What's the Strangest Way You've Seen Someone Quit?

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yesterday my boss literally ran away from work after quitting what is the strangest way you've seen someone quit a few years back a guy got dragged out of one of my old employers in cuffs after being read his rights he looked right at the horrified owner and said well i guess i quit didn't expect it because he was shirt and tie boring in his 60s but apparently shirt and tie boring guy was also a wife beater the boring ones are always the craziest two managers one who looked like ross perot and one who looked like john candy were leading a beating when police came in and arrested them turns out they took a trip together to the next town over and beat her h nearly to death something something something planes trains and automobiles a guy i knew got an email for a beating in the boss's office figuring he was freaked he starts just destroying computer equipment just freaking crap up like crazy so he goes into the office sits down and the boss tells him he needs him to go to a conference someplace and it would be all paid for by the company he didn't get to go to the conference and this is why companies escort laid off fired employees out the door colon my previous company was so awful that we would get new employees sometimes that would get the vibe very quickly and quit within a few days but the classic was the guy who never came back from his lunch break on the first day within his group in our company his name became a verb meaning to quit at lunch and never come back so occasionally you'd hear unfrustrated employees say that's it i'm doing a this guy's name i have two stories one normal and the other not so normal the first was a bus buy at red lobster that had had enough on a friday night he was in the middle of cleaning a table nobody was talking to him nobody was yelling and nobody had had any confrontation with him all night and suddenly he stood up yelled frick this place took off his apron threw it across the room and walked out the door never saw him again the weird one was a guy at a place i worked where we had unlimited internet access a lot of people would facebook or whatever turns out this guy was trolling chat rooms for underage girls he left for lunch to meet one of them all and it wasn't a young girl but a bunch of cops they took him and then came and took the computer he worked on my ex-girlfriend used to be a pizza delivery driver for a chain pizzeria one day her boss was giving her guff and she said she quit the manager said she needed to bring her uniform in she promptly took off her shirt threw it at him she was wearing a bra then walked out through a restaurant full of family's customers my friend quit his job at a corner store by just walking out and never coming back before he left he stashed an open gallon of milk on top of the radiator that hung from the ceiling what a sour way to leave after 25 years as an executive with a fairly large corporation i threw the keys to my company car and my company credit card on the ceo's desk and walked home started my own business four months later and just retired after 19 successful and blissful years a friend of mine had some co-workers in their warehouse that didn't get along one went home for lunch claiming to get tylenol for a headache she came back with a gun shot her nemesis co-worker in the hip as she walked past then walked up to her and shot her in the head point blank this woman then headed to the front office gave the gun to her boss and said she had shot the co-worker and quit she waited around for the police to come get her there has to be a link for an article on that mess when i quit my job i left not angrily but curtly solemnly walked out of the office said goodbyes to my co-workers and made it two steps out the door congratulating myself on my dignity until i realized that i left all my groceries in the office fridge went back and with as much dignity as i could collected half a loaf of bread two jars of peanut butter and four older apples the first department i worked for had an officer who was lazy at best but was mainly just there for a paycheck his wife had multiple degrees and he often said that he would quit once she found a well-paying job apparently she did one afternoon i was talking to my sergeant when he got a call from this officer the conversation only lasted about a minute but in that time he managed to pee the sergeant off immensely he hung up the phone and looked at me and said you are not gonna f believe this turns out the officer got a recall from his wife saying she got hired with some university overseas so he parked his patrol car at a 711 took off his gun belt and badge and threw them in the trunk then locked the car keys in the trunk with them and called the sergeant and told him where the car was parked when i worked at staples one of the caches was removed by police apparently she had been ringing up prepaid phone cards which activates them and then voiding the sales which fixed the problem of the register being unbalanced unfortunately for her all those voids are tracked and she just threw the cards away in the trash can she was something like 16 or 17 years old she was loading all the minutes onto her phone she even taught another cashier how to do it in total i think she's still somewhere in the neighborhood of two thousand dollars worth of prepaid phone minutes pretty much the drama highlight of my career there i worked in a crappy call center that paid cash under the table a guy in his 40s got tired showed up drunk every day worked there for two weeks got paid walked straight out the office while loudly proclaiming all right i'm out of here i quit i'm going to buy coke and bang h now thanks everybody i got fired last for criticizing the management of my small kitchen i was in the manager's tiny office and when he said the words i stood up took off my work shirt and proceeded to let out an excruciatingly long and obnoxiously loud fart when it petered out i stood there in silence for about 10 seconds before turning and walking out one guy i worked with walked into the kitchen dropped throw and mooned everyone on the line i saw what he was doing out of the corner of my eye so i whipped a green pepper slice at him he yelled so i think it hit him somewhere sensitive for whatever reason i imagined this as a jovial game of pin the tail on the donkey but instead of pin it was a ninja star like green pepper slice and instead of a tail it was rusty saggy ball sack i once worked as a fry cook at the only 24-hour diner in boston all the other fry cooks were brazilians who worked ridiculous hours to send money back home by that i mean after working the overnight shift on a weekend when every freaking drunk butt douchebag is two feet behind you telling you to make him some freaking burgers these guys would then leave that job at 6am and go straight to the cleaning offices across town anyway one night marco is on the phone to his wife in brazil and they're arguing about something in the most rapid fire portuguese i've ever heard he puts down the phone slowly looks up pauses and screams i think my wife is cheating on me then he pommel horses over the counter bolts out the door and is never heard from again i dream about doing this every day just standing up and walking out no harsh words no cuzzing nothing just jitten up and done with it the only thing stopping me is my best only friend who also works there most of the workload would land on his shoulders and i can't justify doing that oh and the lack of an income with which to pay off my mortgage that's also kind of important an apprentice at my work only there shortly did not show up one day which is not unusual for an apprentice then on day two we called his wife she said she had no idea where he was then on day five his wife calls back and apologizes for lying and that he had been in jail the whole time and quit for him he picked up his toolbox two weeks after busy friday night behind the bar other bartender walks up to me and says he needs a break now i ask he replies now and forever and leaves i hired a 22 year old kid his first day went really well and everybody liked him the next morning i got a call from his father who told me our new employee had gone to bed early and never woke up some kind of undiagnosed heart condition a couple of us went to the wake i lost a friend that way a while back oh i caused one of these once i was talking with a buddy about a book series we were both reading and the third guy in the room with us was ominously silent we finally shut the freak up and asked him what was wrong when he'd been silent for far too long he whirls on us with the crazy eyes going and growls out you you always do that do what spoilers he's so mad he's spitting you spoil everything i wanted to read that series but now i can't because spoilers well sorry man you should have told us but in fairness those books came out 30 years ago so the statute of limitations on spoilers is pretty much up no he's breathing really hard like that angry breathing cartoon characters and nerds do red faced and angry hun hun hun no spoilers you can't spoil things uh dude we're not going to stop talking about everything just because one day you might want to read or watch something but tell us if it's something you're reading or watching now and we'll keep quiet he gets real quiet for a second as he realizes we are not going to give in on this in all fairness he was one of those people that does not want you talking about anything ever because one day he may possibly want to read or watch it and no spoilers and then he screams and grabs the sides of his head and his hands stands up literally runs out the door and then we hear it fading away into the distance oh h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h and we look outside and see he's running out to his car still screaming getting in and driving off never saw him again if i ever find the need to quit a job i don't like now i know how i'm going to do it i had a person at my job who wrote a big long email bashing her supervisor the ceo and another employee as well as crying about the fact her co-workers never asked her to go to lunch with them she selected everyone on her personal contact list and the company's directory including the help desk system our system sends an automated response anytime someone opens a new ticket between all the people reporting her email out of office messages and delivery failures she crashed our email server in the help desk server playing golf with some pals one of them has to work calls from a pay phone at the course to call in sick and as he is talking to the boss his name is being paige to get to the tee box fired on the spot everyone in the delhi at this store i worked at talked about the way one guy quit he was always a weird guy just kind of odd and would say weird things not like he's going to stab me weird but enough that you just had to laugh at him rather than attempt to understand what he was getting at one day he comes down the stairs from the break room office area holding this pair of massive work boots he holds them up grinning and says them's my walk-in shoes he left and never came back former co-worker pushed for a specific db solution that he knew made a good business case for it mentioned his past experience with it took a year to have the decision go through got it implemented running well all the kings worked out over multiple long late nights and weekends but nobody else knew more than the basics on how things worked his resignation letter had his consulting offer underneath it we paid there was a guy at my work who just left a sticky note on his computer that reed going camping be back in a week he came back a year later and got his job back this was sent to the entire company before they could shut down her email access i just wanted all to know that manager fired me today without any reason other than she doesn't feel i'm working out here after a whole year isn't that something she doesn't know how to run the accounting department she hurts the department financially with found reasonings for a lot of things that go on there just in case any of you wondered why we are doing so bad financially as well as management material she is not for does want to hear anything if it's not her way i want to thank all of you for your patience and help over the last year and for most in the company just a word of advice like if you don't already know watch your backs comma as well as management material she is not for does want to hear anything who will do a look i had a guy i worked with for about two years who was not exactly a great performer one friday he got called in and put on the program basically you have a few months to rectify whatever crap you are doing really it's a heads up that you will be fired and the company is just taking the standard steps to make sure they do it right the next monday the guy just never showed up for work i found out months later that he claimed mental health disability and continued to get paid for two plus years per company policy haha guess he had the last laugh my roommate told me about a girl that worked at barnes and noble with her apparently they always fire people on friday and the girl in question somehow knew her head was going to be up on the chopping block so on the day she assumed she was getting fired she brought a few items with her to help her go out with a bang so to say when they called her to the manager's office she slipped on a pair of designer high heels she'd brought with her and filled her pockets with glitter upon being fired and walked out of the store she turned around in the front of the store reached in her pockets and threw glitter everywhere clicked her heels and ran out of the store i know what she did was technically wrong because she ruined a lot of books but if i were to ever go out with a bang it would be like that place i used to work decided to schedule a mandatory meeting for the day after my 21st birthday i should also mention this was a weekend day not one of my regularly scheduled shifts and the meeting was scheduled to last about a half hour also they decided to schedule this for 8am when people would mention this meeting i was sure to add a which i will not be attending portion to the conversation so the day after my 21st birthday day of the mandatory meeting comes the hold i am not a said meeting at about 8 10 a.m a call comes in it goes like this hello hey you already sis ball were you planning on coming to the meeting today had i not clearly stated i wouldn't be in today yeah but are you coming in or not i'm gonna go back to sleep click and that was that i used to work in a kitchen at a locally owned restaurant and one of the chefs got so fed up with the amount of eggs benedict he had to make what did this guy do he grabbed a big butt steak knife and cut the freaking palm of his hand and swiped it all along all the walls while screaming at the top of his lungs then just walked out never saw the dude again worked at a grocery store for my first job as a cashier one of the fellow employees hired with me was pretty cool and we got along let's call him tom after a month of working there he would always say he is going to quit it became an everyday thing so i just took it as that is how he coped with working there so one busy saturday morning he is at the register behind me we bag the groceries ourselves as well this guy enters tom's line on with a full cart and two kids the only reason i looked back is because they were being obnoxious and the guy was talking loudly on the phone tom tries to be friendly and greet the customer but the customer just ignored him he had scanned most of the items and one of the last items was a jug of milk now for some reason we are supposed to offer bags for milk jugs even though they have handles on them but tom asks a customer would you like your milk in a bag sir sir customer still on the phone what yes god dang it can't you see i am on the phone so rude i look back from overhearing that and i can see tom trying not to seem angry but i was helping my own customer tom says okay with a forced smile takes the milk jug opens it pours it all into a bag and presents it to the customer the customer is startled and says what the frick is this tom your milk you said you wanted it in bag the customer looked dumbfounded and started yelling tom just dropped the bag spilling milk all over the counter floor and customer tom just turned and walked out never to be seen again at the store pretty awesome way to quit if you asked me bad thing is i had to clean up the milk and deal with the rest of the angry customers items my manager didn't believe the story and we had a nice laugh about it once the guy left i had a friend years ago who was a master of manipulating the unemployment welfare system once he hatched a plan to work at a local factory which was famous for quick firings for any infraction just long enough to qualify for unemployment and then get fired he diligently did just enough work to get by for a year long enough to qualify for unemployment after that he simply stopped working he'd show up but he wouldn't do anything his line would just back up until they pulled somebody over to cover for him after a few days of that he was predictably fired on his way out he was directed to hr where he was asked to sign some papers saying that he had been fired and wasn't to return he smugly signed and walked out the door upon applying for his hard-earned unemployment he learned that one of the documents that he had signed indicated that he was in fact resigning by his own choice and thus not entitled to any unemployment benefit tl dr a guy spends a year trying to get unemployment but is too stupid to get fired we once fired a weird guy from the cubicles and he sent the entire company an email i have a surprise for you all tomorrow he showed up the next day after he was let go wearing a trench coat and black shades he walked into the office and pulled two fully loaded semi-automatic squirt guns out from under his coat and he soaked the entire staff he emptied both clips and as he turned to leave he stopped to say surprise he later went on to become a nobody this must have been years ago there's no chance he doesn't get a rested shot in this day and age in a kitchen i worked at some guy went ape crap it was his last day before he retired he was a mild man at jehovah's witness and something in him just snapped he started throwing pots and pans threatened to come back and wreak havoc yelled a lot and eventually stormed out of work after calling us all sinners i used to work for a group home and i had filled out my two weeks notice but hadn't intended to fax it right away but one of my co-workers i found out later thought they were doing me a solid because they knew how much i wanted out and faxed it thinking it had gotten lost in the glass of paperwork that accompanies a group home i called the main office to inquire about getting a shift covered the people in the office had me on speakerphone and when i told them that i wasn't the one who faxed him they told me that it didn't matter because i intended to quit and my position had been filled it hadn't then when i tried to explain i had four people from four different departments laughing at me on the phone and i exploded over time three years with the company i had accumulated a fair amount of dirty laundry nothing illegal but some who slept whose wife and all that i laid all of it out and ended it with a frick off and frick you i work at a corporate headquarters of a company with a lot of officers in the field all over the country us an employee at one of the field offices felt that it was appropriate to email a nasty letter of resignation to the entire company you could hear the gusps throughout the otherwise quiet office as people began to read it then followed by laughter it was funny at first but since i handle employment issues at the company i had to contact the head of itasap to have the email recalled it was a mess at first but pretty funny after the fact we found out that she left the office in a hurry and no one knew why until the email popped up she must have hits and then left right away for my first couple of weeks working as an apprentice engineer i was placed with an older chap called petty to be shown the ropes around the workshop nice enough old timer had been around the block a few times and had a fondness for tea sadly work started to slow up and i was told they were going to fire petty the very next friday so friday comes and we all get our paychecks in the morning and while we're chatting away in the canteen then we look out the window to see petty jump the fence at the bottom of the yard and run off across the fields and never be seen again godspeed petty godspeed wherever you are one of the programmers i used to work with left one morning without warning he looked up at the ceiling and screamed a deep and really hurt sounding scream for 10 seconds got up and walked out the door out of the office and out towards the freeway somebody saw him later that evening walking about 20 miles from our office he was never seen again by us he never came back and got his car or any of his stuff i took his keyboard i didn't get to see it myself but i was working at an auto body shop we had a painter named dave dave had just been re-hide after being fired quit earlier that month apparently dave got into an argument with our manager mike the argument got so intense that mike wentz in his office and got his gun dave didn't give a crap and started calling mike a freaking p and grabbed a chain he chased mike all around the parking lot waving the chain over his head like a lasso but fortunately no one got hurt two weeks later dave called back and asked for his job seeing he was a really good painter mike rehide him i learned about the story when i asked why dave was always mean mugging mike and would call him a pee behind his back also i wondered why everyone thought dave was such a bad butt tl dr a co-worker attacked our manager with a chain after the manager got his gun over a petty argument an ex-co-worker of mine decided to go for a nature walk for three hours during the busiest hours of the morning at a university coffee shop i used to work at it was hectic the line was out the door he came in for his shift and started taking orders for five minutes after that he said was going for a walk and never came back later we found out that he was tripping on a buffet of hallucinogens when he did come back he showed up in his boxers and muddy socks turns out he went for a dip in a turtle pond to make friendly conversations with his shelled friends about how he was going to quit his job i worked in a restaurant and one day the pastry cook in charge of making the pastries made 15 lemon meringue pie 12 over the usual par and when the chef confronted him later he proceeded to pick one up throw it into his face then turn around and start a massive lemon meringue pie food fight he then asked one of the servers to take a picture of all of them with his phone then walked out through the restaurant saying peace out bien left xd it was best shift i've ever worked in my life if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 18,057
Rating: 4.8585463 out of 5
Keywords: i quit, i quit my job without a plan, strangest quitters, quitting job, quitting job compilation, quitting job in style, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: fxKzsUtwanA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 41sec (1481 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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