Strangest Ways How Job Applicants Have Disqualified Themselves

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hiring managers of reddit what's the most strange or cringer-worthy thing a potential candidate has said or done during the interview it received a resume titled zack san at lresume dot doc it wasn't an at l enough spelling errors punctuation problems and not one reference to an antel poor mr sanatel eliminated because of one capitalization error smoking hot woman applying for project manager job spotty job history seemed qualified and interviewed well had a criminal charge on her background check i have to ask her for permission to see the details we use a third party agency she agreed public disorderly conduct basically was semi-naked and drunk on public property in last year of college i chose to ignore it hire her she doesn't even end up reporting to me a year later she comes to thank me said i was the first person to not try to use her minor charge as leverage for freaking as her boss and i was also discreet and never passed on the info post interview this was her fifth job in three years i felt bad for her thankfully it's all been successful ever since you've made a big change in her life that's what it's all about i was doing interviews and got to the standard what is your weakness question the guy's response was personal hygiene i actually did this cause i was nervous is this a picture of your wife she is beautiful that is my 14 year old daughter nice nice i interviewed a 30 year old guy who had gotten all his previous jobs through connections it was his first job interview ever although he turned out to be the sweetest nicest gentlest person you could imagine he looked like alex murdering serial debaucher kidnapper carnal fiend motorcycle gang member psychopath the dude was genuinely scary looking he was super quiet super shy and was so nervous about this interview that he was sweating like crazy overall he wasn't making a good impression he said in the interview i know i look scary and i'm really shy so people think i'm a psycho but it's not like a some freaking criminal i'm just a nice guy he then realized that he said the f word while admitting that people were scared of him he then said i imagine this isn't going very well i ended up hiring him and he was the best worker and one of the nicest people i've ever known in my life i was interviewing a girl to work as a pharmacy technician and during the interview she told me she sells her adderall to her friends i facepalmed because i had a male comment for a pharmacy technician and told us casually he was going to bring spare stock bottles with some extra pills home and research them on top of everything else i was in charge of inventory i asked a candidate if he was bilingual he got shocked and uncomfortable before the eerie awkwardly trying to flirt when i explained what bilingual meant he replied with no i only speak american well i guess he gave you his answer all right it wasn't during an interview but a kid looking to get hired at my store came in and asked to speak to me i was out the day he came in so he asked my co-workers the next day i would be there and plan to come back well two days later when i was back he came back with his grandmother now this didn't bother me at first because we have hired some kids who were too young to drive but had a good head on their shoulders what did bother me is when the kid stood by the door and the grandmother came to talk to me alone she started having the interview for him when i didn't even plan on giving the kid an interview yet she handed me a resume that i'm fairly sure she designed in paint and started spouting off all these really admirable trees about this kid meanwhile he stood by the door and looked straight down at his shoes she told me what a hard worker he was how quick of a learner he was and because this was a retail job she tried to tell me how personable he was i crap you not this lady looked me dead in the eyes with her grandson standing 50 feet away and tried to tell me he was great with people and that he had no problems approaching anyone i was stunned i kindly told her that i would keep his resume on file but at the moment we were not looking for any new employees so she thanks me and shakes my hand and walks over to her grandson she whispers something in his ear and he walks over to me he doesn't say a word and just sticks his hand out at me i went to shake his hand but i'm not entirely sure he understood the concept of a handshake i was grabbing his hand and shaking while he just let his limp clammy hand sit in my grasp until it was over he then turned around and left dude you should have just said hey man come over let me talk to you he was humiliated probably not at his fault now bro stopped using c like two weeks ago was the response to my question about familiarity with agile processes candidate when i was at the university of ohio me your resume says you went to the university of tennessee candidate wait which resume do you have while interviewing a prospective new designer we noticed he'd totally plagiarized a design that was known to us after he repeatedly denied it i just got up and left i am a hiring manager the best i've ever come across is so i can see you have a 16-year gap in your employment history what did you do during that time mainly just walked my dog vacant stairs all around say what you will but this man probably didn't have a patchy lawn full of poop i interviewed a leprechaun once he was a short somewhat overweight guy that was of irish descent had red hair and a beard he chose to wear oval things a green suit to the interview it was hard to keep a straight face especially when my interviewing partner mentioned a rainbow table cryptography and said our code was gold standard and lamented the construction going on at the cloverleaf exit near the office your interviewing partner is the best kind of terrible person every workplace needs someone like him he my favorite was when i had to interview this total bro so many cringer-worthy interview mess-ups i had to hold myself in from laughing when asked about dealing with difficult customers he mentions how he hated dealing with crappy brown people with long but last names i had one recently where the person came in with a tank top and bought shorts then started the interview by saying sorry i was just on a trip in bermuda puts thumbs in tank top straps that's probably why i'm so tan we did not hire this gentleman not a hiring manager but i had used the term lot lizard to describe a job i held at a harley davidson after high school it was on my resume for a few years it took a girlfriend to inform me that a lot lizard is a highway rest stop prostitute that mainly services truckers when i worked in a grocery co-op i had some interesting interviews one really sticks out in my mind me why do you want to work with our company him because you guys don't drug test me we do random drug testing what makes you think that we don't him this is a co-op you guys sell weed why would you drug test that's hypocritical that's how we found out that the receiver on the loading dock was selling drugs out the side door had a girl fresh grad interviewing for a position as an editor at a defense research non-profit i'm just looking for a paycheck while i focus on my real passion blogging about pro wrestling obligatory not my job but my boss is the hiring manager and has a great one he receives not a resume with like bullet points and things you've done in past positions but a first-person narrative giving an account of the applicant's viewing of the storming of the bastille the entire thing used flowery extravagant language to describe the overthrowing of you know a 1700s french prison but then also then gave how that was very much like their proficiency at word and excel and their history of promptness this was for an entry-level assistance position recent college grads and the like they are didn't get the gig i was learning how to do hiring interviews and one candidate showed up in jogging pants why do you wear jogging pants for a job application no one ever recognized that i use it instead of dress pants because i nearly look the same it was really a wtf situation because this is really self-confident he got the job just so you know you will have to wear suits for this job shows up in adidas track suit once a guy came for interview and his old class fellows were already working with me i heard his friends were calling him dldo and he was responding to it normally so the new guy walks into my office while i was about to leave me have a seat dldo i shall talk to you in a minute he was surprised and everyone in office had good laugh first thing he did was told me his name immediately he was hired i just realized this story does not go with this question where do you see yourself in our company in five years sitting in your chair doing your job wasn't what i was expecting coma living in your house sleeping with your wife raising your kids i have a funny story about a guy we hired a couple of months ago this guy had been working from home for a couple years and had gained some weight he wore the suit he was married in for the interview with a senior guy here and bent over to pick up something and his pants split down the rear needless to say he got the job just yesterday actually ignoring my questions and going off on a tangent repeatedly cut that interview very short also had someone bad mouth their old employer everything else looked solid and we were desperate and took the leap best decision ever great employee lady showed up late wearing a sparkly tube top and years supply of eye makeup she talked at length about how she was fired from mcdonald's because the manager kept trying to tell her what to do she needed 40 hours a week but could not work past 3 p.m because of her children however she loathed getting up early and would therefore not be showing up before 11am for her shift after that i just stopped asking her questions i t headhunter here one of my partners vetted a candidate he cleared his background check and was savey enough for the help desk job he was going for it seemed a little off but was overall a nice guy goes out to the client sits down in the chair crosses his legs and grins the first words out of his mouth are do you know who i am i've been on the news he then tells the tale of his time in the psych ward apparently he recently had his house condemned and refused to leave when the cops tried to go in and remove him he yelled that he had guns and would kill any cop that walks through the door soo swa got to go fetch him and they put him in the nut house for a little while little known fact to us certain levels of psych psychology do not come up on background checks because they aren't classified as criminal offenses he googles all of his candidates now to make sure they haven't been on the news anymore haha not a manager but i have a nice story when i did an internship at a hospital they hired new workers one guy accidentally used his spam account and replied with the email hard body at something but the boss immediately told that everyone funny thing is he got the job and now everyone calls him hard body at my university the email accounts came with a bunch of addresses one being the normal first name last name one but also a short and internal made of the initials and a number a friend forgot to change the settings and send out a bunch of resumes as heil underscore 88746 at university dot d e in one interview they flat out maybe somewhat jokingly asked him if he chose that address for political reasons my dad was a location manager for a wholesale ag supply company in a small town in central florida the location needed an administrative assistant to answer phones and such kind of entry-level stuff but you could expect to see applicants from all skill sets and experience levels he received a decent looking resume from a woman who appeared to be between 1820 and carried decent work experience so he set up an interview she called the day before and asked about the company dress code dad replied that the interview would be business formal it's probably important to mention a few things here first he was impressed that she called and asked for an entry-level job it showed some initiative and he appreciated the confidence needed to call and ask a question like that rather than wing it and hope for the best next we're talking about central florida if he said the dress code was casual there would be a better than average chance that the candidate would show up in shorts and flip-flops if he said it was business casual you can expect blue jeans and a t-shirt by saying business formal he expected to see her arrive in pants that weren't blue jeans or a skirt of some sort that isn't what happened she missed the business in business formal and a ride in a floor-length blue sequin prom dress she was so uncomfortable everybody was so uncomfortable that she bombed the interview and didn't get the job i was interviewing candidates for a minimum wage retail pet store position one young man told me he wanted the job to further his aims of joining the army and killing muslims comma step one to killing some arabs comma groomed this dog i was doing interviews along with my manager once and we had a girl come in she was very confident and outgoing which was good because it was a sales position she was doing all right until we asked about her current job she was a waitress in a hotel again fine but she proceeded to tell us about how she ran the place she was the newest person in this small place and she told the owners what to do if she didn't agree with what they asked her she'd refuse to do it she very proudly told us all this like she was bragging to friends about the cushy job she had needless to say the interview was over at that stage and we went through the motions after that had a girl hand her resume in and she'd put a modeling course under qualifications along with a heavily made up selfie at the top of the page i worked at a chocolate shop my boss didn't give her an interview my mom has worked in hr for about 20 years she once had an interview we tell the story of how his childhood friend and he were playing with actual swords and surprise actually stabbed his friend fatally injuring him he then discussed the psychological trauma it left him with he did not get the job at the daycare i work in a corporate office environment i had someone come into an interview wearing red ferrari pumas skinny light jeans and an abercrombie hoodie with fur on the collar he wouldn't look at me he kept looking at the ceiling during the interview i asked him what he knew about the company and he said to be honest nothing i saw the list of jobs posted on a board at my college and applied to all of them side note i shouldn't have let this interview go on any longer he clearly wasn't the right fit but it was my first time interviewing someone and i wanted the practice so i replied you've known for two weeks you were coming to this interview and didn't bother to google us to which he said no not really i haven't had time this went on for about five more minutes and i ended it abruptly when i was walking him back to the entrance he turned to me here i'm thinking he's going to shake my hand and thank me or something and says please don't hire me if the pay is less than dollar sign cape a year to which i replied i don't think you have to worry about that sigh dang too late to the thread but i'll share anyway interviewing an applicant for an entry-level video games testing position at this company i would interview along with an hour person i ask the job related questions the hr person who happens to be a woman in this case answers particular questions and then gives this spiel at the end of the interview hr lady if you got the job you will hear back from us within two weeks if you don't hear back from us within that time then you are free to reapply in six months candidate so if i don't get the job you just won't call hr lady that's correct candidate ugh that's just like a woman the best ones i can't think of are a guy who put down that he was assistant manager of a pub i asked him which pub and by coincidence it was a friend of mine who owned ran the pub he straight away started backtracking turned out he'd done the odd shift for about a month not an interview but i put a notice up saying that we are hiring and this guy walks up to me with a cocky swagger like he's liam gallaher and says so how much does it pay then he said it like i'd been pestering him to work for me and he was finally giving in and taking the job it pays you nothing the best interview i've ever had was this guy who shouted and swore for the whole interview i've never been in such an intense environment i really liked the guy if we'd be having a pint it would have been perfect he was so animated i'd ask things like me tell me about a time you provided good customer service him well this guy at my last job wanted something so i said jumps to his feet and points right in my face i will freaking sort this i run around at which point he literally runs around the room find what he wanted slams imaginary object on my desk boom mother sucker sorted that is literally what it was like for the whole interview this an interviewee to employ a tale i was called in for an interview at a school and during the course of the caller footnote was added that when i got there i was to call this extension i arrived at the school 15 minutes before the interview to an empty reception area office a rather large overgrown office plant appeared to have fallen on the floor recently judging from the damage to the plant and the dirt on the floor i see the phone on the table saying that i need to announce myself along with the directory i call the extension and i'm told thank you for coming in please wait and someone will be along shortly 15 minutes later i'm still waiting someone else scheduled comes in also expresses surprise at the empty-ish reception area also gets the thank you for coming in please wait and someone will be along shortly lying over the phone 30 minutes after the scheduled time of the interview and yet another interviewee arriving 45 minutes after i had initially announced myself i called back asking for an update word for word thank you for coming in please wait and someone will be along shortly a full hour after i had initially announced myself i was about to walk out when someone finally came and collected me their excuse was that they were waiting for someone and that there would be another interview fine but you do not leave people hanging like that when i was called back it was almost exactly the same thing the office plant had been trimmed in the meantime the difference was this time i left 20 minutes after the scheduled interview time after being hung out to dry a second time they had the arrogance to call back stating that i had missed the interview i snapped back i was there at the appointed time you weren't twice i'm no longer interested in the position at this location i had a gut feeling that reception office was empty for a reason okay not a hiring manager but the most cringer-worthy thing i did in a job interview yet was in an interview for a team leader position at six flags the hiring manager asked me where i see myself in ten years and i told her head of operations of six flags a straw rolled at the time i just got back in the us after being in europe for three years what i didn't know was a straw world has been closed and all the rides were sold off and moved to other parks she corrected me right away and that was the end of the interview i didn't get the job this would have been a great opportunity for you to talk about starting fresh with the brand name and rebuilding the concept from the ground up marketing is all about making it through the storm unscathed i was interviewing college kids for an internship finished one interview next one was waiting in the lobby walked her out and she stood there glaring at the other candidate for a solid 15 seconds it was very very awkward just to note she didn't know it was another candidate she just assumed had a former pharmacist interviewing for an entry-level administrative assistant position when asked why there was a huge jump in careers not to mention pay he told me he was hit by a drunk driver and became addicted to painkillers during his recovery so he didn't trust himself with the ability to self-medicate really made me admire his difficult choice to walk away from his lucrative career he seemed like an honest and good person hope he is doing well this was an interview for a personal banking position at a banquet a convenience bank within a supermarket he was a hulking man well over six foot in the build of a linebacker his jacket looked like it came from a golfer in the 90s like a patchwork quilt he was sitting on the edge of his chair blinking rapidly and sweating a lot i asked if he had any experience in customer service or retail and he loudly told me i do not but i am motivated as heck i would talk to every person here he is selling this to us like a gospel preacher i will run to them in the aisles and ask about their banking i will help them find what they are looking for and bring them back to the bank i will talk to every last person here this went on for several minutes before i thanked him for his time and told him we'd get back to him had a guy apply for a part-time sales position he put a few random sales jobs as his work history we called him in for an interview he sat in front of me and said i'm not here for the part-time position i applied for i'm here for the general manager position and that's all i'm taking okay we're done here thanks number one we weren't hiring for a gm i joked with my gm about him secretly leaving and not telling me number two you lied on your resume and job app which means i'm not even going to look at your next apps that you put through if the spot were to be available again number three you don't come in demanding a spot not about me but a guy in my company years ago during his interview with the hiring manager they found common ground in their love of duck hunting this guy asks the manager if he enjoys duck meat the manager confirms that he does indeed enjoy duck meat this guy then invites the manager to duck down on his meat while gesturing to his groin area the guy was hired was a crappy employee for a year then was fired after allowing too much of his personal life bulls to affect him at work the straw that broke the camel's back involved his girlfriend who is also his cousin selling all his crap while he was out of town for work guy applied for a programming position had programming in his work history he makes it to the face-to-face stage and comes into the office for an interview most programming interviews will throw some basic programming question at you just to prove you know what you're doing this guy got the fizzbuzz question loop through one to one hundred print fizz if it's a multiple of three buzz if it's a multiple of five and fizzbuzz if both he was told to make a start and just sat there rumming and dying so the lead dev and head of dev just assume he's nervous and try to help him walk through it breaking down the question for him dropping hints etc they get down to the question okay can you just write an empty for loop the guy couldn't even do that he must have lied on his application and somehow cheated the entry test friend did it google etc sadly this happens a lot in programming people assume it's just to do with computers so how hard can it be protip don't apply for programming positions if you can't program whoa thanks for that story i didn't believe the statistics about the fizzbuzz test now i get it for people who don't know programming a good equivalent for the difficulty of this test is asking to turn on a blinker if you are hiring a bus driver if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: AskReddit Is Fun
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, emkay, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, askreddit school, r/askreddit how to, job, job interview, strangest job interviews, interview, applying, position
Id: xBgZ21iYP7g
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Length: 25min 34sec (1534 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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