GothamChess 1. e4 ONLY Rating Climb | Part 1 (800+)

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ladies and gentlemen it is time to  welcome you to yet another raid in climb   this one is going to be me playing  with the white pieces starting   with one e4 in every game now the format is  that i am playing against my twitch subscribers   much love to them we're live streaming  this right now but youtube levy does make   an appearance uh twitch subs got into a queue  we're gonna get things going with jason 508 and let me just refresh some anticlimactic starts and there we go we  have a three minute game e4 five second bonus   let's see if my opponent makes a move all you guys  have to do is be in live chess jason 508 is not in   live chess apparently some deep thinking here  from my opponent plays the scandinavian defense   now the best thing to do  against this is to take it   see if he's gonna bring his queen out this guy  inspired by the efforts of a one john bartholomew   now what there is knight c3 which attacks there is  also knight f3 for this game i'm going to show you   my weapon i like to play knight f3 i like to play  knight f3 and i like to play knight f3 uh because   i okay that is a really weird move i have no idea  what that does i'm gonna go bishop b2 uh odd move   queen h5 not gonna lie but uh people on youtube  are very critical of when i call my opponents   weird uh or you know criticize some of their  moves so he's not weird he's he's just creative   earlier today actually i was called the most  arrogant chess player that ever existed by   someone on youtube which is very impressive on  my part i have to say castles so the point here   is that you delay d4 and c4 you just knight  f3 bishop e2 and you just try to castle   and my opponent here probably thinking about  what to do plays e5 now first things first can   i take that he just takes with the queen nothing  there at this point this move he's just trying to   come forward i'm just gonna bring my knight out  develop another piece i know i said d4 and c4   but i feel like developing i feel like stopping  his pawn coming from e4 there's a lot of things   you could do early on i could have played pawn up  as well all those things would have been possible also best buy test if anybody understands the  username that is not a good move that is a one   move mistake so we already see the first one  move blunder i literally just played knight   c3 to prevent the pawn from coming to e4 and he  pushed it and i took it so seeing these one move   mistakes early on even in the opening definitely a  common mistake okay bishop g4 hitting me like this   now there's a lot of different ideas here  checks captures attacks i mean i see that   i can check none of those moves do anything bring  my knight back hit his queen that's not a bad move   and i can also attack him like this as long as  you're recapturing here with this bishop you're   completely fine yeah this is this is dangerous  for him because now his queen's under attack all right now his queen's under attack queen g6  again i can't really check him um i see his king   is in the center so i'm considering a move like  rookie one but then of course he can just long   castle now assuming that long castle happens um  i will probably be able to start some sort of   attack on this side of the board so if i play  d4 and he castles queen side his rook now hits   here and i can probably just develop my bishop  kind of like that i like to take some space   and when he castles queen side i can play c3 i  can play bishop e3 i can play any of these moves   uh somebody says why can't i play this move to  prevent castling uh because then oh no actually   that would have been a pretty interesting idea so  just to showcase that that was an interesting idea   uh i guess he would have played h5 to attack my  bishop if he played f5 i would have pinned him   to his king so cool idea i'm just going to go with  this one all right i don't want to over complicate   another thing that i also want you guys to uh just  kind of keep in mind as you do this is you don't   need to get into time trouble early on it's really  not something that you need to spend a million   years calculating different options especially in  blitz obviously i recommend 10 in 15 minute games   but i cannot be playing 10 and 15 minute games  all the time so knight f6 i'm just gonna take   not too complicated queen f6 so what is that  queen attacking ask yourself that question   he is attacking this pawn this is not a  complicated decision i just defend okay oh and another thing yes i do get  this question here if i had played   bishop here and he took my knight  queen king in the center beginners   oftentimes leave their pieces like this  in the center it definitely does happen now we let him think all right this should be  seven that doesn't attack anything now what do   you know about an opposite side castled king don't  give him a check for no reason the king just moves   so b4 is something i'm considering  queen a4 is something i'm considering   a4 now if you cannot tell the difference between  three different moves or four different moves you   just have to play a move and make sure it doesn't  make a mistake b4 does not make a mistake and you   will sometimes not know the difference between  some moves until you play don't get low on time and so you play here here a combination of  these moves and go for an attack my light   squared bishop is extremely powerful now he has  a move like 95 in this position and uh the point   is that i'm pinned let's play a4 this is called a  hook a pawn in front of a castled king is called   a hook you can hit it like this and force a  trade which would then open up for the rook abcs of checks of chess yes always be checking and now he's thinking again he's down  to 20 seconds he's playing in i am so   time management has been a little bit tricky  for him still i can go b5 by the way you   don't need to worry about losing a pawn here  because the rook is open and by the way it is   it is very bad rook a8 his king runs  out so maybe i play bishop g4 first   very common motif you see he wants to go here  here so let's not let him let's go here first   king has to hide and then i play queen a4 and he  cannot um he actually could be able to stop me   hopefully he just blocks with  the rook but don't tell him okay don't tell him now it is still dominant i  mean queen a8 is very difficult to stop we   opened up the a file attack and he finds  the best move credit to him don't trade   the queens when you're attacking do not trade  the queen when you are attacking do not trade   the queen when you are attacking let's  open up another attack on his queen okay let's go here maybe as in that's  the idea let's just bring the second   rook to the party demonstrate how to  attack with the rooks and the queen that is a free night uh do i want the free night   okay i will be principled alright i will take  the free night i will take the free night now we will maybe bring this guy back again the  the way to win this when you are completely out   of material is that you try to okay that that that  that is a move um i mean i can actually just take   because my rook is protecting  horizontally not just attacking vertically   plays bishop b4 we are threatening checkmate maybe he goes b6 setting up a getaway he takes  don't get distracted rookie checkmate one   and oh 806 is the rating now most destructive moments knight  f3 bishop e2 against the scandinavian   just looking for a quick short castle and  developing in the center one move blunder   attacking the bishop when it comes here as  long as you can get this bishop back out and we didn't do anything super complicated  honestly didn't do anything super complicated um   seemed like we played a relatively straightforward  game now the only instructive moment i should say   in the middle game is beginning a pawn storm on  our opponent when they castle on the other side cool cool okay tree for beard let's go get out of this game tree for beard you're in live chess we  got e4 on the board now i will have to okay i will have to say yeah  let's go classic knight f3 knight f6 well this is the petrov defense i mean  you should take this pawn if they if they allow   you normally they play knight c6 okay this  is already a mistake so takes takes this is   actually a mistake and it loses to the move  queenie too okay so knight takes knight takes buddy hello what now here he has this move wow wow okay i'm just going to defend my pawn is this some is it this is the main line this is a mainline  position what this is a mainline position wow   you guys are brave chess is weird i don't i don't  understand anything anymore i'm i'm i'm being oh wow well today the 900's thought me something  i did not even know this i as far as i knew   this was always considered bad wow never  mind never mind eric rosen teaches this   i would like to rescind all of my statements  never mind wow to try to go here and here huh   okay well when you're caught out in the opening  just consolidate i guess i mean make natural moves   all right let's go bishop d3 i mean  what am i gonna do look at this   wow now i feel like i should solidify here i  feel like i should play like f4 maybe we play f4   wait wait wait i'm i'm crazy i could  have just moved my knight oh my god   i could have just moved my knight i'm gonna just  move my knight i could just y'all you guys are   i see this is why 700 shouldn't play this this  right here you guys confuse me you guys confuse me   i played a move i played a logical move defending  my queen and ah this is gonna be such a youtube   blooper now and now he's just down a piece you see  why this is bad for a 700 because five moves in my   opponent's down a piece come on guys so look look  look the the point there is that black is playing   on this queen pin but then i defended my queen so  he had to take my knight and he just didn't so i   mean i i'm kind of terrible so i just played this  move because i spaced out for a second but okay   well you're up a piece let's teach these viewers  how to win up a piece huh you guys are driving me   insane right now it's mainline theory levy what  are you the guy lost a piece on the fifth move okay i'm gonna take this is why we don't memorize theory okay now knight a3 because i have nowhere else to put my  knight does he see this my bishops are stacked okay i'm winning so i like a bishop  trade i definitely like a bishop trade   and i also will offer a trade of rooks you're up  a full night you can you can trade some pieces uh   that attacks my bishop i will take his  rook i'm assuming he's gonna okay i will   offer another trade of rooks so this is total  simplification the next person to play me will be   christophe b kristof b could you please get into  live chess kristoff b i'm gonna try to jump around   the queue today guys there's a lot of people uh  and i feel as though i cannot play 50 people at   the same time i want to try to keep it about you  know an hour maybe 90 minutes so i'm gonna try to   jump around the queue and if we can bump him bump  up the queue to kristoff b try to play everybody   you know 800 900 a thousand okay let's take this  pawn that's all i did here he should not trade   all his rooks he should not trade his rooks  now i'm going to pick up some of his knights   all right let's bring the knight  back and let's swing this forward that's not attacking anything a4 okay let me play a5 now i actually can play a6 because my opponent   cannot bring the king closer to  the pawn because of my knight okay that's a free pawn now again he can't bring  his king oh and that's what i was waiting for   he was in the square the  square two squares to the right   two down this is where his king had to be to stop  my pawn from promoting he got closer but he let my   pawn go i know the night is worth more than the  pawn but when the pawn becomes a queen it is ggo bishop under attack but bishop can take  the pawn and now you the easiest way to win   this as a beginner is to make a second  queen so that is what i'm going to do   i also have a check you should always look  for a check this check will win a bishop   that doesn't really stop him make a second  queen and please do not resign i also would   like to demonstrate to the beginners of the  day we're watching the easiest way to win   so make a second queen and then we will  chase this king down with two queens boom now a lot of people get confused how to do a  ladder mate on an open board you need to find   the fastest way to cut the king off either  vertically or horizontally you can do that   by playing the move c4 now the queen cuts the  king off you bring this queen all the way back   and that's it checkmate in two moves  check and we have a lot of mates sunk pick one all right kristoff b you are the next opponent let's go and i guess most instructive thing  here we had a little bit of opening drama i   was informed that this gambit in the petrov  defense where you both take is apparently   an opening this is not bad it used to be bad when  i was younger but uh it's apparently something   that you can try now this is the only thing about  this position is that if you're going to play like   this you need to not blindly memorize moves you do  have to understand why every single move is played   and the whole point here is that the queen  is not guarded and the knight cannot move   once i guarded okay forget about this move for  a second but you can't just play like this i   consolidated develop my pieces and after i got all  my pieces out simplified try to win the end game   by promoting two queens easiest  way to win all right 2-0 first off b here we go e4 this guy's  870 what has he got for me cara khan so kara khan black wants to play d5 now i'm not gonna go here in my opinion e5 is the is  the easiest way to play against the karo khan but   what i'm going to do is i'm going to  play the exchange karakan because i   feel like for a beginner this  is the easiest thing to learn   you play just simple chess knight  f3 okay just play knight f3 normally you play bishop d3 and c3  you play c3 so he can't play knight b4   okay play c3 you can't play knight  before i'm gonna pull my bishop out   i'm gonna defend my knight  goes here it covers this knight   queen always likes to come out this  way when you see the bishop leaving   you can play a move like this and now you are  attacking this weak b7 pawn in the karakan okay uh there is a problem with this move okay  and it has to do with my opponent's king safety   normally in this position you can just castle  that is the simplest however you can punish   opening mistakes very early and that's the whole  point of this raiding climb i'm going to play   bishop b5 because he does not have a bishop or a  pawn that can guard his knight since he does not   have a bishop or a pawn that can guard his knight  he's going to have to do it with a rook or a queen   or a king i suppose and all those things  lose because i am getting to his king before   he castles if his king was castled none of  this would be possible right now i play 95   and he's simply losing so this is the thing  opening mistakes can be punished very early   as they pertain to the king and hanging pieces be  very careful playing moves like b6 especially if   they destabilize the knight on c6 okay so bishop  b5 we quickly take advantage get a nice win and that's it now this is the  queue my friends for today oh i thought there was a command apparently  there isn't a command queen d7 runs into 95   all the same now the question is what do  i take here with the bishop of the knight i think i will take on c6 queen b6 no you can also play queen c8 the thing  is that you you can be passive here with the queen   as long as you don't weaken your your diagonal  to your king okay now we pick up the knight on c6 what's up kind of pink jake getting that  getting that youtube and twitch shout   out big boss okay i'm winning so i can take a  bishop i will trade some pieces i'm in a castle so now that i'm up a piece what do i do of  course i want to bring my rooks to the center   of the board i really want to make trades  and i'm not going to teleport rook f1 to f4 and really the the biggest question is where on  which side of the board am i going to be attacking   right i'm winning but on which side of the  board am i going to be attacking if i am going   to be attacking on either side or any side  of the board okay that just helps my cause   so i'm just gonna take that because we're gonna  do this very simply um what do i do with my queen   on push pawn push just bring the rooks i  think this move is relatively straightforward   it activates the rook and  i'm attacking the e4 pawn that move counter attacks on f4 i  play it rookie four he attacks my rook let's just take i mean i i'm defending it's fine i think this is fine he attacks my rook i just  moved my rook his queen no longer attacks my   bishop let's eat some food by the way i do have  some lunch here with me today so some salmon   salmon lucy made with some  arugula salad corn cucumbers   and avocado if someone watching on youtube now  doesn't know where to find pictures of food   gotta join the discord i'm gonna drop this  rook back i could reinforce it actually   that's probably a better move but i'd like  to go here and pin his bishop to his queen what's wrong with bishop d6  the queen is attacking my rook seems like a small problem yeah ruchi iii exactly bishop e5 is a move yes i see a lot  of you suggesting different ideas   yes there should be five in rook g3 he doesn't  have a lot of time okay he plays this that   weakens this pawn but he is guarding it with  the bishop now i see a little fork all right so that move looks like it wins material and the way you find stuff like this is chex  captures attacks i mean i did have a plan   but his move gave me a new tactical idea  right and so okay i just take with the   rook i mean i take the rook i don't take with  the rook now i want to bring this guy i feel   like i am not playing with my rook so let's  bring the rook to work with the other rook and we are relaxing okay don't get tunnel vision  the queens also see each other if this queen was   not guarded i can bet that some people watching  would have taken this pawn and hung a queen   lucky for me i mean i am at the same time  my my queen is protected but you do need to   think about when pawns move not  just looking at what can take but what doors open and what pieces see  each other so he plays e5 i will take on e5 i will take this as well c5 that's not  really an attack let me attack his bishop now attacking his rook  let's see if he sees my idea   uh he didn't this opened the door for my  rooks and now my rooks attack his bishop check we don't have to make a queen here depending  on where he puts his king okay i'm gonna take   this with check which will force his king to come  forward or to h6 the bishop is protecting the rook um now do not give a check like this  because your bishop is serving a job   of protecting your rook you cannot check  with the rook but you do have a second rook king h5 if you go here he just goes back  you can take but you have mate and two here   pawn check forward king comes forward  and now you free up that square king on the edge of the board will run down and  try to take your stuff rook h6 and we get the win   8 21 okay tara khan defense the simplest thing  to do when you're starting out is to take and   develop the way i did with the bishop  and the knight bring the queen out to b3   he made a mistake and with his king in the center  ran into a pin but if he had played more solidly   then we castle and then the game goes  on i recommend putting a knight on e5   trying to work on this diagonal rookie one and  the game goes on just an easy symbol to understand   parakon weapon okay all right random pawn into  live chess please get into live chess please random pawn 920 let's see what random pawns  got for me we've seen this this and this so far   which one of them is going to get played for sure   one of them is going to get played  for oh right there's also this okay traditional sicilian defense knight f3 i'm gonna  play the close sicilian e4 c5 lungio thank you for   the five gifted subs the youtube folks are not  gonna know anything about gifted subscriptions   but uh you should guys you guys should come check  out the twitch channel it's pretty awesome here   g3 this is the closed sicilian  defense you put the bishop on g2 try to play d3 bring this  bishop out being the queen   and you're trying to play f4 you try to make this  outward bowl of pawns against the sicilian defense   h3g4 in the future and you will  start a kingside attack okay   knight f3 i really like to play like this i really  recommend this for beginners because it's not   confrontational you you don't get hit okay wait  is that just the free pawn can i just take that and i just take this i think he thinks  that there's queen a5 i think that's what   he thinks and it's not a bad idea but the  problem is that my knight just comes back okay never mind you just detect okay all   right that was just not a good  move he just gave me a free pun okay just give me a free pawn bishop c6 keep  with my plan castle i'm just getting uh getting   castle before i go on the attack here early early  mistakes now how do you attack on the same side   here play f5 g4 all those moves are possibilities  i'm gonna finish my development i'm gonna play   bishop e3 put the queen here so that bishop and  queen have a battery and anytime there's a bishop i can take this or push now i think i'm going to take let me  explain to you my logic the rook opens up   f5 is a good move but when i take in the  future my rook is going to be on an open file   right and i can play queen d2  and i'm going for this plan   i'm going to trade off his dark squared  bishop which is going to weaken his king   uh also those of you asking why didn't i castle  queenside it's just a choice but normally in this   opening uh your opponent is going to create a  queen side attack and so i just put it on the   same side now checks captures attacks remember how  that was my plan it's not my plan anymore because   this move used to guard this and that's just a  free pawn so you don't have to get tunnel vision   sometimes you can react immediately to an  opponent's move that move hangs upon he just   gives me a free pawn i want you guys to get into  the habit of taking free stuff you will be getting   free stuff from your opponents whoa that is really  free stuff that is just a rook that is just a rook okay well now i don't have this plan but  i do have this plan knight to g5 and uh my   open rook and my knight going a little bit to  work here this is not winning by any stretch of   the imagination the current balance is that oh no  that's another mistake my opponent didn't see this   um i want to take with the rook but actually  knight takes is also good rook attacks the queen   but don't just take stuff because you're attacking  stuff right because then you play something like   queen c5 check you're not trapping the rook so  actually knight takes is better in my opinion   i am threatening to play knight  h6 check which wins the queen and for anybody confused against  what's what we're doing the twitch   crowd uh we are starting at 800 and we're  playing a raid and climb series with   uh one e4 playing against subs we start  a queue about 30 minutes before game time   he moves i can still go knight h6 because it  is protected by my queen let's see what he does he might move to the corner  he might take my knight now i don't want a repetition i want  to continue to improve my position   so how do i do that i can get my rook in the  game by doubling and also play the move knight d5 right so knight d5 is protected by my pawn and  my bishop and it's offering him a trade we've   seen this throughout the day i'm winning so i just  want to trade some of my opponent's active pieces   and he allows me to do that which i'm very  happy about now opening an attack on his bishop   thank you barakui for the sub a  lot of you resubbing appreciate it   and if you're on youtube and you're not  a subscriber yet you're watching right   now this very second i don't  know what you're waiting for okay it is time for tactics it is time for tactics  in this position checks captures and attacks   this is a check this is a check but king goes to  g8 and there is nothing i can't capture anything i   literally cannot capture anything but i have  a move here that is a discovered attack d6   opening the door for the bishop and  by the way that is not the only idea   that is not the only idea and i'm afraid i'm very  afraid i'm very afraid this is also potentially a   an attraction tactic it attracts his queen to  a square and he might think well it's fine i'm   gonna get the bishop there was something else  lurking there so i will take the bishop for free now i'm not sure why he's not taking this free  pawn this is a free pawn at the end of the day   i'm really not sure why he's not taking it  okay just kidding there was knight f7 there   takes 26. now i'm up for rook if he  takes it's game over it's been game over queen now go here bring the bishop back  but the most direct way to play for a win   max danger always look for max danger rook f7  this doesn't win by force but it is the best move   because you use your peace majority to go attack  the king who ways to win a game of chess and he   might play this move which is a very good move  actually but he's not going to play it because there is actually a okay good good attempt but there's two threats not  just queen h7 but queen g7 is the backup plan   ouija 7 was the backup plan and rook f7  is unfortunately a type of move where   you cannot prevent both threats you cannot  defend against queen h7 and queen g7 rook f7   works now in this position he could  have played the following move   he could have played queen b6 check that's why  you always should look for a check and if king   g2 he actually takes my bishop with another check  however because white can hide from the checks   there's just no more checks i mean that's  not really a check again you cannot defend   against both threats that's really that's just  unfortunately the reality of the situation it is   winning so i highly recommend against the  sicilian the closed sicilian this is just   one of my you know i'm going to play  different openings every time but   i just developed my pieces a couple of small  things here opening the position in terms   of thinking how your pieces are activated and  reacting to opponents moves that used to protect   something cool and oh my goodness we just got a  raid for mana chess anna hope you're doing well   uh we are doing an e4 rating climb i need mo  day mo day in live chess please join live chess there's mode we are starting at 800 today  we're currently at 800 and what's my rating   31 slow climb playing folks that  are 800 to 1200 another scandinavian okay takes if you're 800 stick around  now last time i played knight f3 so   this time i'm going to play knight c3  just going to give you different weapons   against this i should tell you that they  want you to go here so that they'll play this   so delay knight f3 play bishop c4 this  is a little bit more flexible of a move   it puts an attack on f7 it's very  venomous our opponent might play knight f6 and look at that someone just got  the e4 course let's play knight   f3 now i will show you the true power of this move i will show you the true power of this move bishop g4 is a natural scandinavian  approach to the position trying to trade   oh they blundered they blundered no  they blundered bishop takes f7 they   have to play knight f6 before that bishop  takes f7 no a scandy player goes down   f in the chat for the scandy player and the  whole point here is that if king takes i go   knight g5 with a check and he can't  take my queen i take back it's gg so scandy players be very careful bishop f5  or knight f6 has to go first and i this is   why i did it oh my oh my that's brave that is  brave okay that doesn't work because covered   but bishop d5 is an idea and i i think this is  gonna happen and then we're gonna get this this   and then the oh no i'm scared i'm scared i'm just  bringing my bishop back here attacking the night   uh new folks uh drop a follow  hang around we've got a   fun show in store today i'm gonna be doing  this for the next two hours basically so okay so i i i can take and  i and i have been taking   to simplify the position i don't know what my  opponent's thinking about here let's play h3   okay takes but that's not the right approach my  opponent should be keeping the bishop the queen   comes out the queen now attacks this i have a  really bad feeling my opponent is going to play   this move defending this pawn and completely  forget about this let's see what happens and   my next idea is just a castle i've  been castling short because it's been   available a lot of you have been asking should  i castle this way also possible also possible got 7 100 viewers that is an astounding  number thank you so much for that   that's a good move king b7 okay castles wow and another donation for the courses now   my friends what's the best move here youtube  folks just be patient with me for a second what is what is the best move here for  white what do you guys think   we've had a king on the other side of the board  before we had it a couple of games ago have you   been paying attention yes yes b4 but of course  before i mean you've got the queen lined up   right you got the queen lined up you got to  go for this he wants ease wants to cover it   we ain't letting that happen b5 is on the  way rook b1 line up all the pieces to attack   the king i mean you might as well i mean you  might as well right rook b1 and b5 let's go   let's go we gotta get to the king now some  of you asking levy you said simplifying is   good what about knight e4 fine but the king  is so weak in this position that you might   as well just attack it right that's  not a bad move so the idea is that b5   takes takes don't mess this up so i'm gonna play  rook b1 so the rook is on the other side okay okay that king used to protect something  what did that king used to protect   one did the king used to protect c6 so don't get tunnel vision the king used  to guard the c6 pawn and now we just take it   and uh this is this is rough now we're up  two pawns the king is very weak now what my   opponent should do is probably trade the queen  okay that's not a bad move i like that move   i really would like to play  bishop here also sacrificing   he has asked me a lot when to sacrifice  right right now is when you sacrifice right now is when you sacrifice  th this is a winning move   uh the point being that upon captures capture  shout out to god mature rookie one and the queen   in the corner is the problem the king is just  totally stranded here so my opponent does not have   a king move he has to take take or take with the  rook and give away the rook did i have to do that   no i could have played a lot simpler but you guys  asked me a lot about these kinds of things and that is uh that is when you would sacrifice  right here okay take with check king b8   and rook a1 we had this in the first  game pattern recognition queen and rook   same line queen guards the rook regards the  queen let's go let's go queen e8 checkmate   opponent could survive this with  some good play could survive this but gonna be tough now surviving this would have been possible  had my opponent played something like queen d5   stopping this um but uh then i would have  probably played queen a7 and here is where   you can employ these simplification idea trade  the queen and win this endgame position where   you obviously have a huge material advantage but  again a different weapon against the scandinavian   early on with knight c3 and bishop c4 and people  who play this with the black pieces you got to   be very careful not blundering bishop takes  f7 you have to be very very careful with this   next player is mlseg our last  900 rated player of the day and then there we then we will play the  one thousands all right e4 here we go e5 so last time i played knight f3 this time i  will play knight f3 again because we got a petrov   we didn't get knight c6 now a lot of different  things you can play here i'm going to go for   el clasico alfie cuatro bishop c4 knight f6 this  allows the fried liver attack knight to g5 let's   see how well my opponent knows the fried liver  attack d5 that is the best move pawn takes d5   that is the best move now knight takes d5 here  standard practice not the best move though   because now you have kaboom kablam  knight takes f7 with an exclamation mark   the king takes queen f3 check hits the knight  and the king what's up hearthstone in the chat   hearthstone you made an appearance on my last  rating climb you're back on this one this is the   best move knight c3 rolling in here with all this  pressure and uh i actually got comments on that   youtube video when i when i shout out hearthstone  with the raid and people are like i don't know   how's the play chess that's so cool so this is  the point it's very dangerous for black if he's   looking at an openings database right now he will  find the best moves i hope he's not doing that   those of you that want my playlist by the way  man i feel bad for youtube they can't hear it   there's just the command it's just the playlist  command all right knight back to e7 that's not a   bad move i actually don't know the right move  here theoretically um but with the king stuck   in the center i don't think i have to do anything  insane i'm actually just gonna castle play rookie   1 and d4 this is sort of the problem with the  fried liver allowing it is that even though black   is up a piece black's king is god knows where  just stuck in the direct center of the board right so now we just await the move c6 is a good move i  can play d4 right away probably and i will do it   because it's more forcing all right so d4 if he  takes wasting another move opening his king rookie   one check now the best move in the fried liver is  knight to b4 but then white can play crazy stuff   all right is this really like survivable really  this is very brave so let's think rookie one   king d7 takes takes takes he doesn't have to  take but he could also have takes takes bishop b5   i also just don't have to take i can maybe  pin his knight sacrifice a piece but look i   feel like beginners here would be playing moves  like rookie one so that's what i'm going to play   what's up reigns how are you uh gallo appreciate  you uh getting the course we're going to raffle   that off another thing that the youtube folks miss  man i don't think that they miss and listen i'm   only calling all of you out personally because  we're live streaming this all right i got to   keep two sets of folks entertained so hopefully  y'all uh come on over rookie one is a good move   but maybe this king is gonna escape i still don't  quite believe i still do not quite believe in this   oh queen she threw i mean the king wants to escape  so that's the first thing that i'm thinking of   don't let the king escape use a diagonal  check don't let the king escape the only   move is king c5 on king c5 i have knight  a4 if king c4 i have queen b3 mate ggo king wants to run knight a4 check take my  bishop i dare you take my bishop i dare you let's go let's go the king on c4 is not going to  get it done even at the cost of two pawns look my   opponent could have absolutely played that better  some of you asking what about king d7 those of   you asking about king d7 you're making a very fair  point that would have been the best move for sure   for sure and probably my idea here  was to play something like knight e4   i think that that was my point i want to set up  either queen d6 knight c5 and just in general   a very very vicious king hunt i also  could have maybe played knight takes d5 c   takes d5 and bishop b5 here is the bottom  line when you are 960 when you are 960 you   cannot weaken your king to such an extent  okay that's the point that's the point you   should not allow the fried liver because  it weakens your king to such an extent okay and for those of you that are curious  a little bit of a better option than   allowing the fried liver is just to play  bishop c5 okay it doesn't really matter it doesn't really matter that  i'm my rating obviously and   i am playing somebody who potentially  is would be playing against folks that   would not find the best move it is always  scarier to have a weak king it doesn't   matter whether you're playing 900s 1  thousands whatever it does not matter   it's just very scary to have such a weak king  and so the fried liver attack i mean to this day   is a dangerous weapon and i wanted to include  it uh in in one of the games of the climb so all right we make it to the 1000's tj murphy  let's go i want to see you in live chess big boss   let's start the games tj murphy is next e4 on  the board we've had scandinavian multiple times   um we've had e5 multiple times  e5 again i will play knight f3   again for now we'll play only knight f3  and time to take a sip of the lake rocks   do i play bishop c4 i think i'm gonna play  d4 let's play a scotch let's play a scotch scotch opening very very good system my opponent  is already thinking i do recommend this as well   what that's not a move is it i've never  seen this move in my life so i could take   i mean people do do this they leave this pun i  can play knight c3 i can push i'm out of theory   too he's out of theory everybody's out of theory  um if i take and he takes can i trap his knight this is confusing i don't know what do you  guys want me to do should i take is e5 free   e5 looks free d5 also looks pretty good   let's take i mean i feel like if they leave  it here and it's free we should take it but this is not so bad i actually  think the better move was to play d5   i think the better move is d5 but it's okay and uh if you're okay okay now i don't want  him to go here i'm just gonna play bishop   c4 i'm setting up something really vicious we  just saw fried liver game and uh oh no oh no so   first of all i have this this queen d5 forking  the king in the night but does this move win yeah i think it does queen d5 bishop  f7 but queen d5 is also possible it's this hits this it's this no i mean the  thing is you you can win very quickly if you play   aggressively and when you're an e4 player whether  you play the scotch the fried liver you know we   had um we had a petrol earlier soon i'm gonna stop  playing knight f3 i mean from from here on out i'm   gonna right now the best move here is to maintain  a vision of the bishop okay so king or king f1   i mean we should probably play a  delayed bong cloud with king e2 so f2 is hit this is hit i can't mate i can't  mate because it's check i have to move my king up okay take the knight and we've won a knight he's  bringing the bishop back now he wants the castle   my king's weak i can mock my rook back and also  play knight c3 knight d5 can also play bishop g5   uh i think i'm gonna develop a knight because i  like i like this knight coming to d5 um that's a   checkmate threat this is also a checkmate threat  knight d5 oh man there's just so many options   there's so many options so many options i like the  prospect of getting one more piece into the game let's go knight t5 let's go knight t5 i like hitting the  queen like this this is safe the king   is pretty safe i mean you always have  to look at checks but i could take that so we have a little bit of a weak  king but unlike the last game   our king can't really be attacked that's  the difference is that in the last game   my opponent was suffering with the weak king it  was under some pressure but oh that doesn't work   oh and we have a beautiful mating combination  why to move checkmate in three he is doing   equal danger but he forgot that when i take  it's a check and then we have made in three   check check mates oh my goodness that  is nice and the bishop cuts the king   check check mate oh that is that is nice i  mean that's a nice little tactical sequence   there always look for checks and sometimes  just looking for checks in tactical patterns   actually gets you the win very nice bishop on c4  is the killer now i will also offer people who   face the scotch an antidote take it just take  the take the damn pawn but do not take again   do not take again from here on out bishop c5 very  simple setup for the scotch for anybody that wants   one bishop c5 queen f6 and 97 and you do this  so that the queen guards and you have potential   pressure like this this is how i like to play the  scotch with queen f6 knight e7 and short castle and for anybody confused about the  tactical sequence there when i took on e7   it was a double check that is why he could not  play because it was really the bishop that was   causing the problem here better move here for my  opponent would have been something like queen d8   because if he plays queen e6 i have a check  anyway a discover check which wins the queen   and that gets us the win well my opponent just  wasn't prepared for a uh for a sconch but this   is why you do this this is why you play against  me because it's better to play against me and i   do this and i get a win sledge let's go e4 we've  had e4 e5 we've had a bit of a streak there e45   another karo khan last time i faced this this time  i will play a karaoke known as the two knights   the two knights karo khan where you  play like this and you defend he takes uh we are gonna have bishop c4 again for sure so  he took place bishop f5 so now i can't play uh   bishop's e4 but i can move my knight to g3 which  will attack his bishop right very common he does   that um now let's test his karakan abilities uh  that bishop can get trapped with okay he plays   like this that is actually inaccurate he should  be playing the pawn to h6 because now i have   knight e5 which would attack his bishop  and hit this but i'm not going to play that   because beginners will be mostly just developing  their pieces knight e5 is the punishment move   but i want to teach you guys you know good  principles as well bishop c4 is a good move   putting another pawn in the center um oh man 95 is  so good uh 95 95 but i'm going to be nice i'm just   going to get my pieces out but knight e5 he needs  to stop me from going 95 caracon players you need   to not allow knight e5 if he lets me play at this  time i'm gonna i'm gonna play it knight e5 is is   dominant all right he's played he's played the  move now i just keep developing all my pieces own it we actually have the  dono song but it's it's playing but it's playing uh as a regular song   when the run is over today uh when we get through  our queue of players i will um i will we will do   a giveaway of the of the course now guys i'm going  to castle queenside i have not cancelled queenside   throughout most of this run but now  i will be making the queenside castle it is happening a lot of people have been  asking me why aren't you castling queenside   but i've already pushed the pawn in  front of my king so why would i castle queenside when does it make sense to castle queenside  if you've already pushed some pawns   right so he's probably going  to castle short because i mean   he is far from a queenside castle  really but i just want to scare him gotta bring my rook okay he's  also trying to queen side castle   if i know that he's also  trying to queenside castle what if i jump my knight  into the center of the board no my bishop does not block it my friends no no no   queenside castle is like this  this bishop has no role oh no i can take four things one is better  than the other this is the best   this is the move right here because when he takes  that pawn stops guarding and bishop takes e6   he's devastating my bishops are way too  strong this could be a quick game it's   not just about the opening you play the  karaoke you've got to know your variations so my bishop does not block the queenside  castle here yeah i was thinking to go for   a bowden's mate but the queen is here which  is a problem i want to play queen here next he can't take sometimes in positions where pins are on the board   things like this are possible and oh my goodness  that is mate and oh my goodness it's not stoppable use pins bing and pow i mean what can you say tough  position tough position as i said oh no   he didn't see it that is that is a tough pattern  the knight cannot move because of the pin   the king cannot move because of the bishop now i  want to teach a car con player about how to play   his opening h6 is necessary e6 is necessary you  need to set up and castle kingside you cannot   play h5 it is two weakening of a move however  you also should not take against the two knights   against the two knights you should bring out  the bishop and reinforce the center on the light   squares okay that is what you should do against  the two knights bring out the bishop reinforce   the center with the light squares and take and  then move on with life that is usually how i play   the kara khan defense now my opponent played it  and actually got a pretty decent position that   was just kind of passive brought the knight into  the center of the board and from there it was uh   it was very difficult to deal with but  next game we get an 1100 we get an 1100   e4 what will the 1100 play against this the 1100 will get e4 e5 and a  vienna we have played knight f3   now i played this setup against the close  sicilian guy right but you can also do it   here now the next time i play the vienna i'm  going to play bishop c4 but today i'm going to   play g3 in bishop g2 and d3 so we're playing the  exact same setup that we did against the close sicilian f4 is a little bit dangerous with the bishop on c5  let's play h3 and since i could play f4 last time   i cannot play f4 because it will stop me  from castling so you play h3 to castle   and play king h2 defending the h3  pawn king h2 i don't need to take   that there's no need he could take me  but then i just take with the queen and now i'm ready to play my f4 move so   vienna game against king's pawn with g3 very  solid very non-standard castles king h2 now f4 and we relax take with a queen   this is the idea or taking and opening up the  rook we already saw that before in another game they both look good though i'm not gonna  lie to you they both look very interesting i want to teach you all pattern recognition i want  to play moves like bishop g5 but i just feel like   ah i gotta go f5 this game i'm very sorry i  mean the just forcing this bishop to retreat   back like this and then pawn storm i mean how  can we not like this how can we not like this   this is the only active piece chief oh but g5  is oh my goodness it's still playable because   the pawn defense look at this we are not  afraid this is the full power of the vienna   unleashed oh my goodness f6 or even bring in  the queen or take and open the rook oh man oh but f6 is so nice he just can't move  any pieces queen now that's not mate well if he plays like that i could get a  mate i think trading the bishop is good   getting to his king will be difficult here  here here go here though right don't do that let's go queen e1 drop the queen back and go like  this also queen f2 so don't make one move blunders   please always look at what they can capture please   don't go here what is he forgetting about  the unpeasant rule and by the way by the way   i'm not even sure here is the  best move because if i do that then he goes king h7 and blocks my pawns however  in this position we can shred open all of this does anybody see what i'm doing my pawns are nice yeah yeah yeah and then let's get the queen in  yeah that's that's that's kind of nice   that is kind of nice i mean his king because  of this pawn barrier his king is not able   to get sufficient defense not able to get  sufficient defense and now we take this guy too   and we're getting closer there's no mate yet  but it's it's on the way because the second   we get the queen to h6 well no no but see the  problem is that we have this and he actually   has to go back he has to keep a knight on  e6 to cover queen g7 mate he has no choice   i need to either find a way to get the  knight out or just mate him on another square   right so rook here he just takes that's  not good rook here doesn't do anything what if we bring the knight that's who we have to bring to the party beep don't get distracted don't get  distracted let's not get distracted i could i could i could take i could take what if i play knight h5 knight g7 knight h5 just all about king safety here i'm giving all the pawns away i don't i really should oh  no no no no no no no no no no no i just why okay well no no no too many  people no no oh the pawn the f-pun the f-pawn took   everybody oh no no oh no oh no he lost the queen  and two rooks in three moves oh no oh goodness well we're learning that's what we're doing  here this is a learning stream i could just   take we're good oh boy um we we have an advantage  here where white is a little bit better here all right queen g8 ah that's a good move that's a good move i like   that move i'm gonna play bishop d2  because i want to get my rook out   again you don't need to fight with the only  piece that you have like you don't need to bring   the queen everywhere okay we gotta get her give  everybody in the game get everybody in the game okay check i can also take but then he  takes wow that was terrible arrow drawing   ah if i take the bishop used to guard this  that that should be checkmate there should   be a checkmate there there should be a  checkmate there is a checkmate in fact   let's bring in the rook force the king up  there must be a checkmate maybe i should   have played bishop b4 first actually to  prevent this really no checkmate here   really oh okay well he plays like i mean yeah but  this is okay this is okay now again rook and queen   this the easiest thing just make a second queen  um just make a second queen so i'll play rook f6   i'll play rook f6 okay take  just get rid of it check promote the pun easy check promote the pun  i've been teaching you guys the whole day   that this is the easiest way to win games  at this level just promote the pun oh he caught me with a pre-move wow that was mean the lesson is  also don't freaking pray move i mean i'm still winning but good try good try i  also have queen before luckily luckily my queen   can come back and stop his pawn but that was a  little bit scary oh man students huh beating me up takes okay now it's over check he's not actually playing so bad like i can't  i don't have another way to get this queen in   i think i think i'm just gonna have to win this  spot first oh man ah that's this is real fresh   all right now the queen's getting in  and he's in trouble he's in trouble all right fastest way to win and like this it's going to be  made it's going to be made very   guy's finding really good moves  this is not stalemate because he   can move his bishop but it's going to  be made on the next move no matter what this guy keeps finding the one  move to stop me from mating him he found the one move check and here wow this  guy is a savant of defense appreciate all the   new subscriptions by the way i do see you guys  um okay look the lesson is against e4e5 you don't   always need to play knight f3 you can play like  this and go for f4 and storm the kingside pawns   kind of an interesting game i think that we  played and maybe another instructive moment here   do not take on pissant why because he's gonna  go here setting up something called the umbrella   pawn and you are not going to have an easy time  breaking through this structure unless you get   your knight to that square or play h4 h5 so  don't always take on passant because you can   and bishop f3 sacrificial idea that we played  in the game to get the two pawns for the piece   but open up his king hope that was uh hope  that was instructive for people hey cody   we've got four more people in the  queue and that is it for the day we will pause after that hey cody is not online morga cole you need to be in  a live chance morgan call i   will skip and we skip over to morgan call e4 didn't i have mate instead of taking the  queen maybe another e45 i will play knight c3   this is again the vienna last time i played this  this time i will play knight c3 and bishop c4 now if he copies me ah well this wouldn't be an  e4 speed run if i didn't plug my e4 course so   my friends this is chapter two and when they play  the copycat variation the best line not knight f3   queen g4 appreciate it silently thank you for the  five gifted queen g4 in the copycat hitting g7   let's go now let's see the best move here for  black is queen f6 it defends and it attacks so queen f6 must be played and now we wait what does he play queen f6  on the board i really hope that this guy's   not stream sniping this is actually a losing  move because of knight d5 allowing queen f2   i'm telling you this line is so vicious if you  try the copycat with queen g4 you will catch   people every single time this is a threat this is  a threat this is a threat oh no oh knight d5 is so   brutal i've had people play queen f2 king d1  queen f1 thinking it's mate and lose their queen   oh no so i just am doing this for the purpose of  showing people different opening weapons that they   can use because we got five or six kings pawns  today and knight d5 and he has played it king   d1 and now there is the threat of this and the  threat of this so what will he play some people   here play a move like king f8 king f8 sidesteps  knight c7 being a fork and defends the g7 pawn so let's see what he plays there is also a very hidden trap amongst  all of this and he might fall for it wow someone has a bishop f8 what i've never seen that move i've been  playing into this variation a lot   and i have never seen that move  uh okay so knight c7 wins a rook knight h3 goes for a queen trap but then  he plays queen c5 so i guess i just take i guess i just take now there  is something very venomous   hidden amongst all this i wonder if he sees it  and then i have to find a very accurate move   okay he didn't see it but it was there to be  played uh so now i'm up right we're up a lot   of material uh our night is trapped so what do  we do well let's get all of our pieces developed   and first things first maybe we offer some sort of  simplification of the position he does always have   the queen dropping back to c5 uh so maybe we play  something like queen f3 to start hmm or knight h3   it's tough to say or queenie two  queen e2 maybe just be solid queen e2   here's the other thing you don't want to get hit  with d5 okay you do not want to get hit with d5 because d5 will hit the bishop and the queen  and there was a reason he didn't have it   oh my gosh two raids for the  price of one easy with aces   shout out to my man easy with aces we're  doing a rating climb with only e4 we're   playing subscribers also recording for youtube  so i'm being mildly more professional than usual   i'm gonna go d3 and get my bishop out that's  my next plan i am teaching easy with aces for   pogchamps too youtube people if you don't know you  haven't seen my lessons with him you really should   all right now we just gotta get these bad  boys out let's get the bishop out we're   hitting this queen we're up a full rook  we are up a full rook playing in 11 57   using our vicious vienna preparation the compy cat  line with queen g4 gangsta stuff okay place queen   a5 i'm just gonna keep on developing my knight is  stuck but what are you gonna do you know what are   you gonna do another idea here to storm this queen  is to play c3 and b4 and i might do it right now   i might do it right now also trading pieces  just helps me so let's take h6 and then i'm   gonna go here and i'm going there because b4  and his queen doesn't have a lot of squares two more games after this we're going to play the  real xkd and we're going to play abdul rahman are   both of you here xkd and abdulrahman because  if you're not that will be the end of the queue   uh and hey cody if you're back if you're  back i will also give you a game but you   weren't here you have to be in live chess all  right let's play b4 if queen a4 just bishop b3   it's not a queen trap actually his queen  what that's more material for me okay i am   officially up a lot of material i've been  up material i'm up a lot of material um queen c2 let me tell you why i like queen c2 my  king is safe and i've got bad intentions coming   up on this c file i got bad intentions  coming up it ain't going to be pretty   rook c1 on the way we about to ship it we about  to ship it i've been telling you guys all day you   can either trade pieces when you're at material or  you can go bing bang pow bing boom and get a win   okay so i see his idea though he does want this   so let's stop that now i also could have had  bishop f7 to stop his king from running but queen trade well i can't say no i'm  up material i can't say no i can't   take this let's go bishop d5 we'd like to  win this pawn so that we save our knight   i also have to move my king and get this rook in  the game i also need to move my knight because   my knight can't really move forward so we're  going to have a lot of reroutes in this game   routing pieces away from where they're currently  standing he gives me a check that's an absolutely   terrifying move i play king e2 and i have an extra  rook and an extra knight that's not a bad move   but i do take i think right i do just take  am i knight has officially a protector   assuming what does he play rugby eight  rook b8 maybe okay that move attacks this   i'll just move it up one square also  could have brought my king right over   now my game plan to win this is to bring this  bishop back and infiltrate with the rockers if   i can get my rocks into the game as well as my  knight to this juicy f5 square d5 we're going   to mess him up big time rook b1 let's go we're  winning bigly we are going to be winning bigly bishop d5 it's the rook we are going to be  winning bigly e5 is not hanging you memers   there it is rook b7 on the board he's gonna run  for it i'm gonna take a pawn i have invaded with   my rook and i've taken a free pawn i'm also  attacking this big boy he's not gonna see that   he does not know that rooks go backwards and he  missed that the rook that the bishop was hanging   i did call it and now the second rook has to fly  in the second rook has to join the party it is the   only way that we're going to win this game no it's  not we have a lot more material well what to say   what to say yeah let's bring the second rook  just as i said my opponent does not have a   lot of time he will not be equipped  to deal with two very angry rooks and we win and we cross over to  900. so another e4 e5 for the books   symmetrical variation we did not play g3 queen g4  now you guys are wondering what to do when they   play knight f6 watch my how to crush with e4 video  but in this particular game he played knight c6   and win the copycat queen g4 a vicious move queen  f6 does lose on the spot to this move knight d5   the king f8 and g6 are both possible to keep the  game going and you know but if you'd like to play all right so hey cody one last chance hey cody  are you in live chess one last game or two where's cody at he's got 10 seconds  10 9 8 7 6 5 4 three two one yikes all right the real xkd the last guy of the day tara khan actually i think maybe we'll have one more we will  replace cody in the queue okay i took and i played   the two nights it is time for the advanced car  con the most critical variation he plays c5 now   the best way to play against this  is to take it you should take it   and when they attack your pawn you  should play f4 that's what you should do then you should develop your knight you should  develop your bishop you should also hang on to   this pawn for dear life with bishop e3 so you see  he's trying to get all his pieces out and win my   pawn back he can get he can get his pieces out but  don't let him get the pawn back you got this pun okay so scapy will replace scapy are you  here you will play the final game of the day   just going live chess after  this yes a very common mistake   a very common mistake he thinks that he's checking  me and he's going to win this pawn back now i can   either play c3 bishop c5 and b4 or i can just play  queen to two i think i can just play queen to two   i'm pretty sure i can just play queen d2 i need to  say it to myself a few times and it'll come true   i think it can play queen to two and here's  the point here's the point here's the point   because when i play knight bd2 i should have  taken with the king that was pretty stupid i'm still better but i should have taken  with the king i mean he just had this   he just whoops no more but you know taking  on c2 is still kind of dangerous for him   as i have bishop b5 and all these moves okay  let's just develop in castle just castle just castle so again against the advanced car  con c5 you take take against knight c6 you play   like this that's not attacking anything so i just  castle life is good i could play bishop b5 here   but he's defending so it's not as strong  if he played b6 i would have played it now   a very common other idea here is to play h3 and  try to make this bishop feel a little bit stuck   so probably he has to go here when he  plays that i'll drop my knight into d4 that's the next point here i can't play  b4 i'd love to play b4 but he just takes   play a3 b4 but my other idea  is to just trap his bishop takes there's an issue with  this move what's the issue the bishop blocked so knight d2 take it play 92 back ah but here i have the glorious move  and peasant he went here and peasant   kaboom kaboom and we're up two points that move is  why and peasant was invented my dear friends rook   d8 no attack let's go attack something else i'm a  greedy man i see something that we can attack and   i want to go attack it and when he plays king f7  i am going to play the gorgeous move which i can't   say right now because maybe he'll stop it and i  predict what we're gonna get is this this this   this this this and he can't take because of this  and then we're gonna win that everybody got that that's actually a very good move so if i take  he gets his knight in the game but i kind of   don't want to take i think i should just push  his knight is going to be super passive now but the question is how do i continue to make  progress in this position and deal damage   and i think i have found my solution how would  you guys do it you could pause here if you'd like   just kidding we're live streaming  we can't pause bishop h6 and his rook is trapped so his rook can't go  here right we go here and the rook is trapped okay it's actually not a bad move at all i take  its check i just take the rookie takes this guy   so i'm going to be mean i'm going to take this  with check he actually has to take his king   has no legal moves everything's covered so when  he takes i take back and i'm still forking him oh no that's just the full rook push the pawn i mean i see a pass pawn another  option here for white would have been rook f2 to   just trade the rook off i have been talking about  simplifying throughout the course of this video   push the pawn and now when he goes here i can get  this pawn through by playing the move bishop g7   sacrifice that forces the king away  from the square and now we promote   he has offered me a draw he will not be receiving  a draw he has resigned we pick up some raiding so another lesson against the stronger 1250  rated player advance kara khan very vicious   c5 take that knight c6 defend  and then hang on to your c5 pawn   all right now here he could have taken on c2 i  did just straight up make a mistake i would have   had to play bishop b5 and start putting pressure  you'll remember in the second or third game of   the video my opponent also had a weak king like  this uh weeknight but there the pawn was on b6   and was not protecting the knight and for  that reason we were able to put some pressure   uh and we have one last game for the day one  last game for the day it will be against escaping   we will hit about 90 minutes of game time here  now really from from just one quick point about   analyzing this game is that i blocked with the  queen because i didn't want him to be able to take   i had played something like knight d2 he  would have taken on c5 and he would have   been completely okay but by training the queen  and then being up my pawn i just developed and   castled later moved like h3 because i saw  his bishop and nowhere to go and a trade   and replace my knight where it used to stand  on passant won a second pawn and kept it going   so always looking for attacking and forcing moves  escapee is 700 and he also plays the karo khan   well i'm gonna end with a trick  line against the karo khan knight c3 alright so queen f3 so knight c3 and queen f3 let's play e5 very tricky system this early queen move   he's using the concept of danger levels  because if i take his knight he takes my   queen but the problem is that his knight is  still hanging so where should i move my queen one of these two squares so that it  maintains vision on the g4 bishop   and so when his knight moves i take his bishop so   already we saw you know a trick on the fourth  move and really the biggest problem is that   he doesn't have a convenient square he can't  really come forward if he plays knight d7 yeah   well i can either take or take first i'm gonna  take the knight first and then take the bishop no this is the final game of the day in the next  segment uh we are going to be playing okay let's   go knight g5 because he didn't take we're going  to be playing people who are probably about like uh 1200 plus i would say okay well now we can just go  straight for mate oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no all right let's learn you gotta take this guy in  the car con you gotta take this in the karo khan   you gotta take it unless it's the two knights you  don't have to take it but here the other thing   that you can do is you can push but here's the  trick the trick is that if d4 i play bishop c4   i let him take right and i've got queen takes f7  as a possibility and most people play like this   and then i just play knight e2 so  they block in their bishop and it's   a very passive system then you play  d3 knight castle and so on um and so   the best thing is to take take knight  f6 and then i still play bishop c4   so like i said i mean i wanted to end with the  trick variation against the kara khan because   we saw kara khan and e5 more popular than  any other defense um now in the next video   we will continue uh with the climb we're going  i'll pick up the rating points in the middle   and we will see what like you know people who are  like a thousand uh to 1200 primarily are playing   okay if you enjoyed it you made it  this far give it a thumbs up and   uh check out some of my other videos that  are going to appear on that side much love   forces link and discord in the description  take care and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 859,965
Rating: 4.902421 out of 5
Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Gothamchess lessons, Pogchamps, magnus carlsen tour, Hikaru Nakamura, master chess, chess instruction, magnus carlsen, chess commentary for beginners, chess tournament, chess game play, chess tricks, hikaru nakamura, youtube chess, gotham guide, gothamguide, how to play e4, e4 opening, e4 chess opening, gmhikaru, speedrun, caro kann, scandinavian defense, rating ladder, gotham chess, gothamchess
Id: GTJmUt8oyH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 14sec (5594 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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