Who's gonna get bullied MORE? SubBattles feat. GMHikaru and GothamChess

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my guy's shirtless so for swedish  you know my guy's shirtless and   also brainless apparently oh whoa my god yeah  it's very good move very good move i like it   this is your top board levy right  oh did you switch up the order   no yeah he's uh he's in 1950 who hung  a piece on move 10 i'm what hi anna hey   i'm trying to turn my camera how's everybody  doing pretty good solid nice nice to see that   um feeling confident navi as usual oh yeah  my we're we're definitely winning today   yeah we we've had a we've had a good morning  um you prepared them mentally physically yeah yeah yeah this morning um for the past 37  minutes i've had to be the disney channel version   of myself uh because i've been on chess tv so  we've had a pretty wholesome morning you know i'm   happy to hear that i'm happy to hear that hikaru  how are you feeling about today's sub battle   is it another day for your team to  do well hopefully that hopefully we   win looking forward to it they should have  been inspired by these last six blitz games   uh you played a grand master who i've never heard  of but i trust that he's still a worthy opponent who was the grandmaster in  question i didn't see the games uh armand michaelian apparently i i don't  like um oh uh hikaru you guys we all have   music off right hikari you have to yeah i know  i have music on i'm aware of that but i'm i'm   playing around with my setup okay i'm playing  with my setup um fixed board and then i'm ready okay i'm gonna open up both chats yeah that's something i should  do as well after fixing the board oh i think i'm good actually i think  i'm pretty much good already yeah   i'm missing one row of opponents oh you are  oh wow yeah sorry no no disrespect to uh   actually full disrespect to two of you and  no disrespect to who's my guy uh for swedish yes okay let's uh let's run a quick ad so we  can turn pre-rolls off can't have pre-rolls   oh we're gonna run an add-on because  i'm gonna run to the restroom i guess   we're gonna run we're gonna run ads all right  i'll be right back then i don't even know how   to run on it i'll need to learn it i think  for me it's just automatic i don't choose it   how do you do it it's run 60 second ad break so  you just announce that it's an ad levy teach me   you just click the button and you you tell  your viewers that we're gonna go on a quick   break and edit no no well the thing is subs uh  subs don't get ads and people with um magical   powers on their computers don't get ads i see  shout out to subscriptions and magical powers yeah but uh plebs plebs uh yeah they gotta  they they gotta watch that and because it's   like when new people come to the channel if they  get an ad they might they might not want to stay   so that turns off pre-rolls but yeah you don't  have to warn anybody i see um i've never run it   by myself but i know that twitch does it so  i guess it's better if you choose the right   moment for it and it doesn't happen always  at the start of your stream for newcomers   as you said so i'm gonna copy you i'm gonna run  it too and i hope you guys will enjoy it are we   running it at the same time how shall we do this  oh i already ran mine oh geez how did you do it   you're way too formal just  click the button just click it   i clicked the button i've never done it in my  life i'm so nervous about it this is my first ad   but we are trying to make sure that if twitch  runs it regardless then it's better as i heard   if we pick the moment instead of just having it  interrupt any any given moment so yeah the secret   is to run an ad right at the critical moment of  the stream really yeah so that all of chat spams   and then they all have to stay through the  whole ad and then they then they really want   to see what happens after it's a secret i see  you're so good at this content creation thing or you guys can get a vpn and switch it   to a country that has a good  earned block i'm just saying i don't even see the ad how do you know what  ed you're playing because i don't see what that   is being played now do you know what ad you're  showing no actually sometimes i ask them to uh to   tell me what the ad is but right now it's probably  travis scott burger or a car um i see that it was   oh wingardium laviosa did we get any harry potter  no i guess that's for levy i don't i don't think i   was as lucky as this show a harry potter and what  else have we watched guys um welcome back from the   end welcome back everybody i mean everyone gets  like a random ad it's just based on whatever their   viewing history is i believe that's my  understanding charmin well you gotta clean   yourself better okay well but also some of these  companies they buy a lot of ad time like i saw   i saw someone doing a charm and sponsored stream  um on the front page maybe a couple weeks ago so   i think some of them actually uh actually  have like specific like they just buy ads interesting i'm learning about this whole   scene but so right now is it is it forced on every  channel regardless or they stop that because there   was this period when they was testing that  they would have it on every single channel   is this i like that i have no idea actually what  the status of that is i'm not sure we're supposed   to know okay it's pretty all over the place yeah  yeah maybe that's the case but i do see it being   played randomly on channels so perhaps that that's  on every channel then they need their monies   i i mean like yeah they're monies it's that  simple that that makes perfect sense and i   think if it's on every channel that's fair  because then no one will complain or or just   abandon a channel for playing ads because if  it's on every channel true that's a good point um okay so uh i don't know how many players  we have is it nine one two three four five six   okay it's nine or ten my neighbors are slapping  something outside i i don't know what's going on   um uh oh and and games are off so oh really nine  players yeah first game of the day is uh mihai ham knee hi him what do you have  to say about your player's   choice for user name oh no no it's a reference  to what levy said which is weird but anyway   my mind's left the building pretty early  anyway all right um okay so yeah me high   ham i think he played in a previous uh  previous sub battle if i'm not mistaken   can you guys hear that can you guys hear those  noises i can hear it now yeah there was something   i don't know what's going on they're like i  think they they're literally recreationally   hitting something against their wooden fence  like i don't know it's just they're part of their   morning routine listen oh it stopped okay i heard  something yeah well um well my guy's shirtless so   for swedish you know my guy's shirtless and  also brainless apparently oh whoa my god   yeah it's very good move very good move i like  it this is your top board levy right uh oh did   you switch up the order no yeah he's uh he's  in 1950 who hung a piece on move ten i'm what i don't know how do only my subs bring this kind  of content to the to the show like i don't well   it's because you don't have enough confidence  levy you always expect them to blunder so it's   like the self-fulfilling process but i but i  said we were going to win the battle anna said   how are you feeling and i said you know i said  good and uh-huh today i today i like woke up i   fed my my subs a good breakfast i told them how  much i love them and they hung a piece on move 10   i put in all this effort i don't know  that's right i didn't have breakfast i'm   gonna make some sausage i'll be right back  give me like 30 seconds sure take your time   you reminded hikaru that food is important i'm  gonna try to match my camera to you to how you   have it levy although i i can't go as low as you  and that's just it's not oh no no i'm sorry for me   and i didn't mean low in chest level of your  players uh no disrespect there no distress you   guys hear that you guys hear what anna just said  she said you guys suck that's what she said play   back play back that's what that's what i heard she  said y'all suck at this game that's what she said   well um your player is fighting  at least with that piece down   he's going for the the horsey jumps  maybe there will be some forks missed   not that there's too many options for it yeah no  white's just very i played a very good game why's   romania and he plays proper well that can't be  said for all romanians but um you know he's uh   obviously very good what is that  oh there was something better but yeah we'll figure it out um at least the piece is still on the  board that extra piece for mihai ham   yeah it's and it's you know what's  iconic it's on the square it got taken   the light was looking d5 and i mean bishop a2  very good move here by white levy don't jinx   it come on dude oh there's a very clean move  here right yeah there's a very very clean move now we wait the cliffhanger and he's getting shook yeah this is this is surgical nice job  yeah moves the juicer and it's over it is   over but he's down to 48 seconds so he should  still finish the game until there's time left fascinating approach by black to just put his   pieces in a corner on the  opposite side of the board and play that move yeah quite a  problematic situation for for swedish   it's still still going on draw i don't know  why he's thinking he has one legal move   oh this is 302 i just realized yeah yeah yeah this  is three oh i just realized so anything that still   happened yeah 36 seconds left for me i have a 37.  oh you got to move him man you got to move him do they even have him in belgium he's from  belgium right no isn't that romania oh am i   looking oh yeah you're right it's romania sorry  wrong flag oh my god oh whoa oh queen f4 whoa   gotta move dude just move just move 23  seconds oh man i he yeah i can't believe this   we're gonna start the day with a throw i  think he's just gonna he he's gonna he's   gonna build all this excitement but then he's  gonna oh there we go just go go go come on   you got it you got it dude what was that that was  the free piece it was hanging it was so hanging oh it's gonna be a draw draw draw  draw draw draw draw a draw oh oh no okay game over come on keep going keep  going keep going maiden two yes check me no queen no but it's still in clear lobby it's still very  unclear and now it's just apparently just the king   oh my god this is insane and white is gonna a white one on time with  one phone left on the board what bring his dead body to me that was that was  the worst high-level game i might have ever seen   and i say this every week but  today really does take the cake and he he can't even he can't even  invest he has to come back and play again that was terrible i loved it i loved every single  moment of it i loved how bishop c4 i think four   swedish was very practical it just lost chance  threatening on f1 but it was literally hanging   in one and it's two pieces up for wide but  mihai ham didn't see it and then it it just   went nuts with no no time for either player and  queen d1 check geez that was that was also a great   practical choice i think for swedish deserves some  credit for how practical he was with that check   the worst part well first of all he might i don't  actually know if he did that on purpose if he did   he's a genius um that is actually a brilliant like  technique uh it is it is a little bit cheap but   anything goes in sub-battle you know um  and if he if he wants to win like that then   i mean he lost like that but and i think  the most painful thing about that game oh have i lost you levy after he hung the piece it  cut out when you said the most painful part of the   game and it cut out in that moment zoom just lost  you for a second so that's it's because the whole   thing was painful but no the most painful thing  about it was uh that we got so close to winning   it we were never supposed to get that close yeah  that is true that's true no that's a good point   trying to cry now he's he's off to  a great start in this game right yes this is at least good i'm trying  to crop this a little bit better   dashing tango here from my  team with the black pieces i like this it's very solid for black  we've just regained that the pawn   and the pin is all right because we can take back  with the rook i mean i'm hoping it's the look   oh and two lavi my team yeah you're  going for owen too right that's fine   so so so that's just you're down  in the cellar where you belong   well well first guy first guy's always i mean  you are the lowest rated player in this right   in in what the sub battle by  our ratings are the three of us is it in in in what format isn't anna  higher rated than you i don't know i   would i would think that when i when i stopped  competing it would be lower but maybe it might   peak no but the peak should be higher too  i know love you should have a higher rating   less you're making this unnecessarily  competitive what is queen a6 by your   guy love you by the way you can't just go  back to my guy let's let's do one at a time by by by like you know i see i didn't i didn't  bring this upon myself icaru made me talk about   it so uh hey karu man the rating and wholesomeness  levy i'm sorry but you can compete yes yes   uh it is minus 65 in this in this game but  that's not me that's my guy so yeah ooh   that gang will it survive will it survive  queen f4 jack well done well done dashing tango   only it's definitely it's definitely not oh we gave a check with the queen yeah good  thing he doesn't know how to check mate   but oh wow that's nice and the free  rook or rook d2 both were winning so you you know i was going to say you  got actually this is a general comment   it's kind of crazy isn't it that zoom  you can't individually adjust the volumes   right yeah that's usually our issue because the  volume would be just two thousand company worth   200 or 300 billion dollar dollars and they  don't even they haven't even made an update   so you can adjust the sounds individually like  it's insert it is absurd yep it's ridiculous all right anyway okay so for  swedish is owen too right lovey   can he maybe like get a rematch opportunity  just like double or nothing all right now let's   watch the real the real chess players guys  um i'm just gonna mute myself and zoom and   just very casually give my team a pep talk  so just give me like 10 seconds go for it i just want to see lemmy's facial  expression screaming at his team love you team love you too all right let's uh let's let's go  guys come on we could we could do   good we we can do it it's gonna be  great um it's gonna be we're gonna   we're gonna make a comeback we got a long  game long long uh day ahead of us and um well you hope lobby because you could be  0146 and then bad times will be upon us   very quickly yeah we've never had a  blowout so you know i definitely am   um looking forward to the day that somebody  gets wiped off the map i mean last time we did   start slow but we made a comeback so keep your  head up guys you guys are going to be all right whole summers what do we predict in  this game so far it's very normal now this one this feels like a  one game much much more like a   world run game than the first one we saw today agreed yeah this is a much better game than my  guy provided oh there's a huge move here for white   almost the right phone almost the right phone d5  would have been a great move to them go bishop b4   no no actually i no because it was a different  one oh i thought it was queen d4 actually d5   and queen d4 but this is before also yeah i  mean every single yeah in both cases yeah d5   and either bishop b4 or between d4 yes but  e5 the wrong pawn and now the d5 square is   all out there as an outpost  for the knight of black current position being trade  and we have given up the d4   pawn but this looks suspicious again  for tactical reasons oh bishop c3 okay yeah um oh ouch e5 was uh that was like a that  was a pretty advanced conceptual lesson   and it ended up working out for dashing tango  that is my moderator trophy playing here all   right um hey carl what have we missed no no  no no no something really funny in chat so   um it's okay sorry i just had to get up because  otherwise i would have broken up laughing   um white was winning earlier we went  on exchange but now black is really   active that bishop got to d3 so i  don't like this too much anymore yeah this is a oh wow it's a good battle also just we got to give some credit my  man mihi ham like oh wait i just clicked   on his name so his name is actually  spelled m-i-h-a-i he just he's just   he's just it's a play on it's a play on words  so he's saying that oh his name is like me   high like m-i-h-a-i yeah he's just saying  that he's high okay that's inappropriate i mean not as inappropriate as your player let  me from the other day all right all right yeah   right from the other day i totally don't  have a more inappropriate name today   oh wait a second i haven't looked at  your squad you you really shouldn't   i don't know i don't know what i'm  even gonna i don't know how i'm gonna   yeah yeah no but by the way just for my chat  mihai miha is actually a very common romanian   name there are i think they're at least  like two or three romanian grand masters who yes free stuff dashing tanker you  can do this now with the full rook up anna's sub would have like you know hikaru's got  a guy who's saying he's high my guy's shirtless   and this guy's like dashing tango like you  know just all the cute wholesome names out   there well i have picked my team hand-picked  them yeah you have uh you have latin keister   okay everybody else is kind of isn't anime  like of my friend or something no it's anime   from germany and she has recently gotten  got married i congratulated her on instagram   you you have a woman here by the way oh he yeah he  found it oh did he find it find what what finally yes yes yeah that was that was a nice  idea see a lot of people guys we   it's incredible how frequently  all of us talk about um getting on a discord call discord audio is good  but the video is terrible and frequently it's   like mirrored and poor quality it's it's not it's  worried all right about this game that was epic   dashing tango well done well done it's my  moderator trophy shout out to trophy and   next up will be my other moderator dartham we are  sending the moderators your way levy and hikaru   uh just uh techyofu you gotta  be in live chest man if you are   watching a chat or you're listening you got to  be in live shots because i i don't see you there uh my my guy's there yeah yo don't sign up for sub  battles in that show come on we even started doing   the thing where we announced the teams and we make  sure everybody's available right so mad love to   the mods uh i know yeah big shout out to chess bay  uh thoracics and nathan f nathan f put together   this ridiculous uh spreadsheet yeah which just to  show you guys very briefly like it's insane what   they what they did um because like i'm just gonna  show it a little bit more i'm just gonna pull it   down just so you guys can see it a little bit it's  like it's nuts like they pull the whole thing down   then they like they they add like all these  columns and then you can like manually input   it and then they put the games the codes  to start games and all kinds of other   insane stuff so yeah big shout out to  all the mods who are helping with this   okay techie over you gotta be in live chess  bro oh my gosh that is this is kind of   disappointing for the second second person  i know it's we're only in the second round okay so we're starting the other game first  okay main power with an amazing profile picture yeah um that's how you love you is it of  course that's me yeah yesterday before uh   before you joined the zoom call for the commentary   uh i was in wide like i was in the wide  screen so i just got really close and i   said like i made a few faces and we have  five new emotes now so yeah yeah so yeah yeah it's not quite keck w but   let's get in there all right good position  black says bishops before knights it's fine i'm very solid i'm let's  get the horses out now yeah   good do they need to rated players  to this the the excel spreadsheet   ourselves or will we get help with that because  i'm just seeing that it's on zero at the moment which one um is updated with the  score oh do you guys see it updated   levy lost twice why i don't  think somebody does big fat don't assume you know the zero's weight like  first of all zero is the lowest waist size i mean i could say that anna's two is fat  i mean i'm just saying all right i mean   let's just let's just cut that one out real quick this and that and no zero shaving for levi yeah  let's not [ __ ] you saw that guy look good   with his shirt off you know he was  full of confidence full of confidence oh god i just can't escape guys we need to win a  game so i can trash talk you can't trash talk and   lose all right that would be that would be  like you know i don't know i don't know we're   not trying to become the kobe covington  of chess all right name power come on man the jump here with the white piece is very  solid that's my other moderator door tom   i'm sure he can do it against this lovely image of  uh name power he's got it always got the the levy   flare he's got the amazing profile picture but has  he got the moves probably not yeah because he has   to he has to focus on the king side i mean all his  pieces are facing that way but not so simple to do oh okay you got away with one there man these guys  are evenly matched look at this clock situation   yeah i'm pretty happy with what we've seen so  far i mean that game got really wild between   um your guy and my guy levy but overall  the games have been pretty good so far   yeah it's true yes yes they they uh they  gave us an appetizer of chaos but after that   it wasn't so bad all right now your queen's  under attack so you probably should move it   but you don't have to if you  don't want to i mean it's   it's just a sub battle well except you're going  to ban them right no no no absolutely but now no all right all right yeah let's he has a choice  of taking that with four different pieces so   it definitely was worth man this is a really even  game i'm nervous we could get our first win or we   could drop to oh and three the first player in the  history of sub-battles to go 0-3 i think i think   you're actually right yeah we've never win owen  three all right well it's another low for levy   hold on we're going to win this game right name  power you wouldn't do that to me you wouldn't   disappoint me on the day of my of my daughter's  wedding all right don't don't repeat good good well not good because you lost all your  advantage but okay it's a nice move okay the position is zero zero zero but with   just 50 seconds for both  players anything can happen true 40 seconds come on man you don't have any bonus  time you don't have any bonus time you gotta gotta go make a move push upon one square okay   maybe a draw they might go for a drawback  but don't themselves that's bad for you   30 seconds left yeah my guy was oh man  and he immediately blunders but it's not   so simple yeah it's not obvious actually why  i should be better still a good move though olivia on bishop makes h5 is there rook  takes e3 with some kind of weird draw oh i i accidentally no no no i don't think  that that was way too quick to be a snipe   i don't think he actually i think  he's been trying to get it but okay oh my god an extra change this dangerous  that was a bad move though i think yeah wow oh oh lovey oh oh   i feel like your score is going to stay like  shaped like a bagel my man a very slim bag that was epic that was absolutely epic that is why  you have to look for checks knight g3 instead of   queen g3 also stop getting into time trouble  knight g3 was good yeah that's right that was   oh here after rook f1 knight g3 but this  is why i don't put this on youtube anymore your your player had no time though both of  them were below 20 seconds it's so difficult   to find the right time it is pretty hard  well okay guys we're we're good we're good   um i mean you're you're good in the sense of your  your goal of finishing last listen we got third   place third place not bad it's like ludwig got  10th place he's top 10 in the world and among us   we're we're top three in sub battles like it's  true that that's that's a good way of looking   at it yeah very positive approach like every time  i went to a quads tournament when i was younger i   always finished top four so and for those of you  that don't know what that is that's a group of   four players who play three games so you can  easily get top four in a quad right i mean duh well done well don't yeah yeah yeah he's playing lucky jc so we  replaced uh hikaru's player with lucky jason   are you drinking starbucks uh um no i'm just using yesterday's starbucks cup someone  said levy are you drinking starbucks oh god i   liked you until i saw that but i've been treating  starbucks for two weeks your insult can't be two   weeks old you know like you have to get a little  bit sharper than that that's not me someone in   my chat i know i know i know i'm just saying  like i mean i mean i mean wasting like 50 bucks   a week on starbucks is a bit much when you  of have like instant coffee for like two   dollars but hey but how much coffee you drink in  a day because i get one cup of this and i'm good   yeah well i would never be good  because i i need more than that   period see now chat's like  don't drink instant coffee   chat's gonna they're gonna argue with  everything so yeah this is probably true too i've just realized this is an amazing  derby nine power name power with the   beautiful profile picture and lucky he also has  brought his a-game on he carried the imposter   and ricardo flair excellent you're headed  for owen 4 levy i think i'm feeling on 4 here   no no he's going to stop losing pawns and  start winning some pawns yeah that's good good   that's probably a good start true who paid my  guys to lose what is going on here is this boxing   like i mean i might have paid  paladin before the game but   okay but like how much because how cheap  how cheap are my subs like tell me be honest okay white's just white's doing well  good let's go let's keep it going nice that wasn't great but good moves  i think that's a pretty good move   actually objectively hard to play don't  trade the roads please your work is so good   so bad you gotta trade them wow  impressive move okay he doesn't okay this is it team this is the game  oh there's a fork don't do that oh good man good man he didn't take the bait he  didn't take the bait yeah no totally he didn't his rook is trapped kind of oh  nice move but he only has a minute he only has a minute with it though  i know what you're thinking and i'm   begging you to knock it off just knock it  off right now it ain't it ain't gonna happen   okay man easy peasy that's not what i would have  played but okay surely you can win five on four   right it's just pawns it's just a draw well you  heard it here first five on four with a fully belt but he's low on time and his bones are only  on the third rank how do you make a passport   you need to push them every time my team gets winning to a game uh  uh i just play the rocky theme now ah okay okay all right now black is realizing he's outmatched  not really go go that's it this is the game guys   there's no way we're on the board it's  a little uneventful but we'll take it oh and black resigns again i i'm pretty happy with what we've seen so  far like it's pretty pretty pretty balanced yeah   really good level i haven't really seen people get  blown away yeah except for lavish team but well   done on your first score levy well hey oh have  we lost otherwise they're still pretty ugly yeah   otherwise what what is the score  even like it's like 4-1-1 right   budapest dtam has been watching uh  hikaru's uh last two videos on youtube   yes on the garbage speed run yeah the things you  were doing to people in the budapest i was just   like that's just but budapest is a pretty bad  opening though yeah i mean if white just chills   you're just like worse but i mean right in your  case you just beat them anyway so right but i   just mean like there's no like yeah if they just  chill they're just better that's the problem with   it they don't have to be do anything special wait  actually did wait anna did you not say budapest   i probably said budapest um but it depends  on the context i know i should be banned as a   as a hungarian not saying it properly i just feel  like every time so if it's in if it's an english   context i would say the the english way it's the  same with judith like her name is not judith it's   not judith pogba it's you did but i don't say  you did when i speak in english even when i'm   presenting her wait that is her name you did yeah  because i could have sworn when i was in hungary   at like the um at the uh first saturday in the  old days i saw her name spelled j-u-t-k-a on some   like some ancient picture um not with j-u-d-i-t  so i wasn't sure it's j-u-d-i-t um so but in   hungarian yes that's another way of spelling it  no j-u-d-i-t and so often times people put an age   at the end um and also just pronounce it as judith  in general i think she herself says judith um okay but yeah budapest yeah yeah of course yeah wait have you lovey have you been  have you been to pasture or not   no i uh i was gonna go play first saturday but  i we decided to go to czech republic instead   alex when alex and i were traveling in europe  together we figured it made no sense to end up in   the same tournament because like the same round  robin because we would have to beat each other   um true true true yeah that makes sense yeah  we decided not to do that um man your guy   is like really good at like random positional  games this lucky jc guy he gets a lot of these solid and you know i just learned there's a  keyboard shortcut for muting yourself on zoom   really yeah it's alt it's alt a so if  you do alt a it mutes yourself on zoom   alt a and then i can unmute myself that is so  cool i like it nice are you guys going well it's a attempt to just be on the window probably have to  be on the window oh really that that's annoying   then because can you hear me now yeah okay  so it's not working if i'm not on the window   yeah that is a physical yeah we need a stream  deck for that i need to i need to set up   i've just got myself a stream deck but i  i still don't have too many buttons on it   oh there's something that's really  good for white here if black misses it   yeah i don't use stream deck at all anymore  i used it all the time in florida now i just   don't even touch it oh yeah come on come on come  on come on baby come on come on come on cars guy   you're a very positional player just yeah you  got to spot this though don't don't spoil it   don't lucky don't get lucky i mean he already  got lucky but don't don't cash in don't   yay guys too positional hikar  i'm telling you he just he's so yeah no good i like how he's like adding an attacker  to the eight to the to the d5 pawn   rather than just removing it physically just to  take it and it was uh yeah it was rook takes b7   guys and then and then bishop takes and it was a  fork and you were you were winning the game there okay at least he stopped checkmate so you know the these high-level players for all  the memes uh have been providing us pretty   high quality chess this morning except that  first game but i was just a wake-up game true okay he is just improving his pieces yeah very  positional but they are down to 40 seconds yes okay nice you know he's got a really  good style this lucky jc guy i wouldn't   be surprised if he's 2000 pretty soon  his style is just terribly annoying and i think he's also quick right he plays pretty  fast yeah so he has a he has a good style fast   solid oh whoa oh should be older survive but he  there's no way he actually there's yeah you gotta   move just move dude just move come on don't make  this dramatic just move good very not dramatic still fighting still fighting it's still not made  it's still not made okay it's fine it's fine it's   fine just go let's go just go yeah okay okay  yeah oh that's not good that's a terrible move   oh no no no that's not gonna you can't win  with just the king you could flag him but   it could still be a draw could still be i it  might be honestly okay what what what oh nice   that oh good that was good technique that was  great technique yeah very nice technique all   right well we've stopped the runaway freight train  um dortmund very well though dtam fought really   well with the black pieces i think therefore  the effort was there but lucky i agree that his   playing style is really difficult to face lucky  jc all right i got my main man here chess pog that's those are his thoughts on the matter okay we have what is bishop  d7 that is an exquisite move   i've never seen that in the queen's  gambit bishop d7 that's very unusual wait who who's he playing for levy chess blog  oh me of course oh okay okay i saw that israel dude uh chess pog just in case you ever uh  re-watched the vod or someone can clip this   and just send it to him yeah man if you're gonna  play the queen's gambit declined you can't be   losing on move like eight it's just it's like  it's like the most legendary classical opening   what was it top three hicaro on our tier list  yeah just just put the bishop on e7 and castle   what is this maybe maybe he just he saw  the board wrong he he did the tyler one   where he confused the queen of the king  so he thought he was developing he was   going to castle the king to the queen side ah  that would be even more embarrassing but um   i just you know it's it's such a solid opening  you can't play it with g5 but you know what i   don't know what bishop b3 is so i think he's going  to get a few moves oh my gosh what is white doing   roxy wants a good move is the idea rook c2 rookie 2 rookie 4  rook g4 yeah that's a bit extravagant   okay well now the a3 pun's hanging now  black is playing like a super gm kind of oh so tinsel says how's the sub battle going oh  levy's losing never mind same as usual i guess   just another day in the office let me see forward slash user tinsel elk oh by the way your guys got kind of in some   bad i mean i guess it's okay for  black but it looks pretty tricky you know what i'll let him pass uh he's been a sub  for three months that he's purchased on his own   he's not a gifted sub would have been worse if it  uh was um oh wow castle is actually a great move   it was his plan all along oh my god nice look at this  attack it's a good move impressive umbrella pawn yes i mean you can also just you  can also just take it but i hope he's not trying   to play rook takes d1 and not realizing  he's in check but yeah this is why you   you should be really careful about taking this  pawn you should in many cases just avoid it and   they came to b8 that actually and hide behind it  but yeah i don't know what's going on what's gonna   happen here if my guy can just make like a couple  moves quickly i think he's gonna win on time   but you gotta move win you gotta  move your queen just move it yeah see this is the issue with the  king on b8 your king would have been   safe now it's all sorts of checks and stuff and oh and the worst part is he has a he has  a good he has like like three good options   and uh oh i don't well i don't even know what the  option was there without without looking right off   that was good well yeah cause now he's just lost  yeah this is not good because his king's open dude   it's all good levy you got one point so you're not  you're not on zero this guy's gonna win this game   i am so confident in that you are so  confident yeah it's amazing how much   these games come down to time isn't it true  okay that's a fascinating move yeah that's a   it's it's anyone's game yes but black  is down a ton of time guys that's my big   concern the position is whatever engine says  plus one plus one means nothing yeah that move   please don't please please okay good now we're  winning but we only have 30 seconds so wow okay good oh oh no the other order other order oh  no almost you don't oh that is just a losing pawn   end game man come on man let's go let's go let's  go and move he's going to lose and move let's   go take all those puns all the puns all the puns  yes okay he will probably manage to take them all oh don't flag though oh don't flag though  oh god he's not gonna take the pawns oh no oh he's choking oh no he's choking wow wow three seconds three seconds  and it doesn't take the past   but it's gonna be me it's gonna be mate here's  me yeah yeah once we saw it yeah i knew i knew   we would see it yeah he let that get really  close at the end but that was just that was   that was very weird i don't know why one thing  i would say to people is when you have um   when you have much more uh not much more time yeah  when you have much more time it's simplified you   never want to trade off all your pieces because  it's much easier to make instant moves when   you're when when there are less piece on the  board did my guy just play a grub yeah he did anna how much did you pay this man well   you know latinkista is my editor so i  need to make sure that my team is happy yo that man just barely won that game who  the hell does he think he's flexing on like let's be let's be serious real quick  he almost lost two queens versus two puns   like he shouldn't be grabbing anybody  okay you need to earn grub status   i'm going to check something really funny i'm  going to go to chess.com explorer and check how   well hikaru plays with the grub when he has white  wait sorry what is that function there's like an   explorer function really on uh yeah so hikaru you  win 80 of your games when you start with g4 really   nice in fact you've never lost you just make  draws sometimes you're undefeated with the grub   okay fair enough really you can look that  up okay i'll i had no idea you can look it   up that's interesting oh there you go so wait  you're saying that if that if i look up uh say   like i don't know wesley so for example i can see  any i can see all of his games yeah yeah yeah oh delete the footage no one knows about this  no one knows about this yeah it's her premium   member i've been showing like that's how  i prepared for chiu when we did our match   in the spanish i just saw her games i saw that she  avoids the marshall so i didn't prep the marshall   um yeah that sounds chess.com explorer you  guys can use it when you prepare in tournaments   not that those are happening  now but when they come back   hikaru it's how i prepare for uh for kids like  if i ever play a 10 year old kid that's never   played over the board like in fide but he  has a ton of chess.com games you can use   theirches.com to prep against them and then  lose anyway because they're better than me i'm not impressed i got hikaru deep in thought what's going on here i think he's checking that  function that you mentioned   i think we lost yeah it's uh i don't  know how uh how like exactly up to date   it is because i think it updates over  time um and uh it's it's like a good   it's a good research but what i have noticed  is like it's not it's not always fully complete   so i don't know if it like if it relies on  uh a manual update or something but it's uh it's like some it's an explore  feature uh and so sometimes what i   oh my god dude that was like you had like  three squares your rook wasn't hanging oh well um but it wasn't taken because we wait for   a better moment we wait for a better  moment i know that latency can do this i know that he can you just need to hurry up  because time is an issue there's no increment no increment hikari are you there i think we lost him ever since yeah what's going on i can't nothing nothing nothing okay i can't i can't  tell if we're if we're scheming or planning   or or something i will say this though uh i've  definitely like looked at it at this tool and it   it'll show that somebody's played like  80 games and in reality they've played   a lot more in total so i don't actually fully  understand how it works yes yes ah this is not this is not this oh oh oh anna who who which of your editors is this   um i think you you sent him some of the the  footage of the saint louis champion showdown   so hashtag and latinkista both of them  were helping me with the broadcast videos okay knight h4 and you said you like sorry  i realized that you said you liked a lot the   highlight video i made of the previous sub  that was edited by latin questi okay well   i hope he loses this game levy you really  like his work as an editor you appreciate   it right no i don't don't take the knight  oh my god white's still winning right um   okay what was king f4 like what are we doing  again like this is the thing why did it why   did he trade off the knights when he had 20  seconds more there's just no reason to do that uh oh oh oh no oh oh no it's happening oh no okay chest [ __ ] is not making a move that's  good that's good keep thinking keep thinking it's   a deep position wait what's going on did he lose  the connection okay he might have lost connection i'm really sorry but it's my editor and i  bought this game already long ago what happened wow that was subtle chess poke  you're a great actor thank you i have no idea i hope that chess  book is with us honestly i do hope   that he did not lose connection  but it felt like he might have no he's in my chat i don't know what he's writing he's saying oh he was playing on mobile and he got a  notification and um oh okay that makes sense   well that's unlucky but that's okay man you did  great oh you did great i'm very proud of you   that made me demute i who's next larry david look alike yeah ah i like these  sub battles they're fun they are they are   i like this position too for white so i'm i'm  happy that we got away with the previous game um so i'm following larry david look  alike uh and he's gonna play who is who's oh we just have to update the  score between um i don't even oh oh whoops i just realized that there  was one more game okay i'm following mr   luring east ah the notification  that he got on his phone was uh a paypal notification i see oh okay that must have been distracting i'm really  sorry for chess park because he played well he   was close to winning and he had more time   so he right right yeah but i mean if you're  playing on mobile that can't happen obviously yeah actually wait a second how  can you even be on mobile   and play because there's no there's no way to  start a wait a second wait a second you can't   be in mobile during sub battle because then the  command to start the game doesn't work really love the detective what if you're in a browser if you're playing  chess.com on a mobile browser what are you even   doing with your life oh so he said people i mean  he was not supposed to leak that i just i just   sent him the payment like who plays on a mobile  browser like what is this 2019 like oh chess base   saying that's actually not true so apparently  on some interfaces okay so i'm spreading fake   news i'm the fake liberal media i'm sorry i'm  sorry i'm sorry okay sorry guys um i'm sorry thought thought it was just on all  platforms uh all right this is a   great position for white and it's just  becoming even better with that fork nice rookie two a move that i don't quite understand  but i don't really have to understand   aha that was the point got it yeah but this isn't so clear  it's not too easy to play well that's a very direct move  not a bad move pretty decent okay let's see   wow nice move yeah that is an excellent tricky it  is tricky a little too passive for my liking here and below a minute both players okay why does white is like dear oh my god  he's like deer in the headlights here he just   absolutely absolutely throwing the game away   okay wow that's a great move oh my  gosh what is latin keys doing he's just   i think he got nervous with the time pressure  um he usually plays with increments man   we are feeding hikaru's guy here look  at this he is converting this like oh i mean there's still hope  there's still hope for free stuff just push that beep on man look at  this good technique what double what   triple what yeah oh oh good move oh didn't oh yes okay we are down to nine seconds though so we  still need to finish the game oh my oh oh my i don't know who anna's mod  team is just move just move dude   but they are paypaling everybody why is he  not moving don't go to the back rank oh good   man good man run forward three seconds  let them kiss the win please be brave   just move dude just just move just move  oh he's gonna make a check make a check oh you did so well damn time pressure time oh no   hikaru's man is the clutchest sub battle  player of all time what the clutch oh no   oh god that's crazy let them kiss that you deserve  to win you had it you had it but there was no time wow wow there were a couple of missed  opportunities but with two seconds on   the clock it was impossible to see both  players were just pre-moving basically oh look at this look at this  a3 sicilian i'm loving this right uh you mean composting and recycling  yes you were playing a through b4 right   yes but wait hicary do you have to compost in  california or is that just that is that just   the san francisco thing i mean i just take out  my trash oh king of fate that's what we need and crazy thing is black is still probably gonna  get a good position because we're not gonna someone in my chat said you trained  this guy you train this guy right here yeah composting yeah i know definitely not  as far as i know but maybe i mean maybe   you don't want rotting food in a pile  in your house not really no well then   okay that's pretty fair well do they do that in  san francisco because i i on oh whoa whoa man   yeah i should have taken with the  queen and he would have won the rook okay let's not get checkmated literally  play any move good yeah no but composting   no i mean you just put your recyclables  like in in other bins and things so now are people concerned oh people are concerned  that the under 1400 wha okay wow wow   oh wow i was right wow you put the bishop there  in the beginning of the game and you didn't take   the rook once just incredible will you see that  you could take the bishop oh you see that one huh yeah great this is why my kid is gonna do like  computer science and stuff that i don't know   anything about because then i can be proud of my  kid no matter what you know if they're terrible   if they're great because with chess i'm just  constantly going to be there like uh-huh all   right right carl is your kid going to play chess  no absolutely not oh i know even if they want to   no if they want to sure but yeah i would not  advise it interesting will your kids play chess   okay i understand that i'm being like  oh please don't play yes yes very good just happy to be alive that's all   i'm just you know i'm good man you know  i'm just here so i don't get fined i'm just   so you don't get fined did you say yeah you you  know the famous marshawn lynch interview oh right   with post game interviews yeah yeah and then media  day that was that was good that was those were fun   my team's not throwing we're just not very good  we're trying to do our best like we really are   and it's just not working i'll give you an example  yesterday i played a game in a in an overwatch   lobby like 26 2700 average rating and the enemy  definitely had a smurfing dps because they were   killing everything i played five tanks nothing  worked we had five team compositions nothing   worked and by the end of the game no one was  toxic we just went damn they just better than us   that's just sometimes it happens so yeah with  your team it happens very frequently so i guess   okay okay okay you know no no i'm not standing  for this no sub battles bring out a different anna   okay i mean we need more of those thumbnails very  thicker when me totally totally beating you up hey   uh chess bae jaren i have an idea for the  for the first part of this sub battle can   can we get a can we get a thumbnail of hikaru and  anna looking down and i'm at the bottom of a well   that's that's what i'm conceptualizing right now  i love it and debating whether or not you're gonna   get me out of it you know just that that's that's  what's the score we are trolling you but in the   end you end up winning somehow you start poorly  but then you win or at least get second place i   don't know how you do that not against ludwig and  hikaru yeah that's where you failed this is true okay all right black is uh  practicing his technique here nice very nice you know the craziest thing is  my guys have their chances it's not like they're   getting outclassed every game they just in every  clutch moment they don't clutch it out right so   what is it is it 442 okay we are getting farmed  all right larry david come on my man let's go mdd with the white pieces for team anna  here i'm hoping that those pawns will   stay alive this is a tricky opening with  the black why do the num wait how how many   there are three games every round right  okay just making sure the math yeah okay whoa wait who's on levee's team larry  david okay yeah this guy rooting for larry yeah i guess it doesn't matter you can root yeah  if anna was too far away you could root for uh um   but well i mean i just think it'd be  very funny if you end up with like   two points two points yeah quality or something i  would find it funny as well um i will say this no   no you guys can bet on it i'm you know i'm good he  the guy the guy actually is like i think he bought   both of my because he's playing both openings  courses like that like one like one or the other   and both times now he's got great positions in  the first 10 moves but if anything this just   goes to show you that doesn't mean anything  you have to actually win after you get a good   position from the opening true that that is  true yeah uh opening can only get you so far   what's the saying you can lead a horse to water  or something like that you can't make a drink   well we're the voices so yeah i like this though  this is good i think yeah you can lead a horse to   water but it won't drink the water or something  i forgot what it is yeah something like that well you see it wasn't fiji water and that's  the only thing the horse drinks because it's a   it's a lavish horse or voss wait what what yeah  the horse doesn't drink from the ground hikar   the horse wanted fiji and they didn't have it  i i i i don't even know what to say to that   such a new yorker you you don't you don't drink  bottled fiji water no i'm not gonna spend like   five dollars on fiji water or even water like come  on there's no difference between between that and   just normal normal normal water okay i will say  this i do like i like evian more than the others   i don't actually drink fiji because i think you're  a douche if you drink it anna do you drink fiji   i drink irish tap water okay good good guy i  just didn't want to accidentally insult you   but yeah if you if you if you drink fiji i mean  what are you doing like that's not from fiji   relax but evian evian is delicious i like the  evidence delicious delicious it's delicious   yeah it's really good i honestly don't feel the  difference i am on the same page as hikaru it's   water's water but i did like the avian campaign  when they had the tennis players and other other   athletes and their baby versions as the ad yeah  that was a creative one evian is uh i asked uh   blitzstream and the french team in the pro chess  league why they couldn't get an evian sponsorship   because they were all french and they were like we  don't like foreigners and i was like okay that's   weird hill to die on but uh knight okay  the other way would have been better but   this this also works now if white plays  a certain move you can hit him with a   certain move and then be winning or  you can hit him with a certain move   oh very nice anna why do you guys always  blunder queen takes g2 checkmate it's every   week but we tried to go queen g7 too so we saw  the idea from white's perspective oh no oh no   mdd it's all right it's all right it was just  the first game there will be a second one now with the black pieces all right hikaru  you're you're not being nice to me or my   subs today but i'm still gonna root for you  here i i want your guy to win oh really okay   yep what does his name mean  classical it's badminton right why is it an x i don't know i mean i think it was  just badminton do you watch badminton or not lovey   no of course not i'm a person that's actually  pretty fun it is fun it is very competitive if   you watch like good people play it's really fun  to watch it's like yeah for me it's like watching   really good ping pong players it's interesting but  i i never got into it tennis for me is a lot more   fun i love tennis i love tennis but in spain we do  have a really good player of that carolina marine   i think uh of badminton carolina oh badminton yeah  yeah uh no tennis i watch more tennis but i think   she's the only she's the only badminton player i  know okay okay yeah no sorry i thought you were i   thought you were talking about tetzler you're  like we have a famous like tennis player no   no no it's like my favorite status player would  be yokovich still am i kicked out of the club   what was that because he's hilarious he's  he's great at tennis but also his parodies   are hilarious i like i like his personality a lot  federer and djokovic have always been my favorite yeah um i'll be right back in spain  i might not come back actually yeah   there's this guy called rafa nadel but  uh am i am i supposed to root for him   no i obviously he's good or yeah you know now  but yeah no obviously everyone everyone in spain   supports nadal but um i just like the personality  of your coverage a lot and this sense of humor how about here we go uh exact opposite  uh yeah yeah federer nadal forever i   don't okay at least the federer is is the   the matching point so i don't i don't think there  are many people who would would say that they like   federer and djokovic though really i  think very few people would say that yeah yeah chesmar has just told me in the  chat that you are not a fan of jokovic   oops no i don't think levy is either  that's why levy left i see i see yeah i'm pretty sure that's why levy laughed oh he  just got hungry um especially when looking at the   usernames me hi ham and all the rest of the  crew federer i guess would be one of the   most one of the most popular most respected of  tennis players for a reason he is by far yeah okay so this position is what  black is black is up one pawn   but the king is kind of a little bit  open so it's not not so not so clear yeah the only thing um mdd has less time  so i'm getting a little concerned about   time management you're back  levy you get over your shock yeah i hope you talked anna out of that fandom i  really like jokovic but i also like federer and   nadal is great but my toothpick would be feather  and yakovic i'm sticking to it didn't djokovic   just like start a men's only tennis organization  or something i haven't heard of like a no women   yes oh my okay i need to get i need to update  my knowledge on his career and outside the court   uh activities i haven't heard of that he's also  anti-vaxx i haven't heard either i only watch his wrong way man there was a bishop  that way you have to go the other way oh but time matters still time does matter oh my god didn't djokovic kind of just like wax  whack one of the lion judges also amongst others   yeah but i don't i think that's just that was  just like the cherry on top i'm gonna have to   read about it it will turn out that one of my  idols is totally not an idol anymore you guys   have just opened my eyes and my fangirling will  go away from one second to the other i mean it's   gotta be nadal like djokovic is uh i mean it's  for me it's nadal but federer is a good second you   know veteran for sure yokovich and federer were  my favorite yeah we're talking we have them yeah oh oh oh no oh my god how many  times did that man hang check me   oh he could get out though  that's not how you do it though we were so close to winning this one  but at least making a draw oh no oh no very nice good job badzin or badminton or whatever  it is what's the score i think we're i'm leading   it's five four four two oh nice because bad  zen clutched up and got two points okay um   there we go let's go and let's go e1 or even   or oh london guernsey i was wondering what that  flag was okay wow my guy's playing from guernsey   i have all the place in the world that you could  play from oh are you not following we you know   he he he can just set his flag i think i don't  think oh i yeah okay okay whatever whatever   could be next door you never know he could be  like my neighbor true guernsey's a tax haven right i wouldn't know that hikaru tell us more please  i i thought i thought it was like isle of man   it was one of these like tax havens but maybe  i'm wrong isle of man is known for racing right   besides no no it's known for being  a tax haven first and foremost   100 i mean that's how chess 24 avoids taxes  they they they are their space and isle man i mean even though no one was i'm supposed  to confirm on the cover i thought they   have their head their headquarters still in  gibraltar have they moved it to isle of man   i think it's isle of man isn't it maybe i'm wrong  i thought it was gibraltar and i don't know maybe   maybe i'm wrong but it's all the same  it's also but a lot of companies have   um offices in isle of man and some of the the  poker sites i think yeah yeah this is true yeah   yeah very true yeah they have some sort of racing  i couldn't remember exactly what it is because   there's different kinds of cars and stuff so  motorcycles okay yeah poker stars denial of man   oh i guess i'm wrong it's gibraltar  but but i'll manage your baltimore   the same thing i mean they both uh they  both uh yeah you can incorporate there gibraltar is beautiful it is it is a really  nice place what kind of felt like it was hanging   and it's still hanging why you don't i  mean just trying to force black take it um how are you gonna attack a piece that  could just move one square and take your piece   i guess there are eleven hundred i apologize yeah  it's true we are going that's fine that's fine i   was once this level as well i probably still  am levy have you even ever been to gibraltar yes not to the not to uh the tournament but ah why would you ever travel to gibraltar except for  chess because my family went to spain and stopped   in gibraltar you were in malaga ah okay that's  why okay i was just i was saying it's like such   a random place to go okay you were in malaga  okay that makes sense okay yeah it was very   nice i have some pictures and okay okay yeah  that okay then it makes sense i was just like i   don't know gibraltar's just like really out there  it's just not where i would go except for chass   i've i want to go back to these places for chess  but uh i have never had a chance to do that   don't feed the monkeys thank you i will  make sure to do that eight years ago   yeah gibraltar is a really cool place but i would  have thought too that he must have been there for   the tournament maybe next year or when things go  back to normal you get there or next year i guess   it will be difficult because it's january usually  when the tournament is guys if you haven't heard   hikaru has won it multiple times he's the champion  of the gibraltar chess festival multiple times   and it's not easy to win it it's always a very  strong field yeah yeah this is this is true um but   i feel like those days are gone honestly you think  so you don't want to return for yet another trophy   if things go back to normal i don't i i i think  i wanted enough time not even i won enough times   because then the pogs are going to come in but i  just i don't know i feel like my time there you   know i i had a good run and i feel like it's it's  good enough yeah it's not a challenge anymore it's   like to add them no actually i don't think that  it's not a challenge it's that for me um when   i first played the event it was so small so i i  mean i don't know how acquainted chad is with the   tournament or or what it what it's like but when i  first played in gibraltar everybody played in this   grand ballroom on the second floor like the whole  tournament was held in one room yeah and now it's   like they have it upstairs they have it downstairs  and like in the five-star restaurant where you   can no longer eat dinner during the tournament  because there are too many people playing with   playing now so you can't go and get a nice meal  anymore um so they're playing downstairs where the   five-star restaurant was um then i think they have  like another room where they're playing as well   so it's just like the whole hotel is like just  filled with chess players and they're they're   people are playing competitive games everywhere  so to me the whole feel of the event is just it's   different to what i recall it being in the early  days and um and so yeah i just i i feel like i had   my time in the sun and yeah and it's time to move  on literally because it's very sunny there it is   um not always not always during the event there  was one year i was there and it was is really   really bad weather um at the end of the tournament  and it was annoying because the weather was so bad   that was hard to get into the city and i i had to  go collect my winning site what is queen c5 there   was no way he was going to see that it was just  too weird oh my lord what is queen b6 oh my oh my   oh my both players have no oh no oh wow he played  queen b7 and rook b8 and didn't deliver checkmate oh yeah my guy's just too slow  i think he's forgotten the time   but they're both too slow yeah  they are who's gonna remember whoa no no he there's no way he throws this okay oh  everything's closed at least to the move faster   yes wow the comeback begins i love how  for all this trash talk i'm tied for like   one point out of first that's true that's  true yeah no you're having a you're having   a good run yeah yeah all right sorry come  back yeah i didn't finish my story did i   no you haven't thank you so much for  watching this was streamed live on   my twitch channel where i stream full time  five days a week do catch us live next time   or follow the highlights and the votes here  on my youtube channel in either case i really   appreciate your support thank you so much  again and bye for now until the next time
Channel: Anna Rudolf
Views: 67,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Anna Rudolf, Anna Chess, chess, subbattle, Twitch channel, chess stream, botez gambit, blunder, twitch, twitch chess, sub battles, sub, chess battle, Anna_Chess, chess videos, chess commentary, chess video, chess.com, chess analysis, live stream fails, gmhikaru, Hikaru, Hikaru Nakamura, GothamChess, Levy Rozman, Subwars, twitch highlights, best moments, top clips, chess sub battle, twitch troll, three way sub battles, Anna Gotham and Hikaru, Hikaru and Gothamchess
Id: kQnCWZktyLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 24sec (5124 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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