back to b1   they have a soft spot right here so for example  knight c4 bishop c4 rook c4 rook c4 bishop a6   move like queen g5 will run into let me  run into knight e6 queen g5 like what's   wrong with the move like queen g5 knight  e6 rookie 6 de6 knight f3 check king h1   f4 what the hell am i winning there am i winning  there how did that happen why am i winning like i don't know i don't know why i would go  here i'm just trying to discard certain moves   bishop a6 looks not bad more than i look at  it there's also maybe a b5 somewhere in here   five takes takes bishop a6 knight c6 knight  c6 dc6 rook c6 this move looks very strong   when i'm looking at it this move looks very  strong so i have to figure out what's wrong   with this move maybe something like 96 jumping in  my face this 96 move which is first one that comes   to mind is knight takes c4 idea being bishop c4  rook c4 rook c4 bishop a6 but the knight c6 looks   good for white um queen h4 looks like an obvious  move um what else makes sense here you can also   just take maybe i mean knight c4 i really  feel like it's it's one of these three moves   so takes takes here knight c6 queen so the more  that i look at some more queens four stars for   like the obvious obvious choice um so i think  it has to be queen h4 then because you're you're   definitely getting sauce on the diagonal but by  the bishop towards g7 wait rook f8 96 rook f2   wait wait rookie f8 takes knight f3 is actually  quite good with the rook update rook f1 and then   rook f2 takes takes king f1 still not clear still  not clear yes yes yes it's rook f8 because then   on rook f1 you trade and c4 is hanging at the end  if queen e3 knight f3 is good rook f1 takes queen   f1 work f8 over is good if rook f1 knight c4  takes takes knight of five though still tricky   i mean it just has to be recovered there's  there's nothing else that makes sense here   as far as i can tell yeah um okay so first thing  i thought of uh i thought c4 looked delicate   um i was looking for ways to like i was looking  for a knight c4 um obviously if bishop c4 rook c4   rook c4 bishop a6 that's that looks good unless  i missed i mean i i spent a lot of time at the   start trying to make um trying to make knight c4s  work like i really want to make a knight c4 bishop   a6 work but it i don't think it does work right  like so i like uh knight c4 immediately i thought   white just sticks with the rook right exactly yeah  whichever yeah because knight takes rook takes in   bishop a6 i think there was knight c6 if that was  my cockpit oh i thought even rook c8 and rookie 8   and 92. oh yeah yeah even that yeah even that with  rookie 8 is also quite good or should be good yeah   yeah no i basically i tried to make the night work  night captures work once i couldn't i'm in bishop   86 96 i just realized just terrible yeah yeah okay  good so and so then i like then i focus on other   things i actually came up i thought queen h4 was  another idea queen g5 um queen g5 i thought just   90's oh i i guess 96 take and you have bishop  three this is true yeah even so so correct me   from wrong knight e6 rookie six takes knight  f3 knight f3 and then clean f1 then queen f4   yeah that that also actually looks really  quite good yeah that's also just good yeah   nice but see now this is the problem i didn't  see anything beyond knight e6 and this is what   scares me like i'm probably missing something but  right so it's queen g5 the move you think is right   yeah but now that i'm here like i'm looking at  knight f3 but knight of three i guess we just take   yeah then queen f3 e2 rookie one i mean maybe of  queen d no but queen d2 queen c maybe queen c3   maybe queen i'm not sure about this i yeah cause  the move that i thought is different the move i   thought was rick f8 actually because i only looked  at queen h4 i didn't actually i actually missed   queen g5 as a move i only looked at queen  h4 um and once once queen h4 didn't work um   why by the way yeah what is there after queenie  of shore oh there's nothing i just i i didn't   say queen g5 so i thought like there must be  like queen h4n h4 and queen f2 or something   that that's what i was looking at here um i  didn't even consider a cafe so we just considered   and spent i mean five minutes is not enough  time for these positions but yeah yeah no   definitely not i mean i thought rookeve was  right cuz queen e3 there's knight f3 chuck   i mean it makes some sense doesn't it i yeah  that does make sense if there's knight f3 then   but then there's rook f1 and then i think  rook f2 is right wow uh rook f2 pawn f2   yeah oh and then you have knight d3 right king f1  well yeah queen up to you of knight d3 which is   which is a triple fork right yeah and if king  king f1 i think you have bishop a6 here hitting   the diagonal i really wanted a sack but  i still don't think it works after takes   like work c4 and then some i don't know like  knight b5 like something like knight b5 and   there's like background checkmates e5 is  hanging like it's it looks kind of random wow so it's really really really random there like  very very random i mean so like i thought rook f1   and i think takes takes in like i don't know  like wait wait no 96 sorry so rook f1 i think   here here camp one and then either it's knight  c4 it's bishop a6 i don't know which one it is   but i don't well knight c4 loses the queen i  guess so if you take you can only take with this   no but actually then it just loses because then  then you don't you don't even have the luxury   right yeah you don't have a luxury yeah  yeah then it has to be just bishop a6 and knight might have now knighted four   now 96. oh but you have you're always threatening  to take and then go knight d2 which is the problem yeah i think so yeah i mean i think i think so i  don't know but yeah just use the engine yeah if   if only life was that easy um um yeah i'll i'll  i'll look what it says like like my my issue   i didn't i didn't get to the bottom of queen  g5 like i saw that 96 doesn't work but i don't   actually know what my threat is right that's  also true yeah because the thing i think is   if white can move move the knight very quickly  like say you could play 96 and you can't take   you're just going to lose because of the diagonal  basically you're going to lose e3 is weak   and the diagonal is weak and your knight  is not stable at all in the center like   you don't have a pawn supporting it so like  you kind of have to do something immediately okay uh let's see at least that  one was was was complex enough   that we were able to come up with unique ideas um okay number four you are correct it is  recuperate yes and uh finally defending   the problem okay so so first i want to see what  he says about queen g5 you're correct it is rook   f8 he does calculate queen g5 it's not such  a terrible move it is just that after rook f1   okay so i was right that 96 is wrong but f1  uh yeah and g3 and white is okay so everything   uh everything you said is is is the line of the  book so uh okay so it's so it's rick f8 rook f1   and then we're gonna rook f1 rook f2 rook f2  ef2 king f1 bishop a6 knight b5 okay let me   i didn't actually get this far let me see if i  can figure out what the move is after knight b5   but you're not you're not actually winning are you  i mean no it's equal wait do you have some bizarre   knight b5 rook c1 and knight d3 well apparently  the best move is 85 and it's just the draw   yeah because wait because levy if pawn takes you  this is beautiful you trade right takes takes   takes knight d3 and you mate oh that's beautiful  right yeah yeah yeah i think that's right here   you just sack and you make a new queen yep or you  make a rook yeah a rook for the uh for the memes   wow yeah that's why so the best move is  queen e5 and then wow with best play chess   is a draw and if not you have a spectacular  checkmate correct yes correct absolutely   so honestly for this last one i'm pretty happy  with the result because again for the majority   of the first five minutes like three and a  half minutes we were working on the same idea   i actually found a move that hikara didn't even  like consider now it turns out that with best play   it's not a very good move but he you know i saw  an idea and i worked out an idea that that in his   five minutes he wasn't he didn't he only looked  at rook but he also looked at the best move like   i didn't see rook f8 at all maybe if i had 10 more  minutes i would have looked at rook f8 i think i   just sort of discarded it i just thought rook f8  was not a good move as you saw from the analysis i   i didn't work out the magic of this all these  moves and again this man found every single move   of the solution that whole sequence that you just  saw in the analysis he saw that and uh yeah i mean   this just shows you there's levels to this game  the the way you might be mesmerized by some of   the things i do look at the level difference here  i mean it is astounding make no mistake i'm a damn   good player this guy made me look like i shouldn't  have even done this collab but it actually makes   me feel pretty awesome like you know it's fun to  compete a little bit and and try to hang in there   you know it's like training with just an absolute  top of the line uh chess pro so on that note uh   if you made it this far in the video as i always  say you are amazing thank you for the continued   support um and i like to leave these you know  positive little nuggets of encouragement for all   of you once again do let me know if there's any  feedback for future episodes and uh hikara will   be uploading a part of this collab to his youtube  channel as well ladies and gentlemen gotham out
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Id: 9dQzTnvsNG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 19sec (1879 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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