It's gonna take me awhile to recover from this

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come on move let's go make a move oh my god Moo  oh my god he actually might lose on time move   come on come on make a make me a memo we just  lost them I think we just love oh my oh no oh no   I just threatened checkmate on my on my subscriber  and if he doesn't if he if he stops it I'm going   to resign so I'm gonna lose to a 760 and then  we can get this thing going alright cool 760   Congrats man we're ready to go how many boards we  have today oh right no I think we have twelve one   two three four five six oh yeah 13 13 okay that's  kind of ominous why do the 13 I feel like every   week we're gonna move up to like 20 versus 20 at  some point that will be too much that would be   way too much but maybe if you maybe okay so what's  going on let's see okay is he gonna play d5 when   who is this dude chuckling client I think I wait  he's playing for you guys yeah yeah yeah I feel   like I've seen him before as it some of my channel  actually he's uh yeah he's been around a long time   he actually streamed himself he's played in the  like those arena kings that we've done he said   he's strong I think he's like 15 or 16 maybe like  2,300 yellow so both these guys are well I don't   know is that considered strong at 1516 anymore  yeah it is no it's pretty good so he's he's quite   good he and I were discussing the intricacies  of playing d4 Knight f6 c4 e6 Knight of three a   six what are your thoughts um yeah I think that's  reasonable I played I played a version of that as   well alright picking key cards brain hair as we  have title players on the screen but it's a very   it's like a anti Catalan you know I want to go g3  b5 I got to keep Carla thinking already I love it okay I I'm not a fan of these positions for black  yeah so black has to take with the bishop normally   um I think you're supposed to trade the Knights  on c3 most of the time because here it's a little   bit easier for white to play it as Bishop b5  thing is unpleasant well Oh hmm I mean camp   black over C or another Bishop c6 right right  yeah there's this kind of very nice positional   thing here which I feel like Asian will find  given his strengths and we're not gonna talk   about those frosted tips today all right chat  we're not gonna leave that in the past you know yeah so I guess black supposed to go Bishop d6  here yeah just be so Bishop d6 and then you're   intending to meet Bishop c6 with Queen Thiet I  guess yeah yeah I thought it's not ooh that's   a bad move I think I saw that I just I also  thought it was bad okay takes pawn work see   if it takes Queen takes and why doesn't move  the Queen to like d3 or something but then   maybe Queen e4 and Bishop e6 is an idea  I chat so essentially what we're saying   is I think white can take the pawn you think  we think the pawn on c6 can be captured but   we'll see yeah I mean it can be captured but I  don't know if it's the best us move Bishop e3   is also very pleasant for white too I think  yeah cuz this Bishop on g7 son come forward this is uh this is tense these guys  you know they they want to leave a   good impression to get things going here and your board is exquisite it's got the eval var  and everything about g6 I think blacks doing   fine now I mean just blacks in a castle I  mean I guess the a 3 B 4 but should be 2   is very traditional it was an e4 mome I think  white I don't think sex aviv horrible uh take   takes black castles and goes knight f6 next  move I think I think I think it's okay Ivan   block is completely fine actually yeah black  yeah this is uh that's a good move so probably   to go a work be wants a very good move actually  because you take it out of that pin now the fish   bump these seven is under attack now the pawn  is hanging on yeah this is kind of a problem   kind of unrolled everything together yeah some  very convinced so yeah well if if white allows   c4 isn't white not happy so I'm not completely  clear um I don't like that move at all takes   is really ugly because now ninety Tyrion [  __ ] basics is a huge threat I think blacks   is completely fine here now that I look at it  and actually eval bar says it zeros too so it   looks at me like blacks completely fine naive  for looks good this looks fine what I thought   I thought why I don't want to say it out loud  but isn't there a tactic here oh you wanted to   do you want a good yeah before Queen c5 yeah  actually d4 was quite strong that's true yeah   this breakthrough idea everybody oh I just know  I can't I can't show you guys but pushing through   and going for something like this ninety-four very  natural though right and I mean black should still   be a little bit better here there's always 93  there's always fish about five Bishop g4 again   though if white gets a 94 then white is doing  very well I'm going to look up if I can try to   use this command I try to use the command record  and moobot told me yo you typed it wrong brah but there's we have some command I think  I forgot who made it but we can see how   many games they played against each other  these two and it's probably over a hundred   oh these guys have played each other yeah  yeah cuz they're boat I think they're the   same age they're like 15 or 16 oh I had  no idea okay yeah but I don't know how   to use record whoops right so the time is very  close here a white is definitely better here   with the knight on d4 but it's a very close  position I don't know what's gonna happen three okay an agent tail also likes to use a lot  of time here which I don't like he always is low   on time he's always trying to give me a heart  attack it's really kind of rude of him yeah he   for a guy that plays a ton of hyper bullet you  know yeah his blitz is different he actually   reminds me a lot of Andrew tang action the way he  plays blitz yeah I was gonna say for a guy that   plays freakin blindfold you know ultra bullet with  Mercer King and seven and a half seconds like they   play so slow in blitz it's like incredible yeah  III literally don't understand it it's just very   very weird to me you've never been like that right  you you've never been like a time trouble guy in   classical like he you've never had to I mean I  get in time trouble here and there but yeah it's   not something that happens all the time that's  for sure okay so kini v Sousa Black's doing wild   here yeah the knight c6 there was nothing active  King is only punishable of you know very powerful   pieces on the board that white rook can't do  anything to it right but rookie seven okay Brooke   C 5 is also fine that's a good move rook c8 is  a very nice move classy endgame technique I feel   like waiting I mean why it's still much better  but it is should should black loop to trade the   bishop you gotta move gotta move Jesus move dude  ooh okay yeah white is very happy I was thinking   Bishop a6 to try to trade right okay Knight b3 I  like oh he gots 9595 in Bishop c2 ooh very nice   look at that it's still not gonna be easy to win  but just don't trade rough okay awesome I think   I think they're supposed to trade actually  fishcakes up five should be winning that's   I guess this is good but ninety three it's still  a little bit tricky it's still very very tricky   but I think I think I think white is winning I  think I understood there's some there's some oh   yeah I thought King G to have five was Rio right  of course because when there was the pen yeah that   would that would have been really good for black  what what is that I'm missing something I think   he just forgot that that bond could be taken I  thought he was gonna II thought maybe Bishop f5   yeah okay but now after Knight a5 of he's all over  cuz now everything's guarded okay that was that   was a nice win alright before we hold on before  we start this next one I wanna I want to see if   I can set this correctly okay update scores  boom Wow amazing what a spreadsheet it Otto   it Otto since the colors incredible okay one zero  for you guys and I think we're ready we're ready   to go I'm ready to go for this nine or Milland  Excel yeah but I didn't have to touch anything   basically he put buttons like oh wow oh wow oh  nice yeah again big shot to eat or not eating   sorry - yeah big shot - a to jail for winning  I'm not letting me down the big shot - Nathan   up the he's one of the mods I think of both of  our channels he put together the spreadsheet   makes everything a lot easier for all of us thank  you so much need them yeah this is awesome I said   I can't say I can't say enough obviously we know  the high rated players but it's a lot easier to   sift through twelve and thirteen and fourteen  hundreds mm-hmm okay so your American Airlines   guys back for more yes he how did he do the first  time you play did he beat agent agent I think he yes yeah I think it was a draw Oh what is this  theory wait what cakes night it was that some   kind of weird theory that I'm not familiar  with that's what that be wild if it was yeah   really weird cool loom a couple weeks ago when  I joked about pay Palin him for throwing a game   hasn't come in to my channel about five or six  times and asked to be PayPal hi I don't know if   something was lost in translation that it was  a joke but he's very upset I didn't actually   pay him hahaha oh my god so bad yeah so poor poor  poor kid I guess I don't know because he thought   he could be bought but not you know not good to  uh to make him think that that's how life works   no no no of course not that's that's oh that's  the wrong lesson that's the wrong lesson in life   okay no I don't like pawn takes pawn I thought  9905 was interesting typical Balkan behavior oh man all Balkan fans are about to write you a  very angry Twitter response here in excess all   right yeah man I gotta I gotta tell you like  you uh you tweeted Congrats at me today and   I saw like the first reply a guy responded to  your Congrats within a minute I mean a minute   it literally said one minute ago and he just  like cursed us both out I was like I had like   and what I mean that is dedication so yeah I  mean that's insane but there are people who   lurk all the time yeah just just to be you know  first then lucky you're not from the book now   you're off the Balkans you're from Ukraine  right I'm from Brooklyn New York Hikaru I   I wasn't even that wasn't born outside of  the Brighton Beach so yeah yeah it's bright   in neighborhood yes I can't think of any place  that's more more Russian than Brighton Beach   probably more Russian than Russia I mean yeah  I mean I was gonna say yeah yeah yeah no that's   insane all right okay Black's just better  another side like to my channel getting a   lot of messages suddenly that are in like that  are I think in in languages from that region there like word Bible language suddenly that  are like in like Bosnian or Croatian or they   don't have they don't have one language so do  they it's like it's all like pretty similar but   it's not this like the same is it well I got us  a lot like hey man you speak Russian you should   be able to understand like what no some guy  was like you know you you can understand like   for example Croatian who told you that like two  or three words sound kind of similar but okay   okay oh I think we're gonna have to go like  emote only or something whoa what is this is   very sharp yeah I don't know what's going  on yeah the sig d4 Knight a5g4 is hanging   right right exactly yeah yikes yeah okay chat  english only english only relax everybody take   a deep breath take a deep breath he gave my I  like this night of five that's about to happen   that looks yeah I mean it's a very short  position I don't know what's going on here yeah like a might be five ninety five ninety four  all possibilities I think ninety five is probably   the best move but it's not clear-cut at all in  terms of what's going on here um like yeah ninety   five surely it's the right move but ninety five  is also very good you cover the central square   so it's not easy yeah and just in case either of  them is listening Queen h6 is also fantastic very   interesting attacking idea Alevi this your guy  you should be thank God mr. black not for white   listen I'm it's a test it's just for content  you know if he if he's sniping he's sniping   it is right right exactly yeah no ninety five of  course because D 6 and D for both hit very tense   I have no idea what the best move is for black  like I have no idea probably some night move   yeah I mean I was thinking 95 maybe I don't know  but yeah it's it's it's pretty balanced here it's   tricky uh what's your advice for folks in the chat  that like want to play more blitz and in general   be like in a position like this yeah don't spend  all your time like play a move that doesn't lose   anything and you know spend five ten seconds  I think kind of try to do that because it's a   very tough position to play and there aren't many  options for both players like white is playing for   Knight a5 black is I guess trying to play against  that night on h4 so I would not be spending too   much time here yes so something like this as I  as I drew in my screen and didn't say out loud   in Casey's listening it's ok it's ok oh yeah that  that's what I was saying so stop Knight f5 yeah   I don't like that I thought f5 I thought pawn def  bugs may be a better move just to go out 5 s4 but   it's still very complicated is there a weight  like pushing the f1 here for white works or is   that just um if you play up for there's 90 feet  for actually ah yeah but 95 is pretty decent 95   that is unpleasant yeah I mean maybe I can go  work the 8 and just try to play but it's it's   tricky it's not clear-cut at any rate ok it plays  repeat so it's clearly listening so I should just   won't say any more moves well I mean he didn't  have I don't think he had another way to defend   the pawn right mm-hmm yeah yes well there was  86 maybe but yeah this looks this looks really   good for white really really good for white and I  just coming to d5 oh but but there's a good move   here for black if he if he think yeah he found  it that's a great that's a nice move yeah Queen   g5 it's the only move obviously because the Queen  either Claude Knight f5 like over 97 with the fork   so Queen g5 looks like the bus moved by far so  now White's got a uses 20 second time advantage   and just sits uh what that's oh it's okay that's  fine I would not have done that personally but I   understand why I did it cuz he still gets night  on a5 very strong piece but if black can play   team live and open diner it's not clear yeah  if what gets to play like B 393 rook 81 he's   just I mean he's just got a clear advantage but  yeah it's far-fetched so oh wait what that was a   bad move yeah that's that's a pawn that was not  but he shouldn't you not take the bishop first   isn't there there's Bishop b2 work b1 I guess it's  still very good for white but very if you just go   back just go I mean don't even think just retreat  it's the same position you're just up a pawn right   we're right [ __ ] b2 would be a very strong move  here Yeah right let's just okay all right do you   want ice six was a bad move yeah I think you're  gonna have to pay pop coulombs he's gonna lose   this game he Caro don't do that to me he's he's  gonna get his dad to write me an email now excuse   me sure I did some research and I just believe  you all my son some money I will be writing to   rewrite sue to complain on an international  twitch conflict like last thing I want is an   angry Coulomb dad you know I feel like that's  man's gonna send me a video of himself like you   know bench-pressing and be like guy that can I can  crush you with my fists are you stereotyping again   I what's what's that's a no wait can white taking  ok 56 hanging by a thread I guess for for block   but you can also take the brook and then trade  the rooks men and you got this one yeah that's   nice nice play from a a a 175 very nice well he's  gonna win this game American Airlines vs. Coulomb   King alright here comes the King journey don't be  shy King D 3 centralization very nice I think you   gotta think it's not so clear no yeah the other  the trade is not go he wanna take on that - hang   on up two yards take on g3 man how you gonna  fork the pieces but not take them oh my god oh   my god I'm so tilted I mean the man literally did  it all but take but take oh my god this is so bad   Oh King age four okay and Phil should be a draw  he's gonna watch him get mated somehow watch him   like helpmate himself I don't I I don't think  that's gonna happen that would take us well no   ninety-three King q1 oh that I you should have  went for a knight c6 why should have went for a   knight c6 Oh give us the pawn okay oh it's gonna  be a draw it's gonna be a draw wow that was why I   mean just take the bishop on d6 and guys the the  reason we were so shocked is because if White had   made that trade of night for Bishop he would have  been up a pawn in a bishop Russ's Knight endgame   and that would have been way on what look at that  shift of expression live it yeah it is but it's   white like why is he thinking keep thinking just  take the pawn it should be a jockey - yeah it's   still probably a draw was correct play but bishop  deep no that doesn't work but keep thinking keep   thinking doing well keep thinking keep thinking  okay well I guess this works - King before yeah   there should be a draw but wow wow yeah wow I  wonder if that if a 175 could meet with a pitchman   night against the king I wonder what do you think  like you mean like if you could do it under these   time constraints yeah yeah no I'm gonna go no you  can no I'm gonna say no he can't okay this is a   very common occurrence guys entitled Tuesday  tournaments I actually when I do commentary on   title Tuesday I always look for a bishop and night  versus King situation in low time I've watched GM   does not be able to do it with like you know  six or seven seconds and I remember once I was   like very vocal about how it's it looks silly and  people were like mad cars they were very well but   I mean with six or seven seconds it's not I don't  need sure I would say if you have 15 seconds you   should be able to anything less than 15 I think  it's kind of it's not it's not so obvious guys we   are not talking about in this position here black  actually has a knight right right you can't you   can't do it here you it needs to be Bishop and  night versus thinking yeah verse alone King but   yeah I would say 15 seconds I think you should  be able to but anything less than 15 I don't   think it's a guarantee and then the Commissioner  obviously yeah we should also add this is not some   sort of like I have one that's by the way at times  ground below to be fair Bishop and night versus   night yes that is that is impressive against the  Grandmaster who will not be named it's a former   US Champion but you will not drop any more hints  okay alright wait don't trap the [ __ ] yeah don't   trap the knight on the edge of the board no police  trap tonight on the edge of the board actually I   know not it was not gonna it was not gotta I mean  are you kidding she caught if it was God I god I   would have never spoken to you again let's be  real true that's wait what's going on here this   is getting really tricky King tonight is O king  b3 King b3 yeah yeah but yeah one more bad move   and it was almost there right alright she's still  a way to lose this night like I'm really hopeful   like I thought I betta for me a champion with  [ __ ] one night against night over the board   so it can happen man is it like high-profile US  Champion Oh formally a high-profile player yeah   okay alright okay I'm just gonna definitely not  a random us not not a random winner of the US   Championship back in the day former US champions  chess I'm gonna see you on here five times I feel   like it's Shanklin know it's someone from the  older or older generation I got it it was over   the board it was at the marshall chess club oh  my god it wasn't even online you did it over   the board yeah of course I said over the board  i I must oh you thought it you thought I meant   online no I meant like a real over the board game  that's why I mean it's impressive oh my god what   oh I thought you meant oh my god yeah yeah I did  not mean I did not online yeah that is just evil   it happens sometimes that is incredible I mean I  Wow yeah I was worth I mean come on okay scores   are being updated one and a half to half the first  draw has been achieved all right vx penguin where   you at buddy okay there we go next game okay  it's a penguin versus a hobbit who do you think   is stronger um i mean a hobbit should be much  stronger the hobbits have magical powers no no   i wasn't the big lord of the rings' guy I'm sorry  what did you what was your fantasy growing up or I   mean wait what can I need you to read sorry my  fantasy was to be a good chess player he got a   cell waiting on that to happen well I didn't I  I didn't watch a lot of stuff growing up cuz I   was featured in a seven-part movie series but  no it was for me it was Harry Potter I didn't   I didn't do any of these okay okay alright I'm a  little afraid to say this next sentence but I'm   actually part of the generation that never watched  Star Wars but I mean that's wrong yeah because you   you were probably too young to catch episodes one  through three right cuz cuz yes I think I'm so   one came out in 99 or 2000 so it's like it's not  shocking that you missed it I missed it by a few   years but it's it's kind of the same thing like  well it's like oh yeah like two or three or even   four you know like a key and Peele right like like  these these dudes on on YouTube like have you seen   the video like Obama's like anger translator like  these kinds of oh no I don't watch I don't watch   that stuff no oh it's the Comedy Central guys okay  well then I'm right in I thought watching Comedy   Central like when Jon Stewart kind of what left  the building that's fair that's fair I had a lot   of these moments when we did commentary on the  chest wall masters which you cuz she knew like   nothing from you know we're only four years apart  and it's not like it was like 40 years well I mean   the that's the difference between a education  and EU education frankly you're saying like it's   classier there or a course of class here okay I  went to a Montessori School I'll have you know so   did I oh I liked your flex there I was lucky it's  counting really good for for like 5 seconds I went   to public school from the third grade onwards so  it probably explains a lot yeah okay ruff I got   I got out flex there for a second ah this is all I  never I never liked these positions for black yeah   I mean it's it's very tricky though for white cuz  like if you push d5 here it's so committal because   black tries to push the up pawn to f5 but here I  guess it's not I don't like these five stop or I   do sorry I like it cuz black can't play off five  because the night blocks the pawn so I think d5 is   actually a good move because I'll predict let's  put I'm gonna play predictive move a little bit   play some guess the move yes I don't think I  actually have it on cuz I have to do when I do   the shows I have to make sure that I'm not on it  like I do this know it auto changes the board okay   okay okay alright yeah yeah yeah I like I never  got into YouTube like my education kind of was   like yeah Star Wars I mean I read Harry Potter  because I was books came out when I was pretty   young so just like books in general well I was  a big Harry Potter fan in Lord of the Rings fan   I read some of those like Star Wars stuff too  but mainly me and it was like um yeah I mean it   was like it was it was Harry Potter and Lord of  the Rings I started reading harry potter around   book 4 because then i was just basically watching  watching the movies as a kid until then oh okay   okay but like so i think maybe a week ago she you  did like a lesson with with ryan higa on stream   uh-huh right and when she went live she was like I  don't who this guy is and I was like what she like   binge watch and then she told him that she didn't  know who was like say you don't know who smosh's   or something I don't know so he'd cracked me up  but it's just crazy like what three or four years   does it's not her fault she just she's the same  like as you I guess she wasn't watching a lot of   YouTube I was watching too much YouTube and not  enough chess so yeah but he's more than youtube   that's but it's kind of point like he is YouTube  but wasn't he had like his own show like I mean he   was more like YouTube yeah so no but I don't know  it's just it's just for everybody it's it's it's   a it's different ane and and I mean on any I guess  education it's different okay night if one that's   a very classy move which accomplishes nothing yeah  it doesn't eat for kind of win the game for block   Richard chukar or 95 I mean well this is checks  captures attacks guys even mm if black sees that   the move that he courage' serves is an attacking  move and then creates another attack he's okay   please 95 which is also a good move just not as  good checks captures attacks helps so much sorry   in talking about what do you mean by check the  characters attack I mean that if I like the way   I teach lower rated players to solve tactics and  look for tactics is like every move you look for   a check I capture and it's like you look at the  forcing moves in the position first oh that's   interesting so it's a very easy way to just but  the problem is that I once taught it to somebody   who thought that that meant you must play a check  capture or attack if it is hit exist you have to   play it oh yeah yeah and I was like no but those  are the first things you look for if they don't   expire right exactly uh yes that's that's a good  way to to kind of solve this right that's like   yeah I mean I've always been a fan of like do the  candidates like look for something specific but   it's been a long time since I since I of course  haven't had to do it that way but I think when   when when the chat watches us play like a lot of  our thought process when I dare not compare your   in my thought process in the same sentence in  terms of chess but they don't see a lot of like   you know the moves that we discard in a second  because we see that there's a refutation so crude   true that's a good point yeah you know they'll be  sitting there like why didn't you play that move   and like we're like that move loses seven pieces  in a row they're like oh right right exactly yeah   yeah so okay but what's going on here it's a  very weird position I think somehow Weitz okay   I kind of we need threes a move here I don't know  94 doesn't work 94 takes takes takes up 5i I like   this very much for black but I don't know if  there's a okay well yeah let me know no it's   bad yeah this is no it's looking very very close  this is no guarantee who's gonna be ahead or who's   gonna win sorry because black needs to control the  position white needs to create counter play rights   rights of black controls all the counter play -  we can play eight he can play like f4 you know   it's play a four there's just so many options  yeah the thing is he has to do something which   sometimes folks have a problem doing like they  get this be okay o or or that happens yo shout   out to VX penguin no but that was a very nice win  that was that that actually was a very nice win   and but white should not have blundered that yeah  that was very poor so all right but it's hey it's   game on it's one have one and a half oh you were  two out of two on your guesses why's your stub oh   that's right as the top gets her out of one yeah  it's two out of two right all right all right this   is this is a matchup of uh of like a mod right  I think it key like it was like a mod around a   while Brett Coleman is very excited to play I  he I think he messaged me about seven or eight   times with his username today so he better win  that's a busy much well you don't get DMS from   from folks on discord asking for like tons of  hours of lessons he para no I don't I had a guy   voice calling me yesterday first first message he  never he didn't write hi he didn't he just voice   called me and I was like I think I need to update  my privacy settings that's um yeah I've been lucky   I've been lucky but I mean I have tight settings  anyway so I don't have to deal with it but but   yeah I like i-i've never had deal that never deal  with nudes or any of that other weird stuff you   know what that's just inviting it man oh my god  I haven't locked so yeah okay yeah okay that's   good that's good let's go you better get like  a hundred front okay you probably have friend   requests off and yeah I mean I think I didn't get  friend requests about this so yeah that's true   that's true yeah you you have you have a you've  got a very nice support system there I I had a   wave of new folks come into the discord earlier  today and DM me like hey what do you think about   my opening repertoire and I was like bro like come  on man right come on so okay what are we thinking   about this position another kind of Kings Indian  structure I like that everybody plays this mm-hmm sorry I was just double-checking to make sure that  I just make sure that my settings are shut down   yeah okay all right so yeah okay let's see anyway  yeah so no I think it's because I saw there's some   reddit there was some reddit the there was some  reddit thread that I saw recently words I think   that's a question okay so 94 so it takes just 94 I  guess yeah I mean it's a pretty balanced position   here right I think so White has a pressure on d6  and some long-term idea to potentially create a   King side attack right right I mean I think  we should rebalance what should be a little   bit better here totally what I think there's a  there's a ridiculous computer suggestion here   which is why the eval bar just went up I don't  know if yeah it's pretty obvious isn't it not   for not for this level well the first move yes the  second and third move nope yeah that wasn't it it   was I don't want to say it we've got poorer report  well that that is the move that I first think of   when I see a knight only five but the second and  third move was ridiculous the reroute yeah that's   also pretty obvious yeah yeah no no yes okay I  mean after a couple of moves we can we can take   a look yeah I mean I maybe I'm wrong no you're  not wrong stop it it was just F word [ __ ] b1   bishop c3 right of course no I yeah but you know  you know yes it was a f4 and then rerouting the   bishop to e one to hit the Queen out of b4 and  put it on c3 on the long diagonal right those   look let me ask you a question when you saw 95 did  you see that maneuver instantly like is that the   first thing that you saw yeah of course so how  did you come because like what else can you do   tonight the night can be removed from a 5 so you  don't remove the night blocks and go up 5 g5 and   take the space as well so I mean FF 4 seems really  really obvious to me but f4 III liked f4 as well   but I think I didn't see Bishop be one day mainly  mainly because with the Knights in the center of   the board whoever gets in f5 or f4 is gonna is  gonna basically control the center that's the me   reason because I mean if black it's a five and  blacks night is really good on you need five or   you can go to g6 so it's like it's just a question  of whose night gets removed first I have it's also   because I used to play those Kings Indian lion  like that there's like lines not quite the adverb   ox but just like normal Kings Indian lines where  your opponent just placed eat East you play c5e   six and you trade and there was some line where  I would always be like 98 f5 97 97 Knight f6 and   just played the position like that so that's but  that also helps a lot in terms of um in terms of   trying to remember the f5 about four setups and  in these Kings Indian structures so if you were to   give any piece of advice to Aquila on how to play  the Kings Indian what would you say well I would   say mainly play the Kings Indian for starters  not the this is not really Kings Indian it's   like no there's like some kind of badge benoni  I guess I just play the Kings inning properly   I I'm astounded at how many like a six 17 1800  s play the Venona because I like it's it's it's   bearable opening its so I think is it's really bad  unless you're really good at chess right right and   by really good yeah like you better be a Jian like  yeah I mean it's my score against Ben Oni players   for sub 2400 and I'm not I'm not I'm okay you know  what screw it I'm flexing but but when I play GM's   it's like totally different like Shimano's right  Hill I watched him to dismantle people in a benoni   because right he's really good right exactly yeah  it's uh no it's true I mean I do the Pannonian   yeah it's just it's one of those openings I think  of an Oni and grew and father probably two of the   hardest opening some play unless you're really  good at just I can't think of any other openings   that fall into that category now your guy kind  of blundered here he traded Queens out now see   black and go out five ish about six at some point  you should be doing very well yeah that's that's   that's not quite the move f5 had to be played  to to control in the center okay but jokes aside   everybody we we're trying to give you some advice  on your opening selections so if you're if you're   like a new player and you see the green field  and you see it get played at top level it's an   opening where you should avoid not having pawns  in the center and the green field is all about not   having central control with your pieces right  exactly yeah so just got to be careful but no   knees the same oh this is not the right approach  to this position yeah not at all but black has no   time either yeah it's it's just like you have  to the center that's why I always like when I   when I when I watch Laura players play I tell  not to put in modern for the exact same reasons   you just give it too much to the center yeah if  I'm teaching some sort of Kings Indian setup to   younger player I make them push a five as fast as  possible because otherwise they just get overrun   right right of course yeah I think easy attacking  setups are the most fun is the easy position space   advantage and then yeah black is uh like black is  still worse the black is getting back in I think I   think this is close to a draw now well those black  spots are all on dark dark squares to be fair   pretty much yeah which is not good guys that is  not what you want no I'm not when they're bishops   cuz bishops can't attack pawn don't hang it Rocky  Vargas rook oh my god I knew it was gonna happen you've got two responsibilities the rook and  the bishop how do you not see that oh my just   kidding I love my subs I love myself guys are  great you guys are great you guys are amazing   you're amazing you are amazing oh my god I had  a feeling keycard did night half a second yeah   yeah yeah don't hang there oh my goodness oh  my god with a minute on the clock - okay good   game Aquila what a tricky move by the way yeah  it was a very tricky move in between yeah that   was alright let me follow this next guy oh it  is the man the myth the legend himself and he's   not in life chess Kings Indian 2,200 I need  you in life chest Kings Indian 2,200 yes the   man who made it to your Twitter height video for  this event mm-hmm I am excited to see here we go he is playing against flux be alright okay  here we go and they're off okay let's see so   efore c6 pretty standard e4 e5 wait how does  somebody play plays the Kings Indian play the   caro-kann that just seems wrong uh so I what  is he's gonna Oh what at night she I like to   play h5 here ah he did it my man okay I think  he used to play the King's Indians when it uh   thank you slightly this is a really good move but  there's this guy ll ham ham Bram B or whatever   his name is for who plays front for Norway he's  like 13 or something he's like 28 58 bullet and   I've had a lot of bullet games with h5 and I go  like h3 h4 92 and he plays east six and I just   beat him every single game well you you know  is it the opening or just because I play the   right movie plays pawn to e6 oh okay that I'm  trying to say that I've had the position many   many times isn't this just bad for white hold  on ah maybe Queen b6 yeah yeah a little bit   that yeah and actually maybe it's not a little  bad maybe it's just really bad cuz there gonna   be some e5 yeah so you know this is kind of  how you use your opening as an early weapon I   think yeah blacks next moves are just triple  zero and then something with E 5 and yeah yeah that is that that is that is not the way  although it is very natural sure you should   yeah cuz black yes 95 is not a good move nice  very yeah I think half as long as very strong   along castles in each five and I think the  way black has to think about this position   it's actually see this question a lot from  chat members is uh I try to castle long in   every game is that a good strategy I'm like  guys yeah of course it is it's a great wait yeah I don't like this position at all for  white but it's the play it's play some good   moves here this is uh that's a very good move  that's it that's an axe move here cuz if you   take there's what is he doing what what  is white doing isn't this like active I   gotta tell you for seventeen seventy to be  dead loss than ten moves with white that's   impressive I mean he's but I don't want to jinx  anything cuz I feel like by the way why is white   thinking Kiko no what's he thinking about um  I think he's probably thing about resigning   maybe but just take does he think that he's  hanging the night on g3 does he not see oh   yeah oh my god what mm-hmm oh my god he didn't  know he had 92 uh-huh Wow oh just don't hang oh good he still hung something but it doesn't  matter it's minus 11 it's mine if you love   and it's all over oh my oh my I I don't  know I don't know he car oh I think this   might be content are you ready for for  the next uh tight video I guess I guess   I'm very disappointed so far this has been  a very bad start most of the starts I think   I've been pretty pretty sad for my guys like I  think like we've always gone up to good story   I feel like today we're off to a pretty bad  start okay here we go here we go here we go Queen a5 this is easy this is easy it's just mate somehow um there's some moves  there's no checkmate it's about to be checkmate   no it's not he's gonna defend good move uh what  it was they thought checkmate for a move for like   four moves yeah that's a good move what can I  say you have some real pros on your team you   got all the ringers well he uh he had to make up  for his game last time I mean that oh who did he   play I don't remember but he Kingston game 2200 is  exceptionally strong openings he has exceptionally   strong openings so yeah that's it that's it  that's a big win for him all right let me is it   you and I have two and a half what a match yeah  so far it's pretty balanced yeah very balanced okay I think we're ready to go with GM 500  yeah flux V you need a caro-kann weapon my   friends because that we could have done better  there yeah shout out to uh to Kings Indian 2200   for the big win very nice game two and a half  two and a half how we feeling everybody good let me see some energy in the shot two and a half oh I hear I hear something  crunchy we eating something yeah I'm eating   some Pringles oh no I mean eat some Doritos sorry alright g6g six-night see the rule okay chato  LEM okay Wesley so what what do you think it's   Wesley so cuz it says GM so those you have  500 sorry yeah hmm so here we actually have   an example of the guy playing with the  black pieces trying to play a Greenfield   and he played this early move d5 and okay  again we might see what he car and I were   talking about in action it's the fact that you  shouldn't play an opening where you don't have   control of the center with your pawns up  until a certain level it's very difficult   to play those positions so nobody knows it's not  the Philippine fly that's the Czech Republic ah yeah I thought right I thought those the  Filipino flag sorry I'm insane yeah right   yeah yeah exactly it's like oh yeah he looks  like he's on I thought it was young folks it's   the Philippine flag but it's not house  chuckles oh that's right I've only got   a I've only got conflicting memories with  the Czech Republic I went there last last   year to play a chess tournament and picked  up a stomach bug so I need to go back and   finish my tournament I had to withdraw rough  times how many times you've been to the Czech   Republic um I mean you're trying to make me flex  probably is probably at least like seven times probably seven times that's my guess seven times yeah all you you talked about  Czech Republic once I think right yeah that   story with Robert Hess some some  was it in Olympia and what was it well yeah I was talking about we did as  before the Olympiad in Hanuman sets in   Siberia we're all there because we're  doing a training session and we end up   like going out and having some late nights  very nice where was it was it Prager was   it somewhere else yeah Prague yeah I  couldn't I didn't get to enjoy Prague I got sick but III will be back Prague is Prague is  beautiful man I was living vicariously through a   man bun of it she was walking around the  city and being like hey man wish you were   here and I was like did you go to the castle  man bun of age did you go up to the castle yeah we kept saying POG and Prague because  we thought we were holy well I wasn't saying   POG I was immobilized and vomiting mmm so  all right don't hang this bishop sir that's   that's all I have to tell you if white  hangs this bishop I will look he didn't we certainly went to the castle right probably  he hasn't written anything in the chat but maybe   he did oh he did everything he did he said he  went to the castle good let's go very good yeah   I mean the castle up up out just outside  the city like it was really really nice in case anybody needed to get over to the Czech  Republic I look forward to seeing this castle   someday and not just laying in a hotel bed for  all my waking hours well but you've a job with   that much right internationally I think I've been  to when I was younger my grandparents took me to   a lot of different places uh in in adult life a  little bit here and there well mainly the reason   like I'm asking it's like if you don't travel that  much internationally normally like you you just   you don't have like the it's not like immune  system but it's like I think you just haven't   built up like tolerance to a lot of these sorts  of things so I think it's like you're like like   if you eat food in around place I think just a  little like I don't know wants a germs or bugs   but whatever it is like you just you're not you're  not used to it yeah I think I think okay yeah I   think this is going to be a draw but the second  thing is yeah I having a weak digestive tract   is like it's it's it's a bummer because you've  got to constantly monitor like you can't enjoy   all of the delicacies around the world so and  as I'm saying this there's a guy in this game   chat on saying levy sucks sub to Hikaru  and unsub to Gotham okay yeah but kind of random   it's all right here's what it is he card oh I  guess you've just got the better channel what   can I say I mean I'm not too sure about that  but let me say also the reason I asked that   question about the like the food service I know  when I was younger I used to have that when I   first started traveling like I would get like  some kind of food poisoning pretty frequently Thanks please take the pond we hung a rook  once seen the rough one it's a free bond my   Jerry Seinfeld blow-up doll at the airport it's  a freak no no he's not my guy this guy's got   such class I mean he's he's a real GM okay rook  c5 is okay I mean I guess it hinges on like to   square it c4 and f5 who gets control but my  guys got in movies got 20 seconds where are   all my guys moving so slowly and all your guys  are moving so fast like why is this happening   yeah it's it's like it I feel it changes it  every week like some weeks my guys have ten   seconds versus in benefit remember last week the  game Steffes had where he had like two minutes   versus five seconds and he I'm not even sure he  he lost I think he lost that game so it's you   guys are strange man well yeah we're watching  our subscribers battle it out here and having   a good time I don't know what these side bets are  that going on in the No oh okay yep oh that's not   good rook end games this guy is converting very  nicely very very poor he's gonna go III III III   gopher gopher III III move move move we go  Wow oh oh how easy is this actually to win   not so sure this is easy he's got GM in his  name I mean it can't be that difficult right   I was gonna say after III work III wasn't e to  rookie through rookie eight winning four block I don't know but I just reloaded my page  and my board changed color well yes that   work III work GA was winning thing over  key I clean yeah sorry I'm dealing with   some sort of like hacking of my chess calm  or something oh um oh oh no I don't know okay all right let's flip this back to my my guy Hans  are rolling but black also has a passed pawn   uh-oh put the King on the right square a2 this  is not over this is a high level rook endgame   fight well Black has to defend yeah that's that's  not that's not gonna do it no it's wrong so what   rook g2 is just a draw I'm not sure key oh well  I'm not sure he knew that's that's yeah rook g2   and then and then you just go back and forth  so he just resigned but guys you shouldn't   resign you know like just never resign play the  game make the guy beat you like literally never   resigned you know just okay I think this is our  first lead in a sub battle in a very long time   a very long time like how do you get outside  it outside of against me you mean just against   you come leave me the last week it's with me  yes I know I've been like in the last like   two months or something honestly probably  I'm not gonna lie okay let me very strange and let's try this next game hasn't started  yet hazard okay game on another Grune filthy   car right after we criticized this opening this  guy's playing it right what is Bishop d3 on such   a bad move what is castles Oh would you say  would you recommend a lower rated player to   take on d4 here with the bishop no no oh yeah yeah  it's a good question okay that's not bad no nice   is this is much better one all right now black  has to find the green field move here find that   that's that's also yeah I mean this guy's playing  well yeah in the nick of time argues with me a   lot he says I want to play the green field and  I say don't do it he says I'm gonna do it and I   say okay so yeah I like your rapport with your  subs like you seem to like know each and every   one of them like personally feels like you you  like talked them every single day it's uh that's   that's that's that's a wholesome way of putting  it I know Nick Nick's been around for a long time   so well yeah I mean everybody knows who Nick oh  he's like like right Nick right shot you you all   know who this guy is and if you don't better  get to know him so we know we know Alberta oil   we know now for some of the some of the new guys  I I don't know their opening repertoire but Nick   Nick I definitely know okay just gonna get some  some double fianchetto here what are we gonna get and what is black going to decide to do with the  Queens he trades the Queens which is a which is   a I find it fascinating that despite being up a  full pawn it's a zero zero zero position which is   what Lobby haven't you been watching the Alpha  zero games yeah being up being down upon means   nothing White's winning White's winning come on  bring it home bring it home come on bring it home   dude bring it home by the way this exact situation  is why you shouldn't play the green field because   the first move out of the opening you make a  mistake nick is not a screamer missus yeah yeah   go ruins that Nick of the stream are gonna give  him a follow for sure God what is that I mean   no but you're black so you're happy Bishop Bishop  differences sometimes winning some okay why is he   car with such a dick the least he could do is get  to know all 10,000 subscribers on a personal level   we have we have we have the new pasta dude there  it is oh no key blundered Bishop c5 again guys   checks captures attacks if that's the one thing  you learned from this stream except the opening   repertoire of every subscriber it checks captures  attacks I had sacked the rook buddy just play   like d6 it's you guys are head by one so it's all  good it is all good but see this game is a perfect   example of why you shouldn't play the green field  I part I actually agree yeah you're right because   even even though you're even though you're even  though you're ahead by a pawn you don't have the   development on the on the queenside yeah it's  exactly right it's just this just my approach   like best-case scenario for black you get an  extra pawn from the opening and then okay you   lose in exchange the first time about a theory so  rookie one it's an excellent move by gian field   bad man what what a name he knew that it would  get read out loud and so yeah I don't like II   hate that five at all I think he should take him  with the other pawn to keep the diagonal clothes but still a complicated position what is cheap or is such a bad move I mean how do you  play g4 oh good he'd hook with the wrong pause   good yeah he had to hit table the other pawn yeah  he's not focusing on the right side of the board   is it is what's happening here what would he  say as you tried to the X you see special and   win without developing this rook oh I didn't  I didn't know that that was a special well now   not now I know Russia eight is that that's that's  classy what is what what is King f6 I guess it was   difficult because if you played b6 there's still  room d8 so it's a little bit too late but whew   okay but now he's miss playing any gun oh this  is great this is primetime entertainment does he   think he can make this King if he it yeah means me  you guys should avoid getting tunnel vision I mean   tunnel vision is a real problem for beginners  cuz you could really screw this up if you get   tunnel vision trying to checkmate the black King  so gotta be very careful I'm it's so winning for   white still but it should be but I mean again  I don't I don't like [ __ ] about seven either   cuz again he's trying to get this checkmate and  that allows there we go that'll that'll allow   okay I predict king g6 I mean roof Jesus King h4  okay six kings you fiber cage five mate I don't Wow immersive that was impressive you don't seem  like super pumped it's early six more games to   go no you don't celebrate I got it it's a very  very bright never celebrated when the Lakers   were up to nothing why should I celebrate when  it's three and a half three and a half or two   now that's true three now three and a half that  is fair I mean it's it's it's a game can we uh   we also should point out I think NBA reporters  are up there with chefs reporters on ridiculous   questions that they ask the players yeah that's  true I would agree with that definitely because   I I've seen some of your compilations of you  know angry chess players answering people and   it's it's it's amazing have you ever given like  a very snappy answer to a silly question like I   don't I don't remember I mean I remember like  some anon press conference I remember there's   oh wait whoa we never do it hikaru look what  we have oh man oh man is he gonna find f3h five chapter 9 chapter 94 course right here that  h4 I don't know if he has it but I don't know   if he was inspired maybe he's been watching  my stream this h4 Wow nice trap guys don't   pre move in the caro-kann gotta be on the  lookout for what the threats are like how   blacks thinking now keep our but not when  he has to play a six yeah no good no good it's just no good yeah a lot of people play Bishop  f3 but now White's gotta win this game so it's a   tense moment okay have I seen the Westbrook clip  of course I've seen the Westbrook clip it's like   the most legendary clip ever okay I still think  my guys gonna win though he's from Sweden so he   knows how to come back from being behind what I'm  trying to figure out and what what is that or what   sporting event is that a reference to I just I  just mean like Europeans aren't they like mentally   stronger I I'm just as confused but yeah shout out  shout out straighten and shout out to shout out to   forsen oh oh oh okay thank you for that levy okay  nothing was spilled right no no no no no no it's   okay I can clean it up it's okay it's good it's  good we're having a good time here it's a Gotham   key card it's not as bad as I don't remember what  caused it but many years ago I had a laptop I was   probably like 14 or 15 yeah and I don't know what  made me laugh but I literally had water my mouth   I like I spit it out it went all over my laptop  like the keyboard and my laptop was completely   ruined it was very it was very unfortunate it  was not funny at all cuz you know like water is   like the one thing that on a computer is just  like dad like if they spill water on keyboard   early yeah it's just on a laptop it's just like  dead it's like there's nothing that's like that's   that's like deaths more than that for a computer  I thought my laptop's like to go for swims their   their aquatic now I'm I wonder how much a laptop  would cost which is waterproof has that like they   do it for fun oh there's fish beach for herbage  vh4 come on I take the bishop buddy just do it   just just trade you're up material trading good  man it's gonna find oh wait he might hold on there   there's something here which is sinister whatever  the fact that doesn't work lovey yes I'm saying   it's in a reverse way like if he might go for it  thinking it's flashy but that's a very bad fashion   that's yeah exactly very professional movie as  we were talking about sacrificing the Queen on d5   thinking that if black takes back there's a fork  with the night but it's not checkers you don't   have to take back and there was some problems  why a plane would be 7 give it give him a damn   check tude okay now it's okay it's kind of okay  I kind of but yeah I mean I just I know it look   like water on computers like there's nothing worse  so you miss such a such a wind yeah he did he did   that was very clean too with that guys always look  for checks we're not saying anything because we   don't want to give anything away but they're gonna  catch messy car oh they're gonna catch on that if   we say everything is fine that something is there  you know we have to like balance it out okay age   five is not a good move however what is that okay  dude what is H five yeah it's um oh you know three   times the price for waterproof laptop by the way  play age six come on you push the button why I   think it likes good by the way I'm not saying it's  good I'm just saying I'm just oh great move work   up there is a fantastic move come on it's not yeah  yeah yes here we go here we go now we're back in   business I told you never doubt the Swedes they  always come from behind I'm so sad all right I   have a bet I have a very bad feeling he might  lose just because of course you should have a   bad feeling he's 400 he's not you lovey well I'm  1,300 thank you very much but I do not Group me   in with those guys all right oh my god oh my yeah  you know that nice go backwards or Kingsman okay   oh no this is there mate I feel like there's no  I don't think there is but this is so steamy n--   got it you guys got to work on your conversions  that's it you know you yeah the night from the oh we did it he did it all we really thought about  it he really thought about it but he did it oh my   god is he getting banned okay I lost the cargo for  a minute I oh I'm still here I'm back I'm back I'm   listening I'm back we can have a we can have an  F in the chat for blacks rook what was that about   the Swedes yeah yeah exactly I really I was so  like worried he was gonna play Queen e6 do you   think he's gonna make him what if black makes a  queen what if he doesn't meet him no there's no   way Hey Never Say Never man there's word way he's  got five pawns is it but maybe you can try H five   or something scope hey try yeah okay wrong pun  but I was trying to promote your post trying to   promote if white promotes in place Queen B 8 its  mate so that's actually how the game what what see   like why does playing so scattered you know like  true yeah I thought a clear-cut plan okay like   now he plays they follow yeah I got rolling a hop  I sounded weird I'm sorry I keep going keep going still it's still okay that's not okay but push  the each pawn keep going I don't think white knows   how to coordinate his pieces like he's yeah but  he's gonna win there's not there's nothing left   on the on the board you must be a man oh that's a  that's a professional move Queen b8c he did that   he could have kept checking I'm sure White has  a Force mate with route de 5 but he just plays   Queen ba to recognize this tactical little trick  we're just got the Queen out from the corner and   now it's an easy win although if he still mates  him anything is don't resign guys play just play I'm so nervous no I'm not gonna be a draw all  right sorry what know what I mean all right this   reminds me of our four player game when you had  the three Queens mm-hmm I got to uh when we played   a free-for-all me you chew and oh right right yeah  yes you promoted two to three Queens that was that   was a rough game for me I don't okay looks like he  knows how to do it there it is there it is mm-hmm   unfortunately congratulations big win nicely  done all from the opening I mean not no good   just no good guys you got to step it up you can't  let Gotham back into this thing well you guys are   leading what you mean let you guys back into it  you're leading I meant into the overall picture   because it's to zero right so are we playing are  we playing are we playing like a best of twenty   or something but it was like best of a million  I mean will this is I think our chats both like   this put a heart if you liked it and we'll put it  to the test who's the next guy it's a you build sacrifice 80 75 wow what is this a three London  it's a very thematic move you just want to stop   Bishop to b4 Chuck yes yes I yeah what is this  Lord is not what its largest no number two man   right now what why I don't I don't what you said  right I don't know that I'm a idiot well no but   you just said we're well I was trying to figure  out what we're playing to what how many matches   were playing - oh no I okay that's too dank okay  a lot a lot of sevens a lot of sevens well didn't   they like recently in the past year discover a  prime number like that won't be shocked probably   uh but I mean aren't they gonna keep they're  gonna keep discovering prime numbers every   every like every few months I would guess that's  probably cowering it's better if they put the the   alpha zero computer to figure out prime numbers  then ooh I don't like 94 maybe it's a good move   I don't know yeah this is this is craziness  this this is gonna be an insane London this   is not going to be but I don't recommend yes  oh yeah there's a good move there's a good   book III also was gonna say I didn't recommend  Knight d2 Bishop g2 because I feel like at this   level not developing that much there yeah right  right right exactly someone's yelling fork weep   Alevi actually sorry you did you major in math  I majored in stats yeah yeah so like what do you   what do you mean you should know that stuff  no the biggest number in the world yes well   I majored in in going to class 50% of the time  is he gonna tape wait you didn't even take yet   no he's okay he's he's good good sure it does  accord new points of shade it's like Alexander   Grisha famously said you remember you know his  most recent quote right no I don't actually   sometimes I wish I was somebody just goes just  so I can be yes yeah yeah yeah yeah so right   now I really wish that I gave this guy lessons  Yeah right oh there's a beautiful combination   here if she sees it oh wait no there isn't nope  no there are many good moves I don't know about   a combination that wins but they're good moves  now we wait we wait now we wait for white to win now we're gonna wait a while no I don't think  so come on come on come on let's go tough one   Bishop e5 winning says chat yes there was  a very good move there Bishop to me that's   like the only hope that black has here but mm-hmm  okay one more for the road finish it off in style   so here I thought there was Bishop g5 Knight  Queen g5 9 f7 but there's no g5 yes like Bishop   g5 would have been so he's a nice motif to to see  in positions where it's possible and then there's   no cleanup suit that's way too dank at this level  and I think that white should just keep it simple   here see people actually shouting for that move  let's put it this way in this position there are   very few bad moves for white actually he car  that's a question for you in that position   what was White's worst move probably bishop te 8  know the worst cage 6 allow check me 2 1 oh yes   there's this page 6 oh damn ok I forgot about the  screw 6 yes Wow look at this Queen takes me to so   he missed Knight e4 which would have obviously  won everything I mean now he can still play it   but obviously black as well black has to know  that the Queen can go backwards straight if not   diagonally yeah but you found one of the only bad  moves in position cuz I guess when you know when   he's looking at this as an 1181 he's he missed  Knight e4 he missed that he could take for free   what does Bishop a4 know you guys when you're  winning you got to be aggressive like we saw   the same problem last game guy on my team winning  not finishing it off in fact isn't doesn't like   just have something very nice here no not  really you're matching things love you okay   nothing here that was not the move it's still  a very tricky move but it was not the move hey guys it's me Gotham chess you can  check out my link in the description I   Twitter hi YouTube this is this is content  this is content the one time that someone   in Gotham he's gonna win a game oh man  someone said what is that oh my oh my   I might have to do I might have to do  solo commentary not gonna lie that is that is not good what I miss i-i-i hope this doesn't make you not want to  do this again because the like I win or lose   I love this stuff this is this is primetime  stuff Hikaru it's not over I'm gonna have   to throw this yes yes come on Jack come  on come on yeah come on come on come on okay okay it's still it's still a lot  clearer I mean I don't know who's gonna   win I just want everybody to  know that I hate doing this eat this this is worse than like I mean this I  die no this is like it's awful it's it hurts my   soul just kidding this is a lot of fun the content  is great it's funny Hikaru because right when that   happened I think a guy who was watching was like  working for a very long time on typing something   that was trying to insult you even like your  viewers and the second he typed it that happened   yeah it was gonna be like does he Caro eat a  lot when he's nervous and then the guy like hung   his queen okay well makin one miss Mayton one  missed so it's still chuck me come on no more   did she want these quickie one man just very very  common check my pattern okay he sees it he sees   it does he see it does he know about it come on  please please please please just calm please okay so general piece of advice please  come on move let's go make a move   oh my god Moo oh my god he actually  might lose on time move come on come   on make it make me a mummy just lost him  I think we just love oh my oh no oh no I have the stage to say something funny  and I don't even know what to say I I hope you're all feeling great and I hope  you're enjoying the show this is too much   this is just too much hmm-hmm did you just  change after a jacket on I just wanted to   feel the room so I'm so mad I so steamed ah  I forgot how to update this thing I feel like   we don't even deserve like a win for that  game well there's still four games to go   it is five and a half to three and a half  it is still possible that we do have a tie   fine it's listen you guys got to do better  than this we've got a confident vote here that game was more of an emotional rollercoaster  than like I don't know most telenovelas I feel   like the car I don't know if I should like  keep talking just like put comments around   the show or let you have like a like a moment  to relax I know it's all gonna keep talking out   I'm watching I'm watching I decide to have no  topics they found the floor ah oh that same guy   who was cursing me out earlier just apologized  to me hi this is amazing there's there's plot   twists everywhere guys there's plot twists on the  stream there's funny it's just it's wild stuff so   so there's lots with awaiting us at every turn  here F for this this game is a perfect example   of why I don't recommend the French defense if  you're about a thousand it's just again playing   with lack of space yeah it's a tough pollution to  play this black right that's yeah that's that's   what I always think I mean I just go for set up  day stuff if you're like below 1200 the easiest   thing the easiest way to on board and chess is  to get a solid system and take space okay this   is a great move for a 1000 player yeah I think we  define yeah that's that actually is an excellent   move now he could have just been like well damn  I can't move my night anywhere else I gotta put   it there but screw just the castle yeah oh come on  okay it's a good move good I mean your guy's got   to be pretty slow right yeah confident boat is uh  I'm not gonna lie I played him the other day and I   was a little perplexed by his by some of his moves  well it's probably he's he's fairly old right I don't know does any of the picture of Jim  Morrison oh I thought you like somehow knew   who he was I was like that's that's impressive  no I yeah the picture yes but then again you   know some people have pictures of Leonardo da  Vinci I'm not sure you know pretty sharply the   the guy the other day who had Jesus as a profile  pic okay through church Oh a good point good point   so that's that's a good point I didn't I didn't  think about that that's a good point yes yeah   we have pictures of ourselves so it makes it a lot  easier if you could change your profile picture to   something that's not a you know a headshot what  would it be to anybody yeah anything anybody oh   this is a family friendly show so I don't know  maybe uh what I change it to yeah I I don't know   I don't know I you yes come on yes yes come on  just do it roll yeah we have to is legitimately   Queen f2 is one of the worst moves I've ever  seen in my life I mean I have seen moves okay   I don't know what quickie car what was the idea  of Queen of to uh just to retreat the Queen but   why was he so scared of like some I guess he  I guess he was really afraid of Bishop c5 so   he decided that if he moved the Queen very far  away it would somehow avoid the pin on the king hmm hmm okay are you all right  yeah you know I'm fine I'm sorry   it's uh I'm sorry someone wrote to me Mike yeah that's a terrible move that is oh my god well it's it's you know it's a  terrible move if white finds the   right move that's kind of the thing  mm-hmm white plays FGM it might be a   brilliant move okay okay Queen to  g3 so that's a professional move okay now well white find the best move here will  white find the best move here I predict of course   I right no no he won't I hope you and I are  thinking about the same move I was thinking   well it's not thinking of that let me apparently  I suppose stop eating my Dorito chips apparently   the crumbs why that's not how you make that's  that the good PayPal amount money gotta gotta   eat it all the way yeah actually love you  buy a bag of chips you gotta eat the whole   bag right absolutely got a new bag um yeah  all right what oh sorry not eat that sorry   what okay um okay what is what is a four it's  a very solid move to attack on the Queen side   of the board here on that's a very nice way of  explaining it I'll put it that way that's it   yeah yeah I was thinking h3 guys okay now  dragons winning King up seven very fault   King and no that's not the right square is  he gonna find the right move though that's   really the question oh I like this yes  hikaru subs take your time take your time yeah so oh no no oh yes this is now will he see it okay but they're so good move  for blocker there's still a good move no I mean   I mean what what is this Quincy five come on what  is this Queen C five a shock I like Juanes I don't   even feel good about this game guys what what was  that oh no three straight wins for Team Gotham   okay so I just need everybody else to win right  basically yes whoops and Marvel had more chatter yeah guys that was that was weird oh here oh okay okay let's go let's go that's  it's game time we're gonna we're gonna win we're   gonna win three in a row and bring it back yeah  you guys have been have been really providing us   some what oh what oh oh one of them aborted one of  them was like I don't want to play didn't want to   play okay caro-kann okay good opening for white  okay here comes excitement you are relying on an   eight hundred a seven hundred and a four hundred  to bring you back I I trust I trust in four   hundreds I trust them I mean these these these are  these are these these are my these are my peeps Bishop g5 Bishop e7 very nice okay so Castle the king play Knight to e5 and  check me black we got to start from low ranks   to the top so you don't get tilted no that's a  terrible idea I I like it a lot more this way   it's better it's better this way yeah I agree it's  not it's much it's much better it's tremendously   exciting alright again this is this is one of the  versions of the caro-kann which is difficult to   navigate for black if you're not quite sure  how to you know effectively use your pawns black basically as far as I'm concerned only  has like one good idea in this position yeah   which is to push the pawn to c5 here right on  cue that was I don't think that was a sniper   I feel like that was way too fast no no that was  a good move that was a good move by your guy why   are all your guys higher rated now you mean like  what do you mean higher they're all like twenty   thirty points higher than my guys just like it's  usually been my guys who are like twenty thirty   higher than yours Oh at the end here oh yeah at  the end we have we have a pretty clear advantage   I guess of the second guy but okay that's that's  a very bad move so now Nike e5 but the last guy   was 50 points I think higher for a day triple 7  he was playing like he was 50 points higher then   he hung mate but he was playing for a while  like he was quite strong 95 I like White's   position a lot yeah why he is doing very well  here but it's still not clear sometimes in these   events the 800s are just fantastically strong  I mean mysteriously strong when one might say   so no no I mean I I see no one challenged how  relaxed the the the way the teams were picked   was what was it was in the discourse it's not  like we arbitrarily like try to stack one team   or the other we're not that serious about this  it's not like there's not life and death yeah we   try we try to do it as as close as possible and  and also remember that before this week we were   doing this manually so every single time someone  would sign up we would go chess calm / member / it tells us their current rating their peak rating  how many games they've played when they joined the   site it's actually amazing so I put money on the  line for he cards team sorry wing to do apologies   so last night the UFC event oh my god she takes  up sixes so is this is probably she completely   lost for black practically speaking maybe maybe  not so clear what we saying about UFC I excited   no I don't watch it so right so right before the  main event started there was an announcement from   the commentators that someone had just placed a  $200,000 bet on the underdog oh wow who was the   underdog Maz Vidale was it was like a three-to-one  underdog right right and he but he lost right he   did he did I was just like that is what we what is  wrong my dudes today why are they playing such bad   moves I don't know man I feel kind of bad my god  my my lower rate of players went like oh and ate   the past few weeks I don't even feel good about  this guys come on there was just a night hanging it was just the night hanging we should put these  on on sports betting sites though I feel like that   would be just kidding no it wouldn't some high  roller 500 would bet a hundred thousand for the   other team and throw the game on purpose so uh  as the saying goes money ruins everything so you   know wait there's money on the line the people  would match they'll be 2400 and from Russia all   of our subs yeah well they be Brady eight hundred  they'd actually twenty four hundred yes even the   guys that have signed up for this website like  ten years ago with something to be playing a lot   better so right right I am always fast I played  a guy like I was just playing subs maybe last   week platon 800 guy was killing me I was like all  right I mean I've not seen this guy before it cuz   I was trying to play premium members guys been  a premium member for like eight years Wow wow   that's crazy yeah it was like why would you  cheat like you're eight years into your your   agreement with the site okay come on come on  come on move take take it take it take it take   it take take you take it come on do they not  see Oh milky milky do you think that uh Knight   is hanging here milky just take them just take  the bishop I'm feeling bad at this point don't   you stick the bishop please just hanging it's  no one's guarding huh I feel like blacks gonna   like Bishop and five huh just flag is gonna  play I knew it I knew it I knew it I do it I   do it because he thought it's a pin oh my god is  white gonna move tonight again oh he took it oh   my god I called it I called it I called it now  we're gonna get Queen c3 we're gonna get pawn   takes pawn that would be something wouldn't  it that would be insane here's a moment big   moment now oh my god this should be five and in  one move white and white is just winning again it's not a bad move that is not a bad move when  is the next event in chess oh I don't know I mean   what is an action on this coming up I think they  mean like a you know do they mean like it's like a   grandmaster event or like a 500 event the Carver  starts off every tournament with a viewer arena   that's oh my god yeah look I mean but no not the  players don't have any time this is very tricky   yeah I mean yes a binding clerk a blender here  just block dude don't like what's there sit good   oh my god is he gonna take the pawn I mean like  predicting these blunders is the most fun what is   he gonna do here if you like you like Queen takes  pawn or something crazy quick quick [ __ ] maybe   or queen up for those are good moves okay that's  a good move kind of has black move this Bishop   nope okay that's a good that's oh my god yeah  just rook takes rook there was winning but I   still that's not even guarded okay that's not even  guarded dude what are you Oh mom oh no no I feel   like black might still win white is gonna play  f4 Hikaru white is gonna play a three or a fork or why it's just gonna flag dude guys hello  move two seconds hello okay move hello well   I mean it's a lot harder for blacks to move  here go buddy Peck attack me okay Wow Wow what   an end what a game I mean just what a game  I that is that that that was stressful be   fun well you're still up by two of my both  my guys have to win for sud da yeah I have   really hope sudden death is not an odds  game where you have a lot of nights cuz   that I don't think we're getting there I'm not  feeling it today that's gonna require a special   special amount of a walk all right here we go  go yeah cat versus X qcl bob toda was the guy   that I then I played against right before we  started this not the guy resigned sort of the   guy right before that he's pretty solid player  tartakower caro-kann from a 600 Oh am i Paul   oh this certain amazing yeah oh I'm sure these  there we go yeah I got it okay let's watch this okay so standard he's from India so he's  got to be strong that's the Irish flag wait it's been a long day man this has been a  long day well he still probably as strong he's   playing pretty well but obviously you know if he  was if he was from India then he might have been   like a 1100 who's secretly 2500 yeah yeah this is  true yeah yeah oh I was I was gonna talk about the   story of when you talked about spitting out water  but I have a separate thing like it last part in   the Czech Republic I played this kid who was 11  20200 I looked at his database he was traveling   that summer playing tournaments I was like alright  he's one of these strong kids he beat me in like   an insane tactical game and now and then within  two months he was twenty four forty I am oh wow   okay yeah that's crazy world number one under  eleven year old oh that's insane that's really   impressive yeah man shoutout to Rahil mulac I  think he's like 20 or still very highly rated   kid so yeah Indian toddler is very strong  your guys crushing this game though oh no   it's not so it's not so just to find it  probably right okay he doesn't find it murky one is a solid move wait when you said  that he's 24 you meant his rating right mm-hmm   oh yeah cuz vices hats like I'm some of my chaps  like I wouldn't say 24 is a kid still yeah sorry   I yeah I meant yeah 2,400 yeah yeah okay Queen  g4 was winning by the way but Queen up for now   it's a game Queen's come off the board they  play an endgame not so clear but you have a   big rating advantage you're up by 100 points  here yeah but I I'm not so sure that means a   tremendous amount in terms of in terms of end  games I can probably find a stat of the players   out but I would have to move off the spreadsheet  wait we do have how many games they have played   so you know if it's a situation where White  has played like a thousand more games than   his opponent you'll just be more experienced  true true yeah yeah we definitely try to get   you know folks that are close right right  yeah I'm sorry the 2020 400 is becoming a   bit of a joke now ancient Egyptian Suns yeah  I mean some thought they were alive 2040 BC   and someone else is like humans don't live for  2400 years so anyway okay okay let's see okay so   it's an even position even material the block has  doubled pawns right so it's not not not clear-cut yeah for sure that the material is not is  not trivial like I think this is this is very   clearly better for a wife is the structure  but right now he's gonna I wonder in a real   game this might actually be close to a draw I  really don't like before of course yeah super   important when you guys get you know these end  games with bishops nice rooks Queens not super   important but the pawns exist don't just push the  pawns cuz you're just gonna weaken your structure   right all right yeah for one attacking move on  a bishop your pot yeah like this is that's not   a bad guy but right okay real game elitism  yeah yes yes yeah it's okay good move good   move good move okay come on come on come on  come on drum roll come on he's bringing its up there's no one there's no one see it does  no one see it does no one see it oh my god   there's no one see it oh my god there's no oh my  god way keekorok we're gonna get oh he saw it oh   my god that's still that v5 is a fantastic  move okay that's actually an excellent move   because now he can run the King well I mean I  don't know I don't know anything anymore yeah   we're on the king I mean this is so unclear  I don't even okay but guys don't just push   pause where you going there's a product over  there keep going keep going oh my god guys we   gotta get the pawns out of the way okay okay  something worst move in the world if he finds   the right way right but not if he goes back  don't just go back please go to the pawns we need to do an endgame master class a  car that's what we need to do you want to   make the next chess comm premium series  how to play end games ok night at five clack is thinking oh he's going for it wait is  so late it's like oh yes yes oh yeah what yes   there we go okay okay good good good good good  good good okay very good very good very good no no no no no now it should be over hopefully  hopefully it's over now better be over now he   had guys you got one piece I've got one  responsibility just keep it alive play h6   please or a6 or anything amazing amazing  just incredible okay just take some on it's not over right no it's definitely not  over having you think that pawn is gonna   become a queen like there's no no it cannot  become a queen there's no way it can become   a queen it can't but but it's getting close  like some kind of stalemate isn't it okay I   feel like it will and then like a four  is gonna happen or something and right   right yeah - there's no mate here guys no mate  that that's solid that is solid Oh Mike okay okay Hiro 2417 is apologizing speak guys don't  apologize like I first of all just playing in this   and you know being on the screen you should be  you should be proud of yourselves because honestly   it'sit's pretty brave like we made a comment  on your game like you know farming you just   a little bit for content and it takes it takes a  lot of effort to put on you know your best chest   for this and it also takes you know the best  efforts of someone like Nathan to put together   just an amazing logistical spreadsheet for us  cuz it's stressful you know especially folks   aren't showing up and then yeah you know just we  have to start the games and there's no one no one   there and yeah ah do you think he got lucky do you  think he knew was stalemate he's got a may right does he not see it make it come on check me move the night dude  move the night don't make a repetition well   this is why you guys gotta learn basic  check mating patterns you're gonna make   I mean you're gonna make the man and is oh my  oh oh that was made in one again okay good we   don't good oh my god okay so what it's plus  one right you guys are up by one point yep   okay last game oh my gosh no pressure but  oh my uh y'all gotta win this yeah you guys   got to win this cuz I'm not really trying  to play a tiebreaker game against a car Oh   like can we just not do that okay so who's  left watts 45 is it mm-hmm okay let's go all right simmer Asda we're ready to go here's my gun missing yeah what dude it's slots  game you got it you got it you got a gun jump   in dude where you out come on all right we got  murasa watts what's your name what's 45 watts 45   come on you can't flake if you flake then we got  well we've got to find a replacement but I don't   think I think this is like a very yeah for the  last one it's like kind of yeah I will give you   a minute and if you're not here then yeah watch  you you gotta show up man stop it stop it stop   stop you you got you got it you got you gotta  show up dude we're counting on you he's there   oh he's there in there okay yep okay let's  go here we go all right yep he's alive he's   alive yes here we go last game got I've gotta  win three in a row to tie it up come on watts   let's go let's go okay oh my god here we go what  if he's okay take take the pawn come on let's see   if what we can do it so can you oh okay a c6 is  an interesting move okay good every pawn that's   a free pawn all right let's not let's not say any  moves I feel like maybe that was a yeah true true   true fair enough okay okay Black's got one good  move here that okay it's not a bad move oh it's   not a bad move so here's the situation we need to  not lose this in Gotham and will actually win and cuz I'm not okay yeah so  far this is good okay good d5 is a fantastic move that's a that's a  beautifully chaotic Ponk push that is a horrible   move that is not good that is not yeah but I'm not  expecting good news from white either okay good Oh   oh no I think we're gonna have a tiebreaker my  guys was on fire your guy is he waited a while   to show up but when he showed up he's sorry he  came to fight you know what I mean yeah yeah Wow what a match like we won three-straight now  you guys might win three straight right like we   always do at the end we always we always  perform when we need to perform at the end castle's wait black spawn is not on g7  when did that happen oke play G takes   f6 right correct yeah it's still  it's still not so simple oh man   don't hang your don't hang your bishop  please don't hang your bishop please now it's game on now it's game on b6 man I I love I love this this this is what  I'm here for okay but this is yeah that's still   a messy game okay B 685 this is some crazy  Queen side initiative that black is going   on right we're just like gonna do is white even  gonna like take her push oh wow that was great   move that is actually a terrifying move this  game might end in five moves oh my god oh my   god okay I'm just about ready to concede I  can't believe that c5 just happened he just   hung his bishop yeah yep yep we're gonna have a  tiebreaker what do you what do you what do you   wanna do for that I don't know I I felt like  the do you feel like the Knights game is a   huge wasn't it was nice against what I have the  whole set up but not Knights so you have like a   queen yes that's a huge advantage I don't know  how you didn't win that before oh um I'm pretty   terrible no but that's a huge advantage you  know um the position with the King on a for   when you started with your King on the edge of  the board so some one of my subs kind of thing   Jake he ran that through a stock fish and then it  said it's equal because I think you have a huge   lead and development on the other side of the  board but I it's really okay hmm I'm not saying   I want to play it right right I was gonna say the  one that I think is also an advantage but I don't   know is it you got I think is it three queens  against eight nights you're subbing nights or   seven nights versus two queens that's also  another one that I thought wasn't clear hmm   but again we're talking about something that  hasn't happened yet see it's like you're you're   assuming my guys not gonna blunder a piece I'm  very honking this is about that I think you will okay I'm having others a poll so we'll  see well my guys guys in my chat we're   hanging out there's a there's a poll open  key Carla's channel for what we should do   okay we included we included something  that I don't think can actually happen mm-hmm right right that I think whatever  wins second place we'll just replay every   single King mud-wrestling okay lost  in all this is how good watts forty   five is playing by the way yeah he's  playing a very good game chief or okay yeah I know I don't what the I don't have  any beer though I can't chug beer I can chug   Perrier Oh oh it's not over oh it's not over  we're back in this take the yup if you don't   take that rook I'm a ban you off twitch I  won't even ban you from my channel I will   ban you off of the server it's a oh oh oh my  headphone got stuck oh my god he saw it oh my   god he saw it is he gonna take it is he gonna  turn Oh painful oh my god this actually might I'll just talk about a tiebreaker yeah my  guys down 40 seconds to so this is not a   joke just move dude just move I've I might  give this guy a lifetime subscription if he   doesn't I mean the last thing that I want to do  is in front of thousands of people play he karo   for a tiebreaker match that's a great that's  actually a really great move considering the   situation oh yes yes yes the man had a minute he  had a minute on oh it's not over he's gonna take   that pawn with check he's gonna take that pawn  with check and then he's gonna play queen g4 I   think it's gonna happen it's gonna happen right  now it's gonna happen and then he's gonna take   it he's gonna take precise little h6 don't trade  the Queen you only have a queen don't okay good oh my god please take the right pawn  please take the a4 pawn no okay oh my   god wait her oh he's gonna like it  made in g8 or something completely   insane Oh God oh this is crazy oh my god  it's basically mate you guys have been   amazing today the this this is I've  never been more entertained I think there is like one way to lose this with  black and I think he might find it no no yeah oh my I think we just we its default win  for us because oh my god that it doesn't matter   if it was stalemate but that was insane I don't  even know what to say I I have nothing to say   those laughs there were too many moments in the  whole thing whole thing that um I have nothing   to say I have nothing to say I literally  I have nothing to say I have nothing to   say yes this has been this is my good yeah  yeah this has been good not not because not   because we've won but you know what I feel  like we should do I feel like in the future   once we get more robust programming we should  like bring them on for interviews or something   right right I was very totally totally is why  would you guys okay sorry I'm elite isn't much we actually we do try to say that the reason  why we try to have the lower their lower rated   players play less because I mean half of the  subs that played today are like 1500 and lower   and that's I mean that's like you know people  who watch are not the 24 hundreds they go first   they get their games out of the way and then  all of the rest who support the channels they   play so yeah I know I think it's great to end  with the lower ranked player so it's so much   more unpredictable it's just like it's crazy  but it's it's it's two to one in the Matthew   you have you found any words yet for uh no I  just I'm gonna kick me a while to recover from   the too many moments today this was one of the  craziest things I've ever seen how about that   rook before at the Yaya that was well do you  think that was a slip or do you think he had   just planned to take the pawn no I think he plan  to take the pawn is my guess but I don't know   it could be either I really have no idea yeah  I have no idea well I think it's I think it's   only fair to oke misclicked oh wow he actually  did miss click that is crazy that is crazy well   we are gonna crazy stuff but ya know that was fun  though I enjoyed that and that was well I guess   enjoyed it and hated myself and everything  in between the rule of emotions right right   that's how you want us to be right that's that's  that's our how we all love the game so right all   right man all right I enjoyed it it was great  this is what I come here for this was this was   peak entertainment so okay yeah I'm probably  gonna have to talk to your chat for a little   bit right I'll do the same and yeah alright  man alright next time on gg's see it I love it you
Channel: GMHikaru
Views: 787,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, Hikaru Nakamura, grandmaster, super-grandmaster, master chess, chess commentary, chess videos, chess instruction, hikaru, nakamura, naka, chessbrah, speedrun, speedchess, blitz, bullet, magnus, carlsen, fide, event, chesscom, tournament, best channel, best video ever, best video, Hikaru and Levy sub battles, Hikaru and Gothamchess sub battles, Hikaru and gothamchess goof around, GM Hikaru and Gothamchess bromance
Id: lCSoorJ6frQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 12sec (7272 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 15 2020
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