10 Best Chess Moves EVER PLAYED

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ladies and gentlemen ever since chess was invented there have been many many games played some of them have been good some of them have been terrible but some of them have had simply unbelievable moves played and so in this video i have compiled a list of what i think are 10 of the greatest chess moves ever ever played they are usually played at the highest of levels like grand master even one computer game they are breathtaking stunning momentum changing game ceiling and so on and so forth time stamps are in the video player for each of the games the final three are basically the hall of fame and if my voice sounds a little bit raspy uh i'm sick i actually haven't been sick in the nearly one and a half years of making consistent content on this channel uh but i'm powering through for this video because if i don't make a video today that'll be two days in a row that i don't make content which has literally never happened so if my voice sounds you know bit off then uh don't worry about it here we go first game on our list is from poland poznan 1931 and as i said in the intro there might be some repeats you might have seen this already but if you haven't our protagonist r telkowski who is basically the polish mclovin only's got one name on his documents very confusing for the authorities and anthony vojakowski and in this position black plays the move rook to d2 now that is not that is not the move but i gotta set it up the threat is obviously to take the pawn on b2 potentially come back remove the knight from guarding this pawn and promote so white naturally defends the pawn but white doesn't defend the pawn at all because black plays the absolutely ludicrous move rook takes between now you're saying what the hell is that the guy just hangs his rook knight takes b2 what what is this all about well here's the thing c3 and now you would think that the pawn needs two squares to either take and promote or push and promote and white just obviously has enough time to prevent this but it's actually not so clear because rook takes b6 is played in the game now if white had played the move knight to d3 then after the simple check rook b6 in this position c takes d3 two pawns on the sixth or third rank that stands side by side cannot be stopped by a rook if you just leave them against the rook you can leave them against other people as well but not against the rook but in this position um white chose to take on b6 to have c takes b2 rook takes and c2 here and white up must have thought well i'm all good but then came the final punch c4 you see white was already wobbly on the two feet getting rocked with a couple of punches but was gonna recover but then came c4 but even that wasn't the end of the story because here white played the move rook to b4 and now if you push there is this and if this then this so wha so now here comes a5 knight takes c4 because if rook takes c4 cb and you cannot prevent me right uh oh so knight takes c4 and now rather than taking the rook and stopping your dreams of making a queen you continue to push the knight in the rook can now not prevent you from making a queen so white needs to scramble to get as much as possible for that queen and that actually doesn't look so bad rook knight pawn that's nine points for a queen however there's this move and now if the rook stands around defending the knight then there would be the absolutely brutal geometric motif check king g1 queen d1 and a fork of your king and rook so that move rook takes b2 giving up a rook a full rook in an end game is absolutely ludicrous but this one begins our our video because the absolute craziness of the combination being eight to ten moves long in an end game like that is just simply unbelievable let's go to the second one our second game is a battle in benue in france and our players here are emil joseph diemer who was a nazi basically and fro tromsdorf who as far as i know was not a nazi so you know whose side i'm on um and uh you know this game was probably the most insane game i've ever seen in my life but it also featured the move which i believe i named the video called the best move i've ever seen if i'm not mistaken um maybe this game was there was a period of time i was making a lot of videos with these kind of like insane games so here white played a crazy move but it doesn't actually qualify for the video queen g4 the move queen g4 is incredible because it actually is a full attack on this queen um and if you take then white would play knight to f6 check pick up this and both pawns would simply promote as the knight hangs and the rook also hangs and don't ask how this bishop got here okay this is it's a closeted bishop oh boy all right uh that's that's that that that's quite a that's quite a joke so um let's back up for a moment yeah so uh in this position black plays the move black plays a move which is just simply incredible um you could try to guess it you you can probably take whatever drug necessary to try to find this move you probably will not find it um it's this i mean that move is simply stunning so first things first what the hell happens if you just get your queen taken well than this and it doesn't matter how much artillery white has including that empty square which i clicked white just can't stop you from making a queen and it's even it's even worse than that because white can bring all the pieces to attack you that's it they all kind of trip over themselves if you could capture your own pieces that would be great but even that wouldn't fully work um and if you try to like make a run for it then this little cage rookie 2 king c1 and promotion and the game is over because it's checkmate and checkmate ends the game if you didn't know that well i mean the rest of the video is going to be a bit over your head um now if you take the pawn either way then you also lose uh c takes b3 is another option uh the knight to b4 comes with the threat of knight takes a2 king takes d2 rook e2 mate with also this double check stuff going on uh the queen hangs in all these variations the game actually proceeded with um a takes b3 check here and then um this move which just i mean black is just intent on sacrificing every piece that they have if queen takes uh then you have here king a2 and various mates but this is the easiest bishop c4 uh but the cleaner move here would have been knight d2 back uh and then if king c1 then you should play knight before so you actually go for the same checkmate but believe it or not after the move b3 knight takes b3 and rook d3 queen g1 uh in in this position it's like force made in some moves uh after knight d2 queen went back to d8 to try to go to a5 uh but then i think a few moves later white black made a terrible mistake like black is completely winning here and then for some reason took this what black should have done is played here here here and just forgot that if they throw in a capture of a rook and then this then king d2 and then white was completely winning and then the players ended the game in a draw so utter disaster in banu but uh the move b3 by itself absolutely qualifies for this video this one is not from a tournament called the ussr titans it's from ussr championship the championship of the soviet union in 1949 and the players are flor and geler um and uh the ussr championship back in the 1940s 50s and 60s was essentially the championship of the world i mean all the best players in the world except for a few were from the soviet union uh and guerrero was one of the best technical players of all time of that time and of all time and flora is also very strong player this end game is better for black and geller is trying to push it why is it better for black black has the more active rook this rook is quite literally in jail i don't even well i do know how that happened because the entire game is in front of me but we don't need to worry about that but how does black actually win well let's let's trust gaeler gerrier uses his two-on-one advantage to create a past pawn which would ultimately keep the king distracted but now white is trying to break out now if you take on f4 it's never too late to just blunder a full rook so please don't do that um but here's the problem uh if you play rook takes e4 then comes king d3 and you say well that's not a problem at all i just play rook b4 no that is very much a problem because as i said it's never too late to blunder a rook we've now hung two rooks one for each color because we're very we're very communist shout out to the soviet union a lot of jokes in this video a lot of this uh borderline humor so this move is possible and now both sides hang a rook um you could also go down all the way down here but then check and then here and then you don't win the game you lose your only advantage so um but you know you don't really have a choice here's the problem you don't really have a choice because you actually have to take on a4 on e4 you can play this move um but then uh i think white takes and if king e5 there is rook g5 if well king e6 is very tricky king d4 a2 but then this and it's still unclear but this video is called the 10 best chess moves ever played so rookie 4 king d3 i left something to be discovered in this position gellier played one of the most gangster moves i've ever seen simply he played the move king to g7 are you kidding me king to g7 is so gross so if you take on e4 now this move is just not a check so basically he sidestepped this being a check right so it's not a check anymore so that's not a problem um and then if king e4 he promotes if the move rook g5 were to be played a3 king c2 rook a4 you have to prevent the pawn from promoting and then we take take and we take and you're gonna lose this end game and the game actually ended with floor trying to break out his rook geller giving up the rook and this is winning but you have to be very precise here he's precise by making sure white has no chance for a fortress because the king is way too out in advance and he slowly but surely moved the king very very far away and ultimately ended the game over here as the pawns will either be hunted down or the king will be checkmated so king g7 god damn for this one we're actually going uh to the united states championship uh some 14 years later uh 14 15 years later this is played in new york uh and uh bobby fischer is our protagonist versus pal benko now this game was a relatively short one and it was appeared to defense by pal benko uh the opening is not of utmost importance but uh the game gets exciting very quickly because black plays the move e5 and bobby fischer takes once this is a very common idea against the pirates defense anytime you have three and they have two like this you have played the austrian attack with your f-pawn that's what this is on move four the austrian attack so a very common motif is to take with the d-pawn and move the f-pawn forward because now the center is more locked so it's difficult for the opponent to open up the lines black still has some ways to create counter play like knight to d4 but chooses to take out f5 which is very bold and then play knight d4 the queen pressure is everything and also the benefit of closing the center with this trade is that this bishop kind of sucks and you can you know do all this good stuff rook here reroute the knight this bishop is the only problem but you can just play bishop c4 anyway let's let's let bobby do the work so queen f2 uh short castle to line up more attack rotate the queen now black moves the king out of the way queen g4 because we want to go to h5 and just kind of chill there for a little bit right c6 and now queen eight so queen e8 is a nice move the idea of queen eight is that if if white goes for something like takes takes e5 right that looks very strong then black plays this nice move f5 and here if you follow the anarchy chess rule of life and you play on poisson then you're gonna lose your queen so you really gotta you really gotta look in the mirror here and and see whose side you're on um so queen eight actually is a move that makes a lot of sense except it loses and it loses and it gets featured in this video but what the hell am i talking about how does that move loose i mean it where's the knockout punch i mean okay you can play like bishop h6 which looks very natural but take take i mean the queen can't do damage by herself you know black has just simply too much defense so here bobby played the absolutely stunning uh galvanina clementine soda bishop takes d4 e takes d4 you want to play f5 right but what if i play this move rook to f6 that's a dirty move that looks like a mouse slip i mean it's just straight up looks like i don't know like you i mean rook f6 it looks like a game sent to me by 2 500 you know and one of them was like oh i saw horse was not protected i wanted to attack horse then i lost the horse i mean then i lost my rook except this move blocks f5 so if rook f6 bishop f6 e5 you have no way to prevent checkmate it's absolutely incredible there's just no way to prevent it so naturally rook f6 you cannot take right so king g8 but now all of this all the same and here bobby has a variety of ways to win uh but he chooses uh the most aesthetic not the most brutal just plays knight to e2 just knight e2 because again if bishop takes f6 you still cannot prevent mate and you really have no moves uh if the idea is just to play like knight g3 queen g4 knight to h5 or knight g3 knight f5 and so pal banco said you know what f of this i already blundered rook f6 i don't want to play this bastard anymore i'm resigning let's go to game 5 in the gotham video this game is from the original 2017 match between alpha zero and stockfish as we now know in 2021 stockfish n and ue uh and it's pronounced like a new or a new or whatever uh and leela are some of the best engines in the world but uh back then alpha zero showed up on the scene and absolutely clobbered stockfish and if you haven't seen that video of mine absolutely to go see it uh this is one of their earlier sample games and alpha zero plays the move e5 but as you know that is not the move that is in question e5 is a very natural move and this is from a queen's indian defense where often times white has a lead in development and is usually down one pawn but if you count the pawns right now white is actually down two white is down two pawns but what does white have way more activity and black's coordination doesn't make any sense the knight on b8 is never going to move how the hell do you get any of this out now if white just waits around with basically nonsense moves then black is going to play like d5 knight c5 knight d7 and just have two pawns up so white needs to be energetic white plays knight c3 uh stockfish plays knight b7 looking to play d5 we have this and now white naturally has to play the move h4 because you have more developed pieces facing the side of the board so naturally you need to go create an attack h5 and as much as stockfish really should consider playing this move because i'm probably better than stockfish stockfish goes here which is kind of depressing because after this uh knight f6 check is threatened so black goes here and um king h8 sets up the move f5 so it also prevents knight f6 because a move ago you were threatening to win the queen so king h8 threatens f5 now if you know that f5 is a threat what do you say to yourself you're like i got to move the queen or the knight it's pretty pretty obvious right um the engine also gives b4 because if f5 then there's this this pin right so at least you can delay a little bit and maybe play bishop b2 but here alpha zero played i could probably give you like 10 guesses and you wouldn't guess it i had 10 is a lot but i feel like the this move is is so brutish uh the move is bishop g5 which is just simply insane uh the point is that if you take i put your queen in jail because if you play queen h6 you lose to boom and now boom and if king h7 you lose to boom so you're just getting mated right you just have no escape even though you're up six points of material and if you play a five well then i pin you then this is the idea the idea is to make sure your rook doesn't have a comfortable space to live and so after this black decides to create some counter play and even wins a ton of material like but this is what black is left with a six point material advantage where none of the pieces can get out you're up six points but eight of your points on the back rank there can't even move the knight can't move which therefore means the root can't move and alpha zero went on to win although alpha zero went on to win in 120 moves because engines are absurd defenders and will defend the slightly worse position for 80 more moves instead of just calling it a day bishop to g5 what the hell man all right let's go to the next one our six game features two of the greatest players ever um one of them is widely regarded as the greatest player ever and one of them is unquestionably top five top ten and those players are kasparov and kramnik respectfully uh respectively respectfully respectively yeah no respectfully is like when you say oh he's busting respectfully okay so rook d6 this is a game in novgorod novgorod i don't know uh in russia 1994 gary has just played the move rook d6 that attacks the queen uh kramnik cannot actually move his queen because if kramnik plays this move uh kasparov crashes through this is actually a fake attack the king is actually completely safe on c2 d2 getting out of the checks so kramnik plays knight d5 if rook b6 knight f4 a lot of stuff is hanging this is hanging that's under attack this is hanging like all the pieces simplify so kasparov uh in this position understanding his queen's under attack there's a queen over here this is under attack this can be taken that can be taken in the future on corks the absolutely wild move h5 now that move on its own doesn't actually shock anybody because at least you're like knight takes f4 alright he's gonna take a queen so obviously kasparov isn't afraid of anything except that wasn't his idea at all after knight takes f4 gary played pawn takes rook what he just left the queen on the table so now he's got a hanging rook a hanging rook and a hanging knight the only thing in casparo's position that's safe is the bishop right i mean the bishop is just vibing the bishop just is not under any sort of pressure uh everything in the position can be taken here's the problem it's gary's move so before kramnik can gobble everything it's not a buffet right so gary gets to make a move himself and he plays uh well i'm sorry uh it's not gary's move right now when kramnik decides to take one of these pieces then it's gary's move that's what i meant to say that's why i made the buffet reference because kramnik can't take everything it's not all you can eat queen takes d6 uh if he had played knight takes this rook then we would have had g takes f7 this is hanging and that hangs and uh this hangs so that's a problem uh if you took the knight well that's very nice but then i take with check and then i take the queen so two of my rooks survive your bishop dies very bad position so kramnik took the rook that's actually the problem which is the one that's attacking his queen but then there's check here check here and mr kasparov gets a new queen right and now bishop f5 is looming queen f7 is looming everything is looming and what ends up happening is this check check he picks up one more pawn for his troubles before he picks up the knight which is very common by the way you would think that naturally you go here but there's many motifs where the queen can give just a few more checks and results in uh the pickup of a pawn and in this position kramnik resigned because he's losing his queen although he was probably low on time and this is just a losing endgame regardless because of the past pawn and how weak this e4 pawn is but h5 yeah you gotta be really damn good to just leave the entire board of pieces under attack and calculate all that straight through because you don't just calculate what happens in the game you also have to calculate all the auxiliary stuff right all right let's go to our next one you cannot make a list of the best chess moves ever played and not add the magician of riga mikhail tal and that is because this dude was simply uh i mean like he he made chess more fascinating in the time that he was on earth and and and uh you can include so many of his examples but this one is a lot of fun he's playing anatolia lutic of which just sounds like a guy who's like a chess master um and the opening uh wasn't anything super impressive it was actually the elephant gambit which maybe in 1964 was super scary um and uh you know queenie two and we don't we don't need to spend a humongous amount of time here because it's just simply chaos there's like night hanging you know this is hanging but i received a winning position relatively quickly and bishop g5 cd5 long castle knight c6 but you know tal in his usual style can't just win a game of chess like by taking back on f3 and then potentially trading queens and just being like a comfortable pawn up with a bishop pair you know the guy like we we can't do that like we need to we need to hit the gas all right so he hits the gas by playing the move bishop to c4 now by itself that move kind of doesn't stun anybody because if dc4 rook d8 you don't need to be super high level to see this move if you didn't see it don't worry about it so that's why you watch the videos uh so bishop c4 black plays queen e7 now queen e7 uh is obviously a logical move because if queen e7 then knight e7 and at least this pawn is defended tao plays knight takes d5 which also makes sense considering that black has removed the defender of the d5 pawn and now we'll play queen a3 and in a perfect world you know we trade some pieces take take take take here and blah blah blah blah and maybe toilet with the black pieces thought maybe that's what he thought but but obviously had other plans so he gave a check okay i mean and then he's gonna obviously take the queen back because you can't take either of these pieces because there's a queen right there king e7 and then misha said ya must have forgot except no one forgot also that quote didn't exist also i don't think his english would have been that good that he could have said y'all must have forgot but i digress and he played the move rook to e1 yeah rook to e1 the threat he wants to take with check so black has to save his queen so rookie 6 king f8 okay very good but now you sack the rook that's called the clearance sacrifice because now your knight will get to e6 and fork these two pieces which is why an argument can be made that queen a5 was more accurate um but if that would have happened then there would have been bishop f4 and a reroute to d6 and that also looks absolutely terrifying because i don't actually know how you guard your king the engine here gives b5 bishop d6 king f7 and you walk in the face of danger and you laugh but that i don't know that doesn't look very safe to me instead of that uh lucik have decided that it was time to part ways with his own queen but at least potentially be up in exchange he's not a queen anymore but he has two rooks but tal swarmed him with his rook knight in bishop and actually in very soviet style in very soviet style he won this game in the funniest of ways czech and the very calm knight d3 trapping the knight on a2 he could have taken a long time ago but his night was hanging all over the place so he retreated and in true soviet style flashy but also technical and black just resigned you would say oh why did he resign because knight and bishop and five pawns will beat rook in three pawns ten times out of ten eleven times out of ten unless you're the one playing okay next game so now we enter the final three which i told you in the intro like these are hall of fame worthy moves um you can decide which one is your favorite from these three or from the entire video uh this game is mysterious germans because it's i couldn't find it anywhere this is uh actually a diagram from a john m's book called the greatest chesmar's ever played or something along those lines uh by mayer and mueller from 1994 although the game was played in switzerland allegedly to be honest this could have been like a group of dudes that just like analyzed the game after and were like oh my god here's a position anyway so this is the position allegedly from the game although there's no complete pgn anywhere on the internet white is winning why is white winning cause use your eyeballs look at this position it's completely equal material the king and the bishop here are hiding out in the nuclear bunker as like you know white is about to enter and infiltrate and just destroy the kingdom but how do you win now the reason i selected this game third out of the final three is you're gonna see uh if you plug this into an engine it's like plus ten like white could play king h1 king g1 for the rest of the game and still win with no problems uh the best move here is bishop d5 uh it's bishop d5 because after the rook sacrifice there's all sorts of moments you can infiltrate on e8 you're gonna see what i'm talking about exactly you can also end the game with knight h7 king h7 bishop g5 queen h4 you're winning like that as well but try to find the move that would make this game a final three that move ladies and gentlemen is the move queen to c7 that's cool that's a cool move the point of this move is that if you take with either of the background pieces like queen that's mate takes takes mate this t here takes takes mate uh if you take like this then there's check or bishop d5 so the same idea bishop d5 uh here here here here bishop d5 and you just get crisscrossed applesauce with the bishops and you need the knight to cover the f7 square so black has to sacrifice both rooks and gets absolutely butchered now the reason queen c7 is not the top move is because here there's this move knight to e5 knight to e5 is a pretty funny move now on the one hand you can just take the queen take b7 and then play this move f4 resetting up the threat of rookie 8 at which point you will simply win a piece but after knight e5 you can also play the absolutely savage the absolutely gangster queen takes b7 just continue to ensure that your queen dies then f4 then bishop d5 but bishop d5 would have been the more accurate move because after rook takes d5 this works perfectly now because knight e5 is met with queen takes h7 checkmate so bishop d5 actually was better than um was actually better than playing queen c7 right away but come on come on queen c7 but anyway that's why this game there's like no pgn of it anywhere because it's total mystery it's also like eh but it's a pretty dope move alright our final two this one you've probably seen before the gold coin game why is it called that because apparently after it happened they showered the board with gold coins which is kind of ridiculous like that seems kind of distracting um also where like who were these people in 1912 who could just throw their gold coins on the board like how wealthy was this assortment of people anyway uh frank marshall one of the best attacking players of that generation versus stefan levitsky uh levitsky here plays rook takes d5 which is a good move i mean it it looks like a pretty decent move because ed5 there is this and that leads to mate rook f8 bishop e6 so marshall plays the move knight d4 here and white uh white's best move is to play queenie for maintain this pin but white goes for this because seeing that the counter attack on the rogue still exists uh white decides to play queen h5 and i guess was thinking that if g6 would be played then queen e5 would attack this and this and continue this pressure however white really underestimated just the simple slide over because now the rooks are teaming up this rook actually very much is under attack rookie five and frank marshall here uncorks just the most disgusting form of savagery i think i've ever seen on a chessboard like to me this is probably number one in terms of uh greatest moves ever i decided to put it as number two in this video in reverse so the ninth out of ten the move is rook to h6 that's not the move uh here's the idea queen g5 and you would think rook takes h3 all right well that's not so complicated because if this than this yes 100 correct but white must have thought he was setting a trap with the move rook c5 uh rook c5 is uh is interesting so for example if something like queen b2 maybe rooksy said i i don't know i wasn't there at the time of this game uh levitsky decided that he was going to play one more move um which is going to attack the queen and here frank marshall fought for a little bit and played queen to g3 and that move is disgusting and the idea is that if you play hg you open up this and you get mated if you open up this then check here and you get mated or uh or or or i bm you i check you one more time if you take with the queen then i made you and then i would repeat just for bad manners uh and then i would mate you or you take like this and then knight e2 king h1 knight g3 and the best move here is this at which point you would promptly lose material and that would be the end of it um but you'd actually have to be a little bit precise like you need to win a game up at night which not everybody can do frank marshall can do it and unlike any uh games in this video after queen g3 levitzky said i'm i'm done uh we're done here i'm like no no no no no no no and then they showered it with gold coins and everybody lived happily ever after let's go to our final game ladies and gentlemen allow me to introduce you to the final game of this video arguably the greatest the coolest chess move ever played we are in linares espana uh in 1998. yeah there we go that's pretty good our protagonist alex shirov versus vessel and topalov two of the strongest players of that time shirov was a beast he was like number two in the world got slighted wasn't able to play for a world championship match uh real story go check it out uh and uh he's up two pawns but white has the opposite color bishop situation so there are moments where you can draw end games like this depending on where the pawns are and depending how you create a blockade but should have decided to play queen d5 now he could have could he have played king h7 and kept the bishops on maybe but this is actually even harder to win because of all the problems of your king like you know you can lose too by accident to get checkmated so he decided to trade okay so well now it's not too complicated you have to move your a-pawn but how do you win this levy that's so easy just move your they just become queens yeah what the bishop in the words of daniel cormier you think i'm just gonna stand there and let you queen pons john that's not exactly what he said you think i'm just gonna stand there and let you kill me john like no you're obviously not going to do that but you would like your pawns to actually be together so you could push them on the dark squares and block out the bishop king's gonna have to come over there at some point but so is this king and white is going to put these pawns on dark squares so you can't ever win them with your bishop so shirov makes a couple of improving moves and king ji won now g3 is coming like maybe here even g3 but here's the thing if black successfully gets the king more active faster like here here here here here black wins uh even if this pawn gets taken because you just block the bishop out or you even push and it doesn't even matter if the bishop comes in because this king is just boxed out right so you see what i'm saying both pawns are active but black's king dominates white's king if that wasn't the situation then this would be very drawable the pawns wouldn't be able to come forward i can show you what i mean by that uh let's say a2 uh king e1 king f5 king d2 like something like this this is actually already significantly harder to win it's it's probably still winning but it's significantly harder to win um but it's probably still winning so probably i but that's not what happened that's not the point so that's what black wants right so we have king g1 in this position alexei was looking at a way to move his bishop and get his king to e4 but he couldn't do it because if he plays something like bishop c2 king f2 king e3 comes very quickly right so king f2 and king e3 um which is why here alexis shirov played this move just giving up the bishop completely with tempo the point is that if you ignore it you just the hell are you doing over here you psycho well then you're gonna lose this and three pawns down you can rest assured you will lose the game if you play g3 to then play this move well then i go here we already see the problem so then what the hell happens if you take this bishop how are you just gonna how are you gonna win this king f5 king of two king e4 that's it it doesn't matter about the bishop and the worst part for white is these pawns are doubled so you can't even push them because if this pawn was here you would just play h5 so now the ship takes f6 you shut the door bishop goes back to e7 you bring your king and then the bishop tries to tickle this pawn king c4 it could this could also happen then king c2 d3 and the pawn promotes the bishop cannot stop both pawns now if the pawns were on the same diagonal oh yeah yeah the bishop can stop them but because they're so far apart shirov just brought his king so actively blocking this king out and pushing this pawn and here at the paul of resigned because you can win by pushing either pawn you sag this one and this is so brutal there's no way to reroute fast enough to cover the corner and so uh resignation occurred like somewhere like king d3 i think king d3 or right here king b3 and topolov resigned i hope you enjoyed this list of games if you made it this far in the video i want you to know as always you are very much appreciated and if you want me to cover any sort of content similar to this or very different in the future you know what to do let me know in the comments peace out get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 310,777
Rating: 4.9635463 out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna, best chess moves ever, best chess moves of all time, best chess move of all time, best chess move ever, the best chess moves, best chess moves, top 10 chess moves ever, top 10 chess moves of all time, shirov topalov, gold coins game, gold coin game chess, kramnik kasparov
Id: O4odWEoY69I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 29sec (2189 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 25 2021
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